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Home Explore Trials & Enduro News Volume 49 Issue 1

Trials & Enduro News Volume 49 Issue 1

Published by cloud.flass, 2014-07-02 06:01:53

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T&E News P 52 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014

T&E News P 52 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014

T&E News P 54 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 55 FULL CIRCLE Mike Lafferty reflects on 19 years of racing... Story and Photos by Shan Moore

T&E News P 54 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 55 FULL CIRCLE Mike Lafferty reflects on 19 years of racing... Story and Photos by Shan Moore

T&E News P 56 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 57 fter countless hours of career, and at frst I was kind of racing, more than a few bummed just thinking about it. Ainjuries, and highlights But now I’m more excited about that include 70 national wins it and I would much rather have and eight national titles, Mike it this way. So I had this oppor- Laferty’s career has brought tunity to fnish out my career him full circle. At the end of 19 with KTM and I think that’s un- years of racing, the last four on believable. I’ve gone full circle Husaberg, “Junior” is back where and I’m extremely fortunate to he started for his 20th and fnal have this chance with KTM.” season… on a KTM. When asked what 19 years To condense Mike Laferty of motorcycle racing has given down to one sentence, you him, Laferty focused on both would have to say he’s the most the small details and the big likeable guy in the pits, and picture. yet, the most determined guy “I think what motorcycle on the track. He’s the guy who racing has given me, and there always seems to come in after have been a lot of times my a race with the sleeves torn career has been up and down, and blood dripping from his but I feel like racing has given arm. He’s the guy who is bend- me a structure,” says Laferty. ing over small trees on his way “Race day comes on Sunday, through the tightest trail, and, but there’s a lot of stuf that for all those four-stroke lovers, happens on Monday through he’s the guy that put a thumper Friday. Having a routine, getting on top of the box in national up, putting in the work. I feel enduro. like you’re rewarded by having For sure, knowing he’s em- good results because of what barking on his fnal year of you did during the week. For competition must be difcult, me, I’ve always wanted to work and he acknowledged that. hard, but racing has just given But, as he told us, it’s better to me a little bit of structure to my know going into the season that life. So for me, I had the drive to it’s the last one so he can say do what I wanted to do, as far as his goodbyes, rather than not successes. knowing and then ended up “In the big, overall picture, having a mediocre season only racing has also given me the op- to fnd out you don’t have a ride portunity to travel and see a lot for the following year. of places, and to meet people. “When this all came together It’s like I have a whole diferent with KTM, we all sat down to family at the races. I’m a strong talk about how I ft into this believer in having a strong whole thing,” says Laferty. family at home. And I also like “It just made sense to do this having this family at the races, at 20 years, to fnish out my which is just as close as my fam-

T&E News P 56 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 57 fter countless hours of career, and at frst I was kind of racing, more than a few bummed just thinking about it. Ainjuries, and highlights But now I’m more excited about that include 70 national wins it and I would much rather have and eight national titles, Mike it this way. So I had this oppor- Laferty’s career has brought tunity to fnish out my career him full circle. At the end of 19 with KTM and I think that’s un- years of racing, the last four on believable. I’ve gone full circle Husaberg, “Junior” is back where and I’m extremely fortunate to he started for his 20th and fnal have this chance with KTM.” season… on a KTM. When asked what 19 years To condense Mike Laferty of motorcycle racing has given down to one sentence, you him, Laferty focused on both would have to say he’s the most the small details and the big likeable guy in the pits, and picture. yet, the most determined guy “I think what motorcycle on the track. He’s the guy who racing has given me, and there always seems to come in after have been a lot of times my a race with the sleeves torn career has been up and down, and blood dripping from his but I feel like racing has given arm. He’s the guy who is bend- me a structure,” says Laferty. ing over small trees on his way “Race day comes on Sunday, through the tightest trail, and, but there’s a lot of stuf that for all those four-stroke lovers, happens on Monday through he’s the guy that put a thumper Friday. Having a routine, getting on top of the box in national up, putting in the work. I feel enduro. like you’re rewarded by having For sure, knowing he’s em- good results because of what barking on his fnal year of you did during the week. For competition must be difcult, me, I’ve always wanted to work and he acknowledged that. hard, but racing has just given But, as he told us, it’s better to me a little bit of structure to my know going into the season that life. So for me, I had the drive to it’s the last one so he can say do what I wanted to do, as far as his goodbyes, rather than not successes. knowing and then ended up “In the big, overall picture, having a mediocre season only racing has also given me the op- to fnd out you don’t have a ride portunity to travel and see a lot for the following year. of places, and to meet people. “When this all came together It’s like I have a whole diferent with KTM, we all sat down to family at the races. I’m a strong talk about how I ft into this believer in having a strong whole thing,” says Laferty. family at home. And I also like “It just made sense to do this having this family at the races, at 20 years, to fnish out my which is just as close as my fam-

T&E News P 58 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 59 ily at home. I think that’s going allowed him to fnd out who he bles and then the frst enduro of about it, then I decided I wasn’t and I think I’ll have that for a I did pretty well in California, to be the toughest part of when is and what he’s about and his the season was out there, and that far of the pace and I real- while,” says Laferty. “I got a lot which gave me some momen- I’m done, and that’s not being whole attitude about life. I hated it. I hated life, I hated ized I could do it. I learned a lot of that for a lot of years… win- tum going into the Georgia able to travel and see all the “The hardest thing I’ve ever traveling, I couldn’t ride, and I out there, being on my own for ning. But lately I haven’t won race. I had a lot of momentum, wonderful people I see on the had to do when I look back on barely made top-10 in the en- so long. Coming from a tight- much, so that has matured me a I had a great bike and I loved road. all of this, was to travel away duro. I remember sitting there knit family and going out on lot and made me realize that it’s Georgia. It had great dirt and “Knowing now, that this year from my family on my frst trip after the race thinking I didn’t the road away from them was not all about winning, which is I was pumped about the race. is my last, when I go to the frst out west,” says Laferty. “I think belong there. It was my frst probably the best thing that even hard to say.” I just had everything come round in South Carolina, every- it was a two month trip and it race on a KTM and Matt was my happened to me at that time.” When asked about his frst na- together. I remember beating one knows about it and I can was with Matt Stavish. I few to teammate at the time. In hind- Laferty admits that the thing tional win, here’s what he says: the locals down there at that kind of celebrate it with my fam- Minnesota and met up with him sight, I couldn’t have asked for a he’ll miss the most is the feeling “I’ll never forget the frst race time was hard to do. The locals ily and friends and then be able and then we drove with a me- better teammate because Matt of winning. that I won,” says Laferty. “It were just super fast at that place to move on to the next step.” chanic in a box van to California eventually showed me the work “Why we all do this is because was the Cherokee in Georgia in and to come out of there with Did he learn a few lessons where we did some testing and ethic Monday through Friday we love to ride dirt bikes. And 1997; I think it was the second the win was huge for me. And along the way? Sure he did. Ac- some racing. that it takes to be good. Once I while I love to ride dirt bikes, I round of the series, and we I think I won big, like by four or cording to Laferty, racing has “I did a national hare scram- came back home and thought also love the feeling of winning, started in California. And I think fve minutes. I will never forget

T&E News P 58 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 59 ily at home. I think that’s going allowed him to fnd out who he bles and then the frst enduro of about it, then I decided I wasn’t and I think I’ll have that for a I did pretty well in California, to be the toughest part of when is and what he’s about and his the season was out there, and that far of the pace and I real- while,” says Laferty. “I got a lot which gave me some momen- I’m done, and that’s not being whole attitude about life. I hated it. I hated life, I hated ized I could do it. I learned a lot of that for a lot of years… win- tum going into the Georgia able to travel and see all the “The hardest thing I’ve ever traveling, I couldn’t ride, and I out there, being on my own for ning. But lately I haven’t won race. I had a lot of momentum, wonderful people I see on the had to do when I look back on barely made top-10 in the en- so long. Coming from a tight- much, so that has matured me a I had a great bike and I loved road. all of this, was to travel away duro. I remember sitting there knit family and going out on lot and made me realize that it’s Georgia. It had great dirt and “Knowing now, that this year from my family on my frst trip after the race thinking I didn’t the road away from them was not all about winning, which is I was pumped about the race. is my last, when I go to the frst out west,” says Laferty. “I think belong there. It was my frst probably the best thing that even hard to say.” I just had everything come round in South Carolina, every- it was a two month trip and it race on a KTM and Matt was my happened to me at that time.” When asked about his frst na- together. I remember beating one knows about it and I can was with Matt Stavish. I few to teammate at the time. In hind- Laferty admits that the thing tional win, here’s what he says: the locals down there at that kind of celebrate it with my fam- Minnesota and met up with him sight, I couldn’t have asked for a he’ll miss the most is the feeling “I’ll never forget the frst race time was hard to do. The locals ily and friends and then be able and then we drove with a me- better teammate because Matt of winning. that I won,” says Laferty. “It were just super fast at that place to move on to the next step.” chanic in a box van to California eventually showed me the work “Why we all do this is because was the Cherokee in Georgia in and to come out of there with Did he learn a few lessons where we did some testing and ethic Monday through Friday we love to ride dirt bikes. And 1997; I think it was the second the win was huge for me. And along the way? Sure he did. Ac- some racing. that it takes to be good. Once I while I love to ride dirt bikes, I round of the series, and we I think I won big, like by four or cording to Laferty, racing has “I did a national hare scram- came back home and thought also love the feeling of winning, started in California. And I think fve minutes. I will never forget

T&E News P 60 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 61 to do was keep racing and keep themselves winning an enduro When asked if he thought he winning. title. But the new format makes could go out with a ninth title in It wasn’t all rosey, though. Laf- it easier for new riders to get 2014… ferty had a lot of injuries along involved and it seems to me “The 2012 season certainly the way, but he always man- now that it’s the new norm – it’s showed me I have the ability to aged to pull together and come the way it should have been all win another title,” he says. “I feel back. along.” stronger than I ever had in 2012. I missed a few years, but It’s still hard to image that I feel this year, I have everything eventually I tied a lot of wins Mike Laferty is going to be rid- I need to win another champi- together and came up with ing his last full year. And while onship.” n eight titles, which I never even he’ll still be involved in the sport imagined I would ever do that,” through the KTM Ride Orange Laferty’s Fav Bike Laferty says. program, he still has an idea of Laferty was also involved in how he wants to be remem- When asked what his favorite the “resurrection” of the sport, bered as a racer. bike of all times is, he says he has when the NEPG came in and “I want people to remem- two: changed the rules, which made ber me as the guy who always “I don’t know why, but I think it easier for “outsiders” to come shook your hand even if I had my frst championship bike in into the series. Laferty was a a bad day,” says Laferty. “When 1997, a KTM 250 EXC, is my all- big supporter of the new rules. I meet someone for the frst time favorite bike. I don’t know “At the start, the enduro time, I want them to come away what it was about that bike, but series and the qualifers were thinking I was respectful. I was it was awesome. It was unbeliev- the things to do; they were brought up to be that way, and ably fast and super reliable. After the races to go to and they I always want to have a good re- were the biggest of-road races lationship with everyone I meet. that bike, I would have to say the in America,” Laferty refects. “As a racer, I want to be re- next most favorite was the frst “There were huge turnouts for membered as one of the tough- 400 I raced, the frst four-stroke in a long time, but then at one- er guys. When it got down to 2003. I won maybe eight or nine point things kind of dropped being really tough, I was one of rounds that year, and that was my of for the series. We started to those guys who gave it my best. frst full season on a four-stroke. see fewer people and I think the The gnarlier it is, the better and It was a super fun bike to ride. format kind of became stale and harder I ride.” kind of shaky. The format was that day; because that was the thinking how fast he was. I end- went to winning championships all about time keeping and the frst time I had that feeling of ed up winning there, and that and from there it just took of. fastest guys weren’t necessarily winning a national. Just two was unbelievable for me. All of “I had a few rough times, but winning and a lot of people got years before I was thinking I a sudden we were in the points I couldn’t have better people turned of by that. There were didn’t even belong on the same lead and I remember Al (Alan than Alan and Melissa Randt fewer people coming and less track as these guys. Randt) telling me we could win helping me out,” admits Laferty. support from the factories. “After I won my frst race, it the whole thing, we could win a “We would struggle and they “But things have turned back just snowballed. I wanted to championship, but I remember would tell me, ‘just ride your dirt around, and the series is the win some more. After Georgia, I wasn’t even thinking about bike, that’s all it takes.’ Once all place to be again. Look at the I think we went to Texas, and Ty championships, I just wanted to that started and I had the right last two guys to win the title Davis was there, and he could win the next race.” people around me and I was (Charlie Mullins and Stu Baylor), win anywhere. I remember From winning races, Laferty hungry to win, then all I wanted I don’t think they ever imagined

T&E News P 60 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 61 to do was keep racing and keep themselves winning an enduro When asked if he thought he winning. title. But the new format makes could go out with a ninth title in It wasn’t all rosey, though. Laf- it easier for new riders to get 2014… ferty had a lot of injuries along involved and it seems to me “The 2012 season certainly the way, but he always man- now that it’s the new norm – it’s showed me I have the ability to aged to pull together and come the way it should have been all win another title,” he says. “I feel back. along.” stronger than I ever had in 2012. I missed a few years, but It’s still hard to image that I feel this year, I have everything eventually I tied a lot of wins Mike Laferty is going to be rid- I need to win another champi- together and came up with ing his last full year. And while onship.” n eight titles, which I never even he’ll still be involved in the sport imagined I would ever do that,” through the KTM Ride Orange Laferty’s Fav Bike Laferty says. program, he still has an idea of Laferty was also involved in how he wants to be remem- When asked what his favorite the “resurrection” of the sport, bered as a racer. bike of all times is, he says he has when the NEPG came in and “I want people to remem- two: changed the rules, which made ber me as the guy who always “I don’t know why, but I think it easier for “outsiders” to come shook your hand even if I had my frst championship bike in into the series. Laferty was a a bad day,” says Laferty. “When 1997, a KTM 250 EXC, is my all- big supporter of the new rules. I meet someone for the frst time favorite bike. I don’t know “At the start, the enduro time, I want them to come away what it was about that bike, but series and the qualifers were thinking I was respectful. I was it was awesome. It was unbeliev- the things to do; they were brought up to be that way, and ably fast and super reliable. After the races to go to and they I always want to have a good re- were the biggest of-road races lationship with everyone I meet. that bike, I would have to say the in America,” Laferty refects. “As a racer, I want to be re- next most favorite was the frst “There were huge turnouts for membered as one of the tough- 400 I raced, the frst four-stroke in a long time, but then at one- er guys. When it got down to 2003. I won maybe eight or nine point things kind of dropped being really tough, I was one of rounds that year, and that was my of for the series. We started to those guys who gave it my best. frst full season on a four-stroke. see fewer people and I think the The gnarlier it is, the better and It was a super fun bike to ride. format kind of became stale and harder I ride.” kind of shaky. The format was that day; because that was the thinking how fast he was. I end- went to winning championships all about time keeping and the frst time I had that feeling of ed up winning there, and that and from there it just took of. fastest guys weren’t necessarily winning a national. Just two was unbelievable for me. All of “I had a few rough times, but winning and a lot of people got years before I was thinking I a sudden we were in the points I couldn’t have better people turned of by that. There were didn’t even belong on the same lead and I remember Al (Alan than Alan and Melissa Randt fewer people coming and less track as these guys. Randt) telling me we could win helping me out,” admits Laferty. support from the factories. “After I won my frst race, it the whole thing, we could win a “We would struggle and they “But things have turned back just snowballed. I wanted to championship, but I remember would tell me, ‘just ride your dirt around, and the series is the win some more. After Georgia, I wasn’t even thinking about bike, that’s all it takes.’ Once all place to be again. Look at the I think we went to Texas, and Ty championships, I just wanted to that started and I had the right last two guys to win the title Davis was there, and he could win the next race.” people around me and I was (Charlie Mullins and Stu Baylor), win anywhere. I remember From winning races, Laferty hungry to win, then all I wanted I don’t think they ever imagined

T&E News P 64 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 65 A look back at the 2013 ISDE in Italy Photos by Shan Moore

T&E News P 64 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 65 A look back at the 2013 ISDE in Italy Photos by Shan Moore

T&E News P 66 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 67 Sardinia Covering last year’s ISDE in Sardinia, Italy, for Dirt Rider magazine and Cycle News, I literally shot over 8,000 images, and only a few of them made it to print or on the Internet. So here are a few of my favorites that never saw the light of day. –Shan Moore Thad DuVall heads towards the frst technical check on Day Two. Photos by Shan Moore

T&E News P 66 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 67 Sardinia Covering last year’s ISDE in Sardinia, Italy, for Dirt Rider magazine and Cycle News, I literally shot over 8,000 images, and only a few of them made it to print or on the Internet. So here are a few of my favorites that never saw the light of day. –Shan Moore Thad DuVall heads towards the frst technical check on Day Two. Photos by Shan Moore

T&E News P 68 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 69 R.I.P. Kurt Caselli Always quick to fash a smile, Kurt Caselli was extremely telented on a dirt bike and equally at home in many genres of racing, including desert racing, WORCS, and his new endeavor, rally racing. However, he had a special love for ISDE, and he was generally recognized as one of the leaders of the U.S. efort. Caselli mentored the new members of the team each year, and he was particularly pleased with the U.S. Trophy Team’s runner-up fnish this year in Sardinia, saying “I’ve been doing this a long time so it’s good to have some rewards.” Last November, the factory KTM rider succumbed to injuries he sufered while competing in the SCORE Tecate Baja 1000 in Baja California, Mexico. Godspeed, Kurt.

T&E News P 68 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 69 R.I.P. Kurt Caselli Always quick to fash a smile, Kurt Caselli was extremely telented on a dirt bike and equally at home in many genres of racing, including desert racing, WORCS, and his new endeavor, rally racing. However, he had a special love for ISDE, and he was generally recognized as one of the leaders of the U.S. efort. Caselli mentored the new members of the team each year, and he was particularly pleased with the U.S. Trophy Team’s runner-up fnish this year in Sardinia, saying “I’ve been doing this a long time so it’s good to have some rewards.” Last November, the factory KTM rider succumbed to injuries he sufered while competing in the SCORE Tecate Baja 1000 in Baja California, Mexico. Godspeed, Kurt.

T&E News P 70 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 71 (CLockwise from top left) Kurt Caselli, Taylor Robert, Thad DuVall, Mike Brown, Charlie Mullins and Zach Osborne rep- resented the Stars & Stripes on the U.S. World Trophy Team. This year's Trophy Team, best we have available. We had cross, or practicing motocross. made up of Kurt Caselli, Mike some great individual eforts, as Not that we will replace the Brown, Taylor Robert, Charlie well, with Taylor Robert taking entire team with motocrossers, Mullins, Thad DuVall and Zach top American honors.” that’s not the idea, but Zach has Osborne, was relatively young, Kallonen was especially been very interested and moti- Photos Shan Moore with Zach Osborne making pleased with Osborne’s efort, vated to race of-road. He was interested last year, but I didn’t his frst apperance at Six Days, after the GEICO Honda rider while Charlie Mullins, and Thad have enough proof to have him fnished sixth in the fnal E1 Progress On Six Days DuVall both competed for the standings and won the E1 fnal on the team, so I told him to go race GNCC and show that you motocross test. frst time at last year’s event in “Zach was phenomenal,” said can handle it and he came to Germany. a couple of GNCC races early Kallonen. “I was very impressed And while a few rookie mis- takes were made, Kallonen was confdent that those would not with how seriously he was this year and he’s proven to be a good of-road racer. I think taking it and I think he was a Antti Kallonen weighs in be an issue in the future. good ft for the team. I was very with his motivation to improve himself as an of-road racer will surprised and proud of him. “We’ve made good progress from last year to this year, and “I recruited Zach just for the carry him far in this type of rac- n his second year as team manager for the US ISDE efort, Antti Kallonen (inset) was extremely that’s the goal; every year, to get pure speed. We need pure ing. He just needs to keep down happy with the Trophy Team’s runner-up fnish, saying that he was pleased that everyone contrib- better and better,” said Kallonen. speed. Not to compare to other the mistakes and stay on two Iuted in the overall results and they represented themselves well. “We are better organized now countries, but most of the world wheels. In a 10-minute special “We were a solid second and everyone is pumped about it,” said Kallonen. “It was 1982 when the US and I think right now the riders enduro riders are motocrossers, test every corner counts; there last fnished this well, so this was long overdue and this is a good stepping stone for the future. Now we have on the Junior Trophy and you need the pure sprint is no room for mistakes.” n there is just one more step to go.” and World Trophy teams are the speed that comes from moto-

T&E News P 70 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 71 (CLockwise from top left) Kurt Caselli, Taylor Robert, Thad DuVall, Mike Brown, Charlie Mullins and Zach Osborne rep- resented the Stars & Stripes on the U.S. World Trophy Team. This year's Trophy Team, best we have available. We had cross, or practicing motocross. made up of Kurt Caselli, Mike some great individual eforts, as Not that we will replace the Brown, Taylor Robert, Charlie well, with Taylor Robert taking entire team with motocrossers, Mullins, Thad DuVall and Zach top American honors.” that’s not the idea, but Zach has Osborne, was relatively young, Kallonen was especially been very interested and moti- Photos Shan Moore with Zach Osborne making pleased with Osborne’s efort, vated to race of-road. He was interested last year, but I didn’t his frst apperance at Six Days, after the GEICO Honda rider while Charlie Mullins, and Thad have enough proof to have him fnished sixth in the fnal E1 Progress On Six Days DuVall both competed for the standings and won the E1 fnal on the team, so I told him to go race GNCC and show that you motocross test. frst time at last year’s event in “Zach was phenomenal,” said can handle it and he came to Germany. a couple of GNCC races early Kallonen. “I was very impressed And while a few rookie mis- takes were made, Kallonen was confdent that those would not with how seriously he was this year and he’s proven to be a good of-road racer. I think taking it and I think he was a Antti Kallonen weighs in be an issue in the future. good ft for the team. I was very with his motivation to improve himself as an of-road racer will surprised and proud of him. “We’ve made good progress from last year to this year, and “I recruited Zach just for the carry him far in this type of rac- n his second year as team manager for the US ISDE efort, Antti Kallonen (inset) was extremely that’s the goal; every year, to get pure speed. We need pure ing. He just needs to keep down happy with the Trophy Team’s runner-up fnish, saying that he was pleased that everyone contrib- better and better,” said Kallonen. speed. Not to compare to other the mistakes and stay on two Iuted in the overall results and they represented themselves well. “We are better organized now countries, but most of the world wheels. In a 10-minute special “We were a solid second and everyone is pumped about it,” said Kallonen. “It was 1982 when the US and I think right now the riders enduro riders are motocrossers, test every corner counts; there last fnished this well, so this was long overdue and this is a good stepping stone for the future. Now we have on the Junior Trophy and you need the pure sprint is no room for mistakes.” n there is just one more step to go.” and World Trophy teams are the speed that comes from moto-

T&E News P 72 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 73 Nick Fahringer makes time through a small Italian village. Fahringer and his Team Wellard teammates fnished second in the Club Team division. Photo Shan Moore

T&E News P 72 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 73 Nick Fahringer makes time through a small Italian village. Fahringer and his Team Wellard teammates fnished second in the Club Team division. Photo Shan Moore

T&E News P 74 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 75 Nick Fahringer makes fnal preparations before impounding his bike on Saturday. Taylor Robert was top American, fnishing ffth in the fnal E2 standings Antone Meo was the overall winner at this year’s event, and he helped lead the French team to the Team victory. Photos Shan Moore Zach Osborne heads to the frst technical check on Day Two. The GEICO Honda Supercross star fnished sixth in the fnal E1 standings.

T&E News P 74 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 75 Nick Fahringer makes fnal preparations before impounding his bike on Saturday. Taylor Robert was top American, fnishing ffth in the fnal E2 standings Antone Meo was the overall winner at this year’s event, and he helped lead the French team to the Team victory. Photos Shan Moore Zach Osborne heads to the frst technical check on Day Two. The GEICO Honda Supercross star fnished sixth in the fnal E1 standings.

T&E News P 76 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 77 Mike Brown heads down a steep downhill during a spe- cial test on Day Four while one of the jagged Sardinia moun- tains juts upward in the back- ground. Brownie was third in the fnal E1 standings. Grant Baylor exits a turn in Jesse Groem makes a quick tire Day Four’s undulating and change at the end of Day One hilly third special test. with the assistance of his mechanic Ryan Slagle. Change, Change, Change Riding gnarly trail for six long days isn’t the only obstacle facing ISDE participants. There’s also the work period at the end of each day where riders are required to do their own repairs and bike maintenance while the clock is ticking. Here’s a video of U.S. Junior Trophy Team rider Jesse Groemm doing a rear tire change in around three minutes.

T&E News P 76 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 77 Mike Brown heads down a steep downhill during a spe- cial test on Day Four while one of the jagged Sardinia moun- tains juts upward in the back- ground. Brownie was third in the fnal E1 standings. Grant Baylor exits a turn in Jesse Groem makes a quick tire Day Four’s undulating and change at the end of Day One hilly third special test. with the assistance of his mechanic Ryan Slagle. Change, Change, Change Riding gnarly trail for six long days isn’t the only obstacle facing ISDE participants. There’s also the work period at the end of each day where riders are required to do their own repairs and bike maintenance while the clock is ticking. Here’s a video of U.S. Junior Trophy Team rider Jesse Groemm doing a rear tire change in around three minutes.

T&E News P 78 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 79 TESTED the 249cc power plant instantly 2014 Beta 250 RR fres to life, a reminder of how 2014 Beta 250 RR quick combustion occurs with- out the overhead drag of cams First Impression of the Italian 2-Stroke and valves inherent in the four- stroke confguration. A diferentiating characteristic of the Beta line-up is that one doesn’t have to be an Austrian- born giant to feel comfortable on the bike. The 250 RR has a seat height of 36.6 inches, about an inch closer to the ground than similar bikes in its class. This allows for extra outrigger capability when the terrain devolves into Hard Enduro nastiness. The seat is hard, but it comfortable on long rides, which are easier to take now that the tank capacity has been increased 25-percent to 2.5 gal- lons. The ft and fnish of bodywork and bar-mounted controls is top-notch with a natural and ergonomic feel that is neutral and at the ready, which con- trasts with Beta of-roaders from years past that seemed to be an amalgamation of parts and ac- cessories. The quick-release seat By Jess McKinley serious about winning in the moto enthusiasts and much of and tool-less air flter mainte- Photos by Don Williams dirt, the Europeans have shown the attention has been directed nance are nice Italian touches, us that if you want to win when toward the Beta 250 RR two- and accentuates the fact that Motorcycle riding keeps us the going gets nasty, a light- stroke. the 2014 Beta 250 RR is highly young, and longevity is im- weight quick-revving two- Cosmetically, the bright red refned machine. portant because, among other stroke is an excellent choice. Italian machine is a real head- Out on the trial the 2014 Beta things, it allows us to bear wit- It’s clear that the era of the turner and generates more than 250 RR feels svelte and super ness to history repeating itself two-stroke Renaissance is its share of inquisitive com- light. The claimed dry weight over and over. Just when we ofcially underway, and Ital- ments and smart-phone pho- of 223 pounds seems a bit thought that the four-stroke ian manufacturer Beta, better tography on pit row; however, incredulous for an of-roader revolution lead by the Japanese known in the world of observed this machine is designed for equipped with electric start and manufacturers was the only trials, is quickly making a name serious of-road competition. A headlight, but the balanced game in town for those riders for itself by catering to of-road quick push of the e-button and 50/50 front-to-rear bias gives

T&E News P 78 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 79 TESTED the 249cc power plant instantly 2014 Beta 250 RR fres to life, a reminder of how 2014 Beta 250 RR quick combustion occurs with- out the overhead drag of cams First Impression of the Italian 2-Stroke and valves inherent in the four- stroke confguration. A diferentiating characteristic of the Beta line-up is that one doesn’t have to be an Austrian- born giant to feel comfortable on the bike. The 250 RR has a seat height of 36.6 inches, about an inch closer to the ground than similar bikes in its class. This allows for extra outrigger capability when the terrain devolves into Hard Enduro nastiness. The seat is hard, but it comfortable on long rides, which are easier to take now that the tank capacity has been increased 25-percent to 2.5 gal- lons. The ft and fnish of bodywork and bar-mounted controls is top-notch with a natural and ergonomic feel that is neutral and at the ready, which con- trasts with Beta of-roaders from years past that seemed to be an amalgamation of parts and ac- cessories. The quick-release seat By Jess McKinley serious about winning in the moto enthusiasts and much of and tool-less air flter mainte- Photos by Don Williams dirt, the Europeans have shown the attention has been directed nance are nice Italian touches, us that if you want to win when toward the Beta 250 RR two- and accentuates the fact that Motorcycle riding keeps us the going gets nasty, a light- stroke. the 2014 Beta 250 RR is highly young, and longevity is im- weight quick-revving two- Cosmetically, the bright red refned machine. portant because, among other stroke is an excellent choice. Italian machine is a real head- Out on the trial the 2014 Beta things, it allows us to bear wit- It’s clear that the era of the turner and generates more than 250 RR feels svelte and super ness to history repeating itself two-stroke Renaissance is its share of inquisitive com- light. The claimed dry weight over and over. Just when we ofcially underway, and Ital- ments and smart-phone pho- of 223 pounds seems a bit thought that the four-stroke ian manufacturer Beta, better tography on pit row; however, incredulous for an of-roader revolution lead by the Japanese known in the world of observed this machine is designed for equipped with electric start and manufacturers was the only trials, is quickly making a name serious of-road competition. A headlight, but the balanced game in town for those riders for itself by catering to of-road quick push of the e-button and 50/50 front-to-rear bias gives

T&E News P 80 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 81 the Beta 250 RR a true feather- weight feel. 2014 BETA 250RR SPECS Skimming through deep and snaking sand washes is thrilling ENGINE exercise in levitation as quick Type: Beta-Built liquid-cooled, fick of the clutch is all that is single-cylinder 2-stroke needed for 250 RR to roar to life Bore x stroke: 66.4mm x 72mm and foat across the top of the Displacement: 249cc Compression ratio: 12.8:1 sand with seemingly little drag. Exhaust valve: Beta Progressive Valve With the throttle thwacked wide Ignition: AC-CDI Kokusan open, the front-end skips across Spark plug: NGK BR7ES the top of the whoops while the Starting: Electric w/ back-up kickstarter rear wheel buzz-saws through Lubrication: Premix anything in its path. I wasn’t a Carburetor: Keihin PXK 36mm fan of the FIM-spec Michelin En- power valve that is tuned for ple of highly evolved functional- Clutch: Wet multi-disc duro Competition tires, but that increased low rpm power, as ity working together harmoni- Transmission: 6-speed is an easily fxed problem. well as a smoother transition as ously. Is this the perfect 2-stroke Final drive: O-ring chain Transitioning to the strong revs increase—it works. of-roader? My frst impression Frame: Molybdenum steel/ double cradle w/quick air flter access Nissin four-piston binders at Straight lines are the preferred is highly positive. I think the near top speed, the Beta 250 RR approach to get over nasty addition of handguards and SUSPENSION remains fairly planted with only obstacles, while weighting and an USFS-legal spark arrestor (it Front type/travel: 48 mm Sachs minimal headshake through un-weighting the suspension to would have allowed me to ride USD fork, adjustable compression and choppy deceleration bumps, hop over rocky steps and ledges on public lands legally) would rebound, TFX technology/11.4 inches which saves arm and grip avoids the defection common complete my personal recipe for Rear type/travel: Aluminum body Sachs strength as is great news for rid- with two-strokes when a less two-stroke bliss. shock w/adjustable rebound and hi/low speed ers who sufer from arm pump. than perpendicular approach is By the way, that’s where the compression/11.4 inches Weighting the foot pegs, and taken. American Beta’s innovative steering with the rear end of the The Sachs suspension is BYOB (Build Your Own Beta) BRAKES Front: Nissan 4-piston w/ bike, works well for maneuver- pleasantly frmer than in years program comes in to play. It 260mm foating wave rotor ing at high speeds and setting past, and provides a great com- ensures that all of the necessary Rear: Nissan 2-piston w/ up for big sweepers. Still, the promise between slow-speed accoutrements are installed 240mm wave rotor Beta really shines when the ter- compliance and high speed care before the bike leaves the Tires: Michelin Enduro Competition rain tightens up and the speeds bottoming resistance. The 250 dealer foor. But, one thing is Wheelbase: 58.3 inches slow down. RR rides a bit high in the stroke for sure, the 2014 Beta 250 RR Seat Height: 36.6 inches Tight, twisty single track beck- and the stock compression and is an easy-to-ride Italian surgi- Ground Clearance: 12.6 inches ons for the trials pedigree of the rebound settings work well to cal 2-stroke of-road weapon Steering rake/ofset: 27 degrees/20mm Beta, and the 250 RR answers keep the suspension from pack- designed to devour obstacles Claimed dry weight: 223 pounds with precise clutch actuation ing up over successive bumps. and look good doing it. n Fuel capacity: 2.5 gallons Warranty: 6 month Limited Warranty and near perfect aspiration from The chassis has been softened MSRP: $7999 the Keihin PXK 36 carburetor. up a bit so the rider doesn’t take The power is controllable, no additional abuse. Helmet: Bell Moto-9 IMPORTER WEBSITE: doubt due to the undersquare Ironically, despite the fact that Googgles: Scott Optics– confguration of the combus- the Beta 250 RR is not showcas- Jersey and pants: Axo Keith Haring tion chamber. Additionally, the ing any groundbreaking new Gloves: Axo Padlock 250 RR is equipped with a new technology, it’s a frst-rate exam- Boots: Sidi Crossfre

T&E News P 80 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 81 the Beta 250 RR a true feather- weight feel. 2014 BETA 250RR SPECS Skimming through deep and snaking sand washes is thrilling ENGINE exercise in levitation as quick Type: Beta-Built liquid-cooled, fick of the clutch is all that is single-cylinder 2-stroke needed for 250 RR to roar to life Bore x stroke: 66.4mm x 72mm and foat across the top of the Displacement: 249cc Compression ratio: 12.8:1 sand with seemingly little drag. Exhaust valve: Beta Progressive Valve With the throttle thwacked wide Ignition: AC-CDI Kokusan open, the front-end skips across Spark plug: NGK BR7ES the top of the whoops while the Starting: Electric w/ back-up kickstarter rear wheel buzz-saws through Lubrication: Premix anything in its path. I wasn’t a Carburetor: Keihin PXK 36mm fan of the FIM-spec Michelin En- power valve that is tuned for ple of highly evolved functional- Clutch: Wet multi-disc duro Competition tires, but that increased low rpm power, as ity working together harmoni- Transmission: 6-speed is an easily fxed problem. well as a smoother transition as ously. Is this the perfect 2-stroke Final drive: O-ring chain Transitioning to the strong revs increase—it works. of-roader? My frst impression Frame: Molybdenum steel/ double cradle w/quick air flter access Nissin four-piston binders at Straight lines are the preferred is highly positive. I think the near top speed, the Beta 250 RR approach to get over nasty addition of handguards and SUSPENSION remains fairly planted with only obstacles, while weighting and an USFS-legal spark arrestor (it Front type/travel: 48 mm Sachs minimal headshake through un-weighting the suspension to would have allowed me to ride USD fork, adjustable compression and choppy deceleration bumps, hop over rocky steps and ledges on public lands legally) would rebound, TFX technology/11.4 inches which saves arm and grip avoids the defection common complete my personal recipe for Rear type/travel: Aluminum body Sachs strength as is great news for rid- with two-strokes when a less two-stroke bliss. shock w/adjustable rebound and hi/low speed ers who sufer from arm pump. than perpendicular approach is By the way, that’s where the compression/11.4 inches Weighting the foot pegs, and taken. American Beta’s innovative steering with the rear end of the The Sachs suspension is BYOB (Build Your Own Beta) BRAKES Front: Nissan 4-piston w/ bike, works well for maneuver- pleasantly frmer than in years program comes in to play. It 260mm foating wave rotor ing at high speeds and setting past, and provides a great com- ensures that all of the necessary Rear: Nissan 2-piston w/ up for big sweepers. Still, the promise between slow-speed accoutrements are installed 240mm wave rotor Beta really shines when the ter- compliance and high speed care before the bike leaves the Tires: Michelin Enduro Competition rain tightens up and the speeds bottoming resistance. The 250 dealer foor. But, one thing is Wheelbase: 58.3 inches slow down. RR rides a bit high in the stroke for sure, the 2014 Beta 250 RR Seat Height: 36.6 inches Tight, twisty single track beck- and the stock compression and is an easy-to-ride Italian surgi- Ground Clearance: 12.6 inches ons for the trials pedigree of the rebound settings work well to cal 2-stroke of-road weapon Steering rake/ofset: 27 degrees/20mm Beta, and the 250 RR answers keep the suspension from pack- designed to devour obstacles Claimed dry weight: 223 pounds with precise clutch actuation ing up over successive bumps. and look good doing it. n Fuel capacity: 2.5 gallons Warranty: 6 month Limited Warranty and near perfect aspiration from The chassis has been softened MSRP: $7999 the Keihin PXK 36 carburetor. up a bit so the rider doesn’t take The power is controllable, no additional abuse. Helmet: Bell Moto-9 IMPORTER WEBSITE: doubt due to the undersquare Ironically, despite the fact that Googgles: Scott Optics– confguration of the combus- the Beta 250 RR is not showcas- Jersey and pants: Axo Keith Haring tion chamber. Additionally, the ing any groundbreaking new Gloves: Axo Padlock 250 RR is equipped with a new technology, it’s a frst-rate exam- Boots: Sidi Crossfre

T&E News P 82 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 83 Kyle Rdemond led a few laps of the second Taddy Opens With A Win main event at the FIM World SuperEnduro Series in Liverpool, England. FIM World SuperEnduro Series: Round 1 Photos Courtesy Nuno Laranjeira and Jonty Edmunds/KTM Images From Media Reports Fresh of of a big win at the Boise, Idaho, round of the AMA EnduroCross series, Taddy Blazusiak swept all three main events en route to a perfect start to his title defense at the opening round of the 2014 FIM SuperEnduro World Championships in Liverpool, Eng- land. The KTM Enduro Factory Team rider also topped the Super Pole qualifcation session at the start of the evening, completing his domination of the race, which was held before a packed house in Echo Arena.

T&E News P 82 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 83 Kyle Rdemond led a few laps of the second Taddy Opens With A Win main event at the FIM World SuperEnduro Series in Liverpool, England. FIM World SuperEnduro Series: Round 1 Photos Courtesy Nuno Laranjeira and Jonty Edmunds/KTM Images From Media Reports Fresh of of a big win at the Boise, Idaho, round of the AMA EnduroCross series, Taddy Blazusiak swept all three main events en route to a perfect start to his title defense at the opening round of the 2014 FIM SuperEnduro World Championships in Liverpool, Eng- land. The KTM Enduro Factory Team rider also topped the Super Pole qualifcation session at the start of the evening, completing his domination of the race, which was held before a packed house in Echo Arena.

T&E News P 84 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 85 be extremely important and tonight they didn’t let me down. I holeshot the frst and last races and once out front I was pretty comfortable setting the pace. In Final #2 I somehow managed to fnd a few clear lines and get to the front of the pack. I got into the lead with about two laps to go and was able to win. Overall, I’m really happy with how I rode tonight.” Second overall for the evening went to Knight, who fnished second, ffth and second in the three races, while third overall went to factory Husaberg rider Dani Gibert, who went third, second, seventh in the three races. Ricky Dietrich, who fnshed 15th, is part of the RPM Racing Team Fourth overall was Gomez, that will be contesting the SuperEnduro series. The rest of the team who made his debut ride includes Louise Forsley (for the Women’s Rounds), Kyle Redmond, and aboard the new Husqvarna a Kevin Rookstool. solid one. Recently returned Second place went to newly Kyle Redmond grabbed the Blazusiak avoided trouble and from his busy schedule of Hard of the night in Final #3 by plac- enough. I defnitely learned a lot signed Sherco rider David holeshot to start Final #2, which eased his way to a third victory Enduro, the Spaniard felt a little ing third. and I am looking forward to the Knight, while factory Husaberg’s was started in reverse order over Knight and KTM’s Jonny underprepared but quickly Redmond fnished of the rest of the series” Dani Gibert rounded out the from the frst race. Redmond led walker. got up to speed. Fourteenth night in eighth overall. The Cali- Meanwhile, FMF/RPM/KTM podium in third. the frst two laps before losing Securing maximum points – in qualifcation, Gomez rapidly fornian was eighth in the frst Team Maxxis’ Louise Forsley was As a result of winning Super ground and dropping to fourth including an additional three improved to place ffth in Final main, fourth in the second main, sixth the Women’s class main Pole, Blazusiak was rewarded at the fnish. points for topping the Super #1. Beneftting from a front row and 12th in third main event event. with the frst pick for the start of In the meantime, after start- Pole – Blazusiak left Liverpool start for Final #2, the Bel-Ray after a crash early on in the race. Results: the frst fnal of the evening and ing on the outside of the second with an 18-point advantage Husqvarna Enduro Factory rider Redmond’s teammate Kevin 1. Taddy Blazusiak (KTM); 2. the Polish of-road superstar row, Blazusiak worked his way over his nearest rival. ended it in third. Fifth in the Rookstool fnished 12th over- David Knight (Shr); 3. Daniel took full advantage by grab- inside the top three by the mid- “It’s been an incredible start to third and fnal race of the night all. And Dietrich, who was not Gibert (Hsb); 4. Alfredo Gomez bing the all-important holeshot way point of the race. Hunting the SuperEnduro championship ensured Gomez fourth overall at already seeded on the starting (Hsq); 5. Cody Webb (Bet); 6. before pulling away to a com- down race leader Dani Gibert, for me,” said Blazusiak. “Winning round one. grid, went through the qualifers Jonny Walker (KTM); 7. Joakim fortable victory ahead of Knight. Blazusiak made a pass stick all three races and also topping Cody Webb was ffth, by virtue to the main events and fnished Ljunggren (Hsb); 8. Kyle Red- Knight took the lead briefy on the next-to-last lap to take the Super Pole has been better of a fourth in the frst main and 15th overall. mond (KTM); 9. Daniel McKan- during the early part of the race, his second win of the evening. than I expected. In practice I a pair of sixth place fnishes in “It was a great experience,” ney (KTM); 10. Mario Roman although Blazusiak was quick to Gibert was second, with Bel-Ray was worried about my results as the next two races. said Rookstool. “The track was (Hsb); 11. Ivan Cervantes (KTM); regain the lead and the win over Husqvarna’s Alfredo Gomez in I struggled to fnd a good setup. Joakim Ljunggren ended his really difcult but still a lot of 12. Kyle Rookstool (KTM); 13. the Sherco rider with Gibert third. The course was very techni- night sixth. Competing on the fun. The KTM Farioli Team was Andreas Lettenbichler (KTM); fnishing in third. Taking the holeshot in the cal and difcult to fnd a good FE 250 for the frst time, the great to work with and helped 14. Tom Sagar (KTM); 15. Ricky FMF/RPM/KTM Team Maxxis’ third and fnal race of the night, line on. I knew my starts would Swede delivered his best result us out a ton. I can’t thank them Dietrich (KTM). n

T&E News P 84 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 85 be extremely important and tonight they didn’t let me down. I holeshot the frst and last races and once out front I was pretty comfortable setting the pace. In Final #2 I somehow managed to fnd a few clear lines and get to the front of the pack. I got into the lead with about two laps to go and was able to win. Overall, I’m really happy with how I rode tonight.” Second overall for the evening went to Knight, who fnished second, ffth and second in the three races, while third overall went to factory Husaberg rider Dani Gibert, who went third, second, seventh in the three races. Ricky Dietrich, who fnshed 15th, is part of the RPM Racing Team Fourth overall was Gomez, that will be contesting the SuperEnduro series. The rest of the team who made his debut ride includes Louise Forsley (for the Women’s Rounds), Kyle Redmond, and aboard the new Husqvarna a Kevin Rookstool. solid one. Recently returned Second place went to newly Kyle Redmond grabbed the Blazusiak avoided trouble and from his busy schedule of Hard of the night in Final #3 by plac- enough. I defnitely learned a lot signed Sherco rider David holeshot to start Final #2, which eased his way to a third victory Enduro, the Spaniard felt a little ing third. and I am looking forward to the Knight, while factory Husaberg’s was started in reverse order over Knight and KTM’s Jonny underprepared but quickly Redmond fnished of the rest of the series” Dani Gibert rounded out the from the frst race. Redmond led walker. got up to speed. Fourteenth night in eighth overall. The Cali- Meanwhile, FMF/RPM/KTM podium in third. the frst two laps before losing Securing maximum points – in qualifcation, Gomez rapidly fornian was eighth in the frst Team Maxxis’ Louise Forsley was As a result of winning Super ground and dropping to fourth including an additional three improved to place ffth in Final main, fourth in the second main, sixth the Women’s class main Pole, Blazusiak was rewarded at the fnish. points for topping the Super #1. Beneftting from a front row and 12th in third main event event. with the frst pick for the start of In the meantime, after start- Pole – Blazusiak left Liverpool start for Final #2, the Bel-Ray after a crash early on in the race. Results: the frst fnal of the evening and ing on the outside of the second with an 18-point advantage Husqvarna Enduro Factory rider Redmond’s teammate Kevin 1. Taddy Blazusiak (KTM); 2. the Polish of-road superstar row, Blazusiak worked his way over his nearest rival. ended it in third. Fifth in the Rookstool fnished 12th over- David Knight (Shr); 3. Daniel took full advantage by grab- inside the top three by the mid- “It’s been an incredible start to third and fnal race of the night all. And Dietrich, who was not Gibert (Hsb); 4. Alfredo Gomez bing the all-important holeshot way point of the race. Hunting the SuperEnduro championship ensured Gomez fourth overall at already seeded on the starting (Hsq); 5. Cody Webb (Bet); 6. before pulling away to a com- down race leader Dani Gibert, for me,” said Blazusiak. “Winning round one. grid, went through the qualifers Jonny Walker (KTM); 7. Joakim fortable victory ahead of Knight. Blazusiak made a pass stick all three races and also topping Cody Webb was ffth, by virtue to the main events and fnished Ljunggren (Hsb); 8. Kyle Red- Knight took the lead briefy on the next-to-last lap to take the Super Pole has been better of a fourth in the frst main and 15th overall. mond (KTM); 9. Daniel McKan- during the early part of the race, his second win of the evening. than I expected. In practice I a pair of sixth place fnishes in “It was a great experience,” ney (KTM); 10. Mario Roman although Blazusiak was quick to Gibert was second, with Bel-Ray was worried about my results as the next two races. said Rookstool. “The track was (Hsb); 11. Ivan Cervantes (KTM); regain the lead and the win over Husqvarna’s Alfredo Gomez in I struggled to fnd a good setup. Joakim Ljunggren ended his really difcult but still a lot of 12. Kyle Rookstool (KTM); 13. the Sherco rider with Gibert third. The course was very techni- night sixth. Competing on the fun. The KTM Farioli Team was Andreas Lettenbichler (KTM); fnishing in third. Taking the holeshot in the cal and difcult to fnd a good FE 250 for the frst time, the great to work with and helped 14. Tom Sagar (KTM); 15. Ricky FMF/RPM/KTM Team Maxxis’ third and fnal race of the night, line on. I knew my starts would Swede delivered his best result us out a ton. I can’t thank them Dietrich (KTM). n

TRIAL TRAINING CENTER T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 87 TRIAL TRAINING CENTER AUTOPSY 423-942-8688 ALIEN • Train With A Pro! 2014 Schedule Expert instruction by top national riders A GEARHEAD’S GUIDE TO THE TRICKEST BIKES! • Riding Park • Trials Training Days – March 29/30 Train on our 650 acre Mountain Resort • Spring Splash – TBD Beautiful trails, streams and vistas • NATC National – June 28/29 • Family Camp: July 1 through July 4 • Lodging, Cabin Rentals, RV sites and Tent sites • AMA/NATC Youth National & Women’s Open: July 4,5,6 • Full Service Motorcycle Head- • Bicycle Trials: North American Trials quarters Series (NATS) – July 6 We sell Gas Gas, Sherco, Beta, Montesa & Scorpa • Tennessee Knockout Extreme Enduro – August 16/17 Come For Year-Round Training. • The Fall 58K – October – TBD We Ride All Year Long! CODY WEBB’S BETA 300 RR BRP chain guide, RAD hubs, and pression to get a little bit more Excel A60 heavy-duty spokes. pop. Webb also uses a Rekluse The 2013 Beta 300 RR that Stillwell told us the suspen- manual clutch. In addition, Cody Webb rode to victory at sion settings for the TKO race Posey Racing completely goes last year’s Tennessee Knockout are completely diferent from through the engine. held at the Trials Training Center Cody’s EnduroCross suspension Miscellaneous items include was prepped and modifed by settings. “I do a one-of setting ARC levers, FMF exhaust, Motul Stillwell Performance in Phoe- on the forks for the TKO, and fuids, HBD Graphics, DP Brakes, nix, Arizona. According to Alan a one-of setting on the FOX Dirt Tricks sprockets and rotors, Stillwell, the main objective was shock,” says Stillwell. and Fastway foot pegs and hand making sure the bike survived It’s intersting to note that the guards. the race, which is one of the forks are comprised of Ohlins Last but not least, a factory toughest in the country. Some cartridges in the stock Beta Dunlop “gummy” rear tire, and a of the protective items used to tubes. Dunlop MX51 front tire, com- accomplish that feat included As far as motor settings, plete the mods. n a heavy-duty Hyde skid plate, Stillwell bumps up the com-

TRIAL TRAINING CENTER T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 87 TRIAL TRAINING CENTER AUTOPSY 423-942-8688 ALIEN • Train With A Pro! 2014 Schedule Expert instruction by top national riders A GEARHEAD’S GUIDE TO THE TRICKEST BIKES! • Riding Park • Trials Training Days – March 29/30 Train on our 650 acre Mountain Resort • Spring Splash – TBD Beautiful trails, streams and vistas • NATC National – June 28/29 • Family Camp: July 1 through July 4 • Lodging, Cabin Rentals, RV sites and Tent sites • AMA/NATC Youth National & Women’s Open: July 4,5,6 • Full Service Motorcycle Head- • Bicycle Trials: North American Trials quarters Series (NATS) – July 6 We sell Gas Gas, Sherco, Beta, Montesa & Scorpa • Tennessee Knockout Extreme Enduro – August 16/17 Come For Year-Round Training. • The Fall 58K – October – TBD We Ride All Year Long! CODY WEBB’S BETA 300 RR BRP chain guide, RAD hubs, and pression to get a little bit more Excel A60 heavy-duty spokes. pop. Webb also uses a Rekluse The 2013 Beta 300 RR that Stillwell told us the suspen- manual clutch. In addition, Cody Webb rode to victory at sion settings for the TKO race Posey Racing completely goes last year’s Tennessee Knockout are completely diferent from through the engine. held at the Trials Training Center Cody’s EnduroCross suspension Miscellaneous items include was prepped and modifed by settings. “I do a one-of setting ARC levers, FMF exhaust, Motul Stillwell Performance in Phoe- on the forks for the TKO, and fuids, HBD Graphics, DP Brakes, nix, Arizona. According to Alan a one-of setting on the FOX Dirt Tricks sprockets and rotors, Stillwell, the main objective was shock,” says Stillwell. and Fastway foot pegs and hand making sure the bike survived It’s intersting to note that the guards. the race, which is one of the forks are comprised of Ohlins Last but not least, a factory toughest in the country. Some cartridges in the stock Beta Dunlop “gummy” rear tire, and a of the protective items used to tubes. Dunlop MX51 front tire, com- accomplish that feat included As far as motor settings, plete the mods. n a heavy-duty Hyde skid plate, Stillwell bumps up the com-

T&E News P 88 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 89 Cody’s Webb out because we were defnitely second round in Sacramento, I foot hurting more and more. Apparently I had come back too spent a lot of time training and pushing the limits of our own was so prepared to try and get early and got bone spurs in the abilities on crazy terrain. I had a good start to the Mo- stant nagging pain and possible tunately, the day I was leaving totrial season winning the pres- my frst Endurocross win. Unfor- joint in my foot, causing con- tigious El Trial de Espana and for the race, I had a crash on my arthritis in the future. I decided A bi-monthly column by 2010 MotoTrial having a positive fnish at the practice track and ended up to tough out the rest of the National Champion Cody Webb World Trials Championship at breaking my foot. I was so angry season rather than get surgery because I felt I was at my prime again and be 100% again for the Trials Training Center. I had a great time there with the new and riding my best at this point. 2014. non-stop rule and it ft right in I had surgery as soon as pos- My training was limited to with all the endurocross training sible and was back at training solely being on my road bike I had been doing as well. before I could even walk. I was and riding both moto and endu- The International X Games so ready to get back on the bike rocross tracks. I toughed out the was a success as well and it was and get back to what I loved rest of the year and decided to amazing to be a part of such most. I missed nearly the whole give it my all and use my results a huge media related event Mototrials series, the Germany as motivation for 2014. and visit awesome cities, while round of International X Games, I fgured I had nothing to lose spending time with fellow and came back two weeks early after what happened earlier friends and competitors. to ride the fnal X Games in LA. in the season and that worked I had a great result in Brazil I had only two days on the in my favor. Not only did I get with my frst ride on the two bike prior to X Games and had my frst Endurocross victory, stroke 300RR in Endurocross no idea what to expect. I knew but I won three of the last four competition. I passed for the I was going to be a bit tentative rounds and climbed all the way lead three times before going on the bike, but felt like I had up to third in the series points, down and throwing it all away. the speed to still be up there. only 11 points of frst after The next round was in Barce- I surprised myself with a po- missing a whole race. It was lona at a huge outdoor arena. dium fnish and it felt so great very unfortunate, but I took the The track had a huge layout to come back early to do so broken foot as a learning experi- and massive jumps. Something well while still recovering from ence and motivation. I was not comfortable with, but injury. As for now, I’m fnishing up I made the best of it with a po- I took a few days to recover fnals in school this semester dium fnish. I was in a four-rider after that and raced the Ten- and I’ve been riding with friends battle for the lead before I went nessee Knockout two weeks and having a good time. I’m e are almost to the My year started of with a becoming the frst American down and lost the lead back. later and won that as well. The having surgery again very soon, end of the year and bang with a victory at King of to ever podium at an extreme On the last lap, Taddy Blazusiak following weekend was the fnal but luckily the recovery will Wwhat a crazy one it Motos. Graham Jarvis and I were event outside of the U.S. went down hard where I had round of the Mototrial series be much shorter than my last has been. It has been flled with locked in a battle almost the From there I was busy prep- crashed earlier in the race and and I split wins with Pat Smage injury. I will be back at it in no many ups and one major down. whole race, and it was amazing ping for the national Mototrial I was able to squeeze by for a that weekend. It was amazing time and I’m looking forward As a whole it was an amazing to win an extreme event over series, Endurocross series, and gold medal. to win the frst day considering to being 100% strong for next year and one I’ll never forget. the man who is considered the the International X-Games. I The frst round of the Geico I had ridden trials just two times year and back fghting for two I want to cap of how my year king of extreme enduros. Not also spent a few days flming for Endurocross series resulted with since the world round at TTC. championships. n went as an overview and what long after that I dueled with Moto5 with Kyle Redmond and a fourth, but I was happy with After the Mototrial in Min- I have to look forward to next both Jarvis and Walker at Hell’s Taylor Robert, so make sure you how I rode and it was a good nesota, I went into the doctor season. Gate in Italy all over again, purchase that flm now that it’s start to the season. Prior to the again complaining about my

T&E News P 88 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 89 Cody’s Webb out because we were defnitely second round in Sacramento, I foot hurting more and more. Apparently I had come back too spent a lot of time training and pushing the limits of our own was so prepared to try and get early and got bone spurs in the abilities on crazy terrain. I had a good start to the Mo- stant nagging pain and possible tunately, the day I was leaving totrial season winning the pres- my frst Endurocross win. Unfor- joint in my foot, causing con- tigious El Trial de Espana and for the race, I had a crash on my arthritis in the future. I decided A bi-monthly column by 2010 MotoTrial having a positive fnish at the practice track and ended up to tough out the rest of the National Champion Cody Webb World Trials Championship at breaking my foot. I was so angry season rather than get surgery because I felt I was at my prime again and be 100% again for the Trials Training Center. I had a great time there with the new and riding my best at this point. 2014. non-stop rule and it ft right in I had surgery as soon as pos- My training was limited to with all the endurocross training sible and was back at training solely being on my road bike I had been doing as well. before I could even walk. I was and riding both moto and endu- The International X Games so ready to get back on the bike rocross tracks. I toughed out the was a success as well and it was and get back to what I loved rest of the year and decided to amazing to be a part of such most. I missed nearly the whole give it my all and use my results a huge media related event Mototrials series, the Germany as motivation for 2014. and visit awesome cities, while round of International X Games, I fgured I had nothing to lose spending time with fellow and came back two weeks early after what happened earlier friends and competitors. to ride the fnal X Games in LA. in the season and that worked I had a great result in Brazil I had only two days on the in my favor. Not only did I get with my frst ride on the two bike prior to X Games and had my frst Endurocross victory, stroke 300RR in Endurocross no idea what to expect. I knew but I won three of the last four competition. I passed for the I was going to be a bit tentative rounds and climbed all the way lead three times before going on the bike, but felt like I had up to third in the series points, down and throwing it all away. the speed to still be up there. only 11 points of frst after The next round was in Barce- I surprised myself with a po- missing a whole race. It was lona at a huge outdoor arena. dium fnish and it felt so great very unfortunate, but I took the The track had a huge layout to come back early to do so broken foot as a learning experi- and massive jumps. Something well while still recovering from ence and motivation. I was not comfortable with, but injury. As for now, I’m fnishing up I made the best of it with a po- I took a few days to recover fnals in school this semester dium fnish. I was in a four-rider after that and raced the Ten- and I’ve been riding with friends battle for the lead before I went nessee Knockout two weeks and having a good time. I’m e are almost to the My year started of with a becoming the frst American down and lost the lead back. later and won that as well. The having surgery again very soon, end of the year and bang with a victory at King of to ever podium at an extreme On the last lap, Taddy Blazusiak following weekend was the fnal but luckily the recovery will Wwhat a crazy one it Motos. Graham Jarvis and I were event outside of the U.S. went down hard where I had round of the Mototrial series be much shorter than my last has been. It has been flled with locked in a battle almost the From there I was busy prep- crashed earlier in the race and and I split wins with Pat Smage injury. I will be back at it in no many ups and one major down. whole race, and it was amazing ping for the national Mototrial I was able to squeeze by for a that weekend. It was amazing time and I’m looking forward As a whole it was an amazing to win an extreme event over series, Endurocross series, and gold medal. to win the frst day considering to being 100% strong for next year and one I’ll never forget. the man who is considered the the International X-Games. I The frst round of the Geico I had ridden trials just two times year and back fghting for two I want to cap of how my year king of extreme enduros. Not also spent a few days flming for Endurocross series resulted with since the world round at TTC. championships. n went as an overview and what long after that I dueled with Moto5 with Kyle Redmond and a fourth, but I was happy with After the Mototrial in Min- I have to look forward to next both Jarvis and Walker at Hell’s Taylor Robert, so make sure you how I rode and it was a good nesota, I went into the doctor season. Gate in Italy all over again, purchase that flm now that it’s start to the season. Prior to the again complaining about my

T&E News P 90 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 91 Regional Trials 3. Scott Keller (DNF). Wentzel Tops Trials Inc. Championship Harouf (10); 3. Mark Schwab (12); 4. Steve Young VINTAGE: 1. James Niebrzydo (8); 2. Steven (16); 5. Bob Wentzel (20); 6.Darrell Justice (21); 7. The season championship plaque went to Erik Buzzard (36). Quinn Wentzel. It is also a traveling award that NOVICE: 1. Chuck Spencer (20); 2. Jared Herrel is handed of to someone else. Doug Klein was (24); 3. Ezra Prine (31); 4. David Dellapenna (33); 5. awarded the SPORTMAN OF THE YEAR award for Annmarie Cross (34); 6. Liz Jefries (60). all his dedicated work. YOUTH A: 1. Kayleigh Turovsk (33); 2. Gwen- Our frst trial of 2014 was held at Cable’s Camp dalyn Conley (37); 3. Lucas Conley (46); 4. Eryn in Toronto Ohio on November 10, 2013. We had a Conley (49); 5. William Spring Jr. (59). great turnout of riders with 54 adults and 9 youth YOUTH B: 1. Logan Conley (39); 2. Ricky Spring showing up to ride. The weather was defnitely (47); 3. Michael Ritterbeck (59). chilly and windy but everyone put on an extra layer of clothing and put on quite a show. This Kayleigh Turvosky trial site is the site of the 2012 NATC National of the year. If you have never been there you should come check it out. Karl Davis Jr. As always, Karl Davis Jr., Ryan Young, Andrew Putt, and Quinn Wentzel just to name a few, put Results on quite a show. There was plenty of hills and Quinn Wentzel Toronto, OH rocks to obstacle through. We also had some CHAMP: 1. Karl Davis Jr. (4); 2. Quinn Wentzel new faces as well as some familiar old ones that (27); 3. Andrew Putt (29); 4. Ryan Young (DNF). haven’t ridden in many years. What a great 2013 Toronto, Ohio EXPERT: 1. Jim Zuroske (49); 2. Jef Hursh (62); November 10, 2013 season. We cannot wait to see what’s in store for 3. Chris Zuroske (76); Travis Daniels (79); 5. David 2014. Come out and support the guys or even Story & Photos By Kim Conley Knapp (107). bring your bike and try it for yourself. ADVANCED: 1. Tim Adkin (47); 2. Mike Cross Our 2013 banquet was held at the Best Western (47); 3. Fred Ellis (53); 4. Steve Berry (55); 5. William in Steubenville Ohio. We all had a great meal and Logan Conley Prine (68); 6. Brian Herrel (82); 7. Brian Kooken an all around great time talking with everyone. (88). A special thank you to Royce Klein for all you do SPORTSMAN: 1. Eric Harsanye (48); 2. Daniel throughout the year and getting everything set Berry (51); 3. Paul Barrows (52). up for our awards banquet. Bob Wentzell played INTERMEDIATE: 1. Cary Wagner (25); 2. Richard trivia with us on how well we knew trials for a Sprague (27); 3. Eli Misel (46); 4. Jacob Kintz (54); chance to win a glass mug. 5. Seth Harrell (106). If you ride one less than half of the events and SENIOR A: 1. Joseph Clark (28); 2. Jerry Young work two events, then you receive a plaque with (37); 3. David Nuzum (39); 4. Chris Lohrer (46); 5. your picture and the achievements. Brad Baumert (46); 6. Phil Baumert (61); 7. Steve Brad Baumert presented this year’s MR CLEAN Williams (78); 8. Bryan Putt (113). award to Quinn Wentzell for the most cleans this SENIOR: 1. James Hergenroeder (24); 2. season. Douglas May (33); 3. George Adams Jr. (62); 4. Andrew Putt passed on to Elliot Key the TITA- Ed Rhyshek (65); 5. Ron Catrell (69); 6. Jonathan NIUM TUFF award. It is a traveling award that is Rentschle (DNF). handed of every year to someone else. OPEN: 1. John Hawkins (40); 2. Rick Eskins (44); Bob Wentzel

T&E News P 90 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 91 Regional Trials 3. Scott Keller (DNF). Wentzel Tops Trials Inc. Championship Harouf (10); 3. Mark Schwab (12); 4. Steve Young VINTAGE: 1. James Niebrzydo (8); 2. Steven (16); 5. Bob Wentzel (20); 6.Darrell Justice (21); 7. The season championship plaque went to Erik Buzzard (36). Quinn Wentzel. It is also a traveling award that NOVICE: 1. Chuck Spencer (20); 2. Jared Herrel is handed of to someone else. Doug Klein was (24); 3. Ezra Prine (31); 4. David Dellapenna (33); 5. awarded the SPORTMAN OF THE YEAR award for Annmarie Cross (34); 6. Liz Jefries (60). all his dedicated work. YOUTH A: 1. Kayleigh Turovsk (33); 2. Gwen- Our frst trial of 2014 was held at Cable’s Camp dalyn Conley (37); 3. Lucas Conley (46); 4. Eryn in Toronto Ohio on November 10, 2013. We had a Conley (49); 5. William Spring Jr. (59). great turnout of riders with 54 adults and 9 youth YOUTH B: 1. Logan Conley (39); 2. Ricky Spring showing up to ride. The weather was defnitely (47); 3. Michael Ritterbeck (59). chilly and windy but everyone put on an extra layer of clothing and put on quite a show. This Kayleigh Turvosky trial site is the site of the 2012 NATC National of the year. If you have never been there you should come check it out. Karl Davis Jr. As always, Karl Davis Jr., Ryan Young, Andrew Putt, and Quinn Wentzel just to name a few, put Results on quite a show. There was plenty of hills and Quinn Wentzel Toronto, OH rocks to obstacle through. We also had some CHAMP: 1. Karl Davis Jr. (4); 2. Quinn Wentzel new faces as well as some familiar old ones that (27); 3. Andrew Putt (29); 4. Ryan Young (DNF). haven’t ridden in many years. What a great 2013 Toronto, Ohio EXPERT: 1. Jim Zuroske (49); 2. Jef Hursh (62); November 10, 2013 season. We cannot wait to see what’s in store for 3. Chris Zuroske (76); Travis Daniels (79); 5. David 2014. Come out and support the guys or even Story & Photos By Kim Conley Knapp (107). bring your bike and try it for yourself. ADVANCED: 1. Tim Adkin (47); 2. Mike Cross Our 2013 banquet was held at the Best Western (47); 3. Fred Ellis (53); 4. Steve Berry (55); 5. William in Steubenville Ohio. We all had a great meal and Logan Conley Prine (68); 6. Brian Herrel (82); 7. Brian Kooken an all around great time talking with everyone. (88). A special thank you to Royce Klein for all you do SPORTSMAN: 1. Eric Harsanye (48); 2. Daniel throughout the year and getting everything set Berry (51); 3. Paul Barrows (52). up for our awards banquet. Bob Wentzell played INTERMEDIATE: 1. Cary Wagner (25); 2. Richard trivia with us on how well we knew trials for a Sprague (27); 3. Eli Misel (46); 4. Jacob Kintz (54); chance to win a glass mug. 5. Seth Harrell (106). If you ride one less than half of the events and SENIOR A: 1. Joseph Clark (28); 2. Jerry Young work two events, then you receive a plaque with (37); 3. David Nuzum (39); 4. Chris Lohrer (46); 5. your picture and the achievements. Brad Baumert (46); 6. Phil Baumert (61); 7. Steve Brad Baumert presented this year’s MR CLEAN Williams (78); 8. Bryan Putt (113). award to Quinn Wentzell for the most cleans this SENIOR: 1. James Hergenroeder (24); 2. season. Douglas May (33); 3. George Adams Jr. (62); 4. Andrew Putt passed on to Elliot Key the TITA- Ed Rhyshek (65); 5. Ron Catrell (69); 6. Jonathan NIUM TUFF award. It is a traveling award that is Rentschle (DNF). handed of every year to someone else. OPEN: 1. John Hawkins (40); 2. Rick Eskins (44); Bob Wentzel

T&E News P 92 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 93 Regional Trials The greatest riders in the na- This event is great for the Winter Series Round 1 –Toy Ride tion will come to compete, whole family to learn, which is a Vintage Ride They show those old bikes of In the end there is one, who Whether it’s obstacles, or hills, with pride. just can’t be beat. or just how to turn. So come one and all to see and then third was Steve Green, Up next is our Cherokee Cup, That weekend is the East what we do, In fourth was Patrick Cash, the frst one ever, Coast Youth National, We have events, and training, who was new on the scene. So make sure to come for that As well as the Women Open and are a party venue too! Then comes Sportsman, the the competition will be quite and fnal. class that had fve clever. The kids they ride to be the Check us out at In ffth was Stephen Carr, just Then on to Family Camp the best in their class, happy to be alive. following week, To get that big eagle, that says Or like us on Facebook. Then in fourth came Chuck Three days of training and fun, overall winner at last! Stiles, and third was Grif Shirley, you won’t want to sleep! Then comes the ITSA event Wish Alan could have been In second came Greg Clark, Merry Christmas! here but his donation was ap- preciated surely. and frst was McNair They all won toys they were willing to share. On went advanced which had Written by: Ashley Jackson came in, three fellows, (Read like “Twas the Night “The sections are challenging” “What a fun event” they said Before Christmas”) they claimed with a grin. with laughter that bellowed. A new name was decided for In third was Darrell Davis, in It was the CTC Winter Series, a Rock in Section 4, second Wes Stiles, the frst round of the year. Mark’s Rock it became, and he In frst was a brother whose And the fellows they gathered wanted to settle that score. name was Clark Stiles. at the Trials Training Center to “Got me every time, that rock” In expert there was but one, hear. Mark said as he rode But he sure rode well and had “Nine tough sections, three So he buckled down and got a heck of a run. loops” Charlie said they would into Mark Raga mode. His was Tim Cash and he won ride At the end of the day the an Art kit, “Split start and peer scoring” scores were in, Suits him well, I know his wife and they rode of with pride. And everyone took a toy for liked it! See this wasn’t just about the win. Now on to some info about competition but about a good In the Novice Class there were the Schedule of our Facility, cause too, two, We will have more winter And a way to help the com- With Joey Jackson in frst and events from now through Feb- munity from me and from you... Matthew Carr in place two. ruary! The weather was fantastic, not In Intermediate there were Then in March is our Training too cold or too brisk, four, Days, which is great for all, Even the wind was just a faint Charlie took frst, and now for Then next is the National fun little wisp. more to watch, who can bounce of After loop one as the riders In second came Mark Moon, rocks like a ball.

T&E News P 92 T&E News V. 49 Issue 1 January 2014 P 93 Regional Trials The greatest riders in the na- This event is great for the Winter Series Round 1 –Toy Ride tion will come to compete, whole family to learn, which is a Vintage Ride They show those old bikes of In the end there is one, who Whether it’s obstacles, or hills, with pride. just can’t be beat. or just how to turn. So come one and all to see and then third was Steve Green, Up next is our Cherokee Cup, That weekend is the East what we do, In fourth was Patrick Cash, the frst one ever, Coast Youth National, We have events, and training, who was new on the scene. So make sure to come for that As well as the Women Open and are a party venue too! Then comes Sportsman, the the competition will be quite and fnal. class that had fve clever. The kids they ride to be the Check us out at In ffth was Stephen Carr, just Then on to Family Camp the best in their class, happy to be alive. following week, To get that big eagle, that says Or like us on Facebook. Then in fourth came Chuck Three days of training and fun, overall winner at last! Stiles, and third was Grif Shirley, you won’t want to sleep! Then comes the ITSA event Wish Alan could have been In second came Greg Clark, Merry Christmas! here but his donation was ap- preciated surely. and frst was McNair They all won toys they were willing to share. On went advanced which had Written by: Ashley Jackson came in, three fellows, (Read like “Twas the Night “The sections are challenging” “What a fun event” they said Before Christmas”) they claimed with a grin. with laughter that bellowed. A new name was decided for In third was Darrell Davis, in It was the CTC Winter Series, a Rock in Section 4, second Wes Stiles, the frst round of the year. Mark’s Rock it became, and he In frst was a brother whose And the fellows they gathered wanted to settle that score. name was Clark Stiles. at the Trials Training Center to “Got me every time, that rock” In expert there was but one, hear. Mark said as he rode But he sure rode well and had “Nine tough sections, three So he buckled down and got a heck of a run. loops” Charlie said they would into Mark Raga mode. His was Tim Cash and he won ride At the end of the day the an Art kit, “Split start and peer scoring” scores were in, Suits him well, I know his wife and they rode of with pride. And everyone took a toy for liked it! See this wasn’t just about the win. Now on to some info about competition but about a good In the Novice Class there were the Schedule of our Facility, cause too, two, We will have more winter And a way to help the com- With Joey Jackson in frst and events from now through Feb- munity from me and from you... Matthew Carr in place two. ruary! The weather was fantastic, not In Intermediate there were Then in March is our Training too cold or too brisk, four, Days, which is great for all, Even the wind was just a faint Charlie took frst, and now for Then next is the National fun little wisp. more to watch, who can bounce of After loop one as the riders In second came Mark Moon, rocks like a ball.

T&E News P 94 2014 SCHEDULES US NATIONAL TRIALS Sept 13-14 France TRIALS AIReS MotoTrial National Series TRIALS INC. ISDE 5/24-25 Texas Creek, CO Nov 3-8 San Juan, Argentina April 5-6 Fly, OH 5/31-6/1 Sedan, KS April 19-20 Ligonier, IN 6/21-22 Tremont, PA WORLD X-TRIALS May 3-4 Toronto, OH 6/28-29 Sequatchie, TN FIM World X-Trials May 17-18 Tilton, IL June 14-15 Grafton, WV US NATIONAL ENDURO Jan 4 Great Britain August 2-3 Bedford, KY Rekluse AMA Nat’l Enduro Series Feb 9 Spain August 30-31 Neward, OH March 15 Italy Sept 6-7 Little Hocking, OH March 2 Pelion, S.C. March 21 France Sept 20-21 Columbus, OH March 23 Blackwell, Texas March 28 Spain Oct 4-5 Coal Hollow, OH April 6 West Point, Tenn. Nov 1-2 Toronto, OH May 18 Park Hills, Mo. WORLD TRIALS June 1 Arrington, Va. FIM World Trials REGIONAL ENDURO June 29 Marquette, Mich. SETRA ENDURO SCHEDULE July 27 Cross Fork, Pa. April 12-13 Australia www.SETRA.ORG August 10 Grand Junction, Colo. April 26-27 Japan Feb 2 Wedgefeld, SC August 31 Union, S.C. May 25 Corsica Feb 23 Greensboro, GA September 14 Matthews, Ind. June 1 Italy March 2 Salley, SC July 13 Belgium March 13 Bunnell, FL WORLD ENDURO July 19-20 Great Britain March 30 Samsula, FL FIM World Super Enduro July 27 France April 6 Westpoint, TN Sept 7 Spain Nov 17 Great Britain Dec 15 Poland Trial des Nations Jan 15 Mexico Sept 13-14 Andorra Next Month... Feb 9 Spain • Shefeld Indoor Trial Feb 22 France ENDUROCROSS • British Super Enduro GEICO AMA EnduroCross • Ryan Young: WORLD ENDURO FIM World World Enduro May 2 Las Vegas, NV “How to walk a section” May 15-18 Austin, TX • Two-stroke Love April 5-6 Spain June 21 Sacramento, CA • National Enduro Preview April 12-13 Portugal Aug 23 Atlanta, GA • Cory Buttrick Interview May 10-11 Greece Oct 4 Denver, CO June 8-9 Finland Oct 11 Salt Lake City, UT • Looking Back: June 14-15 Sweden Oct 18 Everett, WA ‘84 Watkins Glen World July 5-6 Mexico Nov 15 Boise, ID Trials August 1-2 Italy Nov 22 Ontario, CA

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