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Post Event Report WM&R KSA 2015

Published by naveen.n, 2018-07-19 01:47:09

Description: Post Event Report WM&R KSA 2015


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5th EditionWaste Management & Recycling WorkshopMoving The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Towards A Sustainable Future And Zero Waste11th & 12th October 2015, Le Meridian Hotel Jeddah, Saudi ArabiaPost Event Report Researched & Developed by

Workshop OverviewWith rapid urbanization and a growing population of 29.9 million people and rising, the percapita waste generated per person per day is between 1.5kgs to 1.8kgs, which makes wastemanagement an increasingly important concern that needs to be addressed immediately.Waste needs to be safely managed because it is potentially hazardous to the human healthand the environment. Globally there has been a rapid change in environment due to theincreasing waste generated from every sector running into Billion tons of waste producedper year. Hence, we at Nispana bring to you the 5th Edition of the Waste Managementand Recycling Workshop.The theme of this Workshop is “Moving the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia towards a moreSustainable and Waste Free Future” and will feature topics related to Implementation of the 7R’s, The Importance of a Waste Management & Recycling System or Hierarchy, GovernmentMandates for Waste Management & Recycling, Waste Segregation, The Importance ofPublic Awareness Campaigns, Environmental Issues Caused by Waste, Waste to Energy,Recovery from Waste, Current Government Policies & Plans for Waste Management &Recycling and the Handling & Transportation of Hazardous Waste.We encourage all relevant organizations both solutions seekers and solution providers toattend and actively participate in the 5th Edition of the Waste Management & RecyclingWorkshop 2015 Researched & Developed byWaste Management & Recycling Summit 2015 October 2015, Saudi Arabia 2

Sponsors & Partners Endorsed & Supported by Association Partners Associate PartnersWaste Management & Recycling Summit 2015 October 2015, Saudi Arabia 3

Sponsors & Partners Networking Solution ProvidersDelegate Kit Partner Official News Partner Media PartnersWaste Management & Recycling Summit 2015 October 2015, Saudi Arabia 4

Advisors & Speakers Advisory & Esteemed Speaker Panel Dr. Ali Ahmed Theban Eng. Sultan A. Alkhuraissi Dr. Khaleel Mosleh Althagafi,Deputy Director of Environmental General Manager, Operation & Assistant Professor, and Occupational Health in Maintenance King Abdulaziz University Jeddah, Royal Commission For Ministry of Health Jubail Dr. Akram Hassan, Manea M. Al-Harshan Dheya Shuja’a Al-Othmany PHD, MBA, OPM3, PMP, Director of Sanitation PHD PMI-RMP, CMC, CIARB Adviser to Deputy Mayor, Department Nuclear EngineeringHoly Makkah Municipality Royal Commission For Radiation Protection Researcher, KAU Jubail Dr. Abdul-Sattar Nizami Abdullah M. Al-Hemdi, Rodney Reynders Center of Excellence in Environmental Engineer, Cluster Leader Environment –Environmental Studies (CEES) Greater Middle East and Africa Y anbu Cement Professor Tetra Pak King Abdul Aziz University Eng. Banan A. Uteir Alaa M. Alsharif, Dr. Amir Hassan Mohammed Founder & CEO, Advisor to the Director General Engineering consultant Green Kingdom Industries SEPCO Environment General Directorate of Environmental and Municipal Waste Occupational HealthManagement Works for Jazan Refinery andMarine Terminal ProjectWaste Management & Recycling Summit 2015 October 2015, Saudi Arabia 5

Photo Gallery Photo GalleryWaste Management & Recycling Summit 2015 October 2015, Saudi Arabia 6

Photo Gallery Photo GalleryWaste Management & Recycling Summit 2015 October 2015, Saudi Arabia 7

Speakers Photo Gallery Speakers Dr. Khaleel Mosleh Althagafi, Assistant Professor, King Abdulaziz University Dr. Ali Ahmed Theban, Deputy Director of Environmental and Occupational Health in Jeddah, Ministry of Health Dr. Amir Hassan Mohammed, Advisor to the Director General General Directorate of Environmental and Occupational HealthWaste Management & Recycling Summit 2015 October 2015, Saudi Arabia 8

Speakers Photo Gallery Speakers Dr. Akram Hassan, PHD, MBA, OPM3, PMP, PMI-RMP, CMC, CIARB Adviser to Deputy Mayor, Holy Makkah Municipality MDahneeyaaMS.hAulj-aH’aarAslh-Oanth, mDairneyctPorHoDf SNauncilteaatiroEnnDgeinpeaerrtmingenRta, dRiaotiyonalPCrootemctimonisRseisoenaFrcohreJr,uKbAaUil Dheya Shuja’a Al-Othmany PHD, Nuclear Engineering Radiation Protection, Researcher, KAUWaste Management & Recycling Summit 2015 October 2015, Saudi Arabia 9

Speakers Photo Gallery SpeakersDr. Abdul-Sattar Nizami, Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies (CEES), Professor King Abdul Aziz University Rodney Reynders, Cluster Leader Environment – Greater Middle East and Africa, Tetra Pak Eng. Banan A. Uteir, Engineering consultant, SEPCO Environment Municipal Waste Management Works for Jazan Refinery and Marine Terminal ProjectWaste Management & Recycling Summit 2015 October 2015, Saudi Arabia 10

Speakers Photo Gallery Speakers Alaa M. Alsharif, Founder & CEO, Green Kingdom IndustriesProf. Mohamed J Abdulrazzak, Consultant, Presidency of Meteorology and Environment (PME), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mr. Usman Hassan, Corporate SSHE Manager , Unilever, Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaWaste Management & Recycling Summit 2015 October 2015, Saudi Arabia 11

Sponsors SponsorsWaste Management & Recycling Summit 2015 October 2015, Saudi Arabia 12

Photo Gallery Photo GalleryWaste Management & Recycling Summit 2015 October 2015, Saudi Arabia 13

Photo Gallery Photo Gallery Panel DiscussionWaste Management & Recycling Summit 2015 October 2015, Saudi Arabia 14

Photo Gallery Photo GalleryWaste Management & Recycling Summit 2015 October 2015, Saudi Arabia 15

Testimonials Testimonials“ “It was a great workshop to improve waste management scenario in Saudi Arabia and valuable Topics should be the key in transforming Saudi Arabia into a ‘green’ nation. Prof. Akram Hassan, Advisor to the Deputy Mayor, Holy Makkah Municipality.“Let me say “ Waste Management & Recycling Workshop” held on 11th & 12th October 2015 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia was very successful. Smiles on the faces of participants at the end of workshop was the proof that all participants were very happy with the throughout management of this workshop and realized that they got lot within this two days of Workshop. My heartiest congratulations to niSpana to take this initiatives to success- fully arranged and managed this Workshop. Being an Indian I am really feel proud for niSpana’s vision and mission- “Greener & Waste Free Future”. I am confident for the more and more success of niSpana because you have a team of expert professionals. I am really impressed with the hard works and best efforts of your team. You have very a very good teamwork. “Nasr Husen Ahmed Lotiya, Roots Steel“Our staff from Al Jedaani and Ibn Sina Hospital with the attendees from Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers at the Western Region, are extending their appreciation to you and Nispana for a wonderful work- shop, how we could protect our mother earth through segregation and recycling of everyday waste. A vision of Zero waste for the future will not achieve if we will not start from ourselves at home and will not educate the children of every locality from their schools. Being the member of Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers in the Western Region of Saudi Arabia, Green Environment and Sustainable Energy are what we dreamed since before. Once again, many thanks to Nispana for a chance given to our group and if you will have some seminars about Green Engineering and Sustainable Energy in the future, please let me inform. “Thank you very much and more power to Nispana … Eng’r. Jaime L. Leviste, Support Services Manager, Al Jedaani Group & Medical Colleges“ “Thank you very much for you and for Nispana staff. This will not succeed without your arrangement and your support. Abdullah M. Al-Hemdi, Quality Control & Environment Department, Yanbu Cement Company Many thanks for Nispana for a great and productive work shop being in Jeddah.“ “Mr. Saleh Khalaf Alharbi, Civil Engineer, General Directorate Of Water - MOWEWaste Management & Recycling Summit 2015 October 2015, Saudi Arabia 16

Attendee List Attendee listAl Hammadi Hospital Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz National GuardAl Madinah Al monawarah Municipality HospitalAl-Hamrani Fuchs Petroleum Roots Steel International Company LtdAl-Jedaani Group & Medical Colleges RetiredAlmarai SabicArabian Cement Saudi Arabian Glass Company LtdAxis Design Consultant Saudi Diyar ConsultantsDar Group United Sulb Saudi CompanyEli Lilly & Company Yanbu Cement CompanyGeneral Directorate Of Water - MOWE Adwan Chemicals IndustriesHalwani Bros Saudi Electrical IndustryHoly Makkah Municipality Delmon (IFFCO Group)Jeddah Cables Company Saudi Aramco Base Oil Company - LuberefJubail Chemical Industries Company Kalthomi Engineering WorksKing AbdulAziz Medical City Redland Industrial Services (A) Ltd (RISAL)King Abdulaziz University Saudi TelecomKing Abdullah Medical City Dyna CorpKing Faisal Specialist Hospital & research Centre Texofib Industrial Fabric FactoryMa’aden Aluminium Marine Services Co. LtdMinistry of Health MeepNational Plastic Ropes Factory LTD FosrocNomac PME - Taibah UniversityPresidency of Meteorology and Environment PME - King Abdulaziz University AcknowledgmentWe would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of this event. Inparticular, the speakers,the public engagement and the sponsors without which the conference would not havebeen possible. We also thank the Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia,The Royal Commission of Jubail and allother associations & media partners for making this workshop a grand success.Waste Management & Recycling Summit 2015 October 2015, Saudi Arabia 17

Company ProfileNispana Innovative Platforms Pvt. Ltd. founded in April 2010 is a professional Business Information companyheadquartered in Bangalore, India and our international offices are based out of Dubai, and USA. At Nispana, webelieve that there is no better business referral than that given by a satisfied client. That’s why we are committed tofinding out what exactly our client’s needs are and delivering solutions that meet and often exceed expectations.Nispana provides the world’s business leaders a true B2B platform with a competitive edge. We are proud to beworking in partnership with many leading press groups and local authorities. We provide business executives withtailored practical conferences, forums and trainings, keeping them up to date with industry trends and technologicaldevelopments. We guarantee them new ideas and new contacts to continue doing what you do in a much different andsimplified way.We invite industry experts and world class accredited trainers to speak and train at our conferences, forums & trainings.They share their case studies, network with peers, re-educate themselves and do business in a faster and effectiveway. These business platforms will give our clients a cutting edge agenda which will let them go back with the rightanswers to their queries.At Nispana we focus on providing a true ROI on both time and money invested. Nispana is multicultural, dynamic andfocused on business performance.For more information, please visit Researched & Developed by Nispana Innovative Platforms Pvt Ltd India • UAE • USA Nispana Innovative Platforms Pvt Ltd. India Office: #270, Sivanik, 2nd Floor, 14th Cross, Indiranagar 2nd Stage, Bangalore – 560 038. India Tel: +91 (80) 4933 1000 | Fax: (80) 4933 1003 Dubai Office: Emirates Towers, Level 41, Sheikh Zayed Road, P.O Box 31303. Dubai – UAE Tel: +971 4 319 7765 | Fax: +971 4 319 7769 USA Office: NISPANA INNOVATIVE PLATFORMS INC, 16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, DE 19958, USA

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