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Home Explore Aquaculture Conference 2015 Brochure

Aquaculture Conference 2015 Brochure

Published by chewsc, 2015-10-02 01:50:16

Description: Aquaculture Conference 2015 Brochure

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THE INAUGURAL INSTITUTION OF AQUACULTURE SINGAPORE CONFERENCE “Innovations for Sustainable Aquaculture” cum TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE SHOW 8-9 October 2015 Temasek Polytechnic Singapore Supported by Jointly Presented by

Photo Credits: Cover Page: : Pomfrets (2) by Yusmar Yahaya at CC This Page: Atlantic Salmon (Juvenile) by Roger Tabor (USFWS) at CC Diving Maldives: School of Kashmir Snapper and Oriental Sweetlip by Malcolm Browne at CC

Institution of Aquaculture Singapore (IAS) Objectives Narrow barred Spanish mackerel by Klaus Stiefel at CC

Message from the President of the Institution of Aquaculture Singapore It is our pleasure to invite you to the inaugural Institution of Aquaculture Singapore (IAS) Conference held at Temasek Polytechnic from 8-9 October 2015. The conference will provide an excellent networking platform for learning and intellectual exchange of information and ideas about aquaculture science and technology. This is a not-to-be- missed opportunity to interact with aquaculture professionals who had played an important role in setting directions for aquaculture development and with those who would bring aquaculture development to the next level through research and innovative technology. Achieving borderless co-operation across nations between scientists, aquaculture practitioners and institutions is the main aim of this conference. The conference will feature some 15 international and regional speakers, poster presentations and a trade show on the latest technology and instrumentation or equipment used in the field of aquaculture. There will also be pre-conference workshops and post-conference visit. I look forward to welcoming all aquaculturists, practitioners, researchers, educators and venture capitalists to Singapore to enjoy the many activities we have to offer. Jimmy Lim President Institution of Aquaculture Singapore By JP Bennett at CC

SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE (ASC) The 3 strategic arms of ASC are education, research and services. ASC provides quality, innovative and skill-based education, training and services through 7 full-time diplomas and 5 part-time programmes. In addition she offers a suite of customised short courses like aquaculture nutrition, Basic Sous Vide Technology for Chinese Cuisine, Pet Care & Management and R6esponsible Care & Use of Laboratory Animals. With a culture of excellence in mind, the school provides education beyond the classroom and laboratory through Learning Enterprise which simulates authentic work environment, engaging students in real life learning opportunities and challenges under the able guidance of staff. Besides this, the school collaborates with the respective industries to enable skill-based learning and training for the students in keeping with the national agenda of innovation and skills- future. Biomedical Science students learn through collaborative training with hospitals and in similar vein, Veterinary Technology students receive extensive clinical training at veterinary clinics. Each course team has its own connections and collaborations with the respective industries to ensure that students are taught and trained to be relevant in the workforce. The school also fosters an environment for applied and educational research. This being one of the strategic arms, staff members have embarked on many research projects within Temasek Polytechnic, with industry partners and community through a series of industry attachments, research collaborations and consultancies. This endorses the school’s emphasis on education and assurance that the knowledge and experience gained are ploughed back to the training programmes of students and working adults. Finally, ASC maintains a global outlook through many international collaborations, overseas’ community and training programmes. Mackerel and kelp by Chris Nelson at CC Lobster by Harsha KR at CC

Message from The Director, School of Applied Science Here’s a new twist to an old saying: Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day… Teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime… Develop aquaculture knowledge, skills and technology; you feed an entire generation and beyond. The depleting marine food supply around the world calls for a concerted effort for countries to develop aquaculture knowledge, skills and technology to boost ocean catch. In land-scarce Singapore, innovative technology for intensive and urban aquaculture farming is important for ensuring sustainable food productivity and supply. Hence it is vital to enhance the marine food supply with aquaculture technology in and around Singapore and beyond. The potential benefits that aquaculture can bring cannot be under estimated. The blue revolution technology promises fish farming with abundant marine and freshwater food fish and wealth to aquaculture enterprises. There are many opportunities for investments, research, job creation and economic growth that signal a growth wave. With its strategic location, strategic thrust to build capability, knowledge, technology and skills in aquaculture and good governance to oversee the development of aquaculture capability and infrastructure, Singapore is well-poised to take on this growth wave. In line with this, Temasek Polytechnic in collaboration with the Institution of Aquaculture Singapore (IAS) is glad to bring you a conference which paves the way for knowledge sharing and networking. Singapore’s inaugural conference includes showcasing capabilities, highlighting trends in aquaculture research, promoting awareness of the development of aquaculture in the region and expounding the importance of building aquaculture capabilities to enhance indigenous food supply source and food security. The local aquaculture industry will benefit from such an excellent sharing and networking platform for local and overseas aquaculture professionals, aquarists, veterinarians, farm owners and personnel from aquaculture business-related companies. Our capability in Aquaculture Technology reinforces the school’s 3 strategic arms: education, research and services.

Message from The Director, School of Applied Science Contn. It is our privilege to have international speakers and delegates from the region attend the 2-day conference and pre-conference workshops. The exhibition, featuring technology and products related to nutrition for sustainable aquaculture, instrumentation and equipment for farm management, diagnostics and therapeutics as well as sustainable aquaculture systems and/or technology, is one of the key highlights of this conference. Through this conference we believe that you will be able to achieve quality utilisation and affordable creative upgrade of your learning and technology using resources from the various enterprises. This conference promises to put conference delegates at the forefront of cutting edge aquaculture technology. Lee Chee Wee, PhD Director/School of Applied Science, Temasek Polytechnic Chair/IAS Conference Committee 2015 IMG_0690 by Anke van Lenteren at CC

THE TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE SHOW 8 October 2015 Time Programme 8:00 – 8.50 am Registration 8.50 – 8:55 am Guests to be seated 8.55 – 9.00 am Arrival of the Guest-of-Honour, Mr Desmond Lee, Senior Minister of State for National Development and Home Affairs 9.00 – 9.10 am Welcome Address by Dr Lee Chee Wee, Director 9.10 – 9.35 am Opening Address by the Guest-of-Honour, Mr Desmond Lee, Senior Minister of State for National Development and Home Affairs “Sustainable Development of Local Aquaculture Industry” 9:35 – 10:00 am Plenary Speaker: Dr Farshad Shishehchian President & CEO, Blue Aqua International Founder & President of the Asian Aquaculture Network (AAN) President of the World Aquaculture Society Asia Pacific Chapter \"World Aquaculture Review and Singapore’s Role” 10.00 – 10.35 am Tea Break

THE TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE SHOW Dr Jiang Junhui, Senior Scientist, 10.35 – 11.00 am 8 October 2015 Technology and Industry Development Group Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore “Addressing Technology Gaps in the Aquaculture Sector” 11.00 – 11.15 am Dr Lee Chee Wee, Director “TP to Support Innovation and Growth of Local Aquaculture Industry” 11.15 – 11.30 am Dr Padmanabhan Saravanan, Section Head/Technology Development TP Aquaculture Capability “Biotechnology Applications for Sustainable Aquaculture – Fish Health Management” 11.30 – 11.45 am Dr Wuang Shy Chyi, Section Head/ Water Technology TP Renewable Resources Capability “Recirculating Aquaculture System – Overview of the Biological, Algae and Catalytic Systems Developmental Work at TP” 11.45 – 12.00 pm Dr Matthew Kong, Section Head/ Analytical Science TP Analytical and Biological Testing Capability “Developing Competencies in Reliable Food Testing” 12.00 – 1.30 pm Lunch/Exhibition/Poster Viewing Colorful brown trout by / CC

THE INSTITUTION OF AQUACULTURE SINGAPORE CONFERENCE 8 OCTOBER 2015 Official Website: Time Programme Speakers 1.30 – 2.00 pm Expedited Production of Elite Prof Laszlo Orban Foodfish Lines with Genomic Technologies Director, Reproductive Genomics Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory National University of Singapore Singapore 2.00 – 2.30 pm Scientific Orientation to Seed Prof Nihar Chatterjee Production Industry - Primary Determinant Towards Professor of Aquaculture Sustainability West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences West Bengal 2.30 – 3.00 pm Harmful Algal Blooms in Dr Lim Po Teen Southeast Asian Region: Impacts, Detection and Head of Station Mitigation Bachok Marine Research Station Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences University of Malaya Malaysia Lobster Boats The wharf at Hubbards Nova Scotia, at the end of a rainy May by Peter Morgan at

THE INSTITUTION OF AQUACULTURE SINGAPORE CONFERENCE 8 OCTOBER 2015 3.00 – 3.30 pm Tea Break 3.30 – 4.00 pm Integrating Recirculation Mr Keith Jeffery Aquaculture Systems (RAS) with Aquaculture Development & Net Pen Culture – Pros and Cons Bio-diversity Support Officer Center for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science United Kingdom 4.00 – 4.30 pm Resource Use Efficiency in Dr Peter Smeets Integrated Closed Aqua Protection as Part of Metropolitan Food Agroparks and Metropolitan Clusters Foodclusters Wageningenur University Netherlands Lobsetr by Matt Chan at CC

THE INSTITUTION OF AQUACULTURE SINGAPORE CONFERENCE 8 OCTOBER 2015 4.30 – 5.00 pm Sustainable and Intensive Grouper Dr Nelson Lam Farming Using RAS Director EcoHealth Aquaculture Technologies Limited Hong Kong 5.00 – 5.30 pm Tropical Sea Cucumber Farming Dr Beni Giraspy Daniel Potential and Hatchery Technology Azari Development in South East Asia Principal Consultant Sea Cucumber Consultancy Australia 5.30 – 6.00 pm Forum Discussion 63:20 kg Cod by Saipal at CC

THE INSTITUTION OF AQUACULTURE SINGAPORE CONFERENCE 9 OCTOBER 2015 Time Programme Speakers 8.15 – 9.00 am Registration 9.00 – 9.30am Aquatic Animal Health in ASEAN Dr Jesper Clausen aquaculture – What Are The Priorities? Aquatic Animal Health Adviser USAID-MARKET Thailand 9.30 – 10.00 am Current Prophylactic Approach in Mr Romi Novriadi Indonesia Fish Health Management Ministry of Marine Affairs And Fisheries Indonesia 10.00 – 10.30 am Tea Break Cast by Flattop 341 at CC

THE INSTITUTION OF AQUACULTURE SINGAPORE CONFERENCE 9 OCTOBER 2015 10.30 – 11.00 am Vaccination: Sustainable MSD Animal Health Innovation economic benefits for large Pte Ltd scale commercial fish farms Singapore 11.00 – 11.30 am Algae based Platforms for Oral Dr Ofra Chen Delivery of Drugs to the Aquaculture and the Crop Vice President Protection Industries Research and Development TransAlgae Israel Ltd Israel 11.30 – 12.00 pm Forum Discussion 12.00 – 1.00 pm Lunch 1.00 – 1.30 pm Professor Jonathan Trent Blue Revolution: From Algae Biofuel to Aquaculture – Sustainable Technology Director OMEGA Global Initiative United States of America Mackerel Cove by Jim Pennucci at CC

THE INSTITUTION OF AQUACULTURE SINGAPORE CONFERENCE 9 OCTOBER 2015 1.30 – 2.00 pm Future Feeds for a Growing Dr Albert Tacon Aquaculture Sector in a Hungry World Technical Director Aquatic Farms Ltd. United States of America 2.00 – 2.30 pm Tea Break 2.30 – 3.00 pm Biofloc for Sustainable Shrimp Prof EM Yoram Avnimelech and Foodfish Farming Civil & Environmental Eng. Technion. Israel Institute of Technology Israel Fishing on Belwood Lake by Grand River Conservation Authority at cc

THE INSTITUTION OF AQUACULTURE SINGAPORE CONFERENCE 9 OCTOBER 2015 3.00 – 3.30 pm Superintensive Biofloc RAS Mr Jorge Lango System for Tilapia and Shrimp Farming Director Integral Aquaculture Services Mexico 3.30 – 4.00 pm Biomimicry for sustainable Mr Veerasun Prayotamornkul organic shrimp farming Founder Baxel Company Limited Thailand 4.00 – 4.30 pm Forum Discussion 4.30 – 5.00 pm Poster Prize Giving Ceremony Conference Closing Ceremony _BRK2445 Golden King Crab by Boris Kasimov at

Registration Details 2-day Conference (8 - 9 October 2015) Standard Registration : S$500 (from 1 August – 30 September 2015) IAS Members and Partners* : S$400 Local Full-time Diploma Students : S$100 (for IAS student members) Local Part-time Diploma Students : S$250 (for IAS student members) Pre-Conference Workshops (6-7 October 2015) – Choose One A) Biofloc workshop By Prof EM Yoram Avnimelech, Israel Standard Registration : S$600 (from 1 August – 31 August 2015) IAS Members and Partners* : S$450 B) Rapid Aquatic Pathogen Detection workshop by Dr Christopher Marlowe, Dr Padmanabhan Saravanan and Dr Kadamb Patel, Singapore Standard Registration : S$600 (from 1 August – 31 August 2015) IAS Members and Partners* : S$450 C) Aquaculture Nutrition workshop by Dr Lim Choon Kwang and Dr Mithun Sukumaran, Singapore and Dr Louis Landesman Standard Registration : S$600 (from 1 August – 31 August 2015) IAS Members and Partners* : S$450 Package Rate: One workshop and 2-day Conference Standard Registration : S$1000 (from 1 August – 31 August 2015) IAS Members and Partners* : S$800 * Partners refer to organizations that have signed MOUs with IAS Note: Please be informed that speakers and workshop topics may be subject to change without prior notice. If you have any queries, please direct them to the IAS Conference Secretariat at [email protected] . Please visit for updates.

PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP DETAILS (6 - 7 OCTOBER 2015) 1. Biofloc Technology Towards Sustainable Practices in Aquaculture Workshop Overview This workshop provides an introduction to the understanding of biofloc technology which will equip professionals with the knowledge and skills to develop sustainable aquaculture projects. Participation of stakeholders (investors, aquaculture professionals, local authorities, non-governmental organisations and others) is an integral part of this approach which encourages technology innovation in aquaculture in processes and development. The various industry constraints will also be addressed in this workshop. Who Should Attend The workshop is relevant to participants from the low, middle and senior level professional roles in the aquaculture industry (technical and non-technical) and also corporate business sectors such as investors, feed manufacturers, consultants, government agencies, engineers, contractors and equipment suppliers. The workshop is also open to anyone who is interested in acquiring knowledge in biofloc technology. Why You Should Attend Developing and delivering sustainable aquaculture projects is challenging. This is an excellent opportunity to learn from an internationally renowned professor who is an expert in this field. By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to: • Apply principles and concepts of Biofloc Technology (BFT). • Identify the key practices , materials and design approaches for sustainable aquaculture. • Plan the development of BFT projects through careful consideration of economic advantages.

PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP DETAILS (6 - 7 OCTOBER 2015) 2. Rapid Aquatic Pathogen Detection Workshop Overview This workshop provides an introduction to the various detection tools that are currently used for rapid screening of infectious diseases in fish and shellfish aquaculture. Participants will acquire an overview of fish health management principles, infectious diseases of fish, disease diagnosis, biosecurity and fish disease treatments. Practical hands-on sessions will include necropsy, collection and processing of samples for diagnosis as well as rapid molecular detection of pathogens using Paper-based Assay, Optical Immuno Assay and Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assay. Who Should Attend The workshop is specifically intended for individuals who have an interest in fish and shellfish health management. Why You Should Attend Severe mortality due to infectious diseases is one of the bottlenecks to sustainable aquaculture. A possible management intervention to prevent the occurrence of mass mortality of the fish/shellfish stock is to utilise rapid disease detection tools for screening these pathogens. This is an excellent opportunity to learn various pathogen detection methods that were developed at TP. By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to: • State the various rapid pathogen detection tools in aquaculture. • Identify biosecurity issues in the aquaculture facilities and examine how they can affect effective health management. • Use different detection tools in aquaculture to process samples for rapid detection of pathogens.

PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP DETAILS (6 - 7 OCTOBER 2015) 3. Aquaculture Nutrition and Feeds Workshop Overview The workshop provides an introduction to basic knowledge in aquatic nutrition, concept of feed formulation and making of pelleted feeds as well as culturing of live feeds. This 2-day workshop will be conducted in two parts: aquaculture feeds and nutrition, and culturing of common live feeds. Feed and feeding costs constitute the main operating costs in aquaculture. In intensive aquaculture, the farmed organisms are completely dependent on the feeds provided as the source of nutrients. As different species being cultured have specific nutritional requirements, it is therefore imperative that the feed supplied match the species requirements. Who Should Attend The workshop is relevant to participants who own foodfish and ornamental fish farms, feed manufacturers, feed additive companies, aquaculture researchers, aquarists and individuals with an interest in animal nutrition. Why You Should Attend As feeds usually form the bulk of the cost of running a fish farm, knowing the nutritional requirements of various aquatic species is crucial in building successful business and managing farm operation. Hence, it is important to understand the nutritional requirements and the appropriate diets that meet the needs of the aquatic species in intensive farming. By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to: • Apply the principles and concepts of the nutritional requirements of different aquatic species at various stages of their life cycle. • Apply the various functions of the feed components in feed formulation and pellet feed making. • Culture common live feeds for larval stages of aquatic species.

Poster Presentation and Competition Invitation to Submit Abstracts for Poster Presentation at the Inaugural Institution of Aquaculture Singapore (IAS) Conference 2015 On behalf of the Organising Committee of the inaugural IAS Conference 2015, we have the pleasure of inviting you to participate as a poster presenter. This will be held at Temasek Polytechnic Auditorium 2 Foyer from 8 - 9 October 2015. The poster presentation would be an excellent platform for your company or institution to showcase the latest research and development in aquaculture. The presentation must be based on any of these areas with reference to the theme of the Conference - Innovations for Sustainable Aquaculture: • Nutrition for Sustainable Aquaculture • Quality Seedstock and Broodstock Development Strategies • Disease Detection, Treatment and Prevention • Closed Containment Culture Systems for Land-based and Sea-based Farming • Intensive and Sustainable Aquaculture Systems/Technology The abstracts for the poster presentation will be reviewed by the scientific conference programme committee. All selected abstracts will be published in the official conference programme book and disseminated as soft copies to all delegates. Prizes will be given to the top three entries that exemplify innovation and are of significance to the development of aquaculture industries. Please refer to Appendix 1 for the guidelines on poster abstract submission and Appendix 2 for the approved poster submission. Should you have any questions or require clarification, please contact [email protected] Do note that registration for the conference is mandatory and payment must be made once a poster has been selected for presentation. We look forward to your participation.

Appendix 1 GUIDELINES FOR POSTER ABSTRACT SUBMISSION Authors are requested to adhere to the submission guidelines. Please refer to Appendix 1 (Abstract) and Appendix 2 (Poster) for the templates. As a general norm, the abstract will include original data not previously presented or published in a peer-review journal or the proceedings of a national/international meeting, national or international scientific conference. All poster abstracts will be printed in the conference booklet. Submit the poster abstract and poster via email to [email protected] (A) ABSTRACT (in Microsoft Word® format) Language: Abstracts must be written in English - the official language of the conference. Title of Project: • Indicate the title of the project in Title Case and Bold at the top of the abstract. • Use Arial font size 14 and single line spacing. Author(s) & Contact Details: • Principal author to appear first. • Underline the name of the presenting author. • All Authors must be listed by their surnames, followed by initials with no punctuations except commas between each name (do not use full stops or commas between surname and initials). • Omit degrees and titles. • Include affiliations/organizations for each author. Use superscript numbering after the author’s name to indicate affiliations. Example: 1 1 2 Padmanabhan S , Alden T , and Ganapathy R . 2 1 School of Applied Science, Temasek Polytechnic, DSO National Laboratories. • Use Arial font size 12 and single line spacing.

Content and Length: • Include a brief introduction followed by objective, methods, results and conclusion in 500 – 700 words. • Use Arial font size 12 and single line spacing. Paragraphs: • Separate each paragraph by leaving a blank line. • Do not indent the paragraphs. • Ensure that each paragraph is fully justified. Page, Size & Margins: • Use standard A4 paper (portrait) and 26 mm margins throughout (i.e. left/right/top/bottom). Disclosure of Interest Statement: It is important to give due recognition for transparency of disclosure of potential conflicts of interest by acknowledging these relationships in all written publications. An example of a disclosure of interest statement would be as follows: The development of this study was supported by grant from the Ministry of Education (MOE)’s – Translational and Innovation Fund. Submission Deadline: Abstract submission is now open until 31 st July 2015. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered for presentation. Upon successful selection of your abstract for the poster presentation by the Programme Committee, you will receive email notification in August 2015. A soft copy of the poster would be required for submission. Do follow the submission guidelines for the poster in Poster Template.

Appendix 2 Guidelines for Poster Submission Language: Poster must be written in English - the official language of the conference. Title of Project: • Indicate the title of the project in Title Case (with the exception of scientific names which should be in upper/lower case and italicized). • Use Arial font size of at least 72. • Include colours to increase visual appearance. Author(s) & Contact Details: • Indicate the name of presenting author or the main author using an asterisk (*) after the name. • Position the full name and affiliation of the presenting author directly below the title of the project, centralised and in Arial font size 48. • Provide only the email address of the presenting author. Content: • Include a brief introduction followed by objective, methods, results and conclusion. • Use at least Arial font size 54 and double line spacing. • Keep text to a minimum, where possible. Visuals: Include images, figures, graphs and tables in colour for better visual presentation of the project.

Paragraphs: • Separate each paragraph by leaving two blank lines. • Do not indent the paragraphs. • Ensure that each paragraph is fully justified. Size & Margins: Ensure that the poster is [insert dimension] x [insert dimension] (portrait) and 50 mm margins throughout (i.e. left/right/top/bottom). Mounting and Removal of Posters: • Mount the poster using the Velcro provided by [insert time] on 7 October 2015. • Remove the poster on 9 October 2015 by 5 pm. Submission Deadline: Submit a soft copy of the final poster in Microsoft PowerPoint® format to st [email protected] by 31 August 2015. Registration with payment for the conference would need to be completed before submission of soft-copy of the selected poster. Please bring a hard copy of the poster for display at the conference. Giant Pacific Octopus - Darktable Edit by Jesse McCarty at

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