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Floret Magazine

Published by sahil23.raut, 2015-03-16 00:08:09

Description: The first E-Magazine of Atmarampant K.G. and English Primary School


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Gokhale Education Society’sPrin.Atmarampant Save Pre-primary English Medium School & English Primary School Bordi,Tal– Dahanu, Dist. Thane ISO 9001: 2008 certified 2014-15

Editorial Editorial Board It is with great pleasure I take over the respon- sibility of editorialship of the magazine “Floret”. IMrs. Sangita S. Raut welcome all members of the Editorial Board and Chief Editor congratulate them for their efforts in publishing this first issue of E-Magazine “Floret”. If you go through Mrs.Shilpa R.Tailor the magazine there are some informative articles on Co-Editor the village Bordi and nearby area written by stu- dents, teachers and parents. You will also haveMrs. Rozelina Amolik pleasure of number of activities held in school byMrs. Punam D. Raut going through activities photographs.Mrs. Vaishalee J. Raut Advisory Committee “Vision without action is a dream Mrs. Anjali A Raut Action without vision is simply passing time Artist Action with vision is making difference.” How rightly it is said by Joel Barker. An ordi- nary people see the dream. But the extraordinary see dreams of action with vision. Today’s world is full of amazing inventions and innovations. Things are coming forth with tremendous changes due to the efforts taken by talented and visionary people. Changes brought in every aspect made the life of the people more advanced. Our school too has wit- nessed many changes in the past 21 years of its ex- istence. Changes in educational policies, changes in administrative policies and likewise changes in school activities has given the school an edge and helped it provide education that suits the changing needs. An initiative in introduction of E-learning facility in the school replaced the tradition of chalk and blackboard. It is the goal of the school to impart quality education to the students, which will build up their character and personality. Pre-primary and pri- mary education is the first terminal point of the lad- der.

It is our utmost duty to take care school I hereby take privilege towhile training their 3 H’s i.e Heart, pay gratitude to the members ofHead and Hand which improve their Management who make us feelpower of imagination and creativity. liberated from the beaten tracks ofAnd hence we arrange number of education and guided us in everycurricular and co-curricular activities path of progress. I am thankful towhich creates among them adequate my colleagues and parents for as-ability to read, write, comprehend, sisting me in every task to make itsufficient capacity to do simple calcu- successful and their initiative forlation with the help of mathematical the magazine. I am also thankfuloperations, training sense organs, to the students for their simple in-awareness regarding environment formative articles and advertisersand basic duties, nurture cleanliness for their valuable contribution andand good eating habbits, create love support in making this magazinefor arts and Indian culture. the successful. Here as a chief editor of the I look forward to your feed-magazine and Principal of the backs and suggestions.Happy reading !

Born : 9th May 1866 At Kothluk, Ratnagiri Passed on : 19th February 1915, BombayNamdar Gopal Krishna GokhaleGokhale EducationSociety which is runningmore than 50 Educa-tional Institutions in(Nashik,Mumbai,Konkan)established byPrin.T.A.Kulkarni in 1918. Prin. T.A. Kulkarni

Our PioneerAcharya Bhise GurujiPrin. Atmarampant Save Pujya Chitre Guruji

Gokhale Education Society’s :Pillars of strength—The great people stands firmly in Zonalstruggle, gather strength from dis- Secretariestress and grow brave by inflection. Thomas Paine Prin. P.A. Raut Thane Division Prin. S.B. PanditChairman & President Dr.Mrs..D. P.Deshpande Nasik DivisionSir Dr. M.S. Gosawi Dr. Smt. S.V.Sant Secretary Mumbai Division

True friendship is a di- He is very punctual to school. He completes his MY vine quality. It is very ra- home task regularly. His handwriting is very good re to have true friends. and legible. His behavior One is really fortunate if is a model for other stu-TRUE one gets a true friend.FRIEND I am lucky enough to dents. He assists me in have true friend like my studies also.Bhavya. I value his All these qualities offriendship. He is always Bhavya make him an idealready to help others in friend. I thank God for giv-their needs. ing me such a nice friend.Mast. Pratham N Thakor Std. IV– B

Mr. Prashant Yashwant Patil(Member of Panchayat Samiti) Mobile No-9890530148 Mobile No- 9637504746 At- Post –Bordi (Terfade) Tal- Dahanu Dist- Palghar . Murji Harji Khetani Civil & Building Construction Works Nitin D. Thakor At & Post Baripada, Umbergaon,Exclusive Showroom of Gog- Township, Taluka- Umbergaon, gles Latest Frames etc. Dist. Valsad. Mob:- 09970334325 Mob:- 07875963243

Inauguration of E-learning classroom An illustration of E- Learning classroom being demonstrated by Mrs. Neeta. What you see on the screen is a powerpoint presentation being shown to the students on a topic how to make sandwitch from their syllabus. The Guests are seen looking on. From left to right the dignitaries in the picture— Mrs.Neeta,,Mrs.Raut,,Smt. Save Mrs. Chandrika, Mr. Jayant Raut,, Prin. Thorat and students of Std. I .Shri. Raut Sir shares histhoughts on future devel-opments with the stu-dents of first batch(1993-94).From right to left Mrs.Sangita Raut ( Classteacher of 1st batch, Shri.Raut sir( Prin. Of 1stbatch), Mr. Hardik Mutha( construction business),Mr. Unnat Churi ( B.Efrom S.P.C.E Mumbai)Dr. Tanmay Raut( B.D.S), Mr. Sahil Raut(B.Tech from VJTI, doingPGDIE from NITIE )

Inauguration of E-learning classroom Branch secretary Shri. Raut sir Launching Website of the school on the occasion of 6th school’s anniversary and inauguration of E-learning class- room. Shri. Save sir joins with sirAn illustration of E-Learning classroom beingdemonstrated by Mrs.Punam. What you see onthe screen is a powerpointpresentation being shownto the students on a topicThe body parts from theirE.V.S syllabus. TheGuests are seen lookingon.

Famous personality of Bordi village A man who has power in He is very tall & slim. We canhis name, he is none other but see a glow of freshness on hisMr. Prabhakar Raut sir. He is face. He never loses his tem-not only the famous personality per. Nobody can take hisbut also a great human being. place. He has uniqueness inMr. Prabhakar sir was the personality. The way heprincipal of our school and drives his vehicle nobody canbranch secretary of Gokhale Ed- imitate. He is very strictucation Society. He has under- about discipline. Everyonetaken many activities to make right from children to adultsmore developments in our knows about his contributionsschool. He always tries to solve in the field of education. Itproblems of every student. He was his dream & vision toloves his work. He is very punc- convert this small village intotual about time. He always a educational hub. He hasstress on cleanliness of the taken lot of efforts to makeschool campus. He lives right at his dream come true. We allthe centre of the village. respect him. We all love Prin. Raut sir a lot. Mast. Mutha Divya G. Std. IV B

My village-Bordi Bordi is a small beautiful Education is imparted invillage located at the coast of three mediums Gujarati,Arabian Sea, near Dahanu. English and Marathi. Re-Away from hustle-bustle of city cently Diploma engineer-life, Bordi has become a great at- ing college has been estab-traction of tourists. Fascinated lished which has givenby greenery & sea beach, people more benefits to the stu-love relaxing their minds here. dents desiring for the same.Bordi being a small village People living hereat the outskirts of Maharashtra as well as the Gram Pan-represents India as a whole. Peo- chayat always take care tople of different religions like maintain the cleanliness ofMuslim, Hindu, Jain, Parsis live the village. Therefore, it istogether in this village in harmo- also a healthy place to liveny. Every other day they are cel-ebrating and enjoying it. Adiva- in.sis here have formed the major As, I live in Bordi.population. Hence, the civic I am proud to be “Bordiamenities like banks and schools kar”.are being administered as pertheir benefits. Bordi is also well – Mast. Bhavya S. Patel.known as an educational centre. Std. IV—B

Chikoo fruit is mainly found in Gholwad, Dahanu andBordi area. The chickoo treesyield fruit twice a year, thoughflowering may continue yeararound. Chickoo trees can growto more than 98 ft with an averagediameter of 4.9 ft. The ornamentalleaves are medium green, andglossy. The white flowers are in-conspicuous and bell like with asix lobed corolla. An unripe fruithas a firm outer skin and picked As already said, this fruit is rich inThe fruit is a large ellipsoid berry vitamins, minerals and tannins.normally 4-8 but up to 15 cm di- Due to its sugary taste, it is widelyameter, containing two to five used in shakes, ice-creams andseeds. Inside its flesh ranges from dry product..a pale yellow to an earthy brown The various health ben-colour with a grainy texture skin to efits of chickoos are it is good forthat of a well- ripe fruit. The fruit eyes, source of energy, anti-has an exceptionally sweet, malty flammatery agent, prevention offlavor. The unripe fruit is hard to certain cancers, for healthythe touch and contains high bones, relief from constipation,amount of saponin which has cold and cough.astrigment properties similar to The chickoo fruit istannin drying out the mouth. easily available in markets. It alsoChickoo is one of those fruits has great demand in foreign mar-which are great for health besides ket. We feel proud that becausebeing extremely delicious. Thanks of chickoo fruit Gholwad and Bor-to wide array of nutrients con- di landmarks became famous intained in this fruit. The tasty flesh the world.of this fruit is easily digestible andreplenishes our body by providing Mast.Darshit Patelenergy due to its high content of Std. III Bglucose.

 School & college Text Books Note Books & All Types Of Station- aries Electical, Hardware & General Items House of Xerox & Lamination 2, Amar Apartment, Near Dr. Churi’s Hospital, Bordi, Dist. PalgharMrs. Archana S. Raut Sangam Printing PressInsurance Consultant All Types Of Printing LIC OF INDIA Solution Under One RoofTerfade, Bordi—401701 Near Ram Mandir, Bordi. Contact : 02528713 Tel : 02528-254513/254333

Deer ParkEducational Trip is one of the co curricular activitieswhich gives teacher an opportunity to know more about thestudents as well as the students learn more about the na-ture.Educational trip at Khanvel : Visit to the places -Deer Park,Butterfly garden, Lion Prk, Museum, Duthani dam Museum

A Top :On the occasion of inaugural function of Annual sports meet Shri Raut sir addresses the students.NN2 Bottom :Students are taking OathU0A1L4S-PO2R0T1S5MEET

2 AS0 NP1 NO4 UR- AT1 LS5 M E E T

Mummy’s Student’s Event Event Pappa’s Event

All Mummy’s are at work - On the occasion of Fun Fair Mummy’s are ready to serve their delicacies Come on “Dost” Let’s have some eatables How tasty it is?Dear!What willyou have?

Celebration of Teacher’s Day on 5th September in the memory of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan.Students of Std. IV play the role of teachers on Teacher’s Day

Members of P. T .A .Body 2014-15Valuable guidance given to staff by Branch Secretary Shri. Raut Sir

Celebration of Chidren’s Day on 14th November, Birth Anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

Village Fair Fair is a place of full of Farmers visit the fairhappiness and fun. It is a public to buy agricultural It is generally held in the Adivasi people purchase thingsmonth of April. It is always orga- like garlic, Onion, tamarind,nized near the temple of the village. spices, earthen pots, clothes,It remains for 5 to 9 days for peo- jewellery etc.ple so that everybody will visit thefair. In fair there are many things Small kids ask forto attract the people. There are toys like rattles, balloons, jok-things like clothes, jewellery eata- er, dolls, guns etc. I also like tobles, toys, household articles etc. visit fair with my family mem-for shopping. In fair we also get va- bers at Umbergaon. Atfer theriety of food products to taste. darshan of goddess Ganga we enjoy different rides, games There are also many rides and delicacies together. We re-for every aged person to enjoy. turn home late at night.There are rides like break-dance,jumping jack, merry go round, giant Miss. Kripa Shahwheel, train etc. There are manythrilling games like gun shooter, Std. Ivthrowing rings, etc. Show like ‘Maut ka kuva’ attracts the people.

Fancy Dress Competition


village Panchayat Mast. Pratham N.The system of village Pan- The Governmentchayat has been introduced bears the the Government of India. The Government im-It is according to the direc- plements many of itstory principles of the Indian welfare schemesconstitution. Accordingly, a through the villagePanchayat is organized for Panchayats. The Gov-every group of villages. This ernment encouragesPanchayat consists of Sar- the Panchayats topanch, Upsarpanch and other work better. Themembers. The sarpanch is di- best Panchayat isrectly elected by the voters. awarded withThe Government has as- prize.These villagesigned certain local taxes to Panchayat elect somePanchayat for its mainte- members for Pancha-nance yat committee. They are connected with adalat panch and the Zilla parishad. The members of village Panchayats are elect- ed after five years.

My Village- Zilla Parishad school, Tokepada is a Marathi medium co-educational Tokepada school in my Village. The school pro- vides primary level education andThe name of my village is Tokepada. works under management of localIt is a small Village in Dahanu Taluka body.of Palghar district of Maharashtrastate. Bordi is the neighboring vil- The nature in and around my vil-lage where my school is situated. lage is also cool and pleasant. ThereTokepade village comes under are many fields as well as two ponds.Gholwad Panchayat. It is located Hence the weather is cool at dawnaround 15 km from both the towns and dusk.Umbergaon in the north and Dahanutowards south. It is around 150 km The people of my grand-away from Mumbai, the capital of parent’s generation were mostly ag-Maharashtra. Gholvad railway sta- riculturists. But now, the peopletion is the nearby railway station to from this village work in differentTokepada which is around 4km. fields. Some of them are in teachingTokepada also has road connectivity professions, some are doctors andto the nearby towns, Dahanu and some are engineers. The people hereumbergaon live in peace and harmony. They all.Marathi and Gujarati are the lan- come together on the occasion ofguages spoken in this region. Major different festivals or functions.population of Tokepada belongs to And so I like my Village very much.Bari caste of Hindu religion. My Vil-lage is now popularly known as Miss. Swara M KhotTokebeach due to its location nearthe sea-shore. Std I B

I live at Bordi and there is a Weeklyweekly Bazaar on every Saturdaymorning near Vijay Stambh. This Bazaarweekly Bazaar is always verycrowded because people from Mast. Bhavya Patelneighbouring villages visit bazaar Std IV-Ato purchase the household articles. There are many things availa-ble for sell like vegetables, toys,clothes, foodgrains, earthen pots,crockery, dry & wet fish etc. Youcan buy almost everything in thisweekly Bazaar. I sometimes gothere with my mummy to buy greenvegetables and such other things. This Saturday weekly Bazaaris always busy and full of noise. Ilike to go to this weekly Bazaar be-cause it is such an interestingplace to visit.

Ashmik Books & Stationary Gift ShopAvailable All Text BooksPrescribed By Govt.,Workbooks, Digest, Reliable,Note Books, Stationary,School Bags & All Sports Items Contact : Mr. Jayanti B. Bafna Near Bus Stop, Bordi. Tel : 02528-254148/254453JaJalaram Decorators Mahalaxmi Biscuits Stores Prop. Prop : Hasmukh Patel Khandubhai Thakur & At Post Bordi, Near Bus stop Hiral ThakurJuni Balwadi Road, Bordi. Ph : 02528-254006 Mo :922065754/9860670600 Ph. 02528-254434 / 9923043224

Primary Education Education is not all about The situation is worse in certainstudying and getting good marks. sectors of the population; theIt is really a means to discover poor, those living in rural areas,new things which we don’t know girls and those living in someabout and increase our states, such as Bihar and Raja-knowledge. It is the first stage of sthan.formal Education in a range ofbasic subjects. It generally re- Primary Education happensquired no previous formal educa- to be the base of all Educationtion. system. where every individual is introduced in the basic studies. In An educated person has today’s immensely competitivethe ability to differentiate between world, one will survive simply ifright and wrong or good and evil. he/ she learned a customary qual-Focus should be on women’s ed- ification.ucation because the knowledgeand empowerment of one women Primary Education shows thecan bring about a change in a infants the correct method to exe-family and even the society as a cute their willingness in the direc-whole. A person becomes perfect tion of the society. The behaviorwith Education as he is not only of a toddler reflects his personalgaining something from it but also the growth of a na-tion. Children are usually placed in classes with one teacher who will About 20 % of Indian children be primary responsible for theirbetween the age o6 to14 are not education and welfare for thatyet enrolled in school. Even year. The continuity with a singleamong enrolled children attend- teacher and the opportunity toance rate is low and 26 % of pu- build up a close bonding is a nota-pils enrolled in primary school ble feature of the Primary Educa-drop out before grade 5. tion system.

Primary Education may Miss Chitra Kiran Baribe a key aspect for develop- Assit intellectual ability to-gether with communicationskill, nonverbal skill, moni-toring ability, plan generat-ing capability memory pow-er. Primary Education leadsthe infants towards buildingemotional strength. The in-ner power is directed to-wards enlightening his capa-bility rather than just demol-ishing perspective. PrimaryEducation is needed to firm-ly mildew him into a creativebeing with full of love, pas-sion, patience, respect,hope, perseverance andtrust.

The world is accelerating Technologies in thevery fast towards the classrooms include numerous types oflight of progress. One of media that deliver text, audio, images,the best examples is im- animations and streaming videos. Notprovement seen in the only this but even technology applica-field of education tech- tions & processes such as video tape,nologies. If we have a satellites, T.V. , C.D. Rom, and computerlook at the technologies based learning as well as local internet/being used in the class- extranet & web based learning.rooms, we will notice thatit has developed a lot i.e. Educational technologies are used by both learners as well as ed-it is shifted from books,slates & chalkboards to ucators. Kids (learners) gravitate to-lantern slides, opaque wards technologies with a world of infor-projectors, radio and mation at their fingertips. Now a days it seems like kids should be finding it easi-now moderntechnologies. er than ever to succeed in school. Edu- cators also find it easier to track and as- Technology in class- sess student’s progress with the help ofrooms are but of course technology. It may be changing the ex-educational technology. periences of education but the role ofThe study & ethical prac- teachers & parents grow increasingly astice of facilitating learn- they become the experts & guides foring & improving perfor- new learning resources. This may be be-mances by creating, us- cause the modern educational technolo-ing and managing appro- gies have become successful in chang-priate technological pro- ing the classrooms environment in suchcesses & resources a way that the educators remain con-means educational tech- stant and continue to shift with the tech-nologies. nological tides.

Overall I think that technol- Similarly our primary teachers are also harnessingogies are not conveyers or these advances for overall pro- gress & betterment of our kidscommunicators but they are our to a greater extent. Here I would like to share my first ex-best friends which guide us in perience of using computer technology in classroom i.e. in-every part. They support mean- ternet in the process of teach- ing. I used it to teach a lessoningful learning by feel filling from Environmental studies-I named A look inside the bodyleaning need. They are more where I not only showed them the large pictures of all internalthan They are more than hard- organs, where & how they are situated inside the body but al-ware as they also consist of the so made them aware of the functioning of each. Our re-designs & environments that spected Principal Madam has provided us pen drives whichengage learners & inculcate the cover full syllabus of that re- spective class. They are usefulinterest among them in teaching subjects like Eng- lish, Mathematics, EVS-I & EVS In our school we have in- -II. It clearly shows that we alltroduced an E-learning technol- teachers are fully equipped withogy for both pre-primary & pri- new educational technology. Imary classes. We have also at- am quite sure that these ad-tached the connections of Tata vances will prove 100% benefi-Sky to each class. This new ad- cial for the students.vances have enhanced the wayof providing knowledge to the Mrs. Shilpa R. Tailorstudent so well that both theteachers as well as students Asst. Tr.are overwhelmed. Our pre-primary teachers are usingthese technologies to strength-en the basics of English alpha-bets i.e. they are using differentaudio-video programs which in-serts pictures that begin withthe letter sound A to Z. In otherwords they are sparking thestudents’ interest in learning.Along with that they are also

Educational, social & Culturalbackground in Bordi Bordi, a small village located on the west coast of In-dia is an admirable growing natural hotspot. Located betweenthe Arabian sea and the Sahyadri mountain ranges, Bordi isblessed with the nature’s bounty, huge coconut gardens,chikoo and mango farms and enumerable flora and fauna. Looking back in the history of this place, people fromBordi village actively participated in the India’s freedomstruggle. The voice of freedom raised by Lokmanya Tilak andMahatama Gandhi was supported by people living here. Asso-ciates of Mahatama Gandhi namely Swami Anand, KakasahebKalelkar and Sane Guruji guided the Bordi people who sup-ported non- co-operation movement, salt march and Quit In-dia movement with all dedication. Bordi is a well known education hub in our country. Thisplace was blessed by the presence highly dignified and hon-oured people like Acharya Bhise, Chitre Guruji Prin. Atmaram-pant Save and Tarabai Modak. Acharya Bhise devoted hiswhole life to educate masses and to help tribal communities.Pujya Chitre Guruji came here in the year 1921 and spent therest of his life in the service of educating his students. Hebelieved in wisdom with knowledge. Educating people was theprime goal of his life. Shrimati Tarabai Modak experimentedkinder garden schooling in Bordi for 12 years with the help ofShrimati Anutai Wagh. Shrimati Tarabai Modak successfullyestablished schooling practices for kids living in tribal areas.

Prin.Atmarampant Save was born and brought up in Bordi. Inspite ofgetting high ranking job oppournties at Mumbai after his B.A. degree,the thirst to serve the motherland inspired him to return back to Bor-di and help the people living here. Apart from teaching profession hewas also an influential social worker for the cause of upliftment ofcommon people. He started primary school in Bordi under Gokhale Edu-cation Society in the year 1920. Soonabai Pestanji donated Rs.50, 000 which enabled the estab-lishment of secondary school in Bordi. Till date, this school is reachingto new heights under the guidance of Sir Dr. M.S Gosavi Sir, Prin. S.B.Pandit Sir and Prin. Prabhakar Raut sir. Agriculture is the main source of income for majority of peoplein Bordi. Farming done here is accompanied by latest technological ad-vancement.Dr. Jayantrao Patil and Bhaskarrao Save have put in tremendous ef-forts in improving the agricultural techniques here and guided thefarmers of Bordi by their skills and knowledge. People here are of different castes and creeds and live in mutualharmony with strong bonding and respect for each other. Other thaneducational institutions, Women Self Help Groups are also prevalent inBordi. Women here came together to form Bordi Mahila Nagari Saha-kari Patsanstha and sfurti Mahila club. These social organizations en-hance women’s skill in different fields, give women a platform to earna living by doing small scale business and much more. Apart from these organizations there are Lions Club ofBordi and Tanishka Group also who help the people of Bordi one wayor other. The feeling of togetherness is the key of peace and har-mony in Bordi. Mrs. Punam D. Raut Assist.Teacher

OM SAI SIDDHI SHRI SAI TRANSPORT INDUSTRIES OF PLASTICS TRASPORT CONTRACTORS 7 COMMIS- INJECTION MOULDING ITEMS SION PROP. FULL LOADED TRUCK 7TEMPO ALL OVER GUJRAT MAHARASHTRA & GOA ASHISH A RAUT & PROP ATTITUDE FASHION KETAN PATILRETAILERS OF IMITATION JEWEL- PLOT NO.2838, BALAJI DHARAM KATA, LERY SHOP NO. 4 G.I.D.C.,UMBERGAON-396171 & LADIES ACCESSORIES CONTACT : 9898630871 PROP. 09764192200 MRS. ANJALI A RAUT :CONTACT 09923474756 09276888201School camps,Group & family picnics ADINATH Hardware &Electrical StoresGood facility of Dining & Accomoda- tion Prop: Shri. Yogesh Bhikamchand Contact: Lukkad Shri. Subhash B. Save Contact : Juni Balwadi Road Station Gholwad Bordi, Tal : Dahanu Tel : 9764589518/ Dist. Palghar Mobile No : 08600551185 9422484285 Email : subhash- [email protected] Website :

Moral By teaching moral values we prepare our children for future roles in society. Values for Moral values stick with us throughout the life. Therefore more attention students should be paid on moral values in to- day’s education.When most of peopletalk about a school cur- The following should be the crite-riculum, they think about ria on which school needs to be fo-Maths, science, social cused.studies and languagecourses. If we neglect of (1) Basic Valuesteaching moral values in (2) Values require for change in stu-schools it will hurt our dents bent of mind.students and cause (3) Values to understand purpose ofproblems in society. If a education.person has never (4) Values to understand the respon-learned any moral values sibilities towards the societyhow is she/he able to (5)One should be able to recognizediscern the differencebetween right and himself/herself and the creator andwrong? also the purpose of life. Following moral values can be incul- cated among the students at primary level. (1) Love and kindness – If you love someone, he or she will love you back in return. With love in the world, kindness will follow which will replace cruelty. (2) Honesty - In the educational insti- tutes students must be taught that ‘Honesty’ is must in our life. Because dishonesty and cheating catch up to you in the end with bad consequenc- es.

(3) Hard work - Success isdepends on hard work be-cause, success means onepercent perspiration. Weshould taught the students thatlaziness is our weakness.(4) Co-operation - Co-operation is the most im-portant thing in our life be-cause without co-operation wecan’t stand in our life. United Everyone has to learn moral vir-we stand and divided we fall tues at a young age and schools definitely play an important role infollow this rule and get suc-cess in your life. nurturing the moral values among(5) Forgiveness - Teacher can them. The world would be a muchteach the student the value better place if more people had better moral values. If everyoneforgiveness by telling storiesof great and honest people like took the responsibility of imbibingMahatma Gandhi. The best moral values among the childrenway to initially implement mor- we would have a better world than education into a secularsystem is for all teachers toset good example and be thebest of role models in theclassrooms. A good teacher Mrs. Neeta Uday Bhagwatalways tries to instill good val-ues among the students. They Assi. Teachertake pride in the growth oftheir students as human be-ings as well as in their scho-lastic growth. It’s all education.

Curricular and Curriculum can be identifiedCo- curricular through both curricular and co- curricular activities in an education- Singing Competi- al system. There are differences Drawing Competition between both activities but there is no contradiction in these pro- Handwriting Competition grammes. Act Copetitionivities that are carried out inside the class- room, in the laboratory or in the workshop and have reference to the prescribed courses are called ‘Curricular activities’. These activi- ties are the part of the over-all in- structional programme. There is full involvement of the teaching staff in these activities. On the other hand, co-curricular activities are those activities which have indirect refer- ence to actual instructional work that goes on in the classroom. The following are the im- portant curricular activities in school. (a) Classroom activities: These activities are those, which relate to instruction work in differ- ent subjects such as instructional games, classroom experiments, scientific observations, guidance programmes, examination and evaluation work, audio-visual edu- cation, making different charts and models, etc.

(b) Activities in the Library: These activities are readingbooks and journals, taking additionalnotes from library books pertaining tocurrent lessons, making scrap books,making of newspaper cutting, etc.(c) Activities in the workshop and onthe farm:These activities have reference to vari-ous types of ‘work-experience’ or so-cially useful productive work.d) Activities in the laboratory:Those activities , which are carried outin science laboratories, history room,geography room, language laboratory,etc, are under curricular activities. There is also necessity for the oth-er activities outside the classroom todevelop all aspects of the life. Theseactivities are known as co-curricular ac-tivities.Different Co-curricular Activities fora Primary School:(i) Physical Activities:Different activities like games, massdrill, cycling, gardening etc. can be or-ganized at primary level. These activi-ties can help for physical development.(ii) Literary activities:Different activities like telling stories,singing community songs, performingone act. Should be organized at ele-mentary or primary level.(iii) School assembly:The students should get the chance tomeet once a day together in prayer

Assembly where school programmes are announced by the teacher. (iv) Social service: Different service activities like school clean- ing, watering plants cleaning roads and help- ing the poor people at their need will help the students to develop service mentality. (v) festivals and observances: The school observes different festivals like Saraswati Puja, Ganesh Puja, Independence Day, Republic Day, Children’s Day, Teacher’s Day, etc. These activities develop the leader- ship qualities. The children learn teamwork, social work and sacrificing individual interest for society through co-curricular activities Role of Co-curricular activities in student’s life: Co-curricular activities are the true and practical experience received by students. To a greater extent, the theoretical knowledge gets strengthened when a relevant co- curricular activity is organized related to the content taught in the classroom. Intellectual aspects of personality are soley accomplished by Classroom, while aesthetic development, character building, spiritual growth, physical growth, moral values, creativity, etc. are sup- ported by co-curricular activities. Frankness and clarity in language and personality is sup- ported by these activities. It helps to develop co-ordination, adjustment, speech fluency, ex- tempore expressions, etc. among student both at the school as well as college levels.

Importance and Benefits of Co-curricularActivities:1. Co-curricular activities stimulate playing,acting, recitation, speaking and narrating in students.2. Activities like participation in game debates,music, drama etc. help in achieving overall functioning of education.3. It enables the students to express them-selves freely through debates.4. Games and Sports helps to be fit and ener-getic to the child.5. Helps to develop the spirit of healthy com-petition.6. These activities guide students how to or-ganize and present an activity, how to develop skills, how to co-operate and co-ordinate indifferent situations-all these helps in leader-ship qualities.7. It provides the avenues of socialization, self-identification and self-assessment when thechild come in contact with organizers , fellowparticipants, teachers, people outside theschool during cultural activity..8. Inculcate the values to respects other’sview and feeling.9. It makes you perfect in decision in decisionmaking.10. It develop a sense of belongingness.11. CCA provide motivation for learning.12. CCA develop the values like psychologi-cal, Ethical, academic, civic, social, aesthetic, civic, social, aesthetic, cultural recreation-al and disciplinary values.

Role of a Teacher in Organisingcurricular Activities1. The teacher must be a good plannerso that the different activities could becarried out Systematically throughout the year.2. It should be the teacher to give moreand more opportunity to the child whileperforming co-curricular activities.3. The Teacher should act as Innovatorby introducing some innovative pro- grammes. 4. The teacher must be a good organizer so that the students experienced maximum of it. 5. He should too act like as di- rector, recorder, evaluator, man- ager, decision maker, advisor. motivator, communicator, co- ordinator, so that the student and child could gained maximum of finer aspects of Co-curricular ac- tivities. Smt. Charulata M Sali Assist. Teacher

GaaolavaD va baaoDI- gaavaatIla maacCI samaaja va %yaaMcaa [ithasa[ithasa :maacCI samaaja ha mauLcaa vaoravaL saaomanaaqa hyaa saMpnna Baagaacaa rihvaasaI haota . hyaa Baagaacao vaiO SaYTcao Asao kIsaaomanaaqa yaoqao Bagavaana SaMkracao Aadya jyaaoit-ilMaga Aaho va ha Baaga BaartatIla ek p`mauK vyaaparI baMdr mhNaUnap`isaW haota. ASyaa hyaa sapM nna baMdrat vyaapaarI kdMo avar 12 vyaa Satkat saUlatana gaJanaIcaa mahmaUd yaanao AnoakKavyaa kolyaa va AsaM#ya laUTmaar kolaI . maacCI samaaja ha yaa Baagaat vyaapar kirt naaMdt haotaa. gaujaratmaQaIlanavasaarI yaoqaIla maUsalamaana Baagaacyaa drbaaratIla yaacaa ]llaoK Aaho. Parikya Aak`maNaamaULo ~st hao}na ha samaaja kmaI p`maaNaat laaokiBamaUK raihlaa. Yaacao karNa Asaoik yaoqaIla raja Aaplyaalaa gaulaama banavaitla yaa iBatIpaoTI baircaSaI vaYao- samaajaapasanU a vaMicat raihlaa tqaaipa [trsamaajaap`maaNao SaOxaiNak, ,Aaiqa-k dRYTcaa pirNaamakark p`gait saaGataMnaa idsaUna yaot Aaho. tsaocaSaasaikya pustkMat sana 1922 maQyao namaUd kolyaap`maaNao maacCI jaatI saMbaQaI pana naM 397 var maaihtI doNyaat AalaIAaho . yaa maaihtI p`maaNao maacCI samaaja maU#yt : gaujarat yaoqaUna Aalyaacao ilahlao Aaho. maacCI samaaja BaDaoca, kOra,saurt yaoqao vaastvya krt AsaUna %yaacaa pm` auK vyavsaaya macCI (maasao) maarNao va ivakNao Asaa Asalyaanao yaa vyavsaayaa-va$na ‘maacCI’ Asao saMbaaoiQalao jaato.daiganao :pUivacao pU$Ya kmarolaa caaMdIcaI saaKLI caaMdIcaI AMgaZI vaprt va is~yaa hatat kqalaacyaa va caaMdIcyaa baaMgaDyaa Qaa-lat tsaoca gaLyaatla caaMdIcaI saaKLI va ZbaUcaI maaL kanaat caaMdIcyaa laaMba saaKLyaa ikMvaa kUDI vaaprt prMtUsaQyaa yaaMcaa vaapr farca kmaI p`maaNaat haotao. AdyaaphI jaUnyaa is~yaa hyaa daiganyaaMcaa vaapr krtaMnaa idsatat.BaaYaa : maacCI samaaja DhaNaU va palaQar talaU@yaat raht Asalyaanoa va gaujarat rajyaacaa sarhddIvar raht Asalyaa-nao samaajaatIla laaok ihMdI marazI va gaujaratI BaaYaotIla SabdaMcaa vaapr k$na maacCI BaaYaa baaolatat.iSaxaNa :yaa samajaatIla 40 to 50 T@ko laaok AjanU ahI inarxar Aaho . A&anaamUaLo samaaja iSaxaNapasaUna AajahI vaMicatraihlaolaa Aaho prMtU 20vyaa Satkacyaa ]%traQaa-t va 21 vyaa Satkacyaa pihlyaa dSakat iSaxaNaacyaa djaa- ]McaavalaaAaho Anaok ivadyaaqaI- ]cca iSaxaNaakDo Jaaopvalao Aaho va Anaok xao~at maacCI samaajacaa JaoMDa raovalaa Aaho.vyavasaaya :(1) ]qaL paNyaat maasao maarNao : sava-ca laaokaMkDo jahaja ikMvaa maaozyaa haoDyaa nasalyaa nao to f@t KaDItIla ]qaLpaNyaat maasao maarNyaasaazI jaatat. KaDIt BartI AalaI ik DaoL maaMDNao Paagaoro vaoDI QaaolavaI saahayyaanao lahanamaaozo maasao maa$na to ivakNyaacao kama QaratIla baayaka kirt Asatat AaiNa %yaavar kuTMUbaacaa ]dM rinavaa-h krtattsaoca kahI laaokaMkDo baaoTI Asalyaanao to samaU_atIla Kaola paNyaat maasaomaarIsaazI jaatat.(2) maaolamajarU I : yaa samaajaatIla laaok gavat kapNyaacao kama krtat. tsaoca dusaNyaacaa SaotIvar majarU IcaIhI kamakrtat. ha samaaja A%yaMt BaaoLa QaabarT va p`amaaiNak pNaa samaajaakDo Aaho. maacCI samaajaatIla vya@tI Sa@yataopOsao ]sanao Qatlao tr to p`amaaiNak pNao idlaolyaa maUditlaa prt krayacao Asaa p`amaaiNak pNaa samaajaakDo Aaho . maac-CI samaajaatIla vya@tI Sa@yatao pOsao ]Qaar QaovyaapasaUna dUrca rahtat.

3) SaotI : yaa samaajaatIla laaokaMkDo baagaayatI jamaIna naahI ikMvaa caar paca ekr jamaInahI naahI. qaaoDI far jamaInaAsaola tr tI saUdQaa pavasaavar AvalaMvaUna pa}sa pDlaa trca SaotIcaI kamao kolaI jaatat Anyaqaa naahI.(4) naaokrI vyavasaaya : sadyaa palaQar baao[-sar DhaNaU ]margaava yaoqao AaOdyaaoigakrNa Jaalaolao Asalyaanao bahsU aMKya laaoktoqao naaokrI krtat. maacCI samaajacaa gaarO vaSaalaI [ithasa kaLacaa pDdya AaD dDplaa gaolaa Asalaa trI tao inaraSaa-janak maa~ inaiScat naahIivavaah p_Qat : yaa samaajaat hMuDa p_Qat Aist%vaat naahI . p`qama maulaacao vaiDla Aaplao r@tacao naato saaoDUna AqavaakuTUMbaacao naato saaoDUna maUlaIcyaa vaiDlaakDo ikMvaa vaiDlaQaaTyaa maaNasaaMkDo jaa}na ivacaarpUsa krtat. va haokar Asal-yaasa samaajaatIla p`itiYzt maaNasaaMnaa Qao}na ivavaahacaI p`qama baaolaNaI p@kI krNyaasaazI vaQaU pxaakDo jaatat nMatrmaUilaMcao vaiDla %yaacyaakiDla p`itiYzt laaokaMnaa baaolavatat va daonhI maMDLI ek~ basavaUna maUlaa maUlaIlaa savaa-samaaor ]Baok$na daoQaanaa psaMd Asalyaasa %yaanaa saaKar Kayalaa dotat tsaoca Aata AMgazI hI Qaalatat va jamalaolyaa maMDLInaasaaKar vaaTtat yaalaaca ‘saaKrpUDa’ Asao saMbaaoQatat. pUvaI- da$caI Qaar sadU Qaa paDayacao tsaoca lagnaacaI tarIK va vaoLba`amhNaakDUna rItsar p@kI krtat. pUvaI maacCI samaajaatIla lagnao maaQa SaudQa pcM amaI yaa idvaSaI krayacao. yaaca idva-SaI maacCI samaajaat saUmaaro 50 to 60 lagna ekaca gaavaat Asalyaanao ba`amhNa gaavaatIla maQyaBaagaI Asalaolyaa ]McaJaaDavar caZUna maMgalaaYTko baaolaayacaa va sava-acaIlagna ekaca vaoLosa par paDayacao saaQaarNapNao paca idvasa lagna irtI caalat prMtU Aata maa~ hLU hLU kmaI JaalaI AahotrI saUdQaa lagnacaa paca idvasaa Agaaodr taMdLU saaf kolao jaatat. taMdUL saaf krta krta gaaNaI gaayalaI jaatat .yaa idvasaa pasaUna lagnaacaa Aadlyaa idvasaapya-t raoja ra~I baayaka ek~ yao}na gaaNaI gaatat.pUnai- vavaah p_Qat (PaaT laavaNao ) : hI p_Qat pir%p@ta ikMvaa ivaQavaa ivaQaUr yaacat AvalaMibalaI jaato yaat ivaQaUr(var) eKadyaa pir%p@ta ivaQavaa maUlaIcaa ikMvaa vayaskr s~IcaI psaMtI krtao ikMvaa naatovaa[-kaMnaI zrvaUna idlaolyaavaQaUcaI psaMtI krtao va %yaanaUsaar idvasa na@kI krtat. %yaa idvaSaI varakiDla caar pU$Ya va daona is~yaa vaQaUkDojaatat. Yaoqao AapAapsaat baaolaNaI k$na daonhI pxaacaa saaxaInao var vaQaUcao pdr baaMQaUna varakDo vaQalU aa AaNatatvarakDIla dha PaMQara naatovaa[-kaMnaa caNao vaafvaUna %yaacaa naasta va da$ taDI dotat yaa p`maaNao ha PanU a-ivavaah laavalaajaatao yaasa paT laavaNao mhNatat.maUla janmalyaanaMtr klo oa jaaNaaro Qaaimak- sasM kar : maUla janmalyaanaMtr saha idvasaanao sazI krtat. %yaavaoLI saaMyakaLIidvao laagaiNanaMtr Saojaarcyaa baayakaMnaa baaolavatat. Qarat basaivatat va naMtr baaLMtINa baa[-laa AaMQaaoL QaalaUna Qaratnaivana kpDo naosavaUna itcyaa hatat lahana baaLalaa dotat AaiNa itcyaa Aaplyaa QaraMtIla ]KLacao BaaovatI fovyaa maarN-yaasa laavatat.

maR%yanU aMtrcao sasM kar : eKadyaa pU$Ya ikMvaa is~yaa maR%yaU Jaalyaasa jyaa idvaSaI maaNaUsa maR%yaU pavatao %yaa idvaSaI %yaacaonaatovaa[-k AalyaanaMtr SaovaTcaI AMaQaaoL QaatlaI jaato va navaIna kpDo Qaalavatat. naMtr itriDvar p`ot zovaUna vyaasacaar [sama Aaplyaa KaMdyaavar QaovaUna smaSaanaBaUmaIkDo rama naama sa%ya hO ASaI QaaoYaNaa dot Qao}na jaatat. smaSaanaatgaolyaavar toqao caar saat fovyaa QaalaUna ihMdU p_QatInao AgnaI saMskar kolaa jaatao . %yaa idvaSaI ra~I Qaracaa kaopvyaatAqavaa maQyaBaagaI ipzavartI poTtI pNatI zovatat va %yaavar Taoplao JaakUna zovatat . maR%yaU Jaalaolyaa [samaacaa Qarat10 idvasa duKvaTa paLlaa jaata.o Is~yaa gaLyaaBaaovatI pdr lapoTUna samaajaat vaavart Asatat. saaQaarNa 11 12vyaa idvaSaI mart Aa%maacaa ipMD ba`amhNaakDUna paDlaa jaatao %yaa idvaSaI dUpaarI gaavaaMtIla laaokaMnaI jaovaNa Qaatlaojaato va Akravyaa idvaSaI pUnha jaovaNa idlao jaato . mart [samaacyaa kuTUMbaatIla laaok 10 11 vyaa idvaSaI Aaplao kosakapUna kaZUna dU:Kat sahBaagaI haotat.dovaI ]pasanaa : samaajaatIla laaok p`amaU#yaanao DhaNaUcyaa mahalaxmaIcaI AarQanaa krtat. drvaYaI- caO~ SaU_Qa paOiNamaalaamahalaxmaIcaI yaa~a Barto %yaa izkaNaI naTUna qaTUna samahU samaUhanao gaavaatUna maaozyaa qaaTanao yaa~olaa sahBaagaI haotat .p`%yaok gaavaat maao@yaacaa izkaNaI vaaQaaobaa caDaobaa_ova barmadova [. dovadovataMcaI laakDavar kaorIva maUtI- sqaapna kolalo aIAsato %yaaMcaI yaa caO~ maihnyaat pUjaa kolaI jaato yaalaaca caOtvyaa mhNtat.AQM aEa_Qaa : yaa samaajaat AjaUnahI AMQaEa_Qaa Aist%vaata Aaho . BaUto va caoTkINa [. ha samaaja AdyaaphI maanatAalaa Aaho . kahI gaavaat kaoNaI AajaarI pDlaa kI p`qama Da@- TrakDo na jaata tao gaavaatIla Bagata kDo ikMvaadgaa-cyaa izkaNaI Qaava Qaotao naahI tr navasa QaoNao hyaa saar#yaa gaaoYTI krtat . yaa samaajaatIla laaok AaOYaQa va[Mjao@sana QoaNyaasa Qaabartat %yaamaLo p`qama Bagatalaa p`aQaanya dotat. Gaavaat raogara[- psa$ nayao mhNaUna gaava baaMQaNaI klo aI jaato %yaavaoLI gaavaacyaa vaoiSalaa AaMbyaacaa panaacao taorNa va %yaata kaovaLa naarL baaMQatat va kaovaLyaa naarLaKalaI rs%yaat SoaNaI poTvaUna haomavajaa ivaiQa kolaa jaata.omaacCI samaajacaI saMQaTnaa : maacCI samaajaatIla Anaok kaya-kt-o ek~ yao}na ek naaodNaIkRt ASaI saMQaTnaa saMsqaa in-amaa-Na kolaI AsaUna %yaacao naava ‘AiKla maharaYT/ maacCI samaajjaaotI saMsqaa’ DhaNaU haoya . maacCI samaajaacyaa sava-aMgaINaivakasa vhavaa yaa _YTInao yaa saMsqaonao kamaasa saUrvaat kolaI Aaho %yaat Anaok laaokaMnaI AapAaplao yaaogadana idlaoAaho. yaa saMsqaonao Aaplyaa samaaja ivaSaoYa Baagaasa p`va-gaat saamaaivaYz krNyaasaazI maaolaacao kama koloa Aaho AKoirsaivaSaoYa p`ya%na k$na sana 2014 maQyao ‘ivaSaoYa maagaasa p`va-ga’ (SBC) p`aPt Jaalaa. idPtI ikrNa maacCI palak

Baart ha ivaivaQatonao naTlaolaa doSa. AamacaI saMskRtI%yaatca Bar maharaYT/caI prMpra , laaokklaa yaamauLo sa-va-ca rajyaat maharaYT/acaa gaajaavaajaa naohmaIca Asa- AaidvaasaI saMskRtItao . yaMdacyaa vaYaI- ca@k idllaIt Amaoirkocyaa raY-Ta/ Qyaxyaasamaaor maharaYT/acaI qaaorvaI pMZrIcyaa vaarIcyaa AavaUna AaTaoplyaavar sagaLI$paanao gaayalaI gaolaI. janaa gaNaptIt jaayaa laagalaM ga- NaptI saaMgalaa mhNajao gaaOrIt ASaa hyaa marazmaaozyaa maharaYTa/ t za- naacaayaaca payajaM . gaaOrItNao ijalha Aaho. hyaa zaNao ijalhyaat savaa-iQak naacaayaaca payajaM gaaOrI naaca mhNajaoAaidvaasaI samaaja inavaasa krtao hyaa AaidvaasaI sa- AaplaI prMpra Aaho. gaaOrImaajaamaQyao doKIla Anako jaatI paoTjaatI AaZLtat naac atanaa ZaolakrI maQaI basa naa%yaaba__la qaaoDosao baaolaavaso ao vaaTto AaidvaasaI baao- maMgaa %yaacao gaaola ASaI gaaolak$nalaIBaaYaotca saaMigatlyaasa %yaacaI sa%yaaqa-ta AiQak laaoKaM Baata-yaa paora ]BaI rht.vaaZola. gaaOrI naacatanaa jaovaa paya pZu o naa Davaa paya maGaarSaI AsaaMca naacaa “ maMgalao Aaja Aamacao Gara [jaaosa yacaaM rh. hyaao gaaOrI naR%yahaova” Aamacao paoracaa saup pMujaayacaa ho. Aaja saTIkrayacaI ho naa tya .maMgaa cana bana baafUna gaavakvyaaM- Aamacao AadIvaasaIMt dsa yaalaacaa ponaa idyaacaa ho KuTabauDaca dova k$na paoMr Jaalaa AaMbyaacaI panaa BaatacaI knasaaMho ekt. [jaaosa haova saupacaa saamaana hao Qana [jaaosa yaacaa taorna k$na baaMQaja . idkuku AbaIr SaoMdur Agarba%tI (baarsao) vaalaI AalaI ka navaa Kat. Garcao dovaalaa idvaa laavaUna ]Klaat Garcao “iksanaa Bagatalaa ivaDa idlhasa Baataca paoho kuTjat maMgaa sagalaIkaya %yaalaa saaMgatasa naa ka maMgalavaarI maaMDva janaa basaUna GaratlaaM vaDIla maaNaUsaAahaM Aaplyaat maMaDvaacao idsa racaO dovaadovaI Ko- sagalyaacao hatavar paoho doya . pa-lavaayaa laagat. magaa %yaasaazI daona Bagat laagatM ek naacyaa BaakrI banavajat . caayacaIkaoMbaDa laaga ibajaI baarkI iplaaoTI hao laagat. racaO panaaAanauna %yaat vaalaUk naa pITcaakO apaya navarayaalaa basavat naa Bagat jaaolyaaM GaalaUna BaakrI krjat.kaZlaM . savaaiSana hlad laavalaM maMgaa ]MbarmaoZ Aa-NaqaIla maMgaa javavyaacaa AaMga Qavaja baIjao idsalagaIna……lagna samaarMBa

AavanaI JaalyaapasaUna to idvaalaIprot tarpa naacat . AadIvaasaIMcyaa baaolaIBaaYaa :tarPyaavar dova hao krt . idvaalaIcao sanaat hao tar- vaarlaI va kako Naa hyaa BaaYaotPyaavar naacat. AiQaktma ga`aimaNata AalaolaI Aaho tr AadIvaasaI malhar kao- puYaacao mahnyaat sak`at yaoya . LI va AadIvaasaI mahadova kao-sak`atIlaa taolaaca laaDU naa taDIcyaa BaakrI krt. LI hyaa BaaYaot marazI Baa YaocaomaMgaa haolaIlaa AaMba Kat. tvhapasaUna AaMba Kayaa p`maaNa AiGak jaaNavato.sau$vaat krt. AadIvaasaI hyaa Asa sagalaM sana saajarM krt AadIvaasaI Sabdacaa Aqa- jaMgalaI Asaa haotsamaaja AjaUnahI prMpra palaqaM. naahI , tr AadIvaasaI mhNajao pUvaI-pasaUna inavaasa kirt Asala- vairla sava- ivavaocana AadIvaasaIcyaa saNa olaao jaat hayo a.samaarMBaaba__la Aaho.AadIvaasaIcaa paoSaaK : p$Ya : laaMba p^nT Ta^vaola maI ek AadIvaasaI Aaho AaiNava SaT- is~yaa :laugaDo ikMvaa saaDI malaa maaJyaa jaatIvar inaYza po`ma gava- AiBamaana Aaho.AadIvaasaIcyaa jaatI va paoTjaatI “ AamhI jaMgalaca rajaM1. mahadova kaoLI : naaiSak , pUNao ,nagar, zaNao, rayagaD vanavaasaI ‘2. vaarlaI : zaNao, naaiSak, maUba[-3.zakr : zaNao, naaiSak, pUNao ,nagar, rayagaD “AamhI caada sauyaap- asaUna4.kaqaaoDI : rayagaD, zaNa,o r%naaigair, saatara, isaQauMdUga- AadIvaasaI”.5.gaaoimat : QaLu o, zaNao6.malhar kaLo I : zaNao Qanyavaad !7. kaorkU : AmaravatI8. kaolaaBa : yavatmaaL, caaMda, naaMdoD inaSaa9.gaaoMD : caMd,pUr, gaDicaraolaI10. iBalla : QauLo, zaNao, jaLgaava saha. iSaxak11. kaoyaa : caMdp, Ur, ]smaanaabaad, prBaNaI, gaDicaraolaI12.katkrI : rayagaD, naaiSak13.kaokNaa : zaNao, naaiSak14. hLbaa : caMdp, Ur, yavatmaaL, gaDicarao-

‘’ ‘’ – ––‘

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