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Home Explore Teacher Pre FInal Survey Report

Teacher Pre FInal Survey Report

Published by Neslihan ÖZTÜRK SUNAR, 2021-06-13 18:16:08

Description: Teacher Pre FInal Survey Report


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Teacher Pre / FInal Survey Report NESLİHAN ÖZTÜRK SUNAR

10 teachers part c pated n the prel m nary survey of the project, wh le 13 teachers part c pated n the f nal survey of the project.

We collected InformatIon about teachers Pre Survey Final Survey

In the project prel m nary survey, we asked quest ons to get to know our project partners.

In the f nal survey of the project, partners were shown to be project collaborators and contr bute to the r profess onal development.

Pre Survey F nal Survey

Project expectat ons and results are compared. Teachers have stated that they are nvolved n the project, th nk ng that t w ll be useful for the r development and students.Students are expected to recogn ze profess ons. In the project evaluat on survey, teachers expressed that the project s very useful.They sa d t was n ce to work w th d fferent countr es,schools and teachers.They stated that t s useful to learn new web2.0 tools and to relate them to lessons. They expressed how valuable and useful t s to prov de vocat onal educat on to ch ldren at an early age.Project assessments show that teachers were extremely happy w th the project.

Thank you!

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