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Nirmitee Draft 22-12-2022

Published by avanish1609, 2022-12-22 18:45:18

Description: Nirmitee - E-Newsletter of Civil Engineering Department
Volume 1


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Nirmitee Volume 1: 2021-22 Department of Civil Engineering Institute of Technology, Nirma University Ahmedabad – 382 481

VISION OF THE DEPARTMENT To be known as an internationally acclaimed centre in Civil Engineering for its excellence in education, technological and sustainable innovation and contribution for the betterment of the society. MISSION OF THE DEPARTMENT To facilitate development of knowledgeable, responsible and ethical leaders in the field of Civil Engineering through the holistic and experiential learning process. To engage in research and innovation for the betterment of society. To emerge as a reliable knowledge resource for the industry, academia and society.

Contents 01 02 1. Preface 2. Glimpse of the Department a. Introduction b. Programmes Offered and Student Strength c. List of Faculty and Staff Members d. Laboratories 3. Faculty Achievements 4. Student Achievements 5. Research Contributions a. Journal Paper Publications b. Conference Paper Presentations c. IPRs d. Research Projects e. Revenue Generation through Research 6. Departmental Activities a. Workshop / STTP / FDP b. Expert Lectures / Webinars c. Industrial Visits d. Social Outreach e. Awards 7. Alumni Activities

Preface ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Urmil Dave Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University 1

Glimpses of the Department Introduction Department focuses on imparting industry relevant training with strong theoretical concepts to students during classroom teaching, laboratory sessions, projects, competitions, value added courses, expert lectures, site visits, practical training, etc. BTech students are placed on construction project sites/consultancy firms/research organisations for entire duration of final semester. MTech students are placed in structural engineering firms/R&D organisations for 6-8 weeks of practical training. The students carry out major project for one year duration at the department/research organisations/industry. This exposure helps the students to acquire the required professional skills. Department has a team of dedicated faculty having specialisation in diverse areas. Faculty members regularly attend conferences, workshops, short term training programmes and continuing education programmes to strengthen teaching-learning practices. The department has successfully completed number of research projects funded by national and international funding agencies i.e., SAC-ISRO, ISRO-RESPOND, DST-SERB, GUJCOST, IC- IMPACTS, European Space Agency and Institutions of Engineers (India). The research outcomes of many funded projects results into development of research capabilities of the department. The department is actively involved in providing diverse consulting services in Civil Engineering. Testing assignment from regional industries is a routine activity accomplished with well-established laboratory set-ups. Department has established strong network with Professionals, Peers from Academic & Research organisations and Alumnus, who supports various activities like site visits, expert lectures, practical training, projects, placements, consultancy and research. Programmes Offered and Student Strength Civil Engineering department offers BTech, MTech and PhD programmes. Undergraduate Programme BTech in Civil Engineering is a four year programme with an intake of 120 students. The curriculum of Civil Engineering is a blend of basic science, engineering science and professional core courses 2

covering fundamental aspects of Engineering. It also includes professional elective courses catering to the need of recent technological developments in Civil Engineering. Students are also offered a choice of open electives at Institute and University level. For holistic development of students, courses on humanities and social sciences are included in the curriculum. The Minor Program The Department offers Minor in following specialised areas of Civil Engineering to undergraduate students.  Structural Engineering  Construction Technology and Management BTech students of Civil Engineering Department can also opt for Minors offered by other departments or institutes –  Computer Engineering  Robotics and Automation  Entrepreneurship  Marketing  Finance  Design Postgraduate Programme (MTech) The Department offers a postgraduate programme of two years; MTech in Civil Engineering (Computer Aided Structural Analysis and Design – CASAD) with an intake of 18 students. Students are offered specialised courses during the first two semesters. Major Project work of one year duration with emphasis on research adds value to the programme. Doctoral Programme Doctoral programme focuses on original research that can contribute to the existing body of knowledge. The programmes builds research capability that includes critical review, problem formulation, data analysis, research outputs and research contribution. PhD Scholars are encouraged to actively participate in international and national conferences and publish their research work in highly acclaimed research journals. The Institute facilitates PhD scholars to publish a patent based on pioneering research. 3

Statistics of student strength of the Department is as follows: Name of Programme Student Strength BTech 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year MTech (CASAD) 120 120 18 120 120 PhD 18 List of Faculty Members S. No. Name Designation Area of Expertise 01. Dr. Urmil Dave Professor and Head Experimental Investigations of Structures, Structural Engineering, 02. Dr. Paresh V. Patel Professor Sustainable Materials 03. Dr. Parul R. Patel Professor Structural Engineering Application of Geomatics, 04. Dr. Sharad P. Purohit Professor Construction Management 05. Dr. Sonal P. Thakkar Assistant Professor Structural Engineering 06. Dr. Digesh D. Joshi Assistant Professor Structural Engineering 07. Dr. Tejas M. Joshi Assistant Professor Structural Engineering 08. Prof. J. M. Suthar Assistant Professor Structural Engineering 09. Prof. Hemang A. Dalwadi Assistant Professor Structural Engineering 10. Prof. Utsav Koshti Assistant Professor Transportation Engineering 11. Dr. Hasan M. Rangwala Assistant Professor Structural Engineering 12. Prof. Sunil D. Raiyani Assistant Professor Geotechnical Engineering 13. Prof. A. M. Shah Assistant Professor Structural Engineering 14. Prof. V. G. Kothari Assistant Professor Geotechnical Engineering 15. Prof. Anant D. Patel Assistant Professor Structural Engineering 16. Prof. Arth Patel Assistant Professor Water Resource Management 17. Prof. Karishma Hignekar Assistant Professor Structural Engineering 18. Prof. Keval Jodhani Assistant Professor Environmental Engineering Morphological Changes in Coastal 19. Prof. Vandit Shah Assistant Professor Region, Water Resource Management 20. Dr. Jitesh Lalwani Assistant Professor Environmental Engineering 4

21. Dr. Manish Dutta Assistant Professor Transportation Engineering 22. Dr. Richa Palod Assistant Professor Water Resource Management 23. Dr. Unnati Agrawal Assistant Professor 24. Dr. Swati Sirsant Assistant Professor List of Technical Staff Members S. No. Name Designation 01. Rajendra Shah Laboratory Supervisor 02. Prahlad Raval Laboratory Supervisor 03. Dhara Joshi Laboratory Assistant 04. Sunil Regar Laboratory Assistant 05. Satyaprakash Chauhan Laboratory Assistant List of Administrative Staff Members S. No. Name Designation 01. Sanket Metkar Assistant 02. Dipak Bhatt Assistant Laboratories Department has well-equipped laboratories pertaining to Structural Engineering, Concrete Technology, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Water Resources & Irrigation, Engineering Mechanics and Surveying catering to the needs of teaching, research and consultancy. Testing and consultancy services are entrusted to the department by various government agencies and practicing organizations. Department is recognised as Schedule – I Environmental Auditor by Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB), Government of Gujarat.  Concrete Technology Lab The Concrete Technology laboratory is equipped with basic as well as advanced facilities related to field and laboratory testing for evaluation of properties of cement, aggregate, admixture and concrete. Major Equipment in the laboratory includes: Compression testing machine of capacity 3000 kN, Flexure testing machine, Mortar Mixer, Hot Air Ovens, Concrete Mixture Machines, Accelerated Curing Tank, Autoclave, Self Compacting Concrete 5

testing facilities, Tile abrasion testing machine, facilities for manufacturing and testing of paver blocks, AAC blocks, etc.  Strength of Materials Lab The laboratory is equipped with various equipment, which enable students to comprehend properties of different materials such as hardness, elasticity, ductility, different types of stresses etc. Major Equipment in the laboratory includes: Universal Testing Machine (40 T capacity), Vickers Hardness Testing Machine, Rockwell cum Brinell Hardness Testing Machine, Impact Testing Machine, Fatigue Testing Machine, Torsion Testing Machine, etc.  Construction Materials Lab Construction Materials laboratory facilitates students to visualise the understanding and manufacturing of various construction materials related to bricks, hollow blocks, paver blocks, interlocking blocks, cellular light weight concrete blocks, Tensile test on various 6

materials such as plastic, rubber, fibers, steel etc. Some of the Equipment in the laboratory includes: Brick and Block Making Machine, Foam Generator, Air Compressor, Concrete Mixer, Tensile Testing Machine.  Geotechnical Engineering Lab The laboratory is equipped with basic and advanced equipment related to the field and laboratory investigation for engineering properties of soil. Laboratory also has various digitalised equipment to match the need of current professional practices. Major Equipment in the laboratory includes: Digital Triaxial Compression Test Apparatus, Static Cone Penetration test Apparatus, Three Gang Digital Consolidation Test Apparatus, Digital resistivity meter, Universal Automatic Compactor, Digitalised Direct Shear Test Apparatus, Laboratory Vane Shear Test Apparatus, Swell Test Apparatus, Standard Penetration Test Set- up and Universal Hydraulic Extractor. 7

 Transportation Engineering Lab Transportation engineering laboratory is equipped with various instruments related to testing of pavement materials and bituminous mixes. Major Equipment in the laboratory includes: Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine, Deval Abrasion testing machine, Marshall Stability test apparatus, Buoyancy Balance (sp. gravity test apparatus), Automatic Standard Penetrometer, Bitumen extractor and Benkelman Beam.  Environmental Engineering Lab Environmental Engineering Laboratory is equipped with different equipment to measure the quality of air, water and noise. The laboratory also cater the test facilities related to environmental audit. Major equipment in the laboratory includes: Digital pH Meter, Digital Conductivity Meter, Digital TDS Meter, Digital Nephelo Turbidity Meter, Micro Controller based Colony Counter, Membrane Filtration Assembly SS, Digital Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Analyser, BOD Incubator, Bacteriological Incubator, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Digestion Apparatus, Distillation Apparatus, Fine Particulate Sampler 2.5, Respirable Dust Sampler and Sound Level Meter. 8

 Surveying Lab Surveying Laboratory facilitates students to understand the fundamentals of land measurement and also caters to the advanced survey techniques like Remote Sensing, GIS, GPS, LIDAR used in the field . Laboratory also includes soft computing techniques, software like CalQuan, ENVI, Geomedia Professional and Arc GIS for generation of maps and analysis of collected field data. Major equipment in the laboratory includes: Total Station, GPS Receiver, Digital Level, Automatic level, Digital Planimeter, Transit Vernier Theodolite.  Water Resources Engineering Lab 9

Water Resources Engineering laboratory is the new addition to the Civil Engineering Department. The main aim of the lab is to impart technical knowledge by using practicals related to Water Resources Engineering which will improve the fundamental understanding of hydrologic systems and processes, design and analysis of water resources structures. Water Resources Engineering laboratory facilitates students for measurement of rainfall, infiltration, discharge in river or canal, evaporation etc. Major Equipment available in the laboratory: Rainfall Runoff simulator, Non-Recording Raingauge, Tipping bucket rain gauge, Pan Evaporimeter, Double Ring Infiltrometer, Soil Tensiometer, Water level indicator, current meter for velocity measurement.  Engineering Mechanics Lab Structural Mechanics laboratory facilitates students to understand basic concepts related to structural analysis for different elements such as cantilever beam, simply supported beam, overhanging beam, propped cantilever beam, fixed beam, column and strut, three hinged arch, truss, portal frame etc. under gravity and lateral loading. This laboratory also provides opportunity to visualise behaviour of basic structural elements in effective manner through various hands-on exercises. Some of the Equipment in the laboratory includes: Reaction Frame used to perform experimentation related to deflection of different types of beams and frames, Column and Strut Apparatus, Three Hinged Arch Apparatus, Portal Frame Apparatus, Redundant Joint Apparatus, Deflection of Truss Apparatus, Elastically Coupled Beam Apparatus, Unsymmetrical Bending Apparatus, Elastic Properties of Deflected Beam Apparatus, Lateral Loading Assembly etc. 10

Over and above these linkages, the Department has established alliances with research organisations industries and academic institutions. 11

Faculty Achievement 1. The International Award Selection Committee has proudly conferred ―RESEARCH EXCELLENCE AWARD‖ to Prof. Anant Patel of Civil Engineering Department Institute of Technology, Nirma University, for the outstanding presentation on ―Groundwater level fluctuation analysis and mapping using RS & GIS technology for Ahmedabad district, Gujarat‖ in the International Multidisciplinary Conference on Recent Trends in Environmental Science and Management organized by Department of Environmental Science & UGC-STRIDE Cell, K. R. T. Arts, B. H. Commerce, A. M. Science (KTHM) College, Nashik, Maharashtra, India in collaboration with Brazil Chapter, International Youth Society, Australia held during August 6th & 7th, 2021. 12

Student Achievements 1. Neha Keriwala (18BCL040) & Chinar Patel (17BCL068) has successfully completed 1 week ISRO‘s Outreach Programme course on ―Geospatial Technology for Hydrological Modelling‖ organized by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS)-Dehradun & ISRO, Govt. of India from 19-07-2021 to 30-07-2021. 2. Naman Khamar (18BCL041) was felicitated by Kadi Taluka Prant officer for being a part of Lions Club Kadi Taluka who took care of the treatment of 1500 patients infected with COVID- 19 free of cost. The felicitation was held on August 15, 2021. 3. Thakkar Dhruv (18BCL112) has secured First Position in QUIZ O MANIA‘ 21 a State Level Quiz on Concrete Day on 7th September 2021 organized by Indian Concrete Institute Students Chapter of Civil Engineering Department, School of Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University with a score of 31 40 We wish /him /her all the best for his/her future endeavors. 4. Panth Shah (19BCL514) has has secured Third Position in state level technical quiz competition 'CIVISTA organized by IEI Students Chapter, Civil Engineering Department, IT-NU in association with The Institution of Engineers (India), Gujarat State Center and Organization of Civil Engineering Students, IT-NU on August 14, 2021. 5. Kavit Thakkar (19BCL506) has secured First Position in Technical Trio under national-level tech-fest NIRMAN'21 organized by Organization of Civil Engineering Students (OrCES), IT- NU on October 24, 2021. 6. Kunal Kapdi (21BCL510) has secured First Position in Technical Trio under national-level tech- fest NIRMAN'21 organized by Organization of Civil Engineering Students (OrCES), IT-NU on October 24, 2021. 7. Dharman Shah (21CLC002) has secured First Position in Technical Housie under national-level tech-fest NIRMAN'21 organized by Organization of Civil Engineering Students (OrCES), IT- NU on October 24, 2021. 8. Parthiv Trivedi (19BCL067) has secured First Position in Technical Housie under national-level tech-fest NIRMAN'21 organized by Organization of Civil Engineering Students (OrCES), IT- NU on October 24, 2021. 13

9. Somali Guchhait (20BCL109) has secured Second Position in Online Extempore under national- level tech-fest NIRMAN'21 organized by Organization of Civil Engineering Students (OrCES), IT-NU on October 24, 2021. 10. Parikh Jainish (20BCL076) has secured First Position in Online Treasure Hunt under national- level tech-fest NIRMAN'21 organized by Organization of Civil Engineering Students (OrCES), IT-NU on October 24, 2021. 11. Parthiv Trivedi (19BCL067) has secured Second Position in Online Treasure Hunt under national-level tech-fest NIRMAN'21 organized by Organization of Civil Engineering Students (OrCES), IT-NU on October 24, 2021. 12. Khush Kaneriya (20BCL060) has secured First Position in Open Mic under national-level tech- fest NIRMAN'21 organized by Organization of Civil Engineering Students (OrCES), IT-NU on October 24, 2021. 13. Vishvadeep Jain (19BCL138) has secured Second Position in Open Mic under national-level tech-fest NIRMAN'21 organized by Organization of Civil Engineering Students (OrCES), IT- NU on October 24, 2021. 14. Five students from B.Tech in Civil Engineering (Jhanvi Dholakia-20BCL505, Priyanshu Thumar-19BCL134, Patel Krisee-19BCL082, Parthiv Kumar-19BCL067, Kruti Chauhan- 20BCL502) attended an Online Capacity Building Programme on ‗One Water, Paradigm Shift, and Concept to Development‘. The Programme was held on February 7th -18th, 2022. IWA India and ISEC-Bangalore were the Principal Knowledge Partner for the programme. The main objective of the programme was (i) To understand ‗One Water‘ concept (ii) To study how to adopt ‗One Water‘ in planning (iii) To understand a city and township level plan to meet water demand with ‗One Water‘ (iv) To know what and how to update existing infrastructure and develop new infrastructure. 15. The team of the six students from B Tech and M Tech in Civil Engineering (Foram Shah, Hasmita Mehta, Hetavi Patel, Parthiv Trivedi, Somali Guchhait , Utsav Modh) successfully cleared the hackathon at Nirma University level in Hardware category on 17th March 2022. 16. Adityasinh Jadeja (19BCL505) is the 1st runner up of the national level competition ―UltraTech Stimulus Competition‖ for West Zone on June 30, 2021. A cash prize of INR 10,000/- is awarded to him. 14

17. Apurva Ganatra (17BCL034) was the part of Team ―Soleil Alt+E‖ along with students of Architecture Department. They were the finalists of the Year-long National Level Solar Decathlon competition. The students were tasked with developing affordable and industry-ready solutions for real projects with the help of online education and mentoring provided during this year-long challenge. The students worked on the project titled ―Net Zero Energy Buildings‖ with a focus on optimizing the energy and water consumption in collaboration with GIFT City Gandhinagar. The event started on September 01, 2020 and ended on May 09, 2021. 18. Adityasinh Jadeja (19BCL505) and Mauli Bhatt (18BCL008) have been selected for two-month internship programme ‗Summer- Intern‘ under ULTRATECHIES — Summer Internship Program for Civil Engineers. The students will be paid a stipend of Rs. 10,000 per month. The internship is scheduled in the month of June 2021 for a duration of two months. The said information was received on April 05, 2021 from Ultratech Officials. 19. Thakkar Dhruv (18BCL112) has secured First Position in QUIZ O MANIA‘ 21 a State Level Quiz on Concrete Day on 7th September 2021 organized by Indian Concrete Institute Students Chapter of Civil Engineering Department, School of Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University with a score of 31/40. 20. Panth Shah (19BCL514) has has secured Third Position in state level technical quiz competition 'CIVISTA organized by IEI Students Chapter, Civil Engineering Department, IT-NU in association with The Institution of Engineers (India), Gujarat State Center and Organization of Civil Engineering Students, IT-NU on August 14, 2021. 21. Five students from B Tech in Civil Engineering (Jhanvi Dholakia-20BCL505, Priyanshu Thumar-19BCL134, Patel Krisee-19BCL082, Parthiv Kumar-19BCL067, Kruti Chauhan- 20BCL502) attended an Online Capacity Building Programme on ‗One Water, Paradigm Shift, and Concept to Development‘. The Programme was held on February 7 -18, 2022. IWA India and ISEC-Bangalore were the Principal Knowledge Partner for the programme. The main objective of the programme was (i) To understand ‗One Water‘ concept (ii) To study how to adopt ‗One Water‘ in planning (iii) To understand a city and township level plan to meet water demand with ‗One Water‘ (iv) To know what and how to update existing infrastructure and develop new infrastructure. 22. The International Award Selection Committee is proudly conferred ―RESEARCH EXCELLENCE AWARD‖ to Prof. Anant Patel and Ms. Neha Keriwala of Civil Engineering 15

Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, for the outstanding presentation on ―Groundwater level fluctuation analysis and mapping using RS & GIS technology for Ahmedabad district, Gujarat‖ in the International Multidisciplinary Conference on Recent Trends in Environmental Science and Management organized by Department of Environmental Science & UGC-STRIDE Cell, K. R. T. Arts, B. H. Commerce, A. M. Science (KTHM) College, Nashik, Maharashtra, India in collaboration with Brazil Chapter, International Youth Society, Australia held during August 6th & 7th, 2021 16

Research Contributions Journal Paper Publications 1. Jodhani, K. H., Patel, D., & Madhavan, N. (2021). A review on analysis of flood modelling using different numerical models. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2. Anant Patel, Karishma Chitnis (2021) ―Application of fuzzy logic in river water quality modelling for analysis of industrialization and climate change impact on Sabarmati river‖ Water Supply, IWA Publishing (IF 1.27). 3. Dhwanilnath Gharekhan, Bimal K. Bhattacharya, Devansh Desai, Parul R. Patel, Modelling of downwelling longwave radiation over multiple agro-climate settings of India under foggy sky conditions – A neural network approach, Remote Sensing applications: Society and Environment, Volume 25, 2022,100684,ISSN 2352-9385, 4. Anant Patel, S M Yadav ―Street Level Flood Monitoring and Warning System,a conceptual model using IoT: A Case of Surat City‖ Disaster Advances , Vol 14 , Issue 12, 2021 , ISSN 2278-4543 5. Sharadkumar P. Purohit and Sharad V. Senjaliya, ―Dynamic Testing of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block Masonry Building Models‖, ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology, Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 177-192, December 2020 6. Tejas Joshi and Urmil Dave, ―Construction of Pervious Concrete Pavement Stretch, Ahemdabad, India,- Case Study‖, published in Case studies in Construction Material., XXX XXX, Vol. X, Issue X, pp. XXX, ISSN : XXX-XXXX (Article in press ) (Online available) 7. Gandhi, D., Joshi, T., and Dave, U. (2021). ―Development of concrete mix design using android application as per Indian standard 10262:2019‖, The Indian Concrete Journal, Vol. 95, No. 11, pp. 1-11 8. Badatala S, Sharma S, Tripathi S, Patel PR, Mathur AK (2022). Radiometric calibration stability assessment of Sentinel-1B using point targets at Surat Basin, Australia. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies 1–8. 17

9. Monika, M., Sonal, T. (2022). Influence of Supplementary Cementitious Material on Estimated Service Life of Structure in Chloride Environment. Journal of Rehabilitation in Civil Engineering, 10(2), 122-133. doi: 10.22075/jrce.2022.22394.1476 10. Gharekhan, D., Nigam, R., Bhattacharya, B.K. et al. Estimating regional-scale daytime net surface radiation in cloudless skies from GEO-LEO satellite observations using data fusion approach. J Earth Syst Sci 131, 73 (2022). 11. Gharekhan, D., Bhattacharya, B.K., Desai, D, Patel, P.R., Modelling of downwelling longwave radiation over multiple agro-climate settings of India under foggy sky conditions – A neural network approach, Remote Sensing applications: Society and Environment, Volume 25, 2022, 100684, ISSN 2352-9385, 12. Sujata H. Mehta and Sharadkumar P. Purohit, ―Seismic Response Control of Modal Building using Shape Memory Alloy Tension Sling Damper‖, International Journal of Structural Engineering, 12(3), 240-263, 2022 (DOI:10.1504/IJSTRUCTE.2022.123749) 13. Leena Bora, Manan Rathod, Kush Kapadia, Thakkar Sonal, Reddy R.N, Sandesh Chougle, Nisha Bora, ―Trash GGBFS- based Geopolymer as a novel sunlight responsive photocatalyst for dye discoloration‖ ,Journal of Indian Chemical Society, 99 (2022), 100560, page 1-8 ( Conference Paper Presentations 1. Neha Keriwala & Anant Patel (2021) ―Impact assessment of tropical cyclone Tauktae on coastal region of Gujarat, India '' 3rd International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Environment (ICSIE 2021) organized by Civil Eng. Department, Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan held from 20/08/2021 to 21/08/2021. 2. Anant Patel, S M Yadav ―Flood Simulation and mapping using hydraulic model and GIS technology‖ 26 International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO-2021) organized by Civil Engineering Department SVNIT Surat and Indian Society for Hydraulics from 23-25 Dec, 2021. 3. J. Bothara, R. Desai, P. Pradhan, J. Panda, V. Rawal, S. Raghunath, S. Purohit, J. Ingham and D. Dizhur, ―Experiment-Based Earthquake Resistant Prototype Design of Residential Buildings in Nepal‖, 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Sendai, Japan, 20th 18

September – 2nd November 2021. 4. Prof. Alka Shah & Dr. Tejas Thaker (2021) ―Modification of Engineering Properties of Soil Using Waste Materials: A Review'', First Indian Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Conference organized by Indian Geotechnical Society Jalandhar Chapter and Civil Eng. Department, Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar Punjab held from 19/11/2021 to 20/11/2021. 5. Yash k, Naman K, Vatsal N, Joshi T & Dave U., ―Investigation on Mechanical Parameter of Concrete having Sustainable Materials‖ International conference on Recent Advances in Engineering Materials (ICRAEM 2022) held at Alva‘s Institute of Engineering & Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India during 03-05 March 2022. 6. Keriwala N., Patel A., ―Innovative Roadmap for Smart Water Cities: A Global Perspective‖ 2nd International Conference on Innovative Research in Renewable Energy Technologies (IRRET- 2022) organized by IMPS College of Engineering and Technology, Malda, West Bengal, India during 20th & 21st March, 2022. IPRs Department Research Projects Major Research Project funded by External Agencies: Financial Completed Ongoing New projects (ongoing / Year sanctioned) Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount (Rs in lacs) (Rs in lacs) (Rs in lacs) 2021-22 4 76.26 4 68.41 2 66.00 2020-21 0 0 5 115.36 3 29.31 Major Research Projects funded by Nirma University: 19

Financial Completed Ongoing Number Sanctioned Year Number Amount Number Amount Amount 2021-22 (Rs in lacs) (Rs in lacs) (Rs in lacs) 2020-21 0 0 1 28.4 00 00 0 0 1 28.4 Minor Research Project funded by Nirma University: Financial Completed Ongoing New projects (ongoing/ Year sanctioned) Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount (Rs in lacs) (Rs in lacs) (Rs in lacs) 2021-22 03 3.00 08 8.00 07 7.00 2020-21 08 8.00 03 3.00 08 8.00 Completed Major Research Projects funded by External Funding Agencies: Sr. Title of the Project Project Funding Grant No. (in Rs) Investigator/s Agency 19.56 1 Identification of Road Material and Distress for Prof. H. A. SAC-ISRO 20.67 Major Roads of Gujarat Using L and S Band Dalwadi 17.00 Airborne SAR (NISAR) Dr. P. R. Patel 19.03 2 Identification of Perched Water Table Areas in Dr. P. R. Patel SAC-ISRO Irrigated Tracks using Airborne SAR Data Shri R. L. Mehta (NISAR) (Scientist, SAC- ISRO) 3 Identification of Existing Road Material, Dr. P. R. Patel SAC, ISRO Condition and Potential Parking Area of Dr.Tanish Zaveri Ahmedabad City using AVIRIS Data and (E&C Department, Updation Plan of Undeveloped Road ITNU) 4 Development of Low-Cost Methodology for Dr. P. R. Patel SAC-ISRO Surveying and Mapping with Indian Regional Prof. H. A. (under NavIC- Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS-NAVIC) Dalwadi GAGAN 20

Utilization Programme) Ongoing Major Research Projects funded by Nirma University: Sr. Project Title Project Funding Grant No. Investigator Agency (in Rs) 1 Strengthening Precast Beam Column Connections using Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Dr Paresh Patel, Nirma (SSWM) - Experimental and Numerical Study Dr Digesh Joshi University 28.4 Ongoing Major Research Projects funded by External Funding Agencies Sr. Title of the Project Project Funding Grant No. Investigator/s Agency (in Rs) 1 Calibration and Validation of RISAT-1 SAR Dr. P. R. Patel SAC, ISRO 39.10 Sensor 2 Experimental Investigations on RC Girder Prof. Global 1.98 Model of Bridges with Half-joint and Sharadkumar P. Challenges (GBP 2000) Retrofitting Strategies Purohit (PI), Prof. Research Kunal D. Fund (GCRF) Kansara, at LJMU, UK Liverpool John, Moores 21

University, United Kingdom 3 Torsional Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Prof. S. D. Teachers Research Elements Strengthened with Stainless Steel Wire Raiyani, Dr. P. V. Associateship Fellowship: Mesh Patel (Mentor at for Research 0.60 per year IT-NU), Dr. S. S. Excellence to PI Prakash (Mentor (TARE) at Research grant at IIT Hyderabad) Science and to Institutes: Engineering 5.00 Laks for Research period of three Board (SERB) years 4 Studies and Prototype Development for Recycle Dr. Jayesh GUJCOST 22.33 and Reuse of Waste Streams from Stainless Ruparelia, Steel Industries Chemical Engineering Dept., IT-NU (PI), Dr.Urmil Dave (Co-PI), Mr. Dipak Bholanda (Co- PI). Sanctioned Major Research Projects funded by External Funding Agencies Sr. Title of the Project Project Funding Grant No. (in Rs) Investigator/s Agency 1 Use of recycled C&D waste, fly ash, dredged Prof. S. P. Thakkar, 10.00 marine waste and gypsum for construction of Nirma University sustainable salt pan beds for enhancement of salt (PI), Dr. U. V. Dave DST productivity through prevention of brine (Co-PI) and Dr. percolation Bhoomi R. Andharia, CSIR – 22

CSMCRI 2 Development of a low-carbon cementitious Dr. U. V. Dave and International 55525£ material by recycling Calcium Carbide Residue Prof. Monower Research (CCR) waste from foundation industries to Sadiq & Fund: decarbonise construction sector Prof. Kunal D. Innovate Kansara, UK in LJMU, UK association with Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), UK Completed Minor Research Projects Funded by Nirma University Sr. Title of the Project Project Investigator/s Grant (in Rs) No. 1.00 1 Study of microcapsules for self-healing concrete Prof. S. P. Thakkar 1.00 2 Feasibility Studies for the use of Recycled Prof. H. M. Kamplimath (PI) 1.00 Concrete Aggregates and Manufactured Sand in Highway Concrete Pavements Prof. V. G. Kothari (CO-PI) 3 WasteWater Treatment using Membrane Bio- Dr. Hasan Rangwala (PI) Reactor (MBR) Prof. K. D. Hingnekar (CO-PI) Ongoing Minor Research Project Funded by Nirma University Sr. Title of the Project Project Investigator/s Grant No. (in Rs) 1. Flood mitigation using Remote sensing and GIS Prof. A. D. Patel (PI) 1.00 23

Technology Prof. K. H. Jodhani (Co-PI) 2. Improvement in performance of retaining wall Dr. H. M .Rangwala 1.00 reinforced using waste materials 3. Modification of soil properties using waste Prof. A. M. Shah (PI) 1.00 materials Prof. H. V. Thakar (Co- PI) 4. Application of microcapsule for self-healing of Dr. S. P. Thakkar 1.00 cracks in reinforced concrete elements Dr. U. V. Dave (Mentor) 5. Characterization of Hysteresis Damper for Prof. U. K. Koshti (PI) 1.00 Building Application Dr. S. P. Purohit (Mentor) 6. Experimental Investigation on Composite Prof. A. J. Patel (PI) 1.00 Column Under Monotonic Axial Loading. Prof. J. M. Suthar (Co-PI) Dr. S. P. Purohit (Mentor) 7. Performance and Durability Studies for Prof. H. M. Kamplimath (PI), 1.00 Pavement Concrete using Supplementary Prof. V. G. Kothari (Co-PI) Cementitious material and Recycled aggregates Dr. U. V. Dave (Mentor) 8. Development of UHPC for Civil Engineering Prof. V. G. Kothari (PI) 1.00 applications Prof. H. M. Kamplimath (Co-PI) Dr. U. V. Dave (Mentor) Sanctioned Minor Research Projects funded by Nirma University Sr. Title of the Project Project Investigator/s Grant (in Rs) No. 1.00 1 Reducing riders‘ discomfort due to speed Dr. Manish Dutta (PI) 1.00 breakers without compromising their speed Prof. HemangDalwadi (Co-PI) 1.00 reduction abilities 2 Development of alkali-activated concrete using Dr. Richa Palod (PI) SCMs for sustainable construction Dr.Sonal Thakkar (Co-PI) 3 Techno-Economic feasibility of a UHPC Precast Prof Vineet Kothari (PI) Element Dr.Urmil Dave (Mentor) 24

4 Development of Pneumatic Base Hysteresis type Prof. Utsav Koshti (PI) 1.00 cost effective Damper for Seismic Application Dr.Sharadkumar Purohit 1.00 1.00 (Mentor) 1.00 5 Self-healing concrete for RC beam Dr.Sonal Thakkar (PI) Dr.Urmil Dave (Mentor) 6 Use of solid waste for subgrade improvement Prof. Alka Shah (PI) Dr. Hasan Rangwala (Co-PI) 7 Evaluation of Mechanical and Durability Dr.Digesh Joshi (PI) Properties of GFRP-SSWM hybrid wraps Dr. Paresh V. Patel (Mentor) Revenue Generation through Research Department of Civil Engineering generated a total of 11.44 Lacs INR in the year 2021-22. The breakup is as follows: Consultancy Testing Training (Rs in lacs) (Rs in lacs) (Rs in lacs) 10.11 0.58 0.75 25

Departmental Activities Workshop / STTP / FDP 1. Civil Engineering Department under Centre For Continuing Education (CCE) had organized a one day workshop programme on “Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Water Resources Management” for B.Tech & M.Tech students, Research scholars and faculty members from Engineering colleges, polytechnic Institutes, and other academic Institutes on April 30, 2022.The proposed workshop had focus on present trends on research work in the field of Water Resources Management. During this workshop the participants learnt the fundamentals of RS and GIS and their applications in water resources field. 26

2. Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University had successfully organized a workshop on “Building Information Modelling (BIM) using Revit” under the banner of Centre for Continuing Education during January 4-5, 2022. Total 29 students and 7 faculty members have participated in the workshop. 3. The Civil Engineering Department has organized a Professional Development Course on Building Engineering – Construction, Waterproofing, Maintenance and Repairs for managers of Pidilite Industries Ltd, Mumbai. This training programme is divided into two modules. Module 1 consists of Construction and Waterproofing for new buildings and Module 2 consists of Maintenance, Remedial Waterproofing and Repair of old Structures. The second batch of the training programme for Pidilite Managers commenced from June 02, 2021 and ended on August 14, 2021. The Module 2 of the training programme commenced from September 22, 2021. Expert Lectures / Webinars 1. Civil Engineering Department, School of Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University planned Expert Lecture Series in Water Resources Irrigation Engineering course for the Civil Engineering Students especially for Semester-VI students. The sessions were 27

delivered by Dr. Ramesh Teegavarapu, Florida Atlantic University, USA. He is currently a professor and graduate program director & coordinator in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics department at Florida Atlantic University (FAU), Boca Raton, Florida and founder and leader of the Hydrosystems Research Laboratory in the department. He is a Fulbright Scholar and also a Fulbright Specialist. He has over 25 years of experience in hydrological modeling and water resources systems area. Dr. Ramesh has delivered total 5 Sessions starting from Feburary 28th to March 11th, 2022. More than 100 students of the B. Tech Civil Engineering branch have attended the lecture series. The main topics to be covered is Unit Hydrograph theory, Basics of River Engineering, Water Requirements of Crops and Irrigation Engineering. 28

2. A lecture series in Construction Project Management was organized by civil engineering department between March 11th - April 1st 2022. The lectures were delivered by a foreign expert Prof. Chika Udeaja, London South Bank University, UK. In total of 5 lectures were conducted by the expert, each lecture was of 2hours. The main topics covered in the lecture were quality management, importance of quality management in construction, introduction to quality management, importance of health and safety in construction, how to assure safety on site, role of engineer, contractor and client in safety management, introduction to automation in construction industry, introduction to various software‘s in construction industry, BIM in construction, advantages of BIM in construction, BIM and lean construction practises, etc. 29

3. A 10-hour Foreign Expert Lecture Series in Geotechnical Engineering was scheduled from March 02,2022 to April 06, 2022. The sessions were conducted by Dr. Sanjay Kumar Shukla, Edith Cowan University, Australia. He is Founding Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering, Founding Research Group Leader (Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering), School of Engineering, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia. 30

4. Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University under the Indian Concrete Institute Student Chapter organized an event Site Practices in Engineering and Construction (SPEC), by Mr. Himanshu Patel, BDH, Nu Vista Ltd on May 02, 2022. The webinar focused on the topic of good site construction practices. It included the three most essential factors: materials, safety, and procedures. The skills which are required by the civil engineer for site efficiency were discussed out of which technical skills and safety skills are of prime importance. The selection of suitable materials is a necessity in the field of construction. The session lasted for 90 mins and 150 participants were present in the webinar including Students, Professors, and industrialists. 31

5. Dr. Neeraj Buch, Professor and Chairperson of Civil and Environmental Engineering 32

Department, Michigan State University has delivered a total 5 Session (10 hr) expert lecture series in Transportation Engineering course in the month of March, 2022 from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM via Cisco WebEx Online Conferencing System. More than 100 students of the B. Tech Civil Engineering branch have attended the lecture series. 6. An expert lecture was organized for students of M Tech CASAD and B Tech students with department elective of Maintenance and Rehabilitation of structures on the topic of “Cathoic Protection of RC structures with case studies” on May 05, 2022. The lecture was organized on Webex platform. Mr. Dhruvesh Shah, Vector Engg. Pvt. Ltd., very nicely explained various case the corrosion of structure, causes of corrosion, mitigation methods that are adopted and various modern techniques available to extend the service life of structures. Lot of case 33

studies were discussed where corrosion mitigation techniques were adopted to enhance service life of structure. 7. Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University had organized a national webinar on “Transportation Geotechnics” during December 20 - 24, 2021. The webinar is supported by GUJCOST, Government of Gujarat. The webinar focussed on properties of geomaterials for rational and sustainable design and construction of transportation 34

infrastructures. 8. Dr. Sudarshan Kurwadkar, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, California State University, USA delivered sessions in Foreign Expert Lecture Series for WRE Course on 04, 06, 16, 17 & 18 September 2021. 9. Dr. Sudhagar Nagarajan, Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering, Florida Atlantic University, USA delivered sessions in Foreign Expert Lecture Series for Surveying Course during September 21 to 24, 2021. 10. Dr. Hongbo Su, Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering, Florida Atlantic University, USA delivered sessions in Foreign Expert Lecture Series for Surveying Course during September 07 to 09, 2021. 11. Dr. Anand D Hiroji, Assistant Professor (Hydrography), Division of Marine Science, School of Ocean Science and Engineering, University of Southern Mississippi, USA delivered expert lecture on the topic „Application of Total station for Hydrographic Sensor integration: A case of Dimensional Control Surveys‟ on September 03, 2021. 12. Dr. Ramesh S. V. Teegavarapu, Professor and Graduate Program Director and Leader of Hydrosystems Research Laboratory (HRL), Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering, Florida Atlantic University, USA delivered sessions in Foreign Expert Lecture Series for Surveying Course during September 14 to 16, 2021. 13. Dr. Sudarshan Kurwadkar, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, California State University, USA delivered sessions on the topic „Fate and Transport of Emerging Micropollutants‟ during September 2021. Online expert lectures by Indian Dignitaries during the year 2021-22: Name of the Organisation and Purpose Date Dignitary designation Expert Lecture on Vertical April 08, 2021 Dr. Paresh Director West, PAPL Transportation for B. Kariya CORP, Chennai Tech., Sem-VI (BSSS Course) Mr. Kaizad Director, USTHA, Case Study of Retrofitting April 15, 2021 Engineer Infinity Solutions Pvt of Various type of RC Ltd. Structures for M. Tech. 35

Sem-II and IV Dr. Bhargav Professor of Urban Road Network Planning April 16, 2021 Adhvaryu Analytics, Sustainability and Design for B. Tech., & Policy, Amrut Mody Sem-IV (IM Course) School of Management, Ahmedabad University Mr. Nitin Berry Senior Manager, Cluster Protections to Concrete May 06, 2021 Head Gujarat, Masters Structures for M. Tech. Builders Solutions Pvt Sem-II and IV Ltd Dr. Jinal Parikh Assistant Professor, Project Selection, Initiation July 30-31, 2021 (Alumni) Ahmedabad University and Performance August 06-08 & 13 Measurement for B. Tech. & 18 & 24, 2021 Sem VII Dr. Shiv Mohan Retired Senior Scientist, Remote Sensing, August 02 &16 & SAC ISRO Microwave Remote 23, 2021 Sensing and Application of September 06 & 20 RS & GIS in engineering & 27, 2021 Branch for B. Tech. Sem V students Dr Jigar Pandya SAP Consultant, Planning History and August 06 & 13 & Ahmedabad Theory for B. Tech., Sem- 27, 2021 VII September 03 & 17 & 27, 2021 Ms. Prutha Patel IGBC Consultant Introduction to IGBC for August 06, 2021 (Alumni) B. Tech., Sem-V (SBT) Ar. Tarak Jani GRIHA Trainer & Introduction to GRIHA August 20 & 27, Gujarat Representative Rating System for B. 2021 September 03, and Principal Architect, Tech., Sem-V (SBT) 2021 Vivart Design Studio Mr. Shwetal Technical Advisor, Gujarat's Initiatives in September 27, 2021 Shah Climate Change Climate Change Department, Adaptation and Mitigation Government of Gujarat B. Tech., Sem-V Dr Swati Kothary Assistant Professor, Urban Policy and October 01 & 08 & IAP-NU Governance for B. Tech., 22, 2021, November Sem-VII (UPM) 12, 2021, Mr. M N Vyas Registered Chartered Applications of Life cycle October 01 & 22 & 36

Engineer, London & assessment as tool for EMS 29, 2021 Adjunct Professor, for B. Tech., Sem-VII DDU, Visiting (EMS) Professor, LDCE, GEC (Bharuch), Chemical Department. Dr. Shiv Mohan Retired Senior Scientist, Remote Sensing, October 04 & 18, SAC ISRO Microwave Remote 2021 Sensing and Application of RS & GIS in engineering Branch for B. Tech., Sem- V (RGG) Prof Tejas Modi Assistant Professor, IM- Accounting and Financial October 05, 2021 NU Management for B. Tech., Sem-VII (ACPM) Mr. Prem Ranjan Sr. Manager, Polymer Matrix October 08, 2021 Formulation Composites for B Tech. Development, RCS, Sem-VII (CM) Reliance Industries Ltd. (Composite Division) Dr. Anjayenappa Associate Professor, Pavement Construction October 08, 2021 RVCE, Bangalore Techniques for B. Tech., Sem-VII Dr. Shirshendu Senior Scientist, Center Ceramic Matrix September 17 & 24, Chkravarti for Glass and Ceramic Research Institute Composites- Ceramic 2021 Materials and its definition, October 01, 2021 Sintering of Ceramics , Ceramic Matrix Composite, Processing of CMC, Properties of CMC and its testing, Applications of CMC‘s for B Tech VII (All Programme) Mr. Bankat Vice President, Ashtech Superpozz p500 Benefits October 19, 2021 Mandhania, India Pvt Ltd. for Concreting for B. Directo and Mr. Tech., Sem-III, V & VII Bhushan (Webinar) Deshpande Mr. Mukesh Advisor, L & T, (Retd, Challenges in Timely October 22, 2021 37

Raval Project Director, Statue Deliver Project: Eighth of Unity) Wonder of World for All Mr. Taral Shah Students of B. Tech. Prof. Gaurang Managing Director, Emerging Opportunities October 22, 2021 Joshi Shivalik Group, Co- and Challenges in Real Dr. Ankush Founder, S & H Estate Industry for All Sharma Construction & LOFY Students of B. Tech. Civil Dr. Bhargav India Dave Professor, Department of Mode Choice Modelling October 27, 2021 Mr. Viranj Patel Civil Engineering, for B. Tech., Sem-VII Mr. Jayant Thakkr SVNIT, Surat (UTP) Dr. S. Suriya Junior. Scientist, ATIRA Failure of Matrix October 29, 2021 Prakash Composites for B. Tech., Sem-VII (CM) Mr. Rupal Shah CEO, Visilean Integration of Lean November 16, 2021 Shri Ragunath Construction, BIM and Patil Integrated Project Delivery for B. Tech., Sem-VII (ACPM) Customer Success Integration of Lean November 17, 2021 Manager, VisiLean Construction, BIM and Integrated Project Delivery for B. Tech., Sem-VII (ACPM) Founder, Era Infra Importance of IRC November 25, 2021 Atelier, Gandhinagar. Specifications, Analysis and Design of Slab Bridge for M. Tech., Sem-I & III Professor and Head, Shear and Torsional December 06, 2021 Civil Engineering analysis of Reinforced Department, IIT Concrete Members for M. Hyderabad Tech., Sem-I & III Associate, Taknik Recent advancements in December 10, 2021 Consultants, Design of Steel Industrial Ahmedabad. Building for M. Tech., Sem-I GM, NUVOCO Vistas Advances in Concrete December 11, 2021 Pub. Ltd. Technology for M. Tech., Sem-I & III 38

Mr. Nimit Sheth CEO and MD, Ramana Fire Safety in Buildings for January 25, 2022 Safety and system B.Tech Semester VI Students Mr. Bhavin Shah Founder and CEO, SQVe consultants Overview of MEP services January 27, 2022 for Civil Engineers for B.Tech Semester VI Students Ms Megha Bhatt B.Tech Semester VI January 11 & 21, Students 2022 (Alumni) Plumbing System and February 01 & 08, 2022 Maintenance Mr Vivek Sr. Manager, Reliance Building Security and January 13 & 20 & Ganatra Ltd Automation for B.Tech 28, 2022 (Alumni) Semester VI Students February 03, 2022 Mr. Ashim Consultant Adani Total Construction Project March 23 & 25, Karmakar Gas Ltd. Management & Advanced 2022 Construction Technology Mr. Tirtha Head – Training for B.Tech Semester VI Banerjee Dr. Fixit Institute of Students Structural Protection & Rehabilitation Water Proofing and Damp March 24, 2022 C/O Pidilite Industries proofing Materials, Limite Technology and case studies for B.Tech Semester VI Students Mr. Amol Poppli Manager, Road Repair Materials including March 31, 2022 Surfacing (West) at STP Advancement with Case Limited (Berger Group Studies for B. Tech Company), Vadodara Semester VI Students Industrial Visits Data 39

Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) 1. MoU signed with L&T on October 12, 2021. Civil Engineering Department has singed MoU with L&T Ltd. As a part MoU Civil Engineering Department, Mechanical Engineering Department and Electrical Engineering Department is offering B. Tech. in Construction Technology for L&T Engineers. 2. Civil Engineering Department as a part of MoU with CSMCRI, Bhavnagar has jointly applied for project titled ―Use of recycled C&D waste, fly ash, dredged marine waste and gypsum for construction of sustainable salt pan beds for enhancement of salt productivity through prevention of brine percolation‖ and the project is principally approved. 3. As a part of MoU signed with CSIR AMPRI, Dr Manish Mudgal, Senior Principal Scientist and Section Head and Dr. Ajay Chourasia, Sr. Principal Scientist, CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee and Professor, AC-SIR are working as RAC Member for the PhD students. 4. Civil Engineering Department has MoU with Pidilite Group of Industries to offer training programmes to their employees in the domain of Construction related activities such as Waterproofing, repair, maintenance and rehabilitation of structures. Extra-Curricular Events / Celebrations 1. To celebrate „Engineer‟s Day‟, September 15, 2021, the Organization of civil engineering students and Civil Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University had organized an expert lecture on ―Fundamental of Geographical Information System (GIS) and Applications‖ by Dr. Ramesh S. V. Teegavarapu, Professor, Florida Atlantic University, USA. 2. IEI Students‘ Chapter of Civil Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University celebrated „Teacher‟s Day‟ on September 06, 2021. As a part of Teacher‘s Day celebration, a sapling and greeting card is given to all the faculty & staff members of the Civil Engineering Department as a token of gratitude and respect. Working committee members of IEI students‘ chapter visited each faculty member at their respective offices, sought their blessings and wished them Teacher‘s Day by presenting sapling with a thought of spreading green environment and peace with nature along with a greeting card. On behalf of all the students, IEI students‘ chapter has also sent an email to faculty members to express their gratitude. They thanked faculty members for making extra efforts to adapt the sudden shift of teaching-learning activities to online mode during COVID-19 pandemic and being available for students all the time despite tough and challenging situations. 40

3. Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University under the Indian Concrete Institute Student Chapter organized an event Quiz-O-Mania‘21 – A State Level Quiz on the Occasion of „Concrete Day‟ i.e., on September 06, 2021. The event was organized for the undergraduate and postgraduate & professionals from civil engineering domain from all over Gujarat. The event was organized on an online web-based platform (google forms) by the board members of the ICI Students Chapter, Nirma University. Approximately 550 members participated in the event which included students from more than 65 engineering colleges. Professionals and Industry experts also have participated in this quiz. Thakkar Dhruv from Civil Engg. Dept. IT-NU was the top performer. Sagar Shah from CEPT University and Mihir Soni from Dharmsinh Desai University were the 2nd and 3rd runners up. 4. To celebrate the 27th „Foundation Day‟ of Institute of Technology, Nirma University, SETU under OrCES initiated a food distribution drive for the needy families. Fund for this drive was collected by donation from faculties, students and board members of OrCES of Civil Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University. The total fund collected was around INR 10,000/-. This fund was used to prepare 51 food packets which included 1kg wheat flour, 1kg rice, ½ kg green gram, 500 ml oil.These food packets were distributed to 51 needy families residing near Nirma University on 4th Oct, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. between block A & B garden. 5. On March 22, 2022, Civil Engineering Department, School of Engineering, Organization of Civil Engineering Students, IGBC Student Chapters along with NSS Unit, Nirma University had organized „World Water Day - 2022‟ programme. An Expert lecture session was organized on World Water Day 2022 theme ―Ground Water: Making Invisible Visible‖ from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. There were various competitions organized such as Save it Now: Writing Competition, Every Drop Counts: Photography Competition, Leaving water the future: videography Competition was held during this event from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. More than 100 students participated in these competitions. After the completion of the competition, an exhibition was held, in which all the photographs and video of the students were displayed in the exhibition. In addition to this, an awareness drive was also being organized to aware the quality of water for students in which the students had participated enthusiastically. 41

Student Club Activities 1. ICI students chapter, Department of Civil Engineering, and Dr. Fixit training institute is organized a student development program on ―A Comprehensive Approach - Waterproofing and Repair of Building Structures‖. The major focus of the program is on the Good Construction Practices, Waterproofing Materials, Practices, and Repair Systems. The duration of the program will be 6 hours. The two sessions of the program were held on 19th June and 26th June. Third session was conducted on July 3, 2021. 2. A Knowledge Sharing Session on \"Vedic Math - A Magical Key to Fast Calculations\" (Fourth session of this series) was organized by IEI Students' Chapter - Civil Engineering Department on 24th July, 2021 Saturday. The session was conducted by Mr. Bansil Korat (19BCL049), student of Sem. V, Civil Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University. 3. IGBC Students‟ Chapter and Civil Engineering Department has organized an interaction with alumni by Ms. Prutha Patel (Alumni of 2020 Batch) on August 06, 2021. Being an IGBC accredited professional she also delivered an expert talk on IGBC Certified Green Buildings. 4. IEI Students‟ Chapter, Civil Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University in collaboration with The Institution of Engineers (India), Gujarat State Centre and Organisation of Civil Engineering Students (OrCES) has organized state level technical quiz 42

competition ―Civista‖ for the Civil Engineering students of diploma and degree engineering colleges of the state of Gujarat, India on 14th August 2021 (Saturday). This event was aiming towards providing a platform to budding engineers to showcase their technical knowledge of the different domains of Civil Engineering and to learn through competing with fellow students of various colleges. Certificates of Participation were provided to all the participants electronically through google forms, while winners were awarded with Certificate of Merit as well as cash prize. Cash prize of Rs. 1000/-, Rs. 750/- and Rs. 500/- was given to 1st (Mr. Gaurav Bambhania, Parul Institute of Engineering & Technology), 2nd (Karshanbhai Kanjariya, Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalaya) and 3rd winner (Panth Shah, Nirma University), respectively, which was honored by The Institution of Engineers (India), Gujarat State Centre. 5. IEI Students‟ Chapter - Civil Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University (IT-NU) had organized a webinar on ―Essentials of Startup and Business Development‖ on September 18, 2021 at 09.30 a.m. through ONLINE mode using webex platform. It was conducted by three expert speakers who are also an alumni member of civil engineering department (i) Mr. Pranshu Jain, Director, PwC India, Ahmedabad, India (ii) Mr. Sanil Bhatia, Founding leader - Pharmaceuticals Business,, Bangalore, India and (iii) Mr. Abhishek Gupte, Doctoral student, Leonard B. Stern School of Business, New York University, New York, US. 6. The IGBC Student chapter, OrCES and Department of Civil Engineering arranged an online webinar on ―Gujarat‘s Initiatives in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation‖ on September 27, 2021.Expert lecture was delivered by Mr. Shwetal Shah, Technical Advisor, Climate Change Department, Government of Gujarat. 7. Knowledge Sharing Session on \"MATLAB - Accelerating the pace of Engineering\" was organized by IEI Students' Chapter established at Civil Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat (382481/ITNU/CV) on October 30, 2021. The session was conducted by Ms. Mauli Bhatt (18BCL008), student of Sem. VII, Civil Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University. 8. ICI Students Chapter, Department of Civil Engineering, Nirma University had organized an Expert Webinar Session On Superpozz p500 Benefits for Concreting by Well-known speakers Mr. Bankat Mandhania (Director - Ashtech India Pvt Ltd.) and Mr. Bhushan Deshpande (Vice President -Marketing Ashtech India Pvt Ltd.) on October 19, 2021. 43

9. The Organisation of Civil Engineering Students has organized Nirman‟21. NIRMAN is the annual flagship technical event of OrCES held for 2-3 days. It consists of technical and non- technical events related to Civil Engineering. Students from all over India participate in it. NIRMAN‘21 was held between 22-24th October 2021 with the theme ―Green Revolution‖. It featured technical events like TECH TRIO, TECHNICAL HOUSIE, PAPER PRESENTATION and non-technical events like OPEN MIC, EXTEMPORE and many more. NIRMAN‘21 showed a total participation of 500 students from all around India in multiple events 10. The IGBC Student chapter and Department of Civil Engineering had arranged an online webinar on ―Building Services‖ from January 25, 2022 to January 27, 2022. The first session was conducted by Mr. Nimit Sheth, CEO and Managing director, Ramana Safety Systems (I) Ltd., Ahmedabad on the title ―Fire Safety in Buildings‖ on January 25, 2022. The second session was conducted by Mr. Bhavin Shah, Founder, SQVe Consultants, Ahmedabad on title ―Overview of MEP Services for Civil Engineers‖ January 27, 2022. 11. Organization of Civil Engineering Students club of Civil Engineering Department, Nirma University along with N.S.S; School of Engineering and Institute of Law unit organized a blood donation drive in the University premises on April 29, 2022. The drive was arranged with the help of Prathma Blood Bank. This blood donation drive was arranged for students, faculty and staff members of Nirma University. The drive saw enthusiastic participation from students, faculty and staff members of various institutes under Nirma University. A total of 300 units of blood was collected in this drive. A memento was gifted to all the donors by Prathma Blood Bank. 12. Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University under the Indian Concrete Institute Student Chapter organized an event Site Practices in Engineering and Construction (SPEC), by Mr. Himanshu Patel, BDH, Nu Vista Ltd on May 02, 2022. The webinar focused on the topic of good site construction practices. It included the three most essential factors: materials, safety, and procedures. The skills which are required by the civil engineer for site efficiency were discussed out of which technical skills and safety skills are of prime importance. The selection of suitable materials is a necessity in the field of construction. The session lasted for 90 mins and 150 participants were present in the webinar including Students, Professors, and industrialists 13. IEI Students‟ Chapter - Civil Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University (IT-NU) had organized a webinar on ―Career Talks and Further Studies in US‖ on 44

February 26, 2022 at 08.15 a.m. through ONLINE mode using webex platform. The webinar was conducted by five expert speakers who are also an alumni member of civil engineering department (i) Mr. Harnish Marwadi (ii) Mr. Dhyey Bhavsar (iii) Mr. Nishit Prajapati (iv) Mr. Aagam Dalal and (v) Mr. Tej Desai. Total of 28 participants including undergraduate students and faculty members of the civil engineering department have attended the webinar. 45

Community Outreach Activities 1. Organization of Civil Engineering Students club of Civil Engineering Department, Nirma University along with N.S.S; School of Engineering and Institute of Law unit organized a Blood Donation drive in the University premises on April 29, 2022. The drive was arranged with the help of Prathma Blood Bank. This blood donation drive was arranged for students, faculty and staff members of Nirma University. The drive saw enthusiastic participation from students, faculty and staff members of various institutes under Nirma University. A total of 300 units of blood was collected in this drive. A memento was gifted to all the donors by Prathma Blood Bank 46

2. IGBC Students Chapter and Organization of Civil Engineering Students (OrCES) has celebrated the World Environment Day with the theme of Ecosystem Restoration on 5nd June 2021. Various events and awareness activities were organized to convey the message on environmental conservation and restoration to the students, such as Expert Lecture, Quiz Competition and Poster Making Competition. Around 60 students participated in these competitions. A plantation drive was also organized to encourage students to plant trees. E- Certificates were given to the participants. The event was well covered by print media. 3. On March 22, 2022, Civil Engineering Department, Organization of Civil Engineering Students, IGBC Student Chapters along with NSS Unit, Nirma University had organized \"World Water Day -2022\" programme. An Expert lecture session was organized on World Water Day 2022 theme ―Ground Water: Making Invisible Visible‖ from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. There were various competitions organized such as Save it Now: Writing Competition, Every Drop Counts: Photography Competition, Leaving water the future: videography Competition was held during this event from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. More than 100 students participated in these competitions. After the completion of the competition, an exhibition was held, in which all the photographs and video of the students were displayed in the exhibition. In addition to this, an awareness drive was also being organized to spread awareness about quality of water for students in which the students had participated enthusiastically. 47

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