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Home Explore WOL 1st Grade - Chapter 8

WOL 1st Grade - Chapter 8

Published by jeanne.reed, 2022-11-03 18:04:50

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Chapter 8 Our Father in Faith “All things are possible to him who believes.” (Mark 9:23) Let’s Pray Dear God, strengthen my faith in You. Every day I want to believe in You and what You teach me more and more. Amen. Do you have faith in your parents? Let’s Proclaim the Good News Abraham had faith in God and became the father of God’s people. 89

Let’s Learn about God’s Word God called Abraham to move to the Promised Land. God said, “To your descendants I will give this land” (Genesis 12:7). 90 Chapter 8

Abraham was a faithful man. God chose Abraham and his descendants to be His Chosen People. Descendants are the people in our family who come after us. Abraham is our “father in faith.” He believed what God told him. We receive the virtue of faith at our Baptism. With faith, we can give our lives to God. Abraham’s Journey Trace Abraham’s journey to the land God promised him. End Start Fill in the blank. God chose Abraham because he was _____f_a_it_h__fu__l ____. Faith Challenge 91 When you listen to the Bible, think about how God is speaking to you.

Promises of Love God made three promises to Abraham: • A great land. It is also called the Promised Land. • A great name. Abraham’s family would become kings. • Many descendants. God’s Chosen People would become a blessing for the whole world. 92 Chapter 8

God’s Promises to Abraham Read the story below to discover the three promises God gave to Abraham. was faithful to God. One day God told to go to the . believed in God. He obeyed God. God promised that He would give a great name. His family would become kings. God would also bless Abraham with many . His became God’s Chosen People. Abraham descendants Promised Land Faith Challenge Write a thank-you card to God for all His gifts and blessings. 93

A Large Family God promised Abraham many descendants: as many “as the stars of heaven” (Genesis 26:4). Abraham became the father of God’s Chosen People. These people became the Kingdom of Israel. God taught His people. He protected them. God’s Chosen People God’s family grew in size. Add as many stars in the sky as you can. Then fill in the blank below. Abraham’s family became God’s _______________C__h_o__s_e_n__P__e_o__p_l_e_______________. 94 Chapter 8

Saint José Sánchez del Río José was an inspiration to the group of people protecting the Mexican Catholic churches and schools from the government attacks. José obeyed the will of God in everything he did. One day, during a battle, the leader of the group was wounded. He was in danger of being captured. Young José had faith that God was always with him. José bravely ran to his leader’s side. José offered his horse for him to ride to safety. The leader accepted the horse and escaped. Unfortunately, José was captured by the Mexican government. Still, José remained faithful to God. Faith Challenge Think about how you can be like Jesus and Saint José Sánchez del Río. 95

The Theological Virtue of Faith Faith is one of three virtues God gives us in Baptism. Faith helps us believe in God. It also helps us believe in what He teaches us. Our faith grows when we read the Bible. It grows when we pray. Our faith grows when we share it with others. We can learn from other people who have strong faith. Baptism and the Virtue of Faith Fill in the blanks. faith virtue Baptism Faith is a ______v_i_r_tu__e______ . God gives us this virtue in _____B_a_p__t_is_m______. With _______fa__it_h_______, we can believe in God and what He teaches us. 96 Chapter 8

Faith Alive: Our Family in Faith Fill in the blanks to match the pictures. Then draw a picture of someone you would like to share your faith with. talking  praying I can help others grow in their faith by _______t_a_l_k_i_n_g________ to them about God and by _______p_r_a_y__in__g_______ for them. 97

Chapter 8 Review: Our Father in Faith PCehoopselen Answer the questions below and then use the answers to fill in the crossword puzzle. ★Across 2. God called Abraham to move to the ______ Land. ★6. The virtue God gives us that helps us believe in Him. 3. Abraham was the father of God’s ____ ____ . stars 5. God promised to give Abraham a great ______. ★D1 name faith E descendants ★P2 R O M I S E D C Promised ★C3 H O S4 E N P E O P L E TN ★N5 A M E D R F6 A I T H SN T Down S 1. The family that comes after you. 4. Abraham’s family would be as many “as the ______ of heaven.” 98 Chapter 8

Faith is a theological virtue that helps us believe in God and all that He has revealed to us. It is not always easy to believe what God reveals. While God’s teachings are not irrational, some of them are beyond what we can reason on our own. Also, there are times when God’s teachings are personally challenging or call us to live differently from how many people around us are living. God gives us the virtue of faith so that we can believe and accept all the truths God has revealed. Through faith, we can believe what God has revealed through Jesus Christ and what the Church teaches. God reveals Himself in many ways, but in particular He reveals Himself through God the Son. Jesus established a Church and gave the spiritual keys to Saint Peter. These keys symbolize the authority of the Church to preserve, protect, and teach the truths of God. When we encounter a revealed teaching or moral law that is difficult to believe, we should first pray for God to strengthen our faith to accept and believe this teaching or law. But then we should educate ourselves to the reason behind the teaching. Through prayer and education, we can believe all that God reveals. With faith, we believe what With faith, we share our With faith, we focus and With faith, we are respectful Jesus and His Church teaches. beliefs with others. pray reverently. of religious objects and God’s Word. Becoming a Person of Character Ask yourself and your children the following questions: • Do you believe everything that God reveals? • Do you believe all that the Church teaches, including the moral laws? • Do you try to learn more about what God teaches? • Does faith guide every aspect of your life? Or is faith reserved for a certain part of your life? Prayer to Grow in Virtue God the Father, we praise You for all that You have revealed to us! We believe what You and Your Church teaches. Help our unbelief. Amen. 99

:Chapter 8 Our Father in Faith Abraham had faith in God and became the father of God’s people. Chapter Summary Growing in the Virtue of Faith God’s plan of love continued to unfold through Abraham. • Prayer activity His plan was to prepare the world for the coming of the Savior. He began by calling Abraham, a very faithful  Spend five to ten minutes reflecting on the virtue man, to be the father of the Chosen People. God made of faith and how to nurture it as a family. three promises to Abraham: he would have a great - Ask God to teach you about Himself (what/ land, a great name, and many descendants. God called how He loves, why He created you, what Abraham to move away from his home with his family to His plan is for you). the land that God had promised. Abraham is called our - Express to God your belief in Him and the “father in faith” because he is a great example of always teachings of His Church. believing and obeying God. - Ask God to increase and strengthen in you the virtue of faith. More for Parents  Conclude by reciting together as a family, “Lord, I believe in You, and I give my whole life to Family life requires faith. We enter into marriage but follow You.” cannot see the future of our health, our spouse’s health, or where careers will take us. Nor can we guarantee that • God promised Abraham that his descendants would be our spouse will always make the right decisions. We raise children, but we cannot foresee our children’s future. We as many as the stars in the sky. In today’s world, city live well amid uncertainty by being rooted in belief in God lights hide many of the stars, so the full impact of this and what He teaches us. Faith helps us know that God promise is lost on us. Take your family out of the city, is true. Unlike those who lived before Christ’s coming, go to a planetarium, or find pictures online of the night we have been given intimate knowledge of God and His sky with no light pollution. Let the magnitude of God’s plan for our salvation. We no longer need to live in fear. promise sink in as you look at the myriad of stars in With faith, we step into this plan of God with belief and the heavens. certainty that God is faithful to us. • Share with your children about your faith in God, Virtue in the Family including when you were in a difficult moment. The virtue of faith helps us believe in God and in what He teaches us. It helps us give our lives to God in Vocabulary Words for Your accordance with His will. Faith also unites God’s family. Children to Review We are united as baptized children of God and as a community of believers in God, our loving Father. • Chosen People • descendants Find digital flash cards to help your children review on the parent portal. For more family faith formation resources, go to the parent portal. 100 Chapter 8

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