# jpnmelakajenamakerajaanno1 PROJEK KM2 @ KEMENJADIAN MURID MELAKA MODUL DLP FASA 1 BIOLOGI TINGKATAN 5 NAMA MURID : .............................................................. NAMA KELAS :............................................................... NAMA GURU :............................................................... “PENDIDIKAN BERKUALITI, INSAN TERDIDIK, NEGARA SEJAHTERA”
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE The zone of cell growth 2
Types of growth I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE 1. Primary growth Secondary growth at the stem 2. Secondary growth Secondary growth at the root 3
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE Comparison between primary growth and secondary growth in eudicots 4
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE Growth curve in plant 5
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE Jawab semua soalan. Answer all questions 1. Rajah 1 (a) menunjukkan tiga jenis sel ,X, Y dan Z yang boleh ditemui di hujung pucuk. Diagram 1(a) shows three types of cells,X, Y and Z that can be found in a shoot tip. XY Z Rajah 1(a)/ Diagram 1 (a) Rajah 1 (b) menunjukkan tiga zon pertumbuhan sel , P, Q dan R dalam hujung pucuk. Diagram 1(b) shows three zones of growth, P, Q and R in a shoot tip. Rajah 1(b)/ Diagram 1(b) (a) Antara yang berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan dengan betul sel-sel X, Y dan Z yang boleh ditemui di zon pertumbuhan P, Q dan R? Which of the following shows correctly the cells, X, Y and Z that can be found at the growth zones P, Q and R? PQ R AX Z Y BY Z X CZ X Y DZ Y X 6
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE 2. Semasa pertumbuhan sekunder tumbuhan, apakah yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan xilem sekunder dan floem sekunder? During the secondary growth of plants, what gives rise to the growth of the secondary xylem and phloem? A. Tisu korteks B. Kambium vaskular Cortex tissue Vascular cambium C. Meristem apeks D. Kambium gabus Apical meristem Cork cambium 3. Rajah 2 menunjukkan pelbagai zon pertumbuhan pada satu hujung akar. Diagram 2 shows the various zones of development of a tip of a root. Rajah 2 Diagram 2 Antara zon A, B, C atau D, yang manakah mengalami pembezaan sel? Which of the zones are A, B, C or D, undergoes cell differentiation? 7
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE 4 Mempunyai jangka hayat yang panjang bergantung kepada spesies dan keadaan . Have longer lifespan depending on the species and conditions Tumbuhan yang hidup lebih daripada dua tahun Plants which live more than two years Mempunyai struktur yang dapat beradaptasi dengan persekitaran dan perubahan suhu Have structures that are adaptable to their surroundings and temperature change Apakah tumbuhan yang dihuraikan di atas? B. Pokok tembikai What is the plant described above? Watermelon plant A. Kubis Cabbage C. Pokok bunga raya D. Pokok bunga balung ayam Hibiscus plant Silver cock’s comb plant 5. Rajah 3 menunjukkan keratan rentas sebatang pokok yang terdapat di England. Anggarkan usia pokok tersebut. Diagram 3 shows a cross-section of a plant stem which lives in England. Estimate the age of the plant. 8
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE Rajah 3 Diagram 3 A. 7 B. 6 C. 9 D. 4 6. Antara yang berikut, yang manakah bukan tisu asas tumbuhan? Which of the following is not a ground tissue of a plant? A. 9
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE B. C. D. 7. Antara yang berikut yang manakah bukan kepentingan pertumbuhan sekunder? Which of these is not the necessity of secondary growth? A. Menghasilkan lebih banyak tisu xilem dan tisu floem Produces more xylem and phloem tissues B. Menambah diameter batang dan akar agar bersesuaian dengan ketinggian tumbuhan Increasing the stem and root diameters to suit the height of plants 10
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE C. Mampu hidup lebih lama dengan meningkatkan peluang menghasilkan biji benih dan membiak Able to live longer by increasing the chances of seed production and reproduction D. Membenarkan pemanjangan pokok agar dapat menyerap cahaya matahari untuk menjalankan fotosintesis Allows maximum elongation of plants to absorb sunlight for photosynthesis 8. Pernyataan berikut adalah ciri-ciri suatu tisu. The following statements are characteristics of a tissue. Terbentuk daripada sel-sel mati yang tidak mengandungi sitoplasma Made up of dead cells without the cytoplasm Dinding sel yang diselaputi lignin The cell wall contains lignin Terdiri daripada salur yang memanjang, berongga dan bersambungan antara satu dengan lain dari akar ke daun Consists of vessels that are elongated, hollow and connected to each other from its roots to the leaves Mengangkut air dan garam mineral Transport water and mineral salt Apakah tisu itu? What is the tissue? A. Floem Phloem B. Epidermis Epidermis C. Xilem Xylem D. Parenkima Parenchyma 11
9. Antara yang berikut, yang manakah benar? I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE Which of the following is true? Pertumbuhan primer Pertumbuhan sekunder Tidak mempunyai gelang tahunan A Mempunyai gelang tahunan Absence of annual growth rings Presence of annual growth rings Pertumbuhan berlaku secara B Pertumbuhan berlaku secara jejari memanjang Growth occurs radially Growth occurs longitudinally C Melibatkan meristem apeks Melibatkan meristem lateral Involve apical meristem Involve lateral meristem D Mempunyai tisu berkayu Tidak mempunyai tisu berkayu Have woody tissues Do not have woody tissues 10 Rajah 4 menunjukkan keratan rentas batang sejenis tumbuhan yang menjalani pertumbuhan sekunder. Diagram 4 shows a cross-section of a plant stem that undergoes secondary growth. Rajah 4 Diagram 4 Apakah P, Q, R dan S? What are P, Q, R and S? PQ R S A Floem sekunder Floem primer Xilem sekunder Xilem primer Secondary Primary phloem Secondary xylem Primary xylem phloem B Xilem sekunder Floem primer Xilem primer Floem sekunder Secondary Primary phloem Primary xylem Secondary xylem phloem 12
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE C Floem primer Xilem sekunder Floem sekunder Xilem primer Primary phloem Secondary Secondary Primary xylem xylem phloem D Floem primer Floem sekunder Xilem sekunder Xilem primer Primary phloem Secondary Secondary xylem Primary xylem phloem 13
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE SOALAN STRUKTUR STRUCTURE QUESTION 1. Rajah 1 menunjukkan keratan rentas batang pokok X dan pokok Y. Diagram 1 shows the cross sections of stems of plant X dan plant Y Rajah 1 Diagram 1 (a) (i) Tumbuhan yang manakah mempunyai sokongan mekanikal yang lebih kuat? Beri satu sebab untuk jawapan anda. Which plant has a stronger mechanical support? Give one reason for your answer. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ [ 2 markah / marks] (ii) Tumbuhan yang manakah mungkin tumbuhan herba? Wajarkan pilihan anda. Which plant is likely a herbaceous plant? Give your explanation. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ [ 2 markah / marks] 14
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE (b) Nyatakan fungsi xilem. State the function of xylem. _______________________________________________________________________ [ 1 markah / mark] (c) Hydrilla sp. ialah tumbuhan tenggelam yang terdapat di dalam kolam. Terangkan penyesuaian pada Hydrilla sp. yang membolehkannya hidup di dalam kolam. Hydrilla sp. is a submerged plant found in a pond. Explain the adaptations of Hydrilla sp. to survive in a pond. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ [ 3 markah / marks] 15
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE 2. Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan satu tumbuhan daratan. Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan keratan rentas daun tumbuhan tersebut. Diagram 2.1 shows a terrestrial plant. Diagram 2.2 shows a cross section of the leaf of the plant. Rajah 2.1 Rajah 2.2 Diagram 2.1 Diagram 2.2 (a) (i) Namakan struktur berikut: Name the following structures: Organel R: ____________________________________________________ organelle R Sel S : ________________________________________________________ Cell S Tisu T : _______________________________________________________ Tissue T [ 3 markah / marks ] 16
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE (b) Organel R terdapat dengan banyak di dalam sel S. Wajarkan mengapa. Organelle R is found abundantly in cell S. Explain why. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ [ 2 markah / marks] (c) Rajah 2.3 menunjukkan suatu tumbuhan akuatik. Diagram 2.3 shows an aquatic plant. Rajah 2.3 Diagram2.3 Terangkan satu ciri penyesuaian yang membolehkan tumbuhan itu hidup dalam habitatnya. Explain one adaptive features that enable the plant to live in its habitat. Penyesuaian: ______________________________________________________ Adaptation: Penerangan: _______________________________________________________ Explanation: [ 2 markah / marks] 17
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE 3. Kaji foto-foto bagi beberapa jenis tumbuhan yang berikut. Study the following photos of several types of plants J KL (a) Kenal pasti jenis-jenis tumbuhan bagi J, K dan L berdasarkan kitar hidup masing- masing. Identify the types of plants in J, K and L based on their life cycles. J : _______________________________________________________ K: _______________________________________________________ L: _______________________________________________________ [ 3 markah / marks] (b) Nyatakan satu perbezaan antara tumbuhan K dan tumbuhan L. State one difference between plant K and plant L. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ [ 1 markah / mark] 18
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE (b) Jadual berikut menunjukkan purata jisim kering bagi anak benih pokok jagung yang ditanam selama 30 hari di dalam tapak semaian berukuran 1m x 1m pada jarak 15cm di antara satu sama lain. The following table shows the average dry mass of corn seedlings planted for 30 days in a nursery measuring 1m x 1m at a distance of 15cm from each other. Masa (minggu) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Times (weeks) Purata jisim kering (g) Average dry mass (g) Berdasarkan keputusan di atas, lukiskan graf purata jisim kering melawan masa untuk menunjukkan lengkung pertumbuhan bagi pokok jagung. Based on the above results, draw a graph of average of dry mass against time to show the growth curve of corn plant. [ 4 markah / marks] 19
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE SOALAN ESEI ESSAY QUESTION 1. Usia bagi pokok yang hidup di kawasan beriklim sederhana dapat diukur melalui gelang tahunan pada batang pokok. Gelang tahunan terbentuk daripada pertumbuhan sekunder. The age of trees living in temperate climates can be measured through annual rings on tree trunks. The annual ring is formed from secondary growth. RAJAH 1 DIAGRAM 1 a) Mengapakah pertumbuhan sekunder penting kepada tumbuhan? Why is secondary growth important to plants? [5 mark/5 markah] b) Terangkan bagaimana penentuan usia pokok yang hidup di kawasan beriklim sederhana? Explain how to determine the age of trees living in temperate areas? [7 marks/ 7 markah] c) Cadangkan bagaimana tumbuhan yang mengalami pertumbuhan sekunder dapat meningkatkan ekonomi negara. Suggest how plants with secondary growth can improve the country's economy. [8 marks/ 8 markah] 21
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE CHAPTER 2 – LEAF STUCTURE AND FUNCTION 1. Leaf is an important organ that carry out photosynthesis 2. The external structure of leaf consists of lamina and petiole 3. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide gaseous occur through stomata 4. The mechanism of stomatal opening 5. The mechanism of stomatal closing 22
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE 6. The effect of water deficiency in plants on stomatal opening and closing 7. The environmental factors that affect the rate of transpiration 23
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE 8. The adaptations of internal structure of the leaf to photosynthesis 9. Light-dependent and light-independent reactions in photosynthesis. 24
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE Jawab semua soalan. Answer all questions. 1. Rajah 1 di bawah menunjukkan satu keratan rentas daun. Diagram 1 below shows a cross section of leaf. X Apakah struktur X? Rajah 1 What is structure X? Diagram 1 A. Kutikel B. Epidermis atas Cuticle Upper epidermis C. Mesofil palisad D. Sel mesofil berspan Palisade mesophyll Spongy mesophyll 2. Apakah fungsi kutikel pada daun? B. Mengangkut air What is the function of cuticle in leaf? Transport water A. Menghalang kehilangan air D. Mengawal bukaan stoma Prevent water loss Control the opening of stoma C. Mengangkut bahan organik Transport organic substances 25
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE 3. Rajah 2 di bawah menunjukkan satu keratan rentas daun. Diagram 2 below shows a cross section of leaf. P Q Rajah 2 Diagram 2 Nyatakan fungsi struktur P dan Q? State the function of structure P and Q? PQ Mengangkut bahan organik dari daun Mengangkut air dari akar ke daun A. ke akar Transport water from root to the shoot Transport water from root to the shoot Mengangkut bahan organik dari akar Mengangkut air dari pucuk ke akar B. ke daun Transport water from shoot to the root Transport water from shoot to the root Mengangkut air dari pucuk ke akar Mengangkut bahan organik dari akar C. Transport water from shoot to the root ke daun Transport water from shoot to the root Mengangkut air dari akar ke daun Mengangkut bahan organik dari daun D. Transport water from root to the shoot ke akar Transport water from root to the shoot 4. Namakan ion yang terlibat dalam mekanisma pembukaan dan penutupan stoma? Name the ion that involve in the mechanism opening and closing of stoma? A. Ion kalium B. Ion natrium Potassium ion Sodium ion C. Ion klorida D. Ion Kalsium Chloride ion Calcium ion 26
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE 5. Penyataan-penyataan di bawah menerangkan proses penutupan stoma. Susun penyataan-penyataan di bawah mengikut urutan yang betul. Statements below explaining the process closing of stoma. Arrange the statements below following correct order. I. Fotosintesis tidak berlaku tanpa kehadiran cahaya II Photosynthesis does not occur in absent of light II. Sel pengawal menjadi flasid The guard cell become flaccid III. Kepekatan sukrosa di dalam sel pengawal menjadi rendah The sucrose concentration in the guard cell become low IV. Air meresap keluar dari sel pengawal ke sel epidermis secara osmosis Water diffuses out from guard cell into epidermis cell by osmosis V. Keupayaan air di dalam sel pengawal meningkat The water potential in guard cell increases A. I II III IV V B. I III V IV C. I IV III V II D. I IV II IV III 6. Apakah factor-faktor persekitaran yang mempengaruhi kadar transpirasi. What are environmental factors that affect the rate of transpiration. I Pergerakan udara B. I, II dan IV Air movement I, II and IV II Kepekatan air D. II, III dan IV Water concentration II, III and IV III Keamatan cahaya Light intensity IV Kelembapan relatif udara Relative air humidity A. I, II dan III I, II and III C. I, III dan IV I, III and IV 27
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE 7. Rajah 3 di bawah menunjukkan organel kloroplas Diagram 3 below shows an organelle of chloroplast. J Rajah 3 Diagram 3 Namakan serta nyatakan tindak balas yang berlaku di struktur J? Nama and state the reaction that occur in structure of J? Nama struktur Tindak balas Name of structure Reaction Stroma A. Stroma Tindak balas bersandarkan cahaya Light-dependent reaction Grana B. Grana Tindak balas tidak bersandarkan cahaya Light-independent reaction Stroma C. Stroma Tindak balas tidak bersandarkan cahaya Light-independent reaction Grana D. Grana Tindak balas bersandarkan cahaya Light-dependent reaction 8. Apakah proses yang berlaku di grana? B. Kondensasi glukosa What prose that occur in grana? Glucose condensation A. Penurunan karbon dioksida D. Fotolisis air Reduction of carbon dioxide Water photolysis C. Hidrolisis kanji Starch hydrolysis 28
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE 9 Apakah factor-faktor persekitaran yang mempengaruhi kadar fotosintesis. What are environmental factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis. I Suhu B. I, II dan IV Temperature I, II and IV II Kepekatan karbon dioksida D. II, III dan IV Carbon dioxide concentration II, III and IV III Keamatan cahaya Light intensity IV Pergerakan udara Air movement A. I, II dan III I, II and III C. I, III dan IV I, III and IV 10. Manakah antara berikut adalah padanan yang benar antara pigmen dan warna spektrum cahaya yang diserap? Which of following is correct pairing between pigment and spectrum of light absorbed? Merah Biru Red Blue Klorofil Karotenoid Chlorophyll A. Carotenoid Karotenoid Klorofil Carotenoid B. Chlorophyll Karotenoid Xantofil Carotenoid C. Xanthophyll Xantofil Klorofil Xanthophyll D. Chlorophyll 29
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE SOALAN STRUKTUR STRUCTURED QUESTION 1 Rajah 1 menunjukkan keratan rentas sehelai daun Diagram 1 shows a cross section of a leaf Rajah 1 Diagram 1 a) Namakan bahagian yang berlabel K, L, M, N, O dan P dalam Rajah 1. Name the parts labelled K, L, M, N, O and P in Diagram 1. [6 markah] [6 marks] Namakan struktur di mana proses fotosintesis berlaku. b) Name the structure where photosynthesis process takes place ___________________________________________________________________________ [1 markah] [1 mark] 30
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE c) Rajah 1.1 Diagram 1.1 Rajah 1.1 di atas menunjukkan susunan bagi daun tumbuhan. Bagaimanakah daun disusun untuk proses fotosintesis yang optimum? Diagram 1.1 above shows the arrangement of the leaves. How are the leaves arranged for optimal photosynthesis? [2 markah] [2 marks] 31
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE 2 Rajah 2 menunjukkan keratan rentas sehelai daun Diagram 2 shows the cross section of a leaf Rajah 2 Diagram 2 a) i) Namakan komponen R Name component R _______________________________________________________________________________ [1 markah] [1 mark] ii.) Nyatakan satu fungsi R State one function of R ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ [1 markah] [1 mark] b) Berikan dua penyesuaian daun bagi membantu proses fotosintesis Give two adaptations of leaves to facilitate photosynthesis ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] [2 marks] 32
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE c) Q terbuka pada waktu siang dan tertutup pada waktu malam Q opens by day and closes at night Terangkan hubungan antara saiz Q dan kadar fotosintesis apabila tumbuhan didedahkan kepada cahaya matahari dari 6 pagi hingga 6 petang. Explain the relationship between the size of Q and the rate of photosynthesis when the plant is exposed to sunlight from 0600 to 1800 [3 markah] [3 marks] 33
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE 3 Rajah 3 menunjukkan satu kloroplas Diagram 3 shows a chloroplast Rajah 3 Diagram 3 a) Namakan struktur yang berlabel P, Q dan R dalam Rajah 3 Name the structures labelled as P, Q and R in Diagram 3 P: [3 markah] Q: [3 marks] R: b) Nyatakan dua peringkat yang utama dalam fotosintesis State two main stages in photosynthesis i. ii. [2 markah] [2 marks] c) Tindak balas biokomia yang berlaku semasa fotosintesis diringkaskan seperti berikut: The biochemical reaction that occurs during photosyntehsis is summarized as follows: 34
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE i. Namakan P Name P _____________________________________________________________________ [1 markah] [1 mark] ii. Namakan hasil Q Name product Q [1 markah] [1 mark] Rajah 3.1 Diagram 3.1 iii. Rumah hijau dapat digunakan untuk mengawal faktor persekitaran untuk mengeluarkan hasil tanaman yang maksimum. Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan pokok tomato yang ditanam dalam rumah hijau. Green house can be used to control the surrounding factors to maximise crop yields. Diagram 3.1 shows tomato plants grown in a greenhouse. 35
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE Nyatakan dua faktor persekitaran di dalam rumah hijau yang dapat meningkatkan penghasilan tomato. State two surrounding factors in greenhouse increase the productivity of tomato plants. i. ii. [2 markah] [2 marks] 4 Rajah 4 menunjukkan graf kadar fotosintesis bagi suatu tumbuhan di bawah dua faktor yang berbeza Diagram 4 shows a graph of the rate of photosynthesis of a plant under two different factors Rajah 4 Diagram 4 a. Pada rajah 4, lengkapkan graf A bagi menunjukkan kadar fotosintesis dari 12 tengahari hingga 8 malam On diagram 4, complete the graph A to show the rate of photosynthesis from 1200 to 2000 pm [1 markah] [1 mark] 36
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE b. Berdasarkan graf, nyatakan perubahan kadar fotosintesis semasa masa X, Y dan Z Based on the graph, state the changes of the rate of photosynthesis during time X, Y and Z i. X: ii. Y: iii. Z: [3 markah] [3 marks] c. Namakan dua peringkat yang berlaku dalam proses fotosintesis Name two stages that occur in photosyntesis i. ii. [2 markah] [2 marks] d. Apakah yang akan berlaku kepada kadar fotosintesis selepas jam 2000 malam? Jelaskan jawapan anda. What will happened to the rate of photosynthesis after 2000 p.m? Explain your answer [2 markah] [2 marks] 37
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE e. Rajah 4.1 Diagram 4.1 Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan graf isipadu karbon dioksida yang diambil atau dibebaskan oleh tumbuhan dalam sebuah hutan mengikut keamatan cahaya yang berbeza. Diagram 4.1 shows the graph of the volume of carbon dioxide taken in or released by a plant in a forest at different light intensity i. Pada titik yang manakah dikenali sebagai titik pampasan? Which of the point is known as compensation point? [1 markah] [1 mark] ii. Jelaskan jawapan anda di (i) Explain your answer in (i) [1 markah] [1 mark] 38
I DLP FORM 5 KSSM BIOLOGY MODULE SOALAN ESEI Essay Question 1. a) Kadar transpirasi tumbuhan di gurun lebih tinggi berbanding tumbuhan di hutan hujan tropika. Cadangkan cara penyesuaian tumbuhan gurun bagi memastikan spesis gurun bagi memastikan kemandirian spesis itu. The rate of transpiration of plants in the desert is higher than that of plants in tropical rainforests. Suggest ways to adapt desert plants to ensure desert species to ensure the survival of the species. (5 mark) [5 markah] b) Populasi tumbuhan dalam kawasan perindustrian lebih rendah berbanding kawasan taman eko. Terangkan mengapa keadaan ini berlaku? The population of plants in industrial areas is lower than in eco-garden areas. Explain why this situation occurs? (7 mark) [7 markah] c) Pertanian organik menyumbang kepada peningkatan ekonomi negara. Bagi meningkatkan hasil pertanian organik, pembinaan rumah hijau adalah penyumbang utama dalam peningkatan tersebut. Lakarkan satu rumah hijau bagi membantu para petani moden membangunkan pertanian organik ini. Organic agriculture contributes to the economic growth of the country. To increase the yield of organic agriculture, the construction of greenhouses is a major contributor to the increase. Sketch a greenhouse to help modern farmers develop this organic farming. (8 mark) [8 markah] 39
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