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Home Explore Sir Joseph Banks Society Magazine - July 2014

Sir Joseph Banks Society Magazine - July 2014

Published by Trevor Olsson, 2022-03-05 10:10:45

Description: Cheryle Berry message. Our great Exhibition opened by Sir David Attenborough
SJB Lecture by Pro. Mark Seaward on Lincolnshire Botanists
The Exhibition, its Legacy. Thanks to Collection staff. Endeavour Film.
Members tour of Chelsea Physic Garden
21stC Herbarium Meeting NHM by representatives of SJB. Deathof Ann Wayne
Bits of History - Lincolnshire specimens found in B&I Herbarium. Trial sessions
Wilksby Church. Books- SJB & Newfoundland by A.M. Lysaght
SJB People- Janice Locke-Wheaton. Mary Silverton


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