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Published by DrSallyHill, 2021-02-04 02:04:29

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Recovery Café News from members to members February 2021

picture Recovery Café Jefferson County 939 Kearney Street Port Townsend, Washington A beautiful, safe, warm, drug-and-alcohol-free space for everyone. dhlogo.svg

Welcome to Recovery Café! We are a group of local people who have lived with and beside addiction, homelessness, mental illness, and other life challenges. We are people who care about one another and are learning to know ourselves as loved. We provide tools and guidance so that Members can access housing, educa- tion, employment, and social and health services. We learn together how to create and sustain healthy relationships We welcome people wherever they are on their journeys. We recognize there’s a wide spectrum of care, and we honor multiple pathways to recov- ery. We emphasize both short and long term management of mental and physical health, which may explain why so many Recovery Café Members around the USA have been able to maintain long-term sobriety. Believing that belonging to strong communities is essential to full living, we work to form lasting bonds. We celebrate awhile individuals reclaim their lives and see themselves as worthy of giving and receiving love. Add Recovery Circles Here

Message from Brian Staff List and Contact Info Advisory Board List Message from an Advocate

Recovery Café News February Issue 3 Welcome 4 A Message from your Recovery Café Director Staff List and Contact Information A Message from a Staff Advocate 6 Coping with Covid—Isolation and Stress 7 Relapse Prevention 8 Benefits of Recovery 10 Recovery Support 11 The Journey — Step 1 13 Something to Think About 14 Word Scramble Volunteer Opportunities 15 Recovery Poem Upcoming Events 16 Calendar Recovery Café News is a newsletter prepared by members for members. We hope it will help you connect with members outside your Recovery Circle during this time of Covid when we are not yet able to meet in person. We look at it as an opportunity for you to share recovery stories, tips, and tools with other members. We are also looking for art, cartoons, poetry, fiction, and reviews of recovery aps, You-Tube videos and books. To contribute to an upcoming issue, please contact the editor, Michael McCutcheon at [email protected] or text him at 360-000-0000. We are looking for stories about your recovery journey, tips and tools you might have for other members, and the benefits you receive from your sobriety, the ways in which you help others with theirs, and the benefits you receive from your Café membership.

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