Issue 9YOURBucking the trend on apprenticeshipsSupport still growing for payment reform @BESAGroup Also in this issue BESA members to the rescue P04 SKILLcard Profile P12 First HIU test standard revised and updated P18 2018 BESA National Conference P20 BESA Group
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BESA chief executive David Frise Welcome YOUR BESA - ISSUE 09 In this issue: MEMBERSHIP P04 PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE P07 REPRESENTATION P08 TRAINING P12 TECHNICAL NEWS P15 David Frise 2018 NATIONAL CONFERENCE P20It’s all in the mind MEMBER SPOTLIGHT P24 EVENTS CALENDAR 2018 P30Welcome to the latest issue of Your BESA. take on more work; and invest in recruitment national scandal and BESA is at the forefrontAs ever, the content ranges far and wide, and skills. It is also piling enormous stress of efforts to push the government to act.which is a reflection of just how much on owners and staff with record numbers We have had numerous voluntary fair paymentis going on in our industry and in your of people in construction now suffering codes over the years, but when push comesAssociation these days. from panic attacks, anxiety, depression and to shove, the old behaviours re-surface and feelings of extreme anger. suppliers come under pressure again.2018 is shaping up to be a year that willlive long in the memory. Big changes Health Dame Judith Hackitt has called for aare coming: The Grenfell Tower inquiry ‘culture change’ on quality in the wake ofis creating a whole new climate around According to the latest annual research the Grenfell tragedy and the same shouldcompetence and compliance; while the carried out by the Prompt Payment Directory apply to payment. The ‘aggressive cashcontinuing fallout from the collapse of (PPD), 48% of small business owners in management’ practices revealed during theCarillion must lead to a new payment construction-linked fields believe problems Carillion inquiry should disbar proponentsculture (see pages 8 and 9). with cash flow had affected their mental from government contracts. health – a rise of 27% on last year.These are major issues and, set alongside We are close to legislation that will make aother meaty challenges like the skills 74% of 400 small construction firms real difference (see page 8) and there is sogap (see pages 12 and 13) and Brexit, contacted said they had already been close much momentum behind our fair paymentillustrate just how demanding it is to run a to bankruptcy or liquidation this year. That is campaigns that 2018 must surely be the yearbusiness these days and why big changes 30% up on the same period last year. when we finally make that breakthrough.are what we need. Yes, Carillion has had a huge impact, but Your BESA Magazine is produced and managedThe pressure on business owners and it was not a one-off. Aggressive financial by Open Box Media and Communications Ltd.managers – particularly SMEs – is almost behaviour is endemic in construction and Tel: +44 (0)121 200 7820intolerable for far too many people. There is the most damaging type of bullying. Theare huge commercial opportunities out damage extends beyond the business into Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracythere for building engineering firms and people’s personal lives. of the information given, the publisher - the BESAmuch to be optimistic about, but many Group; or Open Box Media and Communicationsof our business people find themselves Hundreds of small business owners said Ltd - the production managers; cannot acceptin a constant battle just to keep perfectly the knock-on effect of being paid late or liability for loss or damage arising from thesound companies going. not at all affected their marriages; forced information supplied. them to cancel family holidays; sell personalLate payment is the biggest single factor assets; and cut the pay of their staff. Many The inclusion of adverts and information hereinundermining our sector’s ability to grow; said they had considered suicide. This is a does not in any way imply or include endorsement or the approval of, or from, the BESA Group. 3
MEMBERSHIPBESA members to the rescueSeven Vaughan Engineering apprentices Difficultieshave been swiftly re-employed after losingtheir jobs following the collapse of Carillion. As news of Vaughan’s difficulties began circulating, BESA staff contacted all of the apprentices –based at the company’sA number of BESA members in Scotland moved swiftly to divisional hq in Edinburgh – and advised them to updatefind positions for all of the apprentices after Vaughan was their CVs. When the administration was confirmed andforced into administration because of the collapse of the its 160 staff made redundant, details of all seven, who areconstruction giant Carillion. either in the third or fourth year of their training, were then circulated to other BESA members in Scotland.Vaughan was owed more than £600,000 for projects alreadycompleted on behalf of Carillion and was contracted to carry Three of the apprentices were taken on by Blantyre Parkout a further £1.1 million worth of Carillion work in the first (BPS) ; with one each going to Servest Arthur McKay; John Gquarter of this year. The 53-year-old company’s Belfast-based Mackintosh; James Frew; and FES.operation* was not affected and continues to trade, butVaughan’s businesses based in Newcastle, Manchester and Ross Farrell, an apprentice taken on by BPS, thanked his newEdinburgh were forced to close. employer and BESA for “helping us out through a tough time”.BESA chief executive David Frise described the swift “I heard about my redundancy on the Tuesday; and by Fridayre-employment of the Vaughan apprentices in Scotland as a I had a new job, which shows how well both BPS and BESA“lone bright spot in an otherwise tragic tale”. handled our situation.”“There has been a string of bad news following the collapse Michael Laidlaw, who is also now with BPS, said he hadof Carillion and the loss of this long-established and highly feared his hopes of a career in the industry might be at anrespected company is heart breaking,” said Mr Frise. “However, end. “When I was made redundant, I was only a third yearthe speed with which fellow BESA members have moved to apprentice and thought it would take months to find a job.rescue the careers of these apprentices is remarkable”. However, all I had to do was send in a CV to BESA and within a week I had a new job with a great company.” BESA Group KNOWLEDGE TRAINING4 Companies:
I would like to thank BESA of BESA Scotland and Northern Ireland Iain McCaskey for for pointing me in the right stepping in at a difficult time. direction towards a new employer and also FES for “Iain thanks for everything you and your team have done, giving me the opportunity to simply awesome,” they said. “The network of companies continue my apprenticeship. you have built in Scotland has really supported us at a time of need. Being made redundant can be a very challenging RYAN SIMPSON, FES experience as I know only too well.”Deborah Sands, who runs the BESA Scotland office in Penicuik, Challengingwas instrumental in placing the Vaughan apprentices withnew employers and Darren Raeburn, the third to join BPS was “For a young apprentice at the start of their career this canvery grateful. “Debs at BESA was great with the help she gave be very challenging, which really makes the support youme,” he said. “It was amazing how quickly they managed to have provided all that more valued by us as parents. Within afind a new company for me after what happened.” matter of days, you had CVs circulated to the strong network of companies and interviews scheduled which resulted inThis is not all one-way, of course, and the employers realise positive placements for all of the apprentices. That result isthey are gaining valuable new talent. tremendous and I cannot thank you enough.“James Frew Ltd has a thriving apprenticeship programme “Keep up the great work. You have not only secured myand knows the value of having young talent being developed son’s career, but helped us, as parents, to sleep easier.”for the years ahead,” said the company’s operations andperformance manager Brian Johnstone. “We were pleased to This is a great example of how the BESA ‘community’ is able toassist with the placement of apprentices from Vaughan with pull together, according to membership director Wayne Terry.the support of BESA – and we wish all the apprentices well forthe future,” he added. “It is often forgotten in the blizzard of headlines around major company insolvencies that the hopes and aspirations ofThere are also a number of relieved parents around the young people are at stake – and that vital skills can be lost tocountry, who clearly feared the worst. One, who preferred our industry forever,” he said. “The way member companiesto remain anonymous, was particularly grateful to Head rallied round shows what can be achieved when we work together as an organisation and as an industry.” To become part of the BESA membership, find out more at *Family-owned parent company Vaughan Group in Northern Ireland is a separate company which is unaffected and continues to trade strongly. 5
PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVEPayment reformbuilds up a headof steamThe payment reform campaign continues to growand strengthen, but we still have a lot of work do.You can be assured that the Association workings of Westminster BESA President Tim Hopkinsonwill not waste the extra time we have remain mysterious, butbeen given on the second reading support for long-awaited These figures show just why theof the Aldous Bill in June. The last payment reform is now at work being led by Peter Aldous is sofew months have been extremely unprecedented levels. important and the level of supportinstructive about the often mysterious shows that momentum is now clearlyworkings of our parliamentary 130 MPs (from all parties) and behind payment reform.democracy and the Bill’s champion 78 trade bodies, representingPeter Aldous MP remains optimistic more than 355,000 UK Thank you to all of those members(see his comments on pages 8 and 9). businesses, are now behind who took the trouble to contact their the Aldous Bill. This is an MPs about this issue and to urge theirSo, we are far from downhearted and extraordinary coalition – the support for the Bill. We still need BESAremain excited by the progress being most powerful ever seen members to write to their local MPsmade on the vital issue of payment on the issue of late and urging them to support the Bill andreform. In fact, the postponement gives unfair payment. It includes help it get through the vote. Your effortsus valuable extra time to keep building highly influential organisations such will not be wasted and, whatever thesupport for the cause and, in this, our as the Institute of Directors and the progress of the Bill, it is getting harderwork with the Specialist Engineering Federation of Small Businesses as well and harder for the government to ignoreContractors’ (SEC) Group as industry associations from right the growing clamour for proving invaluable. across the construction spectrum (see report on pages 8 and 9). If you want to write to your localI was delighted to present one of the MP to support the Aldous Bill,industry’s top honours – the BESA Gold We all have a common goal and are download our letter template fromAward – to SEC Group chief executive determined that small businesses, Klein and chairman Trevor in particular, should never againHursthouse at this year’s H&V News suffer in the same way so many Follow Tim on Twitter:Awards. This accolade recognises that have from a major contractor @BESAPresidentwe would not have been able to reach insolvency like Carillion.this point – tantalisingly close to muchneeded legislation – without their Our political work has been givendogged determination and expertise extra impetus because businessover many years. failures across the construction sector soared by more than 73% in the firstThe Bill, which seeks to ensure quarter of this year. The collapseretentions money owed to sub- of Carillion, which was holdingcontractors is protected from £800m in unpaid retentions to sub-misuse and loss, was given another contractors, was a huge contributor,possible reading date of June 15. but the research (from Creditsafe) alsoHowever, further postponements revealed that bad debts, in general,are very possible as the internal leapt by 66% in the same period. 7
REPRESENTATIONSupport still growing for payment reformThe decision to postpone the second reading This issue was given added urgency by the revelation thatof the ‘Aldous Bill’ means BESA’s public affairs business failures across the construction sector soared byteam has had more time to build support for more than 73% in the first quarter of this year. The collapselasting change to unfair payment practices. of Carillion, which was holding £800m in unpaid retention monies to sub-contractors, was a huge contributor to thisThe Bill, which seeks to ensure retentions money owed to surge in insolvencies and has given added impetus to BESA’ssub-contractors is protected from misuse and loss, was campaign against late to be put before the House of Commons onJune 15 following its postponement from April. The research from Creditsafe also revealed that bad debts in construction, as a whole, leapt by 66% in the same period.BESA helped to draft the Bill and has been instrumental ingalvanising pan-industry and widespread political support Shockingfor its payment reform ambitions. Those efforts continue tobear fruit and, at the last count, 160 MPs and 80 trade bodies “These figures are truly shocking and show just why the work(representing almost 500,000 businesses) have given their being led by Peter Aldous is so important,” said BESA’s publicbacking to the Bill championed by Peter Aldous MP. affairs and policy manager Alexi Ozioro.“Industry support for the reform of outdated payment “However, momentum is now clearly behind reform andsystems is at unprecedented levels,” said Mr Aldous. the Aldous Bill has generated a tremendous level of political“Construction is an essential underpinning of our lives and and industry support,” he said. “The campaign continues towork, and we need to support the industry and especially develop and strengthen, but we have a lot of work to do andSMEs to ensure future growth and prosperity.” the extra two months gives us a great chance to further grow the support for change.” BESA Group KNOWLEDGE TRAINING8 Companies:
BESA chief executive David Frise He said that levelling the playing field would mean small firms arewas part of a group of senior not continually “forced to go cap-in-hand to large contractors”.industry leaders representingmore than 355,000 businesses, “Ironically, we were ahead of the game on this issue back inwho joined Mr Aldous to present 1993 when Sir Michael Latham carried out his first review of thea petition on late payment to the construction industry,” said Mr Aldous. “If his proposals had beenPrime Minister in April. adopted back then we would not have to be doing this now.”Mike Cherry, chair of the The Aldous Bill has support from right across the politicalFederation of Small Business, spectrum and a future Labour government would legislate onalong with his counterpart Brian the issue, according to the shadow minister for small businessBerry at the Federation of Master Builders and the director Bill Esterson. He told an industry meeting at the House ofgeneral of the Institute of Directors Stephen Martin, joined Lords that unsecured debts were crippling many SMEs inDavid and ECA chief executive Steve Bratt in accompanying construction supply chains. He also attacked the currentMr Aldous to 10 Downing Street. government’s record on enforcing late payment legislation and for its “lack of oversight and corporate governance”“This is the largest coalition on fair payment ever and we during the run up to the collapse of Carillion that has left upare stepping up the pressure,” Mr Aldous told a large group to 30,000 other businesses with financial problems.of supporters in Parliament Square. “We have a goldenopportunity to improve the industry for the better, level “There is already legislation in place to ensure government clientsthe playing field for SMEs and protect thousands and pay their prime contractors within 30 days, but it also says they mustthousands of jobs. The industry loses around £1m foreach working day, mostly from SMEs.” make sure money due to sub-contractors is passed promptly onto the supply chain,” said Mr Esterson. “The sad fact is that many contractors will not get paid anything at all following [the collapse of ] Carillion.” Appetite “There is a real appetite in Westminster to change this now, but if this government fails to act; you can be assured that the next Labour government will.” Mr Esterson also praised the work of the Specialist Engineering Contractors’ (SEC) Group in promoting the use of Project Bank Accounts, which he said had been adopted in Scotland, Ireland and Wales to improve cash flow in construction supply chains. “ So why not here in England?” he asked. He was speaking at the annual CIBSE Patrons lunch, hosted by Lord Martin O’Neill of Clackmannan, who told the audience, including BESA members and staff, that main contractors were relying on“your charity in the form of retentions and refuse to cough up when they should”. He said the impact this had on companies’ cash flow was directly affecting their ability to invest in training and recruitment. It is vital for everyone in the industry to write to their local MP to support the Bill. The more MPs who support it, strengthens the vote in Parliament. You can write to your local MP by downloading our letter template from 9
SKILLcard PROFILES2018 marks the Government’s ‘Year of Engineering’ campaign to actively encourage young people tochoose a career in our industry. To help showcase the wealth of jobs and opportunities available in theUK engineering services industry we have created a series of profiles on our cardholders. If you wouldlike to feature as one of our SKILLcard profiles, please email [email protected]. SKILLcard Profile ‘YEAR OF ENGINEERING’ > NAME: BOB HURLEY > COMPANY NAME: RETAIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS > JOB TITLE: DIRECTOR > SKILLCARD TYPE/COLOUR: YELLOW> HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED IN THE ENGINEERING SERVICES INDUSTRY? 37 years.>LhaiHkpeOpWemnaeDndyID,tobYyObefUaatGev.EaITcfaIeNnltTcOIywoTanHsEtdhEeriNfRtGineIfNgrEiignEeR6raINtthiGoFnSoCErmRouVsrIsCoeEwSaatInNmtDeydUlotSocTaRlelYac?voelleSgceh,osool and go to a Technical College. There just I went for it.> BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE COMPANY YOU WORK FOR: Engineering Solutions. Focusing on the retail area Tesco I set u p my own consultancy firm, Retail store lighting and retailer engagement.After 26 years at development, energy efficiency, cabinet testing,looking at product>mlaanWabdonHrusaAfuatTopcprDtiuoeOrrsetE.rScIsovYomisOfpitUcaasRnbiiteCienssUewtRtsoRi,tEhrteNotveTainedJdwvOeisrBissisnRaugOenosLdnEspumIrNcoaVhdinuOatcsLetVnnraEeen?vwciAeeiwsnfssrat.iaeRnlladetflyiroignfeesaratntuairogengsiCnagon,ndascsusaltibasintnteintmptyeromwdpouerckrtatidsuervveaertloeiepsdmt,inergantninging from visiting OF TO FIND OUT ABOUT THE TYPES SKILLcard AVAILABLE> WHAT IS THE BEST ASPECT OF YOUR JOB? VISIT:The fact that it is varied and makes a difference environmentally; there is never a dull day.> WHAT SURPRISES OTHER PEOPLE THE MOST ABOUT YOUR JOB? allowed me to live in a career in refrigeration just surprises people. This career has to reduce environmentalThe potential of years and travel extensively around the world, always working impact.Poland for two>LTwEpIaAhKnoraRgErtkiiEnlnTaieneOTnrgeHdrwMEwi-niERteghtNElhlCTWeAtIeoONifnldliiYNtraasry?metH’Isa,IcGcnaafHoodsrbnrPIwottRihnhninaOeuznvieFreeeIrrLtaosoEdtoarvwfPearRttoanaeOrncdiklJeRstEdootACnoCdTCrfFeoSoDMoisTndoHcaAmagsApaseaTazfiaweYbin.tiOoyleSitrUykmaIn.n/awtIdYellrirtOecehncUnhaAeaetRnrrieotggCrlnyoeyOafoheplMyfuiAlfP,dbiwcArwlioisNaehchnrYieacdcdhr.HybRAiaos-nVenaacEarneserWntfiegtirOcnlniygleeRi,ferKigIrocaEynwatDnsaitotahsOnvipsNaewrtrotTiotjtfeHhphocierAcwtTcWaiwnhYtiaielOltllsriehaUedlmBoWAcosaapnCOFb,gR1UitnPh‘LeAJaDrttoadsuvisiaarnnnnsadctlie.ltldhey> ARE THERE CERTAIN SKILLS YOU THINK PEOPLE NEED FOR YOUR TYPE OF ROLE?An enquiring mind and an interest in what makes things work. Also, good communication and an understanding that to beable to do ‘the service work’ (on the tools) as well as the office work will make you a fully rounded individual who reallyunderstands your profession.> ARE CERTAIN QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED? These have increased as with most jobs and there are specialised centres of at maths and English will help but are not essential.learning for refrigeration, on leaving school a reasonable attainmentDrive and interest can overcome a gap in exa m certificates.>TYarosWyuwHtwoeAillTllwahAoasDrvkbeVeoIaCinnbEgetWhtgteueOartUrouaoLnnlDdsteeYbreseOdtfaUojnordeGbinImoVgpoEpovSofinOrrtgeuMfinrnEiigttOoieerNstahEtfeiooLnroOflaOfifinecKdeI-N,aneGnoveteTdnObgaiefGdoyEinnoTuytINohheuTarOvme‘ooObfdfUeieecRrnenINotwonDolyUUr’lnSdciT.voRellreYsa?,> COMPANY WEBSITE ADDRESS: 11
TRAININGBESA bucking trend on apprenticeshipsApplications for BESA apprenticeships are hitting new highs despite complaintsabout the Apprenticeship Levy, according to BESA’s training director Tony Howard.A 25% fall in apprenticeship starts this year was a bitter were struggling to access the funding and that much of theblow to the government’s plans for creating three million training on offer by the 2,500 recognised providers was notnew apprentices by 2020 and led to heavy criticism of fit for purpose. However, we think the government is, morethe Apprenticeship Levy. However, BESA has seen a 27% or less, on the right track and deserves to be given time toincrease in applications for its New Standard apprenticeship get this – so something is going right. “The figures are disappointing, but apprenticeships areThe Department for Education (DfE) revealed that new going through a time of unprecedented change,” said BESAapprenticeships had dropped to 194,100 in the first half President Tim Hopkinson. “It is not just the Levy itself thatof the current academic year, but said the success of its is at fault – employers are finding the changes challengingstrategy could not be properly judged until the full year’s and too many training providers still deliver courses that arefigures are released in November. simply not relevant to the modern workplace.Business leaders were scathing and the CBI called for the “SMEs, in particular, are just starting to get their headsApprenticeship Levy to be scrapped. Many SMEs said they around how the funding from the Levy works – and the BESA Group KNOWLEDGE TRAINING12 Companies:
impact of larger employers passing on a share of their funds Mythto supply chain partners has not kicked in yet. That could bea game-changer,” he added. The aim of our careers video, developed with members, is to encourage more people into the building services sector. TheTargeted video seeks to dispel the myth that this is a ‘dirty’ industry and it showcases the wealth of career opportunities on offer.The government needs to get behind the whole principleof training designed by employers for employers. This is the Senior executives, managers and apprentices have all beenmodel for the New Standard apprenticeships, which are just interviewed on film and all repeat the message: “A job ingetting up and running and need to be backed up by more building services is the start of a career for life”.fleet-footed course providers willing to offer practical andtargeted training. That is where the DfE could intervene. The new apprenticeship standards pathway enables those who start their career as a Level 2 apprentice to work theirRather than scrapping the Levy, which is designed to raise way up through Levels 3, 4 and onto an apprenticeship£3bn a year to fund the training of a new generation of degree and even a masters qualification. You no longer needskilled workers, there should be renewed focus on making to go to university and end up with a gigantic student debt.sure employers can access the funds. The DfE could makethe system more flexible by increasing funding to the A big thank you to our members who have taken part intraining providers able to deliver specific courses for the the BESA Careers Film: E Poppleton & Son, End Systems,industries in most need. FG Alden, Pro Ductclean and Tree Building Services.Currently, employers are restricted to a relatively small Watch this space for the news of the movie premier and allnumber of large organisations able to provide non levy- those industry stars on the red carpet…well, at least, lookfunded apprentice training on programmes that employers out for it on the BESA website and social media.evidently don’t want – and many of those do not cater forspecialised industries like building engineering services. are frustrated by this, but we are still dealing witha record number of enquiries from companies of all sizeswanting apprentices. We have also seen a 27% increase innew apprentices signing up to our New Standard courses.Employers can see the potential in the new trainingapproach so, given time, the situation will improve andthe fact that final ‘end point’ assessment of candidates hasbeen revamped is another positive. The process is nowmore meaningful and geared towards life-long learning.It also provides real evidence that the apprentice has theknowledge, skills and behaviours to operate as part of amodern workforce.Our model is for apprentices – of all ages and all stages oftheir careers – to have a qualification for life that can beeasily updated. Employers were naturally distrustful of theprevious system that used to focus on a lot of untargetedrepeat training, but the New Standard schemes arechanging all that. They are introducing apprenticeshipsthat deliver relevant and practical skills – and can evolve asmarkets and technologies change.The apprenticeships are also available to people of all agesand different stages of their career – or even those lookingfor a complete career change – and this is one of themessages contained in our new film. Yes, BESA has goneinto the movie business. 13
TECHNICAL NEWSAsthma shock puts IAQ experts on full alertThe UK has one of the worst make a major difference and reduce the “It is marvellous to see MPs recognising theasthma rates in Europe, number of people referred to hospital British public’s concerns about air qualityaccording to research suffering from asthma attacks. and the important role of the Clean Air Daypublished on the recent campaign in providing public guidance toWorld Asthma Day. This will be one of the messages the tackle air pollution,” said Chris Large from BESA Indoor Air Quality group will Global Action Plan, which organises the day.In the past five years, we have seen a rise highlight during National Clean Air Dayof 20% in deaths related to asthma, which on June 21 - the UK fourth from bottom of theEuropean list and just ahead of Estonia, BESA staged a highly successful eventSpain and Cyprus. Our death rate is 50% during last year’s day and this becamehigher than the EU average. a platform to press for wider national recognition of the pollution issues linkedAn estimated five million people suffer to buildings.from asthma in the UK, including a veryhigh number of children, but it is still not The issue is now receiving high leveltreated as a serious health condition in political attention: An early day motionmany parts of the country. was submitted by Helen Hayes MP for a debate in parliament that recognises theRising air pollution is clearly a public’s desire for guidance on how tocontributory factor and the building tackle air pollution. It also proposes thatservices industry is trying to raise Clean Air Day becomes the vehicle toawareness of the fact that measures to disseminate information to the public inimprove indoor air quality (IAQ) could the absence of any central, government- backed resource.Welcome to Altecnic, BESA Affiliate Schemea BESA Bronze Affiliate Are you a supplier, manufacturer or service provider supportingEstablished near Stafford since 1987, Altecnic has positioned the building services industry? Do you want to gain exclusiveitself as the leading provider of high-quality heating and access to 1,000 BESA members and industry experts?plumbing products for the commercial and domestic markets. Join the BESA Affiliate Scheme to receive benefits tailored to your business needs including:As part of the Caleffi Group, its Italy based manufacturingpartner and parent company, they have continuously BE SEEN BE HEARD LEARN MOREdeveloped over 30 years in the business, precision productsto satisfy the needs of a wide range of industry sectors such • Your BESA magazine • Regional meetings • Take advantage ofas trade merchants, original equipment manufacturers, • The BESA Book • Specialist Groups discounts for technicalengineers and specifiers, while complying with all UK and • Affiliate Directory • Regional Training Awards standards & publicationsEuropean industry legislation and standards. • Award winning website • National Conference & • Award winning e-news • Subscribe to SFG20 atAltecnic’s specialist renewables division provides professional • Social media Awards discounted rates of upinstallers with the latest solar, geothermal and biomass • Public Sector Forums to 10%technology, and their commitment to significantly investing innew technology has brought innovative products to market. To find out more about which Affiliate Scheme is right for you, please email [email protected] are the first business in its industry to be aCarbonNeutral® company, and proud to be ISO 9001:2008,ISO 14001:2004 and 18001:2007 certified, as well as aChartered Member of the HWA – Hot Water Association. 15
TECHNICAL NEWSUK’s first HIU test The test regime calculates the annual volume weighted returnstandard revised temperature (VWART) from the HIU and provides evidence ofand updated compliance with other performance and reliability metrics, such as domestic hot water response time.The UK’s first Test Regime for Heat Interface Following feedback from manufacturers and as part of theUnits (HIUs), which is managed by BESA revision process part of the revision process, the Steeringand developed by an industry led Steering Group overseeing the Test Regime has been expandedGroup, is being revised and updated in and a technical sub-committee – comprising of industryresponse to growing demand from the experts and three test houses – has been set up. It will makedistrict heating industry. recommendations to the Steering Group on developing the standard, including a planned expansion of the regime.The HIU Test Regime allows HIU Manufacturers’ forum has also been established anddevelopers of UK heat networks to had its first meeting in London on May 9.procure HIUs based on comparativeperformance data for the first time. “One of the Standard’s great strengths is that it has beenThere has also been a significant developed by users, for users,” said UK HIU Steering Group chair,response from manufacturers Gareth Jones. “It provides users with a clear basis on which toand the results of six of the tests evaluate HIU performance and is rapidly becoming the defaulthave been published and are point of reference for those making procurement decisionsavailable on the BESA website within the industry.( “As a result, HIU manufacturers must now ensure that their HIUs perform well and we are seeing a significant increase in R&D.HIUs extract heat from district Ultimately this raising of standards will help improve the healthheating networks to feed individual of the heat network industry as a whole.”buildings and dwellings. How they For timings for the release of the revised standard andperform is central to the overall clarification on the process being undertaken with the Testefficiency of a district scheme. Houses visit : revision aims to improve theconsistency of outcomes so thatmore test houses can offer theStandard. Three test houses tookpart in the revision process and are currently undertakingtests using a ‘reference HIU’ to ensure consistent results.ComprehensiveThe BESA Standard originally emerged from a heat networkefficiency research project supported by the Departmentfor Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. Testing to theStandard is helping to create a comprehensive productdatabase and improve performance of UK heat networks.It is modelled on a well-established Swedish methodology,which is being adapted to suit typical UK operating conditions,and makes it possible to compare products and equipmenttypes so that network designers can evaluate the performanceof individual HIUs against their design parameters. BESA Group KNOWLEDGE TRAINING18 Companies:
BESA NATIONAL CONFERENCE Engineering the FutureEXPERT SPEAKERS • INNOVATIVE EXHIBITIONS • PANEL DISCUSSIONS SPECIALIST GROUPS • SECTOR GUIDANCE • INDUSTRY DEBATES Headline SponsorBESA Conference will enter ‘uncharted waters’The second annual BESA Conference A range of expert speakers and politicalwill shine a spotlight on payment commentators will help delegates focus on thereform; the likely economic impact actions companies, of all sizes, should be taking.of Brexit; and the massive technical They will challenge contractors to consider whetherimplications of the Grenfell review. they are ready for the likely upheaval caused by radical changes to the Building Regulations;The BESA National Conference, which takes a shifting financial situation that could disruptplace at the Park Plaza Victoria hotel in London construction markets; and the impact of politicalon November 1, will focus on how building decisions taken both here and firms can win profitable work anddeliver high quality projects against a hugely “The ability to demonstrate competence anddisrupted economic and technical backdrop. compliance is even more important when the market enters uncharted waters – as it will do next year,” said BESA chief executive David Frise. BESA Group KNOWLEDGE TRAINING20 Companies:
“Therefore, our conference will focus heavily www.thebesaconference.comon technical excellence with guidance on howfirms can develop the range of skills they need tocompete and thrive.”There will be specific technical sessions dedicatedto key market areas including fire safety; ventilationhygiene; air quality; and digital construction. TheBESA Conference will also have detailed sessionson late payment, project finance and legalmatters – alongside the very latest updates onapprenticeships, skills and recruitment.The expanding healthcare and residential sectors willbe examined in some detail as will wider issues likediversity and mental health. There will also be ‘meetthe buyer’ sessions with key clients and specifiers.More details of speakers and topics will be releasedin due course, but early bird delegate packages andexhibition areas can be reserved now by visitingwww.thebesaconference.comWe would like to say a big thank you to ourheadline sponsor Milwaukee. They have been anavid supporter throughout our regional awards byproviding toolkits for our apprentice winners so wewould like to thank them for their continued support. 21
2018THE BESA BOOKDownload the free BESA Mobile App!The BESA Book is used extensively by clients andend users as an integrated one-stop approach to theprocurement of building and engineering servicesand is available to download on the mobile app.Our enhanced digital edition is now open to all our customers giving Search for the BESAall of the benefits of digital marketing and social media which play anincreasingly important role in marketing and business communications to:-l Build relationships l Build loyalty l Reinforce your brandl Connect you with on-the-go customersl Give you tools that are driving the “New App Economy”l Update and expand information every monthl Enhance your social networking strategiesl Increase exposure across mobile devicesl Increase your visibilityl Increase your accessibilityl Use videoWith functions like video, imagecarosels, scrolling text and rich mediayou can constantly add to andupdate your company’s messageand interact with your clients.Please contact the Publishers,Open Box M&C, who will bedelighted to advise you onhow best to take advantageof these opportunities.OmcopemednmiaB+uonxicationRegent Court , 68 Caroline StreetJewellery Quarter, Birmingham B3 [email protected].+44 (0)121 200 7820 BESA Group KNOWLEDGE TRAINING22 Companies:
MEMBER SPOTLIGHTNo dinner for He is introducing a greater level of automation into theduct cleaners way the company produces its post-clean reports so that the documents coming back from site are already in an editable format. This will help streamline the process and support further expansion but will also be very beneficial for our customers and their insurance records. The company joined BESA almost as soon as it was founded because Mr Smith “wanted the credibility of being associated with the people who set the standards”. “There were a lot of cowboys in the market at that time and we knew we needed to rise above all that.” His experience in computer sales at IBM gave him “great corporate training”, and Pro-duct Clean now provides vent hygiene services and fire damper testing for many of the country’s best-known retail and hotel brands. “We operate at the end of the market where it is not all about cheapest price,” he says. “These companies want a proper, professional service, but even some of them fell victim to cowboys in the past. Because ductwork is out of sight, too many people got away with not doing the job properly.”Nigel Smith says that when he worked for We wanted the credibilityIBM, invitations to dinner parties came in of being associated with thequite regularly, but since setting up his people who set the standards.own ventilation hygiene business, theyseem to have dried up. NIGEL SMITH, MD PRO-DUCT CLEANThe managing director of Colchester and London-based The situation across the sector has improved markedly inPro-duct Clean has few illusions about the lack of glamour recent years and more firms are adhering to the stipulationsin what his company does. In fact, they make no secret of it of the industry-recognised standard TR/19 created,on the company website: maintained and published by BESA.“We know that what we do is not at the top of everyone’s “BESA has really upped its game in this area and we areagenda, but we also know the consequences of the job not seeing a lot more compliant cleans,” says Nigel. “Therebeing done correctly. We care about what we do and are still between 10 and 12 fires every week inwe ensure we get the job done right first time, for London that start in kitchen extract systems.your complete peace of mind.” Commercial kitchen users are acutely aware of the risks and the compelling insuranceMr Smith started the firm from scratch reasons to get their systems cleaned.14 years ago and today it employs 30people and has an annual turnover mpany mascot “We know this is a dull job, but we do it wellof £1.3m. It grew by 20% last year – and our clients appreciate the fact that weand Mr Smith expects a similar level get this compliance issue off their desk.”of expansion in 2018 as the demandfor kitchen extract and ductwork continues to grow. Flash - the co If you would like to take part in our“We could grow faster, but I will only Member Spotlight feature, please emailexpand at a rate that allows us to maintain [email protected] current level of customer service,” he says. BESA Group KNOWLEDGE TRAINING24 Companies:
Have you ever stopped to ask whetheryou are getting value for money fromthe fees you pay to your pensionadministrator; and whether you aregetting good – and personal – service?And what about charges? too much time on this when it could be spent more productively on your core business. Welplan Pensions is ableWhen it comes to charges, not all pension schemes are equal - to provide this service.a number of schemes charge set-up fees, which will also applyif an existing scheme is transferred to a new provider. Some For any enrolment scheme, but especially when movingschemes also charge fees of as much as £50 per member per schemes, it is not unreasonable to ask the schememonth so the costs can really ramp up. administrator to provide things like template letters, which Welplan Pensions gives employers access to. Or to offerWhen there are schemes in the market with cheaper fees a fully automated process for uploading member details,(and in some cases, no, employer fees), it can pay to consider which again, Welplan Pensions offer. It is important that themoving. Welplan Pensions, developed specifically for the operation is kept simple so staff are not tied up for hours onbuilding services sector, does not charge employers any fees. unproductive activities like trying to upload data.Monitoring performance The Pensions Regulator lists those schemes on its website that have achieved the ICAEW Master Trust Assured statusEmployees will also want to be able to see how their pension (AAF 02/07), which indicates the highest standards offunds are performing – so it is important that your provider governance and administration.allows them to check online how their hard-earned cash isbuilding up for their retirement 24/7 and 365 days of the year. Welplan Pensions is one of only 13 master trusts to beWelplan Pensions provides this functionality for all employees, listed on the Regulator’s site and it also holds a Defaqtoenabling them to check investment performance, fund 5 Star rating, which is the highest achievable. Beingselection and contribution levels. listed as ‘Pension Quality Mark Ready’ is another good way for employers to rate a scheme as this measuresConsolidation of Legacy Schemes communications and governance. Welplan Pensions holds that status too.Some employers have built up a number of pension schemesover the years and are now considering consolidating them If you are considering moving your workplace pensionwith one provider. If you are in this position as an employer, scheme visit or call our friendly teammoving to one provider can considerably cut down on admin on 0800 195 8080 to find out more.time and cost – after all, you don’t really want to be spending 27
AT THE HEART OF THE HVAC INDUSTRY ATTEND HEAR MEET DISCOVER CPD accredited the latest top HVAC brands 10,000 Innovative workshops about improvements on including Daikin, products and Building Safety Air Quality at the Eltex and Discrete services from over and Wellbeing HVAC Theatre Hub Heat and more 650 exhibitors FREE TO ATTEND PART OF EXHIBITORS INCLUDE: UK CONSTRUCTION WEEK 20182018 BIRMINGHAM BESA Group KNOWLEDGE TRAINING28 Companies:
UK CONSTRUCTION WEEK ADVERTORIALEvolutiongathers paceMuch has been written about how theHackitt Review and the demise of Carillionwill impact on the construction industry, animpact which will no doubt reverberate formany years to come.What the industry does next will be under immense scrutiny and AR, modern methods of construction as well as many– more than it has ever felt before. No one can argue that other technologies & innovations. This is our chance tofundamental reform is critical on retentions and building show the next generation as well as the educators thatregulations and the industry must be seen to adapt quickly construction is at the forefront of the design and techto them. However, this should also be seen as a massive revolution, and that a career in the built environment isopportunity for the sector. The spotlight will remain on exciting, dynamic, rewarding and allows you to play anconstruction for some time yet, I think we can all agree, at a influential role in shaping our world of tomorrow.time of great transformation. BESA members have anBuilding more efficiently and The future of construction incredibly important rolequicker, making our buildings to play in this theme, at thesmarter and sustainable, and theme will showcase heart of UK Constructionimproving quality are all now digital construction, 3D Week. The kind of innovationsimperative, not options. We need and products that willthe skills and new talent to do this printing, robotics, AI, capture the imaginationand that requires us to portray this and AR, and the modern of trade professionals andexciting industry in all its glory. the next generation alikeSo for this year’s UK Construction methods of construction. will come from innovationsWeek, our theme for 2018 is in how we maintain ourdesigned to show the industry buildings, the new innovativein the innovative and pioneering products we will have tolight it should be shown. The future of construction theme do this and how regulation will improve efficiency andwill showcase digital construction, 3D printing, robotics, AI, safety. We will be staging a number of CPD workshops to help keep BESA members up to speed on these aspects of their day-to-day job. This year’s event will be inspiring to see, and I hope that BESA members will also be inspired, as well as benefiting from a whole load of thought leadership and workshops. Whatever your role in this industry, you really do need to be there, networking, learning, being inspired and shaping the future together. UK Construction Week (9 -11 October, NEC) is the UK’s largest construction event and consists of nine shows including the Build Show, Timber Expo, Civils Expo, Plant & Machinery Live, Energy 2018, Building Tech Live, Surface & Materials Show and HVAC 2018 and Grand Designs Live. To register your free place visit 29
EVENTS CALENDAR 2018EXHIBITIONS AND CONFERENCES Facilities ShowTuesday 19 - Thursday 21 June - Excel, London & Public Sector Show 2018Tuesday 26 June - Excel, London Healthcare Estates ManagementConference: The future of health infrastructureTuesday 10 July - AJ Bell Stadium, Salford ConstructionLine Meet the BuyerTuesday 4 September - Bolton Whites Hotel, Bolton ConstructionLine Meet the BuyerThursday 20 September - Allianz Park, London National Conference & Awards:Engineering the FutureThursday 1 November - Park Plaza Victoria, London & UK Construction WeekFriday 9 - Sunday 11 November - NEC, Birmingham & CIBSE - Build2PerformTuesday 27 & Wednesday 28 November - Olympia, LondonTo book or for more information on any of our events, please visit BESA Group KNOWLEDGE TRAINING30 Companies:
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