Who We Are A Word from the Chairman About RME • Vision • Mission Business Core Values • Quality • HSE Projects Reference • Industrial & Power • Infrastructure • Commercial & Special Buildings • Monument Restoration & Structure Repair Subsidiaries
WHO WE ARE Throughout our years of operations, RME has been recognized as one of Egypt’s most reputable turnkey contractors executing landmark projects and performing diversified alliances with major international contractors enabling the company to undertake multidisciplinary projects of high scale and complexity. Thanks to our proven track record of success, we’re today perceived as a key player in a large number of mega projects conducted over the past years besides our vital role in some of the most prominent landmarks. In addition to our well established operations in Egypt, we have expanded our presence across Africa with successful projects in Algeria, Egypt, Mozambique, Nigeria and the Republic of Chad, hence gaining a strong foothold across Africa and currently planning to sustain RME operations across Africa and beyond. All over our operations in Egypt and outside, our scope of work boasts sectors of Power Generation, Heavy Industries and Infrastructure, Bridges, Commercial Buildings, Hospitals, Hotels, Educational Facilities, etc.
A WORD FROM THE CHAIRMAN Mohamed Mahlab Since our establishment in 1998, ROWAD Modern Engineering (RME) has developed an unrivaled reputation built on world-class technical and commercial competencies, superior quality and value as well as long-term relationships with both public and private sector clients, to become today one of Egypt’s most reputable turnkey contractors with a strong reputation and growing business across the Middle East and Africa regions. At RME, we implement the latest and most reliable technological tools to ensure dynamic and cost-effective operations. We also have invested in our subsidiaries through strategic mergers and acquisitions integrating our scope of work while ensuring superior quality. Business excellence and project proficiency are at the core of RME, yet our employees are at the heart of everything we do. With over 2000 highly qualified employees, we enjoy a strong reputation for technical expertise, integrity, cooperation, and teamwork. Our people challenge themselves every day to reach highest levels of professionalism and exceptional performance enabling RME to deliver quality value-added construction service. As we continue to expand our reach beyond Egypt and Africa, we are committed to deliver sustainable services, while keeping track of our carbon footprint and implementing Green Technological Solutions in all our projects.
ABOUT RME OUR VISION OUR MISSION To pursue our long lasting path as being the most efficient Maintain our commitment to deliver quality construction ser- Turnkey Contractor surpassing expectations to excel all vices while working in an ethical and sustainable atmosphere, over surrounding markets while focusing on operating in hence becoming the General Contractor of choice, and build EPC contracts in Egypt specially in commercial, industrial, trust-based partnership with our customers, only attainable power and infrastructure sectors. through highly qualified employees challenging themselves constantly to reach ultimate levels of professionalism. Founded in 240 + 2500 + 8500 + 1998 Mega Projects Employees Labors
OUR SERVICES INDUSTRIAL & POWER RME has extensive experience in various industrial projects, including establishing power generation projects, cement factories, petrochemical utilities, electrical substations as well as oil and gas establishments. INFRASTRUCTURE The infrastructure is the cornerstone of the social and economic development of a country. Thanks to our deep-seated know-how and long experience in the construction industry, RME has completed a number of national infrastructure projects across Egypt and abroad. COMMERCIAL & SPECIAL BUILDINGS RME is a market leader with a firm foothold in the area of commercial and special buildings both nationally and internationally. RME is best known for its high-end finishing and compliance with top construction standards. MONUMENT RESTORATION & STRUCTURAL REPAIR RME is dedicated to monument restoration and historic preservation services. In cooperation with governmental bodies and international consultants, we carry out deep, sweeping architectural and historical research in advance with the aim to ensure the historic structures are accurately and diligently restored.
SAFETY Safety is not just a policy, safety is a core attitude instilled in each and every member of RME. At RME, we believe that all construction projects can be performed in a safe manner that prevents almost all potential accidents. Accordingly, we commit to compliance with the requirements of any applicable regulations and legislation as well as our clients’ HSE policies. Being certified in ISO 45001 & ISO 14001 is a proof of our organization’s commitment to our employees’ health and safety. Safety procedures are more essential when it comes to the project’s onsite construction phase, as accidents are more likely to occur within the project site. Thus, RME is always keen on promoting awareness on health, safety, and environment appropriate measures among all concerned persons in order to protect them from any potential accidents or injuries.
QUALITY At RME, we consider quality an essential element of our work. We develop quality policies and procedures that reflects our commitment to new opportunities and ideas to optimize the level of service provided to our clients. RME has developed and implemented a Quality Management System in compliance with the standards of ISO 9001. This system ensures service quality and enhances our commitment to constant development and compliance with applicable statutory, regulatory and any other requirements. RME is ISO certified and we have our own capabilities and experience enabling us to achieve clients’ satisfaction and fulfill their needs. We are always committed to meeting our promise to provide our construction services to meet the project’s requirements and quality standards.
BENI SUEF COMBINED CYCLE 4800 MW POWER PLANT Lead by SIEMENS – ELSEWEDY consortium, the Beni Suef Combined-Cycle Power Plant Project is the largest power plant in Egypt and the MENA region with a capacity of 4800 MW. For a period of 18 months, RME was responsible for all the civil works of the power blocks in addition to the civil, architectural and MEP works for the utilities and facilities in the site as well as GIS area
MDF WOOD FACTORY PROJECT-PHASE Rowad is responsible for the construction of the Medium density fiber board factory to produce the MDF woods in Egypt. The project total land area is approximately 150,000 SQM and the project duration is 13 months.
EGAT PELLETIZING PLANT Rowad is responsible for the construction of the Medium density fiber board factory to produce the MDF woods in Egypt. The project total land area is approximately 150,000 SQM and the project duration is 13 months.
EZZ DRI PLANT DANIELI, ranked among the three largest suppliers of equipment and plants to the metal industry in the world, chose RME to act as the main contractor in charge of resuming and completing construction on the EZZ DRI plant in Ein El Sokhna. While DANIELI was facing a challenge in completing the project around the table set for it, RME’s proven track record in achieving DANIELI standards in terms of resources allocation, Quality, Safety working procedures and commitment to time tables. BENBAN SOLAR PARK RME was appointed by TSK/ENVIROMENA JV to carry out the construction works of four plots in Benban Project with a total capacity of approximately 200MW. The Benban Photovoltaic Solar Park is a national project aimed at increasing Egypt’s electricity generating capacity through the development of solar PV project. RME is proud to be the first contractor to deliver its plots and to start connecting its generated capacity to the grid.
EXTENTSION OF ATTAQA POWER PLANT RME was selected to execute the civil works of ATTAQA 650 MW simple cycle gas turbine units. RME proved itself capable of completing the project within an extremely short time frame, delivering the project in just 5 months. FRENCH FUND GIS SUBSTATIONS (4 SUBSTATIONS) GE & RME worked as a consortium for 26 months for the procurement and installation of four independent substations located in Egypt.Time frame for finishing Substation 220/66/11 KV in Mostasmereen was 8 months.Energizing Substation 500/220 KV of Ismailya East is 20 months.Substation 500/220 KV in Beni Suef 18 months to be completed. Substation 500/220 KV of Tamy El Amdeed 19 months.
JICA, KFW, FIEM WIND FARMS Sub-contracted by international EPC contractor, Gamesa, RME has successfully delivered the civil works of a wind farm projects with a total capacity over 380MW. In cooperation with Gamesa, RME handles the civil construction works of the technical foundations as well as the hardstands in addition to the design and construction of the farms road works. LEKELA 250 MW WIND FARM Continuing cooperating with Siemens-Gamesa Renewable Energy, RME is assigned for carrying out the civil works package of the wind farm project for 96 wind turbines generators (WTG’S) with total capacity 250 MW located in Ras Gharib.
ELECTRIC TRAIN (LRT) DEPOT National Authority of Tunnels (NAT) has awarded GAMA-RME Joint- Venture the construction works for (LRT) the main line train fence and workshop buildings which consists of 26 buildings at Badr City. The LRT is designed to accommodate 340,000 passengers daily and contribute in reducing traffic on the Cairo-Ismailia highway by about 30 percent. METRO ALGIERS MAINTENANCE WORKSHOPS AND SUBSTATIONS Based on its worldwide fame of excellence and proficiency, RME was entrusted with the construction of the 125000m2 metro maintenance and garage complex in Algeria. RME again proved itself industry leaders by providing the highest quality and high- end complexity of civil engineering.
BENI SUEF CEMENT PLANT In cooperation with Chengdu design & research institute of building material industry Co., Ltd., RME Completed the civil works of GEO 6x6000 TPD clinker cement Plant at Benisuef and successfully completed the project in 14 months. BMIC ASSIUT CEMENT FACTORY Being known for its compliance with the highest standards of quality, RME was assigned as the subcontractor for the execution and completion of the Building Materials Industries Company S.A.E. (BMIC) Cement plant located in Assiut, Egypt.
ELSEWEDY CABLES FACTORY RME has cooperated with Elsewedy Electric in many projects including, the manufacturing factory in Algeria among many others. Having a reliable presence in Algeria, RME could successfully complete the turnkey construction of Elsewedy Cables factory, on an area of 50,000 m2, within only 10 months. SIEMENS PS SERVICES CENTER - RAMSIS II RME has been awarded the turnkey construction of Siemens maintenance Workshop (Ramsis II). The project entails activities to build a new training, repairing and tooling facility for Siemens. This cooperation marks yet another successful cooperation between Siemens Technologies & RME.
LOGISTICA WAREHOUSES RME took responsibility for constructing a warehouse on an area of 11,500 m2 with 15m height. Among this area, an area of 6,500 m2 will be dedicated for an air-conditioned area and 5000 m2 to serve as a cold store designed to work at temperature varies between -20 and +5. The warehouse also includes a 7m-high rack store, machine, utilities building, water tank and electrical substation. ELCOSTEEL ROLLING MILL PLANT As part of our continuing success in heavy civil construction projects, RME was appointed by ELCO steel as the main contractor for all civil and utilities construction for their new rolling mill plant in the SOKHNA area. RME achieved significant results in terms of delivering the project in a very challenging time frame as well as in terms of quality for the installation works which were managed by DANIELI. In addition, RME was appointed to carry out the construction works of ELCO STEEL 220/33KV GIS Substation.
SWAG WIND MILL FACTORY RME was assigned as the main contractor for the construction of the 15000 SQM manufacturing unit in El Ain El-Sokhna, Egypt, in addition to all utilities and utility buildings. The project was constructed successfully in a period of 10 months and the production started at the factory in early 2011. EL SEWEDY LOGISTICS PROPERTIES – SLP PI PARKS RME was appointed to carry out the construction works of the SLP Logistic Center, The project site is located in industrial west, 10th of Ramadan City. RME is responsible for supplying, constructing, commissioning & validating the project components including HVAC Works, Firefighting Works, Plumbing Works and Electric Works.
PORT OF SOKHNA CONTAINER TERMINAL BASIN 2 - ONSHORE PORT AND TERMINAL In cooperation with DP World, RME was awarded an EGP 1.6 billion project for the Construction of Onshore yard works for a new container terminal to the southwest of the existing Basin 1 terminal. The construction is for terminal pavement and terminal buildings for operations and administrative use for the new Basin 2 terminal and the existing Basin 1 terminal.
SOKHNA PORT EXPANSION (PIER 4) Rowad is responsible for the construction of the Medium density fiber board factory to produce the MDF woods in Egypt. The project total land area is approximately 150,000 SQM and the project duration is 13 months.
GOV 2 INFRASTRUCTURE Rowad is responsible for the construction of the Medium density fiber board factory to produce the MDF woods in Egypt. The project total land area is approximately 150,000 SQM and the project duration is 13 months.
PORT OF ALGIERS CONTAINER TERMINAL REFURBISHMENT WORKS RME has been awarded the upgrading & rehabilitation works for the port of Algiers container terminal, RME is responsible for rehabilitating the 30h a container terminal at Algiers currently operated by DP-World. Work includes Ship-to- Shore (STS) crane foundation works along quay wall, Apron refurbishment behind quay walls, reconstruction of the yard, including gall services and utilities. The throughput forecast of the terminal is 18,500 TEU containers as well as 123,600m² for general cargo. SOKHNA PORT-BASIN 1 - IRON OXIDE PELLET TERMINAL CIVIL WORKS (A) In cooperation with DP World, RME was awarded the turnkey construction of the iron oxide pellet terminal. This import terminal is needed in order to import the raw materials for iron oxide pellets. The project execution period is 7 months and located in Ain Sokhna Port.
CAIRO - ALEXANDRIA RAILWAY UPGRADE RME has been assigned by the Egyptian Railways the Renewal works of 29 km of siding tracks, 17 km of mainline and the renewal of station yard’s turnouts for main lines and sidings including single and double slips, Common crossing and Scissors. The project duration is 24 months. COASTAL PROTECTION FOR MAPUTO CITY In cooperation with MCA Mozambique, M.CoutoAlves, S.A & M. CoutoAlves, Vias, S.A, RME was assigned to rehabilitate and construct coastal protection for Maputo City, Mozambique. This project included establishing a new configuration system on Maputo’s South Coast as well as developing criteria for both the south and south west zones. RME constructed a 7 groynes system, nourishments of sand between groynes, toe of protection and rehabilitation of existing sea walls, groynes and revetments.
SAFIR BRIDGE RME has been assigned by the Engineering authority of the armed forces for the construction of Safir Bridge located in Heliopolis area, the bridge consists of 2 ways, roads for cars with a total length of 250 m and 27 m width and up to 9 m height and delivered in only 87 days. AL-HEGAZ BRIDGE RME has been assigned by the Engineering authority of the armed forces for the construction of Hegaz Bridge located in Heliopolis area, the bridge consists of 2 ways, roads for cars with a total length of 350 m and 27 m width and up to 9 m height and delivered in only two months.
RING ROAD EXPANSION RME has been awarded the construction works of the Ring Road Expansion Project from Al Mariouteya with a length of 4.1 km, In addition to El Marj sector with a length of 2.2 km to be completed in 12 months MALL OF EGYPT BRIDGE RME has been assigned by the armament forces for the construction of the direct bridge that access off Al Wahat highway that will facilitate the traffic for this crowded junction to get in & out the mall of Egypt smoothly. The project total area is 20,800m2 and 1,810m lengths.
MARASSI INLAND MARINA RME has been awarded the construction works for Marassi Marina Infrastructure networks in North Coast, Egypt. RME scope of work consists of the infrastructure works of Marassi Marina Wet and Dry utilities. The Project Duration is 15 Months. ALGERIA NEW AUTOROUTE RME was contracted by Cojaal, a large Japanese consortium, to carry out the construction of 46 bridges and 8 culverts in Setif, Algeria. Despite the aggressive geographical nature of the project’s location, RME proved itself qualified by successfully executing the project within 30 months.
IRRIGATION TREATMENT PLANTS In collaboration with EMAAR, RME was responsible for the construction of EMAAR potable water tanks, irrigation treatment plants and infrastructure service buildings at Marrasi North Coast and Uptown Cairo. NAGAA HAMMADI BARRAGE RME was sub-contracted by Vinci-Bilfinger Berger and OCI JV to carry out civil construction works for one of the largest water infrastructure projects operated by the Egyptian Government. The Nagaa Hammadi Barrage project was conducted in cooperation with KFW.
GOVERNMENTAL BUILDINGS With a history of timely delivery and a reliable contractor reputation, RME was awarded the completion of the construction of four ministerial buildings in New Cairo Capital on a turnkey basis contract. The project represents one of Egypt’s important projects in its modern transformation and the development of Cairo New Capital.
THE KNOWLEDGE HUB The Knowledge Hub Universities is a multidisciplinary educational hub hosting branches of world-class universities, each with programs in their areas of strength, to prepare students for a global career by offering an intellectually stimulating, culturally enriching, and innovative learning environment. RME was responsible for the turnkey construction of the Knowledge Hub Universities. NEW GIZA UNIVERSITY Following the successful completion of the civil and electromechanical works in Phase 1 of the construction of New Giza University in the highest quality and within the time- frame agreed upon, RME was assigned the same works for Phase 2. The areas of both phases, 1 and 2, are 20,000m2 and 20,660m2, respectively, while the project completion periods for both phases were 8 and 10 months, respectively.
ZED TOWERS PHASE 01B RME has been awarded the construction works for Package A and Package D for ZED Towers Project, Package A comprises the Basement (2 levels), and four (4) fully finished Residential Buildings G+10, Four (4) double core buildings. Package D comprises the for the basement under the piazza and the MEP works for the entire basement OLYMPIC MULTI - SPORTS HALL RME is acting as the turnkey Contractor for the construction of the Olympic Multi-sports Hall, the project is a multi- sports platform with total BUA of 40,000 sqm that is certified to accommodate 15,000 spectators for Olympic Games of Handball, Basket Ball, Volley Ball, Judo, Karate, Taekwondo, Boxing and Wrestling.
CFC PODIUM II Entrusted by Al- Futtaim Commercial and Administrative Centers (AFCAC), RME has been awarded the construction of CFC podium 2 located in New Cairo, Egypt. The project consists of 5 office buildings in which RME is responsible for delivering full concrete skeleton and façade works in only 18 months SODIC EAST TOWN RETAIL AND OFFICES SODIC, RME’s recurring partner, trustingly awarded RME the construction its new Eastown Retail and Offices complex of total BUA 154,000 sqm which considered as one of the commercial iconic schemes at the New Cairo.
R5 MIXED USE COMPOUND RME is acting as the turnkey Contractor for the construction of Mixed-use district project in New Cairo Capital. R5 project is one of our complex and mega projects with approximately 800,000 sqm BUA consisting of 7 towers and 5 clusters. SODIC ALLEGRIA CLUB HOUSE RME was awarded the turnkey construction of the SODIC Allegria Club House. The project work package comprises of one (1) building (G) with total BUA of 3,446m2, built over one story underground basement with the same area. The NOC building work package comprises of one (1) building (G), of total BUA of 169m2.
UPTOWN CAIRO VILLAGE F (WEST) “SIERRAS” Uptown Cairo, owned by Emaar - the well-known real estate development company, is a world-class residential complex established in Egypt. RME was appointed to carry out the construction works for Village F (West) “Sierras”, phases 2 and 3 on a total area of 65,000m2 comprising 11 buildings. KATAMEYA CREEKS RME has been awarded by Starlight Developments the construction works of the prestigious urban development project “Katameya Creeks” built in a strategic location in the heart of New Cairo. Katameya Creeks units are built on varying areas and different designs in a modern-classic style surrounded by green spaces on all sides, served by underground parking. A social club, a commercial strip and an area dedicated to shops and basic services for the project residents is especially designed for easy integrated living.
POINT 90 MALL Located in New Cairo, the Point 90 Mall project was assigned to RME to carry out all construction tasks and works based on the company’s solid reputation as an experienced professional contractor. CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION OF MPORIUM RME was responsible for the renovation of MPorium, construction of Emaar sales center and structural parking at Marassi North Coast. RME proved itself qualified by successfully executing the project within only 4 months at the highest quality standards and safety regulations.
THE STRIP SHOPPING MALL RME was the turnkey contractor for the Strip Mall. This project is owned by AUTOVILLE, which is a unique one-stop destination for car enthusiasts and their families. It is located on Dahshour Road and beautifully designed by renowned architects Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP. The project duration was 16 months. IKEA MALL OF ARABIA In collaboration with Egyptian Centers for Real Estate Development (MARAKEZ), RME has been awarded the turnkey construction works for IKEA Mall of Arabia with total BUA of 19,836 sqm located in 6th of october city.
WESTOWN ENTERTAINMENT HUB RME was entrusted with the execution and completion of SODIC’s Westown entertainment hub. Acting as the main contractor, RME is responsible for remedying any defects related to the civil works, MEP and infrastructure works pertaining to Westown Entertainment Hub. ROYAL CITY MALL RME was awarded the construction of Royal City Mall located on 120,000m2 in Giza Governorate. The built up area of the mall is approximately 25,000m2 and the building represents a landmark on the main axis of Sheikh Zayed district with a 500m facade and a new modern-style retail complex.
CAIRO AMERICAN COLLEGE Located in the heart of Maadi, Cairo American College is a world- class education facility. Its environment encourages the students to express their opinions, passions and showcase their talents. Believing in the importance of raising fearless generations who are able to contribute to the development of our society, RME acted as the turnkey contractor in the completion of the new middle school and library-building project in a period of 13 months. TWIN TOWERS ADMINSTRATIVE BUILDINGS Arabian Group, a new Egyptian developer established in 1990, chose RME to handle the construction for its very first investment - a new administration and retail complex. The project is located in 6th of October City and includes Toyota show rooms, two new administration buildings in addition to two medical center towers. The total project duration was 36 months.