LUXURY MANICURE Enhancing the natural beauty of your hands for aresult you won’t be able to stop admiring, our luxurious manicures promiseto create a mesmerising first impression. Allow our therapists to customisea Luxury Manicure especially for you, with a selection of in-style polishesto match your mood.*French Manicure available for supplemental chargePERFECT PEDICURE For transformed feet that not only look flawlessbut also feel energised, the Perfect Pedicure will ensure you emergeabsolutely renewed. Pick your polish from a range of eye-catching coloursfor toes that are sandal-ready all year long.*French Pedicure available for supplemental chargeSHELLAC HANDS This long-lasting manicure is the latest breakthroughin nail technology, offering incredible shine that lasts up to two weeks.Perfect for those with busy schedules or any occasion that demandslong-lasting colour.*French Shellac Manicure available for supplemental chargeSHELLAC FEET A long-lasting pedicure using the latest breakthrough innail technology that will leave your nails looking like freshly polished fortwo weeks. Perfect for those on an extended holiday or any occasion.*French Shellac Pedicure available for supplemental chargeEXECUTIVE GROOMING - MANICURE AND PEDICUREYou're going places, and it's time to take care of the hands and feet that aregetting you there. In this polish-free treatment, our expert technicians willbuff and sculpt your fingers or toes leaving them healthy and happy. Sitback and relax in our plush leather chairs while our therapists groom you toface the world, like an executive.EXPRESSO MANICURE For hands in need of a pick-me-up, theExpresso Manicure is to the rescue with a jolt of nail chic. Get shaped andpolished for buzz-worthy nails with a side of espresso. Coffee breaks justgot a lot more stylish.*Expresso Shellac Manicure available for supplemental chargeEXPRESSO PEDICURE For feet in need of a pick-me-up, the ExpressoPedicure is to the rescue with a jolt of nail chic. Get shaped and polished forbuzz-worthy nails with a side of espresso. Coffee breaks just got a lot morestylish.*Expresso Shellac Pedicure available for supplemental charge
JELLY BEAN MANICURE AND PEDICURE Tiny fingers and toesdeserve treatments designed just for them. Moms can rest easy in the safetyof these mini-manicures and pedicures as technicians paint with Azature andDeborah Lippmann, two eco-friendly lines that are paraben, paraffin siliconeand sulphate free. Little girls will giggle with delight as they choose from awhole rainbow of sparkly polishes and candy-color shades.PURE THERAPY – FOR YOUR HANDS Feel your hands come backto life, their vital energy restored and their innate beauty renewed. This is theultimate curative indulgence – a full hour of rejuvenating repair, care andattention, just for your hands.PURE THERAPY – FOR YOUR FEET Leaving not only your feet, butalso your body and your mind feeling invigorated, our foot therapy willrecharge your energy levels for the rest of the day. Sit back and relax on ourluxurious massage chairs as you experience the most therapeutic techniques,customised especially for your needs.REFLEXOLOGY REMEDY A holistic treatment that will leave youwalking on air, Reflexology Remedy is influenced by one of TraditionalChinese Medicine’s best-known modalities. Powerfully therapeutic, expect tofeel enlivened yet relaxed as our therapists work their magic.NAIL ART Bringing the newest beauty trend to Four Seasons, our talentednail artist's intricate designs will turn your nails into mini works of art.Choose to have one or all your nails transformed with a look that can spanunderstated and elegant to stylishly eye-catching.NAIL SOCIAL Friends deserve fantastic fingers and toes. Get together withup to four of your girlfriends for a two-and-half-hour nail experience at themost exclusive party venue in town. Toast with champagne and nibble ondelicious treats – tea service in the afternoon, tempting hors d'oeuvres atnight. Catch up on life while our therapists leave your fingers and toes asfabulous as your friendships.
BE PRESENT DAY OF BEAUTY 3hoursThis half-day experience brings busy peoplefar from work and family obligations andinto a full state of mindfulness. The processof opening chakras and releasing toxinsbegins with a full body scrub utilisingaromatic ginger, cinnamon, clove and salt.A lymphatic massage and the application ofa warm herbal poultice work to releasetension, purify, and tone the body. Atraditional Ayurvedic treatment deepens thestate of relaxation as a steady stream ofwarm oil is poured in the centre of theforehead opening the third eye. Thepampering continues in the Nail Bar withan Expresso Manicure and Pedicure. Finally,guests complete the journey to the presentover a healthful al fresco lunch at the PoolTerrace watching the boats on VictoriaHarbour drift gently by.SIGNATURE
CHI MINERAL THERAPY 2hoursStress can deplete essential minerals thatare vital for maintaining health. Thistherapy employs elemental ingredients toimprove blood circulation, ease joint painand decrease inflammation. Remineralizingbegins with an herb-infused foot ritual.The treatment continues in a private steamroom on a marble table with an herbal bodywrap scented with ginger, cinnamon andclove to stimulate Chi energy. A thick layerof Dead Sea mud is massaged into the bodybefore wrapping in a final layer of spicescented cloth. The mud is rinsed away in amonsoon rain shower. Any remainingtension will slip away as the treatmentconcludes with a full-body Deep TissueMassage using mineral rich signature oils.DOUBLE SERENITY 2hours 30minutesPerfect for couples, friends, and mothersand daughters to experience together, thisdecadent experience begins with a mood-setting bubble bath and a glass of cham-pagne. Relaxed and cleansed, choose yourfull-body scrub then enjoy our signatureFour Seasons Jade Stone Therapy. Thisdeeply comforting and skin-softeningjourney will leave you feeling soothed andserene.SIGNATURE
CHINESE WELLNESS RITUAL 2hours 30minutesAn exquisite Asian therapy that takes placeon a heated marble table within the steamroom, this treatment begins with a warmingscrub using cinnamon, honey and rice toprepare your body. Warm rice milk is thenpoured along your spine and over yourshoulders before an indulgently warmpoultice, dipped in a creamy honey mixture,is smoothed over your skin, opening themeridian channels. This rich concoction iswashed off under a steamy monsoon rainshower, and your treatment ends with areviving full-body massage. This treatmentcan also be performed dry on one of ourspa beds.BOTANICAL CURE 3hoursA natural solution for the fast pacedurbanite, this holistic ritual begins withwrapping you in an infusion of organichealing herbs while being cocooned in aheat blanket to sweat for 15 minutes. Yourbody is then scrubbed with are-mineralising organic honey and sea saltmixture to lift dirt and toxins. Standing inthe treatment room's private steam shower,the remaining herbs and infused warmwater are then poured over your body in aspiritual bath. Left in the steam and withoutwashing off the herbal cleanse, you willenjoy lomi lomi nui massage facing downon the treatment bed. This intenselypowerful form of massage requires intensetraining and can only be performed byexpert therapists who have not only thetechnical skills but a deep sense of spiritualcare and well-being.SIGNATURE
COMPLETE ORGANIC CLEANSE 2hours 30minutesDesigned to help increase energy levelswhile ridding your body of the effects ofexternal pollution and internal toxins, thistreatment starts in a private steam room ona heated marble table, where you'll receivea full-body polish using an organic salt andeucalyptus scrub. The mixture dissolvesaway before a heating mask of vitamin-richfucus seaweed clay is painted onto yourbody. As the ingredients nourish your skin,your therapist delivers a refreshing facialcleanse and mask. The heated portion ofthis treatment ends with a monsoon rainshower. Finally, relax on our luxurious spabed during a soothing full-body massageand uplifting head massage.MOTHERS LOVE 2hoursAt a time when you are the most precious,Mother's Love pre and post–nataltreatments are developed to reward yourbody physically and strengthen your mindemotionally. Using only natural, organicoils, these treatments are entirely safe anddeveloped by our Senior Spa Directorduring her own pregnancy. They areexecuted by our most caring therapists whohave a strong spiritual touch and sense ofmotherhood. Choose from either Pre–natalor Post–natal.SIGNATURE
THE JET LAG SOLUTION 3hoursAwaken – 1.5 hour (Day)Whether you are adjusting to a new timezone or need an overall energy boost, thistreatment will have you feeling refreshedand revived. Begin with the application ofan invigorating body scrub made of freshmint, white Tahitian sand and sea salt, thenrinse off and perk up under a cool rain mist.Banish fatigue and get your body in balancewhile being massaged with a stimulatingjuniper and lemongrass emulsion. Whileour therapists prep your body for the dayahead, find a moment of mindfulnessresting your eyes under an anti-inflammatory silver ion face mask. You willleave the spa ready to take off… for the day.Repose – 1.5 hour (Night)Whether you are a road warrior or anoccasional voyager, this is the jet lag cureto get your body rested and in the rightzone. Enter our palace of relaxation wherewe have designed a seriously restfultreatment that you will crave wherever yourtravels take you next. A silky smoothapplication of chamomile-infused cream isfirst massaged into every inch of the body.Next, you are wrapped in warm packs whilethe cream is allowed to penetrate into yourmuscles for deep, luxurious calm. Whilethe body eases into a tranquil state, enjoy arich chamomile hair mask applied simulta-neous with a head, neck and shouldermassage targeting all of the tension-meltingpressure points. Feel your body attuned asyou melt into deep slumber, ready toawaken radiant and revived.SIGNATURE
IMMUNE DEFENSE 1hour 30minutesEnvelop yourself in a protective barrier ofimmune boosting anti-oxidants with thistwo part body and face treatment. Utilisingthe secret defense of bees, this treatmentbegins with the application of a deeplynourishing cream made of propolis, apolyphenol-rich sap produced by bees andknown for its anti-inflammatory andantibacterial properties. While the skin issoothed in the embrace of a heated bodywrap, our therapists will perform a facialusing propolis cream and mist to eliminatetoxins, repair, restore and rejuvenate yourskin bringing back freshness and vitality.This treatment is ideal for guests withcompromised immune systems or sensitiveskin.REIKI CRYSTAL HEALING 2hoursThe power of non-touching energy andsound therapy come together in this subtleenergy treatment. Working with crystals,reiki and singing bowls, our expert therapistharnesses universal energy, transferring itto the guest for deeper levels of healing. Forthose seeking spiritual release and emotionalease as well as physical relaxation, thistherapy will open chakras and restore thespirit for complete peace of body and mind.SIGNATURE
SECOND SKIN 1hour 1hour 30minutesSecond Skin is a lifting and regenerating 2hourselectrospun mask that targets damaged SkinInstants©. A genuine alternative to fillers,this exceptional anti-aging treatment willvisibly lift and correct signs of aging. It isan intense, regenerative treatment thatworks on the extracellular matrix. To createthe mask, revolutionary technology, similarto 3D printing, uses electric force to weavea fiber patch comprising 80% hyaluronicacid. These patches are then strategicallyapplied to targeted areas to address finelines and wrinkles, resulting in immediateresults such as plumper, more hydrated,glowing skin.*1 hour 30 Minutes: Uses the Bioloqique RechercheElectroporation Machine.*2 hours: Use the Electroporation Machine and Cocktaild’Actifs Régénéran.BEAUTY
YOUR FACIAL 1hour 1hour 30minutesUsing the time-honoured Biologique 2hoursRecherche Methodology, this highlycustomised facial first assesses the present 1hour 30minuteshealth of the skin, and taking into account 2hoursany long- and short-term beauty goals,designs a tailor-made solution unique foryou. Choosing the best combination ofproducts to create the facial your skin mostneeds, the therapist delivers deeply restora-tive therapy, both hands-on and using thehigh-tech Remodeling Machine, for visiblelifting and a radiant result.*1 hour 30 Minutes: Uses the Biologique RechercheRemodeling Machine.*2 hours: Uses the Biologique Recherche Remodelingand a Collagen Mask.M6 LIFT FACIALThis high-tech facial aims to lift themuscles of your face. The treatment is veryeffective, resulting in a visibly younger andcontoured look from the very first session.The M6 suction and rolling technologystimulates lymphatic drainage and yourcirculation, initiating detoxification whileboosting collagen and elastin production. Aseries of 6 to 12 treatments is recom-mended.* 2 hours: with additional Collagen Mask. BEAUTY
CACI FACIAL 1hour 30minutes 2hoursAn advanced treatment that defends yourcomplexion against the signs of aging, this 1hour 30minutesfacial helps reduce premature fine lines, 2hourswrinkles and loose facial contours. UsingCACI technology, the Spa’s powerful serumsare absorbed into the skin to deeplystimulate cellular renewal, giving you theultimate in lifting and rejuvenation. Thistreatment includes a selection of maskaccording to your skin condition. A seriesof 6 to 12 treatments is recommended.* 2 hours: A Collagen Mask.EPICUREN® AGELESS ENZYMEFACIALShowcasing our most advanced products,this results-oriented facial takes your skinback in time using Epicuren®’s patentedMetadermabolic Enzyme™ technology. Thisunique enzyme complex resets cellularmemory, stimulating cell metabolism todramatically lift, tighten and visibly firmfacial skin, increasing textural clarity andtone. After a deep clean and a gentle tone,your therapist will apply a hot cinnamonenzyme exfoliant followed by two masks-one to tone and firm and a second to cooland soothe. Your skin will be light andluminous, for a look that is naturally,effortlessly, beautiful.* 2 hours: A Third Epicuren Signature MaskBEAUTY
PHYTO STEM CELL FACIAL 1hour 30minutes 2hoursSay goodbye to injections. Epicuren®’sluxurious “needle-free” facial withadvanced exfoliation uses the latest inbotanical stem cell research to increase skinvolume from within and recover theelasticity of your youth. First, skin iscleansed then purified with a signaturesuperfruit exfoliator. A pharmaceuticalgrade peel of lactic acid and AHA is appliedand removed. The peel follows with a seriesof potent serums harnessing the skin-rejuvenating powers of bio peptides,collagen and amino acids. Epicuren hasselected some of Nature’s most effectivebeauty agents- blood orange stem cells,Dragon’s Blood extract, algae, goji berry- askey ingredients in these serums, unleashingintelligent skin-architects to restructure,redensify and rebuild the appearance of theskin. Finally, a conductive silver ion maskis applied while face-lifting reflexologypoints are activated to stimulate circulationand relax muscle tension. This cutting edgetherapy promises lifted, plumped, luxuri-ously youthful skin, just as nature intended.*co2llhagoeunrs:mIansckludes the CACI Machine and an additional BEAUTY
BARBERSHOP FACIAL 1hour 1hour 30minutesGo back in time with this facial tribute tothe classic gentlemen’s barbershop 1hourtreatment. Slip into luxury and deep 1hour 30minutesrelaxation with the scents of citrus andeucalyptus as steaming hot towels arewrapped around the face to open up poresand sooth sensitive skin. A refreshing deepcleanse and thorough exfoliation arefollowed by an extraction. Feel the tensionand stress melt during our toning mask andour deluxe face, neck, shoulder and scalpmassage. Finish with a light application ofEpicuren®’s Alpha Lipoic Omega serum,packed with healthy skin nutrients andVitamins A, C and E. Relaxed and lookingyour best, this made-for-you manly escapecould become a habit.ACNE FACIALThis ACNE facial is for clients dealing withinflammation, bacteria control, exfoliationand modulating oil production. Using aunique combination of exfoliating enzymes,sulfur, propolis and probiotics, this facialwill tame stubborn breakouts and get youon the path to clean, clear, beautiful skin.* Also suitable for teenagers.BEAUTY
EPICUREN®RAPID RENEWAL PEEL 1hourThis power-packed facial has you looking 1houryounger in no time with a professional 1hour 30minutes3090 glycolic acid peel. An advanced timerelease delivery system allows exfoliatingacids to be more slowly deployed, reducingthe risk of redness and irritation. A facialmassage drenches the skin with an extradose of hydration, plus Epicuren®’s newSoothe | Dermal Repair duo stops inflam-mation in its tracks, so the skin will remainhealthy and youthful for many years tocome. Prepare yourself for constantcompliments as you step away from thisfacial with dramatically flawless radiance.A series of six treatments is recommendedto achieve the best results.BACK FACIALA deeply cleansing treatment for the back,which incorporates techniques used in atypical facial for the visage, aims to treatproblem skin in areas which you are unableto access yourself in home care. The BackFacial offers a thorough cleanse, skinanalysis, steam, exfoliation, peel andextraction as required, finishing with anapplication of a signature moisturiser.Recommended to be taken regularly forthose suffering from back acne, or on anadhoc basis for special evening wear or toprepare for summer beach days. BEAUTY
MASKThe Mask Bar, our pick-and-mix shop ofsheet masks, offers a wide range of facialsolutions from brightening and firming tosmoothing and hydrating. With the Mask Baryou no longer have to pick between beautyand body. Pick the mask that suits yourmood and we’ll apply it while you enjoy amassage, a steam in the Vitality Lounge or aquiet moment of relaxation before or afteryour treatment.BATH 30minutesSoak in the goodness of Mother Earth with arange of specially formulated baths designedto restore bodies from the ills of modern life.Relying on the nourishing minerals andnutrients of French Green Clay and sea saltalong with the healing properties of pure,raw ginger root, spirulina, laminaria andAtlantic sea kelp, these baths will leave yourejuvenated from the outside in. Select fromDigital Detox, Pain Reliever, Resurrectionand Minerals de Mer. We will be happy toprepare the bath for you to enjoy a 30minute soothing soak in your treatmentroom.BATHHOUSE BOOSTERS
MUD 30minutesGet grounded with an array of mineral andnutrient rich muds, brought here from someof the most revered sources on earth. Select amud to enjoy the healing and soothingeffects of magnesium and bromide whileessential elements such as sulphur andiodine are absorbed directly into the skin,along with potassium for silky smooth skin.The muds- Deep Down, Dead Sea, VivaMexico, Fullers Earth- each come with theirown unique benefits. Pick one and dig in toenjoy revitalization, detoxification and deepnourishment.BATHHOUSE BOOSTERS
FOUR SEASONS JADE STONE THERAPY 1hour 30minutesRecharging and balancing Jade is a power-ful healer. When heated and massaged overthe body, jade stones exude negative ionsthat noticeably boost your immune systemand increase energy levels. This full-bodymassage, uses both gentle and deep tissuestone techniques, which effectively ease stiffmuscles and encourage your body to releasetoxins. Emerge feeling refreshed andenergized, while also deeply relaxed. Choosefrom a relaxing and balancing or a thera-peutic de-stress.DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE 1hour 1hour 30minutesA powerful massage that combinespressure-point work and firm, longerstrokes using the hands, elbows andforearms, this treatment releases muscletension and alleviates fatigue.MASSAGE
THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE 1hour 30minutesPerformed by our most experiencedtherapists, this massage is designed todirectly address deep-seated tension. Apersonalized combination of massagetechniques will be used on your areas ofneed in order to ease stiff muscles, stimu-late circulation and restore flexibility. Thistreatment is highly recommended beforeand after sporting activities.ONNETSU THERAPY 1hour 30minutes 2hoursOld injuries, joint pain, overly sore muscles-deep tissue massage is not a fit foreveryone’s body. Now with the Japanesetechnique Onnetsu, even guests with specialneeds can enjoy the benefits of a deeplypenetrating body therapy. Similar to thetheories of acupuncture and moxibustion,Onnetsu is a full body massage utilising amachine to harness the healing benefits ofinfrared heat therapy. The machine warmsthe body using heat through physicalstimulation to deeply penetrate muscles andjoints, helping blood circulation and easingaches and pain.*1 hour 30 Minutes: Light Pressure.*2 hours: Includes Therapeutic Massage. MASSAGE
TUI NA 1hour 30minutes 2hoursThis Chinese therapeutic massage makes useof rhythmic compression techniques alongthe energy channels of the body to establisha harmonious flow of Qi. Skilled therapistsuse gliding, kneading, vibration, tapping,friction, pulling, rolling, pressing andshaking to remove blockages and keep theenergy moving through the meridians andmuscles. This technique is very beneficial astherapy for arthritis, pain, sciatic andmuscle spasms, alleviation of insomnia, andheadaches.THAI MASSAGE 1hour 30minutes 2hoursThis dry massage takes its influence fromthe Thai philosophy of healing. Usingtraditional massage techniques, breathingand stretching are also integral to thetherapy, which helps to release muscletension and increase flexibility. For yourcomfort, you will be asked to wear a Thaioutfit during this treatment.LYMPHATIC MASSAGE 1hour 30minutesAlthough this massage uses a gentletechnique, it is highly effective at stimulat-ing the drainage of your lymphatic systemand helping to remove toxins from yourbody thanks to improved circulation. As thebody cleanses itself from the inside out, theskin becomes more vibrant and energylevels increase. This massage is recom-mended for water retention, bloating,swelling and fatigue. Chinese and Wersternavailable.MASSAGE
LOMI LOMI NUI MASSAGE 1hour 30minutesInspired by our signature Botanical Curetherapy, this massage technique usespowerful flowing forearm massage, stretch-ing and deep muscle work, with yourchosen Four Seasons signature oil blend.The technique comes from the islands ofHawaii and aims to reconnect body, mind,heart and soul through the healing power ofAloha. It will induce an inner calm andsense of clarity within you, while encourag-ing harmony and balance, to buildself-esteem and revitalise your life-force.BALANCE FLOW 1hour 1hour 30minutesThis soothing massage combines lightpressure Swedish technique with deeplyhealing aromatherapy, helping to calm thenervous system, reduce your stress levelsand improve your sleep.PRE-NATAL MASSAGE 1hour 1hour 30minutesUsing time tested therapies, our Pre-NatalMassage helps mothers-to-be relax andrelease bodily tensions related to pregnancy.During a consultation in a reclined position,a skilled therapist will develop a massageattuned to your specific needs, easing anyback, neck, shoulder and lower leg painalong with lymphatic drainage to ease thediscomfort of bloating. Massage can beperformed face down with the support of apregnancy cushion or while lying on theside. MASSAGE
POST-NATAL MASSAGE 1hour 30minutesUsing time tested healing therapies, ourPost-Natal Massage helps new mothers geton a speedy road to recovery. This full bodymassage uses lymphatic drainagetechniques to slim, purify and tone thebody. For deep relaxation, an aromaticpoultice of lavender and rose is applied tothe back, head and abdomen, drawing outlingering fatigue and tension. Mothers willfind peace of mind and body leaving moreenergy to spend on their new bundles ofjoy.AYURVEDIC SHIRODHARA 1hour 30minutes 2hoursTransport your body and mind to a state ofperfect calm and inner peace with theseancient Indian Ayurvedic therapies. Thetreatment commences with Abhyanga oilmassage, enhancing lymphatic circulationand rendering the nervous systemcompletely tranquil. This purifying bodymassage is followed by a deeply relaxinghead massage where soothing oil ismassaged into the scalp. Finally discoverbliss through Shirodhara as a steady streamof warm oil is poured onto the centre of theforehead, opening the third eye andcreating total awareness.MASSAGE