Building Engineering Services Association Guide to good practiceSITESAFETY JS/1
Building Engineering Services AssociationGuide to good practice: AcknowledgmentsSITE TheBESAwishestorecorditssincerethankstothefollowing,SAFETY withoutwhosedirectinputofknowledge,timeand experiencethispublicationwouldnothavebeenproduced. JS/1 JohnHallett-Consultant AlanKeating-Secretary TheBESAalsowishestoacknowledgetheinputfromthe JointSafetyCommitteefortheirtime,inputandvetting. NOTE-Thisdocumentisbasedonknowledgeavailableatthe timeofpublicationandismeantforgeneralpurposes,notfor relianceoninrelationtospecifictechnicalorlegalissues,in whichcaseyoushouldalwaysseekindependentadviceon suchissues.Noresponsibilityofanykindforanyinjury,death, loss,damageordelayhowevercaused,resultingfromtheuse oftheadviceandrecommendationscontainedherein,is acceptedbytheauthorsorothersinvolvedinitspublication (includingtheBuilding Engineering Services Association). ISBN0-903783-57-6 ©2007.ThisdocumentisthecopyrightoftheBESAandisnot tobereproducedwithoutthewrittenconsentofthe copyrightholder FirstPublishedin1969astheH&VSafetyGuide LastPublishedinJanuary2003 BESA Publications OldMansionHouse EamontBridge PenrithCA102BX 01768860405 [email protected].
Building Engineering Services AssociationGuide to good practice: ForewordSITE ThisversionoftheguideisquitedifferentfromthoseSAFETY thathavegonebefore.Itwaspreviouslyknownas the“H&VSafetyGuide”,sinceitsinceptionbackin JS/1 1969,ithasbeenregularlyupdatedandrevisedto meetchangesinlegislation.However,itonly coveredthehealthandsafetyissuesthatdirectly affectedthoseintheHVACRindustryandnotthe wideraspectsofsitehealthandsafetythatare expectedtobeconsideredtoday. TheintroductionoftheCSCSHealthandSafety Testintheconstructionindustry,plusfurther changesinhealthandsafetylegislation,promptedacompletereviewof theguide.Thisnewpublicationistheresultofthatreview. Althoughitis37yearssinceitsfirstappearance,thisnewguidestill containstheprovenprinciplesofsitesafetyfromthepreviousissues. However,oneinnovationisthatthereisnowspecifichealthandsafety informationforsupervisorsandmanagers;sothattheycanmakesure thatworkissafeandwithoutrisktothehealthofthosedoingit. Thedevelopmentofthispublicationcouldnothavebeenachieved withouttheinputfromalotofpeople.Iwouldthereforeliketorecordmy thankstothem,inparticular,themembersoftheJointSafetyCommittee. Additionally,theuseofinformationfromavarietyofsources,including theBESA,theECAandtheSECGroup;aswellasfromtheHSE'sresources, isgratefullyacknowledged. Aspreviousforewordshavenoted,safetyremainseverybody'sbusiness; soyouhaveaparttoplayinmakingsitessafer.Followingtheadvicein thisGuidewillhelpyoutolookafteryourselfandtoavoidcausing accidentstootherpeople-makegooduseofit.Treatitlikeatrusted friendandrefertoitwheneveryouneedto. Remember-Keepsafetyinyoursites. Bill Belshaw FormerChairman HeatingandVentilatingJointSafetyCommittee
TQPUV=gpN=p~ÑÉíó=_ççâKèñÇ==OMLPLMT==NQWPO==m~ÖÉ=QMaking the most of this Guide Work safe Following the advice in this Management Health and Safety Test. All of the Parts in this Guide, except forBuilding Engineering Services Guide will help you to avoidGuide to site safety Parts 15 and 17 are the same as the 'core' being injured and to look after sections in the CITB Health & Safety Test2| Questions and Answers book. However, they your health. It will also help you are not in the same order, but do have similar titles to those in the current CITB book. to protect those working around There are 17 Parts in this Guide. The first you and the environment. two set out your responsibilities, including those imposed upon you by law, to look after However, although the yourself and others; plus how to keep safe on site using the information from safety signs. information in this Guide is quite The next four Parts, 3 to 6, cover the more broad, it will provide you with a general aspects of safety on site. These include the emergency procedures to follow if a fire or good knowledge of health and accident happens, first-aid, accident and fire prevention and the risks from plant and safety; it is not a substitute for vehicles that you face, as you move around the site. going on a health and safety All of the remaining Parts, except for the training course. last one, give more specific guidance to help you to look after yourself. They include, taking The Guide is divided into Parts; each of which care of your body and health; protective has general guidance that tells you how to equipment, handling and lifting and using protect your health and safety from different hazardous substances safely. There is also risks. In each, there is one section that is information about the safe way to use tools headed “Looking after yourself”; this contains and equipment and the electrical, noise and the key actions that you should always follow. vibration risks associated with them. Working This does not mean that you can 'gloss over' at a height, the use of welding, brazing and the rest of the information - it is all important soldering equipment are also covered. Part 16 to you, it is needed for your site health and deals with the risks that arise if you have to safety test. work in an excavation or in a confined space. Additionally, at the end of each Part, there The last Part, Part 17, provides additional is a section, which is headed “Supervisors and health and safety guidance for supervisors and Managers”; this has key information in it that managers. they need to know and use. Much of this concerns health and safety legalisation that Do not put this Guide to one side after applies to the work, placing specific duties on you have taken your Health and Safety them to control activities and reduce risks. Test; instead keep it at your place of work, in your vehicle, or in your toolbox. It has a All of the information that you need to be lot of very useful information in it that you able to take and pass, the main CSCS Health may want, or need to refer to, in the and Safety Test is in the general guidance future. sections of this Guide. You will need to pass this test to get onto most construction sites. The “Supervisors and Managers” sections in each Part, together with the general guidance; provide all that is needed to take and pass the Supervisory and
TQPUV=gpN=p~ÑÉíó=_ççâKèñÇ==OMLPLMT==NQWPO==m~ÖÉ=R 4-7 Work safe 8-9 Index Building Engineering Services Guide to site safety Part 1 - General responsibilities Part 2 - Safety signs and signals 10-12 Part 3 - Emergency procedures and first-aid Part 4 - Fire prevention and control 13-15 Part 5 - Accident prevention and reporting Part 6 - Site transport safety 16-17 Part 7 - Health, hygiene and welfare Part 8 - Personal protective equipment 18-19 Part 9 - Manual handling Part 10 - Hazardous substances 20-21 Part 11 - Electrical safety Part 12 - Hand-held equipment and tools 22-24 Part 13 - Noise and vibration Part 14 - Work at heights 25-26 Part 15 - Hot Work Part 16 - Excavations and confined spaces 27-29 Part 17 - Additional guidance for supervisors 30-32 and managers Part 18 - Additional publications 33-35 36-38 39-41 42-44 45-46 47-48 IBC |3
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