This book was created by : Ezra Amarya Ekaristy Fetricya Hesti Maria S. Florenz Phios L. Kamis Reivaldi Facultyoftfursing Pelita Harapan University
COVID-19 is a disease that can This virus was first discovered in infect people around it and is caused by a Wuhan in 2019, then spread throughout viral infection that attacks the respiratory the world very quickly in a period of system in humans. one year (Yunus, 2020). People infected with COVID-19 infection will have flu symptoms accompanied by an increase in body temperature (fever), cough, runny nose, sore throat, and experience headaches.
In the handling of COVID-19 of the Republic of If a person comes into contact with a surface that has Indonesia dated March 28, 2021, there were been contaminated with a virus, that person might 1,496,085 confirmed positive and 40,449 become infected. confirmed deaths (KPCPEN, 2021). In March WHO recommends that prevention efforts by applying 2021, the government has reported in Tangerang health protocols are essential to using a mask as well there’s 8,545 confirmed positive and 166 as recommended, washing hands as encouraging and confirmed deaths (KPCPEN, 2021). Corona virus the importance of keeping a distance from others spreads through droplets of fluid that come from (Ouassou, 2020). the airway and mouth, when coughing or sneezing.
Wear Mask Using a mask is highly recommended, during pandemic situations, especially in COVID-19 pandemic, because one of the spreads of Masks can protect against coarser droplets COVID-19 is through droplets. WHO (World Health and thinner aerosol transmission and may Organization) and Center for Disease Control and Prevention be better at preventing droplet transmission (CDC) in the United States recommend the use of cloth masks for as well (Atmojo, 2020). the general public (Li, 2020).
Masks are advised to limit community transmission by asymptomatic carriers or at least clinically undetected infected persons who may be the main driver of rapid transmission of COVID-19 In addition, the use of surgical masks and N95 can protect the wearer from infection or can also prevent transmitting infection (WHO, 2020). So that it can be used by health care workers to protect themselves against respiratory infections.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that surgical masks should be sufficient when treating COVID-19 patients, and Respirator N95 or PAPR should be used only in cases where the CDC aerosol generating procedure insists that N95 respirators be used by all medical professionals who come into contact with COVID-19 patients. Based on this, if there is difficulty in procuring or emptying N95 masks, the use of surgical masks is allowed to make contact with COVID-19 patients, and to maximize protection, a face shield can be used (Atmojo, 2020). So, using mask is important, especially during COVID-19 situation because it’s can avoid from COVID-19 virus
Washing Hands The World Health Organization (WHO) also states that our hands are the main route for germs to enter the body (Maulina, 2021). Maintaining hand hygiene during a pandemic is very necessary, considering that hands are parts of the body that often come into contact with existing objects. Therefore, it is very important to maintain hand hygiene in order to avoid exposure to viruses that stick to objects.
Knowledge of proper handwashing is one of the factors in preventing disease (Ruslan, 2019). The way to maintain hand hygiene to avoid getting sick is to apply handwashing with soap / hand rub. Washing hands with soap or hand rub only take 15 seconds. Washing hands also should not be arbitrary. There are six steps to washing hands that we must really pay attention to kill and eliminate germs and viruses that stick to our hands. Thus, after implementing the above matters, it is hoped that we can prevent infection and spread of the COVID-19 virus (Maulina, 2021).
Keep the Distance Non-pharmaceutical infection prevention involves keeping a safe distance or restricting physical contact in order to avoid or stop the spread of infectious diseases. So, it can reduce the risk of disease transmission, infection transmission, morbidity, and other negative effects that can lead to death by reducing the chance of physical contact between an infected person and others who are not infected. (Yunus, 2020).
Physical distancing is an effort to prevent the transmission of viruses that can be transmitted through physical contact, sexual intercourse, coughing dan sneezing of an infected person which can be transmitted through droplets. Social distancing is an act of distance yourself from other people around you in order to prevent the transmission of viruses that cause disease.
Indonesian Law number 6 of 2018, verses 59 The reason it takes social distancing is to avoid an increase in and 60 concerning Health Quarantine the number of victims who become a burden on medical regulates the definition of social distancing. personnel and also aim to reduce the risk of transmission of The application of social distancing, for infection in the community (Pearce, 2020). example, maintains a distance of one to two meters and is prohibited from shaking hands with people infected with COVID-19 (Kresna, 2020).
In conclusion, COVID-19 contagious disease is caused by the COVID-19 virus which can be transmitted through droplets and can be prevented by implementing health protocols such as wearing a mask when outdoors, washing hands with the right steps, and social distancing from other people. By doing the 3 things above, we hoped that we can reduce the risk of spreading the COVID- 19 virus in the community.
References 1. Atmojo, J. T. (2020). The Use of Masks in the Prevention and Management of Covid-19: Rationality, Effectiveness, and Current Issues. Avicenna : Journal of Health Research, Vol 3, No 2, 84-95. 2. KPCPEN. (2021, Maret 28). Komite Penanganan Covid-19 dan Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional. Retrieved April 15, 2021, from Committee for Handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery. Accessed on April 15, 2021 from the Analysis of Indonesian COVID-19 Data (Update As of March 28,2021). 3. Kresna, A. &. (2020, Juni). The Influence of Physical and Social Distance on Health in A Linguistic Approach. Jurnal Syntax Transformation, Vol. 1 No. 4, 14-19. 4. Li, R. (2020). Substantial Undocumented Infection Facilities the Rapid Dissemination of Novel Coronavirus (SARS- Cov-2). Science Journal. 5. Maulina, N. &. (2021). Readiness, Education and Handwashing Practice Assistance 6 Steps According to Who to Face the Coronavirus Pandemic in Students of SD Diana Lhokseumawe. Journal of Vocational Studies, 64-68. 6. Ouassou, H. K. (2020). Pathogenesis of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Evaluation and Prevention. Journal of Immunology Research. 7. Pearce, K. (2020). What is Social Distancing and How Can it Slow the Spread of COVID-19. John Hopkins Journal, 2. 8. Ruslan, H. &. (2019). Differences in the Number of Hand Bacteria in Elementary School Students Around the Banks of the Lulut River in Banjarmasin based on Handwashing techniques. Homeostasis, 179-184. 9. WHO. (2020, June 5). Advice on the use of masks in the context of COVID-19. Interim guidance. 10.Yunus, N. &. (2020). Lock Down Enforcement Policy in Anticipation of Corona Virus Covid-19 Spread. Regards: Syar-I Social and Cultural Journal, Vol 7 No 3
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