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A Issue 1BUILDING ENGINEERING SERVICES ASSOCIATIONNew look, new eraWhy your membership means more Also in this issue What’s changing? P4 President’s perspective P7 Technical news P8 Member benefits P14 Supporting your business @BESAGroup BESA Group


BESA chief executive Paul McLaughlin Welcome BESA Update 01 In this issue: What’s changing? P4 President’s perspective P7 Technical news P8 Lobbying P10 Training P12 Member benefits P14 Paul McLaughlin Supporting your business P16New look, new era Member spotlight P19Foreword by BESA chief executive Paul McLaughlin* Social media P21 Events calendar P22Welcome to the first edition of your in ensuring building engineering services technologies needed to provide highbrand new BESA Magazine andwelcome to your new look are positioned right at the heart of this quality buildings.association too. massive effort to transform our country. You can be assured that your associationThis magazine is part of a wave ofcommunications designed to capture the Crucial will continue to push hard on yourfeedback we have received from members behalf. The current political impetusabout the services you find most valuableand the wider industry issues that matter Firms with specialist building behind construction, along with themost to your businesses. engineering skills are central to the rising value of specialist skills, gives us a Chancellor’s aspirations; making them great opportunity to drive home the fairWe have introduced some subtle changes crucial to the national economy and payment message once and for the association’s identity so that we many of our social goals. There iscan now be referred to simply as the plenty of work out there, but there are We are also working hard to make sure the‘Building Engineering Services Association’. also some major hurdles to overcome industry gets its fair share of the promisedWe also have a new look and logo. These if we are to ensure members of BESA three million new apprenticeships so youare not simply cosmetic changes, but have more skilled people to choose from.are designed to reflect the changing roleof building engineering services and its can turn opportunity into profit. The work you all do is increasinglykey position within construction and thecountry at large. For example, there are big concerns over important and it is our role, as your the shortage of skilled people and over trade association, to support your effortsThis magazine is designed to showcase cash flow within our supply chains. It is to deliver and meet client aspirations.the work we are doing for you and crucial, therefore, that the government Building engineering services are at thealso the work you are doing for the recognises the vital role of this sector heart of social change and the country’scountry. Chancellor George Osborne has and acts to support it. future growth and you, as members oflaunched his new National Infrastructure the BESA, are right at the heart of buildingCommission with access to £100bn Late and unfair payment practices engineering services.worth of investment over the next five are putting many specialistyears and we have a crucial part to play contractors at risk and, in turn, “ Major opportunities are undermining important national opening up for building projects. The association has been engineering services and lobbying hard for the adoption your association is changing of modern payment methods so to keep pace ” you can invest in the skills and BESA chief executive Paul McLaughlin.*Paul McLaughlin was appointed chief executive of BESA in August 2015. 3

WHAT’S CHANGING?Making membership mean more… A BUILDING ENGINEERING SERVICES ASSOCIATIONNew website Membership Director Richard WardAs BESA’s new membership director, my number one ...”BESA puts memberspriority is to ensure that we meet the needs of the at the heart of buildingassociation’s members and add value to their businesses. engineering services”BESA occupies a key position in delivering services of genuine Our new vision is more than just a statement, it is thecommercial benefit and in representing your interests and guiding principle in all that we do. When considering newI am committed to enhancing and developing the value of initiatives, we will be evaluating them against whether theymembership in the context of today’s competitive marketplace. will help further the interests of our members in the sector.I am fortunate to have joined BESA at an exciting time in the Over the 111 years of the association, we have providedAssociation’s history. We have actively been seeking feedback leadership, guidance and a range of services aimed at addingfrom our members on what the association means to them, value to our members’ businesses. In a rapidly changingand as a result we are introducing a number of exciting market-place it is more important than ever to ensure that thechanges. voices of our members are heard loud and clear, whether that be in government, through our membership committees andOne of the first things we have done is to re-evaluate our specialist groups leading the authoring of technical standardsname. B&ES, whilst accurate in describing the sector we operate and comments and advice on the UK’s continuously changingwithin, does not signal the fact that at our very core, we are an regulations.association of members. To equip our organisation for this fast changing modern eraThe slight tweak to the ‘Building Engineering Services and to help you future-proof your companies, we have had aAssociation’, or the BESA for short addresses that. Our second fresh look at those services and are now focused on those thatkey change has been to factor our member’s feedback into a add most value. We are also putting extrUaSB efforSTICK t into those areasvision for the association. We need to have a clear purpose that where we can use our influence to create the right economicgoverns everything the association does, and for us the best conditions for building engineering services contractors toencapsulation of that reason-for-being is that… thrive. BESA Group PUBLICATIONS POWER BANK FOR CHARGING PHONE4 Companies: TRAINING© Copyright 2015 Guy & Co Ltd.

First and foremost there is a requirement material, giving members Member brochureto raise the visibility of BESA and the the opportunity to tellrole it plays in the sector. To ensure the story of their business,we increase the level of awareness in their relationship with thethe sector, we will be running a range association and what itof advertisements across high profile means to them. All activitywebsites, as well as starting an active will be run under the tagcampaign to target specifiers and end line ‘membership meansclients. Reaching these key decision more.’ If you would like tomakers is vital to ensure they are aware be considered for futureof BESA and the quality that membership campaigns, just drop us a lineconveys, hopefully giving our members on [email protected] advantage when competing for and we will be in touch!business. You will see that a Major Contractors Advisory Board,In conjunction with this we will ensure the new association website providing a unique forum for majorthat BESA has a presence at the key ( also uses the contractors to review and commentindustry trade events, reinforcing our ‘membership means more’ approach to on key sector issues. It also gives anunique and vital role within the industry. highlight the key benefits and services opportunity for members to shapeThe appointment of Tim Rook as our new we offer. Within the new website, we are BESA’s lobbying agenda and responseTechnical Director will further reinforce pleased to launch a secure members’ to consultations.the technical expertise the association area. Members told us that there arehas always been known for, and Tim certain pieces of information, or value- One of the key initiatives we will be add content that you would like to be working on over the next few months Technical Director Tim Rook exclusively available to you as a member. is securing a range of offers to make The new secure area of our website a real difference to your day-to-daywill be working to firmly establish allows this, and this will be where going spend. Watch this space for a range ofthe association as the go-to place for forward you will find all the news and exciting member discounts, off businesstechnical standards. updates just for you. essentials such as your water supply, or office furniture, through to special offersIn a first for the association, we are There are already a lot of downloadable on tools and equipment relevant to yourfeaturing members in all of our marketing PDF’s available in the secure area on key business. topics ranging from apprenticeships to mediation. From here, you will also be Richard Ward - Membership Director able to download the new logo for use on your website or corporate stationery - helping you to make the change to the new brand quickly and easily. You can also request van stickers free of charge to help spread awareness of the BESA! Visit the branding page within the member’s area to find out more. We understand that lobbying is Pop-up banner important to all our members, and as a result you will be hearing a lot more from us about the progress we are making on key industry issues such as late payments, or skills shortages. We are also pleased to announce we will shortly be launchingMerchandise Hopefully this gives you a taster of your new-look association and new-look member services. You can find out lots more on our website at GUY CO 5


PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVEBack to the futureThe building engineering industry has been relatively slow toembrace digital technology and BESA President Jim Marner sayswe must catch up.In the iconic film ‘Back to the Future II’, talk of 18-mile high buildings needs to be able to apply ‘smart’the hero Marty McFly travelled forward built from lightweight, phase systems in the physical infrastructure ofin time from October 1985 to the same change materials powered a building. Members of BESA have themonth in 2015 to find a world filled entirely on site by small scale ability to present their clients with thewith flying cars and talking clothes. Back renewables. While the first part highest quality installation; a buildingin the 80s, 2015 did seem like a far off of that seems tricky; you could as a gleaming, fully functioning, andplace. argue we are already capable of complete ‘product’ with a ribbon round it. delivering the second elementWhile the film was a little premature in that science fiction scenario. Just as our industry is modernising andabout some developments, it was adopting the appropriate tools, so tooright about how important technology Expectations is your trade association. We have a newwould become and that things, identity and a new outlook as we seek towhich seemed like science fiction We do have a lot of catching stay in touch and keep our members into us 30 years ago, would now be up to do because we are the vanguard of progress.commonplace. under terrific pressure to deliver to a much higher BESA is representing your interests andAt a recent awards dinner, the standard than ever before making sure you are abreast of all theconversation around our table turned to and to meet the expectations changes so clients continue to see youapps and ‘wearable’ technologies. Our of building occupants, who as the ‘go to’ experts for modern buildingnew chief executive Paul McLaughlin are used to the very latest projects.spotted my new Apple Watch and technology in all otherpointed out that I was wearing more aspects of their lives.computing power on my wrist than putthe first man on the moon - less than 50 The ‘performance gap’ that leavesyears ago. buildings using too much energy and providing too little comfort will noThe future might seem mysterious and longer be tolerated.far off, but progress is incredibly fastand the biggest challenge is predicting The good news is that we have thewhat comes next. What will be possible technologies to deliver to a muchin 2045? Can we keep up? There is higher spec; we just have to make sure they are more widely and properly used. Digital design via Building Information Modelling (BIM) is the route to a brave new world with projects manufactured off-site; tested and commissioned to the highest possible tolerances and then quickly and cleanly assembled on site. Our practical skills will become even more important because someone “The future might seem mysterious and far off, but progress is incredibly fast and the biggest challenge is predicting what comes next.“ Jim Marner BESA President 7

TECHNICAL NEWSSKILLcard goes smart Head of Employment Affairs & Skills, Peter RimmerEngineering Services SKILLcard, streamlining the card checkinga BESA Group company, has process and making things easier for Peter Rimmer, Head ofbecome the first Construction both employers and card holders. In Employment Affairs and Skills atSkills Certification Scheme (CSCS) a nutshell, smart cards make it easier BESA, said he was extremely proudaffiliated scheme to start using to make sure the person carrying out that SKILLcard had shown “forwardsmart technology. SKILLcard is work on a site is qualified for the job thinking“ by choosing to be the firstproud to be the first CSCS affiliate and their identity can be validated specialist scheme to go adopt this technology, putting quickly and easily.our workforce at the forefront of “It is a real coup for our sector to beinnovation in our industry. The scheme’s printed materials leading the way in the modernisation have also been given a fresh new of this crucial competence and healthThe smart chip featured on the look and the SKILLcard website has and safety measure,“ said Mr is the key to lots of exciting been relaunched, featuring a newlyfuture developments, and going expanded FAQs section and user “The improvements offered by thesmart means we are prepared for friendly navigation. smart card will make life much easierapplications not yet used by the for employers and card holders.industry. Members can visit Accessing information will be quicker for and more accurate as the card will beSmart SKILLcards can be checked more information, or contact immediately updated with any newusing special downloadable apps the helpdesk on details about the individual holder.for smartphones and tablets, or a [email protected] reader connected to a laptop, or 01768 860 406. “This really is a great step forward for our industry.“ he added. BESA Group PUBLICATIONS TRAINING8 Companies:

Besca’s new audit process meansfewer audits for lowest risk membersAll audits carried out as part of risk-based system, a best in class way This high standard of audit is alreadythe Competent Persons Scheme of rating companies based on their part of BESA membership, meaning that(CPS), administered by Building technical audit results and a clear BESA members who are also part of CPSEngineering Services Competence sign that the highest standards are will now receive just one audit for bothAssessment (BESCA), are moving to a being met. membership requirements.A risk based audit measures any non-conformities This then decides how often you will be audited:during your technical audit:Risk Elements Low Medium High Risk category Frequency of audit Risk Risk Risk Low 3+ Medium Every three years Assessment Nonconformities High Every two years AnnuallyMajors 0 1 or 2Minors Up to 3 4 or 5 6+So, a BESA member who is also part of CPS and is classed as low risk will now receive just oneaudit every three years. And we will work with you to help you lower your risk rating.If you have any questions, you can email us at [email protected] or call us on 0800 652 5533. BESA partners with Build OffsiteBESA Publications has launched reduce the risks associated with building for at least 3 to 4% of the £100 billiona first of its kind guide to offsite performance, productivity, health and construction sector’s annual turnover,construction, in conjunction with safety, wastage and quality on a huge and up to 80% of the construction costthe trade association Build Offsite. variety of projects from commercial and for some projects.The preview version was launched industrial buildings to healthcare andat the Offsite Construction Show educational establishments. The guide is available as an interactivein October by BESA chief executive PDF or, for the first time, as an Android orPaul McLaughlin. The guide provides practical support for iOS epub. the effective use of off-site constructionThe great news is that, by using the methods, a growing sector with rapidlyguide, construction professionals can changing technology. It now accountsTo order BESA Publications’ Offsite construction guide, visit, email [email protected] call 01768 860 405. 9

LOBBYINGWhy is lobbying important? You told us that lobbying is really important to you What have we been as BESA members. doing recently? By lobbying government and related agencies, both In August BESA responded to a BIS consultation on formally and informally, we represent you on issues that proposals to introduce a Small Business Commissioner. really matter, making sure your voices are heard and helping shape the future of the industry. With the majority of our members made-up of SMEs, we were generally very supportive of the proposals. The government has Our approach now set-out its response, which will be put into law through to lobbying the Enterprise Bill currently going through Parliament. This is great news for small businesses, who will have the help of We have established a reputation for engaging with a commissioner to resolve disputes and avoid future issues government over many decades, and we do so in the through general advice and information, particularly around following ways: payment from larger suppliers.1 We respond to departmental consultations on any Most recently we have responded to a new House of Lords issues we think might interest members committee which was set up after the May general election to review National Policy for the Built Environment. This inquiry2 We monitor inquiries held by parliamentary committees clearly has long-term implications for our members. At the time of writing, the committee has not yet published its report.3 The BESA management team has regular meetings at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), When it does, it will be considered by the Secretary of State at the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) the DCLG, who will then decide how to act on the committee’s and the Department for Communities and Local recommendations. The DCLG is then likely to publish a Government (DCLG) as well as agencies like the British consultation – to which we will respond. Standards Institute (BSI) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), meaning we often are able to have an Representation and engagement is one of the key benefits influence on the content of a policy proposal before it that BESA provides for its members. But it’s also helpful to is published government, who are keen to work with us (and our fellow trade associations) for a number of reasons. In the simplest4 We collaborate with partners, such as the Electrical of terms, we represent private businesses and it is these Contractors Association (ECA) and the Chartered types of businesses, large and small, that collectively create Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), to have employment, revenues and profits that will help fuel the UK even greater influencing power in areas where we have economy to growth and help reduce the public common interest sector deficit.5 We use our strong intelligence network and solid evidence to provide an additional resource to government To find out more login to your member’s area at BESA Group PUBLICATIONS TRAINING10 Companies:

The case for digital procurementand payment and easier. Such a system could, once public bodies were awarding contracts automatically, issue a payment schedule to the registered supplier stating when payments become due and the period for discharging payments. The online payment schedule would also set out the anticipated throughput of cash, based on the terms of the contract award and pricing mechanisms, providing digital transparency of cash flow. BESA has proposed that in circumstances where payments were late (ie, beyond the 30 day public sector time limit), the system would automatically include the interest in the payment to be madeOver the past couple of years BESA has focused services. We have asked for the - without the need for the supplier tobeen engaging with government on same level of focus and investment for request that interest.the need for electronic procurement,tendering and payment across the managing the governmental and wider BESA has welcomed the government’spublic sector. public sector property portfolio. lead in driving forward digitisationMembers often report that in responding Merging the Government Contracts through its BIM strategy, which isto public sector tenders, they have topay registration fees before inputting Finder and Construction Pipeline services designed to deliver real savings throughthe same information (into numerous greater efficiencies in the constructionprocurement portals), they have into a centralised online procurementcompleted many times before. As well process. And yet the specialist contractorsas being time-consuming and adding portal system would allow publicunnecessary costs inevitably passed back who design and install the systems thatto the client, this is also inefficient for the sector clients to manage the supply make buildings work, oftentendering organisations that manually chain at projectcheck the inputted data. waste a great deal of time at and strategic levelWe’ve told government our members’ PQQ and once tenders havefinancial stability can be jeopardised by through analysisthe lack of transparency in and prolonged been won, chasing payment.nature of the cash-flow cycle in the of ‘big data’. Thisconstruction supply chain. To date, the This can and should beimpact and measurement of initiatives would enable public Payment Procurement project bank accounts, prompt sector paymentpayment codes and revised late paymentlegislation have been hampered by requirements to be Monitoring Our simple message to theunder-investment in government digital verified throughout &systems and processes. the supply chain. new government is that It would also allow Enforcement inefficiency in the businessThe government has made good suppliers to improveprogress in the integration of digital their procurement processes behind constructionpassport control, DVLA and other citizen- performance by allowing them Digital Hub equates to waste; whereas to study their Online Government digitisation will deliver procurement failures Construction Data Hub savings for the public sector macro level. and reduced cost for the at a micro and construction industry thereby improving productivity the government’s new mantra. At the same time, an online payment Investment in such processes is essential management system would resolve and will benefit everybody involved – not the problem of how to implement least the taxpayer. and manage payment processes, making payment monitoring clearer To find out more login to your member’s area at 11

TRAININGPutting our BEST foot forwardTraining is at the core of BESA’s services to members and we are constantly innovating to ensure thatspecialist sector needs are identified and addressed.A success story Strength to strength in Scotlandin Wales BEST Scotland is pleased to have received excellent audit reports on bothBESA members have been actively quality and finance from Skills Development Scotland, our funding body.supporting BEST Wales to ensurethat specialist training needs We are also proactively working to strengthen future skills provision in the sector by:continue to be served. Working in close partnership with Launching a new suite of HVACRThe level of support gained was SECTT, SNIPEF and CITB to lobby Skills Modern Apprenticeship Awardsunprecedented, with a 100% increase Development Scotland for additional in conjunction with Summit Skills,in the number of apprentices funding for the Construction & Scottish Qualifications Agency andenrolling on the 2015/16 Level 2 H&V Building Services sector. Employers.course. This increase in apprenticeshas protected a college which was at To find out more about either of these initiatives, please contact your training adviser.risk of closing its delivery, effectivelysafeguarding provision in Wales. Green shoots in EnglandBEST Wales is also performing well After a challenging year, BEST’s Still working with our existing trainingabove the Welsh national benchmark operation in England is evolving to advisers, our focus at this point is onfor Building Services Engineering ensure the needs of apprentices and driving recruitment in the areas ourSector Apprenticeships: employers are met, and that the skills members have identified as specialisms gap in our sector continues to be of priority as well as concentrating on 89.4% success vs. 84% addressed. meeting employer needs, continuing the benchmark for Level 2 development of Trailblazer standards and Apprenticeships Following an extensive review of the preparing for the Apprenticeship levy. market, BESA Training (as BEST England 100% success vs. 85% is now known) has partnered with Leeds If you would like a more detailed benchmark for Level 3 College of Building to deliver training to update on BESA Training, please Apprenticeships apprentices. contact your training adviser. Maintaining our historic buildings Traditional M&E systems can’t always peers when tendering for work on be easily adapted to historic sites historic buildings. With an initial course where the fabric of the building needs planned to take place in March at to be maintained. Southwark Cathedral, BESA’s aspiration is that this becomes the ‘go to’ course for BESA has been working with Historic specialist historic building contractors, England and CIBSE to develop a one creating a pool of preferred contractors day course for M&E contractors who are who are ‘historic building aware.’ interested in working in this field. If you would like a more detailed All attendees will receive a CPD update on BESA Training, please certificate, putting them ahead of their contact your training adviser. BESA Group PUBLICATIONS TRAINING12 Companies:


MEMBER BENEFITS insurance AAs a REFCOM member, your high standards and the quality BUILDING ENGINEERINGof your work mean you’re a lower risk to insurers than SERVICES ASSOCIATIONother construction trades. A uniqueTo recognise your REFCOM F-Gas accreditation we’ve partneredwith insurance specialists, Arthur J. Gallagher, to create an You’ve worked hard for your BESA accreditation, andinsurance product specifically to meet your needs. We’ve the great news is that your high professional standardsworked together to offer this product at a discounted rate make you lower risk, and more attractive to our members, and the discount is even bigger if you’re a BESA has been working with Arthur J Gallagher (AJG)REFCOM Elite member. since 2007 to offer you cost effective insurance cover that’s tailored to match your business needs.The simple, single insurance product covers you for employer The core product features tailored liability and indemnityand public liability, contract works and professional indemnity. cover and you can add on optional extras, meaning you’reThe cover is completely bespoke and wide ranging and paying for no more or no less cover than you really needincludes £5m public liability as standard. and getting a product specifically tailored to you. To get a tailored quote for your business, give oneFor more information, visit: of AJG’s advisors a call on 0800 612 2275 or email [email protected] BESA Group PUBLICATIONS TRAINING14 Companies:


SUPPORTING YOUR BUSINESSEmail marketingmade easyMarketing is key to your business being a success, if you Email marketinghave the best product or service going, you need to let to do list!people know about it! Sign upThere are many online marketing tools, which enable you todesign, send and track emails. Tracking your email marketing Sign up to email marketing service, MailChimpcampaign is essential as it gives you an insight into what which is free for up to 2000 subscribers andworks/doesn’t work for your customers, as you can see who you can send 12,000 emails per month with no chargeopens, clicks and unsubscribes. Create a listEmail marketing tools such as Mailing Manager, MailJet, Campaign Monitor and MailChimp are great online Create an online sign up form for your newsletter which can beprogrammes to get started with. added to your website and social mediaEmail marketing is an efficient way of communicating Make your subject line appealing!with current or potential customers whilst promoting yourbusiness. Unfortunately not all businesses have the time or Make sure your email subject line is short and snappy. An offerresources to do this on a regular basis. or teaser will entice the recipient to open e.g. Open me for 20% discount today onlyNot to worry as Your BESA is here to give you a helpinghand, as we guide you through how to create a simple Design your email templatebut effective email marketing campaign, which isn’t timeconsuming and better still free! Creating your campaign couldn’t be easier. By using the email designer you simply drag and drop pictures and content blocksThere are many exciting MailChimp features which can onto the page template, exactly where you want them. Easier still,help you create a more complex and advanced email MailChimp can provide you with a ready-made templatemarketing campaign but hopefully we have given youenough guidance to help you get started. Check your work Did you find this helpful? Is there something you would like to Send a test email to either yourself or a colleague to double check know more about to help support your business? Then get in touch, the email formatting, spelling and pictures are correct we would love to hear from you. Email [email protected] Track it! MailChimp has numerous analytical features that allow you to understand your customers better. Who opened your campaign, what time and where. What exactly they clicked on and how many times. If emails bounce back, MailChimp will automatically cleanse your subscriber list. It will show you who has subscribed/ unsubscribed and how your campaign stats compare with other MailChimp users in your industry Good luck! BESA Group PUBLICATIONS TRAINING16 Companies:

Protecting your HR NEWSbusiness againstcyber criminals Update to the working time directive for mobile workersYou might have seen the issue of cybercrime in thenews recently, as more high profile companies run into A recent ruling by the European Court of Justiceproblems. The most recent case of hacking, of TalkTalk, has (ECJ) means that journeys made by mobilecost the business an estimated £35m in lost earnings and workers must now count as working time.will no doubt have affected public trust in the company. If they don’t have a fixed place of work, timeWhat is cybercrime? spent travelling between their homes and their first or last customers of the day will be countedAccording to the Oxford Dictionary, cybercrime is defined as as working hours.any criminal activity carried out by means of a computer orthe internet. Companies will need to make sure that theirYou’ve probably heard a lot about identity theft and phishing, workers:where criminals will try to access your personal details. Youmay also have received an email claiming to be from your bank Do not work more than the legal weeklyor mortgage lender, asking you to supply details, which is an working hours limit (48 hours) It’s worthexample of phishing. The good news is there is lots you can do noting that workers can opt-out of this limitto protect yourself. by putting it in writing Have a minimum of 11 hours rest between working days Have at least 24 hours consecutive non- working time per week To calculate a working week, employers should take an average over a 17 week period.How can I protect myself and my business?By following a few simple hints and tips you can help keep both your personal and business details safe:1 If you receive an email from an unknown person, do not open any 6 If you’re buying anything online, make sure the site has a valid SSL. attachments unless you are sure they’re safe You can check this by looking at the web address. If it starts https, the payment system is protected2 Invest in security software for your PC or network - there are a number of major providers that have off-the-shelf packages you 7 If customers are purchasing on your website, make sure to ask for card CVV details (the 3 numbers of the back of the card) to ensure can buy relatively inexpensively that they are not using stolen details3 Keep your computer regularly updated, applying any software 8 Clearly define your security policy – for example you may consider updates you have access to restricting administrative rights so that employees cannot install software without authorisation, or you could lock USB ports to4 Consider your use of Public Wi-Fi networks as they aren’t secure. avoid the downloading of malicious data Make sure you use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) for any secure 9 Ensure your employees are aware of all the security measures you transactions or when sending sensitive information have in place and routinely delete accounts of any members of staff that leave (particularly those who might be disgruntled!)5 Make sure your passwords are secure. We recommend using a mixture of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols 17


MEMBER SPOTLIGHTIt’s crucial to improveproductivityThere are some great engineering companies in the UK “Improving productivity must be a priorityand many, who left during the recession, now want to for building engineering firms.”come back and drive investment in British industry and BESA vice president Tim Hopkinson*.infrastructure once again. We need to create the rightconditions to encourage them to invest here. We also have to do more to reduce the burden of risk on small contractors and BESA is looking closely at the impact ofThis is a great time to be in engineering - with terrific liquidated damages and professional liability.prospects. However, there is no doubt that the industry issome way from where it could be in terms of productivity. The burden of risk that is passed down the supply chain toThis is a complex issue with a number of contributory factors some of our smallest firms is manifestly unfair and discouragesincluding improving our grasp of new technologies; tackling many from expanding into new markets.the unfair payment culture and addressing the skills shortage. Growing the number and quality of apprenticeships will alsoHowever, there are huge opportunities particularly in be key. This whole area has gone full circle. When I first startedthe energy, transport and research markets where there out, most young people were encouraged to develop a trade;is growing demand for high class facilities if we can get get some practical experience and then look to improve theirthis right. academic qualifications later on. Then we went through a period where university became the preferred step on leavingProductivity is not about driving people harder, but about school.working ‘smarter’ and encouraging SMEs, in particular, to usetechnology to operate in ways that allow them to deliver Now we are back to where the apprenticeship route is desirablemore and co-ordinate their supply chains better. and encouraged - and that has to be a good thing.That means delivering materials to site on time; providingaccurate design drawings; and helping firms throughoutthe supply chain to use productivity tools like BuildingInformation Modelling (BIM).The future prosperity of the sector depends on smaller firms *Tim Hopkinson is also managing director of Hargreavesbeing encouraged to expand outside the business sectors in Ductwork and chairman of BESA Ductwork Group.which they feel most comfortable in order to take advantageof growing opportunities in markets they currently consider risky.This does require further focus on issues surrounding fairpayment so they can feel confident about investing in thenecessary skills and technologies to expand their reach. 19

MEMBER SPOTLIGHTThird wave sweepsgrease extract tonew heightsGrease extract cleaning is enjoying its third majorbusiness surge in the past two decades, according toIndepth Hygiene managing director Richard Norman.BESA member companies like Surrey-based Indepth Hygiene Indepth Hygiene managing director Richard Normanare riding the ‘third wave’ of grease extract system cleaning.The first wave came in the 90s following the infamous Burger In the beginningKing fire that closed Heathrow Airport and led to a £200minsurance claim; then came the Regulatory Reform Order Originally the business, which is based next to Sutton railwayof 2005 that embedded grease extract systems in fire riskregulations. Now we have the current market boom sparked station, specialised in commercial kitchen deep cleaning, butby insurance companies putting landlords and tenants underpressure to improve building safety. grease extract cleaning was a natural progression and todayRichard Norman’s father Alan founded Indepth Hygiene air duct cleaning, kitchen extract cleaning and fire damper40 years ago and continued to handle the firm’s marketingactivities, until he passed away four years ago. He handed testing account for over 70% of the company’sover the management reins to his son in 1993 and today thecompany has a turnover of around £3m and directly employs work. Grease extract duct cleaning is themore than 50 people. fastest growing sector because of increased 70%Intensified awareness of the fire risks associated with these systems - particularly in commercial kitchens.If grease is allowed to build up in key contributor to the association’s Guide “Filling in a report that says youthe ductwork, it will act as a highly to Good Practice - ‘Internal Cleanliness of weren’t able to clean the system fullyefficient medium for transmitting fire Ventilation Systems’ (TR/19), published by because it needs access panels is notthroughout a building. B&ES Publications and revised in 2013. good enough,” he says. “In order to comply with TR/19, the owner shouldOften a fire will start inside the ductwork Since it first appeared in 1998, TR/19 has be supplied with a full schematic thatsimply because the temperature been widely accepted within the building shows where the system could notbecomes high enough to ignite the engineering services sector and by the be cleaned and why.grease. 90% of fires in catering premises UK insurance industry as the standard “If access panels are required,are intensified by ignition of deposits in to which ventilation systems should be installing them should form a naturalgrease extract ducting. cleaned. The updated version provides part of the clean. Not supplying clarity about when and to what standard panels would, therefore, mean the“As a result, many UK insurance providers grease extract systems should be cleaned, work did not comply with TR/19.”now put conditions and warranties in and provides a detailed explanation oftheir policies that can lead to claims the frequency of cleaning required based rejected on the grounds that the on the type of cooking and the hours ofbuilding operator has failed to maintain kitchen usage.the ventilation effectively - or, simply,can’t prove that they have maintenance However, there are now many companiesstrategies in place.” says Richard. operating in the sector that only carry out partial cleaning, but still claim theyRichard is also chairman of the BESA are complying with TR/19, according toVentilation Hygiene branch and was a Richard. BESA Group PUBLICATIONS TRAINING20 Companies:

SOCIAL MEDIA BESA @BESAGroup“Let’s be more social!” always - todayAs you may have noticed throughout Your BESA magazine there have Who tobeen some new additions and subtle changes made to BESA Group.One update we are delighted to share with you is our new activity on Examples of those in the industry who aresocial media. practising great social media are: CIBSE - @CIBSESocial media is a great way to keep track of developments within the industry, ECA - @ECALivesharing updates and latest news. As social media happens in real time it is a BIFM - @BIFM_UKgreat go-to resource for users. We recommend you follow them both on Twitter and LinkedIn for regular updatesWe want to be more social with our members. We want to follow you, share from within the industry.with you, tweet and retweet with you. If you’re not familiar with social mediathen you may be thinking what on earth a tweet is. The Key to TwitterWhat is Twitter? Direct Messages Direct Messages are private messagesTwitter is a service to communicate and stay connected through the between the sender and recipientexchange of quick, frequent messages.People post tweets, which may contain photos, videos, links and up to 140 #Hashtagcharacters of text. A hashtag is used to mark keywordsIf you need help setting up Twitter for your business go to or and search for ‘Get Started with Twitter in yourbusiness’ article. @Username The @-sign is used to call out usernamesGive us a follow Tweet A Tweet is a message posted containing 140 characters or fewer Retweet A Retweet is a Tweet from a third party that has been replicated in another user’s Twitter timeline@BESAGroup is the new Twitter handle for BESA Group. Follow @BESA_CEO Follow Paul McLaughlin, CEO of BESA Group, asus on Twitter for daily news and updates from the association, he gives an insight into the daily workings of the association.and the building and engineering industry. Find out wherewe are or where we will be at upcoming events, exhibitions, @RobDriscoll_Law Follow Rob Driscoll, Head of Commercialaward ceremonies and member days out. Join us in live Twitter and Legal at BESA for updates on legal matters within thedebates as we provide updates on lobbying and take part in industry. Rob often takes part in live Twitter debates and islive Q and As. campaigning against #latepayment 21

EVENTS CALENDAR 2016 Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Accountex 2016Heat Pump Group Executive Committee 11-12 May, Excel, London21 January, 18 May, 19 May (at AGM & lunch at TrinityHouse), 15 September EFMC 2016 Ductwork Group Executive 8-9 June, MilanCommittee Facilities Show 20164 February, 18 May, 19 May (at AGM & lunch at TrinityHouse), 29 September 21-23 June, Excel, London The ACR Show 2016 Pensions and Benefits UK 201616-18 February NEC Birmingham 28-29 June, Service & Facilities Group QEII Conference Centre, LondonExecutive Committee AGM 201618 February, 19 May (at AGM & lunch at Trinity House),31 May, 13 October 7 July Heating & Plumbing Services The Building ServicesGroup Executive Committee Summit 10 80 103 March, 19 May (at AGM & lunch at Trinity House), 23 November8 June, 5 October British Library, London BESA Group PUBLICATIONS TRAINING22 Companies:


A BUILDING ENGINEERING SERVICES ASSOCIATIONWhat does yourmembershipmean to you?If you’d like to be featured in a future issue of Your BESA,or any of our marketing material, simply let us knowwhat your BESA membership means to you. Tweet @BESAGroup with your comments and pictures@ Email us at [email protected] to give usyour views?We’d love to hear what you think about our newlook and the first edition of Your BESA Tweet @BESAGroup with your comments and pictures@ Email us at [email protected]

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