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Home Explore Decking Systems

Decking Systems

Published by Alex Atilla Kallai, 2016-06-01 10:27:12

Description: Decking Systems


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DLP Floating Floor (A60)FLOATING AND SOUND REDUCTION FLOORPRODUCT DESCRIPTION SHELF-LIFEDLP Floating Floor is a deck covering system for reductionof both airborne, structure borne and impact noise. Rockwool Marine Slab 140: No limitDLP Floating Floor consists of minimum 50 mm RockwoolMarine Slab 140, 3 mm steel plate, 1 mm PU-D20 and 2 mm Steel plates: No limitsteel plate which together becomes a floating floor withan excellent sound reduction. PU-D20: Min. 12 monthsSURFACE PREPARATION STORAGEMake sure that the steel deck is straight, otherwise before Frost free and dry conditionsinstallation of the floating floor levelling of the steel deckis necessary. For additional technical information, please contact our technical department.A P P L I C AT I O NCut to size and lay down the Rockwool slabs on steel deckwith staggered joints and butted tight.Cut to size and lay down the first layer of steel sheets di-rectly on top of the Rockwool Marine Slab 140.Messaure up the areas to be applied and trowel out a thinlayer (1 mm) of PU-D20 in the messaured areas.Cut to size and lay down the second layer of steel sheetsdirectly in the wet visco elastic PU-D20.Drill 5 mm holes, c/c 250-300 mm, around all edge and 4holes along the middle of the plates countersink and rivetthe sheets together, use pop rivets 4,9 x 10 mm, steel/steelto connect the steel plates.Alternatively self-tapping screws can be used.APPLICATION OF TOP LAYERTo provide a smooth surface for laying of vinyl or carpet,a thin layer of underlayment or sealing mastic must beapplied over joints and rivets. Ceramic tiles shall bebonded by means of epoxy mastic adhesive, no additionalunderlayment is required.

DLP Floating Floor (A60)FLOATING AND SOUND REDUCTION FLOOR Joint PU-D20 Visco Elastic Damping Layer Steel Steel RockwoolSteel deckTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION STEEL The information and in particular, the recommendations relating to theSize, steel plate 1000 x 2000 mm application and end use of DMS products, are given in good faithThickness of steel/visco/steel 5-6 mm based on our current knowledge and experience. The information andThickness of Rockwool Min. 50 mm recommendations are given without warranty of any kind and does notWeight Approx. 48 kg/m2 lead to any further liability for DMS, besides what is stated in the salesSurface treatment Galvanised agreement. It is the buyer or end-user ’s responsibility to investigate or in other way make sure that DMS product suitable for the intended use and further are stored, handled and applied in accordance with stated directions. All orders are delivered and accepted in accordance with our general conditions of saleDMS A/ST: +45 7023 4343 t F: +45 7023 4342 t [email protected] t


Primer 54WATER BASED PRIMERPRODUCT DESCRIPTION The information and in particular, theDMS primer 54 is a water based primer, for priming of various kinds of metals prior recommendations relating to theto application of cement flooring onboard ships. Alternatively, between two layers of application and end use of DMScement. Dilution 1:3 with water products, are given in good faith based on our current knowledgeSURFACE PREPARATION and experience. The information andBefore the application of DMS primer 54 there should be a thorough cleaning of surface, recommendations are given withoutremoving all rust, grease, and other contaminations. DMS primer 54 must be applied warranty of any kind and does notwith a brush or a roller. lead to any further liability for DMS, besides what is stated in the salesDrying times at 20° C and 50 % RH: agreement. It is the buyer or end-user’sDust dry: 30 min. responsibility to investigate or in otherDry to touch: 1 hours way make sure that DMS product suitable for the intended use andPHYSICAL DATA 10 m2 pr. l further are stored, handled andTheoretical covering ability No flash point. Water based applied in accordance with statedFlash point 1.0 kg/l directions. All orders are deliveredDensity 10 l plastic container and accepted in accordance with ourPacking general conditions of saleStorageIn dry conditions - do not expose to moisture and freezing temperature.Shelf life, min.12 monthsFor additional technical information,please contact our technical department.DMS A/ST: +45 7023 4343 s

Poly-MarineANTI-SKID SYSTEMPRODUCT DESCRIPTION MIXING AND APPLICATIONPoly-Marine system is a three component polyurethane One set of Poly-Marine consists of three pre- weightsystem, designed as a flexible binder for antiskid treatment components, total weight 20,8 kg. Mix the three compo-to carriageways, road bridges, link spans, RO/RO ramps nents together and the Poly-Marine is ready for use.and deck, and the decks of multi-storey car parks. Specialaggregates (Dynagrip) have to be spread over the Poly-Mari- CURINGne slurry when it’s still wet, total thickness between 2 - 7 mm. At +20°C and max 80 % relative humidity the compound will cure after 2 hours. The curing time depends on theSURFACE PREPARATION temperature. Ready for traffic after 3 - 4 hours.Blacktop: Asphalt must be dry and clean, (free from dust,oil, etc.) it is not necessary to prime asphalt before apply- CLEANINGing Poly-Marine system Tools and equipment have to be cleaned with a solvent.Steel: All steel must be grit blasted to SA 2,5 with a pro- STORAGEfile of min 65 µ. DMS steel primer must then be applied by 12 months in dry conditions - do not expose to moisturebrush or roller at an average rate of approx. 8 - 10 m2 ea. and freezing temperature.liter. If the primer has cured for more than 24 hours, theprimer needs to be grinded with sandpaper. PA C K A G I N G s

Poly-MarineANTI-SKID SYSTEM Poly-Marine Anti-skid Dynagrip PUR PrimerSteel deckTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION The information and in particular, the recommendations relating to theBasis Three component polyurethane system application and end use of DMS products, are given in good faithColour According to demand - standard colour: Beige based on our current knowledge and experience. The information andDensity Approx. 1,4 kg/mm/m2 (Poly-Marine only) recommendations are given without warranty of any kind and does notThickness 2 - 7 mm depending on the size of Dynagrip lead to any further liability for DMS, besides what is stated in the salesPot life 15 minutes at 20°C and 65 % RH agreement. It is the buyer or end-user’s responsibility to investigate or in otherCurring time Setting time for walking, approx. 1 - 2 hours. way make sure that DMS product Open to traffic after 2 - 3 hours at 20°C suitable for the intended use and further are stored, handled andSolvents Solvent free applied in accordance with stated directions. All orders are deliveredRecommended application +5°C - +35°C and accepted in accordance with ourtemperature general conditions of saleBending tear strength EN 196 5 N/mm2Compression strength EN 196 5 N/mm2Brinell hardness EN 1000-3 7 N/mm2DMS A/ST: +45 7023 4343 s

Hydromagsil (HDM 1.3)FLOATING (A60) AND SOUND REDUCTION FLOORPRODUCT DESCRIPTION CURING / DEHYDRATIONHydromagsil is a magnesium based, plastic reinforced, self At +20°C and 65 % relative humidity the compound will curelevelling and pumpable cement. Hydromagsil brings co- after 48-72 hours. The curing time depends on the thick-ver-able floating floors in one work-out. Can be use in all ness of the applied layer, relative humidity and ventilationtypes of dry accommodation areas. in the working area. The compound must be fully dry before covering (the moisture has to be < 5 % by weight).SURFACE PREPARATIONBefore application of Hydromagsil make sure that the steel CLEANINGdeck is straight, otherwise levelling of the steel deck is ne- Use water to clean the tools before the compound iscessary. cured.If the steel deck is straight Rockwool Marine Slabs areplaced on the steel deck and careful insulation along the SHELF-LIFEperimeter and all edges is done using DMS foam tape or The shelf-life is min. 12 months in unopened packaging.stripes of Rockwool where A-60 floor is required, on topof the Rockwool Marine Slabs. It is very important that all STORAGEsteel (pipe-penetrations, foundations etc.) is insulated Hy- In dry conditions. Do not expose to moisture and freezingdromagsil must never be in direct contact with steel temperature.MIXING APPLICATION OF TOP LAYER1 sack of Hydromagsil Salt Flakes (3 kg) is, by vigorously For carpet it could be advisable with a light sanding downstirring, dissolved in approx. 4.5 l of clean cold water. This of the surface. Carpet should not be laid until after 5 - 6saltwater is then mixed with 1 bag of Hydromagsil Flooring days. For vinyl etc. Hydromagsil should be primed (DMSCompound (25 kg), by vigorously stirring, to a smooth, primer 54) and given top layer with for e.g. BL 2000 caneasy-flowing mortar. be used.A P P L I C AT I O N For additional technical information,Rockwool Marine Slab 140 bats in a min. thickness of 30 please contact our technical departmentmm must be applied, on the steel deck. Hydromagsilcompound must then be applied in a thickness of min.25 mm directly on top of the Rockwool Marine Slab 140.Depending on the working conditions, trowel or pump canbe used. After application of Hydromagsil the compoundmust be protected against strong, direct heat and sunlightand draught must be avoided. Hydromagsil should not beexposed to freezing temperature (recommended curingtemperature is min. 5°C).

Hydromagsil (HDM 1.3)FLOATING (A60) AND SOUND REDUCTION FLOOR Joint HDM 1.3 Rockwool Steel deckTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION The information and in particular, the recommendations relating to theBasis Magnesium and synthetic polymer application and end use of DMS products, are given in good faithColour Light grey based on our current knowledge and experience. The information andDensity Approx. 1,4 kg/mm/m2 (applied) recommendations are given without warranty of any kind and does notThickness of HDM 1.3 Min. 25 mm lead to any further liability for DMS, besides what is stated in the salesThickness of Rockwool Min. 30 mm agreement. It is the buyer or end-user’s responsibility to investigate or in otherPot life 30 - 50 minutes at 20°C and 65 % RH way make sure that DMS product suitable for the intended use andCurring time Setting time for walking, 24 - 36 hours. further are stored, handled and Ready for covering after 48-72 hours at 20°C applied in accordance with stated in a minimum of 25 mm thickness directions. All orders are delivered and accepted in accordance with ourRecommended application +5°C - 35°C general conditions of saletemperatureBending tear strength EN 196 6,7 N/mm2Compression strength EN 196 28,8 N/mm2Brinell hardness EN 1000-3 100,7 N/mm2DMS A/ST: +45 7023 4343 s

DLP Floating Floor (A60)FLOATING AND SOUND REDUCTION FLOORPRODUCT DESCRIPTION SHELF-LIFEDLP Floating Floor is a deck covering system for reductionof both airborne, structure borne and impact noise. Rockwool Marine Slab 140: No limitDLP Floating Floor consists of minimum 50 mm RockwoolMarine Slab 140, 3 mm steel plate, 1 mm PU-D20 and 2 mm Steel plates: No limitsteel plate which together becomes a floating floor withan excellent sound reduction. PU-D20: Min. 12 monthsSURFACE PREPARATION STORAGEMake sure that the steel deck is straight, otherwise before Frost free and dry conditionsinstallation of the floating floor levelling of the steel deckis necessary. For additional technical information, please contact our technical department.A P P L I C AT I O NCut to size and lay down the Rockwool slabs on steel deckwith staggered joints and butted tight.Cut to size and lay down the first layer of steel sheets di-rectly on top of the Rockwool Marine Slab 140.Messaure up the areas to be applied and trowel out a thinlayer (1 mm) of PU-D20 in the messaured areas.Cut to size and lay down the second layer of steel sheetsdirectly in the wet visco elastic PU-D20.Drill 5 mm holes, c/c 250-300 mm, around all edge and 4holes along the middle of the plates countersink and rivetthe sheets together, use pop rivets 4,9 x 10 mm, steel/steelto connect the steel plates.Alternatively self-tapping screws can be used.APPLICATION OF TOP LAYERTo provide a smooth surface for laying of vinyl or carpet,a thin layer of underlayment or sealing mastic must beapplied over joints and rivets. Ceramic tiles shall bebonded by means of epoxy mastic adhesive, no additionalunderlayment is required.

DLP Floating Floor (A60)FLOATING AND SOUND REDUCTION FLOOR Joint PU-D20 Visco Elastic Damping Layer Steel Steel RockwoolSteel deckTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION STEEL The information and in particular, the recommendations relating to theSize, steel plate 1000 x 2000 mm application and end use of DMS products, are given in good faithThickness of steel/visco/steel 5-6 mm based on our current knowledge and experience. The information andThickness of Rockwool Min. 50 mm recommendations are given without warranty of any kind and does notWeight Approx. 48 kg/m2 lead to any further liability for DMS, besides what is stated in the salesSurface treatment Galvanised agreement. It is the buyer or end-user ’s responsibility to investigate or in other way make sure that DMS product suitable for the intended use and further are stored, handled and applied in accordance with stated directions. All orders are delivered and accepted in accordance with our general conditions of saleDMS A/ST: +45 7023 4343 t F: +45 7023 4342 t [email protected] t

DMS Concrete MixHEAVY SCREED COMPOUNDPRODUCT DESCRIPTION CLEANINGDMS Concrete Mix is a latex based concrete for producing Use water to clean the tools before the compound isa rapid setting and drying floor screed. DMS Concrete Mix for all types of sub-floor incl. making slopes. For use in alltypes of accomodation areas. SHELF-LIFEDMS Concrete Mix is primary to be used in combination The shelf-life is min. 12 months in unopened packaging.with PU-D20 as a constraining layer (PU-D20 Concrete Sy-stem) STORAGE In dry conditions - do not expose to moisture and freezingSURFACE PREPARATION temperature.Mix 1 kg of DMS Concrete Mix with 0,5 l of DMS Latex to abonding slurry. The bonding slurry shall be used on steel, For additional technical information, please contactconcrete and between layers. our technical department.PRIMERSee surface preparation.MIXINGMix one bag of DMS Concrete Mix (25 kg) with 2 l of DMSLatex and a maximum of 1,2 l of clean cold water and stirvigorously to a smooth mortar.A P P L I C AT I O NDMS Concrete Mix must be applied directly in the mixedand applied bonding slurry - wet in wet.After application of DMS Concrete Mix the compoundmust be protected against strong direct heat and sunlightand draught must be avoided. DMS Concrete Mix shouldnot be exposed to freezing temperaturesCURING / DEHYDRATIONAt +20°C and 65 % relative humidity the compound will becured after approx. 16-24 hours.Curing time depends on thethickness of the applied layer, relative humidity and ventila-tion at the working area. The compound must be fully drybefore covering with toplayer (e.g. BL 2000 or BH 3000)

DMS Concrete MixHEAVY SCREED COMPOUND DMS Concrete Mix DMS Latex PrimerSteel deckTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Rapid setting cement and latex The information and in particular, theBasis White recommendations relating to theColour Approx. 1,8 kg/mm/m2 (applied) application and end use of DMSDensity Minimum 10 mm products, are given in good faithThickness 30 minutes at 20°C and 65 % RH based on our current knowledgePot life Approx.16-24 hours at 20°C and experience. The information andCurring time depending on thickness recommendations are given without warranty of any kind and does notRecommended application +5°C - 35°C lead to any further liability for DMS,temperature 7,8 N/mm² besides what is stated in the salesBending tear strength En 196 26,1 N/mm² agreement. It is the buyer or end-user’sCompression strength En 196 responsibility to investigate or in other way make sure that DMS product suitable for the intended use and further are stored, handled and applied in accordance with stated directions. All orders are delivered and accepted in accordance with our general conditions of saleDMS A/ST: +45 7023 4343 s

Basic Screed 3010WATER RESISTANT SCREED COMPOUNDFAST CURINGPRODUCT DESCRIPTION CURING / DEHYDRATIONBS 3010 is a water resistant cement based, plastic rein- At +20°C and 65 % relative humidity the compound willforced screed compound. BS 3010 is for levelling of all cure after approx. 24-36 hours, curing times depend on thetypes of sub-floor incl. making of slopes and inclination for thickness of the applied layer, relative humidity and ventila-shower cubicles, galleys, abattoir floors etc. for use in all tion at the working area. The compound must be fully drytypes of dry and wet accommodation areas. (In wet areas before covering (the moisture has to be < 5 % by weight).to be used together with a water membrane) CLEANINGSURFACE PREPARATION Use water to clean the tools before the compound isBS 3010 screed compound must be applied on hard cured.foundations such as concrete or steel, which should befree of dust, grease, oil, dirt, etc. Anti-corrosion treated SHELF-LIFEsteel layer, aluminum and zinc to be pre-treated with The shelf-life is min. 12 months in unopened packaging.Shop primer. When surfaces have been treated with atwo-component shop primer, the DMS primer 54 can be STORAGEused. Contact DMS for correct use of primer. In dry conditions - do not expose to moisture and freezing temperature.PRIMERDMS primer 54 must be used on steel, concrete and bet- For additional technical information,ween layers. please contact our technical department.MIXINGMix one bag of BS 3010 (25 kg) with a maximum of 4,2 lof clean cold water and stir vigorously to a smooth com-pound.A P P L I C AT I O NBS 3010 screed compound must be applied in a thick-ness of max. 50 mm (per layer). After application of BS3010 the compound must be protected against strong,direct heat and sunlight and draught must be avoided. BS3010 should not be exposed to freezing temperatures (re-commended curing temperature is min. 5°C).

Basic Screed 3010WATER RESISTANT SCREED COMPOUNDFAST CURING BS 3010 Primer 54 Steel deckTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION The information and in particular, the recommendations relating to theBasis Cement and synthetic polymer application and end use of DMS products, are given in good faithColour Grey based on our current knowledge and experience. The information andDensity Approx. 1,6 kg/mm/m2 (applied) recommendations are given without warranty of any kind and does notThickness 10-50 mm (per layer) lead to any further liability for DMS, besides what is stated in the salesPot life 15-20 minutes at 20°C and 65 % RH agreement. It is the buyer or end-user ’s responsibility to investigate or in otherCurring time Setting time for walking, approx. 3-4 hours. way make sure that DMS product Ready for covering after 24-36 hours at 20°C suitable for the intended use and depending on thickness further are stored, handled and applied in accordance with statedRecommended application +5°C - 35°C directions. All orders are deliveredtemperature and accepted in accordance with our general conditions of saleBending tear strength EN 196 6,7 N/mm2Compression strength EN 196 32,3 N/mm2DMS A/ST: +45 7023 4343 t F: +45 7023 4342 t [email protected] t

Basic Screed 3010WATER RESISTANT SCREED COMPOUNDFAST CURINGPRODUCT DESCRIPTION CURING / DEHYDRATIONBS 3010 is a water resistant cement based, plastic rein- At +20°C and 65 % relative humidity the compound willforced screed compound. BS 3010 is for levelling of all cure after approx. 24-36 hours, curing times depend on thetypes of sub-floor incl. making of slopes and inclination for thickness of the applied layer, relative humidity and ventila-shower cubicles, galleys, abattoir floors etc. for use in all tion at the working area. The compound must be fully drytypes of dry and wet accommodation areas. (In wet areas before covering (the moisture has to be < 5 % by weight).to be used together with a water membrane) CLEANINGSURFACE PREPARATION Use water to clean the tools before the compound isBS 3010 screed compound must be applied on hard cured.foundations such as concrete or steel, which should befree of dust, grease, oil, dirt, etc. Anti-corrosion treated SHELF-LIFEsteel layer, aluminum and zinc to be pre-treated with The shelf-life is min. 12 months in unopened packaging.Shop primer. When surfaces have been treated with atwo-component shop primer, the DMS primer 54 can be STORAGEused. Contact DMS for correct use of primer. In dry conditions - do not expose to moisture and freezing temperature.PRIMERDMS primer 54 must be used on steel, concrete and bet- For additional technical information,ween layers. please contact our technical department.MIXINGMix one bag of BS 3010 (25 kg) with a maximum of 4,2 lof clean cold water and stir vigorously to a smooth com-pound.A P P L I C AT I O NBS 3010 screed compound must be applied in a thick-ness of max. 50 mm (per layer). After application of BS3010 the compound must be protected against strong,direct heat and sunlight and draught must be avoided. BS3010 should not be exposed to freezing temperatures (re-commended curing temperature is min. 5°C).

Basic Screed 3010WATER RESISTANT SCREED COMPOUNDFAST CURING BS 3010 Primer 54 Steel deckTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION The information and in particular, the recommendations relating to theBasis Cement and synthetic polymer application and end use of DMS products, are given in good faithColour Grey based on our current knowledge and experience. The information andDensity Approx. 1,6 kg/mm/m2 (applied) recommendations are given without warranty of any kind and does notThickness 10-50 mm (per layer) lead to any further liability for DMS, besides what is stated in the salesPot life 15-20 minutes at 20°C and 65 % RH agreement. It is the buyer or end-user ’s responsibility to investigate or in otherCurring time Setting time for walking, approx. 3-4 hours. way make sure that DMS product Ready for covering after 24-36 hours at 20°C suitable for the intended use and depending on thickness further are stored, handled and applied in accordance with statedRecommended application +5°C - 35°C directions. All orders are deliveredtemperature and accepted in accordance with our general conditions of saleBending tear strength EN 196 6,7 N/mm2Compression strength EN 196 32,3 N/mm2DMS A/ST: +45 7023 4343 t F: +45 7023 4342 t [email protected] t

Basic Light 2000LIGHTWEIGHT SELF LEVELLING COMPOUNDPRODUCT DESCRIPTION CURING / DEHYDRATIONBL 2000 is a lightweight cement based, plastic reinforced, At +20°C and 65 % relative humidity the compound willself levelling, and pumpable compound. cure after 36-48 hours, curing time depends on the thick-Can be used in all types of dry accommodation areas be- ness of the applied layer, relative humidity and ventilationfore laying of carpet, vinyl, etc. at the working area. The compound must be fully dry before covering (the moisture has to be < 5 % by weight).SURFACE PREPARATIONBL 2000 floor levelling must be applied on hard foundati- CLEANINGons such as concrete or steel, which should be free of dust, Use water to clean the tools before the compound isgrease, oil, dirt, etc. Anti-corrosion treated steel layer, alu- cured.minum and zinc to be pre-treated with Shop primer. Whensurfaces have been treated with a two-component epoxy- SHELF-LIFEiron oxide primer, the DMS primer 54 can be used. The shelf-life is min. 12 months in unopened packaging.PRIMER STORAGEDMS primer 54 must be used on steel, concrete and bet- In dry conditions, - do not expose to moisture and freezingween layers. temperature.MIXING For additional technical information,Mix one bag of BL 2000 (20 kg) with a maximum of 8,4 l please contact our technical department.of clean cold water and stir vigorously to a smooth, easyflowing mortar.A P P L I C AT I O NBL 2000 floor levelling must be applied in a thickness ofmax. 30 mm. Depending on the working conditions, trowelor spike roller can be used. After application of BL 2000 thecompound must be protected against strong, direct heatand sunlight and draught must be avoided. BL 2000 shouldnot be exposed to freezing temperatures (recommendedcuring temperatures is min. 5°C).,


,"Basic Light 700 ULSLIGHTWEIGHT SELF LEVELLING COMPOUNDPRODUCT DESCRIPTION CURING / DEHYDRATIONBL 700 Uls is a lightweight cement based, plastic reinforced, At +20°C and 65 % relative humidity the compound willand self levelling compound, made for filling of ships deck, cure after approx. 36-48 hours, curing times depend onetc. before applying carpet. Can be used in all types of dry the thickness of the applied layer, relative humidity andaccommodation areas. ventilation at the working area. The compound must be fully dry before covering (the moisture has to be < 5 % bySURFACE PREPARATION weight).BL 700 Uls floor levelling must be applied on hard founda-tions such as concrete or steel, which should be free of CLEANINGdust, grease, oil, dirt, etc. Anti-corrosion treated steel layer, Use water to clean the tools before the compound is cured.aluminum and zinc to be pre-treated with Shop primer.When surfaces have been treated with a two-component SHELF-LIFEepoxy-iron oxide primer, the DMS primer 54 can be used. The shelf-life is min. 6 months in unopened packaging.PRIMER STORAGEDMS primer 54 shall be used on steel, concrete and bet- In dry conditions, do not expose to moisture and freezingween layers. temperature.MIXING For additional technical information,Mix one bag of BL 700 ULS (20 kg) with a maximum of 9,6 please contact our technical department.l of clean cold water and stir vigorously to a smooth, easyflowing mortar.A P P L I C AT I O NBL 700 ULS floor levelling must be applied in a thickness ofmax. 10 mm. Depending on the working conditions, trowelor spike roller can be used. After application of BL 700 ULSthe compound must be protected against strong, directheat and sunlight and draught must be avoided. BL 700ULS should not be exposed to freezing temperatures (re-commended curing temperature is min. 5°C).

Basic Light 700 ULSLIGHTWEIGHT SELF LEVELLING COMPOUND BL 700 ULS Primer 54 Steel deckTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION The information and in particular, the recommendations relating to theBasis Cement and synthetic polymer application and end use of DMS products, are given in good faithColour Grey based on our current knowledge and experience. The information andDensity Approx. 0,7 kg/mm/m2 (applied) recommendations are given without warranty of any kind and does notThickness 1 - 10 mm. (per layer) lead to any further liability for DMS, besides what is stated in the salesPot life 30 minutes at 20°C and 65 % RH agreement. It is the buyer or end-user’s responsibility to investigate or in otherCurring time Setting time for walking, approx. 24 hours. way make sure that DMS product Ready for covering after approx. 36-48 hours suitable for the intended use and at 20°C in a maximum of 10 mm thickness further are stored, handled and applied in accordance with statedFlow ability after SS 923519 12 cm directions. All orders are delivered and accepted in accordance with ourRecommended application +5°C - 35°C general conditions of saletemperatureBending tear strength EN 196 4 N/mm2Compression strength EN 196 5 N/mm2Brinell hardness EN 1000-3 34 N/mm2DMS A/ST: +45 7023 4343 s

Basic Heavy 3000SELF-LEVELLING COMPOUNDPRODUCT DESCRIPTION CURING / DEHYDRATIONBH 3000 is a cement based, plastic reinforced, self levelling, At +20°C and 65 % relative humidity the compoundand pumpable compound with rapid setting effect, hy- will cure after 18-24 hours, curing times depend on thedraulic hardening and crystalline water binding. thickness of the applied layer, relative humidity andCan be used in all types of dry accommodation areas be- ventilation at the working area. The compound must before laying of carpet, vinyl, etc. fully dry before covering (the moisture has to be < 5 % by weight).SURFACE PREPARATIONBH 3000 floor levelling must be applied on hard foun- CLEANINGdations such as concrete or steel, which should be free of Use water to clean the tools before the compound is cured.dust, grease, oil, dirt, etc. Anti-corrosion treated steel layer,aluminum and zinc to be pre-treated with Shop primer. SHELF-LIFEWhen surfaces have been treated with a two-component The shelf-life is min. 12 months in unopened packaging.epoxy-iron oxide primer, the DMS primer 54 can be used. STORAGEPRIMER In dry conditions, do not expose to moisture and freezingDMS primer 54 shall be used on steel, concrete and bet- temperature.ween layers. For additional technical information,MIXING please contact our technical department.Mix one bag of BH 3000 (25 kg) with a approx.. 4,5-5 l ofclean cold water and stir vigorously to a smooth, easy flo-wing mortar.A P P L I C AT I O NBH 3000 floor levelling must be applied in a thicknessof max. 30 mm. Depending on the working conditions,trowel or spike roller can be used. After application of BH3000 the compound must be protected against strong,direct heat and sunlight and draught must be avoided. BH3000 should not be exposed to freezing temperatures (Re-commended curing temperatur is min. 5°C).


Basic Heavy 3000SELF-LEVELLING COMPOUNDPRODUCT DESCRIPTION CURING / DEHYDRATIONBH 3000 is a cement based, plastic reinforced, self levelling, At +20°C and 65 % relative humidity the compoundand pumpable compound with rapid setting effect, hy- will cure after 18-24 hours, curing times depend on thedraulic hardening and crystalline water binding. thickness of the applied layer, relative humidity andCan be used in all types of dry accommodation areas be- ventilation at the working area. The compound must before laying of carpet, vinyl, etc. fully dry before covering (the moisture has to be < 5 % by weight).SURFACE PREPARATIONBH 3000 floor levelling must be applied on hard foun- CLEANINGdations such as concrete or steel, which should be free of Use water to clean the tools before the compound is cured.dust, grease, oil, dirt, etc. Anti-corrosion treated steel layer,aluminum and zinc to be pre-treated with Shop primer. SHELF-LIFEWhen surfaces have been treated with a two-component The shelf-life is min. 12 months in unopened packaging.epoxy-iron oxide primer, the DMS primer 54 can be used. STORAGEPRIMER In dry conditions, do not expose to moisture and freezingDMS primer 54 shall be used on steel, concrete and bet- temperature.ween layers. For additional technical information,MIXING please contact our technical department.Mix one bag of BH 3000 (25 kg) with a approx.. 4,5-5 l ofclean cold water and stir vigorously to a smooth, easy flo-wing mortar.A P P L I C AT I O NBH 3000 floor levelling must be applied in a thicknessof max. 30 mm. Depending on the working conditions,trowel or spike roller can be used. After application of BH3000 the compound must be protected against strong,direct heat and sunlight and draught must be avoided. BH3000 should not be exposed to freezing temperatures (Re-commended curing temperatur is min. 5°C).


Wet Area Membrane ”AF 2K”WATER TIGHTENING MEMBRANEPRODUCT DESCRIPTION CURING / DEHYDRATIONWet Area Membrane ”AF 2K” is a 1-component membra- At +20°C and 65 % relative humidity the compound willne, which consists of special plastic-reinforced cement cure after 24 to 48 hours, curing times depend on the thick-and water. Wet Area Membrane ”AF 2K” can meet the de- ness of the applied layer, relative humidity and ventilationmand of 2 mm thick layer by application in one go. Wet at the working area. The compound must be fully dryArea Membrane ”AF 2K” can be applied onto underlay before covering (the moisture has to be < 5 % by weight).consisting of inorganic materials such as e.g. concrete andfiller layer. Waterproofing against water pressure of 10 m CLEANINGcolumn of water. Use water to clean the tools before the compound is cured.SURFACE PREPARATIONWet Area Membrane ”AF 2K” can be applied on hard SHELF-LIFEfoundations such as concrete or steel, which should be The shelf-life is min. 12 months in unopened of dust, grease, oil, dirt, etc. Anti-corrosion treatedsteel layer, aluminum and zinc to be pre-treated with Shop STORAGEprimer. When surfaces have been treated with a two-com- In dry conditions, - do not expose to moisture and freezingponent epoxy-iron oxide primer, the DMS primer 54 can be temperature.used. Contact DMS for correct use of primer. For additional technical information,PRIMER please contact our technical department.DMS Primer 54 must be used on steel, concrete and bet-ween layers.MIXINGMix one bag of Wet Area Membrane ”AF 2K” of 20 kg with amaximum of 6,6 l of clean cold water and stir vigorously toa smooth, cream like paste.A P P L I C AT I O NWet Area Membrane ”AF 2K” can be applied in a thickness 2to 10 mm (Recommended thickness is 2 mm). Use a trowelto apply the Wet Area Membrane ”AF 2K”. After applicationthe Wet Area Membrane ”AF 2K” must be protected againststrong, direct heat and sunlight and draught must be avoi-ded. Wet Area Membrane ”AF 2K” should not be exposed tofreezing temperatures

Wet Area Membrane ”AF 2K”WATER TIGHTENING MEMBRANE Wet Area Membrane Primer 54 Concrete layer Primer Steel deckTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION The information and in particular, the recommendations relating to theBasis Cement and synthetic polymer application and end use of DMS products, are given in good faithColour Grey based on our current knowledge and experience. The information andDensity Approx. 1,0 kg/mm/m2 recommendations are given without warranty of any kind and does notThickness 2-10 mm lead to any further liability for DMS, besides what is stated in the salesPot life 30 minutes at 20°C and 65 % RH agreement. It is the buyer or end-user’s responsibility to investigate or in otherCurring time Ready for covering after approx. 24 - 48 hours way make sure that DMS product suitable for the intended use and at 20°C further are stored, handled and applied in accordance with statedRecommended application +5°C - 35°C directions. All orders are deliveredtemperature and accepted in accordance with our general conditions of saleBending tear strength EN 196 1,49 N/mm²DMS A/ST: +45 7023 4343 s

DLP Floating Floor (A60)FLOATING AND SOUND REDUCTION FLOORPRODUCT DESCRIPTION SHELF-LIFEDLP Floating Floor is a deck covering system for reductionof both airborne, structure borne and impact noise. Rockwool Marine Slab 140: No limitDLP Floating Floor consists of minimum 50 mm RockwoolMarine Slab 140, 3 mm steel plate, 1 mm PU-D20 and 2 mm Steel plates: No limitsteel plate which together becomes a floating floor withan excellent sound reduction. PU-D20: Min. 12 monthsSURFACE PREPARATION STORAGEMake sure that the steel deck is straight, otherwise before Frost free and dry conditionsinstallation of the floating floor levelling of the steel deckis necessary. For additional technical information, please contact our technical department.A P P L I C AT I O NCut to size and lay down the Rockwool slabs on steel deckwith staggered joints and butted tight.Cut to size and lay down the first layer of steel sheets di-rectly on top of the Rockwool Marine Slab 140.Messaure up the areas to be applied and trowel out a thinlayer (1 mm) of PU-D20 in the messaured areas.Cut to size and lay down the second layer of steel sheetsdirectly in the wet visco elastic PU-D20.Drill 5 mm holes, c/c 250-300 mm, around all edge and 4holes along the middle of the plates countersink and rivetthe sheets together, use pop rivets 4,9 x 10 mm, steel/steelto connect the steel plates.Alternatively self-tapping screws can be used.APPLICATION OF TOP LAYERTo provide a smooth surface for laying of vinyl or carpet,a thin layer of underlayment or sealing mastic must beapplied over joints and rivets. Ceramic tiles shall bebonded by means of epoxy mastic adhesive, no additionalunderlayment is required.

DLP Floating Floor (A60)FLOATING AND SOUND REDUCTION FLOOR Joint PU-D20 Visco Elastic Damping Layer Steel Steel RockwoolSteel deckTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION STEEL The information and in particular, the recommendations relating to theSize, steel plate 1000 x 2000 mm application and end use of DMS products, are given in good faithThickness of steel/visco/steel 5-6 mm based on our current knowledge and experience. The information andThickness of Rockwool Min. 50 mm recommendations are given without warranty of any kind and does notWeight Approx. 48 kg/m2 lead to any further liability for DMS, besides what is stated in the salesSurface treatment Galvanised agreement. It is the buyer or end-user ’s responsibility to investigate or in other way make sure that DMS product suitable for the intended use and further are stored, handled and applied in accordance with stated directions. All orders are delivered and accepted in accordance with our general conditions of saleDMS A/ST: +45 7023 4343 t F: +45 7023 4342 t [email protected] t

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