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Home Explore CCLS Borrowing Policy Regulations and Procedures

CCLS Borrowing Policy Regulations and Procedures

Published by Chester County Library System, 2019-04-01 14:22:19

Description: CCLS Borrowing Policy Regulations and Procedures Learning Module


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CCLS Borrowing Policy: Regulations and Procedures Rev. 2017 EMA

Notes about this Learning Module • Please review the links to documents and websites in this module. Information in these references could be part of the final quiz! • The Quiz button will take you the module quiz. • The Fill Out CE Form button will take you to the CE form. • Directions for navigating the module plus printing and saving your quiz results: User Guide Any other questions? Please email the Staff Development Coordinator 2

What you will Learn … • Know the steps a customer has to take to borrow materials • Understand the regulations and procedures governing the return of materials 3

Definitions to get you started… • The term “in loco parentis” is Latin for “in place of a parent.” It is a legal doctrine referring to an agency who has assumed the obligations of a parent. • A collection agency is a third-party company that specializes in resource recovery. • A patron in good standing is an individual with no overdue materials, has not exceeded borrowing limits, has a Library card that is not expired, does not have total unpaid fines in excess of $10 and whose account has not been referred to the Collection Agency • Interlibrary Loan Materials are items borrowed from outside of the Chester County Library System 4

QUIZ • There is a 10 point quiz at the end of this learning module. • You need to get 100% on the quiz to get credit for completing the learning module. 5

The Chester County Library System (CCLS) provides prompt, accurate and courteous service to all individuals regardless of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, socioeconomic status, disability, immigration status, background, or views. 6

For an outstanding patron experience! 7

Library Cards …. • Establish a customer account • Allow the borrowing of materials • Facilitate use of online resources • Enable tracking of borrowed materials 8

• Free to anyone who lives, works, owns property or attends school in Chester County. • Free to patrons of libraries participating in the ACCESS PA statewide library card program. 9

• Complete an application • Provide a valid ID verifying name and current address Valid ID: A driver's license or document that verifies name and current address. 10

CCLS welcomes children as library card applicants and encourages them to have their own cards. It is responsibility of the parent or legal guardian to guide and monitor their own minor child’s library use. CCLS member libraries and staff do not act in loco parentis. 11

A person under the age of 18 who meets the requirements for obtaining a library card will be provided with a card after completing an application provided that the applicant’s parent or legal guardian signs the application agreeing that they are financially responsible for the use of the card and any fines or fees. 12

Transaction Records • Strictly confidential • Need proper ID or library card number to get information on: • Fines and Fees • Outstanding books • Standing on a reserves waiting list • Account MUST state permission for another person to access information 13

The Pennsylvania Library Code protects the confidentiality of a person’s library card and circulation record even if a parent has signed for the minor child. The minor child retains his or her confidentiality rights as guaranteed by law. 14

To ensure their library privileges, a patron must: 15


What about Lost Cards? • Patron needs to inform library • Charge for replacement • Patron must provide identification • Minors without ID may use a parent or guardian ID with matching address 17

And Stolen Cards ? • Patron needs to inform library • Message added to account to prohibit unauthorized use • Library has an option to waive replacement fee 18

CCLS accepts Hold requests for circulating library materials in order to provide access to high demand materials and materials located at the various member libraries. Holds are fulfilled in chronological order by which they are received from the patron. . . . . 19

About Holds • Library patrons in good standing may place Holds on most materials listed in the online catalog • Holds may not be placed rental books and reference materials • No charge for placing a Hold on library materials • Patrons are notified and materials held 7 library business days after being placed on the Hold shelf 20

• A patron can place Holds … • In-Person • On-line • By phone • Using the CCLS App • If a patron’s account is not in good standing, materials cannot be placed on Hold Note: If additional copies are needed, patrons may contact their local library 21

For Adults only, holds can be picked up… • In person with a library card • By providing the titles of the items on reserve, • By those designated by name in the patron’s account with permission to pick up in their absence. Materials can only be checked out to the patron account in which the Hold was placed. For more information and how to handle minors, check out Borrowing Regulations and Procedures. 22

CCLS allows for the renewal of library materials as a courtesy to patrons who have not completed their use of an items. . Limits on renewals exist so that all patrons can have an equal opportunity to use the libraries’ material 23

• In-Person • On-line • By phone • Using the CCLS App Staff will provide new due date when renewing in-person When renewing overdue items, any fines incurred prior to renewal will be added to the patron’s account 24

More on Renewal of Materials • Materials maybe renewed twice. • Over Drive titles: unlimited renewals • Additional renewals granted at the discretion of the member library • May be extended on 21 day materials at the discretion of circulation staff • Examples: • Vacations • Illness • Physical impairment • May not exceed 7 weeks (49 days) 25

• Cannot renew high demand items (items on Hold) • If a patron’s account is not in good standing materials cannot be renewed • Exceptions can be granted at the discretion of a member library 26

Interlibrary Loan Materials • Renewal requests can only be granted by the lending institution • Requests must be made through the CCLS Interlibrary Loan Department at least 3 days prior to due date For more information, check out: CCLS Interlibrary Loan Policy 27

CCLS sends a due date reminder notice to patrons as a courtesy close to the date when items are due. CCLS also sends notices about materials kept past the due date. Check out Borrowing Regulations and Procedures to learn the various ways courtesy and overdue notices are sent to patrons. 28

About Notices… • First overdue notice issued when materials kept 7 days past the due date. • Second overdue notice issued when materials kept 21 days (3 weeks) past the due date. • Final notice issued when the materials kept 42 days (6 weeks) past the due date. 29

As an incentive for patrons to return materials in a timely manner, CCLS charges fines. Items not returned by the due date will be charged overdue fines on a uniform CCLS-wide policy. • Borrowing privileges are suspended when the amount of money owed reaches or exceeds the set threshold • No fines will be charged on the days the owning library is closed 30

In addition to fines for overdue items and fees for lost and damaged items, some member libraries charge borrowing fees for providing certain popular and high-demand materials (i.e., rental books, DVDs, audiobooks). CCLS also reserves the right to pass on the cost of fees incurred when borrowing an item for a patron through interlibrary loan whether the patron picks up the item or not. 31

Handling Fines … Can be paid in person at any of the CCLS member libraries • Cash, check, or money order • Checks and money orders may also be mailed to any member library • Some member libraries may be Can al able to accept in-person credit card so be paid on-line transactions • Visa, MasterCard and Discover • If email address is included, receipt of payment will be sent automatically • Payment receipt is displayed and may be printed 32

The “claims returned” status universally used by libraries but is not intended to absolve patrons of their responsibility for lost items! It gives everyone additional time to search for missing items. Staff in member libraries process almost 4 million returns per year and may occasionally miss an item.. . Generally, if a patron’s account is in good standing it is our practice to accept the patron’s word when they claim they have returned an item that we still show checked out. 33

Claims Returned At the discretion of the owning Library’s Director or designee, member libraries may extend continued borrowing privileges to a patron while a search for the missing item is conducted. 34

CCLS utilizes the services of a collection agency to assist the library in recovering long overdue materials, billed charges for lost and damaged items, and/or unpaid balances. This allows CCLS to maintain the integrity of the libraries’ collections and ensure availability of materials to library users. . . 35

The Collection Agency • When the patron's account is tagged for reporting to the collection agency, an additional non-refundable charge is added to the patron's account • Agency contacts patrons and informs them of materials outstanding or monies owed • Only amount owed and number of items outstanding are sent to the collection agency. Titles of items are not released. 36

Staff and volunteers of CCLS member libraries have ready access to a broad, bountiful collection of materials. Staff and volunteers of CCLS are subject to all of the rules and regulations in the Borrowing Policy with the exception of certain exceptions detailed in the Borrowing Policy: Regulations and Procedures 37

Note to Staff and volunteers of CCLS member libraries 38

Links to reference and supporting materials CCLS Borrowing Policy- Regulations and Procedures CCLS Interlibrary Loan Policy 39

There are many benefits and privileges of owning a CCLS library card. Patrons have access to over 1.1 million items. This outstanding collection is a shared resource funded for the Chester County community. The CCLS Borrowing Policy and Regulations and Procedures are designed to maximize access to the collection and facilitate the return materials on time so they are available for use by other borrowers. 40

You are now ready to test your knowledge! QUIZ Please Fill out your Continuing Education Form! Fill Out CE Form Thanks for taking this Learning for Success Module! 41

This publication is produced by the Chester County Library. © 2017 LMA The Chester County Library System is committed to equal access to programs, facilities and employment for all persons. 450 Exton Square Parkway, Exton PA 19341 Phone: 610-280-2600 ~ Fax 610-280-2688 ~Home Page: http://www.ccls.org0471. 42

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