Contemporary Interracial 13,000 word novella Previously published 6/2010 by Samhain Publishing Editor: Linda Ingmanson
Marienna Valdez really doesn’t like cops. They’recocky with power complexes. Of course herridiculously bad week at work is topped by a trafficticket from the most typically smug cop in theDenver metro area.But now she’s finally home, where she can take theedge off with a self-care session with her favoritetoys. Of course, what should come barreling throughher bedroom door but…another cop!It doesn’t take a detective badge to tell SWAT teamsniper Marcus Pearson just what he’s interrupted. Ifhe just resolve the situation under her bedroomwindow, he can put down his rifle and take aim ather aversion to the badge…
Position Secured by Olivia Brynn was short,sweet and fun to read. There is adrenaline, sex,passion and the risk of getting caught, which madethe story worth reading. Olivia Brynn definitely hasflair for bringing a man to his knees and Mariennahas met her match in this SWAT guy. ~ Lena, Blackraven’s Reviews This is a hot, fun read when you're looking fora quick fix. The chemistry between Mari and Marcfairly sizzled, and the tangible hunger each felt forthe other almost leaped off the pages.
POSITION SECURED is a wonderful way tofind release after a long day of work. How Marcusand Marienna finds one another will put a smile onyour face. Olivia Brynn has written a wonderfullywicked romance that is sure to delight readersI highly recommend this book! It's well written and makes areally great fantasy/escape read. This is a story that isn'treally meant to be all that realistic and believable. It's thetype of story you read to escape for a while. I liked thelength because it's short, but it's long enough to enjoy. Iliked the characters, and there was a good story and evensome sweet romance behind all the hot sex! Olivia Brynn isquickly becoming a favorite for me. ~ M. Valdez, AmazonReviewer
Explicit Content 18+ Chapter One Goddamned cops. Marienna threw her purse onto the recliner,not caring that the contents spilled out. Asixty-freaking-dollar ticket for not using herturn signal. Her weekend could not start outany worse. The pinche cabrone had the nerveto flirt with her and ogle her cleavage frombehind his aviator sunglasses. Had she playedthat up, though, she might have gotten offwith a warning, along with the sweaty pig’sphone number. Mari shook her head. Sixty
dollars wasn’t bad considering thatalternative. Her mother had gone through the localpolice force like candy. That woman’sobsession with the uniform had gainedMarienna three cop stepfathers, two cop half-brothers and one long-lasting hatred for theprofession. She avoided the macho powertrips at family reunions and didn’t intend topander to every flatfoot she met. She tore off her blazer and reached underher silk shell to unclasp her bra. After herheels, the bra was the first thing to hit thefloor after work. If her boobs weren’t size Cand a half, she’d go without more often. She looked down at her chest. Naw, she’dnever trade them for smaller models. Sheusually enjoyed the way she filled out herclothes. Just to show them that there were nohard feelings, Mari cupped them, one in eachhand.
Adrenaline always did turn her on. Hertirade during the rest of the drive home onlyprimed her for a night of wild sex with hertoys. Blame it on my hot Latin blood. “A date with Bob tonight,” Mariannounced to her cat, who had curled into afat white ball in the last square of sunlightthat shone through the window. Chester justgave her the lazy look he usually did whenshe talked to him like a human. She returnedhis serious gaze, her hands still teasing herbreasts. She refused to touch her nipples untilshe’d sufficiently worked herself up. “Giveme twenty minutes, and I’ll be out to cooksome dinner.” Chester yawned. Mari spun on her heel andmarched to her room, where she wasted notime stripping and throwing her comforter onthe ground. God, she needed this. After myFriday from hell and an asshole cop. Allstresses can be erased by…
“Bob.” She pulled her vibrator and a tubeof warming jelly out from her nightstanddrawer. Okay, she was going crazy. Talkingto cats was one thing, but now her batteryoperated boyfriend? She couldn’t care less.No one could hear her chatter. Hers was thefirst townhouse built in this subdivision. Therest were empty shells that would remain assuch since the contractor went belly up duringthe recession. The local kids used the area topractice their X-Game tricks with dirt bikesand skateboards. There was only one guy inthe townhouse glued to hers. He rarely left hisplace, let alone worried about the mentalhealth of his neighbor. Mari sprawled out on her king sized bed,propping pillows just how she liked them.Once she settled in, she released a sigh thathad been building since about noon. Fuck’em. Fuck ’em all. My boss can go straight tohell, right along with the traffic cop with the
overblown sense of sexy. She blocked outeverything. The hum of her air conditioner,the noise of a group of teens fighting outsideher window, and even the distant sirens fromthe city in the background. She refused to bedistracted this evening. Finally she felt her face relax into a smile.Nothing like self-serve orgasms to make agirl feel right with the world. She proppedBob on the pillows under her hips and startedwith her breasts. “Oh, hell yeah.” Her nipples, already stiffwith anticipation, tingled at the first brush ofher fingers. The warmth spiraled a familiarpath down to her sex, filling her pussy lipswith blood and moisture. As much as she wanted to slide Bob in andturn it up to the highest speed available, Mariloved the buildup almost as much as therelease, especially with this much tensioncoursing through her veins. The air around
her almost crackled with energy. She tweakedher nipples, pulling them until currents ofneed zinged through her. Still, she maintainedher slow pace. She licked her fingers andspread her saliva on the tip of each breast.The new sliding friction sent her heart into aslamming tempo. God, it was going to begood. She lifted her head and blew on hernipples. The cool air made her stomachclench. She dropped her head back onto the pillowand stared at her ceiling. Her pussy begged tobe touched. The moisture that coated heralmost dripped onto the pillows beneath. Shelifted her head again, this time blowing downthe valley between her breasts and straight toher shaved pussy. She was so wet. Shereleased her hold on one tit to slide her handdown her abdomen, slowly, feeling each inchof skin along the way, until she squirmed onthe bed in anticipation. She loved driving
herself crazy like this. Like she wasn’t incontrol of her own hands. Finally, she slid hertwo middle fingers into the heat of her sex. “Aye, Mami.” She was so wet, so swollen,that the nerve endings surrounding heropening were pushed to the surface,amplifying each swipe of her fingers in herfolds. Each became almost like a miniatureorgasm of its own. One long drag down intoher channel, then another back to her clitoris. Then again. She reluctantly released her other breast topinch her clit. Her entire body jerked. HolyMother, she almost came right there. She’dhave to slow it down. She took a deep breath. Screw that. She fumbled for Bob,completely disregarding the lube. As wet asshe was tonight, she wouldn’t need it. Maybefor round two, only because that warmingaction was so damn… Bam…bam…bam.
The pounding on her front door echoedthrough the house. Chester raced into herroom and under the bed. “What?” More pounding. Five steady beats thatsounded like metal on wood. Mari shookherself out of her self-loving induced fog, andstood on shaky legs. Who in the hell? If her neighbor hadlocked himself out of his house again, shewas going to throttle him. Her entire beingpulsed with need. She wrapped herself in herrobe and stomped to the door, swearing up astorm in Spanish. Now anger simmered rightalong with the need to come. “Who is it?” she barked. Never interrupt agirl’s orgasm, damn it. “Lieutenant Marcus Pearson with DenverPolice. There’s an emergency. I need tosecure the premises. Open the door.” She peered through the peephole. Sureenough, a man in a black T-shirt, black cargo
pants and dark glasses held a mean lookingrifle in one hand, his face partially obscuredby the badge in the other. Her hand flew to her mouth at the sight.She’d grown up in the west, and she’d neverbefore freaked out at the sight of a rifle, butthis black monstrosity was nothing likeGranddad’s Winchester. “What do youwant?” She spoke with her nose against thedoor. Her second cop encounter of the night,but things were looking up. This guy wasn’toverweight and balding. In fact, he lookeddamn good through the fisheye lens. She roseon her tiptoes to look down. Nice. “I need to requisition your house. Please.It’s official business.” It might be the orgasm fighting to comeout, but even his voice was sexy. She mightforgive him for being a cop. “My house?” “I need the vantage point from your
upstairs window. There’s a hostage standoffin the vacant house behind yours. Could youopen the door?” “I was in the middle of something.” “Ma’am, I need to come in.” The fisheyedid nothing to disguise the tightness of hisface. “How do I know you’re for real?” “I showed you my badge.” “I can buy one of those at the dollar store.” He spun around and ran one hand throughhis dark hair, leaving tunnels through thethickness. Perfect--now she had a view of hisass. He whipped back around. “Lady…go toyour southeast window and you’ll see whatI’m talking about. This isn’t a joke or a ploy.” Just then, she heard an authoritative voiceboom through a megaphone from behind herhouse. “Drop the gun, Wilson.” “Hurry up, ma’am,” the cop on the other
side of her door growled. His low toneimpressed the urgency. “I’ll break the doordown if I have to. It could mean the life of anofficer.” If it was a ruse, he’d gone to a hell of a lotof trouble to set it up. The megaphone voicewent off again, matching this guy’s intensity.She clutched her robe closer to her chest andunlocked the door. Lieutenant Pearson burst in, barely noddedhis thanks and, without a word, stormed downthe hall and into her bedroom. Chester toreout and skittered back under the couch inrecord time. Mari just stared after him. He even smelledgood. Her entire body reacted to thetestosterone surge filling her home. If sheweren’t already on the brink of an amazingorgasm, his mere presence would have kickedit into gear. She followed him into her room,where he’d swept a stack of books from her
windowsill onto the floor and knelt close tothe edge of the window. He was in place withhis rifle pointed out the open window. Damn, he was hot. Lieutenant, huh?Marcus Pearson. Marc, maybe. With his darkhair cut short, he reminded her of an armedforces poster boy. His sunglasses were nowburied in that hair, perched on his crown. Headjusted the black earpiece with connectedmicrophone. The spiral cord disappeareddown the collar of his shirt. A thick neck,muscular shoulders, arms that bulged withjust the right amount of muscle and, holyhell…an ass that should be in Calvin Klineunderwear ads. Mmm, Marc. “Echo three, in place. Target locked.Awaiting go-ahead.” Francotirador. A sniper. Good Lord. Shemight actually have to witness this man shootanother. Mari gasped, and the sound seemedloud in the utter stillness.
“You might want to leave the room,ma’am.” The cop spoke in the same voicehe’d used to communicate with his team, soshe wasn’t completely sure he was talking toher until he continued. “Just stay away fromthe windows.” “I…okay…” “Echo three, affirmative. Position secured.” Mari backed against the hallway wall. Shestill had a good view of him through the door.Long moments passed. Mari’s breathingechoed in the hallway, and her heart thumpeda heavy cadence. The megaphone belowblared, but the sniper in her bedroom hadn’tmoved one sinewy muscle. She wasn’t sure ifhe’d even blinked. Damn, the man was one giant hunk of sex.His face had that rugged masculinity that shefound extremely appealing. He wasn’t one tocover a men’s fashion magazine. Nor wouldhe fit the part as a boy band front man. This
guy looked like he’d been in a few fistfightsin his time. He had an imperfect shape to hisnose, and the stern set to his lips made himlook fearsome and deliciously sexy, whichwas odd, because she didn’t even prefer whiteguys. Or cops. There must be somethingseriously wrong with her if there was a baddeal going down in her backyard—badenough to call in a sniper—and she couldthink only of the man’s sex appeal. Her hand was still clutching her robe to herbreasts. The rapid rise and fall of her curvesmoved the satin across her nipples. A glanceat her bed and Mari almost groaned. Atop thepillows stacked in the middle of the mattresslay Bob, pretty and pink as could be. Shecould almost see the indentation of her bodyin the rumpled sheets. She should beembarrassed. She should run into the roomand hide the evidence, but instead her loinsreacted in an entirely unexpected way. There
was a hot as hell cop in her bedroom.Kneeling by her bed. With a gun. Andtestosterone oozing out of every pore, not twofeet from where her sheets still held her bodyheat. Marcus still didn’t flinch. He wascompletely focused on his job. In anuncharacteristic and severely reckless move,Mari slipped her hand between the folds ofher robe and stroked herself. Damn, she waseven wetter now than she’d been before shewas interrupted. She let go of the lapels of her robe andcupped her breast with her free hand. Sheimagined this cop in her bed. He would lookinto her eyes, his fingers would play with herclit. Stroke her just like this. Oh, God, yes. He’d kiss her nose. That ruggedly sexyface would soften. Desire would make hiseyes look glassy. He wouldn’t even notice herextra layer of fluff. He would kiss her
everywhere. He’d touch every inch of herskin and treat her as if she were as beautifulas a supermodel. “Do you like this?” he’dsay. “Mmm.” Mari almost moaned aloud inanswer. Then he’d kiss her. Hard. With thosesexy, no nonsense lips. He’d shove two thickfingers inside her just like his tongue wasravaging her mouth. Then he’d pull back tokiss her jaw, and say… “Echo three, affirmative.” His voice almostbroke her out of her fantasy, but he hadn’tmoved. It was still safe. He’d pull back to kiss her jaw, and say…“I want to fuck you.” “Take me.” “Open up for me, Mari. Let me see yoursweet pussy. I’m so goddamned hard for youright now.” “Oh, God. Fuck me please.” He’d pull out his fingers and settle his hard
body between her thighs. He’d probe heropening with the plump tip of his cock. Oh,yeah, he’d be a hell of a tease. He’d bring hishand up to his lips and make a big show oflicking her juices from his fingers. Mariclosed her eyes, clarifying the vision, wishinglike hell it was reality. A chorus of shouts erupted from below herwindow. The only words that rang clear were,“Down, down, down!” Marcus didn’t flinch. He calmly followedthe action below with a slight tilt to hisfirearm. The ruckus continued outside, butnot a shot was fired. Mari stared at him.Surely her eyes were as big as saucers. “Alpha confirm. Subject in custody.” Aftera moment, he stood, one smooth movementunfolding his body. Mari yanked her handaway from her pussy, almost whimpering atthe injustice. She gathered the opening of herrobe in two handfuls. He removed the
magazine from the rifle, then carefully tookthe single round from the chamber. Hismovements showed none of the stress shewould expect to see. Each of his movementswas practiced, smooth and deliberate, as if hetrained a deadly weapon on people every day.Perhaps he did. He straightened and scannedthe room before looking through the doorwayto meet her eyes. “Echo three to Alpha base. One witness todebrief. Echo three out.” He pulled the headset from his ear, and itdangled off his shoulder. Mari took her firstgood look at him facing her, and she hadthose damn visions from her fantasy stuck inher head. But the man in her fantasy burned hot andwild, and this guy was cool as a slab ofmarble and showed just as much emotion.Maybe he was a robot. He was a cop after all.“I’m sorry I had to startle you, ma’am. I
appreciate your assistance.” His voice didn’tfluctuate from the deep, even tone. Mari nodded. “No one was hurt?” “No. A struggle, but no shots fired.” Hejerked his chin toward the window. “Seemssome pretty shady deals have been going onright outside your bedroom window. Probablywhile you were in here sleeping…” His gazeswept over the bed and fixed on her vibrator. Heat flooded her face. Her heart, confusedat the roller coaster of emotions, poundedpainfully. She pressed her thighs together toquell the need flaring in her heated sex. “You said you were in the middle ofsomething?” Great. He had a photographic memory.Mari blinked, bringing him back into focus.His smirk might have sent a lesser womanrunning for cover, but Mari saw the intriguebehind those blue eyes. She didn’t stop tothink that it might just be her hormones
bouncing around like fireflies in a jar. Shefolded her arms across her chest, lifted herchin and raised an eyebrow. “That’s right. I’d like to get back to my…”she paused meaningfully, “something now, ifyou don’t mind.” He walked toward her. Swaggered wouldbe a better word. He paused at the foot of thebed and, without releasing her from his stare,he reached over and scooped Bob up off thepillows. Holy hell. There was no way shemisinterpreted that hungry look. The manalmost drooled and bared his teeth like acartoon wolf. Mari blinked again, just in caseher imagination and libido were still salsadancing in her brain. Two more steps toward her and he liftedher vibrator to his nose and made a show ofsmelling the pink silicone. His eyes driftedhalf closed. She bit her lower lip to stifle the
moan. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am forinterrupting you.” His voice dropped to anintimate pitch, and Mari released the breathshe’d been holding. “If there’s any way I canmake it up to you…” He stopped once theirclothes brushed. The back of her head hit thewall when she lifted her chin to meet his eyes.Heat from his body surrounded her. Hismusky scent wafted up to her nose,surrounding her. She sucked a deep breath,indulging in that male smell. “I took an oathto protect and…to serve.” His breath fannedher face. She watched his lips move, and licked hers.This wasn’t really happening. This way-too-gorgeous man was not in her bedroomholding her favorite toy and standing closeenough to taste. She should wake up from thisfantasy before she embarrassed herself. Theclick and ensuing hum of the vibrator close to
her ear was real, though. She met his eyesagain. He nodded slowly and dragged Bob’stip along her jaw line. “Let me.” It could have been a question,but it sounded more like a statement, ormaybe an order. “Tell me it’s okay. Tell meyou want this.” She tried to think. If this really washappening, she needed to think straight. Thevibrator hummed a path down her neck. Hedeftly slipped it beneath the fabric of her robeand farther down her chest. She let her armsdrop to her sides. “You have to understand. I get called on anassignment like today and I can’t think aboutanything but my target. I can’t be distracted. Ican’t think about the woman who opened herdoor to me wearing a flimsy ass robe. I’ve gotthe lives of innocent people and my fellowofficers to consider. I’m stressed out enoughwith that. I usually relieve myself afterward
with a workout in the gym, followed by a soloin the shower, but I’ve never been presentedwith the likes of you when I’m feeling this.” “The likes of me?” Mari surprised herselfwith her ability to speak clearly. His wordspuffed against her lips, and Mari could eventaste his breath. Coffee. “A fucking sexy as hell woman like you,”he continued, dragging her vibrating dildoaround her breast. “Aroused. Naked…” “I’m not…” “Take this off and you will be.” He usedhis free hand to peel her robe off oneshoulder. Mari shut her mouth with a click. She’dbeen about to say she wasn’t a sexy woman,but she wasn’t a stupid one, either. She didn’teven shiver in protest when her robe slitheredto the carpet to pool around her feet. Whyshould she? This was all a crazy dream thatshe’d awaken from any second now. She
wasn’t really standing naked in front of a copin her hallway. “Tell me it’s okay,” he repeated. “I can feelthe heat coming off of you. I can even smellyour arousal. Let me take care of it for you.Tell me it’s okay.” But Mari couldn’t say the words. She couldbarely wrap her mind around the fact that thiswas real, let alone say something. Thevibrator teased the skin below her navel, buthe wouldn’t go farther. “Touch me,” he panted against her lipsbefore she could answer. Her lids driftedclosed in anticipation of a kiss that nevercame. “Please, touch me. Pull my shirt out.Let me feel your hands on me.” He simplyrested his mouth against hers while he spoke. At that point she realized her arms hunglimply at her sides. She laid both hands on hisstomach. Just as she thought, he was inexquisite shape. His abs tightened beneath her
fingers. She indulged in the first touch of hisbody. Hard male. A wall of muscle and man,wrapped in this thin T-shirt. She gripped itand slid the hem from his pants. He hissedwhen her hands met his bare skin. “Fuck, yeah. Tell me. Tell me it’s okay.”He planted his elbow by her ear and leanedagainst her, caging her to the wall. “It’s okay,” she whispered. “I want it. Iwant you.” “Goddamned beautiful…” He wasted notime in sliding the vibrator inside her. Hismoan blended with hers in a tunelessharmony. He didn’t move it once the vibratorwas firmly seated deep in her channel. “Don’tcome yet, baby. I need one thing from youfirst.” He didn’t continue until she liftedheavy lids to meet that electric blue stare.“Tell me your name.”
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