Statement of Capability
About Us Our wayof thinking…Accela Marketing Limited is the largest and only BIG IDEAS.Full-Service Marketing Communications companyin the OECS (Eastern Caribbean States) catering SMALL the international market as well as the regionalone. ST. LUCIAOur multi-regional agency delivers Integrated ADDRESS Coral Avenue,Marketing Solutions, Marketing Research, Public Edge Water,Relations, Print, Radio and Television Advertising TEL Gros Islet,Production, Public Relations, Full Scale Web FAX PO Box 1058,Design & Development and Online & Social Media EMAIL Castries, St. LuciaMarketing Strategies, Media Solutions and Event WEBSITE 1 (758) 452-6299/453-1595Planning & Execution. 1 (758) 452-7571 [email protected] are a member of the American Advertising www.accelamarketing.comFederation (AAF) and Caribbean AdvertisingFederation (CAF). Key staff have certification in CANADAonline marketing and we are ISO Certificatied inQuality Management Systems. ADDRESS 55 Bloor Street E # 706, Toronto, TEL Ontario M4W 1A9, CanadaFormerly RAM Public Relations, the Company 1 (416) 792-7763started in 1998, with public relations services.In 2003, RAM PR became Accela Marketing andbegan delivering wider scope of services to fullysupport both private and public sector clients.Our well-respected brand is the result ofresponsible, sustainable and innovative businesspractices coupled with deep knowledge of theCaribbean market and sectors, particularly tourism,agriculture, financial, communications, retail andcultural. Our award winning work is the result ofhaving big ideas bolstered by small details that helpus deliver within any budget size.
SeOrurvices every format, our work is award Consultancy Services: Business and winning and effective. marketing plans, feasibility studies.Marketing Strategy: Accela’s approach Export Development & Marketingto developing marketing solutions Media Management: We plan the Support: Have a local/regional productstarts with strategies based on optimum mix of media space, time, and you need to break into theevidence derived from our Research location and frequency to reach as Canadian market-place. We haveDepartment, which serves some of the many of your existing and potential offices in Toronto and expertise to helpbiggest brands in the region. Our audiences as possible, with minimal you meet regulations and get on theclients get a 360 Degree assessment of waste, and for the fewest dollars. shelves and in the mind-space of yourtheir brand, consumers, competition foreign target audience.and market environment to define the Public Relations: We do it all- mediabest creative and strategic solutions. relations, crisis communication, image We understand Customers don't management; media appearances; just buy products or services.Brand Stewardship: Brand definition press conferences; speech writing; They buy solutions.and stewardship built on insight and community relations; sponsorshipinnovative thinking are invaluable to management and employee relationscrafting meaningful relationship with and internal communication.your customer base. Market Research: From publicOnline Marketing: Our website and perception polls to specific research onsocial media strategies are geared to markets, products and services. Wetruly bring you ROI. We can build it also coordinate focus groups forfrom scratch or diagnose your existing targeted research, staff assessments,website and social media to help you and mystery shopping;better convert browsers into believersand buyers. Web Design: We offer design, construction and hosting,Advertising & Promotions: From TV programming, content management,and radio script writing, casting, art web tracking solutions, databasedirection, filming and recording to hosting and data warehousing centeredcreating eye-catching visual material in around your marketing objectives. Event Management: Seminars, workshops, cocktail receptions, lectures, exhibitions, social outdoor activities, road shows, you name it!
OSrtgarniuzatciontaul reAccela Marketing does not depend on BOARD OF DIRECTORSfreelance talent to deliver its core services. MANAGING DIRECTORWe are a fully supported, fully staffedcompany with several departments and OPERATIONS MANAGER IT MANAGER ACCOUNTANTDepartment Heads that are accountable toclients. Our current team of twenty (20) QMS/MARKET CLIENT SERVICE BUSINESS CREATIVE DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATIONin-house professionals is headed by Managing RESEARCH MANAGER MANAGER DEVELOPMENTDirector Agnes Francis and includes: MANAGER• Client Services Manager• Business Development Manager ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES• Creative Director/Senior Copywriter• Operations Manager MARKET RESEARCH GRAPHIC DESIGN COPYWRITING /• Production Manager OFFICERS PUBLIC RELATIONS• Web Developer• Social Media/Online Marketer WEB DEVELOPMENT AUDIO VISUAL• Research Manager• Account Administrators (2)• Copywriter• Art Director• Senior Graphic Artists (2)• Videographers (2)• Sound Engineer/ComposerN.B. The team is supported by additionaladministrative and accounting staff.
Team ProfilesAgnes Francis - Managing Director Women’s Entrepreneurial Network of the Hotel and Tourism Association, and SportsInternationally Certified Project Caribbean founded by Hilary Rodham Saint Lucia Inc.Management Consultant (PMP), Agnes Clinton. She has served as a director onFrancis holds a Bachelor’s Degree in several local boards such as the Chamber of As Managing Director of Accela Marketing,Management Studies and a Master’s Degree Commerce, Saint Lucia Development Bank, Agnes has helped the agency to grow fromin Tourism Planning and Development. Her including being the Chairperson of the strength to strength even after the globalpublic sector experience includes serving as National Development Corporation (the financial crisis of 2008. Accela began itsSaint Lucia’s first female Director of Tourism. island’s investment promotion agency) and Innovation Strategy to reinvent itself throughShe is an active participant in the private the Saint Lucia Fish Marketing Corporation. diversification. Agnes has her finger on thesector having established the first full She has served on the Saint Lucia Bureau of pulse of what is happening in the region andservice public relations agency in Saint Lucia Standards Technical Committee and the agency is currently reinventing itself 1997. Ms. Francis is the President of the currently is a member of the Saint Lucia
Lydia Osbourne - Market Research Manager Jessica Joseph - Creative Strategist Natasha Pompey-Clairmonte - Client Services ManagerLydia has over ten (10) years of experience in This Writer’s Guild of America member, left athe areas of marketing and social research. Her UWI (St. Augustine) Degree in Agriculture to Natasha has over fifteen (15) years ofcompetencies have been further developed pursue her first love of writing in 1997. She experience in a wide variety of fields includingthrough completion of a BSc Degree in Social has been a creative powerhouse in the client service, public relations and education inSciences and a Masters degree in Demography advertising field for over sixteen (16) years the public and private sectors, working in thefrom the University of the West Indies. She has after being hand-picked by Gerard Besson, UK, St. Vincent & the Grenadines and Saintalso completed specialized training in Peter Popplewell and Kenrick Attale out of 40 Lucia. Holding a diploma in Businessmarketing research from the University of candidates at a Lonsdale Saatchi & Saatchi Administration, she has effectively exploited allGeorgia in conjunction with the Marketing creative workshop. She was groomed by the marketing and advertising opportunities andResearch Institute International. Saatchi & Saatchi school of Ideas and ensured that marketing activities areOriginally from Jamaica, Lydia has worked in Lovemark Building and began winning AATTT conducted within budget to ensureboth the public and private sectors. She has and ADDY Awards just one year into her optimization for the client she represents.worked with organisations such as the Sir career. At just 21 she was entrusted withArthur Lewis Institute for Social and Economic brands such as Johnson & Johnson, PepsiCo Natasha has experience in coordinating andStudies at the University of the West Indies, the International, Scotiabank, TSTT and Procter & executing integrated marketing communicationHEART Trust/ National Training Agency of Gamble. After six years with the company she campaigns including documentaries; TV andJamaica, and with Marketing Strategy Ltd. - a came to Accela just as the company acquired radio PSAs and commercials; panelfull-service market research firm. Her various Digicel as a client and over three years, her discussions; talk shows; print and collateralfunctions have included conducting needs contribution to Accela aided the our client’s material including posters, billboards,analyses to identify areas for intervention to objectives to take over the market in Saint presentation folders, commemorativeimprove efficiency within firms, monitoring Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada and Dominica. magazines, brochures and press adverts;programme delivery to ensure adherence to international press trips and conferences;the terms and conditions of contracts and She is the brain behind some of the most events and launches; online material includingquality standards, and conducting market memorable creative endeavors in Trinidad and websites, e-blasts and social mediaresearch to enhance strategic planning and Tobago, Saint Lucia and has also worked in the applications; and entertainment activities.decision-making processes. UK and throughout the Caribbean. In her She has improved sales performance andLydia is responsible for designing and wake are, “Caring Connections”- Digicel, “The brand awareness for clients through productimplementing qualitative and quantitative People’s Canvas” Outdoor Art Display Queen’s knowledge by using researching skills toresearch plans for products in all stages of the Park Oval Trinidad “Imagine More For determine new elements, trends andproduct life cycle. Her responsibilities also Yourself” brand campaign for RBTT/RBC positioning within key markets.include interpreting data, writing reports, and Regional, “The Alpha Of The Omegas” Seveninforming actionable recommendations geared Seas Regional and her ADDY Awards are in Natasha has also written public relationsat improving marketing outcomes. the double digits, including her work for Pepsi materials including press releases, direct mail International West Indies Cricket. pieces and newsletters for a number of clients.
Greg Marfan - Art Director Remus Romulus - Interactive Programmer Julius Hollenseide - Videographer In his six years as a video editor, JuliusTrinidadian born, Greg Marfan has over twenty Remus Romulus is an Interactive Programmer, has developed a passion for his craft(20) years of experience as a graphic designer. Graphic Designer and Web and Computer that is noticeable in any of theOver the course of his career he has worked Programming with seventeen (17) years of high-profile projects that he has workedwith such brands as Carib Beer and ECFH and experience in Art and Graphics. on. These include Saint Lucia’s TourismGuinness. He was also a key player in the Awareness Program, a national,launching of Courts Trinidad - the largest of He received his Post Graduate qualifications in multi-media campaign targeted at athe retail giant’s Caribbean outlets. 2003 in Interactive Programing at the wide demographic of society. Julius’ Sheridan Institute of Technology, where he impressive body of work also speaks toWhile a part of the global advertising network, graduated with honors. his exemplary documentary makingMcCann-Erikson, he was a part of a team that skills. In 2008 for instance, he assistedwas granted a Cleo Award, the most Remus has worked in Canada, New York for in the production of a highly successfulprestigious prize in advertising in the United Industry Next and Chicago for Incognito corporate documentary on one of theStates. Digital, and continues to be marketed globally. largest supermarket chains in the OECS. He has worked with high profile clients of FX As versatile as he is creative, JuliusDuring his 12 years at Accela he has Networks, Speed TV, AOL, Microsoft Canada, regularly participates in mediaspearheaded the graphic designs for major IBM Canada, WE Network etc and joined the campaigns for such clients as Saintcorporate clients such as ECFH and its Accela Team in 2013. Lucia’s Ministry of Culture and Grenadasubsidiaries, Digicel, Saint Lucia Electricity Cooperative Bank. His work style isServices Ltd, the National Development He has a passion for all forms of creative defined by the highest level of expertiseCorporation, among others. His years of expression from poetry, music, fashion, and demonstrable talent.expertise and eye for award winning design, videography to human-computing interactionhas made him a valuable asset to the company. and programming, which infuses his work. He loves creative, but equally loves mathematics.
CliOenurtsOur satisfied list of local, regional and • St. Vincent Brewery • Invest SVG (Saint Vincent and theinternational clients over the years, Grenadines)include: • Saint Lucia Distillers • St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce• Government of Saint Lucia: • East Caribbean Financial Holding Industry & Agriculture Company Limited (ECFH) and its• The Office of Private Sector Relations (OPSR) TEPA Subsidiaries • Digicel (Saint Lucia Trade Export Promotion Agency) • Cable & Wireless Limited/LIME • Grenada Co-operative Bank Limited • DNA Business Solutions (USA)• CARILEC • Bahamas Business Solutions Ltd • Grenada Public Service Co-operative • UNDP• IPSOS DOMINICANA Credit Union • CERTUSS UK Ltd • Monroe College.• European Union • Consolidated Foods Limited (Saint Lucia & St. Vincent & the Grenadines)• UNESCO• CARICOM • Saint Lucia Tourist Board• OECS Secretariat• Rubis • Invest Saint Lucia• Courts (National Development Corporation)We have also collaborated with numerous regional and international firms on various services required in Saint Lucia and abroad.
CRaelseevaSnttudies REBRANDING AN ORGANIZATION - Lucia. Accela developed a full brand INVEST SVG & ECFH and visual manifestation manual for BRAND LAUNCH & COMPETITION the parent company, including revised MANAGEMENT - DIGICEL Accela Marketing was contracted to logo graphics, new tag lines and a undertake the rebranding of the complete guide to the application of In 2002, Digicel gave Accela a National Investment & Promotions Inc. the new brand template. tremendous task and opportunity; to (NIPI), the agency with the responsibility be its agency in Saint Lucia and the to facilitate the development of key MARKET STRATEGY - OECS and help it penetrate a new sectors by attracting foreign direct GRENADA COOPERATIVE BANK market dominated by Cable & Wireless. investment as well as local investment. The agency helped the Irish newcomer The new branding not only attracted Like most National Commercial Banks, take on the formidable competition and the attention of potential investors, but Grenada Corporative Bank (once the monopoly by providing market strategy it also provided new tools to market “Penny Bank”) was in dire need of an at the decision making level with the the investment opportunities and make internal and external makeover to get up company owners, Dennis O’Brian and St. Vincent and the Grenadines more to speed with competition from Lucy Gaffney. Accela accompanied competitive as an investment location. multi-national banks that were siphoning Digicel’s executive board on visits to The project included a public awareness market share, particularly from young Trinidad and Barbados to also help them campaign component where a full range professionals who saw the multi-national craft and implement market entry of advertising materials were produced banks as modern, technologically savvy strategies. Digicel had a dedicated Client covering print, radio, television, online and offering more products and services Service and Creative Team on 24/7 call, and collateral for the local and foreign that spoke to their needs. Accela attending its war-room meetings and markets. The materials were produced Marketing spearheaded a complete brand ready respond to competitive in English as well as other foreign make-over for GCB in 2011. The process maneuvers as they happened. This languages including French, Spanish, involved an internal education process to strategic marketing and advertising and simplified and traditional Mandarin. support the Marketing Department and support combined with our Public help them make a compelling case to its Relations initiatives like Caring Accela undertook a complete Board of Directors, extensive market Connections assisted Digicel, which was rebranding of the Eastern Caribbean research to provide evidence of the need a ferocious player that understood the Financial Holdings Company Limited and a multi-pronged, integrated market value of share of voice, in eventually (ECFH) and its subsidiaries. The brands strategy spanning the course of three becoming the market leaders within needed to be refreshed in order to years. Today, GCB can hold its own among three years. maintain their market dominance. the multi-national banks and has recently There was also confusion in the mind launched innovative new products like of the market about the brand “Just My Style Savings” and is finally differentiation between ECFH and its venturing into online and mobile banking subsidiaries in particular Bank of Saint services this year.
PROMOTIONS - LIME MARKET RESEARCH - VARIOUS CLIENTS Windward & Leeward Brewery Ltd. –When it comes to promotions, Accela Ongoing Regional Mystery Shopper Surveys Packaging Concept Test (2013)Marketing has a pedigree honed from - Courts OECS & Rubis Eastern Caribbean SRLexperience with some of the most Before launching its new product, the Pitonactive retail brands in the region and in Mystery shopper surveys are conducted on an Radler, Windward & Leeward BrewerySaint Lucia. There is nothing we love ongoing basis for regional companies with Limited sought to obtain feedback frommore than sitting around a table with interests throughout the OECS. The surveys the market place regarding packaging ofclients and brainstorming innovative serve to evaluate compliance with the the product. A series of focus groupways to capture the consumer’s company standards relating to the customer sessions were held with beer drinkers andattention in new ways. It was our experience via visits to the individual retail non-beer drinkers in different geographicalpleasure to work with LIME on the outlets. The results allow for a comparison of regions across the island. In addition toDynamite Dads Promotion in 2013. The the performance of the individual retail information about their consumption ofpromotion not only generated buzz outlets as well as tracking of performance similar products, participants were asked tolocally, but has sparked the interest of over time. These surveys continue to be used give their opinions on a number ofLIME in other territories. We still meet as tools in helping companies to identify areas packaging concepts that was presented.LIME customers who talk about the for improvement in their service delivery. The feedback was analysed and presentedmemorable occasion of attending a red They also provide a basis for commendation to WLBL in a consolidated report. This wascarpet, VIP Screening of the Hollywood of staff through substantiation of noteworthy used to help inform the final design for theBlockbuster ‘Man of Steel’ at the performance in keeping with the companies’ packaging concept for the product.Caribbean Cinemas and the rollicking standards.after-party. National Media Survey (2013)“What was truly remarkable was that it OECS Energy Efficiency Awareness Surveywas all produced in just one week. We (2012) In May of 2013, Accela Marketing,are very pleased with the agency’s conducted its first annual media survey.ability to not only think prolifically on An Energy Efficiency Awareness Survey was A nationally representative sample, basedtheir feet but their production conducted among five countries in the OECS on key demographic variables was used incapabilities and seamless coordination. with a view to inform the strategy for a public order to obtain empirical data relating toWe are also happy to say that the LIME education and awareness programme on prevalent media habits among Saint50 Dymanite Dads Father’s Day energy efficiency. In order to identify priority Lucians, including television, radio andPromotion was such a hit, LIME St. areas to be addressed by the campaign, the internet-based media. The survey alsoKitts and LIME British Virgin Islands survey sought to garner information on garnered information with respect tohave requested the concept for use in households’ energy consumption as well as mobile phone use and general lifestyletheir markets,” stated Marketing & general awareness and perception of habits. The results of the media survey canCorporate Communications Executive, conservation methods. be used as a tool to inform better targetingSharlene Jn Baptiste. by advertisers.
Testimonials conveyed a thousand of images. marketing creativity and cordiality of the working relationship are strengths whichWhile we do believe in beating our Whereas it was not originally intended, ensured that we kept our status asdrum where appropriate, we know the in many ways the campaign also distributor of our most profitablemost powerful and persuasive sound is embraced the Group’s Corporate Social international brand.that of a satisfied client singing our Responsibility policy as it conveyed thepraises. Here is what some of our message of Bank of Saint Lucia in some John Scott Jr., General Manager,clients in the fields of Finance, tangible way giving back to the people ofTourism, Retail, Telecommunications, St. Lucia by making it affordable and Frank B. Armstrong (St. Lucia) Ltd.Services have to say about working possible for them to own land. As awith Accela. result we were able to easily create and Brand & Corporate Identity execute a public relations strategyAdvertising & Promotions alongside the print and radio campaign. In the fall of 2010, I embarked on a new venture – a consulting business which I wasWe wish to thank the Accela team for Once again I would like to thank the planning to start with four partnersthe conceptualization and execution of Accela team for turning what could have based in multiple countries (USA,the Bank of Saint Lucia Land Loan been very mundane advertising into an CANADA and BERMUDA). We were aCampaign which was initially intended to intriguing, persuasive and successful small start-up with big plans andbe a 3-month campaign from August advertising campaign. absolutely no materials or company2010 but due to its success was profile with which to introduce ourselves.extended to the end of the year 2010, Maria Fowell, Senior Manager, Marketing andand then further put back out to market Corporate Communications, East Caribbean Having seen some excellent work fromduring the second half of 2011. Financial Holding Accela Marketing in the past, in particular a campaign they had created for a XeroxThe response by the public to the Research & Marketing Strategy Partner in Saint Lucia, I contacted themcampaign was tremendous, helping to for help.exceed sales targets set…the overall Accela’s approach to the work includingtheme of the campaign Take root the market research, demonstration of our Accela responded quickly with ideas andhere…and let your dreams begin created company’s strengths and relationships, suggestions, and walked us through thea level of ownership and identification and marketing strategy and approach to next steps working with us virtually. Theywith the need to own a piece of the ensuring the future success of the brand guided us through the many evolutions ofcountry. It was a compelling reason to went a long way in convincing our supplier our name, our logo and our presentationact. Further the simple, single, clean that our company was the ideal one for package. In a very short time we had animage of the press advertisement their brand. image for our business and a packet to present to our potential clientele that It was a pleasure working with ACCELA outlined our skills, talents and menu of Marketing. The knowledge, insight and offerings in an elegant format.
We were able to take these materials line media, with smart use of local icons Accela begins all their marketing andand present our business at an Annual and spokespeople and a cutting edge business strategies with thoroughSales Kickoff meeting held by Xerox animated short following the journey of research and are able to provide insightsCorporation in January 2011 which was the tourist dollar and how it touches that are unique and accurate. Theattended by business owners and people’s lives. Chamber wholeheartedly recommendsmanagers from 50 companies in the the agency to any enterprise seeking toCaribbean and South America. These After a period of saturation, testing of enhance its business or marketingtools helped us brand and jumpstart our the public’s perceptions revealed a endeavors in this business and we could not remarkable turn-around. Thehave pulled it together so quickly and transformation was so powerful, the Brian Louisy, Executive Vice Presidentprofessionally without the folks at slogan had become local parlance and Saint Lucia Chamber of Commerce, IndustryAccela Marketing. All the work was the entire campaign is currently being and Agriculturedone via the internet, but we made every revamped for re-use by the Ministry ofdeadline and the collaboration went very Tourism.smoothly. Nigel A Mitchell, Director – Saint LuciaI have no hesitation to recommend them Tourism Development Programmeto any business looking for creative ways Ministry of Tourismto get the most return for theirmarketing investment! Business AcumenDebra Bova, DNA Business Solutions – Your Accela is known for its expertise inBlueprint For Success creating effective business plans and providing invaluable support to thePublic Awareness/PR business community. The Saint Lucia Chamber Of Commerce is proud to notIn 2007, Accela was approached with the only have awarded Accela with severalformidable task of changing deeply business awards but to avail itself of theentrenched, negative attitudes towards agency’s services for its Competitivethe Tourism Industry. They delivered a Linkages Project and our Youth BusinessTourism Awareness Program that was so Trust initiative.comprehensive, multi-tiered andeffective at a grassroots level. The company is an avid supporter of The Chamber and a sponsor at our events asThe “You Are The U in Tourism” Campaign we seek to form stronger global businessenveloped above the line and below the outreach for the private sector.
The AwardsADDY/CAF• Best in Show- FDL Pest Solutions “Cockroach”• Gold ADDY- FDL Pest Solutions “Cockroach”• Gold ADDYs SLASPA’s ‘Behind the Everyday Benefits of Life’ Corporate Campaign• Gold ADDY Banana Industry Trust Environmental Awareness Campaign• Silver ADDY ECFH 2012 Calendar• Silver ADDY ECFH 2010 Annual Report• Silver ADDY Accela Website• Silver ADDY Accela Facebook Page• Silver ADDY Consolidated Food Limited Sweepstakes• Silver ADDY for a Print Campaign for Bank of Saint Lucia’s Financial Crisis• Response Silver ADDY Southern Taxi Association WebsiteSaint Lucia Chamber of Commerce• Marketing Excellence 2012• Idea Of The Year “The Big Start Show” 2011• Service Exporter Of The Year 2006• Communications Award from AAPA (American Association of Port Authorities) for the St. Lucia Air and Sea Ports Authority education campaign “Behind the everyday benefits of life” with a score of 96%
Save The Termites fromFDL Pest Control Team!Dear Valued Host, WE FEAR FDL BECAUSE THEY USE:It is the rainy season and hoards of ourtermite families take this opportunity to find s
“We care because Love Of you matter” Learning Come Home… Our contribution to education, throughTo the bank that has always been there and always will be, because of libraries, IT support prudent financial practices and sound financial performance. and after-school programmes are giving more children access to the knowledge that will propel them forward in life. LUCELEC, enabling a culture of learning.• Due diligence and compliance with financial regulators such Grenada Co-operative Bank Limited• Strict corporate values of integrity, confidentiality and St. George’s: 440-2111 Fax: 440-6600 • Sauteurs: 442-9247 Fax: 442-9888 •• Long-standing history of consistent growth and performance, and financial stability in the market-place Carriacou: 443-6385 Fax: 443-8184 • [email protected]
To view our A/V work, please visit our Youtube Channel:
thought leadersleaders Our relationship with you is not as a Marketing, Advertising, Communications supplier of marketing tools. We become and Export Development Strategies andSTRATEGICProACTIVE an integral part of your marketing their execution. This helps us create expertise by working alongside your solutions that deliver Return On tIhinkingnnovativeForwardthinking internal team to assist with strategy, Investment for our clients. Brneotwaopdrkorfetsaelennctein ongoing marketing assessment to achieve your business objectives. We have experience with numerous STRATEGYnumerous markets regional and international firms in the Our business model is based on quality USA, UK, Canada, Wider Caribbean andTheAAcdvcanetalgae not quantity. We service a small number Mexico. We are exceptionally good at of quality clients to whom we provide helping foreign corporations and agencies We’re an actual company that is fully staffed, integrated marketing services. We do not launch brands, ideas and grow market with department heads, all accountable to both chase production jobs from a large share in the Caribbean region. We have clients and the Managing Director. We deliver number of clients. done so for the EU, World Bank, UNDP, award-winning work on par with international Canada and Irish-founded mobile agencies, but cost our clients much less. We have a track record of ethical company Digicel. behavior and transparency. It’s why foreign government agencies and NGOs feel so We are exceptionally good at winning confident working with us. hearts and minds with Communication Education Public Awareness (CEPA) We are a member of the Caribbean and targeted at this Caribbean market. We American Advertising Federation understand the regional cultural CAF/AAF. Our CEO, Agnes Francis was differences, the demographic and the Former Director of Tourism in Saint psychographic landscape and know how Lucia and is the President of the Women’s to use it. Entrepreneurial Network of the Caribbean. We provide Export Development and Marketing Support for local businesses We are an equal opportunity employer. trying to break into export markets. Our staff is multi-national, multi-cultural, award-winning and educated to Bachelor’s Our agency is an active Corporate Citizen Degree level and/or with ten (10) or more with a vested interest in Caribbean years in the industry. Development, cultural and artistic industry and particularly the We have one of the best in-house empowerment of women and girls. Research Departments in the region. Research is the foundation of all our
PO BOX 1058, CORAL AVENUE, EDGE WATER, GROS ISLET, CASTRIES, SAINT LUCIA T. (758) 452-6299/453-1595 F. (758) 452-7571
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