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Home Explore SAINS LEVEL 2


Published by widodoshekinah, 2019-10-18 05:17:33

Description: SAINS LEVEL 2


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SAINS LEVEL 2 (kelas 3-4 SD /MI) Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang tepat dan jawablah di lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan ! 1. Berikut ini termasuk fungsi akar, kecuali......... a. membantu pernafasan pada tumbuhan b. tempat berlangsungnya proses fotosintesis c. menopang tumbuhan agar tetap berdiri d. mengisap air dan mineral dari dalam tanah 2. Berikut ini merupakan beberapa akibat dari rotasi bumi, kecuali................ a. terjadinya gerak semu harian matahari c. terjadinya siang dan malam b. terjadinya perbedaan waktu d. terjadinya pergantian musim 3. Dari tabel di bawah ini yang merupakan gaya dorong adalah nomor................... No. Kegiatan 1. Menggayuh sepeda 2. Mendorong gerobak 3. Menggerek bendera 4. Membuka botol 5. Mengangkat meja 6. Menendang bola a. 1,2,3 b. 2,3,4 c. 1,2,6 d. 1,2,5 4. Pada saat kita mengambil napas maka rongga dada akan membesar, hal tersebut disebabkan oleh peristiwa berikut, kecuali..... a. kontraksi otot antar rusuk dan diafragma b. diafragma berelaksasi menjadi posisi cekung c. tulang rusuk bergerak ke atas d. tulang dada bergerak ke atas 5. Awan yang letaknya paling dekat dengan permukaan bumi adalah ………. a. Awan sirus c. awan cumulus b. Awan stratus d. awan cumulus nimbus 6. Antibiotik merupakan obat yang digunakan untuk melawan serangan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh ……… a. Bakteri b. kuman c. virus d. jamur 7. Mineral diperlukan tubuh dalam jumlah sedikit , tetapi mineral harus selalu ada dalam makanan. Karena mineral ini berfungsi sebagai ……… a. Pengatur suhu tubuh c . pengatur metabolisme tubuh b. Pembangun tubuh d. perlindungan tubuh 8. Peralatan memasak sebagian besar terbuat dari bahan aluminium . Karena aluminium memiliki sifat ………. a. Keras dan sulit di bentuk c. tidak berkarat dan cepat panas b. Ringan dan harganya murah d. tidak mudah bocor dan tipis 9. Agar kelangsungan hidup organisme dapat berlanjut dan lestari maka selain berkembang biak, organisme tersebut harus.......................... a. mencari habitat yang lebih luas c. mempertinggi daya tahan tubuhnya b. mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan d. mencari makan sebanyak-banyaknya 10. Gerhana bulan terjadi jika ............. pada satu garis lurus a. bumi berada di antara bulan dan matahari b. matahari berada di antara bumi dan matahari c. matahari berada di antara bulan dan bumi 2|@ ICT_SHEKINAH 2019

d. letak bumi dan bulan berseberangan 11. Salah satu akibat dari menipisnya lapisan ozon adalah ………….. a. Menurunnya suhu permukaan bumi b. Meningkatnya kasus kanker kulit c. Turunnya permukaan air laut d. Hutan menjadi lebat dan subur 12. Kegiatan sehari – hari seperti berbicara , berpikir dan bergerak dikendalikan oleh………… a. Otak besar c. sumsum tulang belakang b. Sumsum lanjutan d. otak kecil 13. Blow into a ballon until you run out of breath . Tie a knot in the balloon . Now you can see just how much air your lungs are able to hold. This experiment show that ………… a. Bad breath c. lung capacity b. Hot air d. diaphragm relaxes 14. The primary function of the large intestine is.............. a. the breakdown and obsorption of fats c. the obsorption of water b. the obsorption of vitamin K d. the concentration of solid wastes 15. Ada cacing yang mampu hidup di kayu galangan kapal dan memakan kayu yang ada di dalam galangan kapal. Setelah diteliti ternyata di dalam saluran cernanya ditemukan enzim. Enzim yang ditemukan di saluran cerna adalah...... a. ptialin b. amilase c. lipase d. selulosa 16. Suatu ketika pada waktu siang hari yang panas, adik lupa memasukkan sepedanya ke tempat yang aman. Akibatnya, setelah beberapa saat ban sepedanya meletus. Peristiwa ini disebabkan ………… a. Udara dalam ban memuai c. udara dalam ban bertambah b. Ban memuai hingga titik maksimal d. ban rapuh jika terkena sinar matahari 17. Ketika jendela kamar dibuka, udara di dalam kamar terasa lebih segar. Hal tersebut karena terjadi perpindahan kalor secara ……. a. Konduksi b. radiasi c. konveksi d. pancaran 18. Buah-buahan yang kita miliki tidak mudah busuk jika berada di dalam almari pendingin. Hal ini disebabkan oleh................. a. bakteri pembusuk mati c. bakteri pembusuk menjadi tidak aktif b. bakteri pembusuk berkurang jumlahnya d. makanan menjadi keras 19. Kebiasaan duduk miring kekiri atau kekanan pada anak yang masih dalam masa pertumbuhan dapat menyebabkan...................... a. lordosis b. skoliosis c. kifosis d. nekrosis 20. Berikut ini merupakan fungsi rangka manusia, kecuali................... a. melindungi alat tubuh yang penting c. tempat melekatnya otot b. sebagai alat gerak aktif d. menegakkan dan memberi bentuk tubuh 21. Benda-benda dibawah ini merupakan sumber cahaya, kecuali......... a. Matahari c. bintang b. kunang-kunang d. Bulan 22. Pembuatan garam memanfaatkan proses................. a. pengembunan b. penguapan c. penyublinan d. pembekuan 23. Akar mempunyai bentuk yang bermacam-macam, ada akar yang bentuknya kecil dan halus. Akar ini disebut............................ a. akar serabut b. akar tunggang c. akar tunjang d. akar tinggal 24. Kakak Dodo senang berpetualang. Ia sering mendaki gunung dan melewati perbukitan. Berikut ini adalah urutan tempat dari yang paling rendah ke paling tinggi yang sering dilalui kakak Dodo............. a. jurang, bukit, lembah, gunung c. lembah, gunung, jurang, bukit b. bukit, lembah, gunung, jurang d. jurang, lembah, bukit, gunung 3|@ ICT_SHEKINAH 2019

25. Dalam cuaca dingin, kursi logam terasa lebih dingin daripada kursi plastik. Hal ini disebabkan ……….. a. Suhu logam lebih rendah daripada suhu plastik b. Logam menghantarkan panas lebih baik daripada plastik c. Plastik menyimpan panas lebih banyak daripada logam d. Plastik merupakan penghantar panas yang baik 26. Perhatikan gambar berikut ! Proses penyerbukan terjadi pada bagian organ bernomor ……………. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 27. Perhatikan sumber energi berikut ini ! 1. Minyak tanah 2. Batu bara 3. Biodiesel 4. Spiritus 5. LPG 6. Sel surya Kelompok sumber energi yang dapat diperbarui ditunjukkan oleh nomor …….. a. 1,2,4 b. 2,3,4 c. 3,4,6 d. 1,4,6 28. Jika pakaian hitam dan putih dijemur bersama, kain hitam akan lebih cepat kering daripada pakaian putih karena warna hitam....... a. banyak menyerap kalor b. sedikit memancarkan kalor c. banyak memancarkan kalor d. sedikit menyerap kalor 29. 1. Kucing 2. Ayam 3. Kambing 4. Monyet 5. Anjing 6. Harimau 7. Gajah 8. Singa 9. Serigala Yang termasuk hewan karnivora adalah......... a. no. 1, 4, 5, 6, dan 9 c. no. 1, 2, 3, 4 dan 7 b. no. 1,3, 4, 5 dan 8 d. no. 1,5,6,8 dan 9 30. Bagian organ mata orang yang sudah meninggal dapat disumbangkan untuk menyembuhkan orang lain dari kebutaan. Bagian tersebut adalah ………… a. Lensa b. kornea c. iris d. retina 31. Jumlah tulang pada manusia dewasa adalah ……… a. 206 tulang rawan c. 300 tulang keras b. 300 tulang rawan d. 206 tulang keras 32. Bunyi yang memiliki frekuensi diatas 20.000 Hz disebut....... a. Ultrasonic c. audiosonic b. Infrasonic d. Supersonic 33. Ban sepeda yang bersifat lentur dibuat dari bahan dasar berupa ……. a. Lateks c. logam b. Minyak mentah d. serat 34. Batu akan pecah bila dipukul dengan palu . Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa gaya …….. a. Mengubah wujud benda c. mengubah warna benda b. Mempengaruhi gerak benda d. mempengaruhi bentuk benda 35. Orang yang menderita penyakit demam berdarah biasanya diberi jus jambu biji. Karena jus jambu biji terbukti dapat meningkatkan....... 4|@ ICT_SHEKINAH 2019

a. Eritrosit dalam tubuh c. Leukosit dalam tubuh b. Trombosit dalam tubuh d. Cairan darah dalam tubuh 36. Tumbuhan kantong semar akan segera mengatup bila terkena sentuhan serangga sebab .... a. Melawan rangsangan b. Memberi rangsang c. Menolak rangsang d. Menanggapi rangsang 37. Human breathe with ….. a. The whole body b. body c. Gills d. Lungs 38. Which process causes the leaves of a plant to become larger? a. Repair b. Growth c. Decomposition d. Germination 39. Ciri khusus yang sama yang dimiliki oleh Cecak dan bunglon adalah.......... a. Mempunyai kulit yang dapat berubah warna b. Dapat memutuskan ekornya c. Memiliki mulut dan ekor yang panjang d. Memiliki lidah panjang dan lengket 40. Salah satu jenis barang tambang dan non logam yang terdapat di Indonesia adalah grafit. Manfaat dari barang tambang ini adalah ……….. a. Membuat obat penyakit kulit c. membuat pensil b. Membuat asap rumah d. sebagai bahan cat tembok 41. Berikut ini yang merupakan contoh kapilaritas adalah .... a. Meresapnya minyak tanah pada sumbu kompor b. Air terjun mengalir deras melalui tebing c. Air terjun mengalir dari talang ke selokan d. Bentuk air di dalam botol seperti botol 42. Unsur terbanyak penyusun kerak bumi adalah...... a. oksigen dan hidrogen c. oksigen dan silikon b. hidrogen dan silikon d. Hidrogen dan aluminium 43. Agar kelangsungan hidup organisme dapat berlanjut dan lestari, maka selain berkembang biak organisme tersebut harus............... a. mencari habitat yang lebih luas b. mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan c. mempertinggi daya tahan tubuhnya d. mencari makan sebanyak-sebanyaknya 44. Bagian pohon kina yang dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan obat adalah........ a. akar b. batang c. kulit pohon d. daun 45. Ibu Atik akhir-akhir ini terlihat cepat lelah. Kadang-kadang juga kesemutan dan mudah mengantuk. Oleh dokter ia dianjurkan banyak makan makanan yang mengandung zat besi. Dari ciri-ciri tersebut ibu , ibu Atik menderita penyakit........................ a. Leukemia b. Anemia c. Hipertensi d. Diabetes 46. . Bagian telinga yang berfungsi menerima rangsangan bunyi ditunjukkan oleh nomor ….. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 47. Adonan telur dadar yang digoreng ukurannya……………….. a. Tetap c. Mengecil b. Menyusut d. membesar 5|@ ICT_SHEKINAH 2019

48. Alat optik yang cara kerjanya sama dengan kerja mata kita adalah ........... a. kaca mata b. kamera c. mikroskop d. teleskop 49. Which substance is usually found in nature as a liquid , solid and gas? a. water b. rock c. metal d. glass 50. Contoh hewan yang tubuhnya tidak ditutup sisik, bulu, ataupun rambut adalah ……… a. ayam, bebek, ikan c. ular dan katak b. ikan lele dan belut d. sapi, kuda dan kambing 6|@ ICT_SHEKINAH 2019

SAINS LEVEL 3 (kelas 4-5 SD /MI) Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang tepat dan jawablah di lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan ! 1. Bagian usus besar yang seolah-olah tidak berfungsi adalah................ a. apendik b. kolon c. selulosa d. anus 2. Penderita diabetes melitus mempunyai gula darah yang tinggi dalam tubuhnya. Oleh karena itu, penderita diabetes melitus memerlukan suntikan hormon…… a. Tiroksin b. insulin c. adrenalin d. glukogen 3. Lendir digerakkan sepanjang sistem pernapasan oleh ……….. a. Cilia b. flagella c. peristaltik d. transportasi 4. Dari gambar di samping, gerakan ini dimungkinkan karena adanya sendi ………. a. Peluru b. putar c. pelana d. engsel 5. Fungsi selaput lendir hidung adalah untuk……. a. Menyesuaikan kelembaban udara b. Menetralkan racun yang masuk c. Membunuh kuman yang terbawa d. Memilih gas-gas yang masuk 6. Gelombang air merambat dari titik A dan titik B. Waktu yang dibutuhkan 6 detik. Jika di antara dua titik tersebut terdapat dua puncak dan kedua titiknya berupa puncak maka frekuensi getarannya adalah ………. a. 18 Hz b. 12 Hz c. ½ Hz d. ¼ Hz 7. Benda yang bergetar dapat melakukan 15 getaran selama 3 detik. Setelah 5 detik benda akan bergetar sebanyak…….. a. 75 getaran b. 45 getaran c. 25 getaran d. 9 getaran 8. Kalender Masehi dibuat berdasarkan ……….. a. Peredaran bulan mengelilingi bumi b. Peredaran bulan mengelilingi matahari c. Peredaran bumi pada porosnya d. Peredaran bumi mengelilingi matahari 9. Hewan yang memiliki daur hidup seperti kecoak adalah …….. a. Katak b. lalat c. tikus d. belalang 10. Berikut adalah tabel antara suhu lapisan bumi terhadap kedalaman Kedalaman (km) Suhu (°C ) 0 30 1 …….. 1,2 54 1,4 58 2,5 ……… Berdasarkan tabel tersebut maka suhu pada kedalaman 1 km dan 2,5 km berturut – turut kira – kira adalah ……. a. 50°C dan 80°C c. 45°C dan 80°C b. 50°C dan 75°C d. 45°C dan 75°C 11. Pernyataan berikut benar tentang mikroskop, kecuali……. a. Lensa Okuler berfungsi sebagai lup b. Benda diletakkan diantara f dan 2f lensa obyektif c. Fokus okuler berimpit dengan focus obyektif d. Bayangan akhir bersifat maya, terbalik, diperbesar 7|@ ICT_SHEKINAH 2019

12. Pernyataan berikut yang benar adalah…….. a. Semakin besar periode getaran, semakin kecil amplitudonya b. Semakin besar periode getaran, semakin kecil frekuensinya c. Semakin besar periode getaran, semakin besar amplitudonya d. Semakin besar periode getaran, semakin besar frekuensinya 13. Termometer Celcius digunakan untuk mengukur perubahan suhu benda . Pada saat air raksa bertambah panjang 15 mm ternyata kenaikan suhunya 90c . Kenaikan suhu benda jika air raksa bertambah panjang 45 mm adalah ..... a. 27˚c b. 18˚c c. 2,7˚c d. 1,8˚c 14. Salah satu ciri makhluk hidup adalah respirasi. Tujuan utama respirasi adalah ........... a. menyusun zat makanan menjadi energi b. membongkar zat makanan menjadi energi c. menyusun energi menjadi zat makanan d. membongkar energi menjadi zat makanan 15. Valey is ......... a. land of the sea b. low land on the mountains c. land around the rivers d. peak of land 16. Berikut ini yang merupakan ciri – ciri sel hewan yaitu ....... a. Dinding sel terdiri dari selulosa, tebal dan kuat b. Mempunyai plastida c. Jumlah mitokondria relatif lebih banyak d. Tidak memiliki nilai osmotik 17. Berikut ini merupakan urutan lapisan atmosfer mulai dari permukaan bumi …….. a. Stratosfera – Troposfera – Ionosfera – Eksosfera b. Trofosfera – Stratosfera – Ionosfera – Mesosfera c. Trofosfera – Stratosfera – Mesosfera – Termosfera d. Trofosfera – Mesosfera – Stratosfera – Termosfera 18. Rhizobium radicicola bersimbiosis dengan tanaman kacang – kacangan untuk mengikat N2 . organisme ini merupakan ....... a. jamur b. ganggang c. bakteri d. cacing 19. Pernyataan berikut ini yang tepat mengenai bidang miring adalah ....... a. semakin curam bidang miring semakin memudahkan untuk memindahkan benda b. besar keuntungan mekanis berbanding lurus dengan panjang lintasan c. keuntungan mekanis berbanding terbalik dengan panjang lintasan d. keuntungan mekanis berbanding lurus dengan tinggi bidang miring 20. Fungsi nucleus adalah …. a. Mengatur pertukaran zat masuk dan keluar sel b. Melakukan sintesis protein c. Menyimpan cadangan makanan d. Mengatur seluruh kegiatan sel 21. Biochemical substances in the human body are maintained at about a neutral PH except for the .. a. Blood b. Stomach fluids c. Internal material of living cells d. Lymph 22. Why does sea level of salt in some places increase ? a. a lot of river estuary b. a lot of rain 8|@ ICT_SHEKINAH 2019

c. very high steam d. a lot of the rise and fall of the tides 23. Factor that does not affects the pitch of a string is …… a. String tension b. String quality c. The density of the string d. String material 24. Seorang anak yang tenggelam akan mengalami kekurangan oksigen sehingga perlu dilakukan pernafasan buatan. Gangguan pernafasan seperti itu disebut ….. a. Asma b. Asfiksi c. Rhinitis d. Emfisema 25. Supaya lemak mudah dicerna di usus halus, maka harus dibuat emulsi lemak oleh ........ yang di hasilkan oleh ........ a. pepsin – lambung b. garam empedu – hati c. lipase – pankreas d. tripsin – duodenum 26. Kapasitas vital paru – paru adalah .......... a. udara yang masuk dan keluar dari paru – paru b. udara yang dapat masuk sekuat – kuatnya ke paru – paru c. udara yang dapat keluar sekuat – kuatnya dari paru – paru d. udara maksimum yang dapat keluar dan masuk paru –paru 27. Pada suhu berapa termometer Reamur menunjukkan angka yang sama dengan Fahrenheit? a. 32o b. -25,6o c. -28o d. 28o 28. Buah kelapa yang jatuh dari pohonnya, merupakan contoh dari benda yang …… a. Bergerak lurus berubah beraturan dipercepat b. Bergerak lurus beraturan c. Bergerak lurus beraturan diperlambat d. Bergerak lurus berubah tak beraturan 29. Bagian reproduksi manusia yang berfungsi sebagai tempat pematangan spermatozoa adalah …….. a. Skortum b. Epididimis c. Vas deferens d. Tubulus seminiferus 30. Sebuah benda diletakkan dimuka lensa cembung yang berjarak titip api 12 cm. jika diperoleh bayangan nyata diperbesar 3 kali maka benda terletak di muka lensa pada jarak ….. a. 16 cm b. 12 cm c. 8 cm d. 6 cm 31. Berjalan di tanah merah yang basah akan terasa licin, sebab ………… a. Tanah merah sulit ditembus air b. Tanah merah mudah ditembus air c. Tanah merah gembur d. Lengket dan basah 9|@ ICT_SHEKINAH 2019

32. Alasan mengapa obat – obatan seperti penisilin menghancurkan bakteri tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap sel manusia adalah ............ a. sebab sel bakteri akan menggunakan penisilin sebagai koenzim b. sebab enzim manusia akan dirubah sifatnya oleh penisilin c. sebab enzim dalam sel manusia akan menggunakan penisilin untuk menghasilkan energi yang berlebihan d. sebab penisilin masuk dan cocok dengan area aktif enzim bakteri 33. Gambar 1.2 diatas menunjukkan terjadinya gerhana …….. a. Bulan sebagian c. matahari cincin b. Bulan total d. matahari total 34. All of these statements below are common shapes of bacteria , except .......... a. spherical b. square c. spiral d. rod 35. The maintenance of the body’s constant internal environment is termed as ........ a. replication b. homeostasis c. synthesis d. hydrolysis 36. Pada jaringan epidermis tumbuhan, terdapat lapisan lilin yang berfungsi mengurangi penguapan yang disebut …. a. Palisade b. Kutikula c. Stomata d. Xilem 37. Daya isap daun adalah salah satu proses untuk mengangkut air dari akar ke daun yang dapat terjadi karena …. a. Adanya tekanan dari akar ke daun b. Daun memiliki urat – urat daun yang banyak c. Air di daun menguap sehingga daun mengambil air di pembuluh d. Terdapat pembuluh – pembuluh kapiler yang bisa menarik ke daun 38. Sepeda meluncur ke bawah sepanjang bidang miring. Selama geraknya ……… a. Energi potensialnya berkurang tetapi energi kinetiknya bertambah b. Energi potensialnya bertambah tetapi energi kinetiknya berkurang c. Energi potensialnya maupun energi kinetiknya bertambah d. Energi potensialnya maupun energi kinetiknya berkurang 39. Tiga buah alat listrik, yaitu komputer, lampu dan setrika menggunakan daya masing – masing 200 W, 40 W, dan 300 W digunakan selama 10 jam . Bila energi listrik adalah perkalian antara daya dengan waktu atau lamanya pemakaian maka besar energi yang terpakai adalah …….. a. 0.9 kwh b. 3,4 kWh c. 4,3 kWh d. 5,4 kWh 40. A galaxy is a group of millions of stars. Our galaxy which is shaped like a spiral is called …. a. Mercury b. Asteroid belt c. Saturn d. The milky way 41. Berikut ini adalah tempat – tempat yang pernah menghasilkan batu bara, kecuali ........ a. Sawah Lunto c. Mahakam b. Bukit Asam d. Singkep 42. Planet berikut mempunyai 8 buah satelit pengiring yaitu......... a. Saturnus b. Yupiter c. Uranus d. Neptunus 43. Batang besi panjangnya 2 m dipanaskan dari 25°C menjadi 275°C bertambah panjang 6,00 mm. Bila 4 m batang besi dipanaskan dari 25°C menjadi 125°C bertambah panjang ……. a. 1,20 mm b. 1,80 mm c. 3,60 mm d. 4,80 mm 10 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

44. Alkohol lebih tepat jika digunakan sebagai cairan pengisi termometer yang akan digunakan untuk mengukur suhu yang sangat rendah. Hal ini karena …………… a. Mempunyai massa jenis rendah c. mempunyai titik lebur rendah b. Mempunyai titik didih tinggi d. pemuaiannya rendah 45. Organ tubuh yang berkembang cepat pada embriogenesis hingga anak umur 5 tahun adalah ......... a. otot b. tulang c. jantung d. saraf otak 46. Zat makanan berikut diserap oleh usus halus, kecuali ........ a. asam lemak c. glikogen b. asam amino d. gliserol 47. These are weather elements, except ........ a. air pressure c. rain b. air temperature d. population number 48. Gas yang paling banyak terdapat di atmosfer bumi adalah …. a. Metana b. Oksigen c. Karbondioksida d. Nitrogen 49. Perhatikan perkembangan fisik pada remaja berikut ! 1) Payudara membesar 2) Dada lebih bidang 3) Suara membesar 4) Tumbuh rambut disekitar kemaluan 5) Pinggul membesar Perubahan fisik yang terjadi pada remaja perempuan ditunjukkan oleh nomor ……. a. 1, 2, dan 3 b. 3, 4, dan 5 c. 2, 3, dan 5 d. 1, 4, dan 5 50. Air tidak dipakai untuk mengisi termometer. Hal ini karena .......... a. volume air tetap b. tidak memuai ketika di panaskan c. memiliki pemuaian yang kecil d. air membasahi dinding 11 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

SAINS LEVEL 4 ( SMP/MTs ) Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang tepat dan jawablah di lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan ! 1. Perbedaan antara senyawa dengan campuran adalah.................. a. senyawa merupakan perubahan fisika, sedangkan campuran merupakan perubahan kimia b. pada senyawa sifat-sifat zat pembentuknya masih ada, sedangkan pada campuran tidak ada c. senyawa terdiri dari zat tunggal, sedangkan campuran terdiri atas berbagai macam zat d. susunan senyawa selalu mempunyai perbandingan yang tetap, sedangkan campuran tidak 2. Sel penghasil pigmen warna kulit terdapat pada lapisan.......................... a. korneum b. lusidum c. granulosum d. germinativum 3. Darah yang mengandung sedikit oksigen akan menjadi darah yang mengandung banyak oksigen dalam ……… a. Alveoli c. bronki b. Batang tenggorokan d. bronchial 4. Penderita diabetes dapat mengonsumsi sirop yang mengandung pemanis buatan, yaitu ……… a. Monosodium glutamate c. tartazin b. Aspartame d. natrium benzoate 5. Zat – zat berikut mempunyai sifat mudah meledak bila berinteraksi dengan oksigen, kecuali … a. Magnesium c. Uranium b. Aluminium d. natrium 6. Terjadinya gumpalan – gumpalan fotosfer matahari sebagai akibat …. a. Perbedaan suhu yang sangat besar b. Perbedaan suhu yang sangat kecil c. Gas yang memijar disekitar fotosfer d. Aliran gas panas keluar 7. Which of the following is not an acid ? a. NaOH c. H2SO4 b. HCl d. HNO3 8. Pusat penglihatan di otak besar terdapat di bagian...... a. lobus olfaktorius c. lobus temporalis b. lobus oksipitalis d. Lobus parietalis 9. Pada manusia, pembelahan sel yang memproduksi blastoreme yang paling awal tidak berakibat distribusi asimetrik determinan sitoplasmik. Satu akibat dari pola pembelahan ini adalah … a. Hanya zigot yang toti poten b. Kemungkinan kembar 2 atau kembar 3 c. Setiap peristiwa pembelahan semakin membatasi potensi blastomere awal d. Hipotesis – hipotesis keterbatasan progressif potensi – potensi tidak terjadi 10. Berikut ini adalah hewan menyusui yang berkembang biak secara vivipar, kecuali........... a. lumba-lumba b. paus c. kanguru d. platypus 11. . Bagian yang ditunjuk oleh huruf X berfungsi untuk…. a. menghantarkan impuls menuju badan sel saraf b. menghantarkan impuls dari badan sel saraf menuju neuron lain. 12 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

c. melanjutkan impul dari neuron ke badan sel d. sebagai pusat pengaturan impuls 12. Kerusakan pada medulla oblongata akan berakibat ………. a. Hilangnya pendengaran c. kesulitan bernafas b. Terhambatnya pertumbuhan d. hilangnya koordinasi 13. Fungsi saluran Havers pada tulang sejati adalah sebagai tempat …. a. Pembentukan sel darah merah b. Dilaluinya pembuluh darah dan serabut saraf c. Penimbunan zat kapur d. Pembentukan sel tulang 14. In closed room, there are 12 cm3 gas which pressure 1 atmosphere, if it’s volume is minimized to become 4 cm3, here it’s pressure become … a. 1⁄4 atm c. 4 atm b. 1⁄3 atm d. 3 atm 15. Sebuah kubus mempunyai panjang sisi 5 cm. Jika massa kubus 500 g, massa jenis kubus tersebut adalah ....................... a. 100 g/cm3 b. 20 g/cm3 c. 4 g/cm3 d. 0,4 g/cm3 16. Study of any aspect of microorganism is called……........... a. Microbiology c. Bacteriologi b. Mycology d. Virology 17. Berikut ini terdapat beberapa zat aditif makanan 1. Natrium benzoat 2. Monosodium gulatamat 3. Natrium siklamat 4. Aktilasetat 5. Asam sitrat Zat aditif yang berfungsi sebagai zat pengawet, penyedap dan pemanis secara berturut – turut adalah …. a. 1, 2 dan 3 c. 2, 3 dan 4 b. 2, 4 dan 5 d. 3, 4 dan 5 18. Salah satu fungsi asam klorida dalam lambung adalah.................... a. mencerna protein menjadi asam amino c. mengendapkan susu dari protein susu b. mencerna lemak menjadi asam lemak d. membantu proses pengaktifan pepsin 19. Di suatu kampung yang sangat miskin, setiap hari penduduknya kekurangan makanan terutama sumber protein. Akibat dari kekurangan bahan makanan tersebut beberapa balita mengalami kelainan yaitu badannya kurus, tetapi perutnya buncit. Kelainan demikian disebut …. a. Hunger oedema c. Kwashiorkor b. Kretinisme d. Dwarfisme 20. Pada sebuah termometer X diketahui bahwa titik beku air ditunjukkan dengan angka 200C dan titik didih air ditunjukkan dengan angka 1500C . Ketika mengukur suhu 600 C, termometer ini akan menunjukkan angka… a. 400 b. 650 c 980 d. 1100 21. Jika dalam satu sekon terjadi gerak bolak-balik sebanyak dua kali, frekuensi getaran tersebut adalah ........... a. 0,5 Hz b. 1,0 Hz c. 2,0 Hz d. 4,0 Hz 22. Yang berfungsi sebagai tempat tumbuh dan berkembangnya embrio yaitu yang ditunjukkan oleh nomor ………. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 23. Skala pH yang terbaca 13 mengindikasikan sebuah ….. a. Basa yang kuat c. Basa yang lemah b. Asam yang lemah d. Asam yang kuat 24. Sebuah atom terdiri atas ......... 13 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

a. inti atom b. proton dan electron c. proton, elektron, dan neutron d. inti atom dan neutron 25. Jaringan meristem dapat ditemukan pada bagian di bawah ini, kecuali …… a. Ujung daun c. ujung batang b. Ujung akar d. cambium 26. Respirasi sel terjadi pada organel ……….. a. Sel b. mitokondria c. ribosom d. vakuola 27. The basic classification unit of living things is ... a. Species c. Phylum b. Kingdom d. Genus 28. Pertumbuhan pada meristem apical mengakibatkan …. a. Pertumbuhan primer c. Pertumbuhan fungsi sel b. Pertumbuhan sekunder d. Perubahan struktur sel 29. Density of sea water upper is bigger than that of under because …. a. Vertical of sea current b. Evaporate on the surface of water c. Horizontal of sea current d. Salt level in the surface is less 30. Sebuah transformator dihubungkan dengan tegangan 120 volt. Jika lilitan primernya 40 dan lilitan sekundernya 160, maka besar tegangan sekundernya adalah ….. a. 640 volt c. 160 volt b. 480 volt d. 30 volt 31. Suatu gelombang panjangnya 0,75 m dan cepat rambatnya 150 m/s. Berapakah frekuensinya? a. 20 Hz b. 50 Hz c. 200 Hz d. 225 Hz 32. Penderita diabetes mellitus mempunyai gula darah yang tinggi dalam tubuhnya. Oleh karena itu, penderita diabetes mellitus memerlukan suntikan hormon…… a. Tiroksin b. insulin c. adrenalin d. glukogen 33. Tabel di bawah ini berisi makhluk hidup dan cara berkembangbiaknya Makhluk Hidup Cara berkembangbiak Lumut P Amoeba Q Planaria R Ragi S Pilihlah dari tabel berikut yang tepat mewakili P, Q, R, dan S S PQR a Pembelahan biner Regenerasi Membentuk spora Membentuk tunas b Regenerasi Pembelahan biner Membentuk tunas Membentuk spora c Membentuk tunas Membentuk spora Pembelahan biner Regenerasi d Membentuk spora Pembelahan biner Regenerasi Membentuk tunas 34. Efek yang terjadi bila manusia banyak berkeringat adalah …. a. Banyak urin yang dihasilkan b. Urine menjadi lebih encer c. Urine mengandung prosentase urea yang lebih tinggi d. Urine berisi lebih banyak garam 35. The propagation of the wave with frequency of 50 Hz and wavelength of 6 m is …. 14 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

a. 500 m/sec c. 56 m/sec b. 300 m/sec d. 50 m/sec 36. Darah menstruasi mengandung ………. a. Sperma yang membusuk dan serpihan dinding rahim b. Ovum yang membusuk dan serpihan dinding rahim c. Sperma dan ovum yang membusuk d. Serpihan dinding rahim 37. Hormon yang memacu pertumbuhan pada manusia yaitu …….. a. Tiroksin b. Estrogen c. progesterone d. testosterone 38. Yang dimaksud potensial listrik adalah ............ a. energi untuk membangkitkan arus listrik b. energi untuk menginduksi listrik c. energi potensial listrik per- satuan muatan d. energi untuk memberi muatan pada benda yang netral 39. Organ limfa berfungsi sebagai berikut, kecuali ………… a. Mengangkut lemak b. Membantu menyaring bibit penyakit dan menghancurkannya c. Membentuk leokosit d. Membantu pembentukan sel darah merah 40. Nama urat otot yang mengontrol pengeluaran empedu dan getah pancreas ke dalam intestine adalah …… a. Galea aponeurotica c. Otot piramidus b. Otot gracilis d. Sphincter of oddi 41. Dari sebuah osilator kapal laut dikirim getaran, ¾ sekon kemudian ditangkap kembali oleh hidrofon. Jika cepat rambat bunyi di laut 1400 m/s, kedalaman laut adalah ……… a. 4200 m b. 525 m c. 1400 m d. 1050 m 42. Protozoa yang bergerak dengan pseudopodia digolongkan ke dalam kelas …… a. Rhizopoda c. Flagellata b. Ciliate d. Sporozoa 43. Combined with oxygen, makes up majority of our mantle and crust ……. a. Silicon c. Hydrogen b. Carbondioxide d. Iron 44. Apa fungsi usus tebal pada sistem pencernaan manusia? a. Menghancurkan sisa – sisa makanan b. Mengatur kadar garam c. Mengatur kadar air dalam tinja d. Menyerap zat – zat makanan 45. The example of positive geotropism is …… a. The growth of root that always goes downword b. The growth of shoot c. Sikejut plant that whill shrink when it is touched d. The movement of plant that moves away from the light 46. …………… is a basic gas which is used in the manufacture of fertilizer such as urea a. Oxygen c. Nitrogen b. Chlorine d. ammonia 47. Mana pernyataan berikut yang tidak dianggap sebagai jaringan konektif ? a. Darah c. jaringan adipose b. Otot d. tulang rawan 48. Sel yang ditempatkan dalam air yang tersaring akan ……….. a. mengerut c. kehilangan air b. mengembang d. tidak menghasilkan molekul air 49. Bahan utama pemutih pada pakaian adalah ……… a. natrium hipoklorit c. kalsium hipoklorit b. kalsium karbonat d. natrium klorida 15 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

50. Tiga buah alat listrik, yaitu komputer, lampu dan setrika menggunakan daya masing – masing 200 W, 40 W, dan 300 W digunakan selama 10 jam. Bila energi listrik adalah perkalian antara daya dengan waktu atau lamanya pemakaian maka besar energi yang terpakai adalah …….. a. 0.9 kwh b. 3,4 kWh c. 4,3 kWh d. 5,4 kWh ENGLISH LEVEL 1 (kelas 1-2 SD /MI) Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang tepat dan jawablah di lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan ! Hello, my name is Arman. I’m eight years old. I’m an elementary student. I live in Bandung. I have a sister and a brother. They are older than me. My sister is seventeen years old and my brother is twelve years old. My father is an army and my mother is a teacher. Read the text to answer question number 1-5! 1. How many sister and brother does Arman have? a. One c. three b. Two d. four 2. How old is Arman’s sister? a. Eight c. two b. Seventeen d. twelve 3. Is Arman a college student? a. Yes, he is c. no, he is not b. Yes, he does d. no, he does not 4. The word “they” in the second paragraph refers to .... a. Arman c. army and teacher b. Arman’s sister and brother d. Arman’s father and mother 5. Arman’s mother works in a .... a. School c. hospital b. Post office d. bank 6. This is a (Ji) (a) (ei) (pi) (e) a. Grape c. Groupe b. Jeep d. Jaepe 7. Anita : “ ……………. like a fruit?” : “ I like orange” Shinta a. Who do you b. What do you c. Are you d. How are you 8. Mr. Jaka is working . He makes table, chairs and cupboard. He also makes doors and windows . He is ………… a. Gardener b. barber c. baker d. carpenter 9. Rendra ………… playing computer game. a. Has b. am c. are d. is 10. Yani : How is your brother ? Rudi : ……….is very well. 16 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

a. I b. you c. He d. She 11. What do you do in the morning? a. I have a breakfast c. you have a lunch b. I have a sleep d. She has a breakfast 12. Avan is Arman’s cousin. Avan is Arman’s .... son a. Mother c. sister b. Aunt d. grandmother 13. I am ….. can I have a pieces of cake a. Tired c. Sleep b. Thirsty d. Hungry 14. Mr. Sam works in a hospital but .... c. Mr. Ali not work in a hospital a. Mr. Ali don’t work in a hospital d. Mr. Ali doesn’t work in a hospital b. Mr. Ali isn’t work in a hospital 15. I .... a student a. Is c. do b. Am d. are 16. I watch Tom and Jerry movie on .... c. book a. TV d. window b. T-shirt 17. There is a tree .... the house a. On c. in b. Behind d. beside 18. Catryn and Andrew are students . ……….are very diligent. a. You c. she b. They d. he 19. Dodo has 179 marbles a. One hundred seventy nine b. One seven nine c. One hundred and seventy d. Seventeen and nine 20. . This is a .... face a. Sad c. happy b. Surprise d. angry 21. Messi kicks the ball with his .... a. Head c. hand b. Knee d. foot 22. A cup of coffe is …. the table a. At b. In c. Above d. On 23. Everyone can listen to the announcement of the news by a …… a. Book b. Magazine c. Newspaper d. Radio 24. There are alot of .... in the plane a. Passengers c. trees 17 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

b. Houses d. animals 25. What do you see in the bathroom ? I see ….. a. Pillow, blanket and bet b. Soap, towel and toothpaste c. Sofa, table and television d. Gas stove, plate and knife 26. The accessory is wearing in the arm is …. a. Ring b. Watch c. Bracelet d. Earing 27. Look at the picture beside! a. There are a snake, a butterfly, an ant and a worm b. There are a frog, an owl, a spider and a snail c. There are a mouse, a spider, a grasshopper and a crow d. There are a lizard, a bee, a snail and an owl 28. Mr. Aldo is my mother’s brother. Mr. Aldo is my .... a. Brother c. uncle b. Cousin d. father 29. Mrs. Vonny is Mr. Aldo’s mother. Mrs Vonny is my mother’s .... a. Mother c. grandmother b. Aunt d. sister 30. Andi : Excuse me sir, I want you to pull my tooth Mr. Smith : Oh yes, let me examine them Andi : Certainly Mr. Smith : Open your mouth What do you think Mr. Smith is ? a. A Patient b. A Dentist c. A Doctor d. A Nurse The text to answer number 31 – 35 ! Dewi and Upik My name is Dewi. I am student. Everyday I go to school. My school is near my house. The school is on Jalan Diponegoro. The girl is a student. She is my friend. Her name is Upik. Her house is near the hospital. Upik and I are good friends. 31. Dewi is Upik’s ….. a. Mother b. Aunt c. Friend d. Teacher 32. ……. Is on Jalan Diponegoro. a. Dewi’s house b. Upik’s house c. The hospital d. The school 33. They are ………… a. Teacher b. Students c. Nurses d. Doctors 34. They are ……… a. Good friends 18 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

b. Good girls c. Good teacher d. Good students 35. They are …….. go to school a. Every Monday b. Every day c. Every morning d. Every Friday 36. ............... is the church? It is beside a bank a. When b. where c. what d. Whom 37. A .................... it produces honey a. Butterfly b. bird c. bee d. plane b. twelve o’clock c. four o’clock 38. What time is it? .... d. eleven o’clock a. Eight o’clock 39. It is …….. a. an pepaya b. a papaya c. an papaya d. a pepaya 40. My aunt gave me a present yesterday, and I said “……………..” to her a. How are you? c. I’m fine b. Thank you d. good bye 41. Arrange the jumbled word in to good order ! in – the – welcome – class – room a. Welcome in the class room b. In the class room welcome c. Welcome class in the room d. Welcome in the room class 42. The ballon is. . . . ………. (merah) a. yellow b. Red c. White d. Blue 43. I have ten. . . . . ………. a. noses b. Heads c. Fingers d. Lips 44. is - a shoulder - this c. This is a shoulder a. is a shoulder this b. shoulder this is a d. Thi is shoulder a 45. Look at the picture beside ! He has ………….. a. Toothache b. Headache c. A knee injury d. Fever The dialog is for questions 46 and 47 Dion : Mom, where is Robin ? Mrs. Adi : Your brother is reading a comic in his room. Why ? Dion : I would like to borrow his Magazine Mrs. Adi : I see 46. Who is Dion looking for ? a. His friend b. His mother c. His father d. His brother 47. Why is Dion looking for him? a. To have a chit chat 19 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

b. To borrow his comic c. To borrow his magazine d. To read his comic 48. The part of body on your face, except …. . a. neck b. nose c. eyebrow d. lip 49. People from Sulawesi to Java usually use …… to cross the sea, and start from a harbor. a. An aeroplane b. A bus c. A ship d. A train 50. Hari is my sister’s son. He is my …… a. Brother b. Cousin c. Nephew d. Niece ENGLISH LEVEL 2 (kelas 3 -4 SD /MI) Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang tepat dan jawablah di lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan ! For questions 1 - 3, choose the correct words to complete the sentence. Mr. Sardi has (1)……… two(2)……… and some (3)………… 1. a. an ox b. a oxen c. an oxen d. some ox 2. a. sheep b. sheps c. sheeps d. sheepes 3. a. goose b. gooses c. geese d. geeses 4. Angga : …………………you like music ? Fay : Because it can refresh my mind. a. How b. What c. Which d. Why 5. The best arrangement of the sentences below to make a paragraph is …… 1. An interesting program makes us keep watching it. 2. They are music, film, sports, news and many others. 3. We can choose as we wish 4. There are a lot of TV programs we can enjoy a. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 b.4 – 2 – 3 – 1 c. 1 – 2 – 4 – 3 d.1 – 2 - 3 – 4 6. Lia : Do you know Sigit ? Dita : Yes, He is my nephew. His father is my …. Lia : I see a. Brother b. Cousin c. Father d. Uncle 7. Anna like eating “rujak”. Her mother always tells her not too much “rujak” because she may get a ……….. a. Headache b. Stomachache c. Friendly d. Polite 8. Linda always studies well. So she is ….. girl 20 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

a. Diligent b. Carefull c. Friendly d. Polite 9. The officer ordered his man to fire. The underlined word above mens to ….. a. Shoot b. Kick c. Move d. Run 10. Badminton – well – hall – Mita – days – played – the – in last – two The best arrangement of those word to make a good sentence is …… a. Mita played well badminton in the hall last two days b. Mita played badminton well in the last hall two days c. Mita played badminton well in the hall last two days d. Mita in the hall last two day played well badminton 11. Robin : ……….. Any English comics in Cemerlang bookstore? Vera : Yes, I have bought one a. Are there b. Is there c. Are those d. Is that 12. Lala : Look at …………….! Are they pigeons? Reta : I don’t think so. a. A bird b. Those birds c. That birds d. This birds 13. Boys like playing with ……… a. Toy car b. Toy cars c. Toyes car d. Toys car 14. My mother has many fruits …………the basket. a. On b. in c. at d. over 15. I don’t like lemon . It is …………. a. Spicy b. sour c. salty d. bitter 16. X : Is the car old? Y : No, it is not. The car is ……………… a. Good b. young c. new d. broken 17. What’s day before Saturday? a. It is Friday c. It is Tuesday d. It is Sunday b. It is Monday 18. Mother : Susi, this is the list of the things you have to buy Bread 2 boxes Tea 2 packets Candies 1 Rice 2 kilos packet Bananas 1 bunch Sugar 1 kilo Coffe ½ kilo Susi : OK, Mom. I’ll go to the …. Now a. Butcher 21 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

b. Grocer c. Florist d. Drugstore 19. My father always watches TV at quarter to one. a. 06.15 b. 12.45 c. 11.00 d. 11.30 20. Rina : What is your ……….Mira ? Mira : I ………..correspondence a. Hobby – am c. want – hobby b. Like – hobby d. hobby – like 21. Mr. Rahmat is our teacher. He is ……….history in the class. a. Standing c. speaking b. Talking d. explaining 22. Would you like ........... coffee? a. Any c. some b. An d. to 23. The students are …………………English in the ………… a. Playing, library c. studying, classroom b. Eating, canteen d. dancing, school yard 24. X : What fuit is this ? Y : This is an …… a. Banana b. orange c. grape d. watermelon 25. The animal has no legs is ……… a. Bird b. bear c. crocodile d. shark 26. The boy is too ............. to reach for the bell in the bus. a. Tall b. short c. high d. thin 27. Do you come to school .... bus? a. to c. by b. for d. on 28. This illness cause of spicy food. Which is suitable picture based on the sentence? a. b. c. d. 29. Which is the correct sentence? a. upin and rosa is playing marbels c. upin and rosa is play marbles b. upin and rosa are playing marbles d. upin and rosa are play marbles 30. Time / you / up / what / have / get / do / to / ? a. What time do you have get up to? b. What time you have to do get up? c. What time have you to do get up? d. What time do you have to get up? 31. A: ............................................................... ? B: Yes, I did a. Did you bought a bag yesterday? c. Do you bought a bag yesterday? b. Did you buy a bag yesterday? d. Do you buy a bag yesterday? 32. My uncle .... in a bank a. Work c. worked b. Works d. workes 33. There are ……………. a. Fifteen pens b. Fifteens pens c. Fifteen pen d. Fifteens pen 34. Superman is one of my brother's favourite .... hero a. Comic b. acting c. real-life 22 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

d. newspaper 35. The food here is the ............. we can find in Malang. a. expensive b. cheap c. cheaper d. most expensive d. under 36. I found the wallet hidden .... the table cloth. d. toothbrush a. On b. in c. above d. scissor 37. It is ............. a. Twelve o’clock b. eleven to twelve c. five past twelve d. five to twelve 38. How old is he? .... a. He is a farmer c. He is sixty b. He is in the kitchen d. he is good 39. Where does he live? .... a. He live in Surabaya c. He live in 1950 b. He lives in Surabaya d. He lives in 1950 40. We can’t find this in the bathroom .... a. Soap b. shampoo c. garlic 41. Mother cuts a cucumber with a .... a. Cutter b. sword c. knife This text is for questions 42 – 45 ! Open your books on Chapter 3 , please ! 42. Where would you hear this instruction ? a. At home c. in a laboratory b. In a classroom d. in a library 43. Who will give this instruction? a. Teacher b. student c. principal d. librarian 44. What should students do after hearing the instruction ? a. Borrow books c. Lend their books b. Return their books d. Open their books 45. “Open your books on Chapter 3, please“. What is the opposite of “open” ? a. Check b. read c. close d. mark 46. The story of Sang Kancil is a …… a. Fiction b. Novel c. Fable d. Science 47. You will know the Indonesian ….. after visiting the zoo. a. Scenery b. Forests c. Flora d. Fauna 48. Will you turn on the light, pelase? I don’t like to sit in the ….. a. Darkness b. Lightness c. Quietness d. Happiness 49. Good friends say “I am sorry” when…… a. They get some problems b. they get some mistakes c . They get upset d. they get angry 50. There is .................... umbrella in the corner of the room. a. An b. a c. the d. and 23 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

ENGLISH LEVEL 3 (kelas 4 - 5 SD /MI) Choose the correct answer ! This text is for questions 1 to 5 . OK students. Prepare a sheet of paper, pen and correction pen on your desks. Please keep your books, calculators, dictionaries and other things in your bags. Let’s begin the test. 1. When would you hear this instructions ? a. Before a test c. After a test b. During a test d. Before returning home 2. Students should prepare the following things, except ……… a. Pens b. paper c. correction pens d. calculators 3. Where should students put their dictioanaries ? a. On their desks c. on their chairs b. In their bags d. in their drawers 4. “Let’s begin the test “. What other word is similar to “begin”? a. Do b. start c. end d. think 5. “…… and correction pen on your desks”. What does “your” refer to? a. The staff’s c. The students b. The teachers d. the employers 6. The book was .... by Dee a. Writes b. wrote c. written d. writing 7. Which one is correct! a. My brother is older than me c. me brother is older than my b. Me is older than my brother d. My is older than me brother 24 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

8. Play station is a …….... game. a. Traditional b. trendy c. modern d. up to date 9. Ferdy is an ……... boy. He can solve maths questions very quickly. a. Clever b. smart c. intelligent d. hardworking 10. She gave me ……. paper and …… ink a. Page of – a bowl of b. A piece of – a bottle of c. Piece – a bottle of d. Piece of – a drop of 11. There is still plenty of wood at the back of the house. This sentence means that we still have ….. wood a. An amount of b. A few c. Many d. A number of 12. You must avoid unhygienic food ………... you'll get diarrhoea. a. Or b. so c. but d. unless 13. The coffee …… by Hadi on the carpet a. Was spilled b. Was spilt c. Was spill d. Were spilted 14. Guest : There is a vacant room, ……..? Receptionist : Single room only, sir Guest : That’s okay. I’ll take it. a. Aren’t they b. Are they c. Isn’t there d. Is it 15. After a two week ceasefire, the battle broke again. “Ceasefire“, means a period of time ………… a. To stop fighting c. to start attacking b. To begin fighting d. to stop debating For questions number 16 to 18 He is medium height. I think he had a black wig on because it looked really thick. He held up a gun and pointed at the ceiling and screeched at all of us to lie on the …… (16). I could see that he head to tattoo on the hand, he had the gun in. The teller of bank gave him bag and then he quickly …… (17) the bank. He …… (18) into the back seat of a dark blue car and took off really quickly up main street. 16. a. fench b. floor c. grass d. door d. shot 17. a. left b. moved c. broke d. song 18. a. shut b. jumped c. came 19. He gave me a pencil Which is the correct negative form of the sentence above? a. He doesn’t gave me a pencil b. He doesn’t give me a pencil c. He didn’t gave me a pencil d. He didn’t give me a pencil 20. The amount of time she .... on her homework had paid off. a. Spent c. spend b. Spends d. spended 21. I .... to go camping on Saturday morning a. Plan c. plans b. Planning d. Will 22. Mr. Aly is a teacher. He .... Math last semester a. Teach c. taught b. Touch d. tough 23. Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph 25 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

1. The house is now ready to stay 2. The house is new 3. Although it is just finished yesterday 4. We still complete it to made it comfortable 5. So we plan to stay in it tomorrow 6. This is a house a. 6 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 1 – 5 b. 6 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 5 c. 2 – 6 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 5 d. 2 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 5 24. My family had some lovely holidays. ………….... go camping all over Europe. a. They used to c. They use to b. We used to d. We use to There is a word underlined in each sentence. Choose the word that is NOT a synonym of that word. (no. 25 – 27) 25. Kyle is smart enough to solve a very difficult problem. a. Hurt b. clever c. bright d. intelligent d. depart 26. The bus is ready. we’ll exit through that door. d. incorrect a. Leave b. walk c. go 27. The “facts“ in your statement are wrong! a. Interesting b. false c. untrue Text for questions no. 28 – 29 Here are some ….. (28) on how to be a succesfull English learner. First, don’t be …… (29) of making mistakes. Second, use every opportunity to practice your English. At last, be an optimistic person. 28. a. tips b. clues c. plans d. rules 29. a. afraid b. proud c. brave d. shy 30. Milo is ……..his birthday. a. Celebrating c. celebrated d. celebration b. Celebrate c. 31. I …….happy because I got a big trophy. a. Am b. was c. is d. were c. Gianyar d. Badung 32. The capital city of Bali is ……. a. Kuta b. Denpasar 33. Tiara : I get a toothache Rina : ……………… a. Get well soon c. congratulation d. thank you b. Good bye The following text is for questions 34 to 37 One of the most interesting places to visit m Singapore is the Bird Park. It is located in the industrial area m Singapore, called Jurong. The bird park is about twelve kilometers from the centre of the city, and it’s easy to get there by bus or by taxi. It is one of the largest bird park in the world. The bird are kept in large cages, and there are hundreds of beautiful bird from many different parts of the world. Including penguins, parrots, eagles and ostriches. There is a large lake in to get a closer look at the birds. It takes about two hours to see all the birds. You can walk around the park or ride on a bus. The best tome to visit the park is in the early morning or late afternoon, when it is cooler. 34. How far is the park from the city centre? c. 12 Km a. 2 Km d. 100 Km b. 10 Km 26 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

35. Why do many people like to visit the bird park late in the afternoon? a. They are busy working in the morning b. There weather is not hot in the afternoon c. The birds in the park are caged in the morning d. They live in many different parts of the world 36. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? a. The most interesting place in Singapore is the bird park b. There is a restaurant next to a large lake m the park c. There are hundreds of very beautiful birds in the cages d. Sinagpore bird park is the largest bird park in the world 37. “It is located in the industrial area in Singapore.” (paragraph 1) What does the underlined word mean? a. Situated c. Conducted b. Held d. Performed For questions 38 - 40, choose the most suitable words to fill in the blanks Samosir, approximately 50 km long and 15 km wide, is an island Lake Toba and almost as big as Singapore it is often described as the heart of Batak (38) ..... Samosir is a perfect place to relax and cool down. It is beautiful and scenic and very relaxing Accommodation is extremely (39) ..... but the food is rather expensive. The island is small enough to wonder about of you can choose to lie a hammock (40 ) ..... 38. a. Village c. Hometown b. Culture d. Costumes 39. a. Dear c. Cheap b. Easy d. Difficult 40. a. Completely c. Easily b. Simply d. Comfortably 41. Arrange the sentences bellow into a correct paragraph 1. We left our house at about 5 o’clock in the morning. We took a taxi to the railway station 2. Finally our train came. All of us rushed to get 6n the train 3. Last Lebaran, may family and I went hometown. We decided to take a train because it is more comfortable 4. It took about 5 to 7 hours to get to our hometown. We enjoyed our journey 5. We took the carriage no 3 according to our tickets 6. But without any prior information, our train was late for about fifteen minutes, so we had to wait a bit longer 7. After finding our seats we could sit comfortably 8. We arrived at the at the station at six. Our train would leave at 6.40 a. 3 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 7 c. 3 – 1 – 8 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 7 – 4 b. 3 – 4 – 5 – 8 – 1 – 2 – 6 – 7 d. 3 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 1 – 6 42. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph 1) I was very happy when I realized I could ride motorcycle 2) Nonetheless. I got nervous when I passed the narrow street 3) I lost my control and fell to the ditch 4) One day, my father bought an old motorcycle 5) My father taught me how to ride the motorcycle 6) My father was very patient and gave me directions 7) In the beginning everything ran well c. 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 7 – 6 a. 7 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 4 b. 5 – 4 – 3 – 7 – 6 – 1 – 2 d. 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 1 – 2 – 3 The following text is for questions 43 and 44 G570 4334DDU Laptop with large screen. The laptop also comes with a spatial experience of the screen and it has advanced function features that work effisient. It is more user-frendly than ever. G570 433DDU 15.-Inch Laptop Feature ❖ 15,6-Inch Screen; Integrated Intel HD 3000 Graphics ❖ Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, 4 hours Battery Life ❖ 2,5 GHz Intel Core i5-2450M 27 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

❖ 4GBDIMMRAM ❖ 500 GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive 43. Normally, this laptop can be used for .... hours a. Two and half c. Seven b. Four d. Sixty four 44. From the text we know that .... a. The laptop is as user friendly as the previous edition b. The laptop has advance function features c. The battery can be used for 6 hours d. The screen of the laptop is small Choose the right words in number 45 - 46 to complete the short paragraph! People are not permitted to ... (9) the rare animals because they will become extinct. Besides, our grandchildren will not be able to ... (10) them in the future. 45. a. Keep b. kill c. save d. preserve 46. a. Hunt b. kill c. see d. sell Choose the right words in number 47 to 50 to complete the short paragraph! By means of the telephone, you can …..(47) to a friend who maybe living far from you. Your …..(48) travels along a wire called a telegraph wire. There …..(49) also thick bundles of wire, called cables, placed at the bottom of the sea. You can send message through …..(50) to another country. 47. a. talk b. talks c. talked d. talking 48. a. telephone b. friends c. messages d. means 49. a. is b. are c. was d. were 50. a. they b. them c. their d. theirs ENGLISH LEVEL 4 (SMP / MTs) Choose a , b , c or d for the correct answer! 1. Pipit : How many railway stations are there in your town? Ferry : Not many ……, but both are comfortable. Pipit : That’s good a. There are only two c. There are only three b. There are four d. there are five 2. Martha is ……..angry. a. Smoothly b. stupidly c. clearly d. seriously 3. You should give the iron time to heat up …….you iron your clothes. a. Because b. so that c. before d. until 4. Look at the notice beside. What does the notice mean ? a. Children are playing games around the place b. It is the place for children to stay around here c. Children are not allowed to play around the area d. You have to be careful because children are playing there 5. Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph. 1. This country is rich in mines 28 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

2. The other mining products that this country has are coal , phosphate , oil and salt 3. It I 543.965 square kilometers 4. They are iron , tin , magnesium , gypsum , uranium and sulfur 5. France is a republic in Western Europe The best arrangement to make a good paragraph is ……. a. 5 – 1 – 3 - 4 - 2 c. 5 - 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 b. 1 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 3 d. 3 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 1 The text is for questions number 6 – 10 ! Linda is my close friend. She is from England, but nowshe is in Indonesia. She enjoys staying here. But sometimes, she complains about the weather. “The weather is so hot,” she said, but she doesn’t mind. She absolutely adorable. I think she is very pretty. She makes me laugh a lot . She often tells funny stories but I like the way she tells them. I learn some English from her. She is sometimes a bit naughty. I hate it when she wakes me up at four o’clock in the morning with her handphone. But when I hear her singing in the morning on the way to school , I love it. She is a fun person to be with. 6. What is the social function of the text ? a. To tell past events c. to amuse readers b. To describe someone d. to advertise something 7. What is the text about ? a. Describing the weather c. telling about Linda b. Telling about the writer d. describing Indonesia 8. What do you think Linda is ? a. Exciting b. boring c. complaining d. disappointing 9. How do you know Linda does not like the weather of Indonesia? a. She is sometimes complaining about it b. She enjoys staying in Indonesia c. She is absolutely adorable d. She is very exciting 10. What does Linda do to upset the writer ? a. She tells some funny stories b. She doesn’t mind the hot weather c. She wakes up the writer at four o’clock in the morning with her hand phone d. She makes the writer laugh and often tells funny stories 11. “Fini doesn’t like the fast food and Ninda doesn’t either”. It means ………. a. Fini and Ninda don’t like the fast food b. Fini doesn’t like the fast food as much as Ninda does c. Only Fini doesn’t like the fast food d. Fini doesn’t like the fast food but Ninda does 12. His shop was burnt down, …….his car that was parked near by. a. And either did c. also was b. And so was d. but neither was 13. He never comes home late, ……? c. didn’t he a. Hasn’t he b. Does he d. did he 14. My English teacher always says that the more we practice our English ……… a. Then we become more fluent c. the more fluent we become b. Of course we become more fluent d. we are becoming more fluent 15. Donnie : I heard that the school where you teach is very good Sammy : Oh yes, many of ……..have become popular leaders of the country. a. Graduates b. her graduates c. who graduates d. its graduates For questions 16 – 20, choose the best words to complete the letter. Dear Aunty, I …….(11) a two – year – old male cat. He is a stray we allow into the house but he loves the outdoors. There is this other big cat in the neighborhood who is rather……..(12). My problem is ………..(13) a fight with the big cat, my cat returns home with bleeding scars. Sometimes I’d wake up in the middle of the night to rescue him from a fight. Please tell …….(14) how to end this problem. I ……(15) want to give him away. Julia 29 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

16. a. will have b. am having c. had d. have 17. a. tame b. fierce c. big d. nice 18. a. while b. when c. before d. after 19. a. me b. I c. we d. he 20. a. am not b. didn’t c. don’t d. doesn’t The text is for number 21 – 23 Attention please! All the teachers and administration staffs of SMP Sejahtera are required to join some interesting programs together with our students to celebrate Mother’s day. The programs will be held on 19 to 21 of April, started from 9 am until 2 pm. For registration and detail information, please contact Mr. Ali, the coordinator of program in his office. 21. How many days will the program be held ? a. 2 days b. 3 days c. 4 days d. 5 days 22. What’s the purpose of the text ? a. To announce program to celebrate Mother’s Day b. To tell about the contact person of the contest c. To inform the participants about the students’ program d. To describe the prize of the contest 23. “……. SMP Citra Utama are required to join ……”. The word “required” in the sentence has similar meaning with a. Asked b. forced c. suggested d. prohibited 24. I am disappointed with your work …….. I try to forget it. a. And b. for c. but d. before 25. My father is ……….the office. a. At b. in c. on d. to Read the conversation and answer the questions 26 – 30. Ria : Hey, Lusi. What are you doing? Lusi : I’m making a windmill from paper. Ah, now it is finished Ria : Wow, that’s marvelous! How did you do that? Lusi : I made it from a square piece of paper by cutting inwards from each corner halfway to the centre point. Then, I folded over each point with a dot on it and tape it to the centre Ria : Well ……well……Then, tell me more! Lusi : After that, I pushed the drawing pin through the centre and into the rubber on the end of the pencil Ria : Oh, I see Lusi : See. Now you can blow on the pin wheel and watch it spin. Ria : Terrific 26. What is Lusi doing ? c. she is folding the paper’s points a. She is drawing pin b. She is making a windmill from paper d. She is playing with his windmill 27. What does Ria say to express his admiration? a. How did you do that? c. Oh I see b. Well…….well….. d. Wow, that’s marvelous! 28. Which is the expression to show attention in the conversation above? a. Oh, I see c. Hey, Lusi b. Terrific d. Wow, that’s marvelous! 29. In the last conversation Ria said terrific. What does it mean ? a. Ria shows his attention to Lusi c. Ria admires Lusi’s windmill b. Ria feels certainty d. Ria agrees with Lusi’s idea 30. What is Lusi doing after she folded over each point with a dot on it and tape it to the centre ? a. She cut inwards from each corner halfway to the centre point b. She pushed the drawing pin through the centre and into the rubber on the end of the pencil c. She blew on the pin wheel and watch it spin d. She threw the windmill away The text is for questions number 31 – 35 ! A hungry fox was walking along a road one day. He saw some lovely bunches of grapes hanging over a high a wall. He stopped to look at the grapes. They looked very good to eat. The grapes were very high up. The fox stood on his hind legs and put his front paws on the wall. But the grapes were still too far away. He could not reach them. The fox jumped up as high as he could. He wanted eat the grapes very much, but he could not reach them. 30 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

He jumped higher and higher. Some time his nose touched a grape, but he could not bite one off. The fox jumped and jumped until he was very tired. At last he stopped jumping and walked away with his nose in the air.“I don’t want those grapes,” he said. “I thought they were ripe , but now I am sure they are sour“. 31. The text tell us about …….. a. The sour grapes c. the unreachable grapes b. The lovely grapes d. the fox and the grapes 32. Why did the fox want to get the grapes? It was because …….. a. The grapes were sweet c. the grapes were high up b. The grapes were sour d. The fox needed something to eat 33. What made the fox stop jumping? c. The fox didn’t want to eat the grapes a. The fox was exhausted b. The fox could not touch the grapes d. The grapes were too hard to bite 34. Sometimes his nose touched a grape, but he could not bite one off. The underlined word refers to ……….. a. His nose b. the grapes c. a grape d. the fox 35. What moral message can be taken from the story ? c. Easy come easy go a. Where there’s a will there’s away b. Actions speak louder than words d. Live to fight another day 36. Look! There is heavy cloud. We will stay at home …….it rains. a. Unless b. whenever c. however d. if 37. You must study hard …… wouldn’t pass the exam. a. So b. but c. otherwise d. although 38. My Sofa is ……than your sofa ( comfortable ) a. Comfortable c. more comfortable b. Comfortablest d. comfortabler 39. Today is the ………day of the year . ( hot ) a. Hottest b. hot c. hotter d. more hot 40. STAFF ONLY The notice means that ……… a. Only staff is allowed to enter b. All staff is not allowed to enter c. We must not enter if we are the staff d. Only a person named Stagg can enter 41. “You look so unhappy, Anton. What’s the matter?” “My father ……..his job” a. Has just lost c. losing b. Has been losing d. is losing 42. Hadi looks very tired. He ……for hours now. a. Drove b. had driven c. was driving d. has been driving 43. “While living in Bogor, we always went to school on foot” This means that we ……on foot while we were living in Bogor. a. Go to school c. used to go to school b. are going to school d. are used to going school 44. My daughter ……..a lot of photographs of the Borobudur when she went there on her last vacation. a. Has taken b. has been taking c. would take d. took 45. I ……the street when it began to rain. a. Am walking down c. have walked down b. Was walking down d. would walk down 46. The fact that sleep deprivation causes numerous harmful effects……..that the body requires sleep to restore itself. a. Suggests b. suggested c. has suggested d. was suggesting 47. “May I borrow your magazine ?” “ I am sorry, my sister …….it”. a. Is still reading c. has been reading b. Still read d. will still read 48. “ Do I hear something ?” “Yes, somebody……at the door.” a. Knocks b. knocked c. is knocking d. has knocked 49. “ Have the boys had their breakfast ?” “ Not yet, they ………” a. Have taken a bath c. will take a bath b. Are still taking a bath d. were taking a bath 50. “Do you often go to restaurants?’ “No , it ….quite a long time since I went to a restaurant with my friends.” a. Has been b. would be c. is being d. was 31 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

32 | @ I C T _ S H E K I N A H 2 0 1 9

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