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Home Explore DOJO Digest March 2013

DOJO Digest March 2013

Published by cloud.flass, 2014-07-02 05:57:18

Description: DOJO Digest March 2013


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The First Word Randy Reid There’s a New Day a Comin’…. By Randy Reid arch was a whirlwind of travel for me. in Crystal Lake…) and has put together an I started the month out with two days incredible program. There’s never been any- Mof intensive training with Nick Sarillo thing like out what is out there. Just ask any- and Rudy Miick. Nick owns Nick’s Pizza and one who is involved in John’s program. Pub in Crystal Lake, IL. And Rudy is his con- sultant and partner. The event was extraordinary for a couple of reasons: First the information John and his The training opened my eyes to two things: team shared is not your cookie cutter, re- First, one can build a high performing, dialed cycled crap that every other consultant is still in operational team without high performing trying to sling (do you really need to know communication skills, and two, I suck at high how to do a birthday party…?) performing communication. But instead, he teaches about building a I’m an old karate guy. I’m used to telling true business, one that produces honest and people what to do and they do it; my way or fair profts, and is sustainable and based on the highway. And looking back over 35+ years real world business systems. In case you’re of building teams, I sent some potentially wondering, sustainable is about building your great team members down the road because business for the long haul, not a short fx I refused to understand and build a communi- focus. cation bridge. I must do better. You’ve seen the junk: double your gross next It’s high level communication that builds busi- month! 90 students in 90 days, and the other nesses like Southwest Airlines, Zappo’s and nonsense out there. What about a foundation Disney. It’s the glue that brings teams togeth- to service those 90 students? Do you have er for the common goal. It truly separates the systems to keep and get referrals from those successful from the super-successful. 90 new students? Nick and Rudy are really good people and it Hell no! And don’t get me started on cashin’ was an honor to learn from them. students out. Any knucklehead (and there’s been a bunch of ’em…) can teach you to Next I had the honor of emceeing John Cas- cash out your students next month and claim sidy’s TKI event in Washington DC. John runs they “doubled your gross.” Then you’re chas- the TopKick Martial Arts chain of schools in ing your tail trying to load in more students to the DC area. I won’t go into all the details, cover the money you already spent. but TopKick does 5 million a year with fve schools; ‘nuff said. The event also showcased two of the hardest working men in martial arts: Roland Osborne John is one of the nicest guys in martial arts and Brannon Beliso. (except for that dirty trick he played on me continued on page 6 4 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Cover Story: Editor Randy Reid interviews Don and Theresa Wideman on how they turned Failure into Gold. Page 11 Don and Theresa Wideman: Back from the Brink, How the Wideman’s turned Failure into Gold Inside DOJO Digest This Month in DOJO Digest March 2013 4 There’s a New Day a Comin’…. Leadership Editorial By Randy Reid 28 The “Art” & “Science” of Being a Great Teacher, Coach, Instructor,and Team Story of the Month Member 11 Don & Theresa Wideman: DD Interviews the By Scott Krenz couple who turned failure into gold Inside DOJO Digest By Randy Reid 36 Seven Steps for Teaching a Drill By Melody Shuman Fitness 48 Leadership & Inspiration 16 Flipping the Fitness Kickboxing Model By Master James Theros Upside Down By Melodee Meyer Sales 32 Sales Doesn’t Have to Suck! Martial Arts Mindset By Mike Bidwell 18 Mindset: Ego, the Achilles’ Heel of the Customer Experience Martial Arts Industry By Brannon Beliso 40 Bench Strength By Fred DePalma Marketing 22 SEO, PPC, and The Key Dierences Fitness & Nutrition By Michael J. Dolpies 25 Dominate the Mat and Destroy the Fat! 42 How to Go From ZERO to $700k a Year By MMA Mom Sheena Bidwell By Dusty Everson End Note 52 Nick Sarillo Seminar a Huge Success! By Randy Reid D Next Month: Dojo Digestojo Digest DOJO Digest is an independent, free, bi-monthly print and online magazine. Each issue of DOJO Digest speaks directly to smart, progressive martial art school owners, dedicated to living a true martial arts lifestyle. March 2013 Publisher and Founder/Editor-at-Large: Randy Reid Designer: Joseph Weston The Publisher and Editors are not responsible for unsolicited material. All contributions, photos, news articles, story ideas and letters to the editor should be submitted via [email protected]. All rights in letters sent to DOJO Digest magazine will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and are subject to our March 2013 unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially. © 2010 - 2013 Rapid Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Any reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. The views of contributing writers or featured personalities are their own. DOJO Digest magazine does not necessarily agree or endorse any opinions shared in this publication. Any political views of columnists or featured personalities are their own and are not necessarily endorsed by DOJO Digest magazine. All marks used in this publication are trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.

continued from page 4 Roland travels more than a human should. So this month I trained with some of the best He’s constantly traveling, sharing and learn- in the world: Nick Sarillo, Rudy Miick, John ing. He must have sixty million fyer miles. His Cassidy, Brannon Beliso and Roland Os- insights into where martial arts are today and borne. where they are headed are priceless. My head is ready to explode with all the infor- The man is also a master instructor of in- mation and my heart is ready to explode with structors. He recently re-tooled the complete the possibilities that lie ahead for the martial curriculum system for TopKicks and it’s very, arts community. very impressive. If we can follow these great men and their The other trainer was Professor Brannon lead, build great communication with our staff, Beliso. His school in San Francisco is one the grow our businesses the right way and build highest grossing schools in the US, but you sustainable schools that we can all be proud wouldn’t know it by the way he gives of his of, man the future looks bright for the martial time, expertise and knowledge. arts profession. True success starts with the right mental Randy Reid foundation, and Professor is a master at Randy Reid is a 6th-Degree Black Belt and the founder of teaching the “Mindset” of getting your head in DOJO Digest. He started Karate the game. America in 1984 that grew to become the largest chain of schools in Wisconsin. Randy John, Roland and Brannon are also really can be reached a rapidkick@ good people, and it was an honor to train with them. 6 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Magazine: The United Voice of Martial Arts School Owners OJO Digest is an independent, free, bi- issues that affect their schools. monthly print and online magazine. DOJO Digest has no agenda other than to unite 2. Instructors who dream of opening a school, ac- Dand support school owners working hard for tively planning to open a school or operate a new success, as they defne it…period. school (two years or less). New or recent school owners who must operate with strict budgets. Each issue of DOJO Digest speaks directly to smart, They also need how-to advice to improve the ba- progressive martial art school owners, dedicated to sic operations of a martial arts school: enrollment, living a true martial arts lifestyle. They want to provide upgrades, curriculum, staff development, market- their students with the best programs possible; to stay ing, etc. They are equally interested in business current with the latest martial arts trends and news; and industry trends, and being motivated by au- to share experiences and success stories with other thors and articles that are positive, proactive and school owners; and to improve and build their martial productive. arts business by implementing new strategies, both traditional and online. Before pitching a story to the DOJO Digest editor, be sure to read a variety of DOJO Digest articles, so you Visit for more information and to view are familiar with the magazine’s contents and are able past issues of the magazine. to propose story ideas that match its editorial mission. How To Submit a Story to DOJO Digest Magazine Submission Guidelines DOJO Digest welcomes your news stories, an- 1. Submit a one-paragraph overview of your story nouncements, story ideas and comments. You’re par- ideas or other content suggestions. Don’t take the ticularly invited to submit photos of your students and time to write a complete story until you’ve commu- instructors during classroom training and your special nicated with the managing editor. events. Please refer to the Photography Guidelines below for specifcations. 2. Submit all suggestions via email only. Content is planned and prepared well in advance of 3. Include your day and evening phone numbers and publication date, so please contact the team at least email address. 120 days before the month in which you would like your news story or story ideas to appear. ContactRandy Reid to submit story ideas and other materials, to obtain editorial specifcations and dead- Writers’ Guidelines lines and to ask any questions about art and photog- raphy. The DOJO Digest staff seeks stories and articles that will inform and educate two primary groups of instruc- Randy Reid, Editor at Large tors and school owners. [email protected] 1. Martial arts professionals who have operated schools for several years and need innovative methods and strategies to improve their business operations. They are also interested in new busi- ness ideas and opportunities as well as current 8 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Photography Guidelines he following guidelines will help you create low these guidelines. professional-quality, high-resolution images that will increase readers’ interest in your • All photographs 1/2 page or smaller must be 1205 Tstory and present you and your professional x 1800 pixels and 300 dpi. life with the proper respect. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. • All photographs full page to half-page must be 2592 x 3872 pixels and 300 dpi. • You are strongly encouraged to contract the ser- vices of a professional photographer. Only a pro- • Please provide the RAW picture fles or JPEG fessional has the training, experience and equip- fles directly from the camera, so the designer can ment to present you as the professional you are. match contrast and color to the printing specifca- tions. • Share these guidelines with the photographer, so he or she is able to plan the shoot, effciently, • Descriptive information must be sent with each since you will probably be paying an hourly rate. photo, so captions can be written. These should answer the basic journalistic questions: Who, • You may want to create an expanded list of photos What, Where, When, How and Why, as appropri- you would like for other uses. Even if you must ate. (Names and titles of individuals in photos, lo- pay for additional time, it is still more effcient to cation [school name and city and state], name of have the photographer shoot extra images during event, purpose of event, etc). one visit to your school. • The primary purpose of photographs in any pub- • Submitted photos should include individual pro- lication is to show people, so photos of empty fessional portraits of the school owner and staff spaces (school interiors) are to be avoided. members. These images should be shot in a pho- tographer’s studio with an appropriate backdrop • Photographs will not be returned, unless by prior or in a clean, clutter-free location at your school. arrangement. • Other submitted photos could include classroom Please direct all questions and submit all photographs activities, your pro shop, spectator area and other to Randy Reid, editor at large, via email or other on- views of your school that may be unique or spe- line methods, at [email protected]. cial. The magazine’s readership is composed of professional and part-time school owners who are very interested in seeing the school layout of a successful owner. • You may shoot and submit a few exterior images of the front of your school, but only when photo- graphed during the right time of the day and a pleasing, attractive view is available. • Columnists’ photos, or headshots, should also fol- Dojo Digest • March 2013 9

“ I had my Highest Grossing Month ever thanks to One Merit Badges! ~Clayton Johnson, Journey Martial Arts, New York ” “ Our kids are inspired to learn more and our parents are excited about the ” investment they've made. ~ Doyle McMahan, Dragon Martial Arts, California “ We use One Merit Badges to motivate our students to be the best they can be. ” ~ American Shaolin Kenpo Karate, California $ 199 GET STARTED SPECIAL Just mention this ad Follow us at Twitter Become a fan on Facebook MERIT BADGES .com ™ Call 650.745.8818

Story of the Month: The Wideman’s Don and Theresa Wideman Back from the Brink, How the Wideman’s turned Failure into Gold By Randy Reid, Editor rom Failing to Fantastic! Don and The- Implemented some new programs, and their resa Wideman made the “pivot” and Black Belt America School in Madison Wis- Ffound success! consin is exploding. Record months have been followed by record years, and they are School owners Don and Theresa Wideman well on their way to becoming the frst million had a big problem. dollar school in Wisconsin. After spending years growing their martial So how did they go from near failure to huge arts business Black Belt America to seven success? I sat down with Don and Theresa locations, the problems were coming at them to fnd out how they engineered a pivot and faster than a reverse punch. saved their business. “We made the classic mistake that many (Edi- (Editor’s note: There are two major Karate tor note: some well known) school owners America organizations : one in Wisconsin have done. We grew too fast without enough founded by Randy Reid in 1984 and another bench strength.” said 6th degree black belt in Florida by Master Bill Clark.) Don Wideman. “We were losing money. We were losing sleep, and we were completely DD: Hello folks. Thanks for sharing your story stressed out.” His wife Teresa, 5 degree with us. I think people are going to really like th Black Belt concurred: “We actually went 19 this. months without taking a paycheck from the business. It was very hard”. That was 2006. The Widemans: Our pleasure. Fast forward to 2013, and it’s a very different DD: Let’s get a little background on each of story. They’ve “down-sized” to one school. you. What is your martial arts background? Dojo Digest • March 2013 11

Story of the Month: The Wideman’s and staff development. Those were the heyday of martial arts business and schools, and we were very successful at the be- ginning. But eventually the lack of systems and staff challenges caused the schools’ income to drop. DD: And things got bad, right? TW: Things became very bad. We had a big problem. We had too many schools, and we were losing money. We were fghting just to stay in business. Don: I started in 1978 in a traditional system, DD: What steps did you take to and moved to the Karate America system turn things around? program in 1983. (Editor’s note: Don and Don: We sold some schools. Next, we shut Theresa are my former students.) down a couple of non-productive schools, Theresa: I started at Karate America in 1989. and then we went back to our original loca- tion and began the process of rebuilding that DD: And thus another Karate school mar- school. From there we started looking at what riage! other programs were available. Don/Theresa; Yes sir! DD: Okay, what was your next step? DD: And what year did you become owners? Don: First, we took a trip down to Florida and visited some schools doing afterschool Don: I started working at the school in 1985, programs. Then we brought the founder of and we became owners in 1994. TASMA (transported afterschool martial arts) DD: What is the square footage of your Jim King up to Madison to advise us on how school? to get started on this afterschool program. Don: We just moved into a new 5000 square- DD: The question everybody’s got to want to foot location. know is: what made you decide to get into the afterschool market? DD: And how many students? Theresa: We looked at the business model, Don: We have approximately 175 regular and could see that it would fll a need in our martial arts students and 70 afterschool stu- community. And there were schools being dents. very successful with it. DD: OK, let’s go back in time. What caused Don: Then we looked at the income poten- the problems in 2006? tial and realized that parents were already spending money on afterschool care. And this TW: First, we grew too fast, and we really was not a discretionary expense but in fact a didn’t have a proper handle on staff training necessity. The fact that they paid 3 to 5 times 12 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Story of the Month: The Wideman’s as much as regular karate lessons didn’t hurt DD: How about transportation. Are there either. unique challenges in that area? DD: What concerns or apprehensions did you Don: Yes, it’s been a little challenging to fnd have when you were thinking about imple- part-time drivers, but all in all it’s nice to have menting the afterschool program? the vans driving around town with our logos and signs. Don: Well, we thought like most people do that this was going to be a glorifed babysit- DD: You are now in a new and bigger school. ting program, and as martial artists that’s not What made you decide to expand? what we wanted to do. Don. Last year we enrolled in John Cassidy’s DD: Now that you are in the afterschool mar- TKI program and that really helped us go to ket, are there any surprises or things that you the next level. We’re been growing since and weren’t expecting? need the additional space. TW: Absolutely. We were pleasantly surprised DD: How did Mr. Cassidy’s program help to fnd that the afterschool students became you? very, very good martial artists. With the extra time we have with them, we can develop re- Theresa. First we were just going out there ally good students. and seeing their amazing schools. They are grossing millions of dollars, and that gave us Don: Yes, we found that we have a much bet- the confdence to move forward. ter connection with the kids because we have them for 10 to 15 hours a week as opposed Don. Actually, we haven’t had the time to to 2 to 3 hours per week. It gives us a chance implement all of TKI systems. We implement- to really make a difference in these kids’ lives. ed just a few of the TKI systems, and have got so busy we haven’t had time to work on DD: What’s the downside to running these the rest of the systems. But that’s a happy afterschool type programs? problem! Theresa: When we were ramp- ing up, there was a substantial time commitment. And we had to add staff and invest time in train- ing and developing our systems. Don: The only downside that I’m seeing is that we are going to need to rent more space because we are growing at a very rapid rate (smile). Theresa: Another concern is the rules and laws pertaining to after- school care in our state. We have had some challenges making sure that we operate within the structure so that we don’t cross into the daycare business. Dojo Digest • March 2013 13

Story of the Month: The Wideman’s DD: What would you say to a school owner DD: A $65,000 a month improvement! That’s that is thinking about getting into the after- unbelievable! It would take over 400-500 school market? students in regular program to gross that amount. Theresa: First, be very aware of the rules and regulations of your state, city and county, Theresa: That’s true, but we have only about and be prepared to invest the time and ener- 220 at this point. gy to build a solid foundation of your school. Don: We’re not doing that every month yet, You have to be there, and you have to set the but business is up about 500% from 2008. tone from the beginning that this is a martial DD: Wow! arts program and not a babysitting service. Don: It’s been a lot of hard work, but we’re The behavior that you get from the kids is im- very happy that we went this direction. portant, and it is that same behavior that’s so important to your success. If you have undis- DD: So what are your plans for the future? ciplined rowdy kids, you’re not going to have Theresa: First is to keep working on staff a successful program, and it’s very stressful development programs. We have grown fast, on staff. and we are a little behind because we have We have been very focused since the begin- been onsite and so busy these days. ning to stay focused on the fact that we are Don: We recently negotiated a deal with the a martial arts school and that these are our landlord to rent 2000 more square feet which rules and culture. We are not a babysitting will allow us to expand from 5000 to 7000 ft. service. We are professional martial artists With the expansion we are confdent that we and we teach personal development in chil- can get to 100 afterschool kids, and that is dren. our focus right now. Don: My advice would be the same. Make DD: So your goal is to be the frst Million dol- sure your afterschool program is handled as lar school in Wisconsin? a martial arts program. We set the rules early that this was a martial arts school. We’re not Don: That would be great, but we have plenty interested in being babysitters. We are martial of work ahead to reach that goal. artists. I think one of the reasons we are hav- ing success is that we never wavered from Theresa: Watch out! 2014 is going to be a the commitment to being martial artists. great year! DD: The fnancial end of this has been good DD: Thanks for your time, and we’ll follow up also, right? in year and report the results. Don. Yes, very (smiles again…). Don/ Theresa: Yes sir! DD: What kind of numbers are we talkin’ here? Theresa: Well, when we took the main school back in January of 2008 we grossed $11,000 that month. In November of 2012, we did $76,000. 14 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Dojo Digest • March 2013 15

Fitness Flipping the Fitness Kickboxing Model Upside Down By Melodee Meyer t makes sense for martial arts schools full of to teach ftness kickboxing. After all, we adults that Iknow how to teach group classes, we have all brought the space, we already know how to kick and their kids. The best part of this story? We punch and we could all earn a little extra have black belts that still train with us today revenue. But what if it was more than that? that began as ftness students over 10 years What if ftness kickboxing was the market- ago. ing tool you have been looking for to fll your martial arts classes? Media sources report that ftness kickbox- ing burns over 800 calories per hour and has We can’t fip through TV channels without been touted as one of the best ways to lose stumbling on it in an infomercial or go to any weight, get ft and eliminate stress. Besides of the big box gyms without seeing it on the that, it’s fun! People want to get kickboxing! schedule. Love it or hate it, ftness kickbox- The market for ftness is massive! So why ing seems to be here to stay. not tap into that?! Once they are in the door, we have an incredible opportunity to expose Back in the 90’s, my husband and I were on them to the value of our martial arts pro- the Tae Bo Train. We taught cardio kickboxing grams. at our dojo in Hawaii during open mat times hoping to entice our martial arts student’s As with any marketing strategy, we always moms, families and friends to train. Our mar- need to be clear about who our best cus- keting plan was this: enroll students into our tomer is. Not student, customer. In our fam- martial arts classes and provide a kickboxing ily martial arts business, we know our best program as an add-on or upgrade. We strug- customer is ‘Suzy’, a working mom between gled to get and keep students even though 28 and 40 years old. Suzy controls the money we taught great classes for the best price in in the family, she makes decisions about what town. her kids do with their time, she has strong values, has an extensive social network and In 2002, we opened a dojo in California and she wants to be ft. Does she need to know turned that marketing plan upside down. In- anything about martial arts? No! But per- stead of advertising our martial arts classes, haps she would love to be a martial artist and we advertised our kickboxing program. Our doesn’t know it yet. martial arts classes became our upgrade pro- gram. We had over 100 students in the frst Suzy comes to our ftness kickboxing classes 90 days. We went from having a school full because she loves to have fun while she is of kids with the occasional parent, to a school working out. She loves the friendly people 16 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Fitness Martial Arts Mindset and the supportive staff team members. She times. Coming to class is a social event – oth- feels happy, healthy and well cared for. Suzy erwise she would stay home and work out shares all this with her friends and her family with a video. and pretty soon, they have joined her. And now she wants more. She is curious about 3. Your class times are not convenient. the other things we do, so we invite her to 4. Your dojo stinks like a men’s locker try our martial arts classes and suddenly she room. Go ahead and laugh, but one whiff catches a vision of herself as a black belt --- and she’s outta there! She wants a facility something she had never considered before. that looks and smells clean. Out of 600 students, over 70% of our martial 5. Your dojo is a dragon’s dungeon. Does arts students have come through the door your dojo look like a tattoo parlor or a ftness because of ftness kickboxing. Many of our facility? You might rethink all those trophies in black belts had no intention of attending a the window too. martial arts class when they frst started. 6. You are the Master. Suzy doesn’t un- Perhaps you are already teaching ftness derstand martial arts titles and formalities, nor kickboxing classes but don’t have those kind does she care (yet). Remember, she is a fsh of numbers. Does Suzy want to come to your out of water and needs you and your staff to school? Some of the biggest mistakes I’ve make her feel at home. seen: There are more people interested in ftness 1. Your classes are too hard. Suzy kickboxing than in martial arts because peo- doesn’t want to kill herself. She’s busy and ple are attracted to the promise of six pack cannot afford to get injured. She wants to abs. So let’s sell them what they want so that be energized, not beaten down. She doesn’t we can give them what they need. After all, want to be a fghter, she wants to look good in as martial arts professionals, we know that a bikini. ftness will help people transform their bod- 2. Your classes aren’t fun enough. Suzy ies but it is training in the martial arts that will likes good music, good people and good help them transform their lives. Dojo Digest • March 2013 17

Martial Arts Mindset Martial Arts Mindset Mindset: Ego, the Achilles’ Heel of the Martial Arts Industry By Brannon Beliso hen I speak at different martial arts ity of my ego and the expectation that behav- events, I have the gift of sharing with ing from this mindset will somehow yield a Wmany school owners and instructors. different result. It never does, and I only de- I make it a discipline to listen actively to the bilitate my learning and growth. And as I often stories, successes, and challenges they are have expressed in my writings and talks, if going through. I make it a focus to humbly you are not learning, you are not growing and embrace what is being said to me and offer thus you are not living. I have made it a passion to do battle with my ego at every turn that it rears its ugly head. Even in its most dormant state, I recognize that it is just waiting to stand up and act when I become defensive or something isn’t to my liking. So how do I deal with this monster that has often slowed my learning and growth? First, I honestly evaluate my actions and my- self. I do this internally through writing, medi- tation, and prayer. Second, I have my wife who I trust to call me on the actions that she can see is motivated by my ego. Third, I have a team who I am constantly ask- ing for valued input to make sure I am always living from the true purpose of our school and them my simple advice when asked how they business. can do and be better. I fnd the biggest ob- Fourth, I have a network of peers who I ad- stacle I have when attempting to offer them mire and resonate with, that I actively listen to sound information and make a difference is and take to heart what they have to say and their EGO, which by defnition is a feeling that offer me. you are better than anybody else. It is defned by a person who walks around thinking that Fifth, I constantly read and write to learn ways they are much more than they really are. that can free me of the debilitating mindset called ego. I believe that if I employ all fve of Now, I am no better than anyone else and these acts, I stand half a chance of living from also suffer from the condition of ego. I have my truer self, divulged of my ego. come to accept without any reservation that my ego only hurts my family, my business, my On a level of service, I devote a certain team, and me. I have experienced the insan- amount of my efforts and time speaking to 18 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Martial Arts Mindset anyone who will listen to me on the subject of a closed mindset, which can leave you alone ego and other life-skills that can help all of us and stagnant in your thinking and soul. I truly do and be better. believe that the path to learning, growing, and living lies in a self that is free of ego. It is in Before I speak, I say a mantra that I once this freedom that I believe I can be my best, heard on a success compact disc that went serve my clients at the highest level, and offer something like this, “I am here to serve, not myself a path to success both personally and to show off. I am here to do good not to look in my martial arts business. good. I am here to help others, not Brannon Beliso to help myself.” I is an 8th degree do many of these black belt and speaking engage- owner of One ments with little to Martial Arts in no fnancial com- San Francisco. pensation. Brannon’s school grosses 1 million This unselfsh dollars annually in act is just a small just 3,800 square contribution to the feet. He is the cre- martial arts indus- ator of One Merit try, but it constant- Badges, life- skills ly reminds me education system that it is not about used by schools me but we. Every throughout the opportunity I am world. Brannon offered to get out presents work- of myself and give shops and semi- back to others nars with the mind- teaches me that I set that we can all still have so much always do and be to learn. It reminds better. Brannon is of what a fellow committed to being martial artist once a student for life, said to me, “To serving the com- teach something munity, and being is to learn it twice.” the best husband If I can teach the and papa. detriments of ego, I can learn just how useless my ego truly is. So I humbly encourage everyone to fnd Contact: [email protected] a way to free yourself of your ego. It has (650) 745-8818 caused wars, destroyed friendships, and has broken apart families. Ego will only offer you Dojo Digest • March 2013 19

20 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Dojo Digest • March 2013 21

Marketing SEO, PPC, and The Key Differences By Michael J. Dolpies This month, the good folks at Dojo Digest are strategy is a asking the question... must. This strategy takes Alphabet Soup, anyone? place “off- site.” It is how It’s about time for a martial arts marketing your website article about the basic difference between and school is “SEO” (Search Engine Optimization) and seen by the “PPC” (Pay – Per – Click) marketing. Here we “local internet” go... around you. In order for SEO really starts with how your martial arts Google or Bing school website site was/is built. It must be to consider built with search engine friendly technology. your website It must be structured with keywords that “worthy” of a decent ranking it wants to know represent your programs and your location. how other websites consider it. For this it checks to see how many websites link back After your site is built there are steps taken yours. One strategy for this is submitting to make the site relevant to search engines your school’s website to search engines, like Google and Bing. One of these elements directories, industry directories, etc. Each one is called on-site optimization which is the of these submissions adds a “back-link” to building block of a long-lasting and successful your site. SEO campaign. This is like making sure you pivot and point your toes down when doing a However – these directory “listings” are not sidekick! maximized unless they are “owner-verifed” and they are in sync. For this you must Once the foundation is in place it is a process determine the best NAP (business name, that never ends because there is not a address, phone number and website) you moment where change is not happening in want to use. Every detail counts! And you the SEO game. It is crucial to stay on top of must ensure all your listings are exactly the these changes so your school does not get same. When we run our “48 Point Internet left behind. You also have to consider your Marketing Inspections” the common mistake competitors. Schools in your area have the we see is problems with listings. same goal as you do... Get ranked! Their efforts will effect yours if you stop working at Having a review infrastructure is also it. important. A review infrastructure is an easy way for your students to review your business Because your school is “Local” a “Local SEO” on their favorite review sites. Reviews help! 22 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Marketing Next... Content Strategy... campaign going. Unfortunately this ease is a double edged sword and you risk throwing When it comes to your organic SEO the away money if your campaign is not properly question you have to answer is... set up. You’ve been warned! I had a new “What is our content marketing strategy going client once ask me to take a look at his to be and how are we going to implement it?” Adwords account. He had this set up prior Your blog plays a key role. But you can also to us working with him. His campaigns were get published on other sites. The better those set up all wrong and he was spending $1000 sites – the more weight a “back-link” from that more per month than he had too. site will have on your SEO. The cardinal rule in PPC is relevance. Your Now... PPC. (Pay-Per-Click keywords must be relevant Marketing) to your ad which must be relevant to your landing page. The king of PPC is Google This makes Google happy! Adwords. Google Adwords Google rewards you by giving is not a replacement to an you a high quality score. A organic SEO strategy. PPC decent quality score means is a compliment. With a that you will pay less for the good PPC campaign and a same ad position than your suffcient budget your website competitor if they have a low can come up on the frst page quality score. This means of Google almost immediately. that even if you don’t have a Not so with SEO where huge budget, with all things in rankings will take longer to place and optimized you can achieve, but once achieved compete against competitors and maintained your site with larger budgets! will most-likely keep decent ranking. Of course, this With Google Adwords you depends on many variables. should at least test out a few Whereas with Google Adwords once you stop different campaigns and collect data for about paying for advertising, your site will no longer 120 days. Then, study the data and adjust show up on the frst page. your strategy. For help with Google Adwords Please see our Adwords Service Page. PPC means that you will only pay when someone clicks on your ad. If you have set Mike Dolpies (AKA: Mike D.) has been up your campaign correctly, are targeting the helping school owners with marketing and right keywords for what you are offering and online marketing since 2006. For a 48 Point sending those clicks to a page on your site Internet Marketing Inspection Visit: http:// that matches your keywords - your ad will have a pretty good chance of converting a For a Compete Martial Arts Marketing prospect into a new student. Systems DVD (just $5) Visit: http://www. The beauty of Google Adwords is that it is easy to set up an account and get your Dojo Digest • March 2013 23

24 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Fitness and Nutrition Dominate the Mat and Destroy the Fat! By MMA Mom Sheena Bidwell ating for the Martial Morning Glory: Artist is a science. We Erequire top-notch nu- You’re awake, now trition to keep us on top of what? First, hydrate our game, both in business with water. Then and in training. How can we “break” the fast with spend so much time train- protein, tons of it. ing and so little time learning Keep it simple, about how to eat so that we quick, and consis- can put yourself through such tent. I usually take a rigorous schedule? organic eggs or Most of us ask the same ex- tempeh with a pro- act question each day, “What tein rich vegetable I don’t need to. I know that should I eat?” The answer like asparagus or spinach the food I’m eating is real and to this question is a com- along with a side of black really good for me. There is plex one since our jobs and beans (homemade), avocado nothing I consume during the schedules are usually unique. slices, and salsa. day to alter me from my train- ing goals and career path. We work on many levels in I vary breakfast rarely and our job. Teaching martial arts stick to a handful of meals I suggest you believe in your- demands physical stamina, throughout the month. This self enough to so the same. emotional awareness, and breakfast allows me to train When you eat live, good food mental endurance. then make it to lunch without you feel alive and good and hunger. you look good too. As a general rule keep all animal meat and secretions Afternoon Delight: Dinner, not Dessert: organic. This includes eggs, Lunch is one of my favorite My nights are late which milk, and yogurt. Try to keep times because like most of means my diner is late, late. I fruits and veggies organic us who teach class at night keep it light with little portions and local. Stay Away from this meal can be more like a and reduce liquids. I usually ‘white’ foods. Breads, Pastas, dinner. require a snack before bed. Cheeses, and all those other flling foods just weigh you This substantial cuisine con- Goodnight Moon: down. sists of quality carbs, lean protein, and clean calories. I fnd that I sleep better and Your food needs to be your Not only will I easily burn off wake easier with a little springboard to get you my lunch without using mus- something in my stomach. through teaching and train- cle, I’ll have a freakin’ fantas- Super gentle. ½ cup chamo- ing. Lets dissect our diet and tic time doing it since I don’t mile tea. 1 heaping table- get ready to kick major ass count any calories. spoon raw cashew butter this spring season! sprinkled with coconut fakes. Dojo Digest • March 2013 25

Avocado • Brazil Nuts & Cilantro Salsa • Cucumber Slices • 2 organic • Cherry Tomatoes eggs, Fresh Kale, Mush- End: rooms, & chopped Kidney Bean Tuna Salad zucchini Squash • 2 cans kidney beans (1 light,1 dark red) • 1/2 Avo- cado sliced • 2 small pouches tuna (not Make it a Quickie: canned, albacore) • 1 Small Bunch cilantro Snacks can sometimes be -chop & garnish with fresh • Large handful of Fresh the only thing we eat all day. cracked pepper Spinach Between class, private les- sons, and training fnding • 1 cup coffee • Cilantro (add to taste) time to eat can be diffcult. Middle: • 1/2 cucumber, chopped If you are going to snack do it smart. Remember that water • Iced Green Tea P.S. is always better than a junk • Wild Garlic Salmon with snack. The entire point of Lemon cooked in macada- • 1/2 cup chamomile tea having a snack should be to mia nut oil quickly refuel for extensive • 1 -2 tablespoons Raw Al- training. Don’t beat around • Rainbow Quinoa with ci- mond or Cashew Butter the bush with your little yum lantro & lime • 1 scoop cocoa nibs yums, make every bite count. • Asparagus with almond Your body and mind are My blog is flled with daily slices capable of the most fantastic recipes to help you keep up transformations. One of the with your action packed day • Black Beans greatest things for us is that and night. the better health we are in the Here is one day of the eating Snacks: better we perform in our job. food diet. Begins now, ends All Pre-portioned for a hand- Defy your doubt and eat like never. Blog: MMAMomShee- ful or less the athlete you are. Overtime, class by class you became • hardboiled egg Sample meal plan a martial artist and overtime, • carrot sticks meal-by-meal, you can turn Beginning: yourself into your own per- • celery sticks sonal chef with meals that • 2 cups water -First hy- take you from the kitchen to drate! • red pepper strips the cage. • Breakfast Frittata with • 2-3 prunes 26 Dojo Digest • March 2013

The Average visitor to Your website stays less than 48 seconds They rarely enroll Video increases time on your site by 500% BAD video ensures they never enroll Videos fix the problem Like nothing you’ve ever seen: VIDEO Lead Capture VIDEO Trial Signups VIDEO Landing Pages VIDEO Auto-Responders 1080p HD White Board Style Videos Customized for YOUR school. Starting @ $25/video Learn More or get YOUR School Videos: Click Here to go to Videos for: Kids - Adults - Kickboxing - MMA - BJJ After School - Summer Camps - More... 27 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Leadership The “Art” & “Science” of Being a Great Teacher, Coach, Instructor and TEAM Member By Scott Krenz I can be many variations did not create this teaching concept but I of the same technique or exercise. What sets have adapted it to martial arts training. I have included this concept in much of my on-line instructor and assistant instructor on- one way or method apart from another is “personality.” line training university; www.BuildingGreat- The “Art” is the “how or personality” of doing something. Each of us is different, unique and I frst learned of these concepts in the book special. We each have something that makes “A Slice of the Pie” by Nick Sarillo. I learned us VERY special in the world. Plus, we all to truly understand the power of the concept communicate and listen a little differently. We when I attended his two-day seminar in Crys- connect to different people in different ways. tal Lake, Illinois conducted by himself and We all have a unique personality that is re- Rudy Miick. He has built an amazing system fected in everything we say and do. for building powerful teams that deliver OUT- STANDING customer service consistently. I Our personality is like our fngerprints. It sets immediately went back to my school and on- us apart and puts our own personal stamp on line university and added these concepts to everything we say, do or touch. It is important the curriculum of classes for my staff and the that we each embrace and celebrate our per- people who utilize my on-line university. sonality in every way possible. Do not hide or try to be like others. Step up. Stand out and The frst time I sat down with some of my be yourself. staff and explained the concepts it was like magic. They understood the concept and they Being yourself and expressing what is unique LOVED it. They understood the importance and special about you is being the “Art” of the of doing things correctly and consistently but equation. To balance this is out there is the they embraced the idea of being unique and science side of the equation. showing their own personalities in everything The science is the “what or specifc details” of we do. saying or doing something. There are some The following is an excerpt from one of the things that MUST be done in order to be con- lessons in my “Building Great Instructors” on- sistent and effective at delivering outstanding line classes. results. The science allows large numbers of people to do the same thing with consistent What do I mean by the “Art” and “Science?” results. Simply, it means there is no one-way or per- fect right way to do anything. There are and Here is a good example of “Art & Science” at 28 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Leadership work. How do you throw a ball from point “A” Science Art to point “B?” Everyone throws the ball a little differently. If you were going to teach some- “Smile a Mile” Soft, excited, gentle, one how to throw a ball there are a few ba- etc. sics you would want to teach. “A Meeting Greeting” Welcome to BGK SC… 1. Grab the ball. “The Name of the Nicknames, compli- 2. Focus on where you want to throw the Game” ments ball. Physical Connection Handshake, high 3. Step forward and swing your arm fve, etc. forward as you release the ball in the direction of your target. Now I will explain the pieces of both sides of this equation as it applies to the “Black Belt That would be the ”Science” of how to throw Greeting” a ball. Now there are about a thousand dif- ferent ways to throw the ball and they are I like to break every skill into three “simple all correct but that would be the “Art.” How steps” whenever possible. From there we ap- do you want to grip the ball? Do you want to ply the concepts of “Art & Science” to each of throw it overhand, underhand or sidearm? Do those steps. you want to toss it or throw a fastball? Let’s start with the science side; This is the So, with this in mind, we will strive to learn “MUSTS” of meeting and greeting a person. the “Art & Science” of every skill we build as a “Eyes to eyes” – You must look a person in coach, teacher, instructor or TEAM member. the eyes when you meet and greet them. This Here is just one simple example of applying shows respect and confdence. these concepts to a simple skill that EVERY “Smile a Mile” – you must have a smile on team member must “Master” in order to be a your face and it should show up throughout part of my team; Meeting or greeting a new your entire body. student/guest/present student or family mem- ber, when they arrive at the school. This is “A Meeting Greeting” – The verbal greeting a critical customer service skill. . Here is my must include a greeting, your name, the name “Black Belt Greeting” example. of the school and a welcome statement. Black Belt Greeting “The Name Game” – You must learn(if you The “Art & Science” of the “Three steps” do not already know it) and use their name at least 2 - 3 times in your conversation. 1. Look them in the eyes as the right foot steps forward “Physical Connection” – Physical contact is a powerful tool for connecting with people. You 2. Extend the right hand for a confdent MUST make some form of physical contact handshake with the person. 3. Hello/Welcome my name is __________. Now let’s talk about the “Art” of the greeting. This is where each person gets to express Science Art their personality while using the science as a Eyes to eyes guide. “Eyes to eyes” – This could be changed by Dojo Digest • March 2013 29

Leadership whom you choose to look at and greet frst. much to just a simple greeting, but that’s what TRANSFORM so great about building the concept of “Art & “Smile a Mile” – Some people use a huge full- Science” into all of your staff and team train- face smile while others may be more comfort- ing. able with a softer smile or grin. YOUR MARTIAL ARTS BUSINESS Now go out and apply this to all of your team “A Meeting Greeting” – This could be using a and staff training curriculum and watch your variety of terms or phrases in different orders; customer service, retention and referrals “hello,” “It’s nice to meet you, My name is, soar. welcome to…, We are so happy you came in to visit us today, I know you are going to If you would like to know more about my on- love it here. Thank you very much for coming line training university please feel free to write today.” The science is covered but how each to me at [email protected] person delivers the science is just a little dif- ferent. “The Name Game” – This might include us- “Amazing.” ing a nickname or complimenting the person. People can be very creative especially if it is - Cheong Park someone you know or have met before. “Physical Connection” – This could be a handshake, high fve, low fve, fst bump or “I was blown away.” many other little things to physically connect with people. - Daniel Sterling Wow, whoever thought there could be some Web Design “I’ve used everything else... Web Programming Database Programming This is the best.” e-Commerce Integration - Jeff Gears Wordpress/Joomla/CMS Pre-Press Services “Nothing else like it...” Magazine & e-Zine Layout Book Layout - Sifu Vito Catalog Layout Brochures/Flyers VISIT OUR WEBSITE VISIT e-Publishing Cards & More 30 Dojo Digest • March 2013

TRANSFORM YOUR MARTIAL ARTS BUSINESS “Amazing.” - Cheong Park “I was blown away.” - Daniel Sterling “I’ve used everything else... This is the best.” - Jeff Gears “Nothing else like it...” - Sifu Vito VISIT OUR WEBSITE VISIT Dojo Digest • March 2013 31

Sales Sales Doesn’t Have to Suck! By Mike Bidwell obody likes being sold! Have you sus something ever made a purchase, got home you do WITH a Nlooked in the mirror and said, “What customer. We have I done!” In fact, every single one of us will call our new has been “sold” at some point in our lives. approach “In- Whether it was a new car, house, product, visible Selling”. service, gym membership, etc. Some of us With “invisible walked away from the experience and were selling” you are fne, some may have rationalized their way doing very little through it, and some may have experienced selling but rather some level of remorse. Sales people often presenting your call this “buyers remorse”. The term came program and from the feelings some experience after pur- helping your chasing a large item like a house or car. prospect ar- rive at their own Typically buyer’s remorse is the feeling of conclusion about guilt and remorse around a purchase. your services. In some cases the purchaser may feel a loss of control as they see themselves locked into What if there a decision and that may or may not beneft was no pressure them. Some will experience a state psychol- around sales? What if the “salesperson” was ogists refer to as cognitive dissonance. “Cog- more like a tour guide taking the prospect nitive dissonance refers to a situation involv- on a journey that leads everyone to a posi- ing conficting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. tive outcome. A travel agent sells you on a This produces a feeling of discomfort leading vacation whereas the tour guide is there to to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs present to you all the great opportunities and or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and benefts of your vacation. With a tour guide restore balance etc.” The heart of it gener- their sole purpose is to create a positive ex- ally stems from the feeling of suspicion that perience that fulflls needs and desires. What a sales person negatively infuenced them. if the “sales process” was more about creat- This can cause feelings of resentment, anxi- ing a true win / win where both the school and ety, fear and even hostility. the client beneft? As martial arts profession- als it is our duty to share the benefts of the Most companies train staff on overcoming martial arts with the entire world! After all the objections and various sales tactics that take martial arts changes lives in and impacts oth- a “lead” through a series of steps that lead ers in the best possible ways. However, with to a “closing”. Even if you have their best that being said it is also our duty to present it interests in mind, this approach has more in an honest, open manner. to do with what you do TO a customer ver- 32 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Sales First Contact next step is to get them in the doors. When a new lead comes through your web- You want to schedule an appointment site or calls your school it is as if someone in the next 24 – 48 hours so they can raised their hand and said, “Please tell me take an introductory class. more!” At this point you have a “potential client” who may be interested in enrolling at 4. Keep them engaged – Once you have your school. The “secret” to invisible selling scheduled an appointment you want is for you to be an advocate for them with the them to stay “tuned in”. Ask them to go outcome being in their best interest. When and “like” your school Facebook page / you respond to a new lead via phone, e-mail YouTube channel. This will keep them or text messaging it is imperative that you engaged and excited until they come to create a positive frst impression. The frst their frst class. step is to respond to the inquiry immediately! Don’t put it off, don’t wait. We live in a very high-speed world and people expect an im- 5. Price - “To say it or not to say it… mediate response. If you don’t respond right that is the question!” Most of us have away then the next guy or girl will. Don’t ever been “taught” over the years to never assume that you are the only school they are give out the cost of tuition. In fact, considering. most of us have been instructed by our martial arts business “gurus” to ignore 1. Introduction - Respond to an inquiry that price question the frst two times immediately via text, e-mail or phone they ask. That may have worked well call. I recommend texting whenever twenty years ago, but we are in a new possible. We are in a “text-messaging era. If someone asks you the cost of world” now and most people text more your classes you have two options. that they talk. Phone calls tend to be uncomfortable for both parties whereas 1. Be evasive and try to ignore the text messaging is less confrontational question and probably make them mad. and easier to navigate comfortably through a conversation. 2. Tell them roughly what it costs. For example: “It averages about $150 2. Benefts – Ask them, “What are you per month, but when you attend your looking to get out of the martial arts?” frst class we can cover this in greater For example: Fitness, Self-defense, detail.” I think the second response is improved focus, competition, etc. the better of the two. You are honest You want to get to the heart of the and open and that will serve you far “why”? In other words, why are they better with your future client then interested in pursuing martial arts “skating around” the question or worse lessons? When you determine the why not telling them at all. Think about this, you are overcoming the frst hurdle for there are very few businesses that them and demonstrating that you have don’t give out the cost of their product something that will fulfll their needs. or service. For some reason, the martial arts has lumped itself in with 3. Schedule an appointment – Once car dealers and high-pressure ftness you have determined that you have centers who have taken the position to something they can beneft from the Dojo Digest • March 2013 33

Sales not give out prices. Do you really want If you cannot do this, chances are they will to be lumped in with these groups or not enroll – and honestly, why should they? would you rather be demonstrating to a future client that you not only teach “Closing the Sale” integrity, you practice it as well! centers In the world of sales the ultimate goal is to close a sale. In fact there are entire books, who have taken the position to not give seminars, webinars, courses, etc. all devoted out prices. Do you really want to be to being a “closer”. The intense all or nothing lumped in with these groups or would attitude to close a sale is portrayed in the Da- you rather be demonstrating to a future vid Mamet flm “Glengarry Glen Ross”. Alec client that you not only teach integrity, Baldwin plays a businessman who coins the you practice it as well! phrase A-B-C or “Always be closing!” Do you think a potential client wants to be “closed” Introductory lesson on in the process of joining your school, or When a future client comes into your school empowered by the process? Clearly you it is your job to provide them with a great need to enroll students to have a success- experience. This is where everything mat- ful school. But…you do not have to do it in ters! From the toilet paper to the frst class, an evasive, high-pressure manner. If you’ve everything matters. Like anything, you can’t effectively presented your program and they change a frst impression. Consider the fol- are excited and see the value then the “sale” lowing, when they arrive at your school for has already been accomplished and all that’s the frst time what was the experience like? left is to fnalize the process. Did they have trouble fnding your school (were they provided with good directions?), Out of the Offce and Out in the Open! What does the front of your school look like? The days of taking a client back into an of- Do they know where to go when they walk fce to “pitch” them on your program are long into your school? gone. We are in a new era where people Training Exercise expect a certain level of transparency. The Do a complete walkthrough of your school second you take someone into a closed room with several different people who will offer a they become anxious and defensive. When fresh set of eyes. Have them give you feed- you sign someone up for your program right back on how the school looks, cleanliness, at the front desk the barriers immediately organization, etc. This will provide valuable drop. They feel more comfortable about the feedback on what a frst impression can be process and you will too. It also forces your like. staff to present your program in a transpar- ent, open manner where there is no room for When your future client takes their frst class “haggling” and “wheeling and dealing”. It also you need to hit all the “hot buttons” with them. prevents the client from even attempting to If they are looking to get in shape you have “haggle” with your staff. When the program is to confdently demonstrate that, 1. You will presented in this manner people just under- get them in great shape, 2. They can do this! stand that this is the cost and there’s no room If they are looking for self-defense then you for arbitrary discounts. This starts a relation- need to make sure that you provide them with ship in a positive manner where everyone some basic self-defense tools. Regardless of wins! what they are interested in, you need to dem- onstrate that your school can confdently and “Honesty is the best policy.” -Benjamin effectively provide them with these benefts. Franklin 34 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Technology Dojo Digest • March 2013 35

Leadership Seven Steps for Teaching a Drill By Melody Shuman rills are the backbone of a quality Martial Arts class. At the same time, Dteaching a drill may seem easy but it does require skill if you want to generate the best results. The problem is an instructor can bring life to a drill, or death to it. Poor execution can lead to poor student development, or worse yet, boredom. With that said, it is always important to remember that teaching a drill is not only a way for you to test your students, but your teaching skills as well. To maximize the overall impact of a drill, it is important to follow some very important steps. To make your job easier, I have listed out each step and a few details on how to follow the steps properly. Let’s get started! Here are seven steps for teaching a drill: 1. Set up the drill ner and line up facing each other across the middle of the mat in 10 seconds or It is important that you set up the lines and less. This challenge gets them paired up the equipment before you start to explain quickly. the drill. This makes the fow from one step to the next much smoother. With that 2. Name the drill said, it is also important that you set up Make sure everyone knows the name of the drill effciently. the drill. If there isn’t already a name for If you are dividing the class into groups or the drill, make up one on the spot. This lines, make sure you have a solid system will help the students feel more of a con- for doing it quickly. At our school we have nection to the drill. At our school, we have a system for dividing our class into pairs, names for every drill. A few examples are: lines, on one end of the mat, and into Dizzy Kicks, Pad Tag, Action Elimination, teams. Spar Wars, etc. For example: when we divide our class 3. Explain the drill into pairs, we tell everyone to fnd a part- Properly explain the overview of the drill. 36 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Leadership Include all of the proper details, but don’t note. How you end the drill is equally as go over 1-minute of explanation. We also important as how you start the drill. At our make sure that we have 1 to 3 key “take- school we like to point out one or two stu- aways” that we want to our student to dents that put forth great effort. focus on during the drills. For example: in Dizzy Kicks the 3 takeaways are 1) keep Ending on this note has a two-fold beneft: your hands up while you kick, 2) keep your 1) the people that are acknowledged get head up while you kick, and 3) snap your a confdence booster, and 2) the ones that knee while you kick. didn’t get acknowledged refect on what they will do better next time to increase 4. Demonstrate the drill the chance that they may be the ones that are pointed out. Many students are visual learners so it is important to have a well-skilled assis- Conclusion tant or student properly demonstrator the details of the drill. At our school we like As mentioned above, drills are the backbone to demonstrate both the improper way to of a quality Martial Arts class. It requires skill perform the drill and also the proper way and a conscious effort in applying the steps to perform the drill. Giving both examples from above. This does take a lot of practice, helps clarify your expectations even more. so be patient and mindful on your strong areas and also the areas where you can work 5. Start the drill properly on improvement. Use powerful words and enthusiasm to Apply all seven steps properly and you have get the students pumped up as you begin one of the key ingredients to a successful the drill. This sets the mood and tone of Martial Arts class. the entire drill. At our school we also like to use trickery when starting the drill to make For a PDF copy of this report, email me at sure everyone is paying attention. For [email protected]. example: our instructor will say something Also, I plan on doing an open Webinar on this like: “On your marks… get set… goose!” article, so email me to get on my newsletter 6. Instruct during the drill list for an update on when this Webinar will occur. Monitor the students’ abilities to perform the drill properly and make corrections when necessary. This also includes management of the stu- dents’ overall efforts. At our school we like to multi-task while teaching the drill by cor- recting students while using healthy com- petition to point out who’s doing the drill correctly. For example: we will say some- thing like “looks like the girls are snapping their knees more on their front kicks!” 7. Close the drill Make sure you fnish the drill on a high Dojo Digest • March 2013 37

38 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Customer Experience Bench Strength By Fred DePalma I volunteer work. was talking with a school owner the other day about how important bench strength If you’ve been is. What is bench strength? running a school ■ A baseball team has pitchers in the for a while, you ball pen waiting to be called to warm may have come up so they can then be called in to the across that staff game. A football team has 3 quarter- member who backs incase one gets hurt. All teams slips in their have extra people for each position if job. Meaning they need them. One may get hurt or they don’t do as good now as they did when isn’t performing up to par. Also, when you hired them. Sometimes people get the a professional team player knows there feeling of, they need me, they won’t fre me, is someone standing off to the side that there’s no one to take my place. If you have wants their job, they seem to step it up. bench and your team knows it. People will usually perform better because like a profes- ■ Look at Bret Favre, he got his start sion sports team, they know someone else when the starting quarterback got can take their job away. injured during a game. He went in and did great. They didn’t win that game, What if one of your team members moved, but he showed everyone he could play. gave their 2 week notice, you give them 2 Then he never missed a start in like a weeks, gets hurt or anything that stops them million games. He won’t miss! If he from working? Do you have someone to take missed a start, they’d put in the other their place? guy that just might take his job. – Well, then they did! When I ran my schools in CT I had a major growth from 45 students to over 200 in about Schools sometimes hold leadership classes a 2 month span. Then I went down to 125 for this bench. I think that’s fne, I don’t do it, the next month and then back up to about but it’s still fne to do. 250 and then back down to less then 200. My numbers went up and down and this was How do you fnd bench strength and who do mainly due to me not having enough bench you look for? strength that was ready to go. Actually I It’s a personality thing. Just because some- had no bench. Karate Kid came out and the one is a black belt doesn’t make them an school took off. But I had no one to help me instructor. I look for bench in my beginner with all the new students. I started to hire belts. I look for people with that leadership any of my students that had the time. But ability built into them or I feel I can build into there was no training and my numbers kept them. Rank will come with time. From there I going up and down big time. So are you in keep an eye on them and at yellow or orange a position to add 100 new members? Bench belt I’ll have a personal chat about helping strength puts you in this position and the with classes once or twice a week. I just funny thing is, whenever I had good bench want to make sure not to over do it since its strength my numbers grew. It’s something about the atmosphere. 40 Dojo Digest • March 2013

Customer Experience I’m usually a good judge of future staff and and/or staff? Does this person bring out the you need to be as well. best in my students and helps to promote the school? Is this person a TEAM player and ■ You can’t hire your friends. Who follows all the rules of the school?” you need to hire are the right person for the job. These are just a few things you can ask your- self. If you get a no to any of them then some ■ You can’t hire who’s available. Who changes need to be made and – Do you have you need to hire are students with the bench to make these changes? people skills. Have fun, ■ You can’t hire all your black belts. Who you need to hire are good fnders F. DePalma and leaders. Take a moment to look at your staff, or your future staff, and ask yourself – “Do I feel com- fortable leaving my school for an extended period of time in the hands of this person You can advertise in and reach thousands of Martial Arts Professionals!!! Contact: [email protected] Dojo Digest • March 2013 41

Marketing How to Go From ZERO to $700k a Year! (Part one of a six part series) By Dusty Everson usty Everson, is the owner of Ever- tial arts school. He does not teach after- son’s Karate Institute located in Rob- school martial arts, but his school is still Dbinsville, New Jersey, and he has grossing about $700,000 a year. Dusty some techniques, that are real, practical, and also has trained quite a number of other tested in the world, not merely a collection people on his staff to run the school prop- of theories, and therein lies true value. He’ll erly. He has it very well sys- temized. Es- show you all of the things you need to do to sentially, he’s living the dream. take your school from $0 to $700k per year. Dusty is a guy who is a giver – not a taker. Rob Colasanti, the “Ambassador of the Mar- He is somebody who I’ve known for a long tial Arts”, interviews Dusty in this special time. I trust his judgment. I know a lot report for Dojo Digest. about him as a person. I know his charac- ter. I also know that he’s at a stage where Rob: Dusty Everson has an interesting he wants to give back. He wants to help story. It’s one that you’ll be able to relate you succeed. to. Dusty started out as a school owner, as many of us do, after being in martial arts We’re going to talk about all kinds of things. It’s not going for many years. But he struggled at first. to be focused on one topic. I’m going to do my best to re- In fact, his first school went out of busi- ally pick Dusty’s brain, and I have his permission to do that. ness after about three years. He thought We’re just going to take it as it comes. We’re going to cover a lot of bases today. My ultmate goal is to help you by that he could just teach real good martial introducing you to one of the top school owners I know. arts, and if he built it, they would come. But as many people find out, that’s just Let’s go ahead and get this party started! simply not the case. It rarely ever works Rob: First off, how many students are you out that way. teaching these days? Dusty: We try to keep So after he shut down his school, he had our school around 300-325. That’s our max to either go out and get a job and join the that we like to carry per year. After that, it workforce, or figure out how to actually starts to require more helpers and more run a suc- cessful, profitable martial arts instructors. Rob: Is that the biggest your school. He chose the latter. It took him a school has ever been? Dusty: No. We had number of years and a good-sized invest- almost 400 students many years back. Once ment in his educa- tion, but he got the job we decided that it’s too much, we fgured out done. a way to be able to cut the students down to running around 300 to maximize our tuition Today, he runs a very successful mar- and teach fewer students. Rob: That’s bril- 42 Dojo Digest • March 2013

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