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688 CHAPTER 20. PRIVACY-PRESERVING DATA MINING 20.4 Output Privacy The privacy-preservation process can be applied at any point in the data mining pipeline, starting with data collection, publishing, and finally, the actual application of the data min- ing process. The output of data mining algorithms can be very informative to an adversary. In particular, data mining algorithms with a large output and exhaustive data descriptions are particularly risky in the context of disclosure. For example, consider an association rule mining algorithm, in which the following rule is generated with high confidence: (Age = 26, ZIP Code = 10562) ⇒ HIV This association rule is detrimental to the privacy of an individual satisfying the condition on the left hand side of the aforementioned rule. Therefore, the discovery of this rule may result in the unforseen disclosure of private information about an individual. In general, many databases may have revealing relationships among subsets of attributes because of the constraints and strong statistical relationships between attribute values. The problem of association rule hiding may be considered a variation of the problem of statistical disclosure control, or database inference control. In these problems, the goal is to prevent inference of sensitive values in the database from other related values. However, a crucial difference does exist between database inference control and association rule hiding. In database inference control, the focus is on hiding some of the entries, so that the privacy of other entries is preserved. In association rule hiding, the focus is on hiding the rules themselves, rather than the entries. Therefore, the privacy preservation process is applied on the output of the data mining algorithm, rather than the base data. In association rule mining, a set of sensitive rules are specified by the system adminis- trator. The task is to mine all association rules, such that none of the sensitive rules are discovered, but all nonsensitive rules are discovered. Association rule hiding methods are either heuristic methods, border-based methods, or exact methods. In the first class of meth- ods, a subset of transactions are removed from the data. The association rules are discovered on the set of sanitized transactions. In general, if too many transactions are removed, then the remaining nonsensitive rules, which are discovered, will not reflect the true set of rules. This may lead to the discovery of rules that do not reflect the true patterns in the under- lying data. In the case of border-based methods, the border of the frequent pattern mining algorithm is adjusted, so as to discover only nonsensitive rules. Note that when the bor- ders of the frequent itemsets are adjusted, it will lead to the exclusion of nonsensitive rules along with the sensitive rules. The last class of problems formulates the hiding process as a constraint satisfaction problem. This formulation can be solved using integer programming. While these methods provide exact solutions, they are much slower, and their use is limited to problems of smaller size. A related problem in output privacy is that of query auditing. In query auditing, the assumption is that users are allowed to issue a sequence of queries to the database. However, the response to one or more queries may sometimes lead to the compromising of sensitive information about smaller sets of individuals. Therefore, the responses to some of the queries are withheld (or audited) to prevent undesirable disclosure. The bibliographic notes contain specific pointers to a variety of query auditing and association rule hiding algorithms.

20.5. DISTRIBUTED PRIVACY 689 DATABASE 1 DATABASE 1 GROCERY JEWELRY CHAIN 1 GROCERY DATABASE 2 WOMEN’S DATABASE 2 CHAIN 4 APPAREL GROCERY WOMEN’S CHAIN 2 SHOES DATABASE 4 DATABASE 4 GROCERY COSMETICS CHAIN 3 DATABASE 3 DATABASE 3 a HORIZONTALLY PARTITIONED DATA b VERTICALLY PARTITIONED DATA Figure 20.6: Examples of horizontally and vertically partitioned data 20.5 Distributed Privacy In distributed privacy-preserving data mining, the goal is to mine shared insights across mul- tiple participants owning different portions of the data, without compromising the privacy of local statistics or data records. The key is to understand that the different participants may be partially or fully adversaries/competitors, and may not wish to provide full access of their local data and statistics to one another. However, they might find it mutually beneficial to extract global insights over all the data owned by them. The data may be partitioned either horizontally or vertically across the different partic- ipants. In horizontal partitioning, the data records owned by different adversaries have the same attributes, but different adversaries own different portions of the database. For exam- ple, a set of supermarket chains may own similar data related to customer buying behavior, but the different stores may show somewhat different patterns in their transactions because of factors specific to their particular business. In vertical partitioning, the different sites may contain different attributes for the same individual. For example, consider a scenario in which a database contains transactions by various customers. A particular customer may buy different kinds of items at stores containing complementary products such as jewelery, apparel, cosmetics, etc. In such cases, the aggregate association analysis across different participants can provide insights, that cannot be inferred from any particular database. Examples of horizontal and vertically partitioned data are provided in Figs. 20.6a and b, respectively. At the most primitive level, the problem of distributed privacy-preserving data mining overlaps closely with a field in cryptography for determining secure multi-party compu- tations. In this field, functions are computed over inputs provided by multiple recipients without actually sharing the inputs with one another. For example, in a two-party setting, Alice and Bob may have two inputs x and y, respectively, and may wish to compute the function f (x, y) without revealing x or y to each other. This problem can also be general- ized across k parties for computing the k argument function h(x1 . . . xk). Many data mining algorithms may be viewed in the context of repetitive computations of primitive functions such as the scalar dot product, secure sum, secure set union, etc. For example, the scalar dot product of the binary representation of an itemset and a transaction can be used to determine whether or not that itemset is supported by that transaction. Similarly, scalar

690 CHAPTER 20. PRIVACY-PRESERVING DATA MINING dot products can be used for similarity computations in clustering. To compute the function f (x, y) or h(x1 . . . , xk), a protocol needs to be designed for exchanging information in such a way that the function is computed without compromising privacy. A key building-block for many kinds of secure function evaluations is the 1 out of 2 oblivious-transfer protocol. This protocol involves two parties: a sender, and a receiver. The sender’s input is a pair (x0, x1), and the receiver’s input is a bit value σ ∈ {0, 1}. At the end of the process, the receiver learns xσ only, and the sender learns nothing. In other words, the sender does not learn the value of σ. In the oblivious transfer protocol, the sender generates two encryption keys, K0 and K1, but the protocol is able to ensure that the receiver knows only the decryption key for Kσ. The sender is able to generate these keys by using an encrypted input from the receiver, which encodes σ. This coded input does not reveal the value of σ to the sender, but is sufficient to generate K0 and K1. The sender encrypts x0 with K0, x1 with K1, and sends the encrypted data back to the receiver. At this point, the receiver can only decrypt xσ, since this is the only input for which he or she has the decryption key. The 1 out of 2 oblivious transfer protocol has been generalized to the case of k out of N participants. The oblivious transfer protocol is a basic building block, and can be used in order to compute several data mining primitives related to vector distances. Another important pro- tocol that is used by frequent pattern mining algorithms is the secure set union protocol. This protocol allows the computation of unions of sets in a distributed way, without reveal- ing the actual sources of the constituent elements. This is particularly useful in frequent pattern mining algorithms, because the locally large itemsets at the different sites need to be aggregated. The key in these methods is to disguise the frequent patterns at each site with enough number of fake itemsets, in order to disguise the true locally large itemsets at each site. Furthermore, it can be shown that this protocol can be generalized to com- pute different kinds of functions for various data mining problems on both horizontally and vertically partitioned data. The bibliographic notes contain pointers to surveys on these techniques. 20.6 Summary Privacy-preserving data mining can be executed at different stages of the information pro- cessing pipeline, such as data collection, data publication, output publication, or distributed data sharing. The only known method for privacy protection at data collection, is the ran- domization method. In this method, additive noise is incorporated in the data at data collection time. The aggregate reconstructions of the data are then used for mining. Privacy-preserving data publishing is typically performed using a group-based approach. In this approach, the sensitive attributes are treated in a different way from the attributes that are combined to construct quasi-identifiers. Only the latter types of attributes are perturbed, in order to prevent identification of the subjects of the data records. Numerous models, such as k-anonymity, -diversity, and t-closeness are used for anonymization. The eventual goal of all these methods is to prevent the release of sensitive information about individuals. When the dimensionality of the data increases, privacy preservation becomes very difficult, without a complete loss of utility. In some cases, the output of data mining applications, such as association rule mining and query processing, may lead to release of sensitive information. Therefore, in many cases, the output of these applications may need to be restricted in to prevent the release

20.7. BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 691 of sensitive information. Two such well known techniques are association rule hiding, and query auditing. In distributed privacy, the goal is to allow adversaries or semi-adversaries to collaborate in the sharing of data, for global insights. The data may be vertically partitioned across columns, or horizontally partitioned across rows. Cryptographic protocols are typically used in order to achieve this goal. The most well-known among these is the oblivious transfer protocol. Typically, these protocols are used to implement primitive data mining operations, such as the dot product. These primitive operations are then leveraged in data mining algorithms. 20.7 Bibliographic Notes The problem of privacy-preserving data mining has been studied extensively in the sta- tistical disclosure control and security community [1, 512]. Numerous methods, such as swapping [181], micro-aggregation [186], and suppression [179], have been proposed in the conventional statistical disclosure control literature. The problem of privacy-preserving data mining was formally introduced in [60] to the broader data mining community. The work in [28] established models for quantification of privacy-preserving data mining algorithms. Surveys on privacy-preserving data mining may be found in [29]. The randomization method was generalized to other problems, such as association rule mining [200]. Multiplicative perturbations have also been shown to be very effective in the context of privacy-preserving data mining [140]. Nevertheless, numerous attack methods have been designed for inferring the values of the perturbed data records [11, 367]. The k-anonymity model was proposed by Samarati [442]. The binary search algorithm is also discussed in this work. This paper also set up the basic framework for group-based anonymization, which was subsequently used by all the different privacy methods. The NP- hardness of the k-anonymity problem was formally proved in [385]. A survey of k-anonymous data mining may be found in [153]. The connections between the k-anonymity problem and the frequent pattern mining problem were shown in [83]. A set enumeration method was proposed in [83] that is similar to the set enumeration methods popularly used in frequent pattern mining. The Incognito and Mondrian algorithms, discussed in this chapter, were proposed in [335] and [336]. The condensation approach to privacy-preserving data mining was proposed in [8]. Some recent methods perform a probabilistic version of k-anonymity on the data, so that the output of the anonymization is a probability distribution [9]. Thus, such an approach allows the use of probabilistic database methods on the transformed data. Many metrics have also been proposed for utility-based evaluation of private tables, rather than simply using the minimal generalization height [29, 315]. The -diversity and t-closeness models were proposed in [348] and [372], respectively with a focus on sensitive attribute disclosure. A different approach for addressing sensitive attributes is proposed in [91]. A detailed survey of many of the privacy-preserving data pub- lishing techniques may be found in [218]. A closely related model to group-based anonymiza- tion is differential privacy, where the differential impact of a data record on the privacy of other data records in the database is used to perform the privacy operations [190, 191]. While differential privacy provides theoretical more robust results than many group-based models, its practical utility is yet to be realized. The curse of dimensionality in the context of anonymization problems was first observed in [10]. Subsequently, it was shown that the curse extends to other privacy models such as perturbation and -diversity [11, 12, 372].

692 CHAPTER 20. PRIVACY-PRESERVING DATA MINING A practical example [402] of how high-dimensional data could be used to make privacy attacks is based on the Netflix data set [559]. Interestingly, this attack uses the sensitive ratings attributes and background knowledge to make identification attacks. Recently, a few methods [514, 533] have been proposed to address the curse of dimensionality in a limited way. The problem of output privacy is closely related to the problem of inference control and auditing in statistical databases [150]. The most common problems addressed in this domain are those of association rule hiding [497], and query auditing [399]. Distributed methods transform data mining problems into secure multi-party computation primitives [188]. Typ- ically, these methods are dependent on the use of the oblivious transfer protocol [199, 401]. Most of these methods perform distributed privacy-preservation on either horizontally par- titioned data [297] or vertically partitioned data [495]. An overview of the various privacy tools for distributed information sharing may be found in [154]. 20.8 Exercises 1. Suppose that you have a 1-dimensional dataset uniformly distributed in (0, 1). Uniform noise from the range (0, 1) is added to the data. Derive the final shape of the perturbed distribution. 2. Suppose that your perturbed data was uniformly distributed in (0, 1), and your per- turbing distribution was also uniformly distributed in (0, 1). Derive the original data distribution. Will this distribution be accurately reconstructed, in practice, for a finite data set? 3. Implement the Bayes distribution reconstruction algorithm for the randomization method. 4. Implement the (a) Incognito, and (b) Mondrian algorithms for k-anonymity. 5. Implement the condensation approach to k-anonymity. 6. In dynamic condensation, one of the steps is to split a group into two equal groups along the longest eigenvector. Let λ be the largest eigenvalue of the original group, μ be the original d-dimensional mean, and V be the longest eigenvector, which is normalized to unit norm. Compute algebraic expressions for the means of the two split groups, under the uniform distribution assumption. 7. Show that the sensitive attribute in both the entropy- and recursive- -diversity models must have at least distinct values. 8 Show that the global entropy of the sensitive attribute distribution is at least equal to the minimum entropy of an equivalence class in it. [Hint: Use convexity of entropy] 9. Many k-anonymization algorithms such as Incognito depend upon the monotonicity property. Show that the monotonicity property is satisfied by (a) entropy -diversity, and (b) recursive -diversity. 10. Implement the (a) Incognito, and (b) Mondrian algorithms for entropy- and recursive -diversity, by making changes to your code in Exercise 4.

20.8. EXERCISES 693 11. Show that the monotonicity property is satisfied by (a) t-closeness with variational distances, and (b) t-closeness with KL-measure. 12. Consider any group-based anonymity quantification measure f (P ), in which the anonymity condition is of the form f (P ) ≥ thresh. (An example of such a measure is entropy in -diversity.) Here, P = (p1 . . . pr) is the sensitive attribute distribu- tion vector. Show that if f (P ) is concave, then the anonymity definition will satisfy the monotonicity property with respect to generalization. Also show that convexity ensures monotonicity in the case of anonymity conditions of the form f (P ) ≤ thresh. 13. Implement the (a) Incognito, and (b) Mondrian algorithms for variational distance- based, and KL distance-based t-closeness, by making changes to your code for Exercise 4. 14. Suppose that you had an anonymized binary transaction database containing the items bought by different customers on a particular day. Suppose that you knew that the transactions of your family friend contained a particular subset B of items, although you did not know the other items bought by her. If every item is bought independently with probability 0.5, show that the probability that at least one of n other customers buys exactly the same pattern of items, is given by at most n/2B. Evaluate this expression for n = 104 and B = 20. What does this imply in terms of the privacy of her other buying patterns? 15. Repeat Exercise 14 for movie ratings taking on one of R possible values instead of 2. Assume that each rating possibility has identical probability of 1/R, and the rat- ings of different movies are independent and identically distributed. What are the corresponding probabilities of re-identification with B known ratings, and n different individuals? 16. Write a computer program to re-identify the subject of a database with B known sensitive attributes.

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Index χ2 Measure, 123 Behavioral Attributes, 10, 458, 532 -diversity, 682 Bernoulli Bayes Model, 309 k-anonymity, 670, 671 Between-Class Scatter Matrix, 291 t-closeness, 684 Betweenness Centrality, 626 AdaBoost, 381 Bias Term in SVMs, 314 Agglomerative Clustering, 167 Biased Sampling, 38 Aggregate Change Points, 419 Big Data, 389 Almost Closed Sets, 139 Binarization, 31 AMS Sketch, 406 Binning of Time Series, 460 Approximate Frequent Patterns, 139 Biological Sequences, 493 Apriori Algorithm, 100 BIRCH, 214 AR Model, 467 Bisecting K-Means, 173 ARIMA Model, 469 Bloom Filter, 399 ARMA Model, 469 BOAT, 351 Association Pattern Mining, 15, 93 Boosting, 381 Association Rule Hiding, 688 Bootstrap, 337 Association Rules, 98 Bootstrapped Aggregating, 379 Associative Classifiers, 305 Bucket of Models, 383 Authorities, 602 Buckshot, 435 Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average C4.5rules, 300 Candidate Distribution Algorithm, 112 Model, 469 Cascade, 655 Autoregressive Model, 467 Categorical Data Clustering, 206 Autoregressive Moving Average Model, 469 CBA, 148, 305 AVC-set, 351 Centrality, 623 Bag-of-Words Kernel, 524 Centroid Distance Signature, 533 Bagging, 379 Centroid-based Text Classification, 447 Balaban Index, 573 Chebychev Inequality, 394 Barabasi-Albert Model, 622 Chernoff Bound (Lower-Tail), 395 Baum-Welch Algorithm, 520 Chernoff Bound (Upper-Tail), 396 Bayes Classifier, 306 Circuit Rank, 573 Bayes Optimal Privacy, 684 CLARA, 213 Bayes Reconstruction Method, 665 CLARANS, 213 Bayes Text Classifier, 448 Classification, 285 C. C. Aggarwal, Data Mining: The Textbook, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14142-8 727 c Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015

728 INDEX Classification Based on Associations, 305 Cyclomatic Number, 573 Classification of Time Series, 488 Data Classification, 18, 285 Classifier Evaluation, 334 Data Cleaning, 34 Classifying Graphs, 582 Data Clustering, 16, 153 Cleaning Data, 34 Data Reduction, 37 CLIQUE, 219 Data Streams, 389 Closed Itemsets, 137 Data Type Portability, 30 Closed Patterns, 137 Data Types, 6 Closeness Centrality, 624 Data-centered Ensembles, 278 CLUSEQ, 504 DBSCAN, 181 Cluster Digest for Text, 434 Decision List, 300 Cluster Validation, 195 Decision Trees, 293 Clustering, 153 Degree Centrality, 624 Clustering Coefficient, 621 Degree Prestige, 624 Clustering Data Streams, 411 DENCLUE, 184 Clustering Graphs, 579 Dendrogram, 168 Clustering Tendency, 154 Densification, 622 Clustering Text, 434 Density Attractors, 185 Clustering Time Series, 476 DepthProject Algorithm, 106 Clusters and Outliers, 246 Differencing Time Series, 466 CluStream, 413 Diffusion Models, 655 Co-clustering, 438 Dijkstra Algorithm, 86 Co-clustering for Recommendations, 610 Dimensionality Curse in Privacy, 687 Co-location Patterns, 548 Dimensionality Reduction, 41 Co-Training, 363 Discrete Cosine Transform, 464 Coefficient of Determination, 361, 468 Discrete Fourier Transform, 462 Collaborative Filtering, 149, 234, 605 Discrete Sequence Similarity Measures, 82 Collective Classification, 367, 641 Discretization, 30 Combination Outliers in Sequences, 508 Discriminative Classifier, 306 Community Detection, 627 Distance-based Clustering, 159 Compression-based Dissimilarity Measure, Distance-based Entropy, 156 Distance-based Motifs, 473 513 Distance-based Outlier Detection, 248 Concept Drift, 22, 390 Distance-based Sequence Clustering, 502 Condensation-based Anonymization, 680 Distance-based Sequence Outliers, 513 Confidence, 97 Distributed Privacy, 689 Confidence Monotonicity, 98 Document Preparation, 431 Constrained Clustering, 225 Document-Term Matrix, 8 Constrained Pattern Mining, 146 Domain Generalization Hierarchy, 670 Constrained Sequential Patterns, 500 Downward Closure Property, 96 Content-based Recommendations, 605 DWT, 50 Contextual Attributes, 10, 458, 532 Dynamic Programming in HMM, 520 CONTOUR, 504 Dynamic Time Warping Distance, 79 Coordinate Descent, 355 Dynamics of Network Formation, 622 Core of Joined Subgraphs, 578 Early Termination Trick, 250 Count-Min Sketch, 403 Earth Mover Distance, 685 Cross-Validation, 336 Eckart-Young Theorem, 46 CSketch, 417 CURE, 216 CVFDT, 423

INDEX 729 Eclat, 110 Frequent Trajectory Paths, 546 Edit Distance, 82, 513 Frequent Traversal Patterns, 615 Edit Distance in Graphs, 567 Full-Domain Generalization, 673 Eigenvector Centrality, 627 Generalization in Privacy, 670 EM Algorithm for Continuous Data, 173, 244 Generalization Property, 675 EM Algorithm for Data Clustering, 175 Generalized Linear Models, 357 Embedded Models, 292 Generative Classifier, 306 Energy of a Data Set, 46 Geodesic Distances, 71 Ensemble Classification, 373 Gini Index, 288 Ensemble Clustering, 231 Girvan-Newman Algorithm, 631 Ensemble-based Streaming Classification, GLM, 357 Global Recoding, 672 424 Global Statistical Similarity, 74 Entropy, 156, 289 Goodall Measure, 75 Entropy -diversity, 683 Graph Classification, 582 Enumeration Tree, 103 Graph Clustering, 579 Equivalence Class in Privacy, 671 Graph Database, 557 Error Tree of Wavelet Representation, 52 Graph Distances and Matching, 565 Estrada Index, 572 Graph Edit Distance, 567 Euclidean Metric, 64 Graph Isomorphism, 559 Event Detection, 485 Graph Kernels, 573 Evolutionary Outlier Algorithms, 271 Graph Matching, 559 Example Re-weighting, 348 Graph Similarity Measures, 85 Expected Error Reduction, 372 Graph-based Algorithms, 187 Expected Model Change, 371 Graph-based Collaborative Filtering, 608 Expected Variance Reduction, 373 Graph-based Methods, 522 Explaining Sequence Anomalies, 519 Graph-based Semisupervised Learning, 367 Exponential Smoothing, 461 Graph-based Sequence Clustering, 502 Extreme Value Analysis, 239 Graph-based Spatial Neighborhood, 541 Feature Bagging, 274 Graph-based Spatial Outliers, 542 Feature Selection, 40 Graph-based Time-Series Clustering, 481 Feature Selection for Classification, 287 Gregariousness in Social Networks, 624 Feature Selection for Clustering, 154 Grid-based Outliers, 255 Filter Models, 155, 288 Grid-based Projected Outliers, 270 Finite State Automaton, 509 GSP Algorithm, 495 First Story Detection, 418, 453 Haar Wavelets, 50 Fisher Score, 290 Heavy Hitters, 405 Fisher’s Linear Discriminant, 290 Hidden Markov Model Clustering, 506 Flajolet-Martin Algorithm, 408 Hidden Markov Models, 514 FOIL’s Information Gain, 304 Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms, 166 Forward Algorithm, 519 High Dimensional Privacy, 687 Forward-backward Algorithm, 520 Hinge Loss, 319 Fowlkes-Mallows Measure, 201 Histogram-based Outliers, 255 Fractionation, 435 HITS, 602 Frequency-based Sequence Outliers, 514 HMETIS, 232 Frequent Itemset, 93 HMM, 514 Frequent Pattern Mining, 15, 93 HMM Applications, 521 Frequent Pattern Mining in Streams, 409 Frequent Substructure Mining, 575

730 INDEX Hoeffding Inequality, 397 Kernels in Graphs, 573 Hoeffding Trees, 421 Kernighan-Lin Algorithm, 629 Holdout, 336 Keyword-based Sequence Similarity, 502 Homophily, 58, 621 Kruskal Stress, 56 Hopkin’s Statistic, 157 Label Propagation Algorithm, 643 Hosoya Index, 572 Lagrangian Optimization in NMF, 193 HOTSAX, 483 Large Itemset, 93 Hubs, 602 Lasso, 355 Hybrid Feature Selection, 159 Latent Components of NMF, 192 Imputation, 49 Latent Components of SVD, 47 Incognito, 675 Latent Factor Models, 611 Incognito Super-roots, 678 Latent Semantic Indexing, 447 Inconsistent Data, 36 Law Enforcement, 18 Independent Cascade Model, 656 Lazy Learners, 331 Independent Ensembles, 276 Learn-One-Rule, 302 Inductive Classifiers, 362 Leave-One-Out Bootstrap, 337 Influence Analysis, 655 Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation, 336 Information Gain, 289 Left Eigenvector, 600 Information Theoretic Measures, 513 Level-wise Algorithms, 100 Instance-based Learning, 331 Levenshtein Distance, 82 Instance-based Text Classification, 447 Lexicographic Tree, 103 Interest Ratio, 124 Likelihood Ratio Statistic, 304 Internal Validation Criteria, 196 Linear Discriminant Analysis, 291 Intrinsic Dimensionality, 41 Linear Threshold Model, 656 Inverse Document Frequency, 74 Link Prediction, 650 Inverse Occurrence Frequency, 74 Link Prediction for Recommendations, 608 Inverted Index, 143 Loadshedding, 390 ISOMAP, 57, 71 Local Outlier Factor, 252 Item-based Recommendations, 608 Local Recoding, 672 Itemset, 94 LOF, 252 Iterative Classification Algorithm, 641 Logistic Regression, 310, 358 Jaccard Coefficient, 76, 432 Longest Common Subsequence, 84 Jaccard for Multiway Similarity, 125 Lookahead-based Pruning, 110 K-Means, 162, 480 Lossy Counting Algorithm, 410 K-Medians, 164 LSA, 47, 447 K-Medoids, 164, 480, 579 MA Model, 468 K-Modes, 208 Macro-clustering, 413 Katz Centrality, 653 Mahalanobis k-means, 163 Kernel Density Estimation, 256 Mahalanobis Distance, 70, 242 Kernel Fisher’s Discriminant, 360 Manhattan Metric, 64 Kernel K-Means, 163, 325 Margin, 314 Kernel Logistic Regression, 360 Margin Constraints, 315 Kernel PCA, 44, 325 Markov Inequality, 394 Kernel Ridge Regression, 359 Massive-Domain Stream Clustering, 417 Kernel SVM, 323, 524, 585 Massive-Domain Streaming Classification, Kernel Trick, 323, 359 425

INDEX 731 Match-based Distance Measures in Graphs, Nonlinear Support Vector Machines, 321 565 Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, 191 Normalization, 37 Maximal Frequent Itemsets, 96, 136 Normalization of Time Series, 461 Maximum Common Subgraph, 561 Normalized Wavelet Basis, 52 Maximum Common Subgraph Problem, 564 Novelties in Text, 453 Mean-Shift Clustering, 186 Oblivious Transfer Protocol, 690 Mercer Kernel Map, 324 One-Against-One Multiclass Learning, 347 Mercer’s Theorem, 323 One-Against-Rest Multiclass Learning, 347 METIS, 634 Online Novelty Detection, 419 Metric, 565 Online Time-Series Clustering, 477 Micro-clustering, 413 ORCLUS, 222 Min-Max Scaling, 37 Ordered Probit Regression, 359 Minkowski Distance, 65 Outlier Analysis, 17 Missing Data, 35 Outlier Detection, 17 Missing Time-Series Values, 459 Outlier Ensembles, 274 Mixture Modeling, 173, 244 Outlier Validity, 258 Model Selection, 383 Output Privacy, 688 Model-centered Ensembles, 277 Overfitting, 287 Mondrian Algorithm, 678 PAA, 460 Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse, 49 PageRank, 86, 592, 598 Morgan Index, 572 Partial Periodic Patterns, 476 Motif Discovery, 472 Partition Algorithm, 110, 128 Moving Average Model, 468 Partition-1, 111 Moving Average Smoothing, 460 PCA, 42 Multiclass Learning, 346 Perceptron, 326 Multidimensional Change Points, 419 Periodic Patterns, 476 Multidimensional Scaling, 55 Perturbation for Privacy, 664 Multidimensional Spatial Neighborhood, 541 Pessimistic Error Rate, 304 Multidimensional Spatial Outliers, 542 Piecewise Aggregate Approximation, 460 Multilayer Neural Network, 328 PLSA, 440 Multinomial Bayes Model, 309, 448, 449 Point Outliers in Time Series, 482 Multivariate Extreme Values, 242 Poisson Regression, 359 Multivariate Time Series, 10, 458, 459 Polynomial Regression, 359 Multivariate Time-Series Forecasting, 470 Pool-based Active Learning, 369 Multiview Clustering, 231 Position Outliers in Sequences, 507 Naive Bayes Classifier, 306 Power-Iteration Method, 600 NCSA Common Log Format, 613 Power-Law Degree Distribution, 623 Near Duplicate Detection, 594 Predictive Attribute Dependence, 155 Nearest Neighbor Classifier, 522 Preferential Attachment, 622 Neighborhood-based Collaborative Filtering, Preferential Crawlers, 591 Prestige, 623 607 Principal Component Analysis, 42 Network Data, 12 Principal Components Regression, 356 Neural Networks, 326 Privacy-Preserving Data Mining, 663 NMF, 191 Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing, 667 Node-Induced Subgraph, 560 Probabilistic Classifiers, 306 Noise Removal from Time Series, 460 Non-stationary Time Series, 465 Nonlinear Regression, 359

732 INDEX Probabilistic Clustering, 173 Ridge Regression, 355 Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis, 440 Right Eigenvector, 600 Probabilistic Outlier Detection, 244 RIPPER, 300 Probabilistic Suffix Trees, 510 Rocchio Classification, 448 Probabilistic Text Clustering, 436 ROCK, 209 Probit Regression, 359 Samarati’s Algorithm, 673 PROCLUS, 220 Sampling, 38 Product Graph, 574 SAX, 32, 464 Profile Association Rules, 148 Scalable Classification, 350 Projected Outliers, 270 Scalable Clustering, 212 Projection-based Reuse, 107 Scalable Decision Trees, 351 Projection-based Reuse of Support Count- Scale-Free Networks, 622 Scaling, 37 ing, 107 Scatter Gather Text Clustering, 434 Proximal Gradient Methods, 355 Secure Multi-party Computation, 690 Proximity Models for Mixed Data, 75 Secure Set Union Protocol, 690 Proximity Prestige, 624 Selective Sampling, 369 PST, 510 Self Training, 363 Pyramidal Time Frame, 415 Semisupervised Bayes Classification, 364 Query Auditing, 688 Semisupervised Clustering, 224 Query-by-Committee, 371 Semisupervised Learning, 361 Querying Patterns, 141 Sensor-Selection, 479 QuickSI Algorithm, 564 Sequence Classification, 521 RainForest, 351 Sequence Data, 10 Randic Index, 573 Sequence Outlier Detection, 507 Random Forests, 380 Sequential Covering Algorithms, 301 Random Subspace Ensemble, 274 Sequential Ensembles, 275 Random Subspace Sampling, 273 Sequential Pattern Mining, 494 Random Walks, 86, 598 Shape Analysis, 533 Random-Walk Kernels, 573 Shape Clustering, 539 Randomization for Privacy, 664 Shape Outliers, 543 Rank Prestige, 627 Shape-based Time-Series Clustering, 479 Ranking Algorithms, 597 Shared Nearest Neighbors, 73 Rare Class Learning, 347 Shingling, 594 Ratings Matrix, 604 Short Memory Property, 509 Recommendations, 149 Shortest Path Kernels, 575 Recommender Systems, 604 Shrinking Diameters, 623 Recursive (c, )-diversity, 683 Signature Table, 144 Regression Modeling, 353 Similarity Computation with Mixed Data, 75 Regularization, 312, 355, 613 Simple Matching Coefficient, 513 Regularization in Collective Classification, Simple Redundancy, 143 SimRank, 86, 601 647 Singular Value Decomposition, 44 Rendezvous Label Propagation, 646 Small World Networks, 622 Representative-based Clustering, 159 SMOTE, 350 Representativeness-based Active Learning, Social Influence Analysis, 655 Soft SVM, 319 373 Spatial Co-location Patterns, 538 Reservoir Sampling, 39, 391 Response Variable, 353

INDEX 733 Spatial Data, 11 Synopsis for Streams, 391 Spatial Data Mining, 531 Synthetic Data for Anonymization, 680 Spatial Outliers, 540 Synthetic Over-sampling, 350 Spatial Tile Transformation, 547 System Diagnosis, 493 Spatial Wavelets, 537 Tag Trees, 433 Spatiotemporal Data, 12 TARZAN, 514 Spectral Clustering, 637 Temporal Similarity Measures, 77 Spectral Decomposition, 47 Term Strength, 155 Spectral Methods in Collective Classifica- Text Classification, 446 Text Clustering, 434 tion, 646 Text SVM, 451 Spectrum Kernel, 524 Tikhonov Regularization, 355 Spider Traps, 593 Time Series Similarity Measures, 77 Spiders, 591 Time Warping, 78 SPIRIT, 472 Time-Series Classification, 485 Stacking, 384 Time-Series Correlation Clustering, 477 Standardization, 37, 354, 462 Time-Series Data, 9 Stationary Time Series, 465 Time-Series Data Mining, 457 Stop-word Removal, 431 Time-Series Forecasting, 464 STORM, 426 Time-Series Preparation, 459 Stratified Cross-Validation, 336 Topic Modeling, 440 Stratified Sampling, 39 Topic-Sensitive PageRank, 601 STREAM Algorithm, 411 Topological Descriptors, 571 Streaming Classification, 421 Trajectory Classification, 553 Streaming Data, 389 Trajectory Clustering, 549 Streaming Frequent Pattern Mining, 409 Trajectory Mining, 544 Streaming Novelty Detection, 419 Trajectory Outlier Detection, 551 Streaming Outlier Detection, 417 Trajectory Pattern Mining, 546 Streaming Privacy, 681 Transductive Classifiers, 362, 583 Streaming Synopsis, 391 Transductive Support Vector Machines, 366 Strict Redundancy, 143 TreeProjection Algorithm, 106 String Data, 10 Triadic Closure, 621 Subgraph Isomorphism, 560 Ullman’s Isomorphism Algorithm, 562 Subgraph Matching, 560 Uncertainty Sampling, 370 Subsequence, 495 Universal Crawlers, 591 Subsequence-based Clustering, 503 Unsupervised Feature Selection, 40 Superset-based Pruning, 110 User-based Recommendations, 607 Supervised Feature Selection, 41 Utility in Privacy, 664, 674, 687, 691 Supervised Micro-clusters for Classification, Utility Matrix, 604 Value Generalization Hierarchy, 670 424 Velocity Density Estimation, 419 Support, 95 Vertical Counting Methods, 110 Support Vector Machines, 313 VF2 Algorithm, 564 Support Vectors, 314 Viterbi Algorithm, 519 Suppression in Privacy, 670 Ward’s Method, 171 SVD, 44 Wavelet-based Rules, 523 SVM for Text, 451 SVMLight, 352 SVMPerf, 451 Symbolic Aggregate Approximation, 32, 464 Symmetric Confidence Measure, 124

734 INDEX Wavelets, 50 Within-Class Scatter Matrix, 291 Web Crawling, 591 Wrapper Models, 158, 292 Web Document Processing, 433 XProj, 581 Web Resource Discovery, 591 XRules, 584 Web Server Logs, 613 Z-Index, 572 Web Usage Mining, 613 Weighted Degree Kernel, 525 Wiener Index, 572

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