on-demandshopping experience We are a mobile society and smartphones have changed the way we live and shop. Now, more than ever, mobile shoppers are pressed for time and money and are eager to embrace new avenues to enhance their shopping experiences. International Prom Association is proud to introduce the industry’s first OMNI Channel Marketing Experience that thrives in creating a unified shopping experience across a wide spectrum of channels and focuses on strengthening your brand while fostering single customer view relationships that flourish.
OMNI Channel Timed Mailer Program“According to a recent study by the USPS, 79%of households either read or scan advertisingmail sent to their household.” Although the roll ofdirect mail is changing, it is still a vital part of anyeffective marketing campaign. Our method ofutilizing multiple timed mailers throughout promseason drives in store traffic, but greater still itintroduces additional touch points that cultivateshopper data and creates a more personalizedshopping experience.
Timed Mailer Highlights: volume 19 $6.00Named BEST Prom Store• Timed Mailers target key InternationalProm.comby International Prom Association shopping times throughout peak seasons FREE sEcRET• Guaranteed on time in sAvINGs home delivery INsIDE• IPA Prom Perks Cards MEGA increase shopper activation PROM• Mailers are personalized to each recipient to increase FASHION engagement ISSUE• IPA’s Timed Mailers ThE showcase the best brands in the industry with captivating BEsT imagery and distinguished DREssEs logos RUNWAY STYLES unlike anything you’ve ever seen before NAMED BEST PROM RETAILER INTERNATIONAL PROM ASSOCIATION Named BEST Prom Store by International Prom Association FREE sEcRET sAvINGs INsIDE MEGA PROM FASHION ISSUE ThE BEsT DREssEs RUNWAY STYLES unlike anything you’ve ever seen before volume 19 $6.00 NAMED BEST PROM RETAILER INTERNATIONAL PROM ASSOCIATIONformalapproach.comNAMED BEST PROM RETAILER INTERNATIONAL PROM ASSOCIATIONENJOY pFroambisulous! BEST PROM STORE40Tux$ OFF PROM Volume 20 $4.00 YOUR by International Prom Association 12/30/2014 8:56:20 AMPROM IPA2015Vol20Comp.indd 1IPATuxMailerFeb2015.indd 1 2/27/2015 12:15:14 PM
DYNAMIC DISTRIBUTIONTarget Your Shoppers with Distribution You ControlDistribution is a vital part of IPA’s Omni ChannelMarketing. IPA’s Dynamic Distribution is one of thefirst steps to building your OMNI Channel Marketingcampaign. Our distribution lists give to the ability totarget your customers based on location, gender,graduation year and even as in depth as householdincome levels.Let’s not forget your list. Now that you’ve worked hardon collecting your customer’s information, you don’twant to leave her out. With our Dynamic Distributionyou are able to include your in-store customer data inyour Multi Distribution Mailers. • Multiple Lead Sources Including Scholarship Data for the Most Quality Leads • Consolidate Your In-Store Leads and Mobile Activation Leads for the Highest Conversion Rates • Secured Territory Distribution for Your Target Market
dijivu Exciting Digital Publications Today’s consumers are multi-device shoppers who, on average, use 5 devices when making a single purchase. The challenge we face as marketers is blending traditional media with a multi- screen shopping matrix. IPA’s new digital publisher, nicknamed dijivu, creates digital catalogs viewable on any device, anytime, anywhere. That means, a shopper who begins browsing our printed catalog can quickly switch to viewing on a smartphone and never see a drop off in the brand experience. • Twelve Bi-weekly Digital Catazines • Millions of Global Page Views • Brand Exclusive Publication Available
BOUNDLESS DISTRIBUTION dijivu distributed bi-weekly via subscribers, ViP Activations, our Social Media Automated Trending Network and promoted Social Shares generating millions of online and offline views for your brand.dijivu will automatically shareacross multiple social channelsto Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,Digg and more sites. Users canE-mail or copy it to others. dijivu has the ability to reach readers on a global scale in an engaging way that keeps shoppers interest even in a mobile society
DIGITAL CATAZINESEnhance Online SuccessIn the Palm of Their HandsInternational Prom Association Digital Editions drawreaders in and encourage them to engage with yourbrand. Our measurable personalized setting adds valueto their online exploration experience. Thus, promotingviral marketing through multiple share channels includingsocial, email and mobile.• 12.6 MILLION Unique Digital Edition Page Views• 450,000 Multi Frequency Readers• Over 200 Linking Sites Certified statistics gauge the incredible success of our digital editions. SCAN THIS CODE TO VIEW OUR CATAZINE
Automated Trending Network for Social Media Social Media will likely be your brands first touch point for today’s shopper. It is vital that your social media presence engages, intrigues and connects emotionally with your audience. Social Media takes a strong commitment of time, energy and creativity when used effectively. All too often, social media takes a back seat when these assets are drained during key shopping periods.“Social Sharing is amazingly influential”
two-fold objective IPA’s new Automated Trending Network for Social Media concentrates on this issue with a twofold objective. First, our systems create an exciting social media experience filled with captivating social shares for our retailers allowing them to focus on their business. Second and even more important, our systems broadcast a consistent flow of social shares, trending our designers across more than 200 retailer social media channels at optimal times when teens are most active, highlighting new arrivals, dress of the day features and our designer’s social shares. social mediatrending network
BRANDED MOBILE SITESEngaging & ResponsiveIPA’s Branded Mobile Sites are a smarter way toengage shoppers and are not only interactive butreactive. Meaning no matter the device being usedto view the mobile site, the content fits the screen.No more pinching and zooming, it automaticallysizes to the device. In addition to delivering crucialbrand impressions, our mobile sites cultivateshopper data automatically and deliver follow-up communications that drive in-store traffic andultimately increase sales.• Key data collected: grad year, email, mobile number• Automatically reports shopper data• Mobile sites increase success over stand-alone traditional print• Designer image placement on all branded mobile sites
AUTOMATED MOBILE FRIENDLY EMAILS IPA’s trigger based Mobile Friendly Emails communicate insightful calls to action with a focus on designer trends to our subscribers and ViP Activations at the precise moment they are most likely to act on it. IPA’s Automated Trigger Emails are customized for social shares which allow further distribution of the designer brand throughout the peak season. Our trigger emails are both mobile media compliant and can- spam compliant.“Email is a more widely used smartphonefeature than social networking.”Pew Research Center
AUTOMATEDTEXT MESSAGESAccording to published research, 93% ofretailers are not taking full advantageof mobile marketing these days whileshoppers are coming to expect it!IPA’s Automated Text Message Featureengages customers, while also bindingall of our OMNI Channel Marketingchannels into a complete mobile friendlycampaign that drives sales!• 97% of Text Messages are opened• 83% opened within 1 HOUR• 6 BILLION text messages sent and received PER DAY• 72% of TEENS communicate via text messages• 54% of teen females say their SOCIAL LIVES evolve around Text Messages• 42% of teens can text blindfolded
VIVID VISUALSIt has never been easier to extend the look, feeland culture of your brand onto the retailers’sales floor. focuses onyour branded Designer Imagery and producesan in-store visual presentation that includesretractable banners, posters, wall papersand pop up displays proven to stimulate theshoppers’ buying process.
CONVERSION’s a PrSEoCmRETREWARD CARD$50, $100, or $150 IN SAVINGS* 2 LOCATIONS Secret Jefferson City, Tennessee PROM GET YOUR SECRET PROM REWARD 865.475.8641 WHEN YOU PRESENT THIS CARD IN-STORE Hickory, North Carolina YOUR SECRET Formal Approcah PROM REWARD by Mister Tuxedo 828.323.9181 IS WORTH Vip’s Formal Approach $50 GET IT 281 West Old Andrew Johnson Hwy. $100 OR FIRST! Jefferson City, TN 37760 $150 OFF Connect With Us your dress and SCAN Sara Connoley accessories purchase!* YOUR 88 Smith St. SECRET Clark, TN 37072 minimum in-stock purchase required REWARD designer exclusions may apply code to reveal your SCAN THIS CODE WITH ANY MOBILE DEVICE SAVINGS NOW! TO REVEAL YOUR REWARD *Each card is worth at least $50 in savings. Present your card in-store prior to your next purchase to reveal your savings reward. This offer has no cash value, it may not be exchanged for cash, used as cash, or applied as payment for merchandise. Must be redeemed at time of purchase. May not be redeemed with other promotions or special offers. Card may not be transferred for value. Use of card constitutes acceptance of above terms. See store for complete details. Does not apply to prior purchases. Minimum in-stock purchase required. Designer exclusions may apply.PromFREE SECRET REWARD CARD $50, $100, or $150 IN SAVINGS*Capture the Sale While Growing Your Social AudienceConverting shoppers to buyers effectively can beextremely challenging during peak traffic timeslike Prom Saturdays. Retailers must be committedto creating an enjoyable and engaging shoppingexperience.IPA’s In-Store Conversion Components leverage thepower of print with flexible engagement of SocialMedia. In doing so, we created a tool that extendscalls-to-action automatically and delivers follow-upcommunications throughout their in-store shoppingexperience.
Catalog + MobileAmazingly Addictive AppsWhat makes this cell phone era that we nowlive in so amazingly addictive for teens: APPS!International Prom is an industry leader indeveloping cutting edge technology thatincreases the frequency of your brand message.Introduced as one of the industry’s first prom-only apps, Prom360 has evolved into the hottestiPhone and Android app fully dedicated to allthat is PROM!
PROM360 10 10• Complete Designer Galleries including Secondary Images• Designer Profile with Links to the Designer’s Website• Promote Designer Trunk Shows & Special Events• Social Shares and Favorites• Designer Banner Ads on IPA game apps
SOCIAL MEDIA“In a recent survey of prom goes, when askedhow they would share their prom pictures, 92%responded on posting Instagram or Facebook.”IPA embraces the social life styles of today’steen shopper that is why we incorporate theviral aspect of social sharing in every aspect ofour marketing campaign. Because Prom is Social! • Active engagement on over 20 Social Media Channels • Social Shares exclusively promote our Designer Network • Consistent Top 5 Industry Ranking on all Social Media Channels promoting our Designers
400% Increase in Views 12K+ Followers10.1k+ Followers 62k+ Likes#1 in Prom Industry Over 50,000 Visits is one of the most trustedsites for prom shoppers. With fresh fashion contentand strategic search engine optimization, ensures that each shopper/brand interaction is a trusted and engagingexperience worth sharing.• Fully Responsive for most Devices• Designer Banners & Feature Image Ads on Homepage• Dynamic Store Locator with ViP Events Feature• Branded Image Placement with Complete Designer Collection• Alexa Traffic Ranking 5 times better than Competition• Fully Optimized Rankings in State Google SERPs• Average time on site over 6 minutes• Designer Features on IPA Fashion News Blog
FASHION NEWSIPA’s Fashion NewBlog showcasescurrent trends, fashionevents and everythingrelated to Prom! Witha tight focus on ourDesigners, FashionNews fills yet anothervaluable touch pointthat engages readersand ultimately drivesshopper interest. Oursubscriber base hasmore than tripled thisyear and continues togrow.
CAMPAIGN REPORTING Automated Reporting for Daily Activity Results is the best measurement of a successful marketing campaign. That’s why we monitor the entire IPA Marketing Program with Automated Daily Analytics and Lead Reports. This enables us to manage all channels of the campaign simultaneously with the insight needed to insure SUCCESS! IPA delivers an additional benefit through its Captive Leads Database that consistently hosts 1,000’s of active shoppers along with crucial data like their prom date, graduation year and even their email address and mobile number. We utilize our active leads database for promotions, surveys and designer features. YOUnifiedBrandExperience SCAN THIS CODE TO LEARN MORE INTERNATIONAL PROM ASSOCIATION 281 West Old Andrew Johnson Highway Jefferson City, Tennessee 37760 ph 877.259.5775 • fx 888.826.6476
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