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Home Explore Extons Autumn Newsletter 2016

Extons Autumn Newsletter 2016

Published by aaran, 2016-10-19 16:19:22

Description: Extons Autumn Newsletter 2016


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Slice ofEXTONS AUTUMN NEWS 2016 Expansion means new lines for Extons Healthy times for Eatlean 3% fat cheese The march of the slider0161 998 5734 [email protected]

37g 3% 0PROTEIN FAT CARBSOnly Healthy times for ‘Eatlean’3% fat iskeeping Heler’s has been busy pioneering a route to marketthings lean through their new Eatlean cheese. Eatlean is high in protein and big on taste, boasting 37g of protein perDiets come. Diets go. But it seems our hunger for 100g of cheese, very low fat at just 3%, and zerothe high protein, low carb diet is definitely here to carbs. And it’s already proving a big hit across widestay…a phenomenon proving hugely popular with groupings of people.the 55% of Britons who tried to lose weight in thelast 12 months. Eatlean ‘portions’ are offering the keep-fit brigade a tasty way to indulge in a high protein snack, while theIn fact, high protein, low carb, clean eating diets weight conscious amongst us are reveling in the ideaare in the Top 5 listed by the NHS this year. The New that cheese can be part of their everyday diet…Atkins, Paleo, Dukan and Keto diets have all added without it adding pounds or inches.fuel to the fire, helping contribute to a British dietindustry now worth £2 billion annually. Now we’re working together, not only to make Eatlean even more accessible to everyday consumers, but toSo it’s hardly surprising that food manufacturers introduce the benefits to industry providers inand the food service industry are investing heavily in formats that make it an easy and viable ingredient forcreating dishes and menu options that can satisfy future success.this rapidly growing demand. But with cheese at theheart of so many of our meal choices, the task of You can find out more about Eatleankeeping all of the taste and texture, while delivering at seriously low fat content, is a challenging one. or by following Eatlean on InstagramIn recent months, this is exactly the challenge we’ve @eatleancheeseset ourselves too, and it’s why we’re now workingclosely with Cheshire based dairy, Joseph Heler.0161 998 5734 [email protected]

Expansionmeansnew linesfor ExtonsIn the summer edition of Slice of Life, we announced It’s grate news for capacityour commitment to investing an additional £1m ona further expansion programme which would include The new line will initially concentrate on thethe introduction of our third production line. production and packing of grated cheese. This means we can process an additional 2 tonnesWe’re now delighted to confirm that the new line of cheese per hour, helping increase Extons’has been fully commissioned and is already helping medium term total output from 170 tonnes perus provide the increased capacity we need to meet week to well over 200 tonnes.with rapidly growing demand. The new line also represents the very latest inToday, our south Manchester facility has effectively both production technology and capability, openinggrown from 24,000 sq.ft. to 45,000 sq.ft., giving up the widest range of packaging options fromus the space we need to invest even more in NPD, 100g retail packs in doy style with tape or zip closure,innovation, the best possible customer service, to food service pillow packs in sizes from 500gand developing our range of on-demand and to 5kg.bespoke sliced and grated options. The expansion has been good news on the employment front too with our staff levels rising to 70…a far cry from the days when Liz and Rachael were the only two names on the payroll, just 16 short years ago!0161 998 5734 [email protected]

From the largest rainforest ‘in captivity’Okay, we’re cheating a little. Extons cheese hasn’t With last year’s visitor numbers approachingyet made its way to some of the far-flung tropical 1,000,000, there are a lot of appetites to satisfy too.forests of the world. Or, at least, not as far as That’s why we’re particularly pleased that Extonswe know. is supplying the cheese slices that feature in so many of the menu options.But our cheese is definitely on the menu in someseriously interesting locations a little nearer home. Thanks to our South West distributor – whoseOne such destination is the magnificent customer the Eden Project is – it’s a supply chain thatEden Project. whisks our freshly packed slices from Manchester to Somerset, and then straight on to the food serviceNestling in a huge crater, just outside St Austell on centres at Cornwall’s Eden Project…ready to help feedthe south coast of mid Cornwall, the Eden Project the hungry explorers of the tropical rainforest thatfeatures massive ‘Biomes’…giant domes that house magically flourishes right on our doorstep.the largest rainforest in captivity, as well as stunningplants and exhibitions. They also form a backdrop toacres of contemporary gardens and the venues forsummer concerts and year-round family events.0161 998 5734 [email protected]

500g Pack All our lines...on line!Food Service Cheese Slices We’re a people business and like nothing 1kg Pack more than talking directly to our customers,Food Service Cheese Slices present and future. But sometimes you want a bit more information at your fingertips 3kg Pack before picking up the phone.Food Service Cheese Slices Enter…our brand new website. Visit and you can meet the team, find out how it all started, and get a feel for our facilities. You can also look in detail at our products and bespoke formats, read up on our commitment to NPD and innovation, and learn a little more about our approach to brand partnership. Last, but not least, you can catch up on our latest news too. See you there.0161 998 5734 [email protected]

Mama Mia. It’s the Papa’sWith Autumn on our doorsteps, it’s the time of year Awards’ black tie gala dinner, to be held at thewhen the food industry’s movers and shakers start Lancaster London Hotel, Hyde Park, on 10thmaking their plans for the annual PAPA Awards. November 2016 and hosted again this year by celebrity chef, Theo Randall.This is the 27th year that the Association has laidon this glittering occasion to showcase theachievements of Pizza, Pasta & Italian Foodbusinesses across the country.The aim of the awards is to recognise excellence inall aspects of the market, from designing pizzas tomanufacturing and selling pasta products.This year, Extons is delighted to announce that weare sponsoring the prestigious Pasta Retailer ofthe Year Award. Results will be announced at the0161 998 5734 [email protected]

Prices up... RISE IN PRICES SINCE BREXITvolumes down! MILK PRICES CREAM PRICES MAY 14-16 ppl MAY 80 ppl SEPT 30-35 ppl SEPT 190 pplThese are challenging times for the dairy industry, The impact on cheesebalancing the increases in demand from newmarkets with the pressures applied through a drop With volumes down, spot milk prices were trading atin supplies and the subsequent effect on prices. around 30-35 ppl in September, a major increase on the 14-16 ppl of only four months earlier. In the sameBrexit is the big unanswered question of the day, with month, cream prices reached 190 ppl, more thanthe entire supply chain waiting to see what impact double what they were in May. Butter prices rose asthe split from Europe may – or may not – have on around £3600 a tonne, and are expected tothe industry. go over £3700 in Q4.In the meantime it’s the shifts in more local market Inevitably, cheese has been affected too, not only bydynamics that are keeping everyone on their toes. the rise in milk prices, but because current milk yields are lower in fat. That means more milk is needed toIn the UK and Ireland, daily milk deliveries are down produce 1kg of cheese, putting an added strain onover 7.7% on the same period last year, and the trend managing expectations for pricing levels. We canseems to be continuing. This has been influenced also expect a tightening of supplies with regard toheavily by farmers responding to low prices by Mozzarella and Euro imports.culling cows and cutting supplementary feeds. Factor in that products bought in euros are roughly 10% 10% more expensive than those purchased pre-Brexit, and it’s not difficult to see why prices that are subject DAILY MILK to such huge fluctuations are having a real impact on DELIVERIES the supply line…right up to the point of purchase. DOWN 10%0161 998 5734 [email protected]

The march Problem solved. You simply unpack slices cutof the slider perfectly to fit the somewhat daintier version of the classic beast of a feast.While classic European, Asian and Far Easterninfluences all have a bearing on our favourite foods, Always aiming to stay one step ahead of thewe have to say thank-you to our cousins across ever-changing trends in our national eating habits,The Pond for introducing us to ‘The Slider’. we’re happy to say we saw the writing on the wall. That’s why Extons is currently the only UK-basedSuddenly this is the word, as well as the taste, company producing a mini cheese slice to helpon everyone’s lips. The mini bun, featuring the mini make a maxi impact on sales.burger, is the flavour of the day and has alreadyspawned events like London’s Slider Decider...afeast of fun for fans of the fad!S’nice with a sliceAs every aficionado knows. a burger’s not a burgerwithout cheese? But how do you introduce a slice ofsomething nice to a treat that’s little more than amouthful in size?0161 998 5734 [email protected]

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