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Cone Beam Computed Tomography

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266 Cone Beam Computed Tomography of a central maxillary incisor, and 6 months later. project. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol CBCT datasets were overlaid to highlight local Endod, 104(6): 821–8. bone loss at the ridge. Eickholz, P., and Haussman, E. (2000). Accuracy of radio- graphic assessment of interproximal bone loss in Conclusion intrabony defects using linear measurements. Eur J Oral Sci, 108: 70–3. Although CBCT has been available only for a few Feichtinger, M., Mossbock, R., and Karcher, H. (2007). years, its periodontal applications are becoming Assessment of bone resorption after secondary alve- evident. Despite the fact that periodontal disease olar bone grafting using three-dimensional computed affects a growing population due to aging and tomography: A three-year study. Cleft Palate Craniofac J, better maintenance of the natural dentition, diag- 44(2): 142–8. nostic methods have only evolved at a slow pace. Fuhrmann, R.A., Bücker, A., and Diedrich, P.R. (1995). Biologic markers are site specific but reveal little Assessment of alveolar bone loss with high resolution of  the osseous topography. As a result, surgical computed tomography. Journal of Periodontal Research, approaches continue to be empirical and decision 30(4): 258–63. making is often relegated to the surgical event. Fuhrmann, R.A., Bücker, A., and Diedrich, P.R. (1997). Fur- Three-dimensional imaging will likely improve cation involvement: Comparison of dental radiographs patient understanding of their disease, enhance and HR-CT-slices in human specimens. J Periodontal Res, diagnosis, and assist clinicians in refining their 32(5): 409–18. treatment methods. Fuhrmann, R.A., Wehrbein, H., et al. (1995). Assessment of the dentate alveolar process with high resolution References computed tomography. Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology, 24(1): 50–4. Armitage, G.C. (2004). Periodontal diagnoses and clas- Geurs, N.C. (2003). Osteoporosis and periodontal dis- sification of periodontal diseases. Periodontol 2000, 34: ease progression. Periodontol 2000, 32: 105–10. 9–21. Giannobile, W.V., Al-Shammari, K.F., and Sarment, D.P. (2003). Matrix molecules and growth factors as indica- Barriviera, M., et al. (2009). A new method to assess and tors of periodontal disease activity. Periodontol 2000, measure palatal masticatory mucosa by cone-beam 31: 125–34. computerized tomography. J Clin Periodontol, 36(7): Goodson, J.M. (1992). Conduct of multicenter trials to 564–8. test agents for treatment of periodontitis. J Periodontol, 63(12 Suppl): 1058–63. Borg, E., Gröndahl, K., and Gröndahl, H. (1997). Marginal Greenstein, G., et al. (1981). Associations between crestal bone level buccal to mandibular molars in digital lamina dura and periodontal status. Journal of radiographs from charge-coupled device and storage Periodontology, 52: 362–6. phosphor systems: An in vitro study. Journal of Clinical Grimard, B.A., et al. (2009). Comparison of clinical, peri- Periodontol, 24: 306–12. apical radiograph, and cone-beam volume tomo- graphy measurement techniques for assessing bone Brown, L.J., Oliver, R.C., and Loe, H. (1989). Periodontal level changes following regenerative periodontal diseases in the U.S. in 1981: Prevalence, severity, extent therapy. J Periodontol, 80(1): 48–55. and rate of tooth mortality. J Dent Res, 60: 363–70. Grondahl, H.G., Grondahl, K., and Webber, R.L. (1983). A  digital substraction technique for dental radiog- Cohen, M.E., and Ralls, S.A. (1988). Distributions of raphy. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral periodontal attachment levels, mathematical models Radiology, & Endodontics, 55: 96–102. and implications. J Periodontol, 15: 254–8. Hashimoto, K., Arai, Y., et al. (2003). A comparison of a new limited cone beam computed tomography Copeland, L.B., et  al. (2004). Predictors of tooth loss machine for dental use with a multidetector row in  two US adult populations. Journal of Public Health helical CT machine. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Dentistry, 64(1): 31–7. Oral  Pathology Oral Radiology & Endodontics, 95(3): 371–7. de Faria Vasconcelos, K., et  al. (2012). Detection of Hashimoto, K., Kawashima, S., et al. (2006). Comparison periodontal bone loss using cone beam CT and of image performance between cone-beam computed intraoral radiography. Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 41(1): tomography for dental use and four-row multidetec- 64–9. tor helical CT. Journal of Oral Science, 48(1): 27–34. Devlin, H., et al. (2007). Diagnosing osteoporosis by using dental panoramic radiographs: the OSTEODENT

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Index Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figures and tables. Abscesses, 67, 82, 256t Ameloblastomas, 57–58, 57f, 112f, 122 Absorbed dose, 40 Aneurysmal bone cysts, 58 Accessory root canals, 225 Angiofibromas. juvenile nasopharyngeal, 70 Accountability, collaborative, 150, 159, 194 Angiography, 116, 124 Acquisition, defined, 3 Angles of rotation, 30, 39 Acute otitis media, 81–82 Angulation, 256 Adenoidal facies, 200 Ankylosis, 181–182, 182–184f Adenoids, 203–204, 205f Anodes, 26, 27 Adenomas, pleomorphic, 70 Antrochoanal polyps, 68 Adenomatoid odontogenic tumors, 58, 59 Apical periodontitis (AP), 213, 229–230, 241 Aditus ad antrum, 81 Application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC), 13 Agenesis, 222 Arthrides, 200–201, 200f Agger nasi cells, 72, 72f, 75, 77–78 Arthritis, juvenile, 202–203f, 201–206 Airway assessment Artifacts arthrides and, 200–201, 200f beam hardening, 16, 22–23, 220 condylysis and, 200f, 201 common, 20–23, 22f, 23f facial growth and, 199–200 computer-aided surgery and, 96 imaging protocols and, 198–199 cone beam, 14 juvenile arthritis and, 202–203f, 201–206 metal and, 110, 220 orthodontic and orthognathic planning and, 93–94, 94f misregistration, 220 overview of, 197–198, 207–208 motion, 220f resistance and, 198 nonuniformity, 20, 22f ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) overview of, 220 partial volume, 220 principle, 35, 214, 263 ring, 20, 21f Alveolar bone and tooth assessment, 92, 92f scatter, 22–23, 110 Alveolar bone loss, 253–259, 258f, 259f, 260f, 265–266 streaks, 20, 22, 22f, 220 Ameloblastic fibromas, 57, 58 Cone Beam Computed Tomography: Oral and Maxillofacial Diagnosis and Applications, First Edition. Edited by David Sarment. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 271

272 Index ASIC. See Application-specific integrated circuits Calcification, 51, 52, 52f Atherosclerosis, 51 Calcified canals, 233–234 Atomic number, 25 Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumors, 58 Atoms, 25 Caldwell-Luc sinus grafting technique, 132, 133–134, 133f Attenuation, 6–7, 220 Calibration, 21–22 Atypical odontalgia, 226–227 Canal stenosis, 86 Auditory canal, external, 85–86, 86t Cancer, radiation-induced, 32–33, 34 Aurora, 99 Capsules, 46, 47f Averaging, 7 Carcinogenesis, 32–33, 34 Axial plane, 44f Carcinomas, 61–62, 70, 87, 204, 208f. See also Squamous Back projection, 11, 12, 14–15 cell carcinomas Background radiation, 33–34, 33f Cardiovascular disease, 241 Basal cell nevus syndrome, 57 Carestream Dental 9300 CBCT unit, 148 Beam hardening artifacts, 16, 22–23, 220 Carotid arteries, 84 Bifid canals, 135, 135f Carotid artery calcifications (CAC), 51–52, 52f Binding energy, 25 Carotid atheromas, calcified, 51–52, 52f Biomarkers, 93 Carotid canal, 86t Biphosphonate drugs, 61 Cartilage, 93 Bite registrations, 158, 159, 163 Case type patterns Blur effects, 19–20, 19f Bohr, Niels, 25 I, 149t, 150, 151f Bone canals, 134 II and III, 149t, 150–153, 152f, 153f Bone density, 130–132, 132f, 261–263 IV, 149t, 153–154, 154f Bone displacement vectors, 99 V, 149t, 154–155, 155f Bone grafts. See Grafts Cathodes, 26–27, 27f Bone reduction guides, 175–176, 176–179f Cavernous sinus thrombosis, 67 Bone resorption, 265–266, 265f CBCT. See Cone beam computed tomography Bone window imaging, 9–10, 14, 15f CCDAP. See Chronic continuous dentoalveolar pain Bone-supported surgical guides, 168, 171f, 189f Cemental dysplasia, 50 Brachial arch syndromes, 200 Cementifying fibroma, 51 Bremsstrahlung photons, 27–28, 28f Cementoblastoma, 49 Buccal bifurcation cysts, 55 Cemento-osseous dysplasia, 50 Buccal bone, 136, 138f, 139f, 140, 141, 141f Cementum, radiopaque lesions and, 48 Central giant cell granulomas (CGCG), 58 CAC. See Carotid artery calcifications Central odontogenic fibromas, 58 CAD/CAM Central ossifying fibroma, 51 Cephalometrics, 97–98 collaborative accountability and, 159 CGCG. See Central giant cell granulomas imaging protocols and, 159 Cherubism, 58–59 overview of, 147–148, 185, 194–195 Chicken pox, 213 prototyping and medical modeling and Cholesteatomas, 82–84 Cholesterol granulomas, 84 case type patterns and, 150–155 Chondrosarcomas, 63, 87 pretreatment analysis, 149–150, 149t Chordomas, 87 stereolithography, 148–149, 148f, 149f, 159 Chromosomes, 32 scanning appliances and, 155–159 Chronic adhesive sclerosis, 82 surgical guides and Chronic continuous dentoalveolar pain (CCDAP), bone reduction guides, 175–176, 176–179f cutting pathway guides for lateral antroscopy of 226–227 Chronic otitis media, 82 maxillary sinus, 176, 179–181f Circular-orbiting cameras, 13f, 14 definition and classification, 161–166 Clinical attachment measurements, 251 for extraction of ankylosed teeth, 181–182, 182–184f Closest point method, 91, 101, 102f fully integrated, 182, 184–193f CMFApp software, 95 implant planning and, 129, 138, 141, 142 Coalescent mastoiditis, 87 implementation into clinical practice, 166–175 Cochlea, 78, 86t overview, 161 Cochlear implants, 81

Cochlear otosclerosis, 80–81 Index 273 Coherent scatter, 30, 30f Collaborative accountability, 150, 159, 194 Dental follicles, 59 Collimations, 29–30 Dental implants. See Implant placement Collimators, 5 Denticles, 48 Color maps, 91, 102, 102f Dentigerous cysts, 55, 55f, 59 Co-Me network, 95 Dentin, 48 Compton scatter, 30–31, 31f Dentition, 3D visualization of, 115–116, 115f Computer-aided design/computer-aided DentoCAT, 3–4, 4f Dentofacial deformities, 94, 94f manufacturing. See CAD/CAM Denture scanning appliances, 149t, 157–158, Computer-aided jaw surgery, 94–100, 95f Concha bullosa, 54, 71–72, 71f, 204f 158f, 160f Condensing osteitis, 49, 50f Detector glare, 19 Condylar hypoplasia, 200 Detector lag, 19 Condylar remodeling, 93f Deterministic effects of ionizing radiation, 31–32 Condylysis, 200f, 201 Developmental anomalies, of jaw, 53–54 Cone beam artifacts, 14 Deviated nasal septum, 203, 204f Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), overview DI. See Dens invaginatus Digital subtraction radiography, 252 of, 3–6, 4f Disinfection, 175 Continuous exposure, 29 Distraction osteogenesis, 99 Contrast, 8–9, 9f, 20 DNA, ionizing radiation and, 32 Cooling issues, 5 Dolphin Imaging, 95 Cortication, 45 Drilling guides, 117, 117f Cranial nerves, 86–87 Dual scan protocols, 159, 161f Craniofacial anomalies, 94, 94f Craters, 252, 256t, 260 Ear C-reactive protein, 93 external auditory canal, 85–86, 86t Crest lines, 97 inner, 78–81 Cribiform plate, 86 middle, 81–85, 84t Crista galli, 86 Cross-section views, 44f Ectopic calcification, 48 CUDA, 14 Edentulous arch, 141–142 Cupping, 220 Effective doses, 34–35, 36–37t, 40, 199, 219, 252 Current, 28–29 Effective treatment, defined, 240 Cutting guides, 119, 120f, 124, 176, 179–181f Electromagnetic radiation, 26, 26f Cysts Electromagnetic tracking, 99 Electrons, 25, 27 aneurysmal bone, 58 Enamel, 48 buccal bifurcation, 55 Endodontic treatment dentigerous, 55, 55f, 59 jaw, 54–56, 55f, 58 dentoalveolar trauma, 234–235, 235f, 236f mucous retention, 67–68, 68f, 68t differential diagnosis nasopalatine duct, 229 overview of, 228 anatomic structures hindering performance of pseudocysts, 56–57, 56f task-specific procedures, 227–228 radicular, 49, 55, 211, 214 radiographic diagnosis of, 214 assessment of nonhealed cases, 229–230 simple bone, 56, 56f contradictory or nonspecific signs and symptoms, Deep circumflex iliac artery (DCIA) free 226–227 flaps, 113 nonodontogenic lesions, 228 odontogenic lesions, 228–229 Degenerative joint disease, 200f, 201 poorly localized symptoms, 227 Dehiscence of superior semicircular canal, 80 vertical root fractures, 230–233, 232f Dehiscences, 80, 257 evaluation of anatomy and complex Dens invaginatus (DI), 222 Dense bone islands, 49–50, 50f, 222–224, 224f morphology additional roots, 225–226 anomalies, 216f, 222–224 missed/accessory canals, 225 root curvatures, 224–225 implant planning and, 240

274 Index Fields of view (FOV). See also Limited field of view CBCT overview of, 6–7, 6f Endodontic treatment (cont’d) periodontal disease and, 263–264 implantation vs., 135–136, 136f radiation risks and, 29–30, 29f, 38, 38f intra- or post-operative assessment of complications calcified canals, 233–234 Filtered back projection (FBP), 11, 15–16 perforation localization, 234 Finite element models, 99 limitations of 2D imaging in, 217–218 Florid osseous dysplasia (FOD), 50–51, 51f limited field of view CBCT in Focal osteoporotic bone marrow, 54 advantages of, 214–216 Focal spot, 27 limitations of, 218–220 FOD. See Florid osseous dysplasia outcome assessment, 240–241 Follicular (dentigerous) cysts, 55, 55f, 59 overview of, 211–214 Foramina of Scarpa/Stensen, 229 overview of applications of CBCT in, 221–222 Fossae of Rosenmuller, 204 presurgical planning, 237–239 Four-dimensional (4D) shape information, 98 root resorption, 235–237 FOV. See Fields of view Fractures, 86, 86t, 136, 138f. See also Vertical root Endolymphatic duct, 78 Endolymphatic sac tumors, 87 fractures Endoscopy, 70–78 Free fibula, 117 Enostosis, 49–50, 50f, 222–224, 224f Free fibula flaps, 112–113, 113f, 114f, 118f, 122–124 Eosinophilic granulomas, 88 Free vascularized osseous flaps, 112–114, 113f, 114f Epitympanum, 81 Frontal bullar cells, 76–77 Equivalent dose, 40 Frontal recess cells, 74–77 ERR. See External root resorption Frontoethmoid encephaloceles, 70 Esthesioneuroblastomas, 87 Full contour scanning appliances, 149t, 155–157, Estrogen replacement therapy, 262 Ethmoid foramina, 86 156f, 157f Eustachian canals, 81, 82 Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), 70–78 Ewing’s sarcoma, 63 Fungal sinusitis, 66 Exposure, defined, 39–40 Furcations, 252, 256t, 257, 259–261 Exposure time, 29, 38–39, 38f External auditory canal, 85, 86 Gardner syndrome, 223 External root resorption (ERR), 236 Gemination, 222 Extoses, 50, 85 General purpose graphics processing units (GPGPU), 15 Extractions, 136–137, 181–182, 182–184f Geometric projections, 10–11, 10f Giant cell reparative granuloma, 58 Facial growth, airway and, 199–200 Giant cell tumors of skull base, 88 Facial nerve canal, 86t Glomus tumors, 84–85, 87 Fan beam geometries, 4–5 GPGPU. See General purpose graphics processing units FBP. See Filtered back projection Grafts Feldkamp Davis Kress (FDK) algorithm, 11–14, 11f, dentition modeling and, 115 12f, 16 modeling bone and vessels and, 114–115 Fenestral otosclerosis, 80 overview of, 124 Fenestrations, 257 prefabrication of, 117 FESS. See Functional endoscopic sinus surgery preparation of jaw area, 119–120 Fibro cartilage, 93 selecting material for, 112–114, 116 Fibroma, central ossifying, 51 surgery, 120–122 Fibro-osseous lesions virtual planning of, 98, 116–119 Granuloma, dental, 49 of jaw, 48–49, 50–51 Granulomas, cholesterol, 84 overview of, 228 Ground glass appearance, 51, 69 of sinuses, 69, 69f of skull base, 87 Haller’s cells, 72, 73f Fibro-osseous sclerosis, 82 Halos, 46, 47f Fibrosarcomas, 63 Hamartomas, 48 Fibrous dysplasia, 51, 52f, 61, 69, 87 Hemangiomas, 206–207f Fibula grafts, 117 Hematopoietic malignancies, 62, 63 Fiduciary markers, 159

Herpes zoster, 213 Index 275 High tube prolongation, 163f Hounsfield units (HU), 7 Internal root resorption (IRR), 235–236 HU. See Hounsfield units Interradicular bone, 136, 140 Hyperostosis, 78, 208f Invasive fungal sinusitis, 66 Hypopharynx, 197 Inverting papillomas, 69–70 Hypotympanum, 81 InVivoDental, 95 Ionization, 25 Idiopathic osteosclerosis, 49–50, 50f, 222–224, 224f Ionizing radiation. See also X-rays Iliac artery flaps, 113 Iliac crest grafts, 110–111, 111f biological effects of, 31–33 Image intensity, 7 Bremsstrahlung photons and, 27–28, 28f Image noise, overview of, 18–20 minimizing exposure to, 35–39 Image quality, 128–130, 164 nature of, 25–26 Image reconstruction risks from CBCT examinations and, 33–34 X-ray production and, 27f conventional filtered, 10–14, 10f, 11f, 12–13f, 16f IRR. See Internal root resorption defined, 3, 6 Ischemia time, 119, 124 iterative, 14–18, 16f ITK-SNAP software, 96, 96f overview of, 10 Image registration, 100 Jacobson’s nerve, 85 Image segmentation, 96–97, 100 Jaw pathologies Image Took Kit, 96 Imaging protocols, optimization of, 38–39, 38f classification of, 47–48 Immediate smile model, 182, 190f, 192–193f computer-aided surgery for, 94–100, 95f Implant placement. See also CAD/CAM; Grafts evaluation procedure, 45–47 anatomic evaluation prior to overview of CBCT for, 43–44 protocol for reviewing scan volume, 44–45 bone density, 130–132, 132f radiolucent lesions mandibles, 134–135 maxillary sinuses, 132–134 rapidly growing, 59–63 edentulous arch evaluation and, 141–142 slow-growing, 53–59 endodontic treatment vs., 135–136, 136f radiopaque lesions extractions and, 136–157 bone tissue lesions, 49–50 image quality and, 128–130 fibro-osseous lesions, 48, 50–51 immediate, 138–140 miscellaneous, 51–52 maxillofacial reconstructions and, 124 overview of, 48 orthodontic evaluation and, 137–138 tooth tissue lesions, 48–49 overview of, 127–128, 144 reconstruction after surgery for, 110–112 planning for, 240 role of dentist, 63–64 scanning updates and, 142–144 Jugular bulbs, 84 small, 140–141 Jugular foramen, 87 Incudomalleolar joint, 79f Juvenile arthritis, 202–203f, 201–206 Incus, 79f, 81 Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibromas, 70 Ineffective treatment, defined, 240 Juvenile onset degenerative joint disease, 200f, 201 Inferior alveolar nerve, 239f Inflammation. See also Periodontal disease Keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KOT), 56–57, 56f, inner ear pathologies and, 78–80 58, 213 jaw pathologies and, 49, 53, 54, 59–60 middle ear pathologies and, 81–82 Keratosis obturans, 85 sinus pathologies and, 67–68, 68f, 68t, 77 Keros classification, 74, 74t, 75f Infrabony defects, 259–261 Kuhn classification, 75, 77t Infraorbital nerve, 76f Infrared optical tracking devices, 99 Labyrinth, 78, 79f, 80f Inner ear, 78–81, 79f, 80f Labyrinthine fistulas, 84 InstaRecon, Inc., 15, 16–17, 16f, 17f Labyrinthitis, 78–80 Interfrontal sinus septal cells, 77 Lamina dura, 251, 261 Lamina papyracea, 74, 75, 76f Landmark-based measurements, 100–101 Langerhans cell histiocytosis, 88 Lateral periodontal cysts, 55

276 Index Lava Chairside Oral Scanner C.O.S., 110, 110f, 117, Multiplanar rendering (MPR), 7, 8f, 44, 45 122–124 Multiple myeloma, 63 Multislice computed tomography (MSCT), 147, 261 Lenticular process, 81 Muscular function simulations, 99 Lesser sphenoid wings, 86 Mycetoma, 66 Limited field of view CBCT, 212f, 214–216, 218–220 Myringitis, 82, 83f Linear nonthreshold (LNT) model, 32–33 Myxomas, odontogenic, 57, 58 Lingual salivary gland depression, 54, 54f, 222 Longitudinal assessments, 93–94, 94f, 100–102, 101f, 102f Nasal mucosal hypertrophy, 204, 205f Low-contrast detectability, 20 Nasal septum, 73 Lymphomas, 70 Nasopalatine duct cysts, 229 Nasopharynx, 197, 203–204, 205f Malignancies, 61–63, 62f, 70. See also Specific types National Alliance of Medical Computing, 101 Malignant otitis externa, 85, 87 Necrosis, 61 Malleus, 79f, 81 Necrotic otitis externa, 85, 87 Mandibles, 134–135 Neoplasms, 81, 84–85, 228–229. See also Specific types Mandibular nerves, 134, 135f Neuromas, 227 Mass tensor models, 99 Neutrons, 25 Mastoiditis, 82, 87 NewTom, 39 Materialise Dental, 148 NIH Visualization Tool Kit, 96 Matter, 25, 30–31 Noise. See Image noise; Measurement noise Maxilim system, 95 Nominal tomographic section thickness, 19f, 20 Maxillary sinuses Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 62f, 63 Nonuniformity artifacts, 20, 22f augmentation of, 132–134, 142–143, 143f Nose, 203, 205f cutting guides for lateral antroscopy of, 176, 176–178f jaw pathologies and, 47, 47f Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 197 Maxillofacial reconstructions Obstructive sleep disordered breathing (OSDB), 197. case report of secondary reconstruction, 122–124 overview of, 109–110, 110f, 124 See also Airway assessment primary reconstruction after tumor ablative Occipital bone, 86 Occlusal guides, 120–121, 120f surgery, 110–112 Odontogenic keratocysts, 56–57, 56f, 58, 213 secondary reconstruction of pre-existing Odontogenic myxomas (OM), 57, 58 Odontomas, 48, 49f, 55f, 57 defects, 112–122 OF. See Ossifying fibromas Measurement noise, defined, 18 Ohm’s law, 198 Measurements, quantitative, 100–102, 221f, 253–259 Olfactory fossa, 73–74, 74t, 75f Medical Modeling system, 95 OM. See Odontogenic myxomas Medulla oblongata, 87 OMC. See Osteomeatal complex Melanoma, sinonasal, 70 Onodi cells, 72, 74f Meningiomas, 87 OpenCL, 14 Mesotympanum, 81 Operator training, 37–38 Metal, 110, 220 Oral pharynx, 206, 206f Metastases, of jaw, 52, 61–63 Orbital plates, 86 Microdontia taurodontism, 222 Orbitals, 25 Middle ear, 81–85, 84t Oropharynx, 197 Misregistration artifacts, 220 Orthodontics, 96, 137–138 Modulation transfer function (MTF), 20, 21f Orthognathic surgery, 94, 96 Morphometrics, 97–98, 98f Orthopedic corrections, 94 Motion artifacts, 220f OSA. See Obstructive sleep apnea MPR. See Multiplanar rendering OSDB. See Obstructive sleep disordered breathing MSCT. See Multislice computed tomography Osseous dysplasia, 50 MTF. See Modulation transfer function Ossicles, 81, 86t Mucoceles, 67–68, 68t Ossifying fibromas (OF), 51, 58, 69 Mucopyoceles, 68 Osteitis, 55f, 213, 229–230, 241 Mucous retention cysts, 67–68, 68f, 68t Multilayer mass-spring models, 99 Multimodality registration, 95

Index 277 Osteoarthritis, 200f, 201 infrabony defects and furcation involvement, 259–261 Osteomas, 69, 69f, 85 landmarks and subjective image analysis, 261 Osteomeatal complex (OMC), 70 overview of CBCT for, 253, 254f, 255f, 256t, 266 Osteomyelitis, 52, 60–61, 60f, 82, 87 prevalence and progression of, 249–250, 250f Osteoneogenesis (hyperostosis), 78, 208f traditional computed tomography for, 252–253 Osteopetrosis, 52, 87 traditional diagnostic methods for, 250–252 Osteoplasty, 175, 189f tuned aperture computed tomography for, 252 Osteoporosis, 261–262 Periodontal ligament (PDL), 47, 261 Osteoradionecrosis, 61 Petrous ridge, 86 Osteosarcomas, 52, 61, 63 Petrous temporal bone, 86 Osteosclerosis, idiopathic, 49–50, 50f, 222–224, 224f Phantom tooth pain, 226–227 Osteotomies, virtual, 98–99 Phantoms, 14, 15f Osteotomy techniques, 132–133 Photoelectric absorption, 31 Otic capsule, 86 Photons, 26, 26f, 28f, 29f Otitis media, 81–82 Pindborg tumors, 58 Otosclerosis, 80–81, 80f Planning, 168, 169–171f, 194, 237–240 Outcome assessment, 240–241, 252 Plasmacytomas, 87 Plenum sphenoidale, 86 Pagetoid appearance, 69 Pleomorphic adenomas, 70 Paget’s disease of the bone, 50–51, 61, 80, 87 Pneumatization, 71–72, 71f, 72f, 73f, 75–77, 77t Palatal mucosa thickness, 265 Pocket probing depth, 250–251 Panoramic images, 127 Poiseuille’s law, 198 Panoramic radiographs, 251 Polyps, 67–68, 68t, 204, 205f Panoramic reconstructions, 44f, 45, 140, 142f Polysomnograms, 197 Papillomas, inverting, 69–70 Postcorrection methods, 22f, 23, 23f Paragangliomas, 84–85, 87 Postinflammatory ossicular fixation, 82 Parallel computing, 14–15 Progressive condylar resorption, 200f, 201 Paranasal sinus pathologies Projections, 10–12, 10f, 14–15 Prolongation, 161–162, 163f anatomic variants, 71–74, 72f ProPlan CMF, 110, 110–111, 116–121 fibro-osseous lesions, 69, 69f Protective equipment, 39 frontal recess and, 74–77 Protons, 25 functional endoscopic sinus surgery and, 70–78 Prototyping, rapid, 148–150, 161–162 inflammatory polyps, mucoceles, mucous retention Provisional restoration scanning appliances, 149t, cysts, 67–68, 68f, 68t 158–159 neoplasms and noninflammatory lesions, 69–70 Prussak’s space, 84 overview of, 65–66 Pseudocysts, 56–57, 56f rhinoliths, 70 Pulp vitality testing, 59, 213 silent sinus syndrome, 68 Pulpal inflammation, 59 sinusitis, 66–67, 67f Pulsed exposure, 29 Wegener’s granulomatosis, 70 Punched out, 45, 46f Pars flaccida cholesteatomas, 83–84, 83f Pyogenic sinusitis, 66 Partial volume artifacts, 220 Particulate radiation, 25–26 Quantitative measurements, 100–102, 221f, 253–259 Perforations, 234 Quarks, 25 Periapical cemento-osseous dysplasia (PCOD), 50 Periapical cysts, 49, 55, 211, 214 Radiation. See also Ionizing radiation Periapical rarefying osteitis, 213, 229–230, 241 from 3D CBCT image acquisition, 100 Periapical region, 261 necrosis from, 61 Perilymphatic space, 78 overview of, 25 Periodontal cysts, lateral, 55 risks from, 33, 34 Periodontal disease sources of, 33–34, 33f alveolar bone loss measurement, 253–259, 258f, 259f, 260f units of, 39–40 bone density and, 261–263 bone tissue lesions and, 49 Radiation dosage, 219. See also Effective doses future applications of CBCT for, 263–266 Radicular cysts, 49, 55, 211, 214

278 Index Sickle cell anemia, 213 Sieverts, 40 Radiography, 127–128, 251–252, 256t Sigmoid sinus thrombosis, 84 Rapid prototyping, 148–150, 161–162 Silent sinus syndrome, 68 RDC/TMD. See Research Diagnostic Criteria for SimPlant, 95, 110, 115, 148 Simple bone cysts (SBC), 56, 56f Temporomandibular Disorders Simulations, 98–99 Reconstruction grids, 6–7, 6f Single scan protocols, 159, 160f Reconstructions. See Maxillofacial reconstructions Sinonasal osteomas, 69 Regions of interest (ROI), 7, 8f Sinonasal polyps, 68 Rems, 40 Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinomas, 87 Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Sinuses, 93. See also Functional endoscopic sinus surgery; Disorders (RDC/TMD), 92 Maxillary sinuses; Paranasal sinus pathologies Reslicing, 256–257 Sinusitis, 66–67, 67f Resolution, 19–20, 219–220 Skull base, 85, 86–88 Resorption, 200f, 201, 235–237, 265–266, 265f Sleep disordered breathing (SDB), 197. See also Airway Restorative leadership, 150–159, 194 Retrofenestral otosclerosis, 80–81 assessment Rhabdomyosarcomas, 85 Slice sensitivity profiles (SSP), 19–20, 19f Rhinoliths, 70 Slicer3, 95 Ridge curves, 97 Soft tissue analysis, 264–265, 264f Ring artifacts, 20, 21f Soft tissue changes, simulation of, 99 ROI. See Regions of interest Soft tissue window, 9 Root curvatures, 224–225 Spatial resolution, 19–20, 219–220 Root fractures, vertical, 230–233, 232f SPHARM-PDM framework, 101–102 Root perforations, 234 Sphenoethmoidal recess, 70 Root resorption, 235–237 Sphenoid bone, 86 Roots, additional, 225–226 Splints, 99 Rotating anodes, 27 Squamous cell carcinomas, 70, 85, 87, 208f Rotation angle, 30, 39 SSP. See Slice sensitivity profiles Staff training, 37–38 Saccule, 78 Stafne bone defect, 54, 54f, 222 Safebeam technology, 39 Standard Model of atoms, 25 Salivary gland depression, 54, 54f, 222 Stationary anodes, 27 Sarcomas, 62 StealthStation AXIEM, 99 SBC. See Simple bone cysts Stereolithography, 148–149, 148f, 149f, 159 Scala media, 78 Stochastic effects of ionizing radiation, 32–33 Scala tympani, 78 Streaks, 20, 22, 22f, 220 Scalloping, 56 Superimposition, 100, 102f Scan modes, 39 Superior semicircular canal, 80 Scanning appliances, 147–148, 149t, 155–159 Supernumerary teeth dentinogenesis imperfecta, 222 Scannographic guides, 142, 142f Suprabullar cells, 76 Scapula grafts, 113–114 Surface-based rendering, 97, 98f, 129, 129f Scatter, 22–23, 30–31, 110 Surgical guides. See also CAD/CAM Schwannomas, 84–85, 87, 204f Sclerosing osteitis, 49, 50f bone reduction guides, 175–176, 176–179f Sclerosis, 45–46 cutting pathway guides for lateral antroscopy of Sclerotic bone masses, 48 SDB. See Sleep disordered breathing maxillary sinus, 176, 179–181f Segmentation, 96–97, 100 definition and classification, 161–166 Selection criteria, 35 for extraction of ankylosed teeth, 181–182, 182–184f Semicircular canals, 78, 80, 86t fully integrated, 182 Semicircular ducts, 78 implant planning and, 129, 138, 141, 142 Semi-landmarks, 101 implementation into clinical practice, 166–175 Septi, 133 overview, 161 Shape correspondence, 101 Surgical simulations, 98–99 Short roots, 222 SurgiGuide, 148 Sialoliths, submandibular, 51, 52 Syphilitic labyrinthitis, 80

Index 279 TACT. See Tuned aperture computed tomography UARS. See Upper airway resistance syndrome Tardieu scanning appliance, 157, 163 Ultrasound tracking, 99 Tegmen tympani, 81, 84, 84t Uncinate process, 72, 78 Temporal bone, 78, 86, 86t Uniguide, 129–130, 130f Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) Upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS), 197. See also condylysis and, 200f, 201 Airway assessment evaluation of, 92–93, 93f Utricle, 78 MPR images and, 45 Tensor-based morphometry, 98f Varicella zoster virus, 213 Three-dimensional (3D) augmented models, 110, 110f Vertical root fractures, 230–233, 232f Three-dimensional (3D) volumetric renderings, 44, 44f, Vestibular aqueduct, 78, 79f Vestibule, 86t 45, 91–92 Virtual osteotomies, 98–99 3dMD Vultus, 95, 199 Virtual shaping, 110 Threshold dose, 32 Vitality testing, 59, 213 Thyroid collars, 39 Voltage, 28 TMJ. See Temporomandibular joint Volume changes, 100 Tonsilloliths, 51, 52 Volume-based rendering, 97, 98f, 110, 129, 129f, 130f Tonsils, 206f Voxels, 7, 199, 233, 236–237 Tooth-form scanning appliances, 149t, 155, 156f Tooth-supported surgical guides, 168–169, 171–172, 172– Wave theory, 26 Wavelength, 26, 26f 174f, 185f Wegener’s granulomatosis, 70 Trabecular pattern analysis, 263 Tracking technologies, 99 xCAT-ENT, 19f Training, 37–38 X-ray beams, 28–29 Traumatic bone cysts, 56, 56f X-ray tubes, 26–27, 27f Traumatic injuries, 85–86, 138f, 234–235, X-rays 235f, 236f interactions of with matter, 30–31 Treatment planning, 168, 169–171f, 194, 237–240 nature of, 26, 26f Tube current, 28–29 parameters of in CBCT units, 23–30 Tube voltage, 28 production of, 26–27 Tuned aperture computed tomography (TACT), 252 Tympanic isthmi, 81 Zygomatic air cell defect, 54 Tympanic membrane, 82, 83, 83f, 84 Tympanosclerosis, 82

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