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Home Explore History of K-POP

History of K-POP

Published by youy148, 2021-11-21 17:20:06

Description: History of K-POP


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K-POP, also known as Korean Pop is a genre of music originated from South Korea. The genre of music has been existing for a lit tle over 3 generations now and it is currently in it’s 4th generation. Thus, it definetly has a lot of historical events of the artists, music, and fans throughout the generations. Over the genera- tions, specifically the 4th, the genre and culture reached new heights. Now, in this new era of K-Pop, all boundaries have been removed. K-Pop, as a genre and a culture, is no longer based “in” Korea.

1st and 2nd generation K-POP

3rd generation to Current Netizens say third-generation K-pop groups are lasting longer

For my Sequential Recut Final Project, I hope to share with the audience the impacts K-POP has made as well as how it got developed over the years. I would like to provide this through several video clips over the generations and create a time-machine like video project. I also want to add flash backs and fast forwards in order to provide a comparison of how K-POP has developed and how some songs are a remix. Also, becsuse K-POP and K-POP culture has become well-known not only in South Ko- rea, but also worldwide. I believe that it will be ideal for those living in this generation to learn and experience the perspective and history of it.


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