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Home Explore Seminar Abstract for Health and Safety in Occupation

Seminar Abstract for Health and Safety in Occupation

Published by ohsmfu6, 2018-11-28 11:26:53

Description: Abstract for Seminar Topic


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Factors that influence suicidality among firefightersPresented by: Miss Siratchaya Poolperm and Miss Or-raya Onsongchan The firefighter is among the most dangerous and stressful occupation. Over pastseveral years, many research identified that firefighter is one of occupation which experiencewith suicidal risk, suicidal ideation and attempts than other general population andoccupation which not many people concern about this serious problem. However, lacking ofevidence about the factors of suicidality among firefighter is still a problem. This currentstudy aims to study the factors that influence suicidal ideation and attempts amongfirefighters. Firefighter participants were recruited from fire department and required tocomplete the questionnaires about demographic information (race, relationship status, andyears of service), source of occupational stress, suicide risk, alcohol using, depression andposttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom and suicidal ideation and attempts.Throughout this study found that there is a statistical relationship between occupational stressand suicidal risk. Moreover, another evidence shows that depression and PTSD arestatistically related to suicidal ideation and attempts among firefighters. Unexpectedly, race,relationship status, years of service and alcohol using are not statistically related to suicidalideation and attempts.

The extinguishing agent of fighting power lithium-ion battery firePresented by: Miss Pornnitra Nararet and Miss Siriwan Kanghae In recent years, the demand for new energy sources is increasing with the increasingly seriousenvironmental problem, and the new energy vehicles represented by electric vehicles gets moreattention, including other electronic devices. Which the lithium-ion batteries have higher specificcapacity, energy density, and power density. Therefore, it is easy to generate fires and explosions.This research aimed to study carried out the research on the effectiveness of extinguishing agent offighting power lithium battery fire by evaluated its effectiveness from three aspects such as the fireextinguishing time, the recrudescence rate and smoke effect synthetically, which the agent that usedare pure water compared with that of 5% F-500 solution and 5% self-made solution (anionic nonionicsurfactants) to evaluate what the agent is the most effective. The findings revealed that 5% F-500solution and 5% self-made solution have significant extinguishing effect on lithium battery fire whencompared to that of pure water. According to the lithium-ion batteries have high fire risk and result ofexperiment studies shown that each solution have slightly different for extinguishing and the effectiveextinguishing of lithium battery are 5% F-500 solution and 5% self-made solution.Keyword: lithium battery, extinguishing agent

Lung Cancer & MilitaryPresented by: Mr. Chawin Thawong and Miss Wanvipa Bunchai A research study about a cause of lung cancer in military personnel, the objective of this studywere 1) to identify the causes of lung cancer developed in military personnel 2) to compare a survivaldifference among veterans and civilians with lung cancer. Lung cancer is also one of the most deadlytypes of cancer in both men and women, with around 90% of cases resulting in death. There are twomain causes of lung cancer developed are smoking, and Carcinogen exposure. A research study foundthat the military personnel are more likely to develop lung cancer more than civilian populations andlung cancer is an urgent priority among military veterans. Not only is the incidence higher, but thesurvival is lower than in civilian populations, and the military personnel have more chance toexposure with carcinogen agents by military facility in their job, another reason is the smoking foundthat the military personnel have a higher rate of smoking when compare to civilians.Keywords: civilian, lung cancer, survival, veteran, smoking, military, carcinogens

The Risk factors and Severity of CyclistPresented by: Miss Duangtip Kantiya, Mr. Phanit Khuansiriwanit and Miss Lalita Apai Cycling is becoming an increasingly popular mode of transport with an estimated 800 millionbicycles in use worldwide, twice the number of cars. Aim to study about the risk factors and severefatality in cyclists, focus on head injuries involved traffic crashes. The study examined were selectedindependent variables (individual characteristics: helmet use) to have some relationship with theoutcome variable (severe injury). And the study autopsy by analyzed 119 fatal cycling crash who diedin single vehicle crashes (SVC) or bicycle-motor-vehicle (BMV) crashes, identified the generalcircumstances and investigated the potential contribution of causes of cycling fatalities, direction ofimpact to the head using the odds ratio .The study showed that a number of cyclist characteristics(helmet use) were significantly associated with the severity of injury in cyclists involved in trafficcrashes, that result to not wearing a helmet increased the risk of severe injury in cyclists by 56%, leadto serious injury, particularly head injuries, in cyclists. For the results of autopsy indicate that helmetscould have helped the most in cases of single-vehicle crashes when an intracranial injury was theprimary cause of death. Altogether 44 cyclists (37%) from this study could have survived if they hadbeen wearing helmets during the crashes. This study concludes that cyclists should wear helmetsbecause it could have saved the life and reduce mortality and morbidity of cyclist trauma.

School backpacks it’s more than just a weight problemPresented by: Miss Chayanit Chaodee and Miss Patcharita Khayantham Nowadays, in Thailand the things we are familiar with we will see a student carryinga heavy bag go to school every day, which bag weight that student carry is over theinternational standard and Thailand. The define is bag weight must less than 10% of bodyweight. This seminar is designed to enhance the safety of children and to recognize theproblem of overweight bags of students, which lead to health effect of students such as backpain. This seminar is a great opportunity to study the factors related to the type of bag and thepain that occurs in the shoulder bag. Include suggestions to solve problems that affect thestructure.Keywords: Bags weight, Carry, Pain, overweight bags, and student