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EditorsThe SquadLeroy Davis [email protected] Beach Muzik [email protected] PALM BEACH MUZIK MAG The thing with \"OUR\" magazine is that there is no one single owner, we're all owners. We all have voices & opinions about different situations that we fuse together to become a powerhouse. At Palm Beach Muzik Magazine we're going to focus on everything from muzik to #RAPPERWINGS to MarvelousArtz Tattz. We are more than just artist in Palm Beach, we do more than just muzik in Palm Beach. #WeDoThis Palm Beach Muzik Mag


W hat's Going On With You Today Killa Kim?I'm coolin' it. Just leftWalgreen's, they registersdown, but shout out to y'allfor creating this platform. Palm Beach Muzik Mag

\"I'm An Artist By Nature, I Love CreatingMuzik For Myself It's Just Expression.\"PBMM: Can you let the people know PBMM: Why Do You Make Muzik?who you are? Kim: I'm an artist by nature, I loveKilla Kim: Yeah, I'm Killa Kim, a.k.a creating for myself it's just expression. MyKimillion, a.k.a Kim Rowe. To sum it up, brothers was dj's. That's why I makeCity Slang creator, the 1st with the hand muzik, sometimes I drop it for the people,painted shirts in the city. I laced damn sometimes I just keep it for myself lol. Tellnear every local celebrity. I'm a Palm you the truth, I wish I could sing, manBeach resident, F-Ave raised. I'm the first I really wanted to be a singer but it justchick to steal tracks in Palm Beach to the didn't sound good! I try to keep the muzikpoint outter towners thought they was my emotional even if it's a club song, its got tosongs lol real talk. I'm just Florida's have emotion, that's why I snap so much.Daughter you can ckeck out my shirts on I came up off soul so I know I can't hit nomy Flawdas Dawta website. Shout out to high note, so I got to snap to make themFlorida for supporting your girl for so feel it. Sometimes I just make music forlong. other people, that's my true hustle I write all types of muzik, got to get the check to fund my own. PBMM: How Has Your Muzik helped Improve Today’s Society? Kim: I got fans that literally tell me my music helped them through the day, just releasing frustration. Just riding & yelling the lyrics getting that tension off they chest before they actually run into a bad situation. I can't change the world, but I try to give something to everybody that expects it from me. Palm Beach Muzik Mag

PBMM: What Makes Your NameStand Out From Other Artist?Kim: My name is my name!!! TrickDaddy gave me that name, cause everytime we was in the studio somebodywould come in, hear it like \"Ohhh that'sa Killer on the track.\" I was Kimillionfor a hot minute, but at that time I wastalking to DJ's & they was confusingme with Chamillionare, I still featureKimillion on some of my tracks though.But Killa Kim breaks down like KimIs Living Life Abundantly Keeping ItMoving. Name is my name!PBMM: If You Could Do A TrackWith Any Artist In Palm BeachAnd/Or Mainstream Who WouldIt Be?Kim: Um... everybody that I want towork with pretty much knows that. MeSuave & Reese got one but I'd love toget all four (4) of us on one with Triple.Those are some of the most creativewriters I've heard. But other than that,anybody that's doing music creativelyon a serious level I'm willing to workwith on a professional level. As long asthey not recording at they homebodyhouse with the USB mic & the eggcartons cause that's not benefiting me,or them either to tell you the truth; butanyway that A.T.M Addicted To Musicdoing real good right now we workingon movie soundtracks with thatproject. Mainstream? I'm about$200,000.00 short to get in the labwith Missy, but I have written for someof my idols & that in itself keeps mehappy. Palm Beach Muzik Mag

PBMM: If People Wanted To HearYour Muzik Where Can They FindIt?Kim: Google is the easiest way to find me,but, I'm gone list all my links and mynumber. Im heavy on Hulk share andiTunes!!! Follow my instagram I do reallife, no Hollywood posts. Plus check outmy website at:killakimmusic.comor Booking/Info Contact Killa Kimat:[email protected] or786-228-7122 Palm Beach Muzik Mag

SHARE MY WINGS Palm Beach Muzik Mag

TEENY BARRINOSHARE MY WINGS “I'm Not Just A Singer, I'm An All Around Entertainer &Businessman That Won't Stop Until I Leave A Legacy As Well.”PBMM: Could You Let The People Know PBMM: What Message Are Trying ToWho You Are? Present With Your Talent That'll Set You Apart From Everyone Else?Teeny Barrino: My name is Joseph Barrinoaka Teeny from the hit reality show \"Fantasia Teeny: The message I'm trying to leaveForeal\" father of three kids, muzikal engineer with my talent is that, I'm not just a& artist. I'm just an all around hustler & C.E.O singer, im an all around entertainerof Infinite Soul Records, born & raised in a and businessman that want stop untilsmall city called High Point NC, & all things I leave a legacy as well, an also bringbusiness & entertainment is my life. real music back to where it needs to be, and thats where music had feeling &PBMM: Who Or What Inspired You To Start substance & changed lives.Making Muzik? PBMM: Do People Ever Try ToTeeny: My mom & dad was our biggest Compare Your Muzik To Your Sisters?inspiration in the muzik world, my mom is aminister & gospel singer, & my dad is a gospel Teeny: My sister is an incredible artistsinger & also trained my first cousins KCI & groomed & cut from the same cloth, butJoJo of the multi-platinum group Jodeci & I personally have not had or heardlater on training me & my two brothers Ricco anyone compare my muzik to her's, she& Xavier, also 2004 winner Fantasia from the do what she do, & I do what I doAmerican Idol competition. I'm also inspired nothing more or less, we stay in ourby just great muzik from people like Stevie lane.Wonder, Odis Reddings, Bobby Walmack,Ray Charles, Al Green & all soul singers, thesepeople were pioneers in the muzik world &left long lasting legacies in the game. Palm Beach Muzik Mag

PBMM: In Doing Muzik, What Was YourGreatest Challenge & Achievement?Teeny: In doing muzik my greatest challengeis to get people to listen to real muzik & notwhat has been pushed into the air waves thatpeople are thinking is real muzik, truth is thatit lacks creativity & has been covered upthrough studio. My greatest achievements aretraveling all overseas even before the TV showdoing muzik with KCI-JoJo & Jodeci, alsogoing back & getting my business degree topush my indie label where it needs to be &also working with big names such as TysonBeckford, Angie Stone, Christopher Williams,Kenny Lattimore, Lenny Williams, ShirleyMurdock, & Tony Terry in a big stage playacting & singing. Also Snoop Dogg gracingme with his presence on my album that's outnow.PBMM: What Projects If Any, Do You HaveComing In The Near Future?Teeny: I'm working on a few different thingsthat I want talk about as of now, because I justdon't want to spoil it, but just know it will bebig, but I can say that the sophomore albumwill be out soon, hopefully 4th quarter & itwill be epic, & different trust.PBMM: Do You Believe In Supporting OtherArtist Even If You Don't Agree On LikingTheir Muzik?Teeny: Support for me is what it is, I supporteveryone reguardless of rather I like it or not,simply because everyone isn't gone like mymusic, but I beleave that there's a lane andfanbase for everyone. The biggest thing forme is to help with constructive criticism andjust maybe they can take something withthem to help strengthen their craft.PBMM: For The People Who Haven't HeardYour Sound As Of Yet, Where Can They FindYour Muzik?Teeny: I have a few things on YouTube,ReverbNation, CDBaby under Teeny Barrinoyou can find the album & other muzik or justgoogle Teeny Barrino & I'm sure somethingwill pop up. Also follow me on Instagram@vh1_teenybarrino, Facebook under JoeBarrino. Palm Beach Muzik Mag

Bizzle Da Prince New Mixtape Was Originally Entitled \"#LostBaggage Da Mixtape\" Which Was Going To Be About The Problems In His Relationship, But Decided That He Has Never MadeNone Of His Personal Issues Public So Why Start Now. So He Then Changed The Titled Of It To \"I'm 10-4.\" Palm Beach Muzik Mag


Palm Beach Muzik Magazine: Hey!how you doing today Karyn White? It'sa good honor & pleaseure to be sittingdown with you & talking with you abouteverything that we have going on.Thank you for coming.Karyn White: Man I'm doingwonderful. I'm excited about life & thepossibilities of grinding & getting it inin today's world as an entrepreneur.PBMM: Yes, that's always a goodthing, that's always a good thing to beyour own boss.Karyn: Well, it's a good & a bad.Sometimes I don't like it because it'smy fault when things go wrong; but youknow, as long as I can live & die bychoices I'm okay. I would hate to say \"Ididn't do this because of someone else\",you know giving my power to someoneelse, so.........PBMM: It's always a good thing totake responsibility. That way you don'thave to worry about somebody messingup something, you'll know if it wasmessed up, you'll how it was messedup.Karyn: Oh yeah, exactly, exactly.PBMM: Yeah, umm, so the CarpeDiem, did I pronounce that right?Karyn: CARPE DIEM (singing) Seizethe day. That mean Seize the day baby.PBMM: Don't do that!Karyn: Get it in, that's what that mean, that mean constantly.You know, always waking up with a new motto like, \"You knowwhat? I'm not going to let the day pass me by, I'm going to makethe most of it.\" So, I think it's a Palm Beach Muzik Mag

good message, because especially, you Karyn: You said how? Oh my, what's theknow in todays' world with the difference?economy, & you know that's why wekeep talking about that taking back PBMM: Yes.your power & seizing the day. So, that'sreally what that record was about you Karyn: Oh it's a huge difference, night &know, me coming back after 18 years day. First of all, I was with a big label;of being gone from the industry which Warner Brothers; signed by Bennywas you know a long time. So things are Medina & if you guys don't know whodifferent. he is, Google him, he's a monster, he's a beast, he's responsible for a bunch ofPBMM: Yes, that's a very long time. careers. J-Lo, Mariah, you know heAnd speaking of a long time, how is managed Diddy. So anyway, he was myyour outlook on the industry today as it A & R person that signed me at Warnerwas from when you first came to when Brothers & it was a time it was a muzikyou released your current album now? boutique at that time Warner Brothers. They had artist like Prince & Chaka, he signed Madonna & Al Jarreau also. I was there with Al B. Sure!, we were on\"Always Waking Up With A New Motto Like, \"You Know What?I'm Not Going To Let The Day Pass Me By, I'm Going To Make The Most Of It.\"\"that label. So today coming back after Karyn: Yeah, once you say the song,18 years, I'm on my label Karyn WhiteEnterprises, distributed through BMI, they'll know the song, you know butyou it's me owning myself & mymasters, but you know; it's tough umm they're about to be reminded. It'sbecause I'm competing in a way thatmy budget - you know it's really based like I said it's just slow & steady, beforeon 'I can only do what my budget do',so it's a slow & steady build. Before, it it was fast. I came out with a goldwas like Warner Bros. sent millions soeverybody can know Karyn White; but single, another gold single, a platinumI can't afford that. album so now it's a different time. I'mPBMM: Like Now People ReallyDon't.... Like Most People That I Talk exciting about my acting, I'm going toTo Now & I Mention Your Name TheyBe Like 'Who Is Karyn White, Who Is be starring in my first movie, a littleThat?' & I Have To Tell Them 'Hey ManYou Don't Know Who Superwoman small cameo with KattIs?!?' Where You Been At Fot The LastCouple Years? Williams coming out on June 2 called American Bad Boy, so make sure ya'll go check that out. PBMM: Yeah, I been hearing about that, I'm going to make sure I put my eye on that. Karyn: Yeah, I think it's going to be released straight to DVD. But umm, that's been a great experience; I been acting & I'm so ecited about that Palm Beach Muzik Mag

'cause I found that I really love it just as much as I do singing but it's a task & now I know why actors get paid the kind of money that they do because when you have to become other people, you know it's hard & people think it's just so easy to act......oooooooh no it ain't. PBMM: Yeah, especially if they want you to become somebody else of a different culture. Karyn: Oh well yeah, I don't know about that. But, yeah I haven't had to play a different culture but just being a different person is tough you know, but like I said I'm up for the challenge; I'm also writing & developing my own movies & sitcom's, so I got a lot of things in work I just need something to pop & it will. Listen this is what I say: \"If you do nothing rest assured nothing will happen.\" PBMM: Most definitely! Speaking of the silver screen how did the \"Trophy Wife\" thing go for you? Karyn: Oooh, actually it's called.......well I just got a call from my producer actually saying that we're very close to signing a“I Found That I Really Love It Just As Much As I Love Singing.”deal & it's been two years, I just got & they'll be like oooh the girl onthis call this week, so I'm like praise Basketball Wife.God & it's actually going to be calledBasketball Wife, they changed the PBMM: Right, right. They'll know whoname to Basketball Wife. And Michael you are for sure knowLajaway he's been in the business & he people love reality shows these days.wrote stuff with the writer from theMartin show, with Moesha & with a Karyn: Oh yeah & you know I'm notbunch of popular black sitcoms, so the mad at them, you know a lot of peopleproducer's well known & the cast is have gotten a lot of success & I wishamazing, so it's going to happen. When them well. Like I said I love anyoneI talk to you next time they're going to who's trying to go after theirbe saying who's Karyn White & she'll beon T.V. Palm Beach Muzik Mag

dreams & be somebody & do something Karyn: Yeah, she just graduated. She'sso I ain't mad at them. Build your amazing! She's on steroids! She's likebrand ladies & gentleman. me but she's just turned up with her business savvy. She's got a really goodPBMM: You got to build that brand, life at 18, she's cold & I'm excited forthat's the only way anybody going to her career. She's going intoknow who is. It makes no sense having broadcasting & journalism, she'sa brand & you're not building on it, so actually, meeting with networks rightwhat's the use of even having it. now, so I'm excited for her. Man she's grinding, she's going to get it, herKaryn: Oh, let me tell you something. mother is Karyn White & father TerryMy daugther Ashley-Lewis; she just Lewis so she's got the greatness in her,graduated from Howard last month in so just has to get it on her own now.may....... PBMM: So she majored inPBMM: Oh yeah, that was one of my broadcasting? She may be able to givequestions for you today, \"How is your you your T.V. show?daughter doing with Howard?\"\"CARPE DIEM\"Karyn: Did you say she can produce \"Siege the Day\" & your PBMM: Yeah, that's basically whatPBMM: Yeah, she might be able to your doing to yourself by sitting therestart her own label or her own T.V. not doing nothing, you're dying & give you a show & have yourshow on there. Karyn: Exactly! Killing yourself softly.Karyn: Exactly, that's what she told PBMM: What about the clothing line?me. She's like mom I'm going to buy How's that coming out for you?you a Bentley, she promise me she'sgoing to get me a Bentley; I was like Karyn: You said my clothing?ok & I believe her. There's nothing she (PBMM: Yeah?) I haven't donecan't do you know, especially if you put anything with that. I don't know if Iyour mind to it & that's any of us. It's were talking to you at one point, but Ihard work, but you just gotta have that know that is something I wanna do insingle minded focus & keep dreaming the future. The thing about me is that'cause that's the point you know, it's up I have a lot of goals, so it's kind of liketo us. If we stop believing, then like I when one thing happens big then yousaid, you might as well go ahead & sit have to be ready for all these things. I'mdown, roll over & die. But that's not the almost 50, but everybody thinks I'm 30case, I just wanna encourage us to when they see me. Palm Beach Muzik Mag

PBMM: You're almost 50? I thought really excited about where I'm atyou were like 23. muzikally, because for me it really has to be organic because I really want toKaryn: Awwww! See! Nooo! I'm trying do majority of writing & I'm reallyto get my grown woman on. I have lots excited about the ideas I been comingof ideas, I have style. I would like to up with & I'll probally start recordingshow that 50 is the new 30. There's soon. But, right now, I'm on my realwomen out there that's over 40 estate hustle which I was telling youthinking that they can't do it, but you about. When I left the industy that'scan rock it. what I was doing, I was flipping homes, kind of like if ya'll guys have seen thePBMM: Outside of Carpe Diem do you shows on HDGTV. I was going &have any other muzik coming out? buying homes & then flipping them & selling them, that's what I do. I loveKaryn: Actually, no! I'm about to go interior design & homes & antiques &London next month, I've been very that's something that I'm doing rightcreative. I been coming up with all now. Actually, I'm getting ready tokinds of great ideas & songs, I'm just purchase a home in Atlanta &\"SEIZE THE DAY!!!\"I'm excited about that, I keep it moving, PBMM: That's going to come. Peopleyou'll realize that I won't just be in one always need some where to stay, that'sthing & I want to stress to everyone in going to's world that you really have tohave multiple things going on, so when Karyn: And you know it too & that'sthis one not happening, you can do exactly what I was telling my friendthis, especially people that's trying to who's working with me, I'm like boybe in the business; because if you just you better learn this, & you said itput yourself into a box it's not good, exactly \"people always need someyou're more interesting you have these where to stay.\"other things going on in your life & itkeeps you sane too. Because the PBMM: That's like A/C. Because hereentertainment industry can be very in Florida, people always need A/Cstressfull, especially for me going to 'cause it's hot. So, it's two things youauditions & getting rejected as an going to do here: real estate like you'reactress, so you know like I keep saying doing or get into the A/C have to really take your power back& mean that so you have to have more Karyn: Oh wow! Ok, I didn't realizethan one venture going on. So that's that. So, are you in either of thosewhat I'm doing now & muzik will be yourself?coming after I make some money frommy houses. PBMM: Huh? What you say? Could Palm Beach Muzik Mag

you repeat that question?Karyn: I was asking do you dabble in any of that yourself outside yourradio program.PBMM: Yeah, I do my magazine, I have 5 published books that I'vePBMM: Yeah, I do my magazine, I have 5 what thats called, you're a renaissance man.published books that I've written, actuallyone of which is a Kosher Cookbook PBMM: Well, for our other listeners &(Karyn: What!? look at you, I love it). readers who actually doesn't know who youYeah, I put in work. What else I do? I build are, because they're too young to know whomobile apps for the local artist in my you are & might want to hear some yourcommunity & I do A/C, yeah I do air muzik both old & current, where can they findconditioning too. that?Karyn: What!? Go head boy! I love it! Karyn: Karyn White, is myThat's what's up. That's what's up. website. And you can find me on YouTube, you can find me on Amazon, you can GooglePBMM: So, yeah, I'm kind of in the same me, you're remember 'cause you'll be like \"ohboat with you, I'm juggling all these my momma was singing that song. You'rethings, all these other businesses with my probably remember it, this is for themuzik, so you know, I gotta full plate. youngsters. Then you're be seeing me in \"American Bad Boy\" with Katt, thatKaryn: You know what they call you? should be coming out on June 2nd.They you a renaissance man. That's PBMM: Oh that's today! Karyn: Oh, that is today, thank you! Coming out today! Exactly, I'm supposed to be promoting it, I have to tell you guys to go get from, so you can rent. So check out your girl, got a lil cameo part with my hat on, if can even realize that's me looking all cool, 'cause I'm playing muzik executive so going to sign this guy, I'm going to check this guy out in the club. So; I got my hat on looking all conspicuous. PBMM: I'll make sure I put a tweet out there about that too. Karyn: Oh, thank you! Thank you! I appreciate it. It was fun talking to you again & you keep it up I'm proud of what you're doing & next time I'll be talking to you you'll be bigger things too.

Local Muzik Pirate Ent. Bruck Shot Life As A Pirate Vol. 1 COMING SOONTrakkillaz Productions J MoLove & Hip-Hop WasReleased Valentines Day2015 Available Now AtDatpiff Starv'n Artist Productionz \"I'm 10-4\" Da Mixtape COMING SOON Palm Beach Muzik Mag

PBMM: Why do you make muzik?Wayz: Muzik for me is therapeutic.Muzik allows me to vent freely & paintpictures with my words; something Ienjoy doing & also have a chance tomotivate others. Overall for the love ofthe culture.PBMM: What fuels your muzik?Wayz: Besides the fact that I have areal deep burning passion for muzik,the fuel comes from the lack of realmuzik as of late. Alot of events & issuesgoing on in this world. We have to takefull advantage & get things in order.PBMM: Where do you see your careerin the next 5 years? Palm Beach Muzik Mag

PBMM: What producers have you worked with/would like to work with?Wayz: MG Da Bad Guy, The Shipmates, Epik The Dawn, Natown Productions, &C Reaves Productions, to name a few. Would love to work with Schife Karbeem,Mannie Fresh, DJ Premiere, Pete Rock, KLC, Dr. Dre & Havoc.PBMM: What demographic(s) does your muzik target?Wayz: My goal is to reach the masses. My sound is Wayz: That's yet to be determined. Once \"The Bossesfor everyone. Universal. Roundtable\" releases people will be getting reality rap at its finest which is desperately needed today.PBMM: How have real events influenced yourmuzik? PBMM: What makes your name stand out from other artist?Wayz: Being able to learn from them. Good & bad& bring it to light. PBMM: How do you feel about Wayz: That's for the Viewers/Followers/Fans to speakthe state of Hip Hop now? Wayz: It can be better. on for the most part. I just stay in my lane & let my bodyLack of creativity is at an all-time high. Quite a few of work speak for itself.artist not being true to themselves, but I have faiththat it’ll turn around & strengthen up. PBMM: How do u feel you're going to change the game musically?PBMM: How would you describe your sound? Wayz: That's also yet to be determined. I hope toWayz: Authentic. Assertive. Raw. motivate artist to think outside the box & put the necessary work in.PBMM: Growing up who was your favorite artist,local or mainstream? PBMM: What message are you trying to send to the people?Wayz: Nas, Jay Z, Mobb Deep, M.O.P., Wu Tang,Snoop, Dr. Dre, Scarface, UGK, 8Ball/MJG, Wayz: Be true to yourself. If you want it you canOutKast, Redman, Kool G Rap. achieve it. Execute your game plan, don't skip any steps & trust the process.PBMM: How has your muzik helped improvetoday’s society? PBMM: Do you believe in supporting everyone even if you do not agree on liking their muzik? Wayz: You’re not going to agree/ like everything you hear. I respect the craft & work that comes with this game. It's my duty to support my fellow artist. Only we understand the politics & bullshit that's endured going after your dream. Support & unity is major, without it you’re wasting your time. PBMM: If people wanted to hear your muzik where can they find it? Wayz: Album will be available on ITunes, Tidal, & all major digital distributors. I can be found on YouTube. Type in \"Wayz Da Don,\" \"RawLife\" our music videos will pull up. IG: Wayz561 & SC: WayzElJefe561. Palm Beach Muzik Mag

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