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Published by jigneshyadav17, 2020-05-04 09:36:43



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!व#यालय त)परता काय.- म पिु 2तका क\"ा:$थम

AC Write the missing alphabet: , , , , H, I , , , M, ,, P , , , ,U ,, , Y, Match the alphabet with picture: 1. T 2. R 3. C 4. B Join the dots in these letters:

Mohan wants to find the way to the apples. Help. Name five things you see on this tree: 1. …………………………….. 2. …………………………….. 3. …………………………….. 4. …………………………….. 5. …………………………….. Match the paired words: 1. cup a] ball 2. bat b] pant 3. tableand c] needle 4. shirt d] saucer 5. thread e] socks 6. shoes f] chair

Use the words in the blank to write the opposite: 1. Raju is tall, but Shyma is [short, hot] 2. The elephant is . The mouse is small. [dry, big] 3. The boy is but his sister is wet. [dry, mango] 4. He is fat but his brother is . [thin, flat] 5. John is happy, but his father is [happy, sad] Complete the Word Chain using the last letter of the previous word: Ex: tree egg gun nose eyes 1. leg goat 2. forestten 3. finger red Match the feelings : happy brave sad nervous 3

Look at the pictures and colour only

Vowel Puzzle Draw a line from the vowel to the blank to which it belongs. Fill in the blanks

Join the dots and colour the pictures. Colour one of the chick red and the other yellow. Solve the word puzzle : Many The colour of a] teeth b] sky c] grass d] hair e] apple Draw a line from one to many: One

Find out these words in the grid: 1. mother 2. pen 3. hen 4. no look 5. down 6. elephant 7. lizard 8. thread 9. shirt 10. AMO T H E R S G J EHT R E KGD S A L S B CNBMP J L EC SH I R TGVC PAZ XV B LOOK HP ENT YU I OP A A S GH D OWN K NHNO T R Q R Y L T H T HR E ADML AX V L I Z AR DN V. Colour the rainbow:

Fill in the letters to complete the crossword puzzle. Circle the things we get from trees.

Encircle the word that starting with given alphabet in the right. Eg A : apple but, run 1. I : eye, ice, ball 2. M : monkey, nine,flower 3. R : hat, cat, rose 4. B : ball, dog, kite 5. O : egg, ox, hen IV. Match to their sounds. 1. mosquitoes roar 2. lions buzz 3. goats 4. donkeys bray bleat VI. Name different types of days: [snowy, sunny, rainy, windy] 1. It is a day. 2. It is a day. 3. It is a day. 4. It is a day.

अ\"र$ को पहचानो और .लखो | 17 | P a g e

Place for Thumbprint Activity. 18 | P a g e

19 | P a g e

20 | P a g e

21 | P a g e

Place for Thumbprint Activity. 22 | P a g e

!मलान करो और रं ग भरो |

ख़ाल' )थान भरो घड जझ कख डढ च ट धन थ श/द बनाओ ल ल लल ल ल

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