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Home Explore Kukui Lamalama - February 2018

Kukui Lamalama - February 2018

Published by unitariansofhi, 2018-02-25 19:53:33

Description: Kukui Lamalama - February 2018


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Ku k u i Lam alam aVol um e 20 18 N um ber 2 Th e M agazi n e of t h e Fi r st Un i t ar i an Ch ur ch of H on ol ul u Febr uar y 20 18D e ci si o n To g e t h e r - A Pr o g r e ss Re p o r tWe have now concluded t w o of t he four fix up t he t hird floor for rent al and rent onesessions of our Decision Toget her process, or t w o room s on t he second floor, t husw it h inspiring at t endance and act ive keeping t he RE space int act , w e w ould st illpart icipat ion by six t y or so m em bers at each have t o significant ly increase pledging, but inm eet ing. t he case of a m inist er w illingThis process w as init iat ed by to live in the building, thet he Board t o decide \" how t o am ount needed m ight bepay for a full-t im e m inist er possible. We w ould have t osust ainably and use our invest igat e perm it t ing insavings ( M abel Babcock Fund) order t o confirm t hat t hesew isely.\" We have been asked upgrades for rent al are legal.t o report in t his m agazine onour progress t hus far. Anot her w ay t o pay for a full-t im e m inist er w ould beWe learned first of all t hat it by selling t he building andw as not a viable opt ion t o using t he earnings on t hecont inue t o pay for a m inist er proceeds, w hichusing savings since t hat is not conservat ively com es t oa sust ainable approach. We $100,000/ yr. That is a viablealso saw t hat furt her st rat egy if rent al cost seconom izing is not a elsew here are w it hin cert ainsust ainable solut ion t o t his problem nor is itlikely w e could increase pledging sufficient ly. lim it s.We ex am ined num erous opt ions t o upgrade Present ly, t he only opt ion of rent al space is atour building t o generat e m ore incom e. If w e Tem ple Em anu-El, our neighbor. A num ber Cont inued on page 2 1

Index Decisions, cont inuedDecision Toget her 1 of issues m ust be resolved first , in addit ion t o financial ones,Honoring Our Elders 3 requiring a new ly form ed t eam t o negot iat e t hose m at t ers.T.J.'s M essage 6A. D. O. R. E. 7 Som e m ore radical and innovat ive approaches w ere alsoChalice Circles 8 discussed, such as only operat ing t en m ont hs a year or t urningGallery on t he Pali 8 t he building int o a co-housing unit .Work Part y 9Regional Assem bly 9 M any significant quest ions w ere raised and answ ered. ThereBook Club New s 9 w ere also som e quest ions t hat w ould require furt her st udy, such as t he quest ion of how w e w ould preserve our M em orialEd i t o r i a l Garden if w e w ere t o sell t his building.Policy Relat ive t o t he quest ion of m inist ry, T.J. Fit zGerald, ourArt icles ( from m em bers or m inist er, described for us t he im port ant difference bet w eenot her UU leaders) subm it t ed having a called m inist er versus a cont ract m inist er. A calledt o t he church m agazine w ill m inist er w ould approach her or his role w it h a vision for ourbe select ed on t he basis of church and t he aut horit y and aut onom y t o bring it about ,t heir inform at ive and/ or w hereas a cont ract M inist er plays a m ore lim it ed role asinspirat ional nat ure or value defined by t he Board.t o t he life and m inist ry oft his congregat ion. The The nex t m eet ing, on t he 11t h of M arch, w ill be facilit at ed byedit or has t he aut horit y t o M r. Richard M osher, a professional facilit at or, w ho w ill lead usm ake t he decision t o not in t he process of developing consensus on t he w ay forw ard.include a subm ission. Printversions of t he m agazine The Board is calling for a final m eet ing t o confirm our decisionw ill be lim it ed t o select ed 4 by m eans of a vot e, in accordance w it h our Bylaw s. This is( or 8 back t o back) pages. t ent at ively scheduled for t he 8t h of April. Please plan t o at t end t he m eet ing on M arch 11 t o be part of t his im port ant pr ocess. Respect fully subm it t ed, Junko and David Davis ( for t he Decision Toget her Team ) 2

Ho n o r i n g Ou r El d e r s a n d Ou r se l v e sSunday, February 11, 2018, w as t he 65t h w ent back t o t he beach on Sundayanniversary of our Church?s birt h as a m ornings.m em ber of t he Am erican Unit arianAssociat ion, t he predecessor of t he A couple of years lat er, how ever, w e becam eUnit arian Universalist Associat ion of friends w it h a couple w ho w ere act iveCongregat ions. We celebrat ed t his m em bers of t his congregat ion, and t heym ilest one in song, poet ry, and st ory. invit ed us t o com e t o church and t o join t hem in part icipat ing in a dem onst rat ion.In a special serm on, M olly Row land shared We m arched along Kalakaua Avenue w it h aspecial m em ories and chronicled t he m ore baby in a st roller and a t oddler on Al'st han 50 years she and her husband, Al, have shoulders and joined Quakers andspent w it h t he church. Congregat ionalist s and a lot of ot her liberal-m inded peace-seeking folks at a rally\" I w as t aken aback last w eek w hen I saw in Ala M oana Park w here Pat sy M ink w ast hat t oday's service w as ent it led \" Honoring t he speaker and t he subject of our prot estOur Elders.\" I didn't realize t hat I am an w as nuclear t est ing in t he Pacific. ( Al and I\" elder\" -- t hose are t he sober, grey-suit ed had w it nessed t he flash of a nuclear t est onm en w ho ran t he Presbyt erian Church of Johnson Island from Waikiki, and w e w erem y yout h. How ever, at t he ages of 91 and w orried. We're w orried about m ore t han85, and w it h m ore t han 50 years as t est ing now .)m em bers of t his church, I guess Al and I are'elders' w het her w e like it or not . We began at t ending services at 2500 Pali Highw ay on a regular basis. By t hat t im e,We at t ended our first service of t he First t he congregat ion had purchased t hisUnit arian Church of Honolulu in 1960. We building and had a new m inist er, a dynam ichad read a lit t le about Unit arians andt hought w e w ant ed t o belong t o a religious continued on page 4com m unit y for ourselves and our fam ily.We bot h had left behind t he t radit ionalProt est ant Christ ian churches of our yout h,and our usual Sunday m orning act ivit y w asa t rip t o t he beach. t his w as before t heUnit arians had a hom e, so w e w ent t o acouple of services at t heir rent ed space int he 7t h Day Advent ist Church in M akiki. Wew ere not im pressed. The m eet ing space w asdism al, t he people w ere not part icularlyfriendly, and t he m inist er seem ed aloof. Hisserm ons w ere not very int erest ing. So, w e 3

Ho n o r i n g Ou r El d e r sContinued from page 3 w as so im port ant in m any ot her w ays. She insist ed w e do t hings in \" grace and charm \"young m an w ho gave w onderful challenging ( she even ironed t he t ableclot hs) . She guidedserm ons and w ho w as becom ing a leader in us t hrough t he pain of having t o rem ove asocial just ice issues in t he com m unit y. His huge bo t ree t hat few bet w een t henam e w as Gene Bridges. We did not act ually port e-cochere and t he propert y line. It held abecom e m em bers of t he church for several t ree house t he children loved, and ityears. We w ere inspired t o sign t he produced a lot of berries t hat w ere verym em bership book by t he nat ion-w ide role of m essy but m ade good com post . Al andUnit arians in t he civil right s m ovem ent and M art ha M cDaniel bagged t he berries and soldt he part icipat ion by our m inist er in t he t hem , advert ising t hem as \" Bo-Doo\" t hatfam ous m arch in Selm a, Alabam a. encouraged enlight enm ent w hen used on food product s. Sadly, t he bo t ree producedSince Al is an archit ect , it w as not long before very invasive root s t hat w ere dest roying t hehe w as asked t o use his ex pert ise in caring for drivew ay and t he floor slab of t he neighbor'sand m aint aining t his building and as a house, but before it w as cut dow n, w e had am em ber of t he Art Com m it t ee. I w as enlist ed m em orial service conduct ed by M abel. Thatas a t eacher in t he Religious Educat ion event m ade t he new spaper of t he day, andprogram even t hough I had no t eaching w e w ere know n as t hat church crazy enoughex perience or t raining. I had a w onderful t o hold a funeral for a t ree.m ent or w ho helped m e learn t o t each andbecam e a lifelong friend. Her nam e w as Niyo The social just ice act ivit y of t he church hasIchijo. Aft er four years upst airs, I can alw ays given us pride in our place in t hedow nst airs t o becom e act ive in t he adult life com m unit y. We have been st rong support ersof t he church. I becam e int erest ed in church of abort ion right s, civil right s, fair housinggovernance and w as on t he Board in one and m arriage equalit y, am ong ot hers. Longcapacit y or anot her for years. I learned t o before m arriage bet w een sam e-sex couplesconduct m eet ings and t o read and becam e legal in Haw aii, cerem onies w erecom prehend financial st at em ent s and held here. We have used our resources t obudget s and bylaw s. ( I love bylaw s! ) I support ot her organizat ions w orking for aappreciat e t hose learning ex periences, just as m ore just societ y. ACLU of Haw aii got it sI appreciat e t he w onderful friends I have st art here w it h m em bers of our congregat iongained--friends of all ages. Som e of t hem in leadership roles, and w e have provided abecam e m ent ors, like M abel Babcock and hom e base for groups such as t he M em orialM aggie Set liff, and Tom Shields and Jim Societ y, Greenpeace, Life of t he Land, as w ellM yers, w ho st ill gives m e guidance in m y as ot her religious groups such asm ind. M abel is now rem em bered for t he Congregat ion Sof M a'arav ( you see t heirgenerous legacy she left t he church, but she 4

art ifact s here in t he sanct uary w here t hey are act ive m em bers of t he congregat ion, as is ourused every Sat urday m orning.) For over 20 form er RE direct or, Nan Kleiber. Nan'syears, t he M et ropolit an Com m unit y Church, leadership rem ains vit al t o our sponsorship ofa Christ ian church t hat serves t he gay t he sex educat ion program , Our Whole m unit y, held Sunday evening services We have learned t hat t he church needshere. ( A cross w as necessary t o t hem , but w e st able, professional leadership t o help us inasked t hem t o keep it in a closet , t o be achieving t he purpose cont ained in ourbrought out for t heir services.) Over t he original const it ut ion.years, w e have given shelt er t o a refugeefam ily from Indonesia, support ed foreign M em bership and part icipat ion in t he Firstst udent s as w ell as a church in t he Unit arian Church have given Al and m ePhilippines, est ablished a runaw ay shelt er for friends, a com m unit y, and opport unit ies t oboys and a sanct uary for draft resist ers, learn new t hings and t o do good w ork in t hefounded a cooperat ive preschool, provided com pany of good people. Thank you.m eals for IHS and Fam ily Prom ise, andw orked w it h Habit at for Hum anit y. I'll close w it h a quirky lit t le saying from a list ent it led Kim o's Rules t hat w as given t o m e byAl and I have seen m any people com e and go, anot her long-t im e church friend, Jerri Gray.and w e have ex perienced several m inist ersand RE direct ors. Tw o of our form er \" Age is relat ive -- w hen you're over t he hill,m inist ers are st ill here now , ret ired, but st ill you pick up speed.\"We also rem em bered and honored our Jim M yers passed aw ay last m ont h. He w as am em bers w ho have passed on in t he last long t im e m em ber and friend. His invaluablet hree years at t he February 11t h Sunday service as past Board m em ber, Finance TeamSer v i ce: m em ber ,and Treasurer w ill be rem em bered. Financial advising, social just ice ( especially Virginia Fine Planned Parent hood) , and singing w ere a few M argaret M ann of his passions. A m em orial service dat e is Jim M yers yet t o be det erm ined by his surviving five Ogden M yers children and part ner, Grace Wilm a Oksendahl M alakoff. Helen Schout en M ickey Selw yn 5 Julien Show kier Roger Wickenden Tom Wilson

T. J. ' s M e ssa g e : Vi si t o r sGrow ing up, I w as a fan of t he science fict ion We vent ure on a roadm iniseries V. The ?V? st ood for ?visit ors? w hose t raffic isand it w as an im aginat ive t ake on w hat w ould legendary. We eat athappen should visit ors from anot her planet t he rest aurant s t hat w e?d never go t o on ourcom e t o our ow n planet . The series I ow n. By ent ert aining and host ing ot hers, w erem em ber had a t radem ark gaseous begin t o m ake our ow n lives richer, fuller,com pound t hat w ould, how ever, cause t he and m aybe a lit t le m ore int erest ing.visit ors t o rem ove t heir very hum an-likeout er shell t o ex pose t heir rept ilian form And t hat is w here som et hing really m agicalunderneat h. For t hose fam iliar w it h t his can happen. When w e are including ot hers inseries, t his w ill be richly rem em bered. If you our lives, w hen w e?re m aking plans andw ere unfam iliar w it h t he series, t ake our show ing t hem how w e live, m any of us st artw ord for it . It w as a bit graphic for t elevision t o get a glim pse of our very ow n lives. Byat t he t im e. opening up our lives t o be seen by visit ors, w e see our ow n lives in a different w ay orThis past w eekend, I had m y ow n set of from a different angle. And t his isn?t byvisit ors: longt im e friends from t he m ainland. chance. The root of t he w ord visit or is t oAs you m ight im agine, I spent a full w eekend view or t o see. Visit ors help us not only seeget t ing t he right snorkeling gear, finding m ore clearly our hom es, our environm ent s,places t o use t he gear, riding in a helicopt er, and our surroundings. They help us seefinding rest aurant s all over t he island t hat ourselves, our lives m ore clearly.everyone could agree on, st opping at scenicoverlooks, looking for M agnum P.I.?s When m y friends left t he island, I w ashouse? I suspect you get t he pict ure. I w as changed. It ?s not t hat I w as t anner or t hat Iw orking hard t o be sure t hat m y visit ors w ere had finally learned w here t o get organic rawhaving a w onderful and enriching t im e. green coffee beans, t hough bot h of t hose t hings w ere t rue. I had not t urned back int o aBut som et hing else st art ed t o happen. Before rept ilian hum anoid alien, t hough t here areI knew it , I w as doing t hings I had never done t im es I st ill w onder if I am really from t hisbefore. See, one of t he t hings about visit ors, planet . Inst ead, I received t he gift of m yand especially visit ors w ho have som e friends?sight , of seeing m y life t hrough t heiradvent ure in t hem , is t hat as a host w e get t o eyes, and being incredibly grat eful t hat t his islearn som et hing or see som et hing t hat w e t he life I get t o live. Sure, t here are alw aysnever knew or saw before. We go t o t hat t hings or det ails in our lives t hat w e m ightt ow n t hat ?s alw ays t oo crow ded ot herw ise. w ish w ould change. We w ouldn?t be hum an 6

if t here w asn?t . But t aking a m om ent t o see discouraged, w e w ould not t rade t he lives w eour lives t hrough t he eyes of people w ho care have for anybody else?s, even a kindlyabout us, t o let som e of t he out er t rappings of ex t ra-t errest rial lizard person det erm ined t oour lives m elt aw ay and feel w hat is t ruly t ake over t he w orld.underneat h, m ay oft en leave us w it h t hesense t hat t hough w e st ruggle at t im es in our Blessings t o you alllives and w e m ay feel frust rat ed or even T. J.Edit or's Not e: Each m ont h, T.J. w ill select one of his w eekly m essages ( originally publishedin t he New slet t er) for republicat ion in The M agazine.A .D.O.R.E.On January 21st , t he A.D.O.R.E. ( A Dialogue For t hose w ho are int erest ed in learning m oreOn Race and Et hnicit y) group w at ched and about t he event s t hat lead t o t he end ofdiscussed t he beaut iful m ovie \" Belle.\" The slavery in Great Brit ain, w at ching t he m oviem ovie is based on t he t rue st ory of Dido \" Am azing Grace\" w ould also be illum inat ing.Elizabet h Belle Lindsay ( Gugu M bat ha-Raw ) ,t he illegit im at e biracial On Sunday, February 25t h, 11:30great -niece of William M urray am - 2:00 pm , t he A.D.O.R.E.( Tom Wilkinson) , first Earl of group w ill w at ch and discuss t heM ansfield and t he Lord Chief film \" The Road To Freedom : TheJust ice of Brit ain during t he Vernon Johns St ory.\" Vernonlat e 1700's. M iss Lindsey Johns ( April 22, 1892-June 11,1965)influenced her great uncle's ( Jam es Earl Jones) w as a pioneer inrulings t hat lat er led t o t he t he civil right s m ovem ent and heend of t he At lant ic slave t rade is best know n as past or ( 1947-52)in 1807, and slavery, it self, in of M ont gom ery, Alabam a's Dex t er1833. The A.D.O.R.E. group's Avenue Bapt ist Church. Ahead ofdiscussion of t he film led t o his t im e, Reverend Johns gavegreat er aw areness of race and highly cont roversial andclass consciousness in t he cont ex t of Jane out spoken serm ons on raceAust en England, and since t he Brit ish relat ions, w hich helped pave t he w ay forEm pire's econom y w as based largely on 26-year-old Dr. M art in Lut her King, Jr., w hoslavery and t he slave t rade, it illum inat ed t he succeeded him as past or of t he Dex t erdirect link w it h Am erica's ow n racial hist ory. Avenue Church. 7

Ch a l i ce Ci r cl e W h i l e Look i n g Out M y W i n dowNew s As I look out t hrough m y bedroom w indow IA w onderful aspect of belonging t o t he see palm t rees sw ay.Chalice Circles of First Unit arian is t he Sun m auka, I gaze m azing t opics t hat are present ed at every Grey high rises cent er, fore- and shorew ard.session. Recent ly w e had t he opport unit y t o Above, open blue pat ches t he w hit e-t oppeddiscuss poet ry and our Chalice Circle gr ey( Nu`uanu) w rot e a \" Renga\" w hich is a Uncovering M akiki by t he m inut e.Japanese t erm for \" collaborat ive poet ry\" . The Punchbow l m ount ains leaving ret urningresult , done by em ail, is am azing as each of Sirens securit y, droning, w hit e t ailed birdsus w rot e a line looking out of a different filt ering foliage sparkling poisoned st reamw i n dow . horse guarded harbor Aloha t im ed dow nt ow nGaller y on t h e Pali: Horizon - eyed t o a Waianae sky on a rainy day aft ernoon,Be za l e l ' s Ca l l i n g st arry-eyed in a bone cave hom e, bay windowing to the moon.This ex hibit ion of w at ercolor and m ix ed Thousands of shades of grey, m ist y rainm edia by Daw n Yoshim ura runs from No st arry st arry night t onightFebruary 25, 2018, t hrough April 12, 2018. But every raindrop t ouching a t eardrop Opens a port al of m y spirit t o a st arThe m ult i-m edia, int eract ive ex hibit Fram e, w it hin fram e, w it hin fram e I verify,incorporat es QR codes t o allow view ers t o gaze, observe soundt racks of m usic and spoken w ord Sighing ( relief) , I low er m y w eary head.t o accom pany t he im agery. There w ill be Then it daw ns on m e,t act ile elem ent s t hat invit e t he t ouch as w ell If I can see out , ot hers can see inas t o feed t he eyes and spirit . Will t hey see t he grey, t he t ears, or t he spirit ?Ar t i st ' s Recept i on :Sat ur day, M ar ch 3r d6:0 0 t o 8:0 0 PM . - Subm it t ed by M art ina Queent h 8

Wor k Par t yWe had a w onderful w ork part y on January opport unit y for fellow ship as w ell as20. Ninet een volunt eers cam e t o help t he st ew ardship. Tools, gloves, and refreshm ent sBuilding and Grounds Team clean, repair and are provided, and w e have t asks t o suit allrepaint our church hom e. Thanks t o Dan, Al, levels of st rengt h and skill. If you haveM olly, Harm ony, Kat hy, Linda, Nancy, Carla, quest ions or suggest ions call Al Row land atLee, Sue, Dan, David, Kay, M ike, Carolyn, 988-4426 or Dan Curran at 391-7984.Junko, Laura, Pierre, and Janice for t heirsupport and hard w ork. - Subm it t ed by M olly Row landEven t hough t he church hires yard andcleaning services, t here is alw ays m ore t o bedone, and w e already have a ?t o do? list fort he nex t Work Part y, w hich is scheduled forSat urday, M arch 31 from 1 t o 5 p.m . Pleasecom e and help, even if you can only spare anhour or so. You?ll find it can be fun, w orkingw it h ot her people. It is an Bo o k Cl u b N e w sThe keynot e speaker on Sat urday, April 28, On Wednesday, February 7, t he Book Clubw ill be Congressw om an Pram ila Jayapal. discussed The Tide by HughJayapal is t he first Indian-Am erican w om an t o Aldersey-William s. In t his popular sciencebe elect ed t o t he U.S. Congress. Before being book, t he aut hor covers science, hist ory,elect ed t o represent Washingt on St at e?s 7t h m yt h and legend. Bot h inform at ive andDist rict in 2016, Congressw om an Jayapal w as accessible, t his w as a w ide ranging book t hatan im m igrat ion and labor act ivist in Seat t le. covered m any aspect s of t ides including t heHer w rit ing has been feat ured in The New aut hor?s ow n int erest s and observat ions.York Tim es and The Nat ion. She has beenw rit t en about in M ot her Jones as w ell as On Wednesday, M arch 7, at 7:00 pm , t hem any ot her publicat ions. club w ill discuss The Underground Railroad by Colson Whit ehead. This novel has receivedFor m ore inform at ion, schedule, w orkshops num erous aw ardsand t o regist er click h er e. including t he Pulit zer Prize and, yes, Oprah liked it t oo!. 9

Fi r st Un i t a r i a n Ch u r ch o f H o n o l u l uA W e l co m i n g Un i t a r i a n Un i v e r sa l i st Ch u r chRet ur n Ser v i ce Request ed250 0 Pal i H i gh w ayH on ol ul u, H I 96817Ph on e: ( 80 8) 595- 40 47Of f i ce H our s: Tuesday - Fr i day9:0 0 a.m . t o 2:30 p.m .W eb: w w w .un i t ar i an sof h i .or gTw i t t er : UUH on ol ul uFacebook : Fi r st Un i t ar i an Ch ur ch ofH on ol ul uPublicat ion Inform at ionSubm i ssi on Deadl i n e: receive an em ail not ificat ion w hen t heThe deadline for bot h hard and elect ronic new slet t er is uploaded and ready t o view .copy for t he M agazine is noon on t he t hird If a m em ber does not have an em ail address,Sunday of t he m ont h. t he M agazine w ill be m ailed t o t he m em ber atBring hard copy subm issions t o t he church no cost . Paper copies of t he M agazine are alsooffice; em ail elect ronic copy available at t he church for Oahu-basedt o:M agazine@unit m em bers. M ai l Subscr i pt i on s: The M agazineSect i on W or d Li m i t s: subscript ion fee is $20.00 per year payable in advance. The subscript ion year runs JanuaryPlease lim it your copy t o 100 - 200 w ords. t o Decem ber. New subscript ions w ill be prorat ed on a quart erly basis.N.B. The edit ors m ay edit any subm ission forcont ent , lengt h, and/ or clarit y.M ai l i n g Pol i cy: Publisher: Nancy SchildtAll m em bers and friends w it h em ail Edit or and Com posit ion: Jane Raissleaddresses regist ered on our w ebsit e w ill Dist ribut ion: Suzet t e Tom 10

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