Building Engineering Services Association Guide to good practice:HeatPumPs TR/30
Building Engineering Services Association Guide to good practice: AcknowledgmentsHeat Reginald Brown – ConsultantPumPs arnold teekaram – editor TR/30 this publication has been updated by BsRIa ltd on behalf of Besa with technical input from the following: Bob towse Besa tom Garrigan BsRIa Rebecca Hogg BsRIa Reginald Brown BsRIa arnold teekaram BsRIa Graham Wright Daikin electric Ltd Nic Wincott GsHP association John Cantor John Cantor Heat Pumps Ltd Graham Hazell Heat Pump association John Barker-Brown Kensa engineering Ltd James timbs-Harrison mitsubishi electric Ltd BESA Publications Old mansion House eamont Bridge Penrith Ca10 2BX 01768 860405 [email protected].
Building Engineering Services AssociationGuide to good practice: ForewordHeat the need to address energy usage, and in particular the associated carbon PumPs emissions created by its generation and consumption, has caused those responsible for the design, installation and operation of buildings to review many TR/30 of the traditional methodologies. Regulations and in some cases client requirements, are demanding more innovative solutions to the provision of heating, hot water generation, and cooling. invariably such solutions lie in new applications of existing and proven technologies, but the skill is in knowing when they are appropriate and how to make them efficient. Heat Pump technology can be and has been for many years, used in a variety of ways but this guide provides an overview of the different applications with their benefits and limitations as well as giving some outline design information for each of them. although independent of any manufacturer, this guidance is not intended to supersede design data or instructions provided by suppliers, whose recommendations should always be followed. since the first edition of this guide was published there has been a significant uptake by early adopters of this technology. this uptake has resulted in a broader range of choices for end users, specifier’s and installers and also a greater knowledge of their potential benefits and pitfalls. new regulations, assurance schemes, government incentives and market entrants have led to the development of a landscape where heat pump technologies will play an increasing part and where there is a need for a recognised source of good practice is widely available. the guide is part of a suite of publications covering generic installation requirements for a range of renewable energy and sustainable systems including biomass fuels, solar hot water and combined heat and power (cHP), Rainwater Harvesting and Heat metering. it draws on the wide range of existing Besa publications covering good practice in building engineering systems which together support the effective integration of these systems into the built environment. Paul Hancock Former chairman, Besa technical committee
Building Engineering Services Association 5HEAT PUMPS – gUidE To good PrAcTicE conTEnTS 1 introduction Page 1.1 objective 7 1.2 Standard of Workmanship 7 1.3 Quality assurance 7 1.4 Scope 7 1.5 Publication review 8 2 general 8 2.1 Background 8 2.2 Refrigeration cycle 9 2.3 Sources and sinks 11 2.4 Performance criteria 13 2.5 Application 15 2.6 Selection and sizing 15 2.7 Siting 16 2.8 noise issues 17 2.9 Regulations 18 3 Specific requirements 22 3.1 All heat pump systems 22 3.2 Air to air heat pumps 23 3.3 Air to water heat pumps 24 3.4 ground to water heat pumps 25 3.5 open loop Water to water heat pumps 30 3.6 Hydronic circuits for heat distribution 31 3.7 domestic hot water provision 32 3.8 controls 34 3.9 Heat pump operation and maintenance 34 3.10 commissioning 37 3.11 Handover 37 4 Troubleshooting guidance for heat pump systems 39 Tables carbon dioxide emissions 9 Table 1 Table 2 Heat Sources 11 Table 3 Table 4 Typical heat pump packages 12 Table 5 Standard rating conditions - air to air heat pumps – heating mode 13 Standard rating conditions - water to air and brine to air heat pumps – heating mode 14
Building Engineering Services Association6 HEAT PUMPS – gUidE To good PrAcTicE Page Table 6 Standard rating conditions - water to water Table 7 and brine to water heat pumps – Table 8 Table 9 heating mode 14 Table 10 Standard rating conditions - air to water and Table 11 Table 12 air-to-brine heat pumps– heating mode 14 Table 13 SAP 2012 Heat pump seasonal efficiency 19 Minimum recommended coP for warm and hot water heat pumps in new and existing domestic buildings 20 Minimum recommended coP for heat pumps in new and existing non-domestic 20 Minimum coP required by McS (Source McS 007 issue 2.1) 21 Specific extraction output for buried heat exchangers ( Source BS En 15450) 26 Specific heat extraction rate for borehole heat exchangers (Source BS En 15450) 29Figures Figure 1 Heat pump 10 Figure 2 outside unit of split air source heat pump 12 Figure 3 components of ground Source Heat Pumps 13 Figure 4 Heat pump testing to En 14511 at BSRiA 15 Figure 5 installation of Twin compressor Heat Pumps in a large Manor House (front covers removed) 16 Figure 6 External Siting of ground Source Single compressor Heat Pump Type (front cover removed) 17 Figure 7 Shallow horizontal ground loops 25 Figure 8 Single port manifold connecting the heat pump to the ground array. 26 Figure 9 Typical Borehole details 27 Figure 10 Preparation of boreholes 28 Figure 11 Twin probe borehole 29 Figure 12 Example hydronic circuit with heat pump and boiler 31 Figure 13 Examples of domestic hot water provision 33Appendices Appendix: A Example of McS 022 data for extraction rates 43 Appendix: B Bibliography 45
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