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Home Explore Online Class During Covid - 19 Pandemic

Online Class During Covid - 19 Pandemic

Published by englisfonuph, 2021-04-25 15:08:49

Description: This is our flipped book from Group 5B Keke Hanna Karina Br Purba, Leani Novi Uli, Sandra Graceyana Putri, Yemima Felicia Ivanna Putri.


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ONLINE CLASS DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC By : Keke Hanna Karina Br Purba, Leani Novi Uli, Sandra Graceyana Putri, Yemima Felicia Ivanna Putri

In December 2019, a case of covid-19 was first dtinhsoecwoCvhoeavrsieddk-1iilnl9eWdpatuhnhodauensmcaiinctydh,saCoshfienlniavt.eeTsrhe(edSnuI,nsodinlooMn, eeatsriacalh.a,22n,d022u00n2t).0il, tThhesecrsehpforoeoralefd,rtoohmfethhInoisdmovenir,euassniabdnysgcooofvnoedrrtunhcmtbieenncgtaPusSseBetBnt,hehewevarielrtughsupliarsoteitooanscsiolytl,oswpporrreekavadenndt through droplets (respiratory sparks). rCtuhonevaifdine-e1ldw9oipsfrEovdegurraycmiantftilohunae.tnWitsihaoelnirnleincteaerlarecyaihnrengrinsoguatfnrddoamsiltyhuaodcmetneivtscitoiaenrsed,urineccqteluudidreuindsgitniong applications such as Zoom, Google Meet, Teams, etc.


The advantage of online learning is that learning time is more flexible. Students have time to learn flexibly or can be done at any time without being tied to the hours of study, where students can also access the material so they do not have to take long to do the learning.

Unlike during face-to-face learning because students have to prepare early, go to school, and so on. From the data obtained, flexible learning makes student learning outcomes increase from the previous 35% to 78.26% (Nugraha, Sudiatmi, & Suswandari, 2020).

In addition, students can spend more time with family, because during the pandemic we are encouraged to study at home, so that we can build closer relationships with family.

Although online learning has a positive impact, more shortcomings are felt by students. First, the shortcomings of online learning are the limitations of internet access and electronic devices. Not all areas easily access the internet as well as in rimland areas

Based on the diagram above, it is known that internet users on the island of Sumatra as many as 18.6 million, on the island of Java as many as 52 million, on the island of Kalimantan as many as 4.2 million, on the island of Sulawesi as many as 7.5 million, and in Nusa Tenggara, Papua, and Maluku as many as 5.9 million. From this data can be seen the fewest internet users are the island of Kalimantan which shows that most likely for students in Kalimantan it is difficult to access online learning (Sohibun & Ade, 2017)

Electronic devices are also quite expensive for some circles, so not everyone can access the material well. And also the price of internet usage data is quite expensive for some people. Thus, not all can do online learning to the maximum.

Another drawback of online learning is the reduced interaction with teachers. Where the level of understanding of each student is different and some of them need explanation from others directly in order to be better understand the material that is difficult to learn.

Because of online learning, students and teachers can not meet in person. So the discussion between teachers and students becomes limited because there is a possibility for students confused how to ask questions, or teachers who can not see the expression of students who understand or do not know about the material because it is not on camera when it is not required.

Unlike in face-to-face learning where teachers can pay attention to students who still seem confused or do not understand, and that is where the discussion process occurs. This can make the students unable to learn effectively and efficiently. Because teachers can only explain material by videos, and provide material explanations through video call applications.

It can be concluded, there are some advantages and disadvantages of online classes felt by teachers and students during the Covid-19 pandemic. Where is the student have more flexible study time and have time to gather with family.

Online learning has negative impact such as internet problems and electronic devices in online learning, materials obtained by students are less satisfactory due to the lack of interaction between students and teachers.

Our advice in this topic is for the government to equalizing the development of telecommunication infrastructure in all regions so that all students can utilize and have fast internet access as in other areas that can already access the internet well. We expect this pandemic to rapidly diminish, so that it can conduct face-to-face learning gradually.

Nugraha, S. A., Sudiatmi, T., & Suswandari, M. (2020). STUDI PENGARUH DARING LEARNING TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA KELAS IV. Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian, I(3), 265-276. Retrieved April 20, 2021, from pengaruh-daring-learning-terhadap-20979c82.pdf Sohibun, & Ade, F. Y. (2017). Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Virtual Class Berbantuan Google Drive. Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah, 2, 121-129. Retrieved April 13, 2021, from Susilo, A., Rumende, C. M., Pitoyo, C. W., Santoso, W. D., Yulianti, M., Herikurniawan, . . . Maksum., M. (2020). Coronavirus Disease 2019 : Tinjauan Literatur Terkini. Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia, VII(1), 45-67. Retrieved April 13, 2021, from

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