Year 13 Unit of Work Key Knowledge (The minimum all students should know in order to access later concepts) Rome's relations with Britian before AD43, Stud The reasons for the Roman conquest of Britain under and Claudius, Briti Roman military policy towards Britain and its effectiveness, to an Prescribed sources including: Cassius Dio, Josephus, unde Pomponius Mela, Suetonius, Tacitus, Arch of Claudius, histo Aureus of Claudius, Bronze coin of Cunobelinus, Chester histo Autumn 1 PAPER TWO SECTION B lead water-pipe, Letter from Claudius to the athletes, Gaius subs Saufeius tombstone, Gold stater of Verica, M. Petronius Stud (JP teaching 2x Roman Military Policy towards Britain: tombstone, avai relia hours a week) Conquest and Expansion them use, histo conc stud write they Oligarchy, tyranny and democracy, Stud Citizenship and non-citizenship, and The development of the democratic system, dem The working of the democratic system - The Council, featu Magistrates, The Assembly, and Ostracism histo Autumn 1 PAPER ONE, SECTION B The Law Courts, Stud Pericles' funeral oration, avai (KG teaching 3x Athenian political and social Athens as the leader of an empire, and her treatment of relia allied states, or w hours a week) culture The changing nature of leadership in the fifth century, (AO The roles of non-citizens at Athens - Metics, slaves, their women Prescribed srouces conc including: Aristophanes, Euripides, The Old Oligarch, Plato, stud Plutarch, Thucydides, Xenophon write they
Key Skills Assessment Homeworks (The minimum all students should be able to do) (e.g. What is being assesses and How?) dents need to understand and recall the key elements Subject knowledge quizzes in Revision for subject knowledge events surrounding the Roman military policy towards lessons focussing on knowledge of quizzes and summative iain, particularly the role of each individual governor up Roman military policy towards knowledge test nd including Agricola (AO1, demonstrate knowledge and Britain and sources, and on Completion of 30 mark Q on to erstanding of the key features and characteristics of the knowledge of Section A (content what extent there was orical periods studied, and AO2, analyse and evaluate from Y12) discontent towards the Julio- orical events and historical periods to arrive at Summative knowledge test on Claudiuan Emperors stantiated judgements). Roman military policy towards dents also need to understand the different sources Britain to help feed into tracking, ilable for Roman military policy towards Britain and how Assessed (hwk) 30 mark Q on to able they are, looking specifically at the role of historians what extent there was discontent mselves/archaeological evidence within history (AO3, towards the Julio-Claudian , analyse and evaluate ancient sources within their Emperors (content from orical context to make judgements and reach Y12) clusions about historical events and historical peoples died and how the portrayal of events by ancient ers/sources relates to the historical contexts in which y were written/produced). dents need to understand and recall the key elements Subject knowledge quizzes in Completion of summative KO on workings of Athenian political and social culture, (AO1, lessons focussing on knowledge of Athenian political and social monstrate knowledge and understanding of the key Athenian political and social culture, ures and characteristics of the historical periods studied, culture and sources, and on Completion of vocabulary KO on AO2, analyse and evaluate historical events and knowledge of Section A (content Athenian political and social orical periods to arrive at substantiated judgements). from culture, dents also need to understand the different sources Y12) Sum Revision for subject knowledge ilable for Athenian political and social culture and how mative knowledge test on Athenian quizzes and summative able they are, looking specifically at the role of historians political and social culture to help knowledge test writers themselves/archaeological evidence within history feed into tracking, Completion of 30 Mark Q on O3, use, analyse and evaluate ancient sources within Assessed (hwk) 30 mark Q on developing Greek and Spartan r historical context to make judgements and reach developing Greek and Spartan strategies during the clusions about historical events and historical peoples strategies during the Archidamian Archidamian War died and how the portrayal of events by ancient War (content from Y12) ers/sources relates to the historical contexts in which y were written/produced).
Roman Military Policy towards Britain: Stud The Governorship of Agricola, and Prescribed sources including: Cassius Dio, Josephus, Briti Pomponius Mela, Suetonius, Tacitus, Arch of Claudius, to an Aureus of Claudius, Bronze coin of Cunobelinus, Chester spec lead water-pipe, Letter from Claudius to the athletes, Gaius caus Saufeius tombstone, Gold stater of Verica, M. Petronius know tombstone, char Frontier Policy: anal The changes to Frontier Policy after Agricola's to ar PAPER TWO SECTION B governorship including Retrenchment, Stud Autumn(hJ2PoutreCsaocanhqwiuneegesk2tR)xaentdreEnRcxoFhpmmaronaensnntiioteMnArilPD(itcao8orl5inyc-tycPin:.o1uCl2eioc8dyn,)stoowlidaartdiosnBarintadin: The Stanegate Road system, avai Resistance to Roman rule Hadrian's Wall: It's history, features and functions, polic Prescribed sources including: Scriptores Historiae are, Augustae (SHP), Tacticus, Altars to Neptune and Oceanus, them As of Hadrian, Caerleon stone of Trajan, Commemorative use, tablet from York, Halton Chesters dedication slab, Inchtuthil histo fort, Milecastle 38 inscription, Sestertius of Hadrian, conc Vindolanda fort, Vindolanda tablets - invitations to a stud birthday party and military strength report write Resistance to Roman rule: they The nature and effectiveness of Britisn resistance to Roman invasion and rule, Caratacus, Prescribed sources including: Cassius Dio, Suetonius, Tacitus The influence of new thinking and ideas on Athenian Stud society: The An intellectual revolution, and The sophists, of A Drama and the sophists - Aristophanes' 'Clouds' and of th Tragedy, perio Socrates - philosophical method, democracy, trial and even execution, judg Prescribed sources including: Aristophanes, Aristotle, Stud PAPER ONE, SECTION B Euripides, Gorgias, Plato, Plutarch, Thucydides, avai Autumn 2 The influence of new thinking and Xenophon, Athe (KG teacidheiansgo3nxAthenian society, Art and architecture and their significance in the sign hours a week) Art and architecture and their culture of Athens: are, significance in the culture of Athens The Athenian building programme, them The Acropolis - The Temple of Athena Nike, The use, Propylaea, The Statue of Athena Promachos, The histo Parthenon, The Erechtheion, The Odeon of Pericles, conc The Agora, stud Attica, write Prescribed sources including: Pausanias, Plutarch, they Buildings on the Acropolis and in the Athenians Agora built as part of the Periclean Building Programme, the Odeon of Pericles, Temple at Sounion
dents need to understand and recall the key elements Subject knowledge quizzes in Completion of summative KO on events surrounding the Roman military policy towards lessons focussing on knowledge of all the governors of Britain from iain, particularly the role of each individual governor up Roman military policy towards Aululs Plautius to Gnaues Julius nd including Agricola, Roman frontier policy with a Britain, Frontier Policy, Resistance Agricola cific focus on Hadrian's Wall, Resistance to Roman rule, to Roman rule and sources, and Completion of summative KO on ses, events and outcomes (AO1, demonstrate on knowledge of Section A Frontier policy with a specific wledge and understanding of the key features and (content from Y12). focus on Hadrian's Wall and how racteristics of the historical periods studied, and AO2, Assessed (timed) 12 mark Q on it developed over time, lyse and evaluate historical events and historical periods the utility of Tacitus Agricola 12-13 Revision for subject knowledge rrive at substantiated judgements). in understanding the worth of quizzes, dents also need to understand the different sources Britain to the Romans. Revision for timed 12 mark ilable for Roman military policy towards Britain, Frontier Mock exam of Paper 2 Section A, exam Q on the utility of Tacitus cy and Resistance to Roman rule and how reliable they a choice of two 30 mark Qs (AO1, Agricola 12-13 in understanding , looking specifically at the role of historians AO2, AO3) and a compulsory 20 the worth of Britain to the mselves/archaeological evidence within history (AO3, mark modern interpretation Q Romans , analyse and evaluate ancient sources within their (AO1 and AO4) and Section B, a Revision for mock exam orical context to make judgements and reach compulsory 12 mark Q on the clusions about historical events and historical peoples utility of a source/sources (AO1 died and how the portrayal of events by ancient and AO3) and a choice of two 36 ers/sources relates to the historical contexts in which mark Qs (AO1, AO2, AO3) y were written/produced). dents need to understand and recall the key elements of Subject knowledge quizzes in Completion of summative KO on e influence of new thinking and ideas on Athenian society lessons focussing on knowledge of The influence of new thinking Art and architecture and their significance in the culture Athenian political and social and ideas on Athenian society Athens (AO1, demonstrate knowledge and understanding culture, The influence of new with a specific focus on he key features and characteristics of the historical thinking and ideas on Athenian Socrates, ods studied, and AO2, analyse and evaluate historical society, Art and architecture and Completion of summative KO on nts and historical periods to arrive at substantiated their significance in the culture of Art and architecture and their gements). Athens and sources, and on significance in the culture of dents also need to understand the different sources knowledge of Section A (content Athens with speific focus on the ilable for The influence of new thinking and ideas on from Y12), building of the Acropolis, enian society and Art and architecture and their Assessed (timed) 12 Mark Q on Revision for subject knowledge nificance in the culture of Athens and how reliable they the importance of rhetoric for quizzes, , looking specifically at the role of historians or writers political leaders - Thucydides 3.38 Revision for timed 12 mark mselves/archaeological evidence within history (AO3, and Knights utility question question on utility of Thucydides , analyse and evaluate ancient sources within their Mock exam of Paper 1 Section A, and Knights (rhetoric) orical context to make judgements and reach a choice of two 30 mark Qs (AO1, Revision for mock exam clusions about historical events and historical peoples AO2, AO3) and a compulsory 20 died and how the portrayal of events by ancient mark modern interpretation Q ers/sources relates to the historical contexts in which (AO1 and AO4) and Section B, a y were written/produced). compulsory 12 mark Q on the utility of a source/sources (AO1 and AO3) and a choice of two 36 mark Qs (AO1, AO2, AO3)
Resistance to Roman rule: Stud The Boudiccan Rebellion, Res Venutius and Cartimandua, and Calgacus, dem Prescribed sources including: Cassius Dio, Suetonius, featu Tacitus. and Roman control: histo Spring 1 PAPER TWO, SECTION B The role and duties of the governor and the procurator in Stud (JP teachinRge2sxistance to Roman rule (continued), the Roman province, avai hours a week) Roman control Other officials, and The soldiers, histo Prescribed sources including: Cassius Dio, Tacitus, (AO auxiliary standard bearer, Platorius Nepos, Speculator at their London, Benwell classis Britannica building inscription, conc Chichester dedication slab, Julius Classicianus, Longinus stud Sdapeze, M. Favonius Facilis, Milecastle 38 building write inscription, Silchester baths, Vindolanda tablet about British they cavalry Festivals of Dionysus in Athens - the City Dionysia, Days Stud two-five (the play days), the spectators, the judging, the Dram review, cultu Tragedy as a genre, including Euripides' Hippolytus, unde Comedy as a genre, histo Prescribed sources including: Aristophanes, Euripides, histo Plutarch, The Old Oligarch, The Odeon of Pericles subs Stud Spring 1 PAPER ONE, SECTION B avai (KG teaching 3x Drama and dramatic festivals and hours a week) their significance in the culture of sign Athens are, them use, histo conc stud write they Spring 2 PAPER TWO, SECTION B, The value of Britain to the Romans, Stud Effects of Roman rule A Roman way of life for the Britons, the E (JP teaching 2x a Agriculture, and week) Prescribed sources including: Strabo, Tactitus, Chichester the h dedication to Nero, Fishbourne, Gold stater of eval Cunobelinus, Mendip lead pig, Roman Colchester, subs Verulamium Forum inscription, Vindolanda tablet of Stud accounts for journey from Vindolanda to York, Wroxeter avai forum dedication are, them use, histo conc stud write they
dents need to understand and recall the key elements of Subject knowledge quizzes in Completion of summative KO on sistance to Roman rule, causes, events and outcomes lessons focussing on knowledge of Resistance to Roman rule - the workings of Roman control of the province (AO1, Roman military policy towards causes, events, outcomes and monstrate knowledge and understanding of the key Britain, Frontier Policy, Resistance depictions in sources ures and characteristics of the historical periods studied, to Roman rule, Roman control and Revision for subject knowledge AO2, analyse and evaluate historical events and sources, and on knowledge of quizzes, orical periods to arrive at substantiated judgements). Section A (content from Y12), Revision for timed 12 mark Q on dents also need to understand the different sources Assessed (timed) 12 mark Q on the utility of Tactius ilable for Resistance to Roman rule and Roman control the utility of Tacitus Agricola 37 in Agricola 37 in understanding the how reliable they are, looking specifically at the role of understanding the limitations of the limitations of the Britons, orians themselves/archaeological evidence within history Britons, Completion of 20 mark Q on C. O3, use, analyse and evaluate ancient sources within Assessed (hwk) 20 mark Q on C. Wells' interpretation of Tiberius' r historical context to make judgements and reach Wells' interpretation of Tiberius' character and actions clusions about historical events and historical peoples character and actions (content died and how the portrayal of events by ancient from Y12) ers/sources relates to the historical contexts in which y were written/produced). dents need to understand and recall the key elements of Subject knowledge quizzes in Competion of summative KO on ma and dramatic festivals and their significance in the lessons focussing on knowledge of Drama and dramatic festivals ure of Athens (AO1, demonstrate knowledge and Athenian political and social and their significance in the erstanding of the key features and characteristics of the culture, The influence of new culture of Athens with specific orical periods studied, and AO2, analyse and evaluate thinking and ideas on Athenian focus on Euripides, orical events and historical periods to arrive at society, Art and architecture and Revision for subject knowledge stantiated judgements). their significance in the culture of quizzes, dents also need to understand the different sources Athens, Drama and dramatic Revision for timed 36 mark Q on ilable for Drama and dramatic festivals and their festivals and their significance in the City Dionysia nificance in the culture of Athens and how reliable they the culture of Athens and sources, Completion of 20 mark Q on , looking specifically at the role of historians or writers and on knowledge of Section A Hornblower's interpretation of mselves/archaeological evidence within history (AO3, (content from Y12), the Peloponnesian War , analyse and evaluate ancient sources within their Assessed (timed) 36 mark Q on orical context to make judgements and reach the City Dionysia as a political clusions about historical events and historical peoples statement died and how the portrayal of events by ancient Assessed (hwk) 20 mark Q on ers/sources relates to the historical contexts in which Hornblower's interpretation - lack y were written/produced) of leadership led to Athens losing the Peloponnesian War (content from Y12) dents need to understand and recall the key elements of Subject knowledge quizzes in Completion of summative KO on Effects of Roman rule (AO1, demonstrate knowledge lessons focussing on knowledge of Roman control and different understanding of the key features and characteristics of Roman military policy towards roles of Roman officials within historical periods studied, and AO2, analyse and Britain, Frontier Policy, Resistance Britain, luate historical events and historical periods to arrive at to Roman rule, Roman control, Revision for subject knowledge stantiated judgements). effects of Roman rule and sources, quizzes, dents also need to understand the different sources and on knowledge of Section Revision for 12 mark timed Q on ilable for the Effects of Roman rule and how reliable they A (content from Y12), the utility of Tacitus Agricola 36 , looking specifically at the role of historians Assessed (timed) 12 mark Q on in understanding the mselves/archaeological evidence within history (AO3, the utility of Tactius Agricola 36 in effectiveness of the Roman , analyse and evaluate ancient sources within their understanding the effectiveness of army, orical context to make judgements and reach the Roman army Revision for timed 36 mark Q on clusions about historical events and historical peoples Assessed (timed) 36 mark Q on whether the Roman governors died and how the portrayal of events by ancient whether the Roman governors of of Britain spent all their time ers/sources relates to the historical contexts in which Britain spent all their time fighting fighting with the natives y were written/produced). with the natives
Spring 2 PAPER ONE, SECTION B, Religion and the Athenians, Stud Religion and its significance in the Religious festivals in the Athenian calendar, Reli (KG teaching 3x a The Panathenaia - Musical competitions, Sporting events, dem week) culure of Athens Tribal contests, The Procession, The peplos, featu The role and significance of Athena and Poseidon in stud Athenian religion, and Prescribed sources including: Aristophanes, Euripides, judg Isocrates, Plato, Plutarch, The Old Oligarch, Thucydides, Stud Xenophon, Buildings on the Acropolis and in the Athenian avai Agora as part of the Periclean building programme, The Athe Temple at Sounion role evid anci judg and even cont All knowledge covered in the topics of Augustus 31BC- Reg AD14, Tiberius AD14-37, Gaius AD37-41, Claudius AD41- (AO PAPER TWO, SECTION A 54, Nero AD54-68, Roman military policy towards Britain, featu Augustus 31BC-AD14, Tiberius AD14-37, Frontier policy, Resistance to Roman rule, Roman control stud Gaius AD37-41, and effects of Roman rule throughtout Y12 and Y13 as well and Summ(JhePor u1tersacRahowimnegaen2kx)militarNyPCepArloaoPuliAEcdDyRiu5tsTo4wWA-6aDO8r4d,,1sS-5BE4rCi,tTaIinO,N B as sources judg Frontier policy, Resistance to Roman rule, Reg Roman control, need Effects of Roman rule sour and peop write they Reg (Y12 cont even PAPER ONE, SECTION A All knowledge covered in the topics of The challenge of the Reg The challenge of the Persian Empire Persian Empire 492-479BC, Greece in conflict 479-446BC, (AO 492-479BC, Peace and conflict 446-431BC, The Archidamian War 431- featu Greece in conflict 479-446BC, 420BC, The end of the Peloponnesian War and its and Peace and conflicct 446-431BC, aftermath 419-404BC, Athenian political and social culture, histo The Archidamian War 431-420BC, The influence of new thinking and ideas on Athenian Reg The end of the Peloponnesian War society, Art and architecture and their significance in the need and its aftermath 419-404BC, culture of Athens, Drama and dramatic festivals and their sour Summer 1 PAPER ONE, SECTION B significance in the culture of Athens, Religion and its and (KG teaActhheingian3xpolitical and social culture, significance in the culture of Athens throughout Y12 and peop hours a week) The influence of new thinking and Y13 as well as sources write ideas on Athenian society, they Art and architecture and their Reg significance in the culture of Athens, (Y12 Drama and dramatic festivals and cont their significance in the culture of even Athens, Religion and its significance in the culture of Athens Summer 2 EXAM Revision
dents need to understand and recall the key elements of Subject knowledge quizzes in Completion of summative KO in igion and its significance in the culture of Athens (AO1, monstrate knowledge and understanding of the key lessons focussing on knowledge of Religion and its significance in ures and characteristics of the historical periods died, and AO2, analyse and evaluate historical events Athenian political and social the culture of Athens with a historical periods to arrive at substantiated gements). culture, The influence of new specific focus on the dents also need to understand the different sources ilable for Religion and its significance in the culture of thinking and ideas on Athenian Panathanaia, ens and how reliable they are, looking specifically at the of historians or writers themselves/archaeological society, Art and architecture and Revision for subject knowledge dence within history (AO3, use, analyse and evaluate ient sources within their historical context to make their significance in the culture of quizzes, gements and reach conclusions about historical events historical peoples studied and how the portrayal of Athens, Drama and dramatic Revision for timed 12 mark Q on nts by ancient writers/sources relates to the historical texts in which they were written/produced) festivals and their significance in the utility of Plutarch and the the culture of Athens, Religion and Parthenon in understanding the its significance in the culture of influence the Persian Wars had Athens and sources, and on on art on architecture knowledge of Section A (content Revision for timed 36 mark Q on from Y12), the significance of Athena and Assessed (timed) 12 mark Q on Poseidon on Athenian society utility of Plutarch and the Parthenon in understanding the influence the Persian wars had on art and architecture Assessed (timed) 36 mark Q on the significance of Athena and Poseidon on Athenian society garding all topics studied, students need to be able to: Subject knowledge quizzes on all Completion of summative KO on O1, demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key topics covered in Y12 and Y13 the effects of Roman rule with ures and characteristics of the historical periods focussing on both breadth and specifc supporting examples died, and AO2, analyse and evaluate historical events depth as well as relevant sources and particular focus on historical periods to arrive at substantiated Assessment (timed) on Qs teacher Colchester and Fishbourne, gements). feels are where class/students Revision for subject knowledge garding all sources available for each topic, students need more focus and practice prior quizzes, d to be able to:(AO3, use, analyse and evaluate ancient to exam Revision for assessed timed Qs, rces within their historical context to make judgements Organisation of subject folders, reach conclusions about historical events and historical Revision for exam ples studied and how the portrayal of events by ancient ers/sources relates to the historical contexts in which y were written/produced) garding all topics studied for Section A of Paper Two 2), students need to: (AO4, analyse and evaluate, in text, modern historians' interpretations of the historical nts and topics studied) garding all topics studied, students need to be able to: Subject knowledge quizzes on all Revision for subject knowledge O1, demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key topics covered in Y12 and Y13 quizzes, ures and characteristics of the historical periods studied, focussing on both breadth and Revision for assessed timed Qs, AO2, analyse and evaluate historical events and depth as well as relevant Organisation of subject folders, orical periods to arrive at substantiated judgements). sources Asse Revision for exam garding all sources available for each topic, students ssment (timed) on Qs teacher d to be able to:(AO3, use, analyse and evaluate ancient feels are where class/students rces within their historical context to make judgements need more focus and practuce reach conclusions about historical events and historical prior to exam ples studied and how the portrayal of events by ancient ers/sources relates to the historical contexts in which y were written/produced) garding all topics studied for Section A of Paper One 2), students need to: (AO4, analyse and evaluate, in text, modern historians' interpretations of the historical nts and topics studied)
Year 13 Unit of Work Key Knowledge K (The minimum all students should (The minimum Autumn 1 know in a order to access later concepts) Personal Practical Portfolio (PPP) Students should have learned the Inidicative How to research, w COMPLETION: focus on developing content for their specialist area of study, the artists and sources and refining outcomes and evidence four assessment Objectives amd the s project. Using wri of project development. Show standrards required for annotation and handbooks and ass original work in 4 main areas written analysis. At this point they should levels of progress. keeping evidence in a sketchbook, a have completed at least one extended critical progress. Checkpo digital portfolio and their handbook. Contextual Studies Research project closely checklists during tu This term the focus is on AO 4: how linked to their Component ONE Portfolio. processes, techniq personal and meaningful is their Students should be familiar with how to appropriate to their project, how well does it realise their complete the Learner statement including the intentions. ongoing Reflect section Autumn 2 Personal Practical Portfolio (PPP) Students should have learned the Inidicative For AO1 Students Spring 1 COMPLETION: focus on developing content for their specialist area of study, the response to their p and refining outcomes and evidence four assessment Objectives amd the greater critical unde of project development. Show standrards required for annotation and should explore the original work in 4 main areas written analysis they should be familiar with their skills and imp keeping evidence in a sketchbook, a the EDUQAS Checkpoint List and use it to ideas for outcomes digital portfolio and their handbook. self-regulate pace and progress.. They continue to, plan, c This term the focus is on AO 4: how should understand how to use the indicative evaluating and reco personal and meaningful is their content to ensure that they meet the rigours targets. They shou project, how well does it realise their required for a good grade especially for AO4. outcomes (AO4) m intentions. Students should accept the rationale for strict stated intentions. T deadlies for completing Component ONE. evidence in section ESA - externally set assignment. Students should be familiar with the For AO1 Students response to their th Students complete a new project that Inidicative content for their specialist area of understanding For those ideas by refin is set by the Exam Board. They have study, the four AOs amd the standrards improve the skill, ch their ideas . For AO 12 start points and choose ONE to required for annotation and written analysis. plan, collect & draw recording opinions respond to. Students must complete They should be familiar with how to use the should have a clea (AO4). They should all 4 assessment objectives during handbook and Learner statement to manage Creative Statemen the preparation period of 10 weeks. time effectively and checkpoint meeting the this project lasts until May when they full range of citeria included in Component have 15 hours to make a final TWO including in depth and Critical outcome Contextual Studies and Research into sources relevant to their project. they should use Eduqas Exemplar Models of good practice
Key Skills Assessment Homeworks m all students should be (e.g. What is being assesses and How?) able to do) write about and respond to In weekly tutorials students will be able to discuss their Complete 3-5 hours each week s; linking this with the student’ work, their progress and their concerns in a weekly choosing from: 1 Contextual Studies iting frames, student tutorial with their subject teacher who will give verbal Research: investigate, and critically sessment criteria to check feedback, advice and model techniques. Teachers will analyse suitable sources linked to keep a tutorial log; students should record this in their my project; 2 Sources: collect Modelling of how to record handbook. Indicative content criteria will be used in PRIMARY or SECONDARY material ointing with the AOS and Art discussion to set targets. linked to my research; recording my utorials. Students will revisit Students must keep REFINED evidence of work in an opinion and judgments. 3.Practical ques and materials that are up-to-date Digital Portfolio AND ongoing evidence in a Activity: complete creative work in r project. sketchbook. Teachers will annotate and comment in the response to / linked to my research. digital portfolio. Once a fortnight upload my evidence For this term assessment will concentrate on AO to Digital Portfolio, checkpoint during weekly tutorial should refine their ideas in In weekly tutorials students will be able to discuss their Complete 3-5 hours each week project theme, demonstrating work, their progress and their concerns in a weekly choosing from: 1 Contextual Studies Research: investigate, and critically erstanding For AO2 they tutorial with their subject teacher who will give verbal analyse suitable sources linked to my project; 2 Sources: collect use of materials to expand feedback, advice and model techniques. Teachers will PRIMARY or SECONDARY material linked to my research; recording my prove the complexity of their keep a tutorial log; students should record this in their opinion and judgments. 3.Practical Activity: complete creative work in s . For AO3 they should handbook. Indicative content criteria will be used in response to / linked to my research. Once a fortnight upload my evidence collect & draw, annotating, discussion to set targets. to Digital Portfolio, checkpoint during weekly tutorial ording opinions and setting Students must keep REFINED evidence of work in an Complete 3-5 hours each week uld be producing their final up-to-date Digital Portfolio AND ongoing evidence in a choosing from: 1 Contextual Studies Research: investigate, and critically making sure they realise their sketchbook. Teachers will annotate and comment in the analyse suitable sources linked to my project; 2 Sources: collect They should complete ongoing digital portfolio. PRIMARY or SECONDARY material linked to my research; recording my n 3 of the Creative Statement For this term assessment will concentrate on AO opinion and judgments. 3.Practical Activity: complete creative work in should develop ideas in In weekly tutorials students will be able to discuss their response to / linked to my research. Once a fortnight upload my evidence heme, demonstrating critical work, their progress and their concerns in a weekly to Digital Portfolio, checkpoint during weekly tutorial r AO2 they should develop tutorial with their subject teacher who will give verbal ning the use of materials to feedback, advice and model techniques. Teachers will hallenge and complexity of keep a tutorial log; students should record this in their O3 they should continue to, handbook. Indicative content criteria will be used in w, annotating, evaluating and discussion to set targets. and setting targets. They Students must keep REFINED evidence of work in an ar idea for their final outcome up-to-date Digital Portfolio AND ongoing evidence in a d complete section 3 of the sketchbook. Teachers will annotate and comment in the nt digital portfolio. For this term assessment will concentrate on AO
ESA - externally set assignment. As above. For this term the focus must be on For AO1 Students Students complete a new project that the interleaving with all four Assessment response to their th is set by the Exam Board. They have Objectives to produce a coherent and skillful set/specification, de 12 start points and choose ONE to project where they are ready to realise their understanding For respond to. Students must complete intentions in the 15 hour time assignment those ideas by refin all 4 assessment objectives during period improve the skill, ch Spring 2 the preparation period of 10 weeks. their ideas . For AO Summer 1 this project lasts until May when they plan, collect & draw have 15 hours to make a final recording opinions outcome should have a clea (AO4). They should Learner statement timed element ESA externally set assignment - final How to checkpoint their progress using int preparation and timed assessment indicative content guide, the Assessment period (15) hours Objective and Learner Statement within the Student handbook Summer 2 EXAM Revision
should develop ideas in In weekly tutorials students will be able to discuss their Complete 3-5 hours each week choosing from: 1 Contextual Studies heme and specialist skill- work, their progress and their concerns in a weekly Research: investigate, and critically analyse suitable sources linked to emonstrating critical tutorial with their subject teacher who will give verbal my project; 2 Sources: collect PRIMARY or SECONDARY material r AO2 they should develop feedback, advice and model techniques. Teachers will linked to my research; recording my opinion and judgments. 3.Practical ning the use of materials to keep a tutorial log; students should record this in their Activity: complete creative work in response to / linked to my research. hallenge and complexity of handbook. Indicative content criteria will be used in Once a fortnight upload my evidence to Digital Portfolio, checkpoint during O3 they should continue to, discussion to set targets. weekly tutorial w, annotating, evaluating and Students must keep REFINED evidence of work in an Complete 3-5 hours each week choosing from: 1 Contextual Studies and setting targets. They up-to-date Digital Portfolio AND ongoing evidence in a Research: investigate, and critically analyse suitable sources linked to ar idea for their final outcome sketchbook. Teachers will annotate and comment in the my project; 2 Sources: collect PRIMARY or SECONDARY material d complete section 3 of the digital portfolio. linked to my research; recording my opinion and judgments. 3.Practical in preparation for the ESA For this term assessment will concentrate on AO Activity: complete creative work in response to / linked to my research. In weekly tutorials students will be able to discuss their Once a fortnight upload my evidence work, their progress and their concerns in a weekly to Digital Portfolio, checkpoint during tutorial with their subject teacher who will give verbal weekly tutorial feedback, advice and model techniques. Teachers will keep a tutorial log; students should record this in their handbook. Indicative content criteria will be used in discussion to set targets. Students must keep REFINED evidence of work in an up-to-date Digital Portfolio AND ongoing evidence in a sketchbook. Teachers will annotate and comment in the digital portfolio. For this term assessment will concentrate on AO
A Level Business Progression Map Year 12 and Year 13 YEAR 12 Unit of Work Key Knowledge Key Skills Assessment Homeworks (The minimum all students should (The minimum all students should be (e.g. What is being assesses and How?) know in able to do) order to access later concepts) Unit 3.1 What is a business? To understand: Students will be able to differentiate Case study assessment to Research to support the case - the nature and purpose of Unit 3.2 Managers, between different types of business support Unit 3.1 and Unit study assessment and revision for leadership and decision business and profit making - different business forms, sole and their role. Students will also be 3.2. key term and model/theory traders, PLC, private, charity etc. - Management and leadership able to explain how the aims, check. styles, good and bad examples objectives and mission statement of Key term vocabulary different businesses, provides the check/test and Complete a Tannenbaum Schmidt basis for decision-making. Model theory practice leadership grid based on Autumn 1 questions. individual styles and characters - Autumn 2 To calculate: Students will be able to calculate What type of manager are you? - business costs, revenue and profit costs and revenue. Start revision products for Units Students will be able to analyse the 3.1 and 3.2. (Flashcard Tannenbaum Schmidt and Blake preparation, mindmap, Mouton Grid and apply it to different knowledge checklist etc.) management and leadership styles. Unit 3.1 What is a business? To understand: Students will review the external End of unit assessment Research to support external - stakeholders and the external environment. environment of organisations, paper (1 hour for Unit 3.1 environment influences in terms identifying the factors that influence and 1 hour for Unit 3.2). of: competition, market costs and demand. conditions, incomes, interest Unit 3.2 Managers, To understand: Key term vocabulary rates, demographic factors, leadership and decision - the value of decision making making Students will be confident in check Model theory environmental issues and fair based on scientific data - decision trees interpreting and designing decision practice questions. trade. Find examples to support - the importance of stakeholder trees. how each of these impact on a needs when making decisions. business. Students will have an awareness of stakeholder needs and who prime Practice sheet on decision tree stakeholders are both internally and calculations. externally for organisations. Produce a stakeholder map for a . given business. Complete revision products for Units 3.1 and 3.2. (Flashcard preparation, mindmap, knowledge checklist etc.) `Unit 3.3 Decision making to To understand: Students will understand the value of Case study assessment to Research to support the case improve marketing - how and why marketing objectives performance are set setting marketing objectives and the support Unit 3.3 and Unit study assessment and revision for - market conditions, customers Unit 3.4 Decision making to and competition internal and external influences on 3.4. key term and model/theory improve operational performance To understand: marketing objectives and decisions. check. - how developments in technology are affecting decision making and Key term vocabulary activities in operations (eg more online businesses, better links Students will be confident in check/test and Undertake research to gather with customers, suppliers and inventory control) undertaking research and understand Model theory practice qualitative and quantitative data - the ethical and environmental influences on operations the importance of research in questions on loyalty card schemes in the decisions marketing, retail industry. Preparing questionnaires, surveys to obtain Students should be able to calculate data that can be used to make market and sales growth, market informed marketing decisions on Spring 1 share and size. consumer buying power and loyalty. Students will be confident in knowing what operational objectives include. Practice calculation sheets for labour productivity, unit costs Students should be able to analyse and capacity utilisation. and interpre operational data such as: labour productivity, unit costs Start revision products for Units (average costs), capacity and 3.3 and 3.4. (Flashcard capacity utilisation. preparation, mindmap, Students will also understand the knowledge checklist etc.) impact of technology on this process in terms of efficiency and costs. Unit 3.3 Decision making to To understand: Students will know the process and End of unit assessment to Research to support the case improve marketing - how marketing decisions help performance value of market segmentation, support Unit 3.3 and Unit study assessment and revision for improve competitiveness - the interrelationship between targeting and positioning and will be 3.4. key term and model/theory marketing decisions and other able to apply this to a range of case check. functions study and real-life scenarios. Key term vocabulary check Model theory Prepare question sheets to Students will know the 7P's practice questions. support the supermarket trip. Unit 3.4 Decision making to To understand: marketing mix and be able to make improve operational - how decisions in operations performance improve the competitiveness of a informed decisions using the Pricing strategies activity sheet. business - the interrelationship between marketing mix. operational decisions and other Spring 2 functions. Complete revision products for - how to manage inventory and Students will know different price Units 3.3 and 3.4. (Flashcard supply chains strategies that are used in marketing. preparation, mindmap, knowledge checklist etc.) Students will understand the concept of 'lean production' and 'Just in Time' operations. Students will know what the quality benchmarks are in operations and the methods of improving quality, including quality assurance..
Unit 3.5 Decision making to To understand: Students will know how to discuss Case study assessment Research to support the case improve financial - the importance of setting financial and identify a range of financial paper for Unit 3.5 and study assessment and revision for performance objectives objectives such as: revenue, costs Unit 3. 6). key term and model/theory - how to analyse and measure and profit, cash flow objectives and check. Unit 3.6 Decision making to objectives for investment (capital Key term vocabulary improve human resource financial performance expenditure and capital structure check Model theory Practice calculation sheets on performance objectives. practice questions. budgets and break-even. To understand: Summer 1 - the value of setting human Students will be able to interpret Start revision products for Units Summer 2 and construct budgets, cash-flow and 3.5 and 3.6. (Flashcard resource objectives break-even charts. preparation, mindmap, - the internal and external knowledge checklist etc.) influences on human resource objectives and decisions Students will know what Influences human resource objectives such as soft and hard Human Resource Management (HRM) approaches. Students will be able to calculate and interpret labour turnover and retention rates and labour productivity. Unit 3.5 Decision making to To understand and assess: Students will know the advantages End of unit assessment Research to support the case improve financial - financial decision making (key performance and disadvantages of different paper (1 hour for Unit 3.5 study assessment and revision for drivers) - different sources of finance sources of finance for short- and and 1 hour for Unit 3.6). key term and model/theory (internal and external) - ways of improving cash flow long-term uses. check. Key term vocabulary Students will be able to assess ways check Model theory Case study - applying Hackman of improving cash flow and the practice questions. and Oldham's model to a real-life Unit 3.6 Decision making to To understand: methods of improving profits and organisation scenario. OR improve human resource - how to improve organisational performance profitability. Consolidation AQA exam Motivation in Friday Night Dinner. design - how to manage the human Paper 1 and Paper 2. resource flow Students will understand about the Cash flow calculation sheets influences on job and organisational design to include Hackman and Complete revision product for Revision across Unit 3.1-3.6 To consolidate knowledge and Oldham’s model. Units 3.5 and 3.6. (Flashcard revision products and prepare for end of year assessment for Paper 1 preparation, mindmap, and Paper 2. Students will understand knowledge checklist etc.) motivational theories and the importance of motivated employees. Use revision products designed through the year to prepare for end of year assessment. YEAR 13 Unit of Work Key Knowledge Key Skills (The minimum all students Assessment (e.g. What Homeworks (The minimum all students should should be able to do) is being assesses and know in How?) order to access later concepts) Unit 3.7 Analysing the To understand: Students will be able to assess the Case study assessment Research to support the case strategic position of a - mission, corporate strategy and study assessment and revision for business financial performance of a business paper for Unit 3.7 and key term and model/theory objectives check. Unit 3.8 Choosing strategic - how to use financial ratios to using balance sheets, income Unit 3. 8). direction analyse the existing internal Case study - applying Ansoff's position of a business statements and financial ratios. Matrix to a given business. - the methods of assessing overall Key term vocabulary Financial ratios activity sheet. business performance - what factors influence decisions Students will also demonstrate that check Model theory Start revision products for Units 3.7 and 3.8. (Flashcard as to which markets to compete they can also analyse data, other practice questions. preparation, mindmap, in and which products/services knowledge checklist etc.) to offer than using financial statements to - Ansoff's matrix assess the strengths and weaknesses Autumn 1 of a business. (Kaplan and Norton and Elkington). Students will be able to confidently talk about strategic direction and the value of the Ansoff matrix in terms of market penetration, market development, new product development and diversification. Unit 3.7 Analysing the To understand: Students will know how to apply End of unit assessment to Research to support the case strategic position of a -the external environment of a PESTLE (political, economic, social, business businss, assessing opportunities technological, legal and support Unit 3.7 and Unit study assessment and revision for and threats environmental) using case studies Unit 3.8 Choosing strategic - PESTLE (political, economic, social, and real-life scenarios. 3.8. key term and model/theory direction technological, legal and Students will understand the check. environmental) influences. importance of strategic positioning - the significance of strategic and how Bowman and Porter can Key term vocabulary positioning for a business help a business obtain and maintain this. check Model theory Case study on CSR - the Autumn 2 practice questions. environment versus profit. Activity on Porter's Five Forces Complete revision products for Units 3.7 and 3.8. (Flashcard preparation, mindmap, knowledge checklist etc.)
Unit 3.9 Strategic methods: To understand: Students will know the difference Case study assessment Research to support the case study assessment and revision for how to pursue strategies - why businesses grow and issues between organic and inorganic paper for Unit 3.9 and key term and model/theory check. with growth and retrenchment growth and the impact on Unit 3. 10. Complete a case study task on Unit 3.10 Managing strategic - the value and importance of businesses. Handy and Hofstede's culture models. change innovation to a business Key term vocabulary Start revision products for Units - why businesses change? Students will understand and be able check Model theory 3.9 and 3.10. (Flashcard preparation, mindmap, - Types of change and its impact to apply Kaizen innovation theories practice questions. knowledge checklist etc.) - organisational culture to different case studies and real-life scenarios. Spring 1 Students will be able to identify different types of 'change' and how Spring 2 this can be managed - Lewin’s Force Summer 1 Field Analysis. Summer 2 Students will understand cultural change models, such as Handy’s task culture, role culture, power culture and person culture and Hofstede’s national cultures. Students will understand the difficulties of strategic decision making and implementing strategy. Unit 3.9 Strategic methods: To understand: Students will be able to talk End of unit assessment to Research to support the case how to pursue strategies - the reasons for targeting, confidently about international trade support Unit 3.9 and Unit study assessment and revision for operating in and trading with and the different ways of entering an 3.10. key term and model/theory Unit 3.10 Managing strategic international markets international market. check. change - the use and impact of digital Key term vocabulary technology Students will understand and give check Model theory Research project looking at the - how strategic change is managed examples of off-shoring and re- practice questions. technologies used by certain and why strategies fail shoring. businesses and the impact on strategy and decision making. Students will understand the Bartlett Select from: IKEA, Amazon, Ebay, and Ghoshal’s model of managing Tesco or Tesla. international strategy. Complete revision products for Students will know about the value Units 3.9 and 3.10. (Flashcard and impact of digital technology. preparation, mindmap, knowledge checklist etc.) Students will be able to understand and interpret network diagrams and be able to identify the critical path and total float. Revision across Year 1 and To consolidate knowledge and Students will have the knowledge Mock exam papers and Revision products and practice Year 2 units 3.1 - 3.10 revision products and prepare for end of year assessment for Papers 1 and skills to confidently prepare and SAMs for Paper 1, 2 and assessment papers. 2 and 3. answer a range of MCQ's, data 3. respponse and essay style 16 and 20 mark questions across Paper 1, 2 and To consolidate and focus on: 3. - exam techniques Revision across Year 1 and - extended writing questions Students will have the knowledge Mock exam papers and Revision products and practice Year 2 units 3.1 - 3.10 - practice papers (especially Paper 3 assessment papers. and skills to confidently prepare and SAMs for Paper 1, 2 and which is for Year2 only). answer a range of MCQ's, data 3. To consolidate knowledge and revision products and prepare for respponse and essay style 16 and 20 end of year assessment for Papers 1 2 and 3. mark questions across Paper 1, 2 and To consolidate and focus on: 3. - exam techniques - extended writing questions - practice papers (especially Paper 3 which is for Year2 only).
Year 13 Unit of Work Key Knowledge ( (The minimum all students should Autumn 1 know in order to access later concepts) COMP 3 - Lysistrata Full Theatre Design - Performance Knowledge. The performance text exploration. Director knowledge and interpretation. Skil COMP 1: Devising Exam prep Practitioner : Brecht. and evening performance Performance knowledge for COMP 1 COMP 3 - Live Theatre Theatre Knowledge - full exploration, AP Review (TBA) inclusing all design aspects and director thea concepts. inte Autumn 2 real Spring 1 and 2 COMP 2 - Monologues and Theatre Knowledge - full exploration of a AP Summer 1 Scripted/directed theatre performer thea piece. inte Monologues- 3 minute Full SPEC knowledge sett performance. Scripted/ Full SPEC knowledge directed piece - 45 minute Skil group performance Skil Revision Summer 2 EXAM Revision
Key Skills Assesment Homeworks (The minimum all students (e.g. What is being assesses and How?) should be able to do) eatre Design. Performer. Director Essay on Brecht. Q&A. Essay on Brecht. Independent lls. Soft Skills. Performances research/ notes. Independent Performer's acting skill in live atre. Theatre designers. Director's Rehearsals. Independent reading. Rehearsals (evenings) erpretation/ intentions. Total lisation of Theatre reading from the list. Practical Performer's acting skill in live exploration. Soft Skills. Devising atre. Theatre designers. Director's erpretation. Theatre staging and development. Directing. ting in context Brechtian theories. Mock paper - Test - written Note taking from theatre revision questions. Theatre performance/ appreciation/ review appreciation. National evaluation. National Theatre on Theatre digital performances on line review works including line. Shakespeare and other practitioners. Live Visiting Examiner - Rehearsals, note taking, (performances) Evening date character development and TBA - March 2022 research - realisation/ motives. Independent reading. lls: Performer, Director, Designer Tests. Q&A, Essays, Exam style Independent revision - lls: Performer, Director, Designer questions. Mock papers intervention. Note taking. Watch live theatre Tests. Q&A, Essays, Exam style Independent revision - questions. Mock papers intervention. Note taking. Watch live theatre
A Level Economics Progression Map Year 12 and Year 13 YEAR 12 Unit of Work Key Knowledge Key Skills Assessment Homeworks (The minimum all students should (The minimum all students should be able to do) (e.g. What is being assesses and Autumn 1 Unit 3.1.1 Economic methodology know inorder to access later concepts) How?) Unit 3.1.2 Price Determination in a Competitive Market To understand: Students will be able to determine the similarities to and Case study assessment to support Research to support the case study - economics as a social science differences in methodology from natural and other sciences. Unit 3.2.1 The Measurement of - positive and normative Unit 3.1.1 and Unit 3.1.2 (micro) and assessment and revision for key term and Macroeconomic Performance Students will be able to determine what a positive and statements normative statement is. Unit 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 (macro). model/theory check. Unit 3.2.2 How the Macroeconomy - how value judgements influence Works Students will be able to produce production possibility Key term vocabulary check/test. Complete a positive and mormative economic decision making and diagrams and have a good understanding of resource statement true or false sheet. policy allocation, opportunity cost and trade-offs. Exampro modeltheory/diagram/ - scarcity of resources and the calculation practice questions. Label and discuss a circular flow of income factors of production Students will be able to discuss the objectives of government diagram. - the main objectives of macroeconomic policy. government macroeconomic Revision products for units covered. policy and the data used Students will be able to interpret and use a range of data that (Flashcard preparation, mindmap, - circular flow of income measures the performance of an economy, such as: real GDP, knowledge checklist etc.) real GDP per capita, Consumer Prices and Retail Prices Indices (CPI/RPI). Unit 3.1.2 Price Determination in a To understand: Students will be know about different types of demand and End of unit assessment to support Price elasticity formula sheets. Competitive Market - joint, composite and derived how they are impacted. Unit 3.1.1 and Unit 3.1.2 (micro) and Unit 3.1.3 Production, Costs and demand and joint supply Unit 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 (macro). Practice sheet on fixed, variable, average Revenue - difference between Short-run Students will be able to differentiate short run and the long and total costs. Unit 3.2.2 How the Macroeconomy (SR) and Long run (LR run. Key term vocabulary check/test. Works - economies and diseconomies AD/AS diagram activity sheet. Autumn 2 Unit 3.2.3 Economic Performance Students will understand the difference between internal and ExamPro modeltheory/diagram/ Spring 1 of scale external economies of scale and reasons for diseconomies of calculation practice questions. Revision products for units covered. Spring 2 Unit 3.1.3 Production, Costs and - aggregate demand and supply scale. (Flashcard preparation, mindmap, Revenue AD/AS knowledge checklist etc.) Unit 3.1.4 Competitive and - inflation and deflation Concentrated Markets Students will be able to perform cost and elasticity calculations. Unit 3.2.2 How the macroeconomy To calcuate and apply: works - fixed, variable, average and Students will be able to interpret and use AD/AS diagrams Unit 3.2.3 Economic perfromance total costs -elasticity formulae to calculate basic Students be able to draw conclusions on how changes in world Case study assessment to support Research on local, regional, national and Unit 3.1.4 Competitive and elasticity prices affect domestic inflation and how changes in other Concentrated Markets economies can affect inflation in the UK. Unit 3.1.3 and Unit 3.1.4 (micro) and international unemployment figures and Unit 3.2.3 Economic perfromance To understand: Students will understand the advantages and disadvantages or Unit 3.2.4 Macroeconomic policy - specialisation and specialisation limitations of specialisation. Unit 3.2.2, 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 (macro). patterns to support the career ink and SMSC of labour - market structure Students will be able to discuss market structure and the project. - unemployment and labour objectives that determine the behaviour of firms. markets Key term vocabulary check/test. - the economic cycle and Students should recognise the features of different phases of the economic cycle. Revision for key term and model/theory macroeconomic indicators - how index numbers are Students should be able to illustrate the difference between, Exampro modeltheory/diagram/ check. calculated and causes of, short-run and long-run growth. calculation practice questions. To understand: Students should understand the terms seasonal, frictional, - the objectives of firms structural and cyclical unemployment and how employment Practice calculation sheets for labour - monopolies and monopoly and unemployment may be determined by both demand-side and supply-side factors. Extended writing on competition and productivity, unit costs and capacity power - causes of unemployment Students be able to demonstrate competency in calculating barriers to entry in the airline utilisation. - balance of payments on the and interpreting index numbers. Students will have understand that market structure and industry. current account objectives determine the behaviour of firms - macroeconomic objectives Group research and presentation on market Students will be able to use a AD/AS diagram to illustrate To calculate and use: demand-deficient, cyclical (re-visit from Spring 1) structures, cartels and collusion. - concentration ratios unemployment. - simple diagrams to illustrate the Revision products for units covered. features of monopoly Students will know the importance of the current account in (Flashcard preparation, mindmap, terms of leakages or injections to or from the circular flow. knowledge checklist etc.) Students will know how and why there may be conflicts End of unit assessment to support Research to support the end of unit between macroeconomic policy objectives. Unit 3.1.4 (micro) and Unit 3.2.3 assessment and revision for key term and (macro). model/theory check. Students will be able to explain and use concentration ratios. Key term vocabulary check/test. Revision for key term and model/theory check. Exampro Modeltheory/diagram/ calculation practice questions. Calculation sheets of the balance of trade and the balance of payments on the current Extended writing analysing account monopoly and market failure. Revision products for units covered. (Flashcard preparation, mindmap, knowledge checklist etc.) Students will know the current objectives of monetary policy, set by the government and the role of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Bank of England. Unit 3.1.5 The market mechanism, To understand: Students will know different forms of market failure and why Case study assessment to support Research to support the case study market failure and government - why markets fail? assessment and revision for key term and intervention in markets - government intervention in markets may fail, such as having imperfect information. Unit 3.1.5 (micro) and Unit 3.2.4 model/theory check. markets Unit 3.2.4 Macroeconomic policy - Fiscal Policy (macro). AD/AS analysis to illustrate the effects of - Supply-side Policy different fiscal policy changes. Students will know what government intervention methods are Revision products for units completed. used to address market failure. Key term vocabulary check/test. (Flashcard preparation, mindmap, knowledge checklist etc.) Students should recognise that fiscal policy can be used to Exampro modeltheory/diagram/ affect aggregate demand and aggregate supply, as well as parts calculation practice questions. Summer 1 of the economy. Summer 2 Students will know that supply-side policies include measures such as government spending on education and training, cuts in income and corporation tax, welfare reform, and industrial policy. Students should know the differences between automatic stabilisers and discretionary policy. Unit 3.1.5 The market mechanism, To understand: Students will know the difference between a public and private End of unit assessment to support Research to support the case study market failure and government intervention in markets - public, private and quasi-public good and the circumstances when a public good may take on Unit 3.1.5 (micro) and Unit 3.2.4 assessment and revision for key term and Revision across micro and macro goods some of the characteristics of a private good and become a (macro). model/theory check. units. - merit and demerit goods quasi-public good. - positive and negative Key term vocabulary check/test. Practice papers and SAMs to support end of externalities Students will understand that there is a divergence between year assessment. social costs and benefits. Exampro modeltheory/diagram/ To consolidate knowledge and revision calculation practice questions. Complete revision products for Units 3.1.5 products and prepare for end of year Students will understand why negative externalities are likely and 3.2.4. (Flashcard preparation, mindmap, assessment for Paper 1 and Paper 2. to result in over-production and that positive externalities are Consolidation AQA exam Paper 1 and knowledge checklist etc.) Re-visit all revision likely to result in under-production. Paper 2 across both micro and macro products to prepare for AQA Paper 1 and 2 economics. assessment. Students should be able to illustrate the misallocation of resources resulting from the consumption of merit and demerit goods using demand and supply diagrams. Use revision products designed through the year to prepare for end of year assessment. YEAR 13 Unit of Work Key Skills (The minimum all students should be able to do) Assessment (e.g. What is being Homeworks assesses and How?)
Unit 4.1.1 Economic Methodology To consolidate knowledge in Students will be able to recall and apply knowledge from Year 1 Case study assessment to support Research to support the case study assessment and revision for key term and and the Economic conjunction with 3.1.1 (Year 1): 3.1.1 on positive and normative statements, economics as a Units 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 (micro) model/theory check. Problem (consolidation from Year 1 - economics as a social science social science, PPD's and economic decision making. and Units 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 (macro). 3.1.1) - economic decision making - the economic problem Students will be able to associate with the different Key term vocabulary check/test. Calculation sheets on price, income and cross elasticities of demand. Unit 4.1.2 Individual Economic behavioural economic theories and models. Watch the podcast on 'how the Decision Making To understand: Exampro modeltheory/diagram/ macroeconomy works', make notes to support understanding and revision. - utility theory Students will be able to recall and apply macro knowledge from calculation practice questions Activity calculating and manipulating data to Unit 4.1.3 Price Determination in a - elasticities Year 1 looking at a range of indicators and data in terms of how work out the values of the multiplier and the effects of changes to the MPC. Competitive Market - behavioural economics they are interpreted and calculated. Extended writing essay on Autumn 1 - macroeconomic indicators behavioural economics. Autumn 2 Spring 1 4.2.1 The Measurement of - index numbers Students will revisit circular flow and understand the difference Spring 2 Macroeconomic Performance - uses of national income data between injections and withdrawals into the circular flow and Summer 1 Summer 2 - circular flow of income how the changes impact on national income. 4.2.2 How the Macroeconomy Works - determinants of AD and AS - SRAS and LRAS Students will be able to use AD and AS analysis to help them Start revision products for units covered. explain macroeconomic problems and issues. (Flashcard preparation, mindmap, knowledge checklist etc.) Students will understand the concept of short-run and long-run Research to support the case study aggregate supply (SRAS and LRAS) theoretically and assessment and revision for key term and model/theory check. diagrammatically. Activity on the Phillips curve. Unit 4.1.4 Production, costs and To understand: Students will know that both the law of diminishing returns Mock exam paper 1 and 2.(to fit in Complete revision products for units revenue - law of diminishing returns and and returns to scale and the implications for costs of with school examination period). covered. (Flashcard preparation, mindmap, knowledge checklist etc.) returns to production. Unit 4.1.5 Perfect competition, scale Key term vocabulary check/test. imperfectly competitive markets and - costs of production Students will be able to calculate different costs from given monopoly - market structures data. They should also be able to draw and interpret cost Exampro model/theory/diagram/ - satisficing principle curves. calculation practice questions. Unit 4.2.3 Economic Performance - short -run and long-run economic growth Students will be able to understand recognise that firms have a Paper 3 Exampro question . range of possible objectives including survival, growth, quality, Unit 4.2.4 Financial markets and - positive and negative output gaps maximising their sales revenue and increasing their market share. monetary policy - inflation, deflation and the Philips Curve - money and banking systems - regulation of financial systems Students will know the characteristics and diagrammatic representation of perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopolies and monopoly markets Students will understand how negative and positive output gaps relate to unemployment and inflationary pressures and the implications of the short-run Phillips curve and the long- run, L-shaped Phillips curve for economic policy. Students should understand how money, capital and foreign exchange markets operate. Unit 4.1.6 The Labour Market To understand: Students will know the causes of shifts in the market supply Case study assessment to support Research to support the case study assessment and revision for key term and - the marginal productivity theory curve for labour. In addition to, the economists’ model of wage Unit 3.1.1 and Unit 3.1.2 (micro) and model/theory check. Unit 4.1.7 The distribution of income of the demand for labour determination in a perfectly competitive labour market and the Unit 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 (macro). Student investigation/report into current levels of poverty in the UK and the impact of and wealth - wage determination role of market forces in determining relative wage rates. Covid-19. - income and wealth Key term vocabulary check/test Start revision products for Units 3.9 and 3.10. (Flashcard preparation, mindmap, Unit 4.2.4 Financial markets and - financial regulation systems Students will be able to differentiate between income and knowledge checklist etc.) monetary policy wealth and understand the various factors which influence the Exampro modeltheory/diagram/ distribution of income and wealth. calculation practice questions Students will understand the difference between relative and absolute poverty, the causes of poverty and how this is being addressed through government policies. Students will understand the significance of the Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient. Unit 4.1.6 The labour market To understand: Students should understand the regulation of the financial End of unit assessment to support Research to support the end of unit system in the UK. e.g. the role of the Bank of England, the Units 4.1.6 and 4.1.8 (micro) and assessment and revision for key term and - trade union influence in labout Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), the Financial Policy Units 4.2.5 and 4.2.6 (macro). model/theory check. Committee (FPC) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Unit 4.1.8 The market mechanism, markets Students will be able to demonstrate that they understand the influence that trade unions and monopsony power has over labour markets. market failure and government - how markets and prices allocate intervention in markets resources Students will be able to identify the general principles of UK Extended writing on 'How Practice calculation sheets relating to the competition policy and have some awareness of EU - market regulation and competition policy and the costs and benefits of such policies. intervention by organisations such as balance of payments and the use of supply Unit 4.2.5 Fiscal policy and Supply- deregulation Students will build upon existing knowledge to demonstrate trade unions or monopsony and demand diagrams to determine further use of macro and microeconomic diagrams to illustrate Side Policies - public ownership and the possible impact of a range of supply-side measures. employers can distort the labour exchange rates. privatisation Students should be able to analyse the effects of fiscal policy market?' changes to both the level and pattern of economic activity . Unit 4.2.6 The International Economy - competition policy Complete revision products for the units - fiscal and supply-side policies Key term vocabulary check/test. covered. (Flashcard preparation, mindmap, - characteristics, causes and knowledge checklist etc.) consequences of gloablisation Exampro modeltheory/diagram/ - trade and the balance of calculation practice questions. payments - exchange rate systems Students will understand about the composition of the balance of payments and the significance of imbalance; and also to - economic growth and learn about the determination and pros and cons of different exchange rate regimes. development 'trade v aid' Student will understand the concepts and realities of public ownership, privatisation, regulation and deregulation and their impact on economic performance. Students, in conjunction with the SMSC research project will understand the characteristics and data evidence of less- developed countries to create a class profile. Revision across Year 1 and Year 2 To consolidate knowledge and revision Students will have the knowledge and skills to confidently Mock exam papers and SAMs for Revision products and practice assessment units Paper 1, 2 and 3. papers. products and prepare for end of year prepare and answer a range of MCQ's, data respponse and assessment for Papers 1 2 and 3. essay style 16 and 20 mark questions across Paper 1, 2 and 3. To consolidate and focus on: - exam techniques - extended writing questions - practice papers (especially Paper 3 which is for Year2/13 only). Revision across Year 1 and Year 2 To consolidate knowledge and revision Students will have the knowledge and skills to confidently Mock exam papers and SAMs for Revision products and practice assessment units Paper 1, 2 and 3. papers. products and prepare for end of year prepare and answer a range of MCQ's, data respponse and assessment for Papers 1 2 and 3. essay style 16 and 20 mark questions across Paper 1, 2 and 3. To consolidate and focus on: - exam techniques - extended writing questions - practice papers (especially Paper 3 which is for Year2/13 only).
Year 13 Unit of Work Key Knowledge ( (The minimum all students should know in order to access later concepts) Texts and Genres: Elements The focus is on the continued study of All of Political and Social Political and Social Protest Writing as a und Protest Writing genre, with a focus on the following Ass elements: are aim • AO per liter Autumn 1 and 2 con Teacher A coh Teacher B exp • AO mea text • AO of t the liter A continued focus on Issues of power and powerlessness; rece Elements of Political and Social Protest Writing through political settings (public or private, • AO the study of The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini domestic...) and the power struggles that liter take place within them; the nature of power, • AO A continued focus on and those who have it vs. those who don't; info Elements of Political and rebellion; the workings of the ruling political inte Social Protest Writing through classes; corruption and conspiracy; human stud the study of Songs of organisation; gender politics; the individual con Innocence and of Experience in society; voicelessness and the power of Pro language; the Critical Anthology by William Blake Spring 1 and 2 Revision A consolidation and synthesis of all learning Stud Teacher A Spring 1 - Othello and Keats to this point. exa Teacher B Spring 2 - The Kite Runner Summer 1 and 2 Spring 1 - Death of a lear Salesman Teacher A both also que Spring 2 - The Handmaid's A systematic revision plan, covering both Tale and Blake text content and exam preparation. Final Revision and Exam Final examination preparation. Stud Preparation exa lear Focus on Tragedy both also Focus on Political and Social que Protest, including the Unseen text Teacher B A systematic revision plan, covering both text content and exam preparation.
Key Skills Assessment (e.g. What is Homeworks (The minimum all students being assessed and How?) should be able to do) elements of the course are Students are mainly assessed Text preparation - pre-reading derpinned and driven by the through a series of exam style and annotation of sections of sessment Objectives, and these written tasks on ONE Political text to be covered in lessons. and Social Protest text - these the key skills that students are are incremental in their ming to acquire: coverage of the text and their complexity. These may be O1: Articulate informed, planned or written fully or rsonal and creative responses to partially, and may be rary texts, using associated collaborative or independent, ncepts and terminology, and dependent on the needs of the herent, accurate written class. Assessment also takes pression. place through retrieval practice O2: Analyse ways in which of key quotations and text anings are shaped in literary details. These assessments are ts. intended to consolidate O3: Demonstrate understanding understanding of individual the significance and influence of texts. contexts in which Students to continue rary texts are written and independent collection of eived. revision materials on Tragedy O4: Explore connections across texts - quotation banks, re- rary texts. reading of texts... O5: Explore literary texts ormed by different At the end of the Spring Term, erpretations. In addition, students will need to complete a dents are learning to apply the whole exam paper on the nventions of Political and Social Political unit of the course. They otest writing to their texts. have now covered all three texts and need experience of what the real exam will entail. dents must understand the two Students are assessed on their Independent revision am papers in their entirety. They are ability to write about TWO rning to apply their knowledge of Tragedy texts and TWO Political h texs and genres, but they are and Social Protest texts. This o learning to be selective in their assessment is intended both to estion choices. consolidate understanding and to ensure that students are fully prepared for the demands of the exam papers. dents must understand the two Students are assessed on their Independent revision am papers in their entirety. They are ability to write about TWO rning to apply their knowledge of Tragedy texts and TWO Political h texs and genres, but they are and Social Protest texts, as well o learning to be selective in their as individual and unseen texts. estion choices. This assessment is intended both to consolidate understanding and to ensure that students are fully prepared for the demands of the exam papers.
Year 13 Unit of Work Key Knowledge Key Skills (NEA will carry forward into Global patterns of population and reasons Use maps to describe patte this term) Population for the uneven distribution. Global patterns distribution and density, Ac and the Environment (Part 1) of food production and consumption and changes in population chan reasons for the uneven patterns. What is provide reasons for uneven agricultural productivity and how can we distribution. Understand far increase it (examples of polar and monsoon open system giving exampl climates)? Two examples of soils: inputs, processes, outputs a Autumn 1 formation, characteristics and problems. Use examples of polar and Autumn 2 Methods of increasing food security. climates to explain the chal farming and giving example increase productivity. Expla formation and characteristic latosols and chernozem soi managing any problems of erosion. Hazards and Carbon and This section of the specification focuses on This section specifies a sys Water Cycles the major stores of water and carbon at or approach to the study of wa near the Earth’s surface and the dynamic carbon cycles. The content cyclical relationships associated with them. students to contemplate the These are major elements in the natural magnitude and significance environment and understanding them is cycles at a variety of scales fundamental to many aspects of physical relevance to wider geograp geography. Key concepts include water their central importance for budgets, carbon cycling in the lithosphere, populations. The section of atmosphere and oceans. opportunity to exercise and geographical skills including observation, measurement geospatial mapping skills, t with data manipulation and skills including those assoc and arising from fieldwork.
Assessment Revisiting Opportuntities Homeworks erns of Range of exam style questions This topic is a very different style of Home work plan for the ccount for including 4 mark definition, 6 geography compared to GCSE. This topic changing places topic. 3 pieces nge and mark data response and 20 brings brings in elements from population Y9, per week using the CGP n mark extended writing answers. Urban Issues and Challenges Y10, Economic revision guide. Each task has rming is an End of unit test. Population is World Y11, Changing Places and GS & GG. some revision, note taking and les of tested on the Y13 mock exam Starter activities review prior learning. exam style questions including 4 and losses. paper. mark definition, 6 mark data monsoon response and 20 mark extended llenges of writing answers. es of how to ain the cs of il and soil stems Range of exam style questions This topic lunks to a range of concepts Home work plan for the Water ater and including 4 mark definition, 6 across the hazards topic studies at both KS3 and carbon cycle and hazard t invites mark data response and 20 and 4. During Year 8 the students stusy topic. 3 pieces per week using e mark extended writing answers. earthquakes and look at new zealand and the CGP revision guide. Each e of the End of unit test. Hazards is nepal. during year 9 the volcano topic covers task has some revision, note s, their tested on the Y13 mock exam types of volcaneo and there impacts. taking and exam style questions phy and paper. including 4 mark definition, 6 human mark data response and 20 ffers the mark extended writing answers. d develop g and together statistical ciated with
Population and the Global patterns of health, disease and Give a range of reasons wh Environment (Part 2) death. Reasons for differences in health, better in HIC's than LIC's. A Carbon and Water cycles disease and death. Epidemiological account for global morbidity Transition Model. Environmental variables Explain the differences betw and the contribution to the incidence of infectious and non commun disease. The role of international disease. Describe the epide organisations and NGOs in fighting transition model and give re disease. The causes, effects and the patterns of disease. Usi management of disease. Case study of examples of malaria and co health patterns in Knowsley. The causes heart disease explain the ca and effects of natural population change. effects and management of The 5 stages of the demographic transition diseases. Explain how the model. Population pyramids. Patterns of environment contributes to Spring 1 international migration using a range of incidence of disease. Unde Spring 2 examples. The link between population and role of international organis the environment. Theories of population NGOs. The case study of h theories and futures. Knowsley. Explain the dem transition model and analys population pyramids giving the population structure and Account for the cases and e international migration usin of examples. Understand p dynamics and carrying capa Understand a range of cont theories about the future of change. This section of our specification focuses on This section specifies a sys the major stores of water and carbon at or approach to the study of wa near the Earth’s surface and the dynamic carbon cycles. The content cyclical relationships associated with them. students to contemplate the These are major elements in the natural magnitude and significance environment and understanding them is cycles at a variety of scales fundamental to many aspects of physical relevance to wider geograp geography.Key concepts include water their central importance for budgets, carbon cycling in the lithosphere, populations. The section of atmosphere and oceans. opportunity to exercise and geographical skills including observation, measurement geospatial mapping skills, t with data manipulation and skills including those assoc and arising from fieldwork. Summer 1 EXAM Revision Summer 2 EXAM Revision
hy health is Range of exam style questions This topic is a very different style of Home work plan for the Analyse and including 4 mark definition, 6 geography compared to GCSE. This topic changing places topic. 3 pieces y patterns. mark data response and 20 brings brings in elements from population Y9, per week using the CGP ween mark extended writing answers. Urban Issues and Challenges Y10, Economic revision guide. Each task has nicable End of unit test. World Y11, Changing Places and GS & GG. some revision, note taking and emiological Starter activities review prior learning. exam style questions including 4 easons for mark definition, 6 mark data ing the response and 20 mark extended oronary writing answers. auses, f these the erstand the sations and health in mographic se reasons for d changes. effects of ng a range population acity. trasting f population stems Range of exam style questions This topic builds on others areas of the Home work plan for the Water ater and including 4 mark definition, 6 curriculum in Both KS£ and 4. In KS3 the and carbon cycle and hazard t invites mark data response and 20 pupils study rivers and look at causes and topic. 3 pieces per week using e mark extended writing answers. impacts of flooding. In Year 8 the weather the CGP revision guide. Each e of the End of unit test. . topic looks at the water cycle. At GCSE the task has some revision, note s, their students also cover climate change with links taking and exam style questions phy and to carbon and rivers. including 4 mark definition, 6 human mark data response and 20 ffers the mark extended writing answers. d develop g and together statistical ciated with
Year 13 Unit of Work Key Knowledge (The minimum all students should know in (Th Internal Project Work Unit 3 order to access later concepts) The Creative Process Know what the stages within the creative Able process are and how they can be ordered the to create effective outcomes. crea Know how the stages and activities within Able the creative process interrelate. and Know how to incorporate alternative proc approaches to the creative process in prac projects. stag Know how to plan the use of the creative crea process to produce at and design work. and Know how to apply a creative process to art Able and design work. proc Know how to review and reflect on use of prac creative process within art and design work. Exam Practice Unit 2 Know how to undertake good quality Able Autumn 1 research and investigation. proc Autumn Know how to use contextual research in crea Exam Preparation Unit 2 Autumn 2 vocational scenarios. Able Know how to consider contetual influences ana during investigation. prac Know how to visualy analyse art and design Able work. how Know how to analyse how the contextual crea factors can influence the work of creative Able practitioners. judg Know how to draw conclusions and form und judgments on the research carried out. prac Know how to undertake good quality Able research and investigation. proc Know how to use contextual research in crea vocational scenarios. Able Know how to consider contetual influences ana during investigation. prac Know how to visualy analyse art and design Able work. how Know how to analyse how the contextual crea factors can influence the work of creative Able practitioners. judg Know how to draw conclusions and form und judgments on the research carried out. prac
Key Skills Assessment Homeworks he minimum all students should be (e.g. What is being assesses able to do) and How?) e to demonstrate understanding of All elements of the unit of work Homework tasks are project stages and activities within the are assessed after completion in based and often collecting ative process. line with BTEC criteria. research to use in lessons, or e to experiment with the stages Self and peer assessment used completing sketchbook pages to d activities within the creative throughout project in conjunction support inclass learning. cess to develop own working with AFL criteria from course ctice. Able to apply specification. ges and activities within the ative process to develop own art d design work, e to review how use of the creative cess developed own art and design ctice. e to apply an effective investigation Verbal and written feedback Homework tasks are project cess to inform understanding of given via 1:1 tutorials throughout based and often collecting ative practitioners. this exam practice project. research to use in lessons, or e to demonstrate ability to visually Written feedback given for final completing sketchbook pages to alyse the work of creative written exam practice. support inclass learning. ctitioners. e to demonstrate understanding of w contextual factors influence ative practitioners work. e to communicate independent gments demonstrating derstanding of the work of creative ctitioners. e to apply an effective investigation All elements of the externally set No homework tasks as all work cess to inform understanding of unit of work are assessed after must be conducted in class to ative practitioners. completion in line with BTEC authenticate work. e to demonstrate ability to visually criteria. alyse the work of creative Externally marked and ctitioners. moderated. e to demonstrate understanding of w contextual factors influence ative practitioners work. e to communicate independent gments demonstrating derstanding of the work of creative ctitioners.
Internal Project Work Know what the stages within the creative Able Unit 3 The Creative Process process are and how they can be ordered the to create effective outcomes. crea Know how the stages and activities within Able the creative process interrelate. and Know how to incorporate alternative proc approaches to the creative process in prac projects. stag Know how to plan the use of the creative crea process to produce at and design work. and Know how to apply a creative process to art Able Spring and design work. proc Know how to review and reflect on use of prac creative process within art and design work. Exam Preparation Unit 1 Understand how recording is used to Able (if resitting) communicate visually in the work of others. crea Undertsanding the formal elements in the Able work of others. visu Know how to record from primary and exp secondary sources. met Know how to approach design Able experimentation and investigation. com Know how to apply visual recording skills to communicate creative intentions. Internal Project Work Know what the stages within the creative Able Unit 3 The Creative Process process are and how they can be ordered the Summer 1 to create effective outcomes. crea Know how the stages and activities within Able the creative process interrelate. and Know how to incorporate alternative proc approaches to the creative process in prac projects. stag Know how to plan the use of the creative crea process to produce at and design work. and Know how to apply a creative process to art Able and design work. proc Know how to review and reflect on use of prac creative process within art and design work. Summer 2 Finished Course
e to demonstrate understanding of All elements of the unit of work Homework tasks are project stages and activities within the are assessed after completion in based and often collecting ative process. line with BTEC criteria. research to use in lessons, or e to experiment with the stages Self and peer assessment used completing sketchbook pages to d activities within the creative throughout project in conjunction support inclass learning. cess to develop own working with AFL criteria from course ctice. Able to apply specification. ges and activities within the ative process to develop own art d design work, e to review how use of the creative cess developed own art and design ctice. e to demonstrate ability to record All elements of the externally set No homework tasks as all work ative intentions. unit of work are assessed after must be conducted in class to e to demonstrate understanding of completion in line with BTEC authenticate work. ual communication through criteria. ploration and application of different Externally marked and thods of recording. moderated. e to evaluate visual recording and mmunication skills. e to demonstrate understanding of All elements of the unit of work Homework tasks are project stages and activities within the are assessed after completion in based and often collecting ative process. line with BTEC criteria. research to use in lessons, or e to experiment with the stages Self and peer assessment used completing sketchbook pages to d activities within the creative throughout project in conjunction support inclass learning. cess to develop own working with AFL criteria from course ctice. Able to apply specification. ges and activities within the ative process to develop own art d design work, e to review how use of the creative cess developed own art and design ctice.
Year 13 Unit of Work Key Knowledge (Th (The minimum all students should Autumn 1 know in Autumn 2 order to access later concepts) Unit 2: Working in Health and Social B The role of organisations in the health and social •To be Care care sector effectiv Unit 8: Promoting Public Health •To know how multidisciplinary working is organised •To be Unit 6: Work experience Single, double, triple and understand its importance unders Unit 17: Caring for individuals with dementia •To understand how issues affect access to services respon Unit 2: Working in Health and Social A Roles and responsibilities of people the hea Care •To understand the roles and responsibilities of people •To be who work in health and social care to the r • To know how organisations represents the interests worker of service users organis C Working with people •To be • To know how the health and social care sector meets respon the needs of people with specific needs organis monito teams A Stategies for developing public health policy • To be effectiv • To know the origins and aims of public health policy • To be referen • To know how strategies are used to develop public • To be strateg Double + triple health policy • To be source • To know thow the health status of the population is health, policy monitored • To be the loc • To know the groups that influence public health health policy B Factors affecting health and the impact of addressing these factors to improve public health • To know the factors affecting health • To know the socio-economic impact of improving health of individuals and the population C Work experience tasks • To be • To know the responsibilites of staff in the placement and sa • To know how to assist in clinical and non-clinical • To b tasks or skills • To know thow to promote a person-centred approach • To b D Reflection on work experience and vo • To know how to review personal and professional • To b development • To be Triple only • To understand the importance of feedback and action develo planning A Types , causes and symptoms of dementia • To be • To know the types and causes of dementia effectiv • To know the symptoms of dementia • To be • referen B Effects of dementia on people who have the • To be condition techniq • The know the effects of dementia on mental and • To be physical health demen • To know the effects of dementia on quality and olife • To be and wellbeing make j of life a Single, double, triple B The role of organisations in the health and social •To be care sector effectiv •To know the specific responsibilities of people in •To be applying care values and principles unders •To know the responsibilties of organisations towards respon people who work in health and social care the hea •To know how organisations regulate and inspect •To be health and social care services and the people who to the r work in them worker organis •To be respon organis monito teams
Key Skills Assessment Homeworks he minimum all students should be Internal assessments, PPEs, able to do) External assessments e able to research independently, manage time • Formative assessment: exam question • Exam paper practice vely and organise resources practice, knowledge retrkeval grids, quick • Revision material - mindmaps, prompt e able to demonstrate knowledge and quizzes cards standing of service user needs, roles and nsibilities of workers, and working practices within IA: Write a report on the aims of public health • Assignment preparation / completion alth and social care sector policy, and how it seeks to minimise the factors e able to analyse and evaluate information related affecting the health of the population roles and responsibilities of health and social care rs and organisations and how workers and sations are monitored and regulated e able to make connections between the roles and nsibilities of health and social care workers and sations, how workers and organisations are ored and regulated and how multidisciplinary work together to meet service user needs e able to research independently, manage time vely and organise resources e able to make use of recognised sources and nce using the Harvard system e able to recall knowledge of three differeent gies used to develop public health policy e able to use numerical and graphical data es related to monitoring patterns of health and ill , and how this is used to create public health e able to show how one factor affected health in IA: Observation of work placement carrying out • Assignment preparation / completion cal demographic are and the impact of public tasks and activities an dintercating with service users and staff. A reflective log evaluating own policy on minimising this development on work placement. e able to carry out tasks and activities correctly afely be able to selct appropriate techniques, processes s and review the success of these be able to communicate using appropriate English ocational language be able to time manage their work effectively e able to maintain records of professional opment, reflection and feedback e able to research independently, manage time Internal mock: Unit 4 Research in Health and • Assignment preparation / completion vely and organise resources Social Care 3 hours e able to make use of recognised sources and . nce using the Harvard system IA: Write a report that examines the types, e able to use appropriate search and analysis causes and symptoms of dementia, and the ques progressive effects on mental and physical e able to distinguish between the types of wellbeing of people who have the condition ntia and their causes e able to analyse the effcets of dementia and judgements about the changing effects on quality and wellbeing e able to research independently, manage time Formative assessment: exam question practice, • Exam paper practice vely and organise resources knowledge retrkeval grids, quick quizzes • Revision material - mindmaps, prompt e able to demonstrate knowledge and . cards standing of service user needs, roles and PPE: Unit 2 Working in Health and Social Care nsibilities of workers, and working practices within 90 marks 80 minutes alth and social care sector e able to analyse and evaluate information related roles and responsibilities of health and social care rs and organisations and how workers and sations are monitored and regulated e able to make connections between the roles and nsibilities of health and social care workers and sations, how workers and organisations are ored and regulated and how multidisciplinary work together to meet service user needs
Autumn 2 Double + triple Unit 8: Promoting Public Health C How health is promoted to improve the health of the • To be Spring 1 population effectiv Unit 17: Caring for individuals with • To know the role of health promoters • To be dementia • To know the approaches to promoting public health referen and wellbeing • To be Unit 5: Meeting individual care and • To know the approaches to protecting public health how tw support needs and wellbeing and tw • To know how disease is prevented and controlled used in Unit 7: Principles of safe practice in D How health promotion encourages individuals to • To be health and social care change their behaviour in relation to their own health behavi • To know the features of health promotion campaigns • To be Unit 20: Understanding mental • To know the barriers to participation and how to the fea wellbeing challenge indifference ways in • To know the models and theories that justify health behaviour change • To know the approaches to increasing public awareness of health promotion C Person-centred care for poeple who have dementia • To be • To know the prinicples of person-centred care effectiv • To know how people with dementia are safeguarded • To be Triple only • To know how the needs, protection and sfaety of referen people with dementia is assessed • To be • To know how the health and wellbeing of people with techniq dementia is promoted • To be • To know how health and social care workers care to prpovide responsive and flexible care individu • To be to care A Principles, values and skills which underpin meeting • To be the care and support needs of individuals effectiv •To know how to promote equality and diversity and • To be prevent discrimination referen •To know the skills and attributes required for • To be Single, double, triple developing relationships • To be •To know the theories of empathy and how to build preven trust studies B Ethical issues involved when providing care • To be •To know tthe ethical issues that may arise and princip approaches to care ethical •To know the legislation and guidance on conflicts of • To be interest, balancing respurces and minimising risk commu CThe principles behind enabling individuals to assess oversome challenges their im • To know the challenges faced by individuals and how • To be to minimise them and rel •To know how to promote personalisation and person techniques used to communicate with individuals Double + triple A How a duty of care contributes to safe practice • To be • To understand 'duty or care' and know how effectiv complaints procedures are used • To be B How to recognise and respond to concerns about referen abuse and neglect • To be • To know the types and signs of abuse and neglect the imp • To know the factors that could contribute to signs o individuals being vulnerable to abuse and neglect • To be • To know how to respond to suspected abuse and compla neglect duty of • To know how to reduce the likelihood of abuse and • To be neglect that co neglec • To be eviden A Views on the nature of mental wellbeing and mental • To be health effectiv • To understand the concepts of mental wellbeing and • To be mental health referen Triple only • To know the factors that affect mental wellbeing and • To be mental health concep B How the main forms of mental ill health are classified • To be • To know the main categories of mental ill-health factors conditions and their symptoms • To be • To know the strengths and limitations of judgem classsifications systems strengt mental
e able to research independently, manage time IA: Write a report on how a specific health • Assignment preparation / completion vely and organise resources promotion campaign has contributed to e able to make use of recognised sources and improving the health of a community, with nce using the Harvard system reference to local demographic data compared e able to select and organise information regarding to the national average wo approaches to health promotion and protection, wo approaches to prevent and control, have been n a specific health promotion campaign e able to recall knowledge of how two barriers to iour change can be overcome e able to select and organise information regarding atures of the health promotion campaign and the n which it sought to increase public awareness e able to research independently, manage time PPE: Unit 3 Anatomy and Physiology for Health • Assignment preparation / completion vely and organise resources and Social Care - 90 marks 90 minutes e able to make use of recognised sources and • IA: Write a report that examines the types, nce using the Harvard system causes and symptoms of dementia, and the e able to use appropriate search and analysis progressive effects on mental and physical ques wellbeing of people who have the condition e able to apply the principles of person-centred • IA: Write a report based on a case study of an o appropriate care provision made for the individual who has dementia that justifies impact ual's safeguarding and health and wellbeing and benefits of person-centred care on the e able to assess the benefits of a flexible response individual, and evaluates how current practice in e needs dementia care meets the individual's needs e able to research independently, manage time IA: Write a report in response to case studies of • Assignment preparation / completion vely and organise resources individuals of different ages that considers the e able to make use of recognised sources and principles, values and skills needed to provide nce using the Harvard system care and support for others while maintaining an e able to apply knowledge to case studies ethical approach and enabling individuals to e able to apply knowledge of equality, diversity and overcome challenges nting discrimination to the professionals in the case s, and the skills and attributes needed to do this e able to carry out own research on ethical ples and make conslusions about the impact of l principles e able to recall knowledge of the strategies and unication techniques used by professionals and s their use, making reasoned arguments about mpact on the individual e able to recall knowledge of the individuals' needs late to how the professionals will promote nalisation e able to research independently, manage time EA: Unit 4 Enquiries into Current Research in • Assignment preparation / completion vely and organise resources Health and Social Care - 3 hours e able to make use of recognised sources and . nce using the Harvard system IA: Write a report evaluating duty of care and e able to select and organise informationrelating to safeguarding procedures in a health and social plications of a duty of a care and the types and care setting of abuse and neglect e able to demonstrate understanding of how aints and appeals procedures address failure in f care e able to demonstrate understanding of the factors ontribute to and reduce the likelihood of abuse and ct e able to recall knowledge of how to respond to nce of concerns about abuse and neglect e able to research independently, manage time EA: Unit 3 Anatomy and Physiology for Health • Assignment preparation / completion vely and organise resources and Social Care - 90 marks 90 minutes e able to make use of recognised sources and . nce using the Harvard system IA: Write a report, using a case study, on the e able to recall and relate knowlegge of the nature of mental health and wellbeing and the pts of mental health and mental wellbeing role of current classification sytems in improving e able to numerical and graphical data sources on the diagnosis of two selected mental ill-health s which affect mental health and wellbeing conditions and their symptoms e able to select and organise information so that a ment on current classification systems, and their ths and limitations in diagnosing two diffrerent l ill health conditions can be made
Single, double, triple Unit 5: Meeting individual care and D The roles of professionals and they work together to • To be support needs provide care and support effectiv •To know how agencies work together to meet • To be Unit 7: Principles of safe practice in individual care and support needs referen health and social care •To know the roles and responsibilities of key • To be professionals on multi-disciplinary teams • To be Unit 20: Understanding mental •To know working practices for maintaining respon wellbeing confidentiality team in •To know working practices for managing information organis Unit 2: Working in Health and Social care Care • To be suppor provide • To be profess informa Spring 2 Double + triple C The influence of healtrh and safety legislation and • To be policies effectiv Summer 1 • To know the relevant health and sfaety legislation in • To be Summer 2 England referen • To understand the influence of legislation and • To be policies on health and socuial care practice health D Procedures and responsibilities to maintain health care pr and safety and respond to accidents and emergencies • To be • To know the procedures for maintaining health and differen safety • To be • To know the procedures for responding to accidents health and emergencies employ • To know the responsibilities of others in the setting practic Triple only C Impact of mental ill-health on individuals and others • To be in their social network effectiv • To understand the impact of mental ill health on • To be individuals referen • To understand the impact of mental ill-health on • To be relationships of men D Strategies which promote mental wellbeing and relation mental health • To be • To know the legislation, policies and codes of legislat practice relating to mental health mental • To know how professionals assess and treat ill • To be mental health assess A Roles and responsibilities of people •To be •To understand the roles and responsibilities of people effectiv who work in health and social care •To be •To know the specific responsibilities of people in unders applying care values and principles respon B The role of organisations in the health and social the hea care sector •To be •To understand the role of service sectors in providing to the r care worker Single, double, triple •To know the different settings where health and social organis services are provided •To be •To know how multidisciplinary working is organised respon and understand its importance organis •To understand how issues affect access to services monito • To know how organisations represents the interests teams of service users •To be •To know the responsibilties of organisations towards unders people who work in health and social care social c •To know how organisations regulate and inspect •To be health and social care services and the people who to the r work in them worker C Working practices •To know the characteristics of good working practice •To know how poor working practices affect people who use services and how poor working practice has been identifed and addressed • To know how the health and social care sector meets the needs of people with specific needs Tri Do Si Tri Do ple ubl ngl ple ubl onl e e, onl e y + do y + tri ubl tri ple e, ple tri ple
e able to research independently, manage time IA: Write a report based on case studies on how • Assignment preparation / completion vely and organise resources working practices are used to successfully meet e able to make use of recognised sources and individual needs nce using the Harvard system e able to apply knowledge to case studies e able to assess the impact of the roles of nsibilities of three memebrs of a multi-disciplinary n meeting individual support needs, and how sations work together to commision and provide e able to demonstrate an understanding of how rt from different disciplines can be combined to e a full package of care e able to recall and relate knowledge of how sionals maintain confidentiuality and manage ation e able to research independently, manage time IA: Produce a resource file evaluating safe • Assignment preparation / completion vely and organise resources practice principles, procedures and e able to make use of recognised sources and responsibilities in a health and social care nce using the Harvard system setting e able to compare the influence of two different and safety laws or policies on health and social ractice, with reference to relevant examples e able to demonstrate understadning of two nt health and safery procedures e able to select and organise information about the and sfaety responsibuilities of employers, yees and others and how these contribute to safe ce e able to research independently, manage time IA: Write a report, using a case study, on the • Assignment preparation / completion vely and organise resources nature of mental health and wellbeing and the e able to make use of recognised sources and role of current classification sytems in improving nce using the Harvard system the diagnosis of two selected mental ill-health e able to recall and relate knowledge of the impact conditions and their symptoms ntal ill health on a selected individual and their nship with others e able to demonstrate understanding of sections of tion, policies and practice relating to strategies for l wellbeing and mental health promotion e able to select and organise information sabout sment and treatment strategies e able to research independently, manage time Exam: Unit 2 Working in Health and Social Care Exam paper practice vely and organise resources - 90 marks 80 minutes e able to demonstrate knowledge and • Formative assessment: exam question standing of service user needs, roles and practice, knowledge retrkeval grids, quick nsibilities of workers, and working practices within quizzes alth and social care sector e able to analyse and evaluate information related roles and responsibilities of health and social care rs and organisations and how workers and sations are monitored and regulated e able to make connections between the roles and nsibilities of health and social care workers and sations, how workers and organisations are ored and regulated and how multidisciplinary work together to meet service user needs e able to demonstrate knowledge and standing of working practices within the health and care sector e able to analyse and evaluate information related roles and responsibilities of health and social care rs and organisations
Year 13 Unit of Work Key Knowledge Key Skills Autumn 1 PAPER ONE, THE TUDORS: ENGLAND Mary I and her ministers; royal authority; problems of succession; To be able to process knowledge into clear arg (ES teaching, 2x 1485-1603 hours a week) Instability and consolidation: the 'Mid- relations with foreign powers, exam Qs. Students need to demonstrate, orga Tudor Crisis' 1547-1563 The social impact of religious and economic changes under Mary I; communicate knowledge and understanding to rebellion; intellectual developments; humanist and religious thought evaluate the key features related to the periods substantiated judgements and exploring conce cause, consequence, change, continuity, simila significance (AO1), able to analyse and argue how convincing argu mark interpretation Q. Students need to analys relation to the historical context, different ways the past have been interpreted (AO3) PAPER TWO, REVOLUTION AND Agricultural and social developments in the countryside: voluntary To be able to process knowledge into clear arg DICTATORSHIP: RUSSIA 1917-1953 Economy and society 1929-1941 and forced collectivisation; state farms; mechanisation; the impact exam Qs. Students need to demonstrate, orga of collectivisation on the kulaks and other peasants; the famine of communicate knowledge and understanding to Autumn 1 1932-1934; the success of collectivisation, evaluate the key features related to the periods (JP or BY Industrial and social developments in towns and cities: Gosplan; the substantiated judgements and exploring conce teaching, 2x hours a week) organisation, aims and results of the first three Five Year Plans; cause, consequence, change, continuity, simila new industiral centres and projects; the involvement of foreign significance (AO1) T companies; the working and living conditions of managers, workers analyse and argue the value of sources for the and women; Stakhanovites; the success of the Five Year Plans Students need to analyse and evaluate approp primary and/or contemporary to the period, wit context (AO2) NON-EXAM ASSESSMENT All key knowledge for AO1 taught in Y12, students are directed to AO1 criteria of NEA: Demonstrate, organise an Black civil rights 1865-1968 look at primary sources and differing historians for AO2 and AO3 knowledge and understanding to analyse and Autumn 1 (JP or BY criteria features related to the periods studied, making teaching, 1x hour judgements and exploring concepts, as relevan a week) consequence, change, continuity, similarity, dif significance AO2 criteria of NEA: Analyse and evaluate app material, primary and/or contemporary to the p historical context. AO3 criteria of NEA: Analyse and evaluate, in historical context, different ways in which aspe been interpreted. PAPER ONE, THE TUDORS: ENGLAND Elizabeth I: character and aims; consolidation of power, including To be able to process knowledge into clear arg 1485-1603 Instability and consolidation: the 'Mid- the Elizabethen Settlement and relations with foreign powers, exam Qs. Students need to demonstrate, orga Tudor Crisis' 1547-1563 The impact of economic, social and religious developments in the communicate knowledge and understanding to early years of Elizabeth's rule evaluate the key features related to the periods Autumn 2 substantiated judgements and exploring conce (ES teaching, 2x hours a week) cause, consequence, change, continuity, simila significance (AO1), able to analyse and argue how convincing argu mark interpretation Q. Students need to analys relation to the historical context, different ways the past have been interpreted (AO3) PAPER TWO, REVOLUTION AND The development of the Stalin cult: literature; the arts and other To be able to process knowledge into clear arg DICTATORSHIP 1917-1953 propaganda; Socialist Realism, The exam Qs. Students need to demonstrate, orga Economy and society 1929-1941 social and economic condition of the Soviet Union by 1941: communicate knowledge and understanding to Autumn 2 (continued) Stalinism, stengths and weaknesses, evaluate the key features related to the periods (JP or BY politics and control 1929-1942 Dictatorship and Stalinism: the machinery of state terror; the NKVD; substantiated judgements and exploring conce teaching, 2x hours a week) the early purges; Kirov's murder; the show trials; the Stalin cause, consequence, change, continuity, simila Constitution significance (AO1) T analyse and argue the value of sources for the Students need to analyse and evaluate approp primary and/or contemporary to the period, wit context (AO2) NON-EXAM ASSESSMENT N/A - students will be writing and editing drafts of their NEA for final AO1 criteria of NEA: Demonstrate, organise an Black civil rights 1865-1968 submission knowledge and understanding to analyse and Autumn 2 (JP or BY features related to the periods studied, making teaching, 1x hour judgements and exploring concepts, as relevan a week) consequence, change, continuity, similarity, dif significance AO2 criteria of NEA: Analyse and evaluate app material, primary and/or contemporary to the p historical context. AO3 criteria of NEA: Analyse and evaluate, in historical context, different ways in which aspe been interpreted. PAPER ONE, THE TUDORS: ENGLAND Elizabethan government: court, ministers and parliament; factional To be able to process knowledge into clear arg 1485-1603 The triumph of Elizabeth 1563-1603 rivalries, Foreign exam Qs. Students need to demonstrate, orga Spring 1 affairs: issues of succession; Mary, Queen of Scots; relations with communicate knowledge and understanding to (ES teaching, 2x hours a week) Spain, Society: continuity and evaluate the key features related to the periods change; problems in the regions; social discontent and rebellions substantiated judgements and exploring conce cause, consequence, change, continuity, simila significance (AO1), able to analyse and argue how convincing argu mark interpretation Q. Students need to analys relation to the historical context, different ways the past have been interpreted (AO3)
Assessment Revisiting Opportuntities Homeworks guments for 25 mark Subject knowledge quizzes in lessons Elements of Mary I's reign have been covered in Y8 and Y11 GCSE, Revision for subject knowledge quizzes, anise and focussing on key knowledge, specific o analyse and detail, dates and statistics, All topics covered so far in Y12 and Y13 will be revisited weekly with Revision for summative knowledge test, s studied, making Summative knowledge test on topics epts, as relevant, of covered so far to feed into tracking, subject knowledge quizzes at the start or end of lessons to keep Completion of 25 mark exam Q on arity, difference and Completion (hwk) of 25 mark exam Q (AO1) focussing on the reigns of Edward subject knowledge up to date (E.g. quiz on rebellion under Edward whether the reigns of Edward VI and Mary To be VI and Mary I constituted a 'mid-Tudor uments are for the 30 crisis'. VI when studying Mary I and succession), I constituted a 'mid-Tudor crisis', se and evaluate, in s in which aspects of Summative knowledge test looks at topics covered in both Y12 and Small homeworks focussing on research Y13, Hwk or following up on topics covered in focus at end of half term on revisiting folder to check that all topics lessons, Hwk focus covered so far are in order and up to date at end of half term on revisiting folder to check that all topics covered so far are in order and up to date guments for 25 mark Subject knowledge quizzes in lessons All topics covered so far in Y12 and Y13 will be revisited weekly with Revision for subject knowledge quizzes, anise and focussing on key knowledge, specific o analyse and detail, dates and statistics, subject knowledge quizzes at the start or end of lessons to keep Revision for summative knowledge test, s studied, making Summative knowledge test on topics epts, as relevant, of covered so far to feed into tracking, subject knowledge up to date (E.g. quiz on 1920s foreign policy Completion of 25 mark exam Q on the arity, difference and Completion (hwk) of 25 mark exam Q To be able to (AO1) focussing on the successes and when studying the Five Year Plans), successes and failures of collectivisation, e 30 mark exam Q. failures of collectivisation priate source material, Summative knowledge test looks at topics covered in both Y12 and Small homeworks focussing on research thin the historical Y13, Hwk or following up on topics covered in focus at end of half term on revisiting folder to check that all topics lessons, covered so far are in order and up to date Hwk focus at end of half term on revisiting folder to check that all topics covered so far are in order and up to date nd communicate Non-exam assessment - Final submission N/A - NEA unit. Content and skills taught in Y12 and Y13 are used Research for AO1, AO2 and AO3 evaluate the key elements of NEA, completion of drafts g substantiated due toward end of Spring term to complete NEA moving toward final submission of NEA nt, of cause, fference and propriate source period, within the relation to the ects of the past have guments for 25 mark Subject knowledge quizzes in lessons Elizabeth has been covered as a unit in Y11 GCSE and elements in Revision for subject knowledge quizzes, anise and focussing on key knowledge, specific Y8, All topics Completion of 30 mark exam Q on o analyse and detail, dates and statistics, covered so far in Y12 and Y13 will be revisited weekly with subject historical interpretations of the impact of s studied, making Completion (hwk) of 30 mark exam Q knowledge quizzes at the start or end of lessons to keep subject the Elizabethan settlement epts, as relevant, of (AO3) focussing on historical knowledge up to date (E.g. quiz on relations with foreign powers Small homeworks focussing on research arity, difference and interpretations of the impact of the under Mary when studying Elizabeth's character), or following up on topics covered in To be Elizabethan religious settlement. Revision lessons to prepare knowledge and skills for mock exam, lessons, Revision and uments are for the 30 Mock exam of Paper One, both Section A Hwk focus at end of half term on revisiting folder to check that all preparation for mock exam, se and evaluate, in and Section B, one 30 mark (AO3) topics covered so far are in order and up to date Hwk focus at end of half term on revisiting s in which aspects of interpretation evaluation Q and two 25 folder to check that all topics covered so mark (AO1) Q from a choice of three far are in order and up to date guments for 25 mark Subject knowledge quizzes in lessons All topics covered so far in Y12 and Y13 will be revisited weekly with Revision for subject knowledge quizzes, anise and focussing on key knowledge, specific subject knowledge quizzes at the start or end of lessons to keep Completion of 25 mark exam Q on the o analyse and detail, dates and statistics, subject knowledge up to date (E.g. quiz on NEP when studying the significance of Kirov's murder for the s studied, making Completion (hwk) of 25 mark exam Q early purges), Revision lessons to prepare Stalinist government, epts, as relevant, of (AO1) focussing on the significance of knowledge and skills for mock exam, Small homeworks focussing on research arity, difference and Kirov's murder for the Stalinist Hwk focus at end of half term on revisiting folder to check that all or following up on topics covered in To be able to government, topics covered so far are in order and up to date lessons, Revision and e 30 mark exam Q. Mock exam of Paper Two, both Section A preparation for mock exam, priate source material, and Section B, one 30 mark (AO2) source Hwk focus at end of half term on revisiting thin the historical evlauation Q and two 25 mark (AO1) Qs folder to check that all topics covered so from a choice of three far are in order and up to date nd communicate Non-exam assessment - Final submission N/A - NEA unit. Content and skills taught in Y12 and Y13 are used Research for AO1, AO2 and AO3 evaluate the key due toward end of Spring term to complete NEA elements of NEA, completion of drafts g substantiated moving toward final submission of NEA nt, of cause, fference and propriate source period, within the relation to the ects of the past have guments for 25 mark Subject knowledge quizzes in lessons Elizabeth has been covered as a unit in Y11 GCSE and elements in Revision for subject knowledge quizzes, anise and focussing on key knowledge, specific o analyse and detail, dates and statistics, both Y10 GCSE and Y8, Completion of 25 mark exam Q on the s studied, making Completion (hwk) of 25 mark exam Q epts, as relevant, of (AO1) focussing on the strengths and All topics covered so far in Y12 and Y13 will be revisited weekly with strengths and weaknesses of Elizabethan arity, difference and weaknesses of Elizabethan government, 1558-1588 subject knowledge quizzes at the start or end of lessons to keep government, 1558-1588 To be uments are for the 30 subject knowledge up to date (E.g. quiz on Henry VIII's government Small homeworks focussing on research se and evaluate, in s in which aspects of when studying Mary, Queen of Scots), or following up on topics covered in Feedback lessons after mocks are handed back, lessons, Hwk focus at end of half term on revisiting folder to check that all Hwk focus at end of half term on revisiting topics covered so far are in order and up to date folder to check that all topics covered so far are in order and up to date
PAPER TWO, REVOLUTION AND The Yezhovshchina: mass terror and repression at local and central To be able to process knowledge into clear arg DICTATORSHIP: RUSSIA 1917-1953 Stalinism, politics and control 1929-41 levels; treatment of national minorities; the gulags; the end of the exam Qs. Students need to demonstrate, orga (continued) purges; the death of Trotsky; responsibility for and impact of the communicate knowledge and understanding to Spring 1 Terror and purges, evaluate the key features related to the periods (JP or BY Culture and society: church; women; young people and working substantiated judgements and exploring conce teaching, 2x hours a week) men; urban and rural differences; 'socialist man' and the impact of cause, consequence, change, continuity, simila cultural change; similarities and differences between Lenin's and significance (AO1) T Stalin's USSR analyse and argue the value of sources for the Students need to analyse and evaluate approp primary and/or contemporary to the period, wit context (AO2) NON-EXAM ASSESSMENT N/A - students will be writing and editing drafts of their NEA for final AO1 criteria of NEA: Demonstrate, organise an Black civil rights 1865-1968 submission knowledge and understanding to analyse and Spring 1 (JP or BY features related to the periods studied, making teaching, 1x hour judgements and exploring concepts, as relevan a week) consequence, change, continuity, similarity, dif significance AO2 criteria of NEA: Analyse and evaluate app material, primary and/or contemporary to the p historical context. AO3 criteria of NEA: Analyse and evaluate, in historical context, different ways in which aspe been interpreted. PAPER ONE, THE TUDORS: ENGLAND Economic development: trade, exploration and colonisation, To be able to process knowledge into clear arg 1485-1603 The triumph of Elizabeth 1563-1603 prosperity and depression, exam Qs. Students need to demonstrate, orga (ES teaching, 2x Religious developments, continuity and change; the English communicate knowledge and understanding to hours a week) Renaissance and 'the Golden Age' of art, literature and music evaluate the key features related to the periods Spring 2 substantiated judgements and exploring conce cause, consequence, change, continuity, simila significance (AO1), able to analyse and argue how convincing argu mark interpretation Q. Students need to analys relation to the historical context, different ways the past have been interpreted (AO3) PAPER TWO, REVOLUTION AND Stalin and international relations: cooperation with Germany; entry To be able to process knowledge into clear arg DICTATORSHIP: RUSSIA 1917-1953 Stalinism, politics and control 1929-1941 in to the League of Nations; pacts with France and Czechoslovakia; exam Qs. Students need to demonstrate, orga (continued) The Great Patriotic War and Stalin's intervention in the Spanish Civil War; reaction to Western communicate knowledge and understanding to dictatorship 1941-1953 appeasement and Japanese aggression; the Nazi-Soviet Pact and evaluate the key features related to the periods Spring 2 its outcome, The impact substantiated judgements and exploring conce (JP or BY of the war on the Soviet Union: Operaion Barbarossa and the cause, consequence, change, continuity, simila teaching, 2x hours a week) Stalinist reaction; the course of war; the USSR under occupation significance (AO1) T and the fight-back; the Soviet ecomony; the mobilisation and analyse and argue the value of sources for the evacuation of industry; foreign aid Students need to analyse and evaluate approp primary and/or contemporary to the period, wit context (AO2) NON-EXAM ASSESSMENT N/A - students will be writing and editing drafts of their NEA for final AO1 criteria of NEA: Demonstrate, organise an Black civil rights 1865-1968 submission knowledge and understanding to analyse and features related to the periods studied, making Spring 2 The last years of Elizabeth: the state of England politically, judgements and exploring concepts, as relevan economically, religiously and socially by 1603 consequence, change, continuity, similarity, dif (JP or BY significance teaching, 1x hour AO2 criteria of NEA: Analyse and evaluate app material, primary and/or contemporary to the p a week) historical context. AO3 criteria of NEA: Analyse and evaluate, in PAPER ONE, THE TUDORS: ENGLAND historical context, different ways in which aspe 1485-1603 been interpreted. The triumph of Elizabeth 1563-1603 To be able to process knowledge into clear arg Summer 1 exam Qs. Students need to demonstrate, orga (ES teaching, 2x communicate knowledge and understanding to hours a week) evaluate the key features related to the periods substantiated judgements and exploring conce cause, consequence, change, continuity, simila significance (AO1), able to analyse and argue how convincing argu mark interpretation Q. Students need to analys relation to the historical context, different ways the past have been interpreted (AO3) PAPER TWO, REVOLUTION AND The defeat of the Germans: reasons and results; post-war To be able to process knowledge into clear arg DICTATORSHIP: RUSSIA 1917-1953 The Great Patriotic War and Stalin's reconstruction; industry and agriculture, exam Qs. Students need to demonstrate, orga dictatorship 1941-1953 (continued ) High Stalinism: dictatorship and totalitarianism; renewed Terror; the communicate knowledge and understanding to Summer 1 NKVD under Beria; Zhdanovism and the cultural purge; Stalin's cult evaluate the key features related to the periods (JP or BY of personality; the Leningrad affair; purges and the Doctors' Plot, substantiated judgements and exploring conce teaching, 2x hours a week) The transformation of the Soviet Union's international position: the cause, consequence, change, continuity, simila emergence of a 'superpower'; the formation of a Soviet bloc; conflict significance (AO1) T with the USA and capitalist West; death of Stalin and Stalin's legacy analyse and argue the value of sources for the at home and abroad Students need to analyse and evaluate approp primary and/or contemporary to the period, wit context (AO2) Summer 1 N/A - NEA completed and submitted. N/A N/A (JP or BY Lessons will be used for revision for teaching, 1x hour Paper One and Paper Two as directed by a week) unit teachers
guments for 25 mark Subject knowledge quizzes in lessons All topics covered so far in Y12 and Y13 will be revisited weekly with Revision for subject knowledge quizzes, anise and focussing on key knowledge, specific subject knowledge quizzes at the start or end of lessons to keep Revision for timed 30 mark exam Q on the o analyse and detail, dates and statistics, subject knowledge up to date (E.g. quiz on NEP when studying the value of given sources for understanding s studied, making Completion (timed) of 30 mark exam Q early purges), the Yezhovshchina, Small epts, as relevant, of (AO2) focussing on the value of given Feedback lessons after mocks are handed back, homeworks focussing on research or arity, difference and sources for understanding the Hwk focus at end of half term on revisiting folder to check that all following up on topics covered in lessons, To be able to Yezhovshchina topics covered so far are in order and up to date Hwk focus at end of half term on revisiting e 30 mark exam Q. folder to check that all topics covered so priate source material, far are in order and up to date, Revision thin the historical for timed 25 mark exam Q on culture and society after half term nd communicate Non-exam assessment - Final submission N/A - NEA unit. Content and skills taught in Y12 and Y13 are used Research for AO1, AO2 and AO3 evaluate the key due toward end of Spring term to complete NEA elements of NEA, completion of drafts g substantiated moving toward final submission of NEA nt, of cause, fference and propriate source period, within the relation to the ects of the past have guments for 25 mark Subject knowledge quizzes in lessons Elizabeth has been covered as a unit in Y11 GCSE and elements in Revision for subject knowledge quizzes, anise and Completion of 25 mark exam Q on the o analyse and focussing on key knowledge, specific Y8, All topics seriousness of the Catholic threat s studied, making throughout Elizabeth's reign, epts, as relevant, of detail, dates and statistics, covered so far in Y12 and Y13 will be revisited weekly with subject Small homeworks focussing on research arity, difference and or following up on topics covered in Completion (hwk) of 25 mark exam Q knowledge quizzes at the start or end of lessons to keep subject lessons, To be Hwk focus at end of half term on revisiting uments are for the 30 (AO1) focussing on the seriousness of the knowledge up to date (E.g. quiz on Elizabethan government when folder to check that all topics covered so se and evaluate, in far are in order and up to date s in which aspects of Catholic threat throughout Elizabeth's studying trade and exploration), reign Hwk focus at end of half term on revisiting folder to check that all topics covered so far are in order and up to date guments for 25 mark Subject knowledge quizzes in lessons Internation relations and World War Two have been covered in Y9 Revision for subject knowledge quizzes, anise and focussing on key knowledge, specific and Y11 GCSE, All topics covered so far in Y12 and Revision for timed 25 mark exam Q on o analyse and detail, dates and statistics, Y13 will be revisited weekly with subject knowledge quizzes at the culture and society (choice of three Qs), s studied, making Completion (timed) of 25 mark exam Q start or end of lessons to keep subject knowledge up to date (E.g. Small homeworks focussing on research epts, as relevant, of (AO1) focussing on culture and society - quiz on the Five Year Plans when studying international relations), or following up on topics covered in arity, difference and students have a choice of three Qs, Culture and society exam Q is content covered in previous half term, lessons, To be able to Completion (hwk) of 25 mark exam Q Hwk focus at end of half term on revisiting folder to check that all Completion of 25 mark exam Q on the e 30 mark exam Q. (AO1) focussing on the importance of topics covered so far are in order and up to date importance of Stalin during the Great priate source material, Stalin during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War, Hwk focus thin the historical at end of half term on revisiting folder to check that all topics covered so far are in order and up to date nd communicate Non-exam assessment - Final submission N/A - NEA unit. Content and skills taught in Y12 and Y13 are used Research for AO1, AO2 and AO3 evaluate the key due toward end of Spring term to complete NEA elements of NEA, completion and final g substantiated submission of NEA nt, of cause, fference and propriate source period, within the relation to the ects of the past have guments for 25 mark Subject knowledge quizzes in lessons Elizabeth has been covered as a unit in Y11 GCSE and elements in Revision for subject knowledge quizzes, anise and o analyse and focussing on key knowledge, specific Y8, All topics Subject knowledge quizzes in lessons s studied, making epts, as relevant, of detail, dates and statistics, covered so far in Y12 and Y13 will be revisited weekly with subject focussing on key knowledge, specific arity, difference and Completion (hwk) of 25 mark exam Q knowledge quizzes at the start or end of lessons to keep subject detail, dates and statistics, To be uments are for the 30 (AO1) focussing on whether the English knowledge up to date (E.g. quiz on royal finance under Henry VII Completion of 25 mark exam Q focussing se and evaluate, in s in which aspects of people had benefitted in social and when studying the state of England politically by 1603), on whether the English people had guments for 25 mark economic terms from rule of Elizabeth I by Hwk focus before exam on revisiting folder to check that all topics benefitted in social and economic terms anise and o analyse and 1603. covered in Y12 and Y13 are in order and up to date, from rule of Elizabeth I by 1603. s studied, making epts, as relevant, of Completion (timed) of 30 mark exam Q Revision lessons to prepare knowledge and skills for exam Revision for 30 mark exam Q focussing arity, difference and To be able to (AO3) focussing on historical on historical interpretations of Elizabeth I e 30 mark exam Q. priate source material, interpretations of Elizabeth I (government (government and politics, 1558-1603) thin the historical and politics, 1558-1603) Hwk focus before exam on revisiting folder to check that all topics covered in Y12 and Y13 are in order and up to date, Revision for exam Subject knowledge quizzes in lessons Elements of the Cold War have been covered in Revision for subject knowledge quizzes, focussing on key knowledge, specific Y9 All topics covered in Y12 and detail, dates and statistics, Y13 will be revisited weekly with subject knowledge quizzes at the Revision for timed 30 mark exam Q on the Completion (timed) of 30 mark exam Q start or end of lessons to keep subject knowledge up to date (E.g. (AO2) focussing on the value of given quiz on the Yezhovshchina when studying the cultural purge), value of given sources for understanding sources for understanding post-war Hwk focus before exam on revisiting folder to check that all topics USSR, covered in Y12 and Y13 are in order and up to date, post-war USSR, Revision Completion (timed) of 25 mark exam Q Revision lessons to prepare knowledge and skills for exam (AO1) focussing on whether the USSR for timed 25 mark Q on whether the was a superpower by N/A 1953 USSR was a superpower by 1953, N/A Hwk focus before exam on revisiting folder to check that all topics covered in Y12 and Y13 are in order and up to date, Revision for exam N/A
EXAM Revision Summer 2
Year 13 Unit of Work Key Knowledge Key Skills Autumn 1 Know conditions for a point of inflection Know the derivatives of the trigonometric Differentiate trigonometric i functions from first principles for sinx Know and understand the chain rule Use the chain rule to differe function of a function Know and understand the product and Differentiate product and qu quotient rule for differentiation functions, including reciproc trigonometric functions Differentiation Trigonometric Functions Know term implicit differentiation and when Differentiate functions defin it should be applied implicitly Know term parametric equation Differentiate functions defin parametrically Know and understand how differential Set up and solve simple dif equations can be used to model rea life equations situations Know radian measure Convert between two angle Use multiples of pi Know the small angle approximations Use the small angle approx make approximate trigonom expressions Know exact trigometric values Know the relationships between the three trigonometric functions and their reciprocal and inverse functions Know the shape and key features of the Sketch the reciprocal and in graphs of the reciprocal and inverse functions and show underst functions their domains and ranges Know the trigonometric identities involving Use all three identites when the reciprocal functions eqautions or manipulating trigonometric expressions Recognise and use the addition formulae. Use the addition and double Know and use the double angle formulae formulae to simplify trigono expressions, prove identitie Know that acosx + bsinx can be written in solve equations the form rcos(x +/- A) or rsin(x +/- A) Know that trigonometric functions can be Use this conversion to solve used to model real life situations trigonometric equations Use trigonometric functions real life problems in context Trigonometry and modelling Know term rational function and that they Simplify rational functions b can be simplified factorising, cancelling and a division (by linear expressio Algebraic Methods
Assessment Revisiting Opportuntities Homeworks including Baseline Test Texbook homework after each and cosx lesson on Differentiaition Differentiate kx^n where n is any real entiate a number. All fundamental algebraic skills. uotient Assigment Differentiation cal ned ned fferential Timed mini assessment on Differentaiation e measures. ximations to metric nverse Textbook homework after each tanding of lesson on Trig functions n solving Two fundamental trigonometric identities from Y12. Find solutions to a simple e angle trigonometric equation over a given interval. ometric Know the key features and shape of the es and graphs of the three trigonometric functions e Timed mini assessment on Assigment Trigonometric Trigonometric Functions Functions s to solve t End of half term assessment on first three modules by Divide a polynomial by a linear expression algebraic (Y12) ons only)
Algebraic Methods Know and understand the concept of a Decompose a rational frac partial fraction partial fractions (numerator constant, denominators pro max 3 linear terms or one li squared linear Know and understand proof by Include proof root(2) is an ir contradiction number and infinity of prime Know and understand a modulus function Sketch the graph of a funct the modulus of a linear exp Use graph to solve equation Know that a function is a one-one or many- to-one mapping. Know and understand Functions and Graphs (i and terms domain, range (ii)) Know and understand a composite. Know that for an inverse function to exist f(x) must be one-to-one Autumn 2 Know key notation and vocabulary for Spring 1 sequences and series including sigma notation and recurrence relations. Increasing, decreasing and periodic sequences. Know and understand arithmetic Use the formulae to solve p progressions, common difference. Know Sequences and Series and understand the formulae for the nth including the Binomial term and the sum of an arithmetic progression Theorem Know and understand geometric Solve problems (including r progressions, common ratio, sum to infinity. scenarios) using these form Know and understand the formulae for the Prove the sum formula nth term, the sum of a geometric progression and the sum to infinity of a geometric progression and the conditions for this to exist. Know that an expression to a rational power Find a series expansion of can be written as as infinite series under expression risen to a ration certain conditions using the binomial using the binomial expansio expansion the values of x for which the converges Parametric Equations Know and uderstand that a function of x Given a pair of parametric, and y can be defined in terms a parameter, features of the graph of the called parametric equations Know that a function in parametric form can Convert from parametric for be converted to Cartesian form Cartesian Know theat the normal distribution can be Calculate probabilities using used to model continuous random normal distribution and solv variables. Know the shape and symmetry of the normal curve. Know how to use a calculator to perform necessary calculations Know the standard normal distribution Use the standard normal di to calculate either or both o and standard deviation Statistics - Normal Know where the points of inflection are on Apply the approximation us Distribution and Hypothesis the normal curve continuity correction factor correct conditions Testing Know that a binomial distribution can be approximated to a normal distribution
ction into Manipulation of algebraic fractions Textbook homeowrk after each rs linear or Straight line graphs lesson on Algebraic methods oduct of inear, one Assignment Algebraic methods rrational Timed mini assessment on es Algebraic methods tion which is pression. ns Rearrange a formula where the (new) subject Textbook homeork after each appears more than once lesson on Functions and Graphs Timed mini assessment on Functions and Graphs Asignment Functions and Graphs problems Rearrange a formula real life Use of logarithms to solve equations Textbook homework after each mulae. lesson on Sequences and Series an December mock exam Binomial expansion for n a natural number nal power Sketch the graphs of key functions on. Include e series interpret e function rm to g the ve problems istribution Solve a pair of simulataneous equations Textbook homework after each of the mean lesson on Normal distribution sing a Calculate probabilities using the binomial and using distribution