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Home Explore Newsletter June 2019

Newsletter June 2019

Published by Flintshire u3a, 2022-08-12 14:33:17

Description: Articles included from Groups Intermediate German, Coffee Morning, Philosophy Group and others


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1 of 4    Website: ​​ Email: [email protected]  Volume 14 Issue 3 June 2019  Diary Dates:  June 22n​ d ​Midsummer Fun. Details in the newsletter  Aug 21s​ t​ ​ C​ losing date for the submission of articles for the September newsletter.   Sept 5​t​ h ​ O​ pen Meeting Connah’s Quay Civic Centre​ ​10am for 10.30am start. Speaker Peter Turner- Magic.    Sept 8​th​ ​Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. Details in the newsletter  Nov 7​th ​ O​ pen Meeting. Speaker Viv Williams - Stories from Flintshire WW1 Memorials.​     Intermediate German Group  George Taylor & Elizabeth Pettitt​, m​ embers of the intermediate German Group together with two  members of the Meet-Up Group “Deutschsprachige in Chester” recently spent a long week-end visiting  Nuremberg. Nuremberg is a very interesting city with an imposing fortress high on a hill and an inner  walled old town containing many towers, churches and other historic buildings, including the house of  the famous painter and engraver Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528). It also has a number of museums and  more recent historical sites well worth visiting. The group first made a “Stadtrundfahrt” or city bus tour to   orientate themselves and decide where they would most like to spend more time, stopping off at  Zeppelinfeld, a museum dedicated to German history between the two world wars.      Two of the group also visited the fortress and they all much enjoyed the toy museum. Nuremberg has  long been an important centre for the manufacture of toys and games. One of the companies originally  based there was J.W. Spear & Söhne who later also had a factory in Enfield, Middlesex. Many people may  recognise the name as in 1954 they were awarded the licence to manufacture Scrabble in the UK. In 1901  they had also been the first company to introduce table tennis, originally designed as a parlour game.  The group were delighted to be able to speak quite a lot of German during their visit and enjoyed  sampling some typical German dishes in a variety of coffee shops and restaurants. They are all now  looking forward to further such trips in the future. ​George Taylor and Elizabeth Pettitt    Wednesday Lunch Club  Social Events Dates For Your Diary      The third Wednesday of  the month. We are now up  Sat 22n​ d​ June - Midsummer Fun and Food. Tickets £2. 4.30  and running and would  welcome more members.   to 7pm at Gwernymynydd Village Hall.     Philip Johnson​: [email protected]      Sun 8t​ h​ Sept - Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. Tickets £2. 2.30 to  4.30pm at Gwernymynydd Village Hall.     Marie Edwards    1 

2 of 4  Message From The Chair  On May 8​th​ I and seven others went to Llandrindod Wells, on the wettest day of the month, to support Chris Winner who organised the Wales Conference and Celebration and Stuart Murray who gave a very good illustrated talk on the coastal path. In the afternoon Dr Bill Zajac gave an informative presentation on castles in the care of Cadw. By his own admission he said could go on talking about castles for weeks. A successful Coffee Morning was held in Grosvenor Hall, Mold leading to the possibility of new members. There are more activity groups in the process of being formed which can only be a good thing. As your Chairman I would like to express the U3A's deepest sympathy to Brian Williams our Treasurer on the passing of his wife Kate who ran the Friday Table Tennis Group. She will be very much missed. Colin Lewis 07598398701  Neges gan y Cadeirydd Ar yr 8fed o Fai mi es i a saith arall i Landrindod ar ddiwrnod gwlypaf y mis, i gefnogi Chris Winner a drefnodd Gynhadledd i Ddathlu byw Yng Nghymru. Rhoddodd Stuart Murray sgwrs ddiddorol iawn hefo lluniau i ni am lwybr yr arfordir. Yn y prynhawn, rhoddodd Dr Bill Zajac gyflwyniad a gwybodaeth i ni am y cestyll sydd dan ofal Cadw, ac fel y dywedodd gallai siarad am gestyll am wythnosau. Cynhaliwyd Bore Coffi llwyddiannus yn Neuadd Grosvenor, Yr Wyddgrug, fydd gobeithio yn arwain at y posibilrwydd o ddenu aelodau newydd. Mae mwy o grwpiau gweithgareddau ar y gweill a bydd hynny yn sicr yn beth da. Fel eich Cadeirydd, hoffwn fynegi cydymdeimlad dwysaf U3A hefo Brian Williams, ein Trysorydd, ar farwolaeth ei wraig Kate a redodd y Grŵp Tenis Bwrdd Dydd Gwener. Bydd colled fawr ar ei hôl. Colin Lewis 07598398701​ ​ Translation provided by Jane Owen Coffee Morning The chair, Colin Lewis, and vice chair, John Hornby were on hand at the recent coffee morning to welcome members. Several Group coordinators had set up tables to display their activities and encourage attendees to join. Colin on the right of the table John in front of the Arts Groups display Exploring Science Group Meets on the second ​Tuesday of the month from 14:00 to 15:30 at The Methodist Church, Mold.  11​th​ June “What is Paint?” Bryn Roberts of Heswall U3A  9​th​ July “Human Evolution” Harry Hall  13​th​ August Visit to the Gillmore Recycling Centre, Liverpool  10​th​ September “A Thread Across the Ocean” David Roberts  Chris Hill: 01244 679800   2 

3 of 4  Philosophy Group Ever wondered about the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything? (For  answer, see below). We are a small group of largely amateur philosophers who are interested in making  greater sense of the world we live in by exploring what it means to be human, and asking questions such  as, What is consciousness? Do we have free will? Is our universe real? Can we really experience anything  objectively? What is the best moral system? Is morality relative? Do we have souls? Does God exist? Is  there life after death? And many more questions. We have found that we can learn far more about  philosophy if we each write a paragraph or two on a given topic for every meeting. We can’t claim to have  a rigorous academic standard, but our enthusiasm makes up for any lack of erudition. We meet on the  first Tuesday of the month at Parkfield’s Community Centre between 2 and 4pm All seekers after truth  are welcome. Telephone P​ auline Tomkins ​on 01352 770639 for more information.    Answer:​ 42 according to Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)  Two Doses Of Live Music In One Day  Wine Group 2     Music Live were offered a gig at late notice  This month we have 2 wines that we can highly recommend  at the Clocktower in Mostyn playing for the  to our FU3A members, both are really worth trying.    Memory Café. It involved music and  singers only, not the drummers. (Don't take  CALIFORNIAN Ruby Cabernet USA 2017 13.0% M&S  that personally, drummers!)  A juicy and fruit-flavoured medium-bodied red with flavours    of fresh cherries and hints of spice. This vibrant Ruby  Coordinator John was already involved in  Cabernet is fruity and balanced for everyday drinking, and  helping with a presentation for Ysceifiog  works brilliantly well on its own or with simple flavours  Friday Friends, a community outreach  such as sausages and mash or pizza. £5.00.   group, on South Africa. Thinks.....some    CHEVAL DE MER Languedoc-Roussillon 2017 12.5%  drumming would be good, so he asked as  TESCO  many drummers as possible to join him at  This delicious fruity rosé comes from vineyards close to the  short notice. They invited the audience to  join them thumping tables. The end-result  crystal waters of the Mediterranean Sea, giving the wine its  was brilliant.  lovely red fruit notes and delicate freshness. Grenache,    Shiraz/Syrah. Perfect as an aperitif as well as a great  All in day's..........retirement.  partner to salads, fish dishes and grilled meats. This wine is  ideal for drinking now but can be kept for up to one year    John House  £6.50.  Keep on enjoying. ​John Tiplady  A New Writers Group  Armchair Travellers    Poet Robert Herrick (1591 - 1674) said    ...thou at home without tyde or gale,  Canst in thy Map securely saile:  Seeing those painted Countries; and so guesse  By those fine Shades, their substances:  And from thy Compasse taking small advice,  Buy'st travel at the lowest price.'    Why not take up Robert Herrick’s suggestion? Come along     and travel the world with us. Every month one of our FU3A  Writing Group 2   members takes us to a different country with not just maps  meets on the third Monday of the month.    but with images and sometimes video and even music. The  If you’re interested in joining us please  contact   group welcomes all U3A members. A small charge is made  to cover the cost of the venue and refreshments. 2nd    Thursday of the month, New Brighton Community Centre,  14:00 to 16:00.  Sue Wilcox: 01244 819334  Chris: 07545019179 Hilary: 01352 780324  3 

4 of 4  Away Days and Stays      Pictures taken from the Gallery of the recent visit to Cornwall organised by the Away Days Group      The Away Days Group organises visits and stays, to a variety of places both in the UK and abroad. If you  are interested in joining the group and to be added to the emailing list please contact one of the group  coordinators:​ ​Gill on 01352 713972, Judith on 01824 780221 or Jo on 01824 780906     Social History  A series of visits to places of local interest is being planned for the summer period, with Rhydymwyn  Ministry Works, Plas Teg Hall and Hilbre Island being possibly amongst three of the options- more details  to follow shortly. Our Monday morning Social History sessions are still maintaining large audiences, with  knowledgeable and entertaining speakers. Our next meetings are:    Monday 1​st J​ uly - A popular speaker Mr Mike Murphy is giving a presentation entitled \"Isambard Kingdom  Brunel\". An informative session is guaranteed with Mr Murphy's knowledge and humour combined.  Monday 5​th​ August - Mr Huw Sayer will be speaking about the \"History of Chirk Castle\". Mr Sayer admits  that he is as much an entertainer as a historian, so an amusing and informative hour can be assured.  Our Social History Group meetings take place at Ewloe Social Club - postcode CH5 3AU - 10.15 am start.  Brian Bennett - FU3A Social History Group Coordinator  Debating and Discussion  We currently have three groups in this category including Grumpy Old Men, Lady  Grumpies and Grumpy Women. The groups are for people who enjoy debating on a  range of topics. Contact details for the group coordinators:  Grumpy Old Men​ Last Friday of the month, Beaufort Park Hotel, New Brighton.   John: 01352 741811  Lady Grumpies​ meet in Theatre Clwyd on the 4th Wednesday of the month.   Kate: [email protected]  Grumpy Women J​ enny: 01352 713368 This edition of the newsletter was edited by Martin Hampstead, Susan John and Muriel Vernon.    One or possibly two volunteers are required to join the editing team. Computer  literacy is essential and time to spare in the last weeks of January, March, May  August and October to create the newsletters would be an advantage. The  newsletters are created using Google Docs. Instruction in Docs will be given if  necessary. All the current members had to start from scratch with regards to Docs  so we support each other on this. Contact the team on f​ [email protected]       4 

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