BETTER BUSINESS NOVEMBER 2016 BESA KENT REGIONAL MEETING Thursday 17 November 5pm Hilton Maidstone, Kent CONSTITUTION GAS SAFE GREEN LIGHT TECHNICAL CHANGES REGISTER FOR MEMBERS AREA Have your say and The HSE are reviewing Green Business Fund Ensure you are up to shape the future of the Register and they available for BESA date with the latest your constitution. want your input. members. technical bulletins. THE BESA PUTS MEMBERS AT THE HEART OF BUILDING ENGINEERING SERVICES [email protected] @BESAgroup BESA Group Building Engineering Services Association, Lincoln House, 137-143 Hammersmith Road, London W14 0QL
THE CONSTITUTION - HAVE YOUR SAY THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO SHAPE THE FUTURE OF THE BESA CONSTITUTION In March 2016 following adoption of the Mission and The result is a suite of documents which were submitted Vision statements, a survey was conducted amongst to the BESA Council at its July 2016 meeting for approval. Council members giving them the opportunity to Subject to minor amendments, which have now been shape the future Constitution. The results of the made and approved, Council has formally endorsed survey on the proposed changes to the Constitution these and will be recommending them to the wider were presented to Council at its meeting in April BESA membership for adoption at a Special General 2016. Meeting on 1 December prior to the BESA Council. The Officers then recommended and Council Changes will only take place once the BESA membership agreed, that to take the modernisation programme at large vote in favour of adoption. forward, a reform group, which included Officers and 3 Council Members, should be tasked with the We will keep you informed – however, composition and scrutiny of an agile, fit for purpose in the interim any questions can be Constitution which clearly defines the BESA addressed to the Association Secretary governance structure and process. [email protected] Over the summer, the reform group embarked on a robust review process which included: • inspiration from other non-profit sectors; • advice from the Trade Association Forum and other Trade Association Forum member governance structures; and, • care to ensure that the HVCA/B&ES/BESA heritage remains fully preserved. A VIDEO PRESENTATION IS AVAILABLE TO VIEW ON OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.THEBESA.COM/CONSTITUTION YOUR BESA MEMBERSHIP GIVES YOU ACCESS TO ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FROM OUR LEGAL AND COMMERCIAL TEAM CALL 020 7313 4919
THE FUTURE OF GAS SAFE REGISTER It has been almost been 10 years since the introduction of the Gas Safe Register (GSR) and HSE are currently seeking feedback from stakeholder groups about what the industry would like to see from GSR going forward. The future of the industry will have an impact on the being able to gather enough evidence for a successful Register, with the introduction of new gas supplies, prosecution. Inspector business cards now carry details smart homes, meters and appliances, the industry age about how registered engineers can report illegal work. profile and consumer protection. What do you think For 2015/16 there were: the Register needs to meet these challenges? • 47 cases prosecuted by HSE HSE are consulting with BESA as the principle trade association in our sector, and as part of this review • 52 defendants process, we have launched a survey where you can feed • 32 illegal gas fitters in your views on the Gas Safe Register. Visit our website to take part • 3 registered engineers the-gas-safe-register/ • 16 custodial sentences With the expiry of the current contract pending, HSE are taking the opportunity to reassess what services GAS-RELATED FATALITIES HAVE REDUCED the Register should offer, how these services should BY OVER 70% IN THE LAST 20 YEARS: be delivered and how the scheme meets the needs of • AVERAGE OF 39 FATALITIES PA 95/96- the industry and its users. 99/00 The contractual obligations are to: • AVERAGE OF 9 FATALITIES PA 10/11-14/15 • establish and maintain the Register TWO THIRDS OF FATALITIES OCCURRED AS • provide consumer access to the Register A RESULT OF USER ERROR OR FAILURE TO HAVE APPLIANCES SERVICED. • report notifiable work under the Building Regs. • generate consumer awareness • check and monitor engineer competence • provide assistance to HSE/LA enforcement • provide safety information to engineers New sentencing guidelines introduced in 2016 have enabled tougher penalties. There are a number of challenges faced regarding reporting illegal fitters and THE SURVEY WILL ONLY TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO COMPLETE AND YOUR FEEDBACK WILL HELP SHAPE THE FUTURE OF THE INDUSTRY. YOU CAN COMPLETE THE SURVEY ONLINE AT WWW.THEBESA.COM/NEWS/YOUR- VIEWS-ON-THE-GAS-SAFE-REGISTER/ YOUR BESA MEMBERSHIP GIVES YOU THE CHANCE TO HAVE YOUR SAY ABOUT THE INDUSTRY. WITH REGULAR SURVEYS INCLUDING BREXIT, STATE OF TRADE AND MENTAL HEALTH.
EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT A HIGH PRIORITY FOR MICHAEL MURDOCH New Director of Employment Affairs, Michael Murdoch There are certain characteristic features of an has joined us from his previous role as a Senior Lecturer engaged workforce and the BESA want to help at the University of South Wales. He was also Director of members cultivate this positivity within employees. their MSc programme in Human Resource Management We want to show and to coach how it is done.” and a member of the ACAS Arbitration Panel. In addition to this BESA Employment Affairs will be The Employment Affairs team is looking to expand offering mediation services its offering through employee engagement, “In the in two ways. One to provide Employment Affairs area we will be seeking to develop in-house training for members who want to what we do for existing members and those to whom have staff proficient in we would promote full membership or offer specific conducting mediation, services. One particular focus area is to give Employee second to provide direct Engagement a strong profile. This has been subject of mediation through the highest attention in the field of workplace people a qualified BESA management in the last ten years. representative. The basic principle is that an engaged workforce is If you have any questions more committed, more responsive, has higher morale email employmentaffairs@ and motivation, and in a word, is good for business. Michael Murdoch CARBON TRUST GIVES MEMBERS GREEN LIGHT The Building Engineering Services Association is they wish to progress partnering with The Carbon Trust, allowing BESA with energy saving members the opportunity to deliver projects funded recommendations. through the Carbon Trusts’ Green Business Fund. Below is an of example project BESA members might expect to be shortlisted to provide quotation for: The Green Business Fund provides small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) in Great Britain with a Customer sector: student accommodation range of bespoke advice and support to allow easy Location: Birmingham implementation of energy saving measures. The Fund, and it’s partnership with BESA, will run until December Requirements: 2x 250kW 29 year old boilers to be 2017. replaced with 2x 150-200kW condensing boilers This includes financial support in the shape of up Indicative project size: £40-45k to a 30% capital contribution (with a maximum of If you would like to register your interest in being £10,000) towards the cost of implementing energy shortlisted for future Green Business Fund projects, saving projects. A requirement for the capital support please contact Richard Ward - BESA membership is that projects be delivered by competent, high director, on [email protected] or call 0207 quality suppliers and installers and as such under the 313 4925. partnering agreement BESA members would be able to actively promote the financial contributions available to For more information on the Carbon Trust Green their prospective customers. As part of the arrangement, Business Fund please visit BESA members may also be recommended to services/technology/implementation-and-finance/ businesses as a good quality supplier to engage should green-business-fund/ YOUR BESA MEMBERSHIP GIVES YOU ACCESS TO AN EMPLOYMENT AFFAIRS TEAM WHO WILL NEGOTIATE THE OPERATIVE NATIONAL AGREEMENT ON YOUR BEHALF.
REVISED MODEL FORMAT FOR BUILDING SERVICES SPECIFICATIONS (BG56/2016) In 2015 a group of BESA members kick started the approach and a format that can be intelligible process of developing the Model Format because to all. of their increasing frustration with the standard of In addition to the classification information included specifications and the problems this was causing them on site. The Model Format for Building Services in the first edition of BG56, this second edition now has specifications (BG56/2016), is a joint BESA, CIBSE and tables for Uniclass 2015. BSRIA publication and has been revised for 2016. This is the classification The guide is designed to be simple and easy to follow structure prescribed so that clients can see clearly what they are signing up by the UK Government to – and refer back to at various stages of the project for use on BIM Level and post-handover. 2 and so its inclusion Many of the previous specification templates used by here should help companies are more than 30 years old, which means understanding of its they cannot be easily translated into the digital formats use in building services required to deliver modern construction methods and applications. be integrated into Building Information Modelling (BIM). No matter how much technology changes, specification will remain at the heart of m&e engineering and how we communicate is vital if we are going to TO PURCHASE YOUR DISCOUNTED COPY get the details right from the outset and remove VISIT WWW.BESAPUBLICATIONS.COM the ambiguity of interpretation that leads to compromised designs. That is why we need a consistent TECHNICAL AREA AND BULLETINS BESA has been providing best-in-class technical technical experts in real time via an instant messaging guidance and standards to the building engineering service keeping you connected. services sector for over 100 years. Whether it is health Technical bulletins provide the most up-to-date and and safety advice, a copy of the latest standards, or relevant industry information and technical advice, support with a risk assessment, the BESA technical team ensuring that our members continue to operate as are on hand to help. In order to ensure our members leaders within the industry. There have been ten have access to the latest technical information we have bulletins so far including T8/009 Grease Extract Post introduced a brand new Technical Area to the BESA Clean Reporting, TB/012 Jointing Methods for RACHP website. Pipework and TB/014 Trickle Cooling Domestic Cold The pages, which can be found at www.theBESA. Water Systems. com/technical include specialist Health and Safety Any updates to industry standards or best practice information, publications and knowledge, technical guidelines are communicated as well as health and help, certification and registration, focus areas such as safety alerts. Content for the technical bulletins comes Building Information Management (BIM), tall buildings not only from our experienced technical team, but also and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). from contributing BESA members’ organisations. The new pages not only contain a wealth of information but also connect you to the technical team for on SIGN UP TO TECHNICAL BULLETINS AT demand support and guidance. WWW.THEBESA.COM/RESOURCE-CENTRE/ TECHNICAL/ With our new live chat function you can talk to our YOUR BESA MEMBERSHIP GIVES YOU ACCESS TO A BROAD RANGE OF DISCOUNTED TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS VISIT WWW.BESAPUBLICATIONS.COM.
BE IN THE KNOW ABOUT BESA AS PART OF YOUR BESA MEMBERSHIP WE WANT TO KEEP YOU UP TO DATE WITH THE LATEST NEWS FROM YOUR ASSOCIATION AND THE BUILDING SERVICES SECTOR. There are various ways we can keep you informed with Your BESA magazine the latest industry updates: Your BESA is a quarterly magazine which offers valuable E-News guidance and updates on technical, training, education and skills along with other industry related news. Your The BESA e-newsletter is sent fortnightly to members and other leading industry figures. We encourage BESA is posted to all members and affiliates so if you everyone in the sector to sign up to get the latest news aren’t receiving a copy contact your regional manager. and events from BESA and the building services sector. Digital copies are available on the website and you can If you would like to recieve the e-newsletter you can request more copies at subscribe at magazine. If you would like to feature in our member spotlight, then email [email protected]. The next The BESA Book and Find a BESA Member issue will be available towards the end of January 2017. The BESA Book is an annual in-depth guide for anyone looking to procure building engineering services. The Member Benefits flyer book features all BESA members and affiliates’ company As a BESA member, your employees can now take full contact details as well as articles related to the industry. advantage of all our exclusive member benefits. These include access to the members’ area, free BESA events Details are taken from the BESA Blue Form so it is important you complete and check the form each and training, technical bulletins and much more. year to ensure your details are correct. The online ‘Find a We can create a free bespoke member benefits flyer BESA member’ facility is hosted on a real time database for you to distribute to your employees explaining the so if your company contact details change at any time, benefits for them. please email [email protected] to ensure If you would like a flyer created please contact your they are updated. regional manager. YOUR BESA MEMBERSHIP GIVES YOU ACCESS TO THE MEMBERS’ AREA, VISIT WWW.THEBESA. COM/MEMBERS-AREA
THE BUILDING BIM ROADSHOW SERVICES SUMMIT 31 JANUARY 2017, ARUP, LONDON 23 NOVEMBER, BRITISH LIBRARY, LONDON This one day seminar focuses on how to correctly implement BIM throughout each stage of Hosted jointly by BESA, BCIA and ECA, and supported by FETA, the Building Services Summit is aimed at a building project. From pre-concept to completion, consultants, contractors and their clients – building presenters will use a project case study to owners, managers and facilities managers. demonstrate the real-world application of digital technologies and workflows. This one day conference will provoke discussions around how to integrate new technology into equipment with BESA members receive a 10% discount, built-in controls, boosting the potential for energy- simply enter code ‘BESA1’ at checkout. saving and usage tracking. IFM EXPO 2016 BESA SPECIALIST 13 DECEMBER, THE GREAT HALL AT BARTS GROUPS HOSPITAL, LONDON JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 BESA - LINCOLN BESA will be attending the Innovation in Facilities HOUSE, LONDON Management Expo at Barts Health Hospital to showcase its unique product SFG20. 17 January - RACHP Executive Committee 26 January - Ventailation Group Executive Committee 9 February - SFG20 Executive Committee 23 February - HAPSG Executive Committee YOUR BESA MEMBERSHIP GIVES YOU ACCESS TO DISCOUNTED AND FREE INDUSTRY EVENTS. VISIT WWW.THEBESA.COM/EVENTS TO FIND OUT MORE.
Tim Acland Head of Regional Management Lambden Barn Lambden Road Pluckley Kent TN27 0RB 01233 840531 [email protected] BESA - LINCOLN HOUSE, 137-143 HAMMERSMITH ROAD, LONDON W14 0QL WWW.THEBESA.COM
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