Storytelling Time! The Black Cat, Edgar Allan Poe October, 2022
A man is about to be sentenced to death. WHY?
He will confess to us why he’s going to die.
At first, he was not a bad man. He loved animals and his wife.
He and his wife loved animals, but his favourite pet was a black cat.His name was pluto.
Saddly, something changed… …He became an alcoholic!
He became cruel and abusive to his wife and pets. He regretted his actions, but he never changed.
At first, he tried to be kind to Pluto. T hen, one day, in a fit of rage, he gouged one of his eyes.
F i n a l l y, one day, he hanged poor Pluto.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco anim id est laborum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore That night, his house burned to the ground… and the one thing that was left was an imprint… of a cat.
He felt so bad, a that he changed little bit. He wanted to change. He even found a new cat to love, but he never gave him a new name.
However, this cat was very strange and scary: He had only one eye and he had a weird white patch on his chest.
He was terrified of this cat, but he was also jealous and a n g r y. The cat preferred the company of his wife!
One day, he almost stumbled over the cat. He was so ang r y, he tried to kill him with an axe.
His wife tried to protect the cat. She was murdered.
He decided to hide the body behind the wall, in his cellar. He almost got away with murder, until…
He had walled up the cat with the corpse of his wife!!
Em colaboração com o Departamento de Línguas Agrupamento de escolas nº 2 de Serpa Biblioteca/Centro de Recursos
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