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Home Explore Shreyansh Raj

Shreyansh Raj

Published by bhupendrakashyap560, 2020-11-28 13:19:39

Description: 25 Shreyansh Raj


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Subject ACADEMIC RECORD Mid Term English Competencies Oral a. I can identify letters. A+ b. I enjoy reading using phonetic sounds. A c. I can recite rhymes and paraphrase a story. A+ A+ d. I have the ability to converse confidently A+ and clearly. e. Book Maintainance Hindi Oral Mid Term a. I can identify Hindi letters. A+ b. I enjoy reading using phonetic sounds. A c. I can recite rhymes and paraphrase a story. A+ A+ d. I have the ability to converse confidently and clearly. e. Book Maintainance A+ Mathematics Oral Mid Term a. I enjoy learning pre-number concepts. A+ b. I can see and identify numbers. A+ c. I can count numbers and spell number names. A+ d. Book Maintainance A+ General Studies (EVS) Mid Term a. I can identify colors, size, position and sound. A+ b. I am curious to know my surroundings. (G.K.) A c. I can establish relation between cause and effect. A+ A+ d. I can describe similarities and differences of living and non living things.

Physical Skills Gross & Fine Motor Skills Mid Term a. I maintain correct body postures while sitting, A+ standing or playing. A+ b. I demonstrate strength and energy to perform class room activities. A+ A c. I can control small muscles in hands. Mid Term A+ d. I can coordinate eye hand movement. A+ A Creative Skills Art Mid Term A+ a. I enjoy using colors. A A+ b. I enjoy doing paper craft. A+ c. I can draw. A Social and Emotional Skills A+ A+ a. I respect my friends and teachers. b. I am confident in expressing my ideas. c. I demonstrate etiquettes and manners. d. I attentively concentrate to learn and observe changes. e. I accomplish my work on time f. I actively participate in class room activities. g. I am motivated and supported by my parents. PARTICIPATED IN… Spell Well P Memory Games P Match To Patch P Colour My World MID TERM Class Treacher's Remark : Shreyansh is a sincere and attentive child. He is good in studies. Class Teacher's Sign. Signature of Principal

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