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Home Explore Body Systems Flipbook

Body Systems Flipbook

Published by Sabrina Ye, 2020-09-13 17:21:20

Description: Sabrina Ye 3A


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Sabrina Ye 3A  Body Systems  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧    

  Table of Contents  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Works Cited Page 2  The Integumentary System Page 3      The Musculoskeletal System Page 5    The Nervous System Page 7    The Special Senses Page 9    The Cardiovascular System Page 11    The Respiratory System Page 13    The Digestive System Page 15    The Urinary System Page 17    The Reproductive System Page 19    1

  Works Cited “Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus.” The Free Dictionary, Farlex, Libretexts. “38.1A: Functions of the Musculoskeletal System.” Biology LibreTexts, Libretexts, 15 Aug. 2020, iology_(Boundless)/38:_The_Musculoskeletal_System/38.1:_Types_of_Skeletal_Syst ems/38.1A:_Functions_of_the_Musculoskeletal_System. Stanhope, Linda, and Kimberly Turnbull. Introduction to Medical Terminology. 1st ed., The Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc., 2017.                     2

  The Integumentary System  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Function: Protects the body from the outside world and pathogens, maintains the internal  temperature, excretes waste products, and perceives stimuli  Vocab Words:  ★ Skin:​ a complex system that houses many specialized tissues   ★ Hair: m​ ade up of fibers composed of tightly fused, dead protein cells filled with hard keratin  ★ Nails: m​ ade of hard keratin  ★ Keratin: ​a fibrous, water-repellent protein  ★ Dermis: ​lies directly below the epidermis  ★ Epidermis: t​ he outermost layer of the skin  ★ Sweat Glands: t​ iny, coiled glands in the dermis that secrete sweat  ★ Subcutaneous Layer: ​deepest layer of skin that contains cells that make and store fat  ★ Eczema: a​ cute or chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by erythema, itchiness, and swelling  ★ Acne: i​ nflammatory disorder of the sebaceous glands that produces pimples on the skin    Key Terms:  ★ derm/o, dermat/o:​ skin  ★ kerat/o: h​ ard, horn-shaped tissue  ★ xer/o: d​ ry  ★ xanth/o: ​yellow; yellowish  ★ erythr/0: ​red  ★ pedicul/0: ​lice  ★ onych/o: n​ ails  ★ myc/o: ​fungus  ★ pil/0: h​ air; hair follicle  ★ lip/o: ​fat  ★ rhytid/0: s​ kin wrinkle  ★ albin/o: ​white    Diseases/Disorders:  ★ Cyanosis:​ The appearance of a blue or purple discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes due to  insufficient blood oxygen or poor circulation  ★ Basal Cell Carcinoma:​ Commonly slow-growing, malignant tumor of the basal cell layer of the epidermis;  seldom spreads to other sites in the body  ★ Psoriasis:​ A chronic disease marked by itchy, erythematous skin with silvery patches  ★ Tinea:​ Skin infection caused by a fungus    Healthcare Careers:  ★ Dermatologist: ​a specialist who treats conditions and diseases in the skin, hair, and nails  ★ Dermatology Technician: ​a specialized assistant who works in the skin-care field      3


  The Musculoskeletal System  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Function: Provides form, support, stability, and movement to the body      Vocab Words:  ★ Muscle:​ type of body tissue made up of bundles of fibers and held together by connective tissue  ★ Tendon:​ band of fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone  ★ Joint:​ any place in the body at which two or more bones connect  ★ Ligament:​ connective bands of tissue that connect bone to bone  ★ Cranium:​ made up of bones that protect the brain  ★ Thorx:​ rib cage that is made up of the sternum, ribs, and thoracic vertebrae  ★ Scapula:​ shoulder blade  ★ Sternum:​ the breastbone  ★ Appendicular Skeleton:​ made up of 126 bones that attach to the axial skeleton as appendages  ★ Carpals:​ bones that make up the wrist    Key Terms:  ★ my/o:​ muscle  ★ myel/o:​ bone marrow; spinal cord  ★ oste/o:​ bone  ★ cost/o:​ rib  ★ crani/o:​ skull  ★ -pexy:   ★ chondr/o:​ cartilage   ★ arthr/o:​ joint  ★ -plegia:​ paralysis  ★ kinesi/o:​ movement    Diseases/Disorders:  ★ Ataxia:​ Inability to coordinate voluntary muscle activity; characterized by shaky, unsteady movements  ★ Hemiplegia: T​ otal paralysis on one side of the body  ★ Arthritis:​ Inflammation of joints  ★ Chondromalacia:​ Softening of the cartilage    Healthcare Careers:  ★ Certified Fitness Trainer​: serves as a leader and instructor in exercise programs and helps people achieve  and maintain a healthful lifestyle  ★ Chiropractor:​ treats illness and injury of the neuromusculoskeletal system  5


  The Nervous System  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Function: Sensory input, integration, and motor output Vocab Words:  ★ Central Nervous System (CNS):​ the brain and spinal cord  ★ Neurons:​ fundamental cells of the nervous system  ★ Cytoplasm:​ a jelly-like substance that makes up most of the cell body and that protects the nucleus  ★ Mitochondria:​ specialized tissue cells that ingest, digest, and convert nutrients to energy for the cells of  the body  ★ Organelles: ​other specialized parts of a cell that perform specific functions for the body  ★ Brain:​ center of mental functions  ★ Cerebrum:​ largest brain region  ★ Pons:​ connects the cerebellum to the rest of the brain  ★ Reflex:​ involuntary reaction to a stimulus  ★ Meninges: ​three layers of connective tissue that protect the CNS      Key Terms:  ★ neur/o: n​ erve  ★ encephal/o: ​brain  ★ myel/o: ​bone marrow; indicating bone; spinal cord and medulla oblongata; myelin sheath of nerve fibers  ★ ambul/o: ​walking  ★ -esthesia: ​feeling; sensation  ★ mening/o: m​ eninges  ★ psych/o: m​ ind  ★ concuss/o: ​shaken together, violently agitated    Diseases/Disorders:  ★ Astrocytoma:​ Tumor of the neuroglial (glial) tissue  ★ Cerebral Contusion:​ Bruising in the cerebral tissue  ★ Dementia:​ A condition of progressive mental deterioration caused by organic brain disease  ★ Hemiparesis/Hemiplegia:​ Paralysis of one side of the body    Healthcare Careers:  ★ Physician Anesthesiologist:​ a doctor who administers general anesthesia or an anesthetic to patients  before surgery  ★ Neurosurgeon:​ a physician who specializes in treating diseases and conditions of the nervous system    7


  The Special Senses  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Function: Monitors stimuli in the external and internal environment  Vocab Words:  ★ Eye:​ primary sense organ for vision  ★ Iris:​ pigmented muscular layer that surrounds the pupil  ★ Aqueous:​ water fluid in the eye  ★ Cerumen:​ waxy, yellow substance that protects the middle ear  ★ Olfactory Hairs (Cilia):​ receptor cells in each of the nasal cavities  ★ Mastication:​ chewing  ★ Deglutition:​ swallowing  ★ Papillae: ​small, raised areas that contain taste buds  ★ Taste Buds:​ tiny, sensitive, bulb-like structures that allow you to distinguish different tastes and textures  as food moves across your tongue  ★ Tongue:​ stratified squamous epithelial tissue that extends across the floor of the oral cavity      Key Terms:  ★ irid/o:​ iris  ★ -cusis:​ hearing  ★ -opia:​ vision condition  ★ ot/o:​ ear  ★ tympan/o:​ eardrum  ★ ophthalm/o:​ eye  ★ -metry:​ process of measuring    Diseases/Disorders:  ★ Blepharitis:​ Inflammation of the eyelid  ★ Nystagmus:​ Repetitive, usually involuntary movements of one or both eyes that results in limited visual  activity  ★ Strabismus:​ Misalignment of the eyes caused by weakened eye muscles; ​crossed eyes  ★ Deafness:​ Loss of the ability to hear    Healthcare Careers:  ★ Optometrist:​ responsible for performing eye exams and diagnosing any injuries, impairments, or diseases  of the eye  ★ Audiologist:​ specialist who works with hearing, balance, and related disorders    9


  The Cardiovascular System  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Function: Circulates oxygen-rich blood throughout the body Vocab Words:  ★ Heart:​ a hollow, muscular, contractile organ situated in the thoracic cavity  ★ Myocardium: a​ layer of cardiac muscle that makes up the middle of the heart  ★ Lungs:​ coordinates the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide during the act of breathing  ★ Arteriole:​ small arterial branches  ★ Capillaries:​ fine blood vessels  ★ Veins:​ carry oxygen-poor blood to the heart  ★ Aorta:​ largest artery in the human body  ★ Systole:​ contraction of the ventricles  ★ Diastole:​ relaxation of the ventricles  ★ Blood Pressure:​ the pressure exerted by the blood against the wall of an artery or vein    Key Terms:  ★ cardi/o: ​heart  ★ angi/o: ​vessel (blood)  ★ hem/o, hemat/o: b​ lood  ★ brady-:​ slow  ★ tachy-: f​ ast  ★ thromb/o:​ clot  ★ -emia: ​blood  ★ leuk/o: w​ hite, white blood cells  ★ erythr/o: r​ ed, red blood cells  ★ arteri/o: ​artery      Diseases/Disorders:  ★ Bradycardia: ​Slow heart rate  ★ Aneurysm:​ Localized, balloon-like dilation of a blood vessel, usually an artery  ★ Cardiomyopathy:​ Condition of diseased heart muscle  ★ Endocarditis: I​ nflammation of the inner layer of the heart muscle    Healthcare Careers:  ★ Cardiologist:​ physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases and conditions  ★ Telemetry Nurse: ​monitors patients’ heart rhythm using sophisticated equipment  11


  The Respiratory System  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Function: Exchanges harmful carbon dioxide for life-sustaining oxygen        Vocab Words:  ★ Pharynx:​ throat  ★ Larynx: ​voicebox  ★ Trachea:​ allows air to travel to and from the lungs  ★ Lungs:​ main organs of the respiratory system  ★ Ventilation:​ process by which air moves into and out of the lungs  ★ Respiration:​ process of gas exchange  ★ Inspiration:​ breathing in  ★ Expiration: b​ reathing out  ★ Vocal Cords:​ located in the larynx and produce sound when moved  ★ Epiglottis:​ leaf-like structure of fibrous cartilage located above the glottis    Key Terms:  ★ bronch/o:​ bronchus; bronchial tube  ★ cyan/o: ​blue  ★ laryng/o:​ larynx; voice box  ★ -oxia: ​oxygen  ★ oxy-: ​oxygen  ★ pleur/o:​ pleura; serous membrane that enfolds the lung  ★ pneum/o:​ lung; air  ★ pulmon/o:​ lung  ★ thorac/o:​ chest  ★ trache/o: ​trachea, windpipe    Diseases/Disorders:  ★ Bradypnea:​ Condition of slower-than-normal breathing  ★ Dyspnea:​ Difficult or painful breathing  ★ Bronchospasm:​ Sudden, involuntary contractions in the bronchi  ★ Epiglottitis:​ Inflammation of the epiglottis    Healthcare Careers:  ★ Respiratory Therapist:​ cares for patients who suffer from health conditions and diseases that affect their  breathing  ★ Pulmonologist: a​ medical doctor who diagnoses and treats conditions and diseases of the lungs and of the  cardiopulmonary system  13


  The Digestive System  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Function: Ingests, digests, absorbs, and eliminates food Vocab Words:  ★ Mastication:​ chewing  ★ Teeth:​ an accessory organ that aids in the digestive process  ★ Labia:​ also called the lips, they protect the anterior opening of the mouth  ★ Pharynx:​ throat  ★ Amylase:​ an enzyme that aids in the chemical breakdown of starches  ★ Stomach:​ sac-like organ composed of the fundus, body, and the antrum  ★ Esophagus:​ mucous membrane-lined muscular tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach  ★ Chyme:​ mixture of acidic gastric juices with partially digested food  ★ Small Intestine: w​ here the absorption of nutrients begins  ★ Rectum:​ last section of the colon    Key Terms:  ★ cholecyst/o:​ gallbladder  ★ enter/o:​ intestines (usually the small intestine)  ★ col/o, colon/o:​ colon; large intestine  ★ hepat/o:​ liver  ★ gastr/o: s​ tomach  ★ or/o: m​ outh  ★ -pepsia:​ digestion  ★ chol/e: g​ all; bile  ★ proct/o: ​rectum; anus      Diseases/Disorders:  ★ Appendicitis:​ Inflammation of the appendix  ★ Bulimia:​ Gorging with food and the purging  ★ Cholecystitis: ​Inflammation of the gallbladder  ★ Enteritis: ​Inflammation of the intestines    Healthcare Careers:  ★ Gastroenterologist:​ physician who specializes in diseases and conditions of the digestive system  ★ Dentist:​ specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of conditions and diseases of the mouth  and gums  15


  The Urinary System  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Function: Filters metabolic waste products from blood, stores and excretes waste, produces  hormones, and maintains homeostasis  Vocab Words:  ★ Kidneys:​ two bean-shaped organs that filter metabolic waste products  ★ Renal Artery: w​ here blood enters during filtration  ★ Urinary Bladder:​ a hollow, muscular organ that stores urine  ★ Urethra:​ a tube that transports urine from the bladder to the outside of the body  ★ Ureters:​ two narrow tubes that transport the urine from the renal pelvises to the bladder  ★ Secretion:​ the process of waste products and some water being expelled out the body  ★ Renal Cortex: t​ he outer layer of the kidney  ★ Filtration:​ the process of separating waste products from the blood  ★ Reabsorption: ​the process of blood reclaiming useful substances from the filtrate that flows through the  renal tubules  ★ Urination:​ the process of metabolic waste products and excess water being discharged from the body    Key Terms:  ★ -cele:​ hernia; swelling; protrusion  ★ -lysis:​ breakdown; separation; loosening  ★ cyst/o:​ cyst; fluid sac; bladder  ★ nephr/o:​ kidney  ★ ren/o:​ kidney  ★ -uria:​ urination; condition of urine  ★ -pexy: s​ urgical fixation  ★ -ectasis: d​ ilation; expansion  ★ pyel/o: r​ enal pelvis      Diseases/Disorders:  ★ Dysuria: D​ ifficult or painful urination  ★ Enuresis: ​Involuntary discharge of urine  ★ Polyuria:​ Condition of excessive urine production  ★ Oliguria:​ Condition in which a scanty (very small) amount of urine is produced    Healthcare Careers:  ★ Dialysis Technician: ​operates machines that remove metabolic waste products and excess fluids from the  blood of patients whose kidneys are not functioning  ★ Urologist:​ physician who specializes in diseases of the urinary system and the male’s reproductive tract  17


  The Reproductive System  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Function: Facilitates conception in men, uniquely designed to produce new life in women Vocab Words:  ★ Testes: ​glands responsible for producing gametes  ★ Testosterone: ​a hormone responsible for the male secondary sex characteristics  ★ Flagellum: ​a tail that allows the sperm to “swim”  ★ Ejacultion:​ the process of expelling semen from the penis  ★ Penis:​ responsible for carrying urine and semen out of the body  ★ Ovaries:​ oval-shaped organs that are filled with millions of ova  ★ Gametes:​ female sex cells  ★ Conception: t​ he fusion of an egg and   ★ Menstruation: ​the monthly shedding of the innermost layers of the uterus  ★ Puberty:​ the phase of development during which the sexual organs mature      Key Terms:  ★ cervic/o: n​ eck; cervix (neck of uterus)  ★ salping/o:​ Eustachian (auditory) tube, fallopian tube  ★ ov/o: ​egg  ★ orchid/o:​ testis, testicle  ★ oophor/o:​ ovary  ★ men/o:​ menses; menstruation  ★ mamm/o: b​ reast  ★ gynec/o: f​ emale; woman  ★ colp/o: v​ agina  ★ prostat/o: ​prostate gland    Diseases/Disorders:  ★ Azoospermia:​ Absence of sperm in the semen, leading to infertility  ★ Prostatitis: ​Inflammation of the prostate  ★ Cystocele: ​Hernia of the bladder that protrudes through the vaginal wall  ★ Infertility: ​The inability or diminished ability to conceive or produce offspring    Healthcare Careers:  ★ Surgical Technician:​ assists physicians and nurses in the operating room  ★ Certified Nurse-Midwife:​ registered nurse who had additional training in obstetrics and gynecology  19


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