1 of 4 Website: www.flintshire-u3a.co.uk Phone:07546 094927 Volume 17 Issue 1 April 2022 Flintshire u3a Newsletter Chair's Report I am delighted to be taking on the role of Chair of Flintshire, one of the biggest u3as in N. Wales. It’s a u3a that has the reputation of being friendly, welcoming and active. A reputation I am determined to improve and develop. For those of you who do not know me, a brief background. I am a retired teacher and have been a member of Fu3a for nearly 15 years. I have come full circle. Twelve years ago I was Chair of Fu3a. Since then I have been Chair of N. Wales Network, Wales Trustee then National Vice Chair until August last year when I finished my term of office. I hope that reassures you that I have a good working knowledge of u3a and a deep loyalty to this organisation which has been a life-saver for many and certainly a great companion during the past two years. By the way, I have loved all my involvement, I have learned so much, made so many special friends and kept body and brain happily occupied. U3a is a member led organisation which means that you run it. You decide what you want to learn, find out about, do and enjoy. However, it does not happen by magic. Everyone is asked to give in some way. You are all a vital part of Fu3a. We couldn’t function without you. You would not have interest groups to attend if someone did not step forward and organise meetings, tea and coffee and presentations. Members are needed to produce the newsletter and manage the website, keeping you informed about what is going on. Members are welcomed to give a talk, organise a social event and serve on the committee. There are so many ways, small and not so small, that you can contribute. You sign up to that when you join the u3a. You will find, like me, that you get back far more than you give. We are part of one of the biggest membership organisations in the UK, with over 430,000 members and 1,050 individual u3as nationally. As such, and as a registered charity, we do have to comply with charity commission guidelines, the guiding principles of the u3a and also government guidelines. After that it is up to us. I am looking forward to meeting members, established ones and new ones, to seeing more of our interest groups meeting physically and to getting regular face to face open meetings in place. We must keep safe, respecting individuals’ right to decide how they want to meet. We operate within the government guidelines but it must be a personal decision. Our interest groups are the lifeblood of the organisation, let's get as many as possible functioning again, face to face. I want to ensure that all members feel welcomed, valued and included. I want to encourage new members. Everyone should know about u3a and the great benefits of membership. Anyone who is no longer in full time employment can join. It's the organisation’s 40th birthday this year. There are a number of national initiatives to celebrate but I think it will be a great excuse to do something locally as well. Please get in touch with me with any ideas, concerns, offers of help via the generic Chair’s email address or my personal one [email protected] Keep an eye out for the open meetings which I hope we will be planning on a regular basis. These will be open to a limited number only because of restrictions imposed by the venue. I look forward to the next three years as Chair of Fu3a. With your help we will unite and grow. Hilary Jones 01352 780324 Social Events Team There is an exciting year ahead. Members are beginning to meet face to face, the u3a celebrates its 40th birthday and the Queen, her Platinum Jubilee. Lots to celebrate. The committee would like to relaunch the Social Events Team to plan these celebrations. If you feel you can help or contribute in any way, please contact Lynne as soon as possible. Email [email protected] 1
2 of 4 Adroddiad y Cadeirydd Mae'n bleser mawr gennyf ymgymryd â rôl Cadeirydd Sir y Fflint, un o'r u3as mwyaf yng Ngogledd Cymru. Mae’n u3a sydd ag enw da o fod yn gyfeillgar, yn groesawgar ac yn egnïol. Enw da rwy'n benderfynol o'i wella a'i ddatblygu. I'r rhai ohonoch nad ydych yn fy adnabod, cefndir byr. Rwy'n athrawes wedi ymddeol ac wedi bod yn aelod o Fu3a ers bron i 15 mlynedd. Rwyf wedi dod yn gylch llawn. Ddeuddeg mlynedd yn ôl roeddwn yn Gadeirydd Fu3a. Ers hynny rwyf wedi bod yn Gadeirydd Rhwydwaith Gogledd Cymru, Ymddiriedolwr Cymru ac yna'n Is-Gadeirydd Cenedlaethol tan fis Awst y llynedd pan orffennais fy nghyfnod yn y swydd. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hynny'n eich sicrhau bod gennyf wybodaeth ymarferol dda o u3a a theyrngarwch dwfn i'r sefydliad hwn sydd wedi bod yn achub bywyd i lawer ac yn sicr yn gydymaith gwych yn ystod y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf. Gyda llaw, rydw i wedi caru fy holl ymwneud, rydw i wedi dysgu cymaint, wedi gwneud cymaint o ffrindiau arbennig ac wedi cadw'r corff a'r ymennydd yn brysur yn hapus. Mae U3a yn sefydliad a arweinir gan aelodau sy'n golygu mai chi sy'n ei redeg. Chi sy'n penderfynu beth rydych am ei ddysgu, ei ddarganfod, ei wneud a'i fwynhau. Fodd bynnag, nid yw'n digwydd trwy hud. Gofynnir i bawb roi mewn rhyw ffordd. Rydych chi i gyd yn rhan hanfodol o Fu3a. Ni allem weithredu heboch chi. Ni fyddai gennych grwpiau diddordeb i fynychu pe na bai rhywun yn camu ymlaen a threfnu cyfarfodydd, te a choffi a chyflwyniadau. Mae angen i aelodau gynhyrchu'r cylchlythyr a rheoli'r wefan, gan roi gwybod i chi beth sy'n digwydd. Mae croeso i aelodau roi sgwrs, trefnu digwyddiad cymdeithasol a gwasanaethu ar y pwyllgor. Mae cymaint o ffyrdd, bach ac nid mor fach, y gallwch chi gyfrannu. Rydych chi'n cofrestru ar gyfer hynny pan fyddwch chi'n ymuno â'r u3a. Fe welwch, fel fi, eich bod chi'n cael llawer mwy yn ôl nag yr ydych chi'n ei roi. Rydym yn rhan o un o’r sefydliadau aelodaeth mwyaf yn y DU, gyda dros 430,000 o aelodau a 1,050 u3as unigol yn genedlaethol. Fel y cyfryw, ac fel elusen gofrestredig, mae'n rhaid i ni gydymffurfio â chanllawiau'r comisiwn elusennau, egwyddorion arweiniol yr u3a a chanllawiau'r llywodraeth hefyd. Ar ôl hynny mae i fyny i ni. Rwy’n edrych ymlaen at gwrdd ag aelodau, rhai sefydledig a rhai newydd, at weld mwy o’n grwpiau diddordeb yn cyfarfod yn gorfforol ac at drefnu cyfarfodydd agored wyneb yn wyneb yn rheolaidd. Rhaid inni gadw’n ddiogel, gan barchu hawl unigolion i benderfynu sut y maent am gyfarfod. Rydym yn gweithredu o fewn canllawiau’r llywodraeth ond rhaid iddo fod yn benderfyniad personol. Ein grwpiau diddordeb yw enaid y sefydliad, gadewch i ni gael cymaint â phosibl i weithredu eto, wyneb yn wyneb. Rwyf am sicrhau bod pob aelod yn teimlo bod croeso iddynt, eu bod yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi a’u cynnwys. Rwyf am annog aelodau newydd. Dylai pawb wybod am u3a a manteision mawr aelodaeth. Gall unrhyw un nad yw bellach mewn cyflogaeth amser llawn ymuno. Mae’n ben-blwydd y sefydliad yn 40 oed eleni. Mae yna nifer o fentrau cenedlaethol i’w dathlu ond rwy’n meddwl y bydd yn esgus gwych i wneud rhywbeth yn lleol hefyd. Cysylltwch â mi gydag unrhyw syniadau, pryderon, cynigion o gymorth trwy gyfeiriad e-bost cyffredinol y Cadeirydd neu fy un personol [email protected] Cadwch lygad am y cyfarfodydd agored yr wyf yn gobeithio y byddwn yn eu cynllunio. yn rheolaidd. Bydd y rhain ar agor i nifer cyfyngedig yn unig oherwydd cyfyngiadau a osodir gan y lleoliad. Edrychaf ymlaen at y tair blynedd nesaf fel Cadeirydd Fu3a. Gyda'ch help chi byddwn yn uno ac yn tyfu. Hilary Jones 01352 780324 2022 AGM Committee Changes. Hilary Jones was elected as our new Chair, Lynne Ingman as Vice Chair and also Membership Secretary. There are two new committee members, Alan Lloyd and Jon Payne. Sadly, Colin Lewis, John Hornby and Eric Hadfield have now served their time and left the committee. Grateful thanks was given to them at the AGM. Report Extracts. Flintshire u3a Annual Accounts 1st January to 31st December 2021 Total Overall Gross Income £13,069.36 Total Overall Gross Expenditure £8,817.29 Surplus £4,252.07 Total Cash Funds £21,316.62 Next year’s Fu3a AGM will be held at Broughton Airbus Wings Club at 10:00am 2nd March 2023. Music Live Group Here is Music Live, Fu3a’s answer to the Traveling Wilburys. They topped and tailed the AGM with a mix of folk and pop music played on guitars, ukuleles and assorted utensils. If asked, they’ll play jazz, blues and ethnic percussion. The group’s been going for a few years now and always welcomes newcomers willing to learn. Experience is nice, but not essential. John House 2
3 of 4 Thursday Dining Group The Thursday Dining Group has restarted and we enjoyed a nice meal before Christmas at the Plas Hafod Hotel. This was followed by a meal at the We Three Loggerheads in February. All members have been pleased to catch up since the lockdown over a nice meal. We now have a full program for the rest of the year and a few vacancies for those who are interested and may want to join our group. John Elwyn Williams Success For Flintshire Writers Congratulations to Tina Lukey who has gained second place in the Welsh u3a Writers Competition 2021 with her story “Breaking the Chain.” Tina was pipped at the winning post by Laura Bailey (Porthmadog u3a) with her story “Out of the Frying Pan.” Congratulations must also go to Jo Shone (Writers Together, Flintshire u3a) and Ray Ede (Writers Together, Flintshire u3a/Creative Writing For Pleasure, Ruthin u3a), who were both shortlisted for the competition. All the shortlisted stories will be published on the Wales u3a website: https://u3asites.org.uk/walesu3a/page/15061 Sue Wilcox Flora and Fauna Group In early February some members of the Flora and Fauna Group visited Bodnant Gardens. Although we were obviously too early for some of the garden's more famous features, the winter garden, developed from a neglected Edwardian rockery, provided a lovely display of foliage, flower, bark and scent. Existing mature trees were retained to give structure to the planting scheme, as were many of the old shrubs. We saw rhododendrons (some in glorious colour), garrya, camellia and some gnarled acers. Particularly noticeable as we walked around was the very intense scent from the daphnes, and the colour and berries of the cornus and rubus. There were ferns, heathers and hellebores, underplanted with snowdrops, early iris, cyclamen and crocus. The winter light was lovely and the day was calm and still. We were all aware that Bodnant had suffered serious damage in storm Arwen in early December. More than 50 old rare trees were lost , also causing damage to other plants and shrubs. Most of the destruction was concentrated in the lower Dell area of the garden.The acting head gardener had been quoted as saying “'It's very hard to witness, but nature will recover. We will bounce back.” We saw and heard quite a lot of chainsaw activity, and one of the giant sequoias which had come to rest in the stream. It was sad to see its big root plate completely upended, but took comfort from a statement heard on a radio programme 'A dead tree supports more life than a living one.' The group outing planned in early March will be a special one. It's to Llanfairfechan and will be in memory of Michelle Mattocks, who sadly died last year following a short illness. Michelle was a valued member of the group, and a close friend of some. Her company and friendship is much missed. This was her favourite walk. Those present at Bodnant all agreed how enjoyable and stimulating it had been to be out again enjoying beauty, interest and the company of others. Many thanks to Joe, (who's been group co-ordinator for many years,) and Noreen for their organisation of these valuable outings. Lesley Roberts Open Meeting Come and catch up with your u3a friends at a coffee morning for all Fu3a members at St David’s Church Hall, Mold, 29th April 10–12. Tea and coffee provided. Newsletters will be available and also information about the year ahead. Numbers are limited by the venue so please book your place with Julie. Email [email protected] 3
4 of 4 Wine Group Wines of the month are both Australian from ASDA. White:- WOLF BLASS Chardonnay Semillon 2021 12.5% A medium bodied wine full with flavours of tropical fresh fruit, characters of white peach and citrus. The delicate oak influence gives a palate weight while allowing the fruit to show through. Perfect with chicken or salmon or Asian cuisines. £7. Red:- McGUIGAN BLACK LABEL Shiraz 2022 13% This classic red wine has great fruit flavours of spicy plum, cherry and blackberry. It is a well-balanced wine with a smooth and mouth filling finish. A versatile wine that goes well with most dishes, it is especially rewarding with tomato based Italian and spicy Asian food. £6. John Tiplady Bell Plate Ringers How would you like to learn a new skill and be part of a team, where each member makes a significant contribution? Members experience enjoyment and satisfaction in taking music into care homes, hospitals, memory cafes and numerous other local organisations. Imagine how you would feel when people, some of whom rarely communicate, join in the singing and give an enthusiastic applause. If this appeals to you and you would like to try it out, we are the Flintshire u3a Bell Plate Ringers. The nature of bell-ringing is such that one cannot practise at home and therefore we need rehearsals where members are all ringing together. For this reason we meet weekly, Mondays 2.00-4.00pm at the Mynydd Isa Community Centre (bank holidays excepted). We do have some vacancies for new members. The ability to read music is not essential. We will teach you the necessary basics. Finally, imagine the beautiful sounds of the bell plates vibrating amongst the columns and arches of the nave of Chester Cathedral. This was our experience in a Charity Concert a week before Christmas, a few years ago. If you are interested to have a go, please contact me on 01352700271. Don Nancarrow From Parkgate Shore Friday Evening Dining Group The strand evokes a sun-parched scene We are currently a where salt marsh swathes, in shades of group of 18 fun loving brown, people and are looking make ripples over the broad foreshore, for another three or as wild sou’westers beat them down. four people to join us. We take it in turns to We scan the marsh from old bath site, organise the venue a wide expanse of grass and reed which can be anything on flat terrain, a hiding place from a murder mystery for ducks and wading birds to feed. dining experience to a concert In the park By vegetation well concealed, (bringing our own food and drink), boating /dining experience, seen only on water courses: traditional meal in a restaurant, chinese banquet at a local Chinese shelduck, mallard, Canada goose, restaurant or an evening of crown green bowling with buffet and egret seek food sources. afterwards. We meet at the chosen venue at 7pm to eat at 7.30pm. If the weather permits this summer I am thinking of hiring one or two Then looking skyward hopefully, barges for the day, for the group, perhaps in the Llangollen area and we a flock of birds comes into sight can go over the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct stopping off at a local pub for a skein of greylag geese perhaps? lunch!! We are always looking for something different and open to new In such number, that can’t be right! ideas. If you are interested in joining the group please contact me at [email protected] Too soon for starlings before midday, too plump, with rounded wings flapping: Anne Tapp though numbering hundreds, I conclude - this must be a deceit of lapwing. David Parry April Editorial Team: Martin Hampstead and Jo Shone. Welsh translations by Jane Owen. Submit articles for inclusion in the newsletter to [email protected] 4
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