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Home Explore Urine chart pdf

Urine chart pdf

Published by lrosenberg, 2023-07-07 00:10:22

Description: Urine chart pdf


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URINE COLOR CHART Are You Hydrated? Why is the urine chart essential and a must-have in every training room and locker room? • U  nder normal kidney function, well URINE COLOR the color of urine can serve as an hydrated CHART easy indicator of an individual’s level of hydration. dehydrated • T  he darker the color of urine, the more likely the person is severely dehydrated. dehydrated • K eep in mind that some vitamins and supplements may darken the color of urine. • T o determine your level of hydration, just match the color of urine stream to the colors on the chart. • D  ehydration is often a key contributor to heat related illnesses. Facilities of Memorial Healthcare System (954) 538-5500 JDCH.COM

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