A Issue 3 BUILDING ENGINEERING SERVICES ASSOCIATION YOUR New President Malcolm Thomson UK Construction Week 2016 Also in this issue BESA, ECA and Samaritans on mental health P8 Refcom improves its online support P15 Apprenticeships P20 How to advertise your business online P29 www.theBESA.com @BESAGroup BESA Group
Welcome BESA chief executive Paul McLaughlin YOUR BESA - ISSUE 03 In this issue: MEMBERSHIP P4 PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE P6 LOBBYING P8 TECHNICAL NEWS P12 LEGAL & COMMERCIAL P16 Paul McLaughlin CONSTRUCTION WEEK P22 Moving forward WORKFORCE P24 P29 SUPPORTING YOUR BUSINESS It is not surprising that many page 20). It is understandable why some and please come along to help us people feel pessimistic about employers might be hesitating, but this is shape our strategy. the future with all the gloomy a great time to be taking on an apprentice. We are hamstringing ourselves if we economic news around and Pressure do not recruit from the widest possible the uncertainty created by the cross-section of society. The changing vote to leave the EU. The Department of Education has moved nature of building engineering services quickly to dampen speculation about the means we need people with truly diverse However, it is really important not to get future of funding for apprenticeships. It skills. The growth of digital technologies sucked into negativity because it would says that 98% of employers in England and more sophisticated design be easy to talk ourselves into a recession. will not have to pay the Apprenticeship techniques mean we need to augment At BESA we think there are good reasons Levy, but will still receive 90% of the ‘traditional’ skills with new ones. to feel quietly optimistic. cost of training an apprentice from government funds. That sounds like a These are vital issues that can help our The building engineering services sector is pretty good offer, but we will be keeping sector thrive in these uncertain times. playing an increasingly influential role in the up the pressure to ensure that funding is So, as well as our ‘bread and butter’ UK economy by helping the government put in place as quickly as possible. technical guidance and continued legal deliver on its promises for infrastructure and commercial support for members, developments; housing; and improved We need greater numbers, but that your trade association is already putting energy performance of buildings. means we also have to address diversity. additional effort into helping employers Our industry desperately needs to set up more progressive recruitment Ultra-low interest rates and more broaden the pool from which it recruits. programmes – to safeguard the future. government spending are designed to Just 9% of engineers in the UK are support economic growth and avoid women and we are also not as job losses. Companies in our sector can well represented as we might be “It is understandable benefit during this period by selling their with ethnic minorities; people with why some employers expertise and skilled manpower where it physical and mental disabilities; might be hesitating, is most needed. and in the LGBT community. but this is a great time Of course, there are going to be BESA is leading a diversity seminar to be taking on an challenges. We are suffering from a skills at London South Bank University apprentice.“ shortage and we are still not taking on on October 25 - visit: Paul McLaughlin anything like enough apprentices to www.theBESA.com/events/ BESA chief executive replenish our skills pool (see article on diversity-seminar/ for more details 3
MEMBERSHIP New BESA affiliate offer aims to build network BESA has revamped and access to BESA benefits; technical engineering services sector,” said expanded the range of information; events; promotional BESA’s director of membership benefits it offers to opportunities and networking. Richard Ward. “We have developed affiliates by introducing BESA affiliate certificates and the use our new affiliate scheme with a view a new tiered system. of special BESA logos are available to growing a collaborative network to each level of affiliates along of design engineers; manufacturers The Association is keen that its with a rising scale of discounts on and suppliers; contractors and membership reflects the evolving advertising on the Association’s building maintainers that will be nature of the industry’s supply website and in the annual BESA Book of mutual benefit to all parts of the chain and growing opportunities and quarterly Your BESA magazine. supply chain. for collaboration. It is, therefore, looking to extend the number and Affiliates are also able to attend and “As well as the clear benefits to those range of companies who wish to sponsor BESA regional meetings firms who want to do business be affiliated with its work and the and events. They will, depending with our existing members, we specialist contractors who make up on their level of affiliation, have the see major advantages too for the our membership. opportunity to present to groups core membership in having access of BESA members and deliver CPD to the knowledge, expertise and The membership team has developed a scheme that offers affiliates access training relevant to our members and technology of affiliates.” to a wide range of benefits and their businesses. If you are interested in becoming an opportunities to work with the “Networking and exchanging affiliate member, or upgrading your Association and its members. technical knowledge is an increasingly current subscription, please contact A special category for design important part of the building [email protected]. consultants has been created to particularly appeal to the specifier end of the supply chain along with a tiered system of Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum BESA affiliates that gives companies right across the building engineering spectrum BESA Group 4 Companies: PUBLICATIONS TRAINING
Northern Ireland; London and the South-east; and Wales are STATE OF TRADE the areas enjoying the highest levels of turnover growth; and Members optimistic the companies with the healthiest growth rates are those with turnovers between £0.5m and 1m; and over £20m. about ‘Brexit’ future Late payments and skills shortages were the things business managers believed would cause them sleepless nights in the second half of this year rather than Brexit. The majority (92%) of respondents to the Brexit poll said they were not reliant on migrant Members of the Building Engineering Services workers, and only 25% thought our decision to leave the EU would Association (BESA) remain broadly optimistic worsen the skills picture in the building engineering sector. about the future despite the economic Also, 35% of BESA member firms reported growth in direct uncertainty surrounding ‘Brexit’. employment during the first six months of this year. Respondents also said they expected direct employment levels to continue growing They enjoyed steady, if unspectacular, business growth in the first and the State of Trade survey picked up a simultaneous slowdown in six months of this year, according to the Association’s latest ‘State the number of agency or sub-contract workers being hired. of Trade’ survey, and showed encouraging positivity in response to another survey focussing purely on the likely fallout from the UK’s 17% of businesses said they employed more apprentices in the decision to leave the EU. first six months of this year, compared to the previous period and the rate of growth in the number of companies taking on During the period January to June 2016, 41% of members saw an apprentices has remained broadly steady. This suggests that firms, increase in turnover versus 23% who reported a fall. However, the while still very cautious, are trying to address the shortfall in new rate of growth fell slightly compared with the second half of 2015. recruits to the sector. This should be helped by the government’s announcement that employers will receive 90% of the cost Almost half of the respondents (46%) to the Brexit survey, which of training an apprentice from the taxpayer starting next May. was carried out jointly with the ECA and SELECT, said Brexit would have a positive impact on their company in five years’ time – just However, the Association has called for this funding to be brought forward so employers can make recruitment decisions this year. one in five (19%) said it would be negative. The very largest firms were slightly more pessimistic about the short-term impact, but BESA, ECA and SELECT members put maintaining access to the 42% of firms with turnovers above £20m still said Brexit would EU ‘Single Market’ top of their list of aspirations post-Brexit, closely have a positive impact. followed by more control of employment law and the need to negotiate non-EU trade deals. BESA members who are optimistic about business prospects (35%) still outnumber those feeling pessimistic (20%), but the gap BESA chief executive Paul McLaughlin said both surveys reflected has narrowed and the ‘net optimism barometer’ in the State of the current “tricky times”, but added that building engineering Trade survey was at its lowest level for three years. services firms were showing great resilience and a desire to “just get on with business”. Positive “I don’t think many people would have predicted such positive Order books and enquiry levels remained broadly positive, responses back in the gloomy aftermath of June’s vote,” he said. although tender prices were flat in the first half of this year, and “Our members clearly feel that the medium to long-term prospects companies were still experiencing rising labour and material costs – are relatively healthy; we just have some major bumps to get over although at slightly reduced rates of increase compared with a year in the short term. ago. The Brexit survey also reflected growing concern about the impact on material prices with 47% expecting costs to rise in the “You could say the sector is feeling ‘conditionally optimistic’,” short-term due to the impact on the pound. added Mr McLaughlin. 5
PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE Thomson backing small companies New BESA President Malcolm Thomson believes small contractors deserve better recognition. On taking up his presidency in July, Malcolm said there should be greater recognition of the contribution small, specialist contractors make to the overall project supply chain and the issue of building performance. He also said SMEs faced particular pressures and, therefore, needed tailored support. “The decisions we make as small business owners can be crucial – and if we get things wrong our very business New BESA President Malcolm Thomson survival is at stake,” he said. “However, the up side for clients is that small firms – particularly those in BESA membership – have a real passion for what they do and refuse to give up when faced with technical or business problems. That often means we don’t switch off and continue to stress about Expertise things because we really want to do a good job and get it right.” He urged larger BESA members to take advantage of the skills of smaller fellow members. He also pointed to the The fact that the Association has members of all sizes large amount of expertise contained within the Association’s and specialisms is also a great strength, said the new specialist groups; particularly the RACHP Group of which he president, who founded and continues to run his own is a committee member. specialist refrigeration and air conditioning business. “I will dedicate myself to ensuring there is the best possible “We get to rub shoulders and work together – it interaction between small and large BESA members during also means we find that others suffer from the same my year in office,” he said. “All members have gone to problems and share solutions. I learn something helpful the trouble of jumping through the hoops to prove their from every meeting I attend – it really is a case of getting competence in order to be a member so that should give out what you put in.” larger firms the confidence to specify us on their projects.” BESA Group 6 Companies: PUBLICATIONS TRAINING
However, he says that running a small business puts real an apprenticeship with a company that made refrigerators “pressure and stress” on owners, which means the mental at the age of 17. Even more fortunately, my manager saw health initiative BESA is working on with the Samaritans something in me and sent me to Willesden College to do charity is “very timely”. This has been set up in response to my City & Guilds in Refrigeration Technology. growing reports of depression and anxiety experienced by people throughout the building engineering supply chain “Suddenly having qualifications opened up all sorts of as a result of work-related stress. opportunities and I didn’t look back,” he recalls. Malcolm set up Enigma Environmental Services in The role of apprenticeships in addressing skills shortages 1999 and is still its managing director. A specialist in across the sector will be a key challenge during his bespoke marine cooling systems, the company maintains presidential year and Mr Thomson plans to use his systems for a number of ships including offshore patrol own experience to inspire work on the new Trailblazer vessels. It also provides design, installation, service and apprenticeships being developed for the building maintenance of air conditioning, refrigeration, ventilation engineering sector. and heat pump systems for a number of “Small firms – particularly those He also wants to see hospitals, data centres, BESA and other industry health care and food in BESA membership – have a groups getting to grips preparation clients. with gender diversity He admits that the last real passion for what they do and in order to widen the pool of talent available few years were “very to building engineering tough” for the Berkshire- refuse to give up when faced with employers. based business, whose technical or business problems.” turnover fell by almost “It is absolutely crazy that two thirds during the we are, effectively, only worst of the economic slump. “I’ve had to personally invest recruiting from half of the available workforce because of heavily in the company in the past five years,” he says. the woeful under-representation of women in the industry,” he says. “I am delighted that the Association is taking a lead However, business is definitely back on the up again and on this and recently sponsored the National Women in he prefers to dwell on the positives; reflecting on the Engineering Day.” good experiences he has enjoyed thanks to the building engineering services industry. He has also agreed “to do my bit by signing up as a mentor for the Women’s Engineering Society”, which is “Work has taken me all over the world – even onto managing a mentoring programme to encourage women the bridge of major battleships, which is the sort of and girls to consider engineering careers via MentorSET. experience I could never have imagined when I started out. I never lose my sense of wonder or my enthusiasm for www.mentorset.org.uk the industry and my work with the Association.” He adds that it is vital to pass that enthusiasm on to young people who might “I will dedicate myself to ensuring there is the best possible be considering a career in interaction between small and large BESA members during building engineering “and my year in office. All members have gone to the trouble of let them know just what is jumping through the hoops to prove their competence in possible.” order to be a member so that should give larger firms the confidence to specify us on their projects.“ “I left school without a plan and without many worthwhile qualifications,” Malcolm Thomson, the new BESA President says Mr Thomson. “I was really fortunate to fall into 7
LOBBYING Stressful The main risk factors include depression and mental illness – which can often be brought on by a stressful working environment; money worries; drugs and alcohol. Mr Skinner told the seminar that men from poorer economic backgrounds are also 10 times more likely to die by suicide than men who are financially better off. BESA chief executive Paul McLaughlin, who chaired the event, said 80% of employers in the building engineering sector recognised mental health was a major issue and was already having an impact on their businesses, according to a recent survey of BESA and ECA members. “Both large and small companies share the same concerns, but many simply don’t know how to deal with this,” he said. “The first thing you have to do is acknowledge there is an issue, which is why we are now working with Samaritans.” Mr McLaughlin said that how the industry behaved and BESA, ECA and Samaritans how it treated people was a major contributory factor to growing depression and suicidal feelings in workers. working together on “There are thousands of risk assessments being carried mental health out across the industry and very few even mention mental health,” he added. “If something is important; you need to start measuring it, which is what the industry does with physical injuries and accidents. We Suicide kills six times as many construction need to introduce something similar for mental health.” workers as falling from heights, according The workshop is the start of a major initiative to to mental health workers. address mental health issues across the building engineering sector including raising awareness BESA recently co-hosted a workshop with the ECA and and providing specialist training as part of the the CIBSE Patrons that looked into the growing problem Association’s health & safety programmes. of suicide and depression across the building engineering www.theBESA.com sector. Samaritans – the mental health charity – led the workshop and called on the industry to give more A attention to this increasingly serious problem. BUILDING ENGINEERING SERVICES ASSOCIATION “With the amount of energy being put into managing physical risk; you have to question whether the industry is getting the health and safety balance right,” said Samaritans regional partnerships officer Will Skinner. Someone in the UK takes their own life every 90 minutes and there were 6,122 recorded deaths by suicide in the UK in 2014 of which 76% were men. This compares with 1,775 people who died in traffic accidents. Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50 and the highest suicide rate is among males aged 45-59. BESA Group 8 Companies: PUBLICATIONS TRAINING
Embracing diversity shortage, to be effectively recruiting from just half of the available workforce is absolutely crazy,” said Mr Thomson. in our industry “There are amazing career opportunities for women and girls in our industry, but gender stereotypes still hold sway and, as a result, our businesses are missing out. The building engineering services industry must urgently address its “The adoption of modern methods of working lack of diversity to avoid serious and the emergence of Big Data and digital economic harm. design techniques, along with the rapid advancement of building services technology, This year’s National Women in Engineering Day mean the sector desperately needs more (NWED 2016) has turned the spotlight on the talented young people with new skills and from sector’s failure to improve its gender balance. a much wider background.” The annual event, organised by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES), forms part of To combat this ever-growing problem BESA is an international awareness campaign to raise the profile of organising a diversity seminar at London South Bank University women in engineering and focus on the wide range of career on October 25. The event will be chaired by chief executive opportunities available to women and girls. Just 9% of registered Paul McLaughlin with speakers including Danna Walker, chair of UK engineers are female compared to 18% in Spain, 20% in Italy Architects for Change, and former CIBSE President Andy Ford, and 26% in Sweden. who is chair of the Construction Industry Council Diversity Panel. Out of every 100 people on construction sites just one is a The event has been set up to discuss the business case for woman and the UK sits 28th out of 28 in the EU league table diversity as a means to address skills shortages, bring different for numbers of women in engineering. BESA was a sponsor of views to the way in which a company does business, and meet NWED 2016 and President Malcolm Thomson has become a WES the requirements of tenders, particularly public sector. For more mentor to encourage women to consider engineering careers. information on the seminar and to book your place and take “For engineering, which is suffering from a growing skills part visit our events pages at www.theBESA.com/events. 9
70% of office LOBBYING workers complain about poor air quality A BESA commissioned YouGov survey has revealed that almost 70% of office workers believe poor air quality in their place of work is having a negative effect on their day-to-day productivity and well-being. Additionally, a third of office workers are concerned that poor indoor air quality could be having a negative • Over two thirds (67%) of recipients revealed that air pollution, both indoor effect on their health. reported suffering from fatigue while and outdoor, could be linked to at least at work on a monthly or more 40,000 premature deaths a year in the UK. Opening windows is the most frequent basis commonly used form of ventilation “Many people in the UK end up working with 60% of office workers saying it • Over half (54%) of office workers more than 40 hours per week and, is the first thing they do if they need surveyed experience decreased generally, we spend upwards of 90% ‘fresh air’. However, although this is productivity on a monthly or more of our time indoors,” said BESA chief seen as a natural response, by opening frequent basis executive Paul McLaughlin. our office windows, we run the risk “It is, therefore, crucial that buildings of further polluting our working • Over a third (41%) of people provide a healthy working environment. environment by letting in outdoor experience watery or irritated eyes toxins, the survey found. when in the office on a monthly or “More and more people are becoming more frequent basis aware of the inadequate ventilation Given that we spend 90% of our time options in their offices, as well as indoors and are spending, on average, Almost 40% of office workers who suffer the negative effect this is having on 212 days a year at work, BESA is calling from at least one of the symptoms their health and their productivity. on the industry; building managers listed believes poor ventilation is the We must make our buildings a safe and the general public to ensure main reason for the problems they haven for occupants, to protect them proper, effective, well maintained experience. The BESA survey follows a from the worst impacts of outdoor ventilation systems are operating in report published by the Royal College pollution as well as providing good all offices across the UK. of Physicians earlier this year, which quality, healthy indoor air.” Those office workers surveyed, reported suffering regularly from The BESA Indoor Air Quality group continues to collaborate with symptoms commonly linked to poor other industry organisations to produce technical guidance and indoor air quality: advice for the sector. For more information and to get involved, visit the BESA website. • 68% of office workers experience If you would like to join our Indoor Air Quality LinkedIn Group, lapses in concentration on a monthly email [email protected]. or more frequent basis 11
TECHNICAL NEWS codes and regulations. It will include information provided by contractors, designers and engineers with particular knowledge and experience of working in tall structures. For the purposes of this work, the definition of ‘tall’ covers any building where, because of its height, there are specific engineering challenges, changes and additional considerations needed in order to ensure a safe and efficient system. Relevance The complexity and multi-disciplinary nature of these projects means any guidance must be of relevance to the whole construction industry – not just contractors or Reaching for the skies building services engineers. When completed, the guide will cover all aspects of tall buildings beyond the current standards and guidance, which is typically aimed at lower With more than 200 new high rise buildings planned rise buildings. for London alone, there is growing demand for specific technical guidance covering building services So far, the working party has considered technical issues engineering in tall structures across the UK, says BESA related to: the design and safety of pressure systems; technical director Tim Rook. pipework and jointing selection; anchoring and expansion; fire systems (sprinklers, dry risers); large VRF air conditioning The Association is co-ordinating a pan-industry project with systems; and cold water service separation. Further topics CIBSE and the ECA to create a unified set of technical advice will be identified and researched in due course. and guidance for architects, engineers, contractors and FMs on the specific issues and challenges that occur in services The guidance will be developed and published on a sub- engineering because of the height of the building. Once topic by sub-topic basis eventually producing a suite of complete, the guidance will be available to members of the knowledge. This will all be published online in a ‘wiki’ type three partner bodies. format. Adopting this approach allows the working group to readily update its content with strong links between sub- The aim is to reduce design risk, which in turn minimises topic publications and make access easier for members. potential problems in the construction and service phases of the building and better informs the decisions that create the Case studies will be used to illustrate techniques and appropriate balance between construction and service costs. demonstrate best practice. The guidance will capture good design principles; define If you would like to be involved in the development of tall industry best practice; and identify all relevant standards, building guidance, email [email protected]. Are you TR19 compliant? You might have seen some recent The BESA standard TR19 Guide to Good media coverage about a restaurant Practice – Internal Cleanliness of fire that involved the cleanliness of Ventilation Systems offers guidance on roof spacing and ductwork. Making the testing and cleaning of ventilation sure you’re TR19 compliant can help systems, and is available to purchase you avoid the same thing happening from BESA Publications with a to you or your clients. 50% member discount. To purchase your copy, visit www.besapublications.com/tr19 The BESA Publications website is changing. With a new look online shop, product reviews and ratings, it will make it easier to find the publication you’re looking for. We’re also reviewing the types of publications we produce. Look out for more information in the near future. BESA Group 12 Companies: PUBLICATIONS TRAINING
evolves to embrace digital age SFG20 is a long-established source of guidance to contractors, facilities managers and building operators. It has been widely adopted by government departments, schools, prisons and commercial offices that use it to manage planned maintenance programmes and comply with legislation. Featuring over 500 maintenance designed specifically for hospitals, NHS well as maximising cost savings over the schedules, covering more than 60 trusts, dentists, vets and doctors’ surgeries. lifecycle of the building. equipment types, SFG20 allows users This new release is invaluable for any to customise maintenance schedules, contractor working on health estates, CAFM integration including service times, frequency and giving the latest information, all fully With so many contractors and clients criticality ratings. SFG20 is, therefore, fully aligned to HTM’s. using Computer Assisted Facilities aligned with rapidly emerging digital Management (CAFM) systems to schedule working methods and is constantly being SFG20 is BIM-ready and track work, it is a logical step to updated to capture evolving service and SFG20 is also smoothing the way for the integrate SFG20 into these systems. maintenance techniques. wider adoption of digital design methods, Work is underway to appoint a number including Building Information Modelling HTM’s of SFG20 ‘Approved Providers’, enabling (BIM), by helping building managers Already a dynamic online tool which present information in a standard, anyone who has a subscription, to pull makes service and maintenance best usable format. Since April this year the through the SFG20 data and schedules directly into their CAFM software. This is practice easier to access, it is about to government has required all public-sector be enhanced to provide comprehensive work to be subject to the Level 2 BIM a significant step forward in the effective planning, scheduling, execution and support for healthcare facilities. The method of working, which demands that tracking of planned maintenance activities. new release will align the HTM’s (Health building information is developed in a If you are a CAFM provider, and would like Technical Memorandum) to SFG20 collaborative 3D environment. to become an ‘Approved Provider’, or if to form a Healthcare Functional Set SFG20 has been adapted so it can now you are a SFG20 subscriber, and would like developed in collaboration with the accept building design information to access your data in your CAFM system, Institute of Healthcare Engineering and imported directly from BIM software. please let us know on 01768 860 459. Estate Management (IHEEM), with Sodexo Industry Foundation Classes (IFC Files) providing additional technical support can now be mapped to SFG20 schedules, Don’t forget, BESA members enjoy a and contractor expertise. 30% discount on the cost of SFG20, so if meaning that ongoing maintenance This new addition to SFG20 will be costs can be based on the SFG20 you feel a subscription would benefit your launched at October’s Healthcare standard. This greatly improves the long- business, contact us on 01768 860 459. Estates Conference in Manchester and is term performance of the building as www.sfg20.co.uk 13
to ensure compliance with TECHNICAL NEWS the regulations and help to drive enforcement. Today, Refcom F gas Company certification accounts for more than 80% of UK SRAC certificated businesses. In 2014, the F gas Regulations were revised and updated in order to combat the projected spread of SRAC equipment using HFC refrigerants, despite the original F gas legislation being proven to have reduced leakage rates. This rewriting of the F gas legislation has better reflected the higher professional standards set out in Refcom’s voluntary ‘Elite’ scheme, whose members are able to Refcom improves its prove to owners/operators via independent third party online support competent in the installation, accreditation that they are commissioning, decommissioning and/or maintenance of any system containing refrigerant gas. The industry’s leading refrigerant Refcom, which was originally set up handling certification scheme as a voluntary company registration As well as being certified safe refrigerant Refcom has upgraded and scheme by the HVCA (now the Building managers, Elite members are licensed relaunched its website to reflect Engineering Services Association) waste carriers and are fully compliant growing demand from contractors in 1994, was asked by government with all current legal requirements. Their for greater technical information to provide a mandatory company refrigerant management is fully audited certification scheme for the refrigeration and online support. and air conditioning sector prior to by 100% on-site inspections. The Refcom website explains how companies can The new site also boasts an enhanced the F gas Regulation coming into become registered; how the legislation guidance and advice section, which force. Refcom were part of the industry affects them; and the business benefits of will be regularly updated by Refcom’s stakeholder group who advised carrying out appropriate training in order in-house experts and via feedback from government as to what the industry to gain the required certification. members and the industry at large. F wanted to do to raise standards. The new website also includes a detailed gas applications and renewals can all be Shaping section on the phase down of HFC completed easily online with Refcom Elite refrigerants, which began last year, to online applications coming soon. Refcom was heavily involved in the help contractors explain the process to scoping and setting up of the refrigerant It has been a legal requirement since handling regulations, and integral to the their clients so they can make informed July 2009 for all businesses that install, shaping of the laws that now apply to all decisions about potential equipment, maintain or service stationary equipment UK businesses carrying out installation, and replacing higher GWP refrigerants. containing or designed to contain f gas maintenance or servicing of stationary Refcom Elite membership is available refrigerants to obtain an F gas Company refrigeration, air conditioning or heat to BESA members as part of their Certificate. This is in line with the European pump equipment (SRACHP work). Association membership, subject to F gas Regulation, which was developed meeting the scheme’s entry criteria. to reduce the amount of global warming From 2007 Refcom worked closely with gases being released to atmosphere, and FGAS Support, and has been working For more information visit is now embedded in UK law. with the Environment Agency since 2013 www.refcom.org.uk 15
LEGAL AND COMMERCIAL TOP FIVE LEGAL TOPICS 1 Payment notices – when should a payless notice be served This is a typical member query. This comes under HGCRA 1996, s111 and has been highlighted in a number of cases, for example in ISG v Seevic and Galliford Try v Estura. The court has made it clear that, unless the employer properly serves its payment or pay less notices (both in terms of timing and content), the employer will have to pay the amount applied for by the contractor. 2 Recovering your retention BESA’s Legal and For contractors and sub-contractors, the withholding of retention can have a profound effect on their cash flow position, particularly for sub-contractors. The first thing to Commercial Team do is to ensure (at contract formation stage) that retention release has not illegally been made subject to the Main Contract. Then the team can supply you with the relevant letters and notices to claim back your retentions. The Legal and Commercial team provide an exclusive service to BESA members of expert legal guidance, 3 Sub-contractor warranties – what to look out for tailored specifically to the commercial context of the Warranty terms a very important to consider before signing building and engineering services sector. The advice up to them and often sub-contractors are furnished with they provide spans: a plethora of warranties for the employer, funder and tenant. Considering the length of time that sub-contractors LEGAL remain liable for under the warranty (which is usually 6 to 12 years), limiting your length and scope of liability is of • Pre-tender, procurement, delivery, post-contract and crucial importance. The Legal and Commercial team has construction business administration issues. vast experience and knowledge and will be able assist with drafting and amending warranties. Get in touch to benefit • Contract management – drafting, interpreting, providing from free expert legal advice. commentary and risk appraisal to standard form and 4 Walking off site bespoke contracts, bonds, guarantees and warranties, etc. In the event of a significant breach, members often want to • The implications of existing, revised and new national know how they can suspend performance of their works. and international legislation. This really depends on the nature of the contract and the surrounding circumstances. Under the Construction Act, the • Insolvency and debt recovery. contract may set out what the payments are, or how they • Dispute resolution through litigation, mediation, are to be established, but as a minimum the terms of the arbitration and adjudication, including bespoke act will apply. A lack of payment and a lack of appropriate notices could entitle the contractor to suspend performance. contractual or alternative forms of dispute resolution. However before you walk off site as a result of none payment you will need to prepare notices that need be sent out in POLITICAL INITIATIVES order to effect the suspension. Get it wrong and you will end up in breach of contract instead. • Project Bank Accounts • Prompt Payment Codes • Payment Charter • Digital Payment 5 Variations • SME Payment Consultations • Review of Retentions Almost all construction projects vary from the original design, scope and definition. There are usually express terms in The Legal and Commercial team, Rob, Debbie and Gari, contracts which give the power to instruct variations and strive to be intuitive, trusted business advisers to BESA value them. In the absence of express terms in the contract members who design, supply and install M&E services in the contractor may reject instructions for variations without all areas of the traditional construction, asset management, giving rise to any legal consequences. Always ensure that you waste, infrastructure and energy and power sectors. conform to the terms of the agreement to ensure variations are sanctioned and that you know how the agreed method Get in touch to benefit from free expert legal advice: of valuing variations works. [email protected] BESA Group 16 Companies: PUBLICATIONS TRAINING
Industry must catch up with digital revolution The third great industrial revolution is upon us, offering the centre of the process, where they the potential of hugely improved productivity and massive should be, not at the back waiting and hoping that they will receive the final disruption to the way we all work and live, says BESA legal product they specified. and commercial director Rob Driscoll*. Construction is not as different as many would have us believe – it is not Steam drove the first revolution by when an improved, more automated the nature of our work that constrains taking hand driven tasks into the model has been available for years. greater digitisation, but the ‘culture’ that mechanical age; and electricity gave has grown up within non-collaborative rise to the second by transforming Networks supply chains. the speed, power and affordability of The industry’s clients are building technology. The Digital era is expanding their businesses on digital networks, The arrival of the Digital Age does not faster and further than the previous two which gives them greater transparency, mean that this culture could change – it and reaches into every aspect of modern client engagement, and new ways of means it simply must change. Those who life. Moore’s Law was written in 1965 and designing, marketing, and delivering fail to collaborate and interact in a digital refers to transistors, but the principle that products and services – they are, working environment will be left behind. every two years technology doubles in therefore, puzzled that their construction speed, capacity and power, but halves in suppliers are not doing the same. BESA is working with solution providers size and price, still holds true. active in both the digital engineering Technology-enabled platforms that systems and the digital construction The emergence of artificial intelligence, combine both demand and supply, business systems, arenas to provide cognitive technology, robotics, the such as those we see in the emerging independent reviews, information, Internet of Things, autonomous smart homes market, are transforming influence and market leadership. vehicles, 3-D printing, nanotechnology, the business models of energy suppliers This includes utilising its influence with biotechnology, materials science, energy and changing industry structures. Cabinet Office, Government Digital storage, and quantum computing are Services and the department for Business, transforming our world. These technology platforms are Energy and Industrial Strategy, to ensure accessible to domestic consumers UK Government as both policy leader and This is enormously disruptive and via mobile devices and so create an SMART client exploits the process and is driving social and economic entirely new relationship between productivity opportunities presented by expectations sky high. However, the supplier and client. They create two- digital disruption. Most recently we have nature of construction and its supply way transparency and will have an been asked into HS2, BIM Legal forum, chains means the industry is falling even more radical impact when scaled Digital Construction Week, Innovate behind when it should be in the up for industrial purposes. UK, Process Innovation Forum and UK vanguard of this revolution. We remain BIM Alliance, to present the views and fragmented and paper-based, which New technologies make assets more interests of BESA members in this area. baffles Government and clients. The durable and resilient, while data and sector also remains amazingly labour- analytics are transforming how they are *Rob is presenting at Digital Construction intensive in so many of its functions maintained. They also put the client at Week on October 5 17
ADVERTISER’S CONTENT ARE YOU READY FOR THE challenge? Whilst all tubes may look the same, they are not • Unfortunately, BS1387 tube is still • In today’s HVAC installations, the Pressure frequently specified for HVAC systems. Equipment Directive (PED) may also apply. • But BS1387 was withdrawn in 2004 and • Multi-certified pipework, i.e. to both BS replaced by BS EN10255, which calls for EN10255 & 10217-2 (Part 2), ensures CE marking as per the Construction both CPR and the PED requirements Products Regulations (CPR). can be satisfied. • EN10255 tubes can be supplied either • More importantly, by asking for the hot-finished or cold-formed. Part 2 you will be confirming a ‘GH’ (Get Hot) grade. • Cold-formed tubes have a number of disadvantages that can result in fabrication, • Tata Steel’s UK manufactured premium, installation and performance issues. hot-finished, multi-certified, and fully traceable and CE marked tubes are • Mixing hot-finished and cold-formed technically superior and perform tubes in installations can also result in much better than commodity cold traceability, service life and warranty issues. formed alternatives. BESA Group 18 Companies: PUBLICATIONS TRAINING
Coil welder Uncoiler Coil accumulator Uncoiler Coil accumulator Coil welder Uncoiler Coil welder Uncoiler Coil welder Edge miller Edge miller Coil welder Coil accumulator 1 Coil accumulator Coil welder Edge miller How we make our premium Install® Plus 235 hot-finished tubes Edge miller Uncoiler Coil welder Coil accumulator 1 Coil accumulator Uncoiler Coil welder Coil How we make our premium Install® Plus 235 hot-finished tubes accumulator High Frequency accumulator High Frequency Induction Welder Forming rolls Weld trim Induction Welder Weld trim Forming rolls High Frequency coil to make the tube High Frequency Edge miller Edge miller We then form the profile Induction Welder Forming rolls Weld trim Induction Welder Forming rolls Coil coil to make the tube 1 Edge miller High Edge miller welder profile Weld Forming Frequency Coil 1 1 High machine mill welder Welder trim Squeeze rolls Frequency Weld Rotary cut off Squeeze rolls Our fully traceable steel coil is 1 Welder machine trim mill High Frequency made in the UK by Strip Products Squeeze rolls Squeeze rolls Corby route Corby route Hartlepool route Hartlepool route Induction Welder Forming rolls made in the UK by Strip Products High Frequ Weld trimency Forming rolls Induction Welder High Frequency Weld trim Corby route Hartlepool route Corby route Hartlepool route Forming rolls Induction Welder Weld trim Forming rolls Weld trim Induction Welder Squeeze1 Non-destructive Non-destructive 1 Non-destructive At this stage, we actually During welding high localised heat results in Non Destructive Testing (NDT) 2 1 Quenching testing testing Non-destructive Non-destructive have a cold-formed tube WLAenching WLA Qu 1 Non-destructive testing the weld-seam and a Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) testing During welding high localised heat results in Squeeze 2 At this stage, we actually Non Destructive Testing (NDT) 2 2 Quenching have a cold-formed tube WLAenching WLA Qu Squeeze rolls testing testing tes Squeeze rollsting testing the weld-seam and a Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) Squeeze rolls Squeeze rolls Corby route Hartlepool route Corby route Hartlepool route Corby hot process route Corby route Corby route Hartlepool route Hartlepool route Non-destructive testing Non-destructive testing Corby hot process route Non-destructive testing Non-destructive testing Non-destructive Primary and Non-destructive Sizing Furnace Stretch reduction Sizing Furnace Stretch reduction 2 2 Non-destructive Non-destructive Heat Treatment Our fully traceable steel coil is Coil We then form the Uncoiler Non-destructive Forming Uncoiler Non-destructive Coating and High Frequency Coil accumulator Rotary cut off Coil accumulator 1 Weld trim 1 Non-destructive Non-destructive Stretch reduction secondary finishing Quenching added value WLA testing Primary and Quenching Non-destructive WLA Non-destructive Coating and testing Sizing Stretch reduction Furnace Furnace testing testing Stretch reduction Sizing 2 2 Heat Treatment Stretch reduction testing secondary finishing Quenching added value WLA Quenching More More testing testing WLA testing Packing information? information? Please contact one 2 2 Non-destructive testing and Packing and dispatch of our technical team Please contact one 2 2 Furnace Stretch reduction Stretch reduction Sizing 2 Sizing Non-destructive testing of our technical team dispatch Non-destructive testing Non-destructive testing using the contact details 2 using the contact details Furnace Straightening, cutting Shot blasting, painting, Furnace galvanising, polymer Shot blasting, painting, and frazing, threading, Straightening, cutting We then heat treat our tubes up to 1000°C as this makes a superior product Furnace Stretch reduction Stretch reduction Sizing Sizing on the back of this on the back of this mini-guide. Our tube Coating and added value Coating and added value We then heat treat our tubes up to 1000°C as this makes a superior product and frazing, threading, coating that performs better than cold-formed alternatives. grooving, additional NDT Coating and added value galvanising, polymer experts are happy to mini-guide. Our tube Coating and added value that performs better than cold-formed alternatives. grooving, additional NDT coating experts are happy to Disadvantages of cold-formed tubes Advantages of hot-finished assist. assist. Packing and dispatch Packing and dispatch 2 2 2 Packing and dispatch Packing and dispatch ADVERTISER’S CONTENT 2 Our hot-finished tubes do not have a Heat Affected Zone (HAZ), as this Cold-formed tubes still have their Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) Always specify Tata Steel Install® Plus 235 brand or a GH (Get Hot) grade when ordering your EN10255 (replacement to the withdrawn BS1387) / EN10217-2 pipework products Always specify Tata Steel Install® Plus 235 brand or a GH (Get Hot) grade when ordering your EN10255 (replacement to the withdrawn BS1387) / EN10217-2 pipework products Shot blasting, Painting, Straig Straightening, Cutting and frazing,htening, Cutting and frazing,Shot blasting, Painting, is fully removed during the hot-manufacturing (normalising) process. as a result of their manufacturing process. This is an area Shot blasting, Painting, Straightening, Cutting and frazing,htening, Cutting and frazing,Shot blasting, Painting, Straig 2 2 Coating and added value Galvanising, Polymer coating. Galvanising, Polymer coating. Threading, Grooving, Threading, Grooving, Coating and added value around the weld-seam that is an area of weakness as it has: Threading, Grooving, Coating and added value Galvanising, Polymer coating. Galvanising, This results in a superior product as it has: Polymer coating. Threading, Grooving, Coating and added value Additional NDT. Additional NDT. 1 Disadvantages of cold-formed tubes 2 Advantages of hot-finished Additional NDT. Additional NDT. 2 1 Disadvantages of cold-formed tubes Advantages of hot-finished Packing and dispatch Packing and dispatch n An inconsistent microstructure Our hot-finished tubes do not have a Heat Affected Zone (HAZ), Cold-formed tubes still have their Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) as Packing and dispatch Packing and dispatch n An ordered and consistent microstructure n Pockets of stress that can Our hot-finished tubes do not have a Heat Affected Zone (HAZ), n No internal stress that can promote cracking Cold-formed tubes still have their Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) as a result of their manufacturing process. This is an area around as this is fully removed during the hot-manufacturing (normalising) a result of their manufacturing process. This is an area around as this is fully removed during the hot-manufacturing (normalising) n Consistent and reliable mechanical properties Straightening, Cutting a Shot blasting, Painting,nd frazing, process. This results in a superior product as it has: the weld-seam that is an area of weakness as it has: promote cracking Shot blasting, Painting, Galvanising, Polymer coating., 2 Straightening, Cutting and frazing, Shot blasting, Painting,nd frazing, Shot blasting, Painting, Straightening, Cutting and frazing, Threading, Grooving, 2 Straightening, Cutting a 1 1 the weld-seam that is an area of weakness as it has: process. This results in a superior product as it has: 1 1 n Improved structural integrity and ductility Threading, Grooving Galvanising, Polymer coating. ■ An inconsistent microstructure n Inconsistencies in mechanical Galvanising, Polymer coating. Galvanising, Polymer coating., 2 Threading, Grooving, 2 ■ An ordered and consistent microstructure Threading, Grooving ■ An inconsistent microstructure ■ An ordered and consistent microstructure Additional NDT. Additional NDT. n Improved and consistent toughness Additional NDT. Additional NDT. ■ Pockets of stress that can promote cracking properties and strength ■ No internal stress that can promote cracking Removal of Heat ed Removal of Heat Removal of Heat ed Removal of Heat ed ed ■ Pockets of stress that can promote cracking ■ No internal stress that can promote cracking Zone (HAZ) and uniform Zone (HAZ) and uniform Zone (HAZ) and uniform Zone (HAZ) and uniform structure throughout the n Higher pressure integrity n Po ■ Inconsistencies in mechanical properties and strengthorer toughness than ■ Consistent and reliable mechanical properties structure throughout the structure throughout the structure throughout the ■ Consistent and reliable mechanical properties ■ Inconsistencies in mechanical properties and strength hot tube hot tube hot tube hot tube ■ Poorer toughness than the tube body the tube body ■ Improved structural integrity and ductility ■ Poorer toughness than the tube body ■ Improved struc n Greater factor of safetytural integrity and ductility Cold-formed tube micrograph: Inconsistent ■ Improved and consistent toughness ■ ■ Increased risk of splitting Increased risk of splitting n Increased risk of splitting Cold-formed tube micrograph: Inconsistent ■ Improved and consistent toughness Cold-formed tube micrograph: Inconsistent Cold-formed tube micrograph: Inconsistent n No loss of strength during additional 2 2 ■ Higher pressure integrity Higher pressure integrity structure with pockets of stress and variations in of stress and variations in 1 2 ■ Poorer pressure integrity ■ Poorer pressure integrity n Poorer pressure integrity 1 structure with pockets of stress and variations in of stress and variations in 1 ■ 2 structure with pockets 1 structure with pockets welding or heating ■ Reduced performance against corrosion n Reduced performance mechanical properties mechanical properties ■ Greater factor of safety Greater factor of safety ■ Reduced performance against corrosion ■ mechanical properties mechanical properties n Improved performance against corrosion ed ed Removal of Heat Removal of Heat Removal of Heat ed Removal of Heat ■ No loss of strength during additional welding or ■ Poorer bending abilities ■ Poorer bending abilities ■ No loss of strength during additional welding or heating Zone (HAZ) and uniformheating Zone (HAZ) and uniform ed Zone (HAZ) and uniform Zone (HAZ) and uniform against corrosion ■ Improved performance against corrosionance against corrosion structure throughout the n Ability to be bent to tight radii without splitting, structure throughout the structure throughout the structure throughout the ■ Improved perform hot tube hot tube hot tube hot tube n Poorer bending abilities ■ Ability to be bent to tight radii without splitting, creasing or collapsingcreasing or collapsing creasing or collapsing ■ Ability to be bent to tight radii without splitting, Cold-formed tube micrograph: Inconsistent Cold-formed tube microgr Cold-formed tube micrograph: Inconsistent aph: Inconsistent Cold-formed tube micrograph: Inconsistent structure with pockets of stress and variations in structure with pockets of stress and variations in ture with pockets of stress and variations in structure with pockets of stress and variations in struc mechanical properties mechanical properties mechanical properties mechanical properties hoW to tell if it’s hot-finished You can tell a hot-finished tube by either the product description or marking, order acknowledgement, test certificate or any statements of conformity issued by the Tube manufacturer. Tata Steel’s conveyance tubes have all the information you need marked on the actual product confirming it’s hot-finished (GH=Get Hot) product. Our CE mark confirms technical support full product suitability for Fuel/Gas (CAT3) and For more information on Tata Steel’s hot-finished Water (CAT4) use. Some tube range and the differences between cold imports are not hot-finished vs. cold-formed tubes, please visit: fully CE marked. www.tatasteelconstruction.com/hotvscold Or call the Tubes Technical Hotline: +44 (0) 1536 402121 Or contact the Building and Industrial Services Pipework Academy, established to Use this icon to help remember the Tata Steel improve the awareness hot-finished brands, key of BIM and pipework standards and grades to innovations, please visit: specify to ensure that you www.bispa.org get a hot-finished tube. Always specify Tata Steel Install Plus 235 brand or a GH (Get Hot) ® grade when ordering your EN10255/EN10217-2 pipework products 19
TRAINING for Apprenticeships, which is also responsible for monitoring the quality of the apprenticeships developed by each industry sector. With greater control of the system we can start to focus on tackling the skills gap. Every employer in our sector should be able to take out more than they put into the Levy – and many SMEs will not have to contribute anything at all, but can still access funding to support their recruitment and training plans. There has been some confusion over the existence of two levies with some employers still being required to pay the old-style CITB levy. However, the Department of for Business, Innovation and Skills Industry must take lead (BIS) has now agreed that about 900 large construction firms with payrolls on apprenticeships of more than £3m will have to pay both the CITB levy and the new apprenticeship levy until 2018 – firms with smaller payrolls are unaffected. The launch of the government’s Apprenticeship Levy and the programme to develop new However, some Tier One and Two contractors are ‘Trailblazer’ apprenticeships makes this a key imposing contract conditions on sub-contractors moment in the industry’s training history, according requiring them to pay the CITB levy on their behalf. to BESA director of training Tony Howard. This is not a valid contractual condition, according to BESA’s legal department, apart from in some ‘labour only’ This is a time of uncertainty so it is really important that projects – so sub-contractors should not feel obliged to employers step up and take responsibility for the whole agree to it. apprenticeship process. It is crucial that we get a good fix on the quality and how the delivery of Trailblazers is In short, the building engineering services sector is not managed and priced. We do not want external training covered by the CITB levy – the sector opted out in 1990 providers from outside our industry trying to muscle in and does not want to go back there. We are, however, and strip money out of the system and away from where it very much IN the new apprenticeship levy so let’s make can add best value. it work for us. The closure next April of the current scheme for funding Trailblazers and assessment plans are up and running. apprenticeships that haven’t already started is a game Now we must pick up the baton for delivery and end changer. At that point, employers will be able to start point assessment to ensure our industry has its own drawing funds from their digital levy account to help badge of quality for apprenticeships that will serve it recruit and train apprentices. well far into the future. The levy is expected to produce a training fund of £3bn to If you would like to discuss the possibilities of employing support the creation of three million new apprenticeships an apprentice with your company visit by 2020. The system is overseen by the new Institute www.theBESA.com/employ-an-apprentice. BESA Group 20 Companies: PUBLICATIONS TRAINING
CONSTRUCTION WEEK The Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) is proud to be a partner of HVAC 2016, the UK’s only show dedicated to heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning within the construction industry; along with a host of industry leaders, as part of the award winning UK Construction Week taking place at the NEC, Birmingham on 18 - 20 October. Free to attend, HVAC 2016 is set to be Condair, installation giant Kingspan gains pace, HVAC 2016 will be a this year’s must see industry event; Insulation and full service ventilation valuable opportunity for professionals building on the 24,000 industry company Delta Ventilation Ltd to within the sector to keep up to date, professionals who attended last year, name but a few. learn new skills and see the latest including visitors from the UK’s top 20 products from leading manufacturers.” construction companies. Delivered over three days, the show schedule includes a range of As the premier trade association for informative seminars, innovations the sector, the BESA actively supports from leading manufacturers, industry members in maintaining and growing discussions, practical workshops, their business and sees attendance at numerous networking opportunities HVAC 2016 as a way of staying ahead and recent legislation updates. of industry issues and maximising the latest opportunities in the marketplace. Nathan Garnett, Event Director for HVAC 2016, explains the show’s Catering for installers, engineers, importance: “As one of the most robust contractors, specifiers and architects; sectors in the construction industry, confirmed exhibitors at the show HVAC is a crucial market we want to include Airflow Developments Ltd, support in growth and innovation. As HVAC components manufacturer legislation continues to be updated Farraro group, humidifier specialist and the drive for increasing efficiency BESA Group 22 Companies: PUBLICATIONS TRAINING
BESA experts will be actively involved throughout the show presenting seminars and contributing to wider discussions around some of the biggest issues currently facing the HVAC industry. Highlights include: DAY ONE Tony Howard, Director of BESA Training will be presenting a seminar on the hot topics of current skill levels, training and apprenticeship schemes within the industry, discussing standardisation and the latest Levy information. DAY TWO Tony will be joined by a panel of industry experts to discuss training and narrowing the skills and diversity CEO of the Ground Source Heat Pump What’s more, by registering for HVAC gap within the industry. The aim of this Association and Phil Jones, Independent 2016 trade visitors are able to attend session is to look further at what can Energy Consultant & Chairman of the all nine shows taking place across the be done to attract and retain people to CIBSE CHP-DH Group. three days at UK Construction Week: the industry from all backgrounds and Timber expo, the Build Show, Civils breaking down the barriers. Other topics being discussed during Expo, the Surface and Materials Show, the show include indoor air quality in Energy 2016, Plant and Machinery Live, Chaired by Dennis Flower, Editor at energy efficient homes, characteristics HVAC 2016, Smart Buildings 2016 and Premises and Facilities Management and performance of MVHR systems and Grand Designs Live. Magazine, panellists include: utilisation of construction product data Alexandra Logan, Engineer at to deliver sustainable buildings. Following the success of last year’s Cundall, Bridgett Bartlett, Deputy event, UK Construction Week will Chief Executive of the Chartered Registering to attend HVAC 2016 is quick, once again offer much more than Institute of Building (CIOB), Tony easy and free and can be completed just access to over 650 industry Howard, Director at BESA Training online at www.hvaclive.co.uk leading exhibitors and associated and Dr Nelson Ogunshakin, Chief products and services. With the Executive Officer at the Association introduction of several new industry for Consultancy & Engineering (ACE). awards celebrating excellence in the sector, and a packed entertainment A further panel discussion on day programme which includes the return two will dissect the future of heat of the popular beer and ale festival pumps. Many countries in central and much more. and northern Europe, as well as North America, use heat pumps For further information, for hot water and heating their visit UK Construction Week: households. The UK is lagging www.ukconstructionweek.com behind its European and American counterparts with a large proportion of households still using gas boilers. ARE YOU ATTENDING? This discussion defines the barriers of installing heat pumps and what the Make sure you visit us at stand H4/964. industry can do to help break them We will be sharing our experience and insights from the down. Panelists include: Tim Rook, show with our members. Be sure to sign up to our regular Technical Director at BESA, John e-newsletter or follow us on Twitter to stay up to date. Stephan, Partner at BDO, Nic Wincott, 23
WORKFORCE Are you using the full potential of smart cards? TRAINING RECORDS Engineering Services SKILLcard – the personnel Probably the most sought after function available through smart registration and card issuing scheme for the mechanical cards is the ability to store information services industry of the building services engineering related to the training of individual sector – began issuing smart cards last autumn. workers and staff. Working with Reference Point, CSCS’s Since then, 11,250 smart SKILLcards SECONDARY APPLICATIONS IT provider, SKILLcard is now able to have been issued, representing 20% provide a free service to employers of the SKILLcards in circulation. All The smart functionality of SKILLcards through Reference Point’s Skillsight SKILLcards are upgraded to smart cards also enables employers to use a range service allowing employers to upload on renewal, so it is only a matter of time of site access control and time and training records, qualifications or before all SKILLcards will be smart. attendance recording systems, using other information to their employees’ biometric and wireless technologies cards – including site safety inductions, CORE INFORMATION provided by a number of IT providers toolbox talks and copies of certificates. – which can also be used to control This information can be edited online In addition to personal information – access to machinery and equipment, and kept up-to-date by a nominated name, reference number, photo ID – to limit their use to suitably qualified person within your organisation. the chip embedded in smart cards personnel. stores ‘core’ industry-related information, • You will be able to edit only the including NVQ/SVQ levels, corresponding Details of the various IT providers who information which you have inputted, pre-NVQ/SVQ qualifications, have teamed up with CSCS – the so it is specific to your business apprenticeship details, welding and F gas pan-industry registration body to requirements. certification, and professional institution which SKILLcard is affiliated – are at: membership categories. • Other employers may have inputted https://www.cscs.uk.com/about/ information, but you will be able to This information is controlled and user-smart-tech/ view this when the individual inputted exclusively by SKILLcard. smartcard-additional-uses/ presents his/her card to be read. BESA Group 24 Companies: PUBLICATIONS TRAINING
• Due diligence checks by Reference clients’ premises/facilities while downloaded for free using the links Point ensure that only genuine, skills, competences, previous on the downloads page of the reputable businesses are able to inductions, etc. are verified SKILLcard website register to use Skillsight. (www.skillcard.org.uk/downloads). • Helps you manage training budgets See how this works at: through having an overview of Once you have downloaded the app, www.skillcard.org.uk/skillsight when certificates will expire you can read the card by holding it to the back of the device to view the Working with SKILLcard, Reference Further information about Skillsight information on screen, or by inserting Point has made a number of is at: www.skillsight.co.uk. the card into your card reader. You enhancements to the Skillsight system will need to ensure that your device’s – including the colour-coding of READING CARDS near field communication (NFC) certificate expiry dates and email or is turned on. At the moment, the text messaging notifying imminent Information accessed through a GoSmart apps are only available for certificate expiry dates. smart card can be read via mobile phone or tablet (Android or Windows Android devices. USING SKILLCARD’S types) or a PC-based, plug in card Smart cards are up-dated SMART FUNCTIONALITY reader. The SKILLcard website gives more details about automatically the first time • Avoids the time-consuming nature compatible card readers. they’re scanned after, meaning of providing clients with evidence of additional training can be added the workforce’s skills and competences To read a smart card through either electronically at no cost to the using paper records and photocopies of these systems you simply need cardholder or employer. to download the SKILLcard GoSmart • Avoids unproductive time awaiting software from Google Play or the Skillsight is available to smart SKILLcard client inductions or access to Windows Store. The apps can be users from mid October 2016. 25
Welplan Pensions is one of only 7 workplace pension WORKFORCE schemes open to any employer that hold the Master Trust Assurance Framework standard, which was developed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) in association with The Pensions Regulator to help employers identify schemes with the highest standards of governance and administration. Welplan Pensions also holds Pension Quality Mark READY status, for providing clear communications and good governance. Thanks to the creation of a new digital platform, employers can now register for Welplan Pensions online; assess their Welplan Pensions now fully online workforce; and submit and process files and financial transactions online. Financial advisers, who manage The workplace pensions and employee benefits provider accounts on behalf of clients, can also use the system and Welplan now offers a fully online pension scheme following set up multiple employers under their own account. There a major makeover of its online service helping to reduce the are no employer charges, making things simple for IFAs who administrative burden on employers and helping them meet don’t have to factor this cost in when advising their clients. their auto enrolment duties. The speed and convenience of the new system, which The Penrith-based company, which has been operating since enables the uploading of files at any time of the day or night, 1960 and providing a workplace pension scheme since 1988, has means employers can meet deadlines and, therefore, avoid expanded beyond its traditional building engineering services the risk of late payment fines or pension regulation breaches. home. Originally set up to meet the needs of employers in this industry alone, it is now providing pensions and employee benefits For more information please visit: to over 500 employers, large and small, in a variety of industries. www.welplan.co.uk/welplan-hub/video-guides/ 27
How to advertise SUPPORTING YOUR BUSINESS your business online ADVERTISING ON OTHER PEOPLE’S SITES Getting your company listed on other sites such as trade journals or industry sites may cost a bit of money but it shows that your company is trusted and certified. To be listed on the Find a BESA Member page for Remember having to trawl through the Yellow Pages example, you must be a BESA member, this means you have passed our or the BT Phone Directory when you wanted to look for Competence Assessment Scheme and the Association is vouching for a local heating engineer or plumber? Although some the quality of the services provided. people may still choose to use hard copies, most of us This type of online marketing is beneficial as trade journal and industry will now search Google or online directories including sites are aimed at a specific target audience. There are lots of options, our Find a BESA Member page, while using their ranging from simple directory entries, to the potential to put animated smartphone or tablet. People want to find information banner adverts that click through directly to your website. Costs will immediately when on the go and from a trusted source. vary, so it is best to identify the websites you want to advertise on, and approach them directly. Don’t forget to bargain, as you can normally get Advertising online is a cheap and effective way to target a substantial discount off any advertising price that you are quoted! your specific audience. Here are our recommendations of ways you can advertise your business online... REMARKETING Remarketing specifically targets people who are interested in your SOCIAL ENGINE MARKETING products or services – its tracks who visits your website or app and which products they look at. Once they have left your site adverts will Google Adwords is an advertising service by Google for businesses. be targeted at them through other websites directing them back to Many people use the term ‘I Googled it’ when looking for a service or product. Google Adwords enables you to rank higher on the search what they were looking at. You may have noticed this before – you may have been looking at a type of pipework for example, after a while you listings by choosing key words you think your customers could be might have seen the exact brand, product and specification of pipework searching for. you had been looking at in an advert down the side of a completely For example if you are a company that has a ductwork cleaning service different webpage – this is remarketing. in Manchester, key words you would be likely to use are ‘ductwork This type of online marketing is beneficial as you know that your cleaning in Manchester’ or ‘Qualified ductwork cleaning in Manchester’, advertising budget is being used on people who have already taken an if your business name is ‘ABC Ductwork’ then you would also bid on active interest in your business. If you would like to find out more, visit ‘ABC Ductwork in Manchester’. This enables your ad to be seen by http://www.ppchero.com/ultimate-guide-to-adwords-remarketing/. people who are specifically searching for your services. Using social engine marketing is beneficial as you can set your budget and only pay when people click on your ad. This can be a Let us know what subjects you would like us to cost effective way of advertising your business and getting seen by cover in Your BESA to help your business grow. people actively looking for your services. If you want to find out Contact [email protected] more, head to www.google.co.uk/adwords. 29
EVENTS CALENDAR 2016 BESA SPECIALIST GROUPS AND COMMITTEES BESA REGIONAL MEETINGS – NOVEMBER 2016 Heating & Plumbing Services Group 5 October Eastern Counties Tuesday 15 November North East Tuesday 15 November Service & Facilities Group West Midlands Tuesday 15 November 13 October Sussex Wednesday 16 November Technical Committee BESA Wales Wednesday 16 November 9 November East Midlands Thursday 17 November Kent Thursday 17 November ExHIBITIONS AND CONFERENCES Northern Ireland Thursday 17 November Scotland Monday 21 November Healthcare Estates Exhibtion London Tuesday 22 November 4 & 5 October, Manchester Central North West Tuesday 22 November Surrey Tuesday 22 November Training - Skills Cymru 12 & 13 October, Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff Wessex & C.I. Tuesday 22 November Yorkshire Wednesday 23 November UK Construction Week South East Thursday 24 November 18-20 October, NEC, Birmingham South West and Thursday 24 November West of England Diversity Seminar Details for the following regional meetings coming soon 25 October, Southbank University, London Hertfordshire TBC South Midlands TBC Digital Construction Week 26 & 27 October, The Business Design Centre, London BESA HEALTH & SAFETY FOCUS FORUMS & CIBSE Building Performance Conference & Exhibition London & SE 20 October - Holiday Inn, London Stratford City 17 & 18 November, QEII Centre, Westminster, London Wales & SW The Business Show 27 October - Holiday Inn, Cardiff West 17 & 18 November, Olympia, London Midlands 3 November - Holiday Inn, Rugby/Northampton The Building Services Summit 2016 Northern 23 November, British Library, London 10 November - Holiday Inn, Leeds Garforth To book, or for more information on, any of our events please visit www.theBESA.com/events BESA Group 30 Companies: PUBLICATIONS TRAINING
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