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Home Explore Occupational Health and Safety Seminar on Health and Safety in Occupation Schedule

Occupational Health and Safety Seminar on Health and Safety in Occupation Schedule

Published by ohsmfu6, 2018-12-03 08:49:42

Description: Occupational Health and Safety Seminar on Health and Safety in Occupation
Seminar date: Tuesday December 4th ,2018
Time: 12.40 PM - 3.00 PM
Room: S7(A) 412


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Occupational Health and Safety Seminar ScheduleOccupational Health and Safety Major, School of Health ScienceTuesday, December 4th, 2018, Time: 12.40- 15.00 PM Location: S7 (A) Building Room 412 Time Activities12.40 PM - 1.00 PM Registration1.00 PM - 1.15 PM Welcoming and Special Talk1.15 PM - 1.30 PM Seminar on: Factor related with schoolbag carrying and pain during schoolbag of students.1.30 PM - 1.45 PM Speakers: Miss Chayanit Chaodee and Miss Patcharita Khayantham Seminar on: Cause of lung cancer developed in military population.1.45 PM - 1.55 PM Speakers: Mr. Chawin Thawong and Miss Wanvipa Bunchai1.55 PM - 2.05 PM 10 Minutes break.2.05 PM - 2.20 PM Seminar activity. Seminar on: The risk factors and severity of cyclist.2.20 PM - 2.35 PM Speakers: : Miss Duangtip Kantiya, Mr. Phanit Khuansiriwanit and Miss Lalita Apai2.35 PM - 2.50 PM Seminar on: The efficiency extinguishing agent for fighting fire from lithium-ion battery.2.50 PM - 2.55 PM Speakers: Miss Pornnitra Nararet and Miss Siriwan Kanghae2.55 PM - 3.00 PM Seminar on: Factors that influence suicidality among firefighters. Speakers: Miss Siratchaya Poolperm and Miss Or-raya Onsongchan Seminar summary. Seminar evaluation survey.

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