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Home Explore Magazine Assignment By Michael Tue

Magazine Assignment By Michael Tue

Published by mikeytue98, 2015-03-01 23:46:12

Description: Magazine Assignment By Michael Tue

Keywords: The Holocaust


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Dachau Concentration Camp March 22, 1933On March 22, 1933. Dachau sub-camps, which were mostlyconcentration camp was the first work camps and were locatedof the Nazi concentration camps throughout southern Germanyopened in Germany, intended to and Austria. Prisoner lived inhold political prisoners. Its constant fear of the brutalpurpose was to include forced treatment that was given, therelabor and eventually imprison were 32,000 documented deaths.Jews, German and Austrian In the spring of 1945 The U.S.criminals. The Dachau camp forces liberated the sub-camps1 system grew to include nearly 100 and defeated Germany.

Jews banned from German armed forces May 31, 1935 On May 31, 1935. The Germany Banns Jews from German Armed forces. September 15, 1935: \"Nuremberg Laws\": first anti- Jewish racial laws. Anschluss, Austrians force Jewish men and women to scrub the streets with small brushes ... 2

Rome—Berlin Axis October 25, 1936 Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy Mussolini still did not identify sign a treaty of cooperation on with Germany's anti-Jewish racism. However, in view of October 25; on November 1, Germany's growing strength, Mussolini gave a speech Mussolini eventually issued confirming the Rome- Berlin Axis. At first, the Axis anti-Jewish decrees too. was based on political interests.3

Buchenwaldconcentrationcamp...July 15, 1937SS authorities open the Buchenwald concentration camp for male prisoners in east- central Germany. Women were not allowed or part of this camp until late 1943 or early 1944.Most of the early inmates at Buchenwald were political prisoners. The SS often shot prisoners in the camp stables and hanged other prisoners in the crematorium area. This camp included Jehovah witnesses, criminals , Gypsies and German military deserters... 4

Jewish high school class group On November 15, 1938, German authorities banned Jewish children from attending German public schools. This photograph shows a Jewish high school class, including a young Henry Kissinger (front row, left), in Fuerth, Germany, 1938. USHMM, courtesy of Paul Stiefel5

The yellow Star…November 23, 1939On 23 November The Nazi policy of death, whilst Jews1939 Hans Frank, forcing Jews to wear who did wear themthe Nazi Governor- a yellow star was an were then more likelyGeneral of occupied act to become victims ofPoland, decreed that of symbolization whi attacks andall Jews in Poland ch aimed to divide harassment. Forcedover the age of 10 the Jewish and non- labor decree issuedwere to wear a white Jewish for Polish Jews agedbadge with a yellow population. Jews 14 to 60.Star of David on who failed to weartheir right arm. the yellow star risked 6

Germany OccupiesDenmark and Norway… April 9, 1940 The relative lull in fighting which followed the defeat of Poland ended on April 9, 1940, when German forces invaded Norway and Denmark. On May 10 1940, Germany began its assault on western Europe by invading the Low Countries which had taken neutral pos- itions in the war, as well as France. On June 22, 1940, France signed an armistice with Germany, which provided for the German occupation of the northern half of the country and permitted the establishment of a collaborationist regime in the south with its seat in the city of Vichy.7

Warsaw ghetto Gates November 16, 1640 In November 1940 the gates of Warsaw Ghetto were permanently sealed, permitting no contact with the outside. No longer allowed to leave the ghetto even to work, the Jews somehow had to find subsistence. Workers jostled for the few available jobs. Those without work sold jewels and clothing for food. The Nazis provided only minimal food supplies,rationing them in exchange for the output of forced-labor battalions and the products produced by ghetto craftsmen. 8

The eve of WWII... March 1941 On the eve of World War II, some 40,000 Jews lived in Lublin, constituting about one third of the city’s population. In the spring of 1941, in preparation for the establishment of a ghetto in Lublin, theGermans ordered a partial deportation of the city’s Jews. In the period from 10March to the end of the month, approximately 10,000 Jews were deported: some1250 of them to Rejowiec, some 2,300 to Siedlce, 3,200 to Sosnowiec and theremainder to other towns in the area. On arrival at their destinations, the deporteeshad to contend with severe financial hardship and poor living conditions. At the endof March 1941, the ghetto was established, and more than 34,000 Jews wereincarcerated there. The Jews of Lublin were amongst the first to be deported to theBelzec death camp. The deportations began on 17 March 1942, and by April, some30,000 Jews had been deported. Most of the deportees were murdered in Belzec, the9remainder in the forests surrounding Lublin.

The Massacre in Babi Yar September Possibly the largest two-day massacre duringthe Holocaust. Order posted in Kiev in Russian, on or around26 September 1941. just outside of Kiev of all ethnic groups, mostly civilians, were murdered by the Nazis there during World War II. 10

United State Declares War.. On December 11, 1941, Germany declared war upon the United States, in response to what was claimed to be a series of provocations by the United States government when the US was formally neutral during World War II. Later that day, the United States declared war on Germany.11

THE BATTLE OF BERLIN AND THE SURRENDER OF GERMANY Winter of 1945From their bridgehead across the Oder River, Soviet forces launched a massive final offensive toward Berlin in mid-April 1945. The German capital was encircled on April 25. That same day, Soviet forces linked up with theirAmerican counterparts attacking from the west at Torgau, on the Elbe River incentral Germany. In Berlin itself, heavy fighting took place in the northern andsouthern suburbs of the city. As Soviet forces neared his command bunker incentral Berlin on April 30, 1945, Adolf Hitler committed suicide. Within days, Berlin fell to the Soviets. The German armed forces surrendered unconditionally in the west on May 7 and in the east on May 9, 1945. May 8, 1945, was proclaimed Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day). 12

Kraków Ghetto March 1943 The Kraków Ghetto was one of five major, metropolitan Jewish ghettos created by Nazi Germany in the new General Government territory during the German occupation of Poland in World War II. It was created for the purpose of exploitation, terror, and persecution of local Polish Jews, as well as the staging area for separating the \"able workers\" from those who would later be deemed unworthy of life. The Ghetto was liquidated between June 1942 and March 1943, with most of its inhabitants sent to Bełżec extermination camp and Płaszów slave-labor camp, [1] and exterminated also at the Auschwitz13

Warsaw Ghetto UprisingThe Warsaw Ghetto portion of the rebellion tookUprising was the 1943 act place beginning on 19 April,of Jewish resistance that but ended when the poorlyarose within the Warsaw supplied resistance wasGhetto in German-occupied defeated by the GermanPoland during World War II, soldiers. This officiallyand which opposed Nazi finished their operation toGermany's final effort to liquidate the Ghetto on 16transport the remaining May. It was the largest singleGhetto population revolt by Jews during Worldto Treblinka extermination War The most significant 14

Minsk Fall 1943 The Wehrmacht occupied Minsk shortly after the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941. Following in the army’s footsteps, the Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing units) moved in and began to kill the Jews by shooting. In late July 1941, the Germans established a ghetto where 100,000 Jews, including Jews from nearby towns, were incarcerated. Murder operations took place throughout the ghetto's existence. Jews were shot or gassed in special gas vans in Maly Trostinets, a small village about eight miles outside Minsk. When the deportation of the German Jews began, several transports were sent to Minsk. The German Jews were housed in a second, separate ghetto. The inhabitants of both ghettos were forced to work on labor projects in factories inside and outside the two ghettos. In the fall of 1943, the Germans liquidated the Minsk ghetto. Some Jews were deported to the Sobibor extermination camp. The remaining 4,000 Jews were killed at Maly Trostinets. When Minsk was liberated in July 1944, only a few Jews had survived.15

D—Day June 6, 1944 On June 6, 1944, more than 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline, to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. Gen. Dwight D.Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which, “we will accept nothing less than full victory.” More than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion, and by day’s end, theAllies gained a foot-hold in Continental Europe. The cost in lives on D-Day was high. More than 9,000 Allied Soldiers were killed or wounded, but their sacrifice allowed more than 100,000 Soldiers to begin the slow, hard slog across Europe, to defeat Adolf Hitler’s crack troops. 16

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