Lean Manufacturing ProcessesUnderstanding Lean Manufacturing ProcessesEmpowering and inspiring firms to implementstrategies that would seek the maximum value oftheir goods and services and, at the same time,reduce wasteful elements and activitiessignificantly is the primary goal of leanmanufacturing processes.Since its introduction, most observers say it waspioneered by business tycoon Henry Ford andfurther developed into popularity by Toyota,
every company has been intrigued by what leanmanufacturing processes can do for theirbottomlines.For those firms that have already beenimpementing lean manufacturing programs, themethod has been proven to be a huge benefit andsuccess not just for the companies, but also fortheir respective workforces.Lean manufacturing processes for the workforceEmployees, no doubt, are considered to be majorelements of the the manufacturing line. Workersbenefit from the implementation of leanmanufacturing processes because the work load issomehow eased and made less redundant.The key principle of lean manufacturing processesis reducing and or eliminating waste in thecorporate setting. One of the seven wastes theprogram identifies is waiting time. If employees
see a reduced waiting time, they become moreproductive and more in-tune with their workenvironment. And a positive environment is whatleads to the most positive results.Lean manufacturing processes for the customersConsumers will only willingly pay for somethingthat will give them value for their money.What lean manufacturing processes do is help givecustomers exactly what they want. The systemhelps manufacturers keep their customers bestinterests in mind and focus on their needs. Themore customer-centric a company is, the happierits clients are.To make this happen, firms conduct studies andsurveys to find out what clients are looking for.It is through these that companies will be ableto focus on the resources and energies availableto achieve that need.
Lean manufacturing processes for the companyitselfCompanies will benefit greatly from thisphilosophy because it primarily seeks to reducecosts and achieve the best output withoutoverdoing it. The term 'lean' says just that.Delivering the right goods, at the time right time,at the right place and in adequate quantities.Thus, no excesses. No overproduction. No annoyingstockpiles. If firms adopt lean manufacturingprocesses, they can be assured that nothing iswasted at any level of production.Lean manufacturing has identified the sevenwastes firms should eliminate if they want toachieve their fullest potentials:- transportation- inventory
- waiting time- motion- defects- underutilized workforce, and- overproductionThese seven have been identified by companies allover the world as they key reason for unaccountedcosts and weak production levels. These are whatlean manufacturing processes aim to eradicate.Critics say that lean manufacturing is costly atfirst, because major changes will need to be madeto systems that have been in operation for decades.However, when you really think about it, what leanmanufacturing expends at the preliminary stage ismore than compensated for in the longer term.Adopting lean manufacturing processes takesrisks. But this doesn't mean that we are compelledto stick to age-old and obsolete methods just tobe on the safe side, especially when we already
know what this strategy can bring to the fore.
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