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Home Explore Body Systems Flipbook by Sydney Hoang

Body Systems Flipbook by Sydney Hoang

Published by Sydney Hoang, 2020-09-11 13:00:31

Description: Body Systems Flipbook


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Body Systems Flipbook By: Sydney Hoang

Table Of Contents Slides 3-7: Integumentary System Slides 8-12: Musculoskeletal System Slides 13-17: Nervous System Slides 18-22: Special Senses Slides 23-27: Cardiovascular System Slides 28-32: Respiratory System Slides 33-37: Digestive System Slides 38-42: Urinary System Slides 43-47: Reproductive system

The Integumentary System

Function The function of the integumentary system is to protect the body from disease and from extreme temperatures. Epidermis Dermis Subcutaneous Layer

Vocabulary 1. SKIN: Thin layer of tissue covering the outer body 2. HAIR: Threadlike strands growing from skin 3. NAILS: A covering on the upper surface of the tip of a finger/toe 4. KERATIN: A fibrous protein that forms that hair 5. DERMIS: Thick layer of tissue below the epidermis (skin) 6. EPIDERMIS: The surface of the skin 7. SWEAT GLANDS: A small gland the secretes sweat, located in the dermis. 8. SUBCUTANEOUS LAYER: Innermost layer of skin. Made of fat and tissue/ 9. ECZEMA: Itchy, inflammation of the skin 10. ACNE: Skin condition that occurs hair follicles plug with oil and dead skin cells

Key terms albin/o: White rhytid/o: Wrinkle derm/o and dermat/o: Skin pil/o: Hair kerat/o: Hard/horny tissue xer/o: Dry lip/o: Fat/Lipid xanth/o: Yellow erythr/o: Red pedicul/o and onych/o: fingernail/toenail myc/o: Fungus

Diseases and Healthcare Careers Healthcare Careers Diseases/Disorders ● Eczema: Inflammation of the ● Dermatologist: Specializes skin in skin ● Hives: Skin rash triggered by reaction to food ● PCP: Prevents, diagnoses and treats diseases ● Psoriasis: Dry, scaly rashes on the skin ● Rosacea: Red, puss filled bumps

Musculoskeletal System

Function The function of our musculoskeletal system is to support our body and allow it to have movement, both voluntary and involuntary.

Vocabulary Muscles: Tissue in the body that helps us move Tendon: Attaches muscle to bone Bone: Hard tissue that makes up the skeleton Joint: When two parts of the skeleton are fitted together Jaw: Bone structure that forms the framework of the mouth Cartilage: Firm, connective tissue Skull: Bone enclosing the brain Spine: Vertebrae extending from skull to back. Ribs: Curved bone protecting the thoracic cavity Femur: Bone of the thigh

Key Terms Chondr/o: Cartilage Arthro: Joint Myo: Muscle Plegia: Paralysis Myel/o: Bone marrow Kinesi/o: Movement Osteo: Bone Cost/o: Rib Crani/o: Skull Pexy: Fixation

Diseases and Healthcare Careers Healthcare Careers Diseases/Disorders Physical Therapist: Restores muscles strength ● Tendonitis: Tissue connecting muscle to bone becomes Rheumatologist: Specialize in inflamed arthritis ● Osteoporosis: Weak/brittle bones ● Osteoarthritis: Flexible tissue in bones wear down ● Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Numbness in hand

Nervous System

Function The nervous system processes sensory input and other information, and generating the correct response to that information.

Vocabulary CNS: The control center of your nervous system Dendrite: Extension of PNS: Nerves that allow CNS to communicate with nerve cell rest of body Neurons: Respond to stimuli Axon: Transmit electrical Glial cell: Help with signal transmission Sensory division: Picks up sensory stimuli impulses away from cell body Motor division: Sends directions from brain to muscle Voluntary: Movement that you do willingly

Key Terms Neur: Nerve Encephal: Brain Myel: Marrow Ambul: Move -esthesia: Sensation and feeling Mening: Meninges Psych: Mind concuss/o: Shaken together

Diseases and Healthcare Careers Healthcare Careers Diseases/Disorders Neurologist: Treats nervous s system disorders ● Concussion: Blow/violent shaking of the head Psychiatrist: Treats mental disorders ● Amnesia: Inability to remember events for period of time ● Parkinsons: Nerve cell damage that affects movement ● CP: Abnormal brain development

Special Senses

Function The function of our senses is to help us see, hear, touch, taste and smell the world around us. We use these senses to perceive the world around us.

Vocabulary Vision: Capability to see Gustatory Cortex: Responsible for perception of taste Hearing: Sense of sound Taste: Sensing flavor Eardrum: Vibrates in response to soundwaves Smell: Perceive odor Touch: To be in contact with an object Photoreceptors: Detect light waves Mechanoreceptors: Detect sound waves Chemoreceptors: Detect molecules in our food

Key Terms Irid/o: Iris Cusis: Hearing Opia: Vision ot/o: Ear Tympan: Eardrum Ophthalmo-: Relationship to eye Metry: Measure

Diseases and Healthcare Careers Healthcare Careers Diseases/Disorders Color blind: Reduced ability to Otolaryngologist: Deal with distinguish color the ears, nose and throat Hearing loss: Loss of hearing Optometrist: Specialize in the Anosmia: Loss of smell eye Ageusia: Loss of taste

Cardiovascular System

Function The function of the cardiovascular system is to deliver oxygen, nutrients and hormones around the body.

Vocabulary Blood: Red liquid in veins that carries oxygen Atrium: Upper part of heart Blood vessel: Tube that carries blood Ventricle: Hollow part in an organ Heart: Muscular organ that carries blood Endocardium: Innermost layer of heart Myocardium: Middle layer of heart Pericardium: Outer layer Vein: Carries oxygen depleted blood to heart Artery: Muscular walled tube that carries blood with oxygen

Key Terms Arteri: Artery Cardi: Heart Angi: Denotes blood Leuk: White Hemat: Blood Erythro: Red Brady: Slow Tachy: Fast Thromb: Clot Emia: Condition of the blood

Diseases and Healthcare Careers Diseases/Disorders Healthcare Careers High blood pressure: Blood Cardiologist: Specializes in pressure is above average heart disorders Cardiac arrest: Lost of heart Cardiothoracic surgeon: function Performs surgery on organs in Arrhythmia: Irregular heartbeat the chest CHF: Heart does not pump blood well enough

Respiratory System

Function The main function of the respiratory system is to allow you breathe, where it takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

Vocabulary Lung: Organs in the rib cage that draw in air Pleura: Membranes that protects the lungs Carina: Cartilage located where windpipe divides to 2 bronchi Windpipe: Passage for air from the throat to lungs Bronchioles: Tubes in the lungs that carry oxygen Alveoli: Tiny air sacs of the lungs Nose: Above the mouth. Used for breathing Diaphragm: Helps lungs expand and contract Larynx: Muscular that is an air passage to the lungs Oxygen: Gas that is essential for breathing

Key Terms Bronch: Bronchus Cyan: Blue Laryng: Larynx Oxia/Oxy: Oxygen Pneum: Lung Pleur: Side/rib Pulmon: Pertaining to lungs Thorac: Chest Trache: Trachea

Diseases and Healthcare Careers Healthcare Careers Diseases/Disorders Laryngitis: Inflammation of the Pulmonologist: Specialize in the voice box respiratory system Lung Cancer: Cancer in the lungs Respiratory therapist: Treat problems related to the lungs COPD: Blocked airflow/difficulty breathing or breathing Bronchitis: Inflammation of the bronchial tubes

Digestive System

Function The function of the digestive system is to absorb food into nutrients and get rid of waste such as feces.

Vocabulary Mouth: Opening where food passes Stomach: Organ that digests food Intestine: Tube that connects to the stomach Liver: Organ in the body that acts as a filter Colon: Absorbs water Rectum: End of large intestine. Stores feces. Kidney: Filters waste Gallbladder: Sac shaped organ that stores bile Anus: End of rectum. Where solid waste leaves the body Pancreas: Gland behind stomach that secretes enzymes

Key Terms proct/o: rectum Chole: bile cholecyst/o: gallbladder enter/o: intestine col/o or colon/o: colon hepat/o: liver gastr/o: stomach or/o: mouth Pepsia: digestion

Diseases and Healthcare Careers Diseases/Disorders Healthcare Careers Hepatitis: Inflammation of the Hepatologist: Focuses on liver disorders related to the liver GERD: Stomach acid comes to and gallbladder esophagus Gastroenterologist: Focuses on Gastritis: Inflamed stomach disorders of the digestive lining system Ibs: Stomach pain, constipation and diarrhea

Urinary System

Function The main function of the urinary system is to remove waste from the body, however is also produces hormones and regulates blood ph

Vocabulary Kidney: Pair of organs that filter waste Bladder: Sac where urine is collected Ureter: Tube that carries urine Glomerulus: Filters blood Urethra: Tube that leads from bladder and discharges urine urinary meatus: Opening of the urethra Urine: Fluid in bladder Adrenal gland:s produces hormones Nephron: Unit in the kidneys Cortex: Outer region of kidney

Key terms Cele: hernia Lysis: destruction cyst/o: sac of fluid Ren/o + Nephro: kidneys Uria: urine Ectasis: dilation Pyel: renal pelvis Pexy: fixation

Diseases and Healthcare Careers Healthcare Careers Diseases/Disorders Urologist: Treats urinary tarct diseases Bladder cancer: Cancer in the bladder Neprhologist: Focuses on kidney disorders Ckd: Loss of kidney function Kidney stone: Hard deposit in kidneys Urinary tract infection: Infection in urinary system

Reproductive System

Function The function of the reproductuve system is to produce hormnones and other things needed in order for reproduction to happen.

Key terms gynec: women colp: vagina Cervic: neck prostat/o: prostate salping/o: fallopian tube Ov/o: egg orchid/o : testicle Oophor: ovary men/o: menstration Mamm: Breast

Vocabulary Sperm: Male reproductive cell cervix: lowest part of urterus Uterus: organ in reproductive system ovulation: release of eggs Ovaries: where egg is produced Testicles: 2 organs that produce sperm Prostate: gland in reproductive system Scrotum: pouch containing testes Epididymis: where sperm passes fallopian tube: tube where the egg travels

Diseases and Healthcare Careers Healthcare Careers Diseases/Disorders Midwife: assist women during childbirth Ovarian cancer: cancer in ovaries OBGYN doctor: focus on reproductive health STD: infection gained through sex Infertilty: Unable to be pregnant AIDS: Transmitted through semen/fluids. Attacks immune system

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