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Home Explore Last Call Chapter One

Last Call Chapter One

Published by alanna, 2017-02-25 19:23:02

Description: Promo booklet for Last Call by Olivia Brynn


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Contemporary Man in Uniform 15,000 word novella Previously published1/2011 by Liquid Silver Books3/2012 by Samhain Publishing Editor: Linda Ingmanson

Eric Layton is practically out the door before herealizes the phone call in the middle of the night isn’this chief or a four alarm fire. It turns out to be a tipsywoman who’s dialed the wrong number, but the linegoes dead before he can explain he’s not herbrother.His conscience won’t let him leave the woman towait for a ride that’s never going to come, butnothing prepares him for the curvy, blonde, fireballwaiting for him at the local dive. Eric is used to divinginto dangerous situations, but he can’t let Josietempt him.She needs the protection he’d sworn to give.This book has been previously published.

This is a short, cute romp that shows thatimpromptu one night stands can sometimes turn intosomething more. This was a fun read with a great premise. Iloved that we get to see the story through ourleading man's eyes. The pace was good and Ienjoyed the relationship's progression in such ashort timeframe. Josie's brother seems prettyinteresting from the brief glimpse I got and I'd like tosee him star in his very own adventure. I'm lookingforward to seeing what else this author has to offer..

This novella is a hot, smart, quick read but Ican believe that these two would want to see eachother again and take it from there. And good jobinserting those cutesy “fireman” sexual terms.Amazing how many can be crammed into oneconversation.I’ve enjoyed Olivia Brynn’s work in the past and thefeeling certainly hasn’t stopped here. I wouldrecommend this quick read for anyone looking for alittle fun that’s a whole lot of hot around the edges

Chapter One With the first shrill ring of his phone,Eric was wide awake. He was used tointerruptions, but he didn’t have to like them.He swore, rolled over, searched in the darkfor the ringing phone, and knocked both thelatest bestseller and his watch to the carpet.He cursed again. Phone calls at—he checkedthe clock—two twenty in the morning couldonly mean a fire, and one that’s bad enoughto call in off-duty firefighters. Why the helldid it always have to happen on his first night

off? The love to serve unselfishly wheneverI am called. He was out of bed before the third ring. “Hello,” he barked, hiking a pair ofjeans over his hips and reaching for a shirt. He expected a similar harsh response,but rather than his chief’s gruff voice, heheard a feminine giggle. “You sound funny.” What the hell? Eric pulled the phoneaway to look at the readout. This wasn’t hischief’s number. It wasn’t any number herecognized. Listening again to more giggles,he sat on the edge of the bed and tried again.“Hello?” “Helloooo,” the voice sang. “Yourvoice is weird. I guess I woke you up huh?” “Who is this?” “Thiss iss your sisser…” More musicalwords. “’Member how you said that what Ineeded was to get good and drunk? Well

guess whaa-haat?” Oh Jesus. A drunk. He didn’t recognizethe woman’s voice, so his first impulse was tosnap his phone shut. On the other hand, if itturned out to be someone he knew, he’d feellike shit for hanging up. “Shh,” she whispered. “Don’t tellMom. I got a drunk on.” He smiled, adrenaline slowing since heknew he wouldn’t have to run into a burningbuilding. “I won’t tell.” “How come you sound funny? Did youget a drunk on too? Oh, my phone is blink-eting. Did you hear that? Was that yourphone? Kevin, I’m drink. Drunk. Keeev-in!I’m drunk. I gotta tell you something too. Iwent to the Ranger for drinks, and you saidnot to go by myself, and I did anywaybecause I’m bad! I’m bad, Kevin. I’m a badgirl. Oh! You should see what I got…the barhad pens. For free! I got a blue one and a pink

one and a…hey…” He heard rustling, and heimagined her digging through a purse. “Hey!Someone stole my yellow one! Kevin,someone stole my yellow pen!” “It’s okay.” Eric tried not to laugh.“We’ll get you another yellow—” “Yeah but that’s not right, takingsomeone’s pen like that. I was drinking my—hey, did you know they have a drink called aslippery nipple? It’s yummy.” The music inthe background switched from country andwestern to a news report and to rock and rollbefore settling on hip-hop; then the volumeincreased, and she started singing along. Sort of. She didn’t seem to know thewords, and Eric couldn’t get one in edgewise. A male voice came through. “Come on,sweetheart. We can’t wait out here all night.Let me just call you a cab.” “No way. Huh-uh. Cabs are icky.” Hervoice grew distant, and Eric imagined that

she’d forgotten she had him on the line.Muffled sounds and a few tones as shepushed buttons. “…and that was the last timeI rode in a taxi. Gross.” “Why don’t you turn off your car andlet Mac drive you home?” The guy’s voicepractically dripped through the phone withthe amount of condescension he’d poured on.“I’m sure he won’t mind.” “Huh-uh. You guys can go. I promisenot to drive ’cause I called my big brotherand he’s—was that your phone, Kevin?” Hervoice was clear, obviously speaking throughthe mouthpiece again. “It’s beeping. Myphone’s beeping. I think the battery ispooping out. Can you come get me? Don’ttell Mom, but come get me, ’kay? I’m waitingin my car, ’kay? And hurry ’cause some guysare watching. I think they don’t want me towreck, or they wanna drive me, but I said no,so no…because you know…and remember

that document-chaly we saw about the girlwho went home from the bar with…ah morebeeps… Kevin, did you hear me?” “I hear you, but—” “’Kay, ’cause almost everyone wenthome already, except a couple’a guys and thebar twender are staring at me. Bar twender?”She laughed. “Twender. That’s a funny word.And he looks grumpy.” She lowered hervoice to whisper again. “Maybe he needs adrunk on too. I’ll ask.” Eric heard her ask, but he couldn’tdecipher the reply. “Kevin’s coming, mistertwender twinkle twonk…twonkley twonk…Oopsies. Blinkey beeps again. Phone’spooping, Kevin!” She sang, just before thephone went dead. “Shit.” Eric ended the call, then tried toredial. It went straight to voice mail, wherethe same voice—but this time level andsuccinct—explained that Joanne couldn’t

come to the phone. At least he had a name. Lot of good that does. This Joannewould be at the Ranger bar, sitting in her carwaiting for her brother Kevin who wouldnever come. He stared at his phone until thekeyboard dimmed. He could call her a cab. No, she’d refuse it, thinking Kevin wason his way. He could call the Ranger, andexplain… No, one of the “guys watching” wouldend up taking her home. For some reason,that bothered him. Eric didn’t have a sister,but if he did, he wouldn’t want her climbinginto a car in her condition with whoever“Mac” was. A complete stranger taking adrunk woman home? That was asking fortrouble. He pulled on a T-shirt and was at thefront door before he stopped to think. He’d bea complete stranger taking the drunk woman

home. He snorted and pulled the door shutbehind him. I can trust me. The Ranger wasn’t in the best part oftown, and it was notorious for being the placeto pick up an easy lay. He could see whyJoanne’s brother didn’t want her going outalone. The parking lot had three vehicles. Awoman sat behind the wheel of one, dancingalong with the music that shook her car.Three men stood by the door, their eyes onthe woman, until he pulled in beside her; thenthey shifted their attention to him. He left his truck running, closed hisdoor behind him and greeted the men with atoss of his head. “We’re closed.” The tallest one spoke,even tapping on the sign in the window. “I’m here for Joanne.” “You her brother?” The stocky one

crossed his arms and looked Eric oversuspiciously. Joanne would only prove him a liar, soEric shook his head. “I just got a phone call topick Joanne up at the Ranger.” That was thetruth. “We’ve been keeping an eye on her.She’s in no condition to drive.” No shit. The woman in the car wasoblivious to the men outside. She tossed herhead side to side and sang into an imaginarymicrophone. “Yeah, I gathered that.” Hewalked around Joanne’s thumping car andknocked on her window. The first thing he saw was a big pinkbubble. When it popped, she pulled the gumback into her mouth, smiled and waved. Cute. A mass of blonde waves and asmattering of freckles across her nose. Shelooked like someone’s baby sister, all right.Eric smiled and motioned for her to roll down

the window. She blinked a couple of times beforeshe nodded, curls bouncing on her cheeks.She held up a finger while she fumbled on thedoor panel. Eric chuckled when she lockedand unlocked the doors several times beforethe window came down, and hip-hop musicblared through the opening. “Well, hello there, cutie pie. What’syour name? I’m Joanne, but you can callme…um…Joanne.” She climbed up to kneelon the seat and lean out through the window,propping her generous breasts on one forearmand twisting a finger through her hair with theother hand in a drunken, flirtatious gesture.He amended his first impression. This was nolittle girl. Her cheeks were flushed, eitherfrom her solo driver’s-seat dance, or from thealcohol, giving her skin a soft warm look.Long lashes framed big blue eyes. He crouched down. “My name’s Eric.

Kevin wanted me to come and get you.” Thatwasn’t quite a lie; it was more of anassumption. Her brow wrinkled, and she tilted herhead like a curious puppy dog. “Oh, youknow my brother? Kevin sent you?” He bit the inside of his cheek. “Comeon. Shut off the car, let’s get going.” “Okay, but first do you want to see mypens? I got some free pens tonight.” Thebubble gum fell out of her mouth as shespoke. “Oopsie. Watch your step there, Idropped something.” She braced a handagainst his gut. “Don’t move. I’ll get it.” Shecrawled through the window and tried toreach for the pink blob on the asphalt, a movewhich propped her hips on the windowopening, leaving her butt at his eye level. The men on the sidewalk laughed, andone even mumbled, “Oh yeah, now that’s anice ass.” Eric glared their way, and the

laughter ceased. He couldn’t really blame the guy; herass was pretty damn fine. From his vantagepoint, he could see down the gap of thewaistband of her jeans and into the crevice ofher cheeks. Creamy smooth skin and a pinkthong. Damn. “Come on, Joanne. Just leave it.” Hecurled his hands under her arms, pushed herupright and managed to get her back into thecar without bumping her head on the windowopening. On the way, he got a face full ofsilky hair, and though he didn’t mean to, hebreathed in its perfume. She smelled prettydamn good for having spent an evening in adive like the Ranger. Like peaches anddaisies. “You don’t want that gum nowanyway. Now let’s go. I’m here to take youhome.” “But I don’t know you. I’m waiting formy brover…bro-furr. My brother. Kevin.”

Now all three men on the sidewalk hadcrossed their arms, watching the exchange.Apparently they’d assigned themselves herguards. He tried again. “If you aren’t home infive minutes, Kevin says he’s going to tellyour mother you got drunk.” Her eyes grew wide. “He promised hewouldn’t tell.” “Take it up with him. Let’s go.” Heopened the door, and she caught herselfbefore she fell out. She chattered away aboutfree pens and stale peanuts as he rolled up thewindows, killed the engine and locked thedoors. After tucking her keys in his frontpocket, he was able to get her on unsteadyfeet and around her car to his truck. “We’llget her car in the morning,” he told the tallone, who he assumed was the bartender.“Thanks for keeping an eye on her.” He ground his cigarette out in the cat-litter ashtray. “No problem, man. She can

come back anytime. She’s a kick.” Yeah, he could just imagine what akick this woman could be to a bunch of hornybastards. At least she had enough sense not togo home with a stranger. Well…almost. She lifted her left foot to the side stepon his truck, thought a moment, thenswitched to her right, weaved a bit, thenslipped from the step to fall face-first on theseat. With a laugh, she crawled forward,leaving her rear swaying right in front of Eric.He reached to help her but pulled back whenhe realized the only way to do so wouldinvolve a handful of saucy ass. He curled hisfingers into fists while she scrambled to rightherself. Eric buckled her belt, ignoring themen’s chuckles. Her laugh brought his gaze up to hers.Her blue eyes were guileless. “You’re somuch a such a nice guy. Buckling my safe-te-

curity belt. Will you tuck me into bed too?” Maybe not so innocent. The watchdogson the sidewalk snickered, and Eric’s gazeimmediately dropped to her chest. Her T-shirt was tight enough to hugevery curve. It wasn’t anything special, just aplain light-pink T-shirt, but from thisproximity, he could see the outline of the cupof her bra. He followed the line down theslope of one breast and back up the other. She laughed, a low husky sound, sodifferent from her earlier giggles. “Looks likemy brother’s friend is a boob man!” Shereached for the hem of her shirt and inched itup her stomach. “Wanna see? I think you’lllike—” “No!” He stopped her hands, mindfulof the watchful eyes on the sidewalk. “Keepyour shirt on, Josie.” She giggled again, and Ericimmediately missed the husky laughter.

“Josie. I like that. Josie. It’s like a nickname,isn’t it? Kinda like Joanne but not. It’s like ashort Joanne name, like a nickname. Josie.Hey guys!” She tried to stand up, but the seatbelt only gave so much, and she ended upshouting over Eric’s shoulder at the men. “Ihave a nickname! Did you know that? It’sbrand new. It’s Josie, like a pussycat. Do youlike it?” Eric grabbed on to her waist and forcedher back into her seat. He swore he left hishands on her only long enough to make hispoint. With a stern look into her guilelessface, he extricated himself and closed thedoor before she heard their response. “Oh yeah, honey. I like your newnickname a lot.” The stocky one grabbed hiscrotch lewdly as the others laughed. “Youcome back tomorrow night, and I’ll give youall kinds of names. I won’t tell your mamaeither.”

“Watch it, buddy.” Eric spoke frombetween clenched teeth. His fierce expressiondid the trick, and he didn’t hear another peepas he walked around the hood to the driver’sside. Joanne bounced in the seat, apparentlydancing along to the music in her head. Hesilently dared the bastards to mention herswaying tits. He shook his head. He had no reason tobe protective of this complete stranger, otherthan his upbringing. Maybe his career as afirefighter. Courage to share and endure theordeal of those who need me, as the oathwent. Still, he didn’t speak to the men. Hesimply got behind the wheel and pulled away. “Bye, guys! See you later!” Joannewaved through the back window. “Thanks forthe pens! Hope you catch the yellow-penthief!” She continued to bounce and giggle asthey drove down the dark street. “Why don’t you tell me your address

so I can take you home?” She rattled it off, detailed the recipe fora slippery nipple and reminded him again thatshe’d dropped her gum on the asphalt. He hadto promise her that he didn’t step in it beforeshe clapped a few times like a two-year-old ata birthday party; then she froze. “Oh…oh no.” Her mouth droppedopen, and she covered it mischievously. “Uh-oh.” Eric smiled. “What’s the matter?” Hestopped at the light on the corner and lookedover at her. “I need to tinkle.” Eric screeched to a stop at the closestall-night convenience store. From the way shesquirmed in the seat, he thought she might notmake it, and he’d end up with a mess in histruck. She tried to get out of the truck beforereleasing her seat belt, and he laughed outloud watching through the store windows

while she wiggled and danced through theaisles toward the restroom. A few minuteslater, she emerged, then spent some time inone of the aisles before making a purchase atthe counter. She weaved back to the truck, swinginga small plastic bag and wearing a big smile. “Ibought more bubble gum!” She pressed thebag against the passenger window andpointed at the pink package inside. “Bubblegum,” she enunciated, waiting for his nodbefore twirling around with her arms in theair. It took her a few tries to get the dooropen, but she finally flung it wide andannounced, “Bubble gum! Brand new andstrawberry flavored. Want some?” “No thanks. I’m not a big fan of bubblegum. We need to get you home.” She settled in her seat. “And you’lltuck me in, right? You promised.” There was

that sexy laugh again. “I never promised—oh shit.” Her hand trailed a path from his knee tohis hip, then back down again. Eric grippedthe steering wheel. The image of her tight asscovered only with a thin strip of pink laceflashed through his mind. He sucked airthrough his teeth. “If you’re my big brother’s friend, youmust be a pretty good guy.” She dropped thebag of gum onto the floorboard and crawledacross the seat. “I didn’t know my brotherhad any cute friends. What’s your nameagain? Joe?” He didn’t correct her. It didn’t matter.He’d just take her home and drive away. “Sitdown, Josie. Get your seat belt on.” Ericrefused to look at her. He stared at thesplattered bug on his windshield. “Anyonewaiting up for you?” “Are you up for me?” She rubbed him

through the seam of his jeans, and his cockstarted to pull on his pubes. The bug started to blur, so he blinkeduntil it came back into focus. Like a naughtychild, his cock disobeyed direct orders andcontinued to grow stiff. Refusing to give theconvenience store cameras a show, Ericshoved his truck into reverse and thencontinued down the street. “How will I ever thank you for theride?” She spoke into his ear, her breathsending a wave of shivers down his spine. Not much farther. Thank God. “Sitdown. I don’t want to get pulled over.” “Just pull over, then. And I’ll sit onyour lap.” She cupped his balls, and Ericswerved. “Shit.” “Mm, you like that. I can tell.” Yeah, it was pretty obvious when hiscock throbbed for more attention. “We’re

almost there. Sit back, Joanne.” He tried tokeep his voice steady, but his gut hadclenched with each stroke of her hand. “Say please.” She licked his earlobe. “Fuck…please.” She giggled. “You said ‘fuck, please’.”She settled in beside him and even slid herknee on top of his. “Mm, I think slipperynipples make me horny.” That was a visual he didn’t need rightnow. “Alcohol makes every woman horny.”God, he wished she’d stop licking his earlobe.Or maybe just a little lower. Her breath in hisear sent shivers down his spine. “Really? No wonder why all the guyswere buying me drinks and stuff.” She rubbedup against him, her nipples poking throughher bra and T-shirt hard enough for him tofeel. He tried like hell to ignore her pumpinghips reflected in the windshield. “Ever had aslippery nipple, Joe?” she whispered.

It took superhuman strength, and hefigured he’d be canonized, but he was able tomove her hand off his lap, settle it onto hersand pin it there. Her apartment complex came intoview. Almost done, Eric. Focus. He parkedand unlocked the door. “Here we go. Time tosleep it off, Josie.” She needed to get the hellout of his truck before he put her hand backon his dick. “Okey dokey, Joe.” She turned towardthe door, but before he could breathe a sigh ofrelief, she turned back and went straight forhis crotch. “But first I want to play with you.” “Jesus.” The back of his head hit theheadrest, and he white-knuckled the doorhandle. Thirty seconds. He’d let her play forthirty seconds, and then he’d stop her. Shepressed her palm against his ridge, thendragged slowly down. Nope. Won’t make it. His traitorous arm actually protested

with a tremor when he forced her hand awayagain. He dug her keys out of his pocket andpressed them into her palm. “Here ya go. LetKevin know your car is still at the Ranger.Which apartment is yours?” “Six B.” He ducked to look through hiswindshield. He found the door at the top of aflight of stairs, and noticed the lights were allout, including the one by the front door.Damn, he didn’t like that. “It’s an ‘fish-en-see’,” she went on.“Know what efficiency means, Joe?” “Yeah, I know what that means.” “It means cheap-ass-crappy puny placefor losers who live alone. But guess what,Joe? It’s all I can afford, and now I can’teven…” Her face crumpled, those big blueeyes suddenly heavy with tears. “I lost my jobtoday.” “Oh.”

“Yeah. My boyfriend fired me. Rightbefore he broke up with me. Or maybe after.Actually, it might have been at the same time.I can’t remember.” She stared at the keys inher hand, turning them over before clutchingthem tight enough to leave a mark. “Dumb todate your boss. My mom told me that. I don’tlisten, I guess.” “Shit. I’m sorry, Josie.” Her voice changed. No longer cheerfuland fun, it had dropped to a low rumble thathe had to strain to hear. “Yeah, well, Kevintold me I’d feel better if I went out for a fewdrunks…drinks with some friends. They wereall busy, though, so I went by my”—shesniffed—“by myself.” No tears. Please. Eric could fight amean fire. He could drag a three-hundred-pound man down four flights of stairs, but hewas weak as fuck when it came to a woman’stears. He gave her arm a friendly slug. “But

you had fun anyway, right?” She didn’t answer. She just stared ather keys. When a tear rolled off her nose andsplashed onto them, she reached up to wipeher eyes. Fuck. Eric shut off the engine. How thehell had he gotten involved? Although he wasused to his sleep being interrupted, he’d beenlooking forward to a good solid eight-hourstretch. He figured he could just drop thewoman off, watch her walk inside, and thendrive away. He didn’t need this shit, butglancing over at her in his passenger seat, heknew he was already committed. This wassomeone’s kid sister, someone’s best friend.Someone’s daughter. Strength of body to deliver to safety allthose placed within my care. “Come on, let’s get you tucked in.” She didn’t move, even when heslammed his door and walked around the

truck to open hers. “I wanted to drink enough to pass out.”She wiped her keys on her jeans. “How muchdo you have to drink to pass out?” He tugged her out of the truck, and sheslumped against him. “You don’t want toknow.” “I just don’t want to feel anymore. Ithurts.” She dropped her keys, and he held hersteady as she picked them up. “You’ll really hurt tomorrow.” Hesmirked. “I’ll just get drunk tomorrow, then.” He managed to get her up the flight ofstairs and propped on the railing. He took herkeys, trying like hell to ignore her sniffles. “Yeah, but hold on a minute, Joe. Idon’t feel that good.” Before he could swing her door open,she’d leaned over the railing and vomited onher neighbor’s barbecue grill.

“Oopsie.” “Oh nice.” He chuckled. “Linda’s gonna be pissed.” She spat. He dragged her inside and flipped onthe light switch. She wasn’t kidding. Cheap-ass crappy puny place it might be, but at leastit was clean. It looked as though she’dalready moved out. There were no pictures onthe walls, no plants in the windows. Thefurniture consisted of a huge mattress set on ametal frame in the far corner, next to whatmight be considered a kitchen, and a deskwhich must double for an entertainmentcenter, since a small television sat beside alaptop. She rushed to the bathroom, where shecontinued to purge. Poor girl. He shook hishead and went for a glass of water. He stoodin the bathroom doorway until she flushed thetoilet. “Here. Drink this, it will help.”

She lifted her head from the bowl. “Go on. Half the pain of a hangovercomes from the alcohol dehydrating yoursystem. The best thing to do is rehydratebefore it hits you.” “I deserve to be in pain. I suck. Mywhole life sucks. I’m a failure and a flop, andI puked on Linda’s barbecue.” He smiled. “I’ll go hose it off. Drinkthe water.” She took the glass and rinsed hermouth out, spitting into the toilet a few timesbefore taking a few swallows. “You’ll hosemy puke?” She looked up at him with red-rimmed eyes. “I like you, Joe.” “You’d like anyone who’d hose yourpuke. Let’s go. Time to brush and get readyfor bed. I’ll be back to tuck you in.” “I’m sleeping in here.” She hugged thetoilet, giving the lid a friendly pat. “At least brush your teeth. You’ll be

sorry if you don’t.” “Yeah, that didn’t taste as good comingup.” He helped her to her feet and left herleaning over the sink, brushing her teeth. A few minutes later, he was surprisedto find himself hosing Joanne’s vomit fromsome lady’s barbecue grill at three o’clock inthe morning. A smart guy would hop in histruck and drive away. She was safe andsound; his conscience should be clear. Hecould be back in bed within twenty minutes.After rubbing one off. His cock twitched behind his fly.Joanne had some talents. Even sloshed, herhand knew exactly where to go to drive himto the edge. He wrapped the hose around thespigot and, like an idiot, adjusted his cock,went back up the stairs and into herapartment. He’d just wait until she fell asleep.Then he’d go.

Thank God he didn’t work tomorrow. He found her lying on her bed. A T-shirt covered her hips but left her long legsbare, curled up against her chest as she lay onher side in a fetal position. She’s asleep. Witha grin, he took a step backward toward thedoor, but then he heard the whimper. “Josie?” “What am I going to do?” Against his better judgment and everydamn warning blaring through his brain, Ericcrossed the room and sat beside her. “It won’tlook so bad tomorrow. I promise.” “He left me. He said I wasn’t any fun. Ican be fun, can’t I?” “Sure you can.” She’d made him smilemultiple times already, and he’d only just mether. She blew her nose and threw theKleenex toward the trash can but missed.“Maybe I’m not pretty enough. Do you think

I’m pretty?” “Yes.” He didn’t even hesitate. Shewas pretty. Even with a red nose andtearstained cheeks. “I think you’re verypretty.” He moved one strand of hair asideand tucked it behind her ear. “Maybe it’s the sex. I thought he washappy. I tried to keep him…well…youknow.” She blushed. Sobering up. Getting some inhibitionsback. Eric pulled the blankets to hershoulders. “Maybe he’s just an asshole whodoesn’t know what he had.” Her eyes snapped back up to his. “Youthink so?” “Sure.” Who was he to say? He didn’tknow the guy. Hell, he didn’t know this girl.“You’ll feel better after a few hours’ sleep.”He leaned over her, tucking her in like he’dpromised. When he stood, she reached outand grabbed his hand.

“Will you stay?” “I don’t think—” “Please?” Damn it. He needed to jack off. “Just until I fall asleep. Please, Joe. Justhold me. I don’t want to feel so alone.” I promise strength—strength of heart tobear whatever burdens might be placed uponme. His indecision must have shown becauseshe lifted the blankets and scooted to thecenter of the bed. “Five minutes,” he pledged, kicking offhis shoes. “’Til I’m asleep,” she corrected,tugging him against her until she had her legswrapped around his and her face buried in hischest. Fuck. His cock reacted in the expectedmanner. “Thank you, Joe.” She sighed, herbreath warming the cotton of his shirt.

“Good night, Josie.” He willed hishands to stay still on her back. Now go tosleep. He closed his eyes and replayed lastweek’s drills at work. He worked out theepinephrine dosage for a two-hundred-poundman in anaphylactic shock. Anything to keephis mind off the soft-as-hell body tangledwith his. Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep. And so he did.

Last Call by Olivia Brynn Copyright © 2011 http://oliviabrynn.comAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior writtenpermission of the author. Manufactured in the United States of America This is a work of fiction. The characters,incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to beconstrued as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.