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Modul Bahasa Inggris 1

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Modul Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMK/SMA Kelas X 1a by akib, Akib,

Table of Contents page 1. 1st Chapter Hi, I’m Alexandra 2-6 Apperception ……………………………………………………………………………………… - Introducing ……………………………………………………………………………........ Exercise …………………………………………………………………………………………...... - Family ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Exercise …………………………………………………………………………………………...... - Pronoun ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Exercise …………………………………………………………………………………………...... Activity ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Glossary ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Competence Test ……………………………………………………………………………….. Remedial ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Enrichment ……………………………………………………………………………………...... 2nd Chapter Congratulation for your Achievement Citra ! 7-9 Apperception ………………………………………………………………………………………. - Expressions of Congratulation …………………………………………………...... Exercise ………………………………………………………………………………………………. - Complimenting …………………………………………………………………………….. Exercise ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Activity ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Glossary ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Competence Test ………………………………………………………………………………… Remedial ………………………………………………………………………………………....... Enrichment ……………………………………………………………………………………....... 3rd Chapter Do You Have any Plans for Tomorrow ? 10 - 11 Apperception ……………………………………………………………………………………… - Expression of Showing Intention ………………………………………………….. Exercise ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Activity …………………………………………………………………………………………....... Glossary ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Competence Test ……………………………………………………………………………….. Remedial ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Enrichment ………………………………………………………………………………………… Mid Semester Exercise …………………………………………………………………………………………….. Remedial ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Enrichment ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4th Chapter Do You Know about Ampera Bridge ? 12 - 18 Apperception …………………………………………………………………………………….. - Descriptive Text …………………………………………………………………………… Exercise …………………………………………………………………………………………….. - Noun and Adjectives ( Noun Phrase ) …………………………………………… Exercise …………………………………………………………………………………………….. Activity ………………………………………………………………………………………......... Glossary …………………………………………………………………………………………….. Competence Test ………………………………………………………………………………. Remedial ……………………………………………………………………………………........ Enrichment ……………………………………………………………………………………….. - The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text ..…………………………………. Exercise …………………………………………………………………………………………….

- Passive Voice ……………………………………………………………………………….. Exercise ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Activity ………………………………………………………………………………………......... Glossary ……………………………………………………………………………………......... Competence Test ……………………………………………………………………………… Remedial ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Enrichment ………………………………………………………………………………………. 5th Chapter Let’s Read the Announcement ! Apperception ……………………………………………………………………………......... - Announcement ……………………………………………………………………........ Exercise ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Activity …………………………………………………………………………………………….. Glossary …………………………………………………………………………………………… Competence Test …………………………………………………………………………….. Remedial …………………………………………………………………………………………. Enrichment ……………………………………………………………………………………… Semester Exercise …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Remedial ………………………………………………………………………………………………………........... Enrichment ……………………………………………………………………………………………………........... Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Good luck 1.

1st Chapter Hi, I’m Alexandra Kompetensi Dasar 3.1. Menerpkan fungsi sosial, strutur teks,dan usur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan member dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengane konteks penggunaannya ( Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan pronoun; subjective, objective, possessive ). 4.1. Menyusun teksinteraksi lisan dan tulis pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, strutur teks ,dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar sesuai konteks penggunaannya. Apperception Good morning, students. Welcome to the tenth grade. How is everything ? Are you happy with your new classroom and classmate ? I hope all of you are fine and happy. Students, have you introduced yourself and tell about your family to your new friends ? What do you mention in the first introduction ? Do you remember ? Yes. You mention your name . For example “ Hi. I’m Alexandra.” Do you know introduction important to know about someone and his/ her family ? Let’s study about introduction. Family members, and using pronouns in this chapter. After you study all the materials. Before starting this chapter, it is better for you to prepare your book and writing equipment first. Great ! You have prepared all of them, it means that you are ready to study. However, you should pray to God first for His blessing you can study English well today. Now, let’s start ! Introducing 1. Self Introduction and Introduction Others When you want to introduce yourself or introduce your family member/ friend to other people, you should learn these expressions. Self Introduction Introducing Others - Let me introduce myself - Let me introduce ( you to ) ….. - My name is ….. - I’d like to introduce ( you to ) ….. - Hello ! My name ….. - I’d like you to meet ….. - Allow me to introduce myself . - This is ….. - I’d like to introduce myself. My name is …. Example : Dialogue 1 A : Hi. Are you new comer here ? B : Yes, I’m a new comer here. By the way, I’m Sandrina. What is your name ? A : I’m Alexandra. You can call me Lexa. Nice to meet you, Sandrina. Dialogue 2 A : Hi, Nathan. I’d like to introduce you to my friend. This is Jasmine. B : Hello, Jasmine. How do you do. A : Hi, Nathan. How do you do ? 2.

2. Asking for and telling about people’s address These are expressions of asking for and telling about people’s address : Asking for People’s Address Responses - Where do you live ? - I live at 20 Walanda Maramis Street, - Where is your house ? Surabaya. - Where do you come from ? - My house is in Kauman, Salatiga. - I come from Palembang. When you ask about someone’s address, it is better for you to use preposition. Learn the table below carefully and pay attention to the words in bold and italic ! Preposition : at, on, in 1. I live at Jalan Sukowati number 7, Pucangan, Kartasura, Sukoharjo. 2. My house is on Jalan Bina Marga 3. I live in Kampung Banyu Anyar, Kelurahan Alun Aliun Contong, Kecamatan Bubutan, Surabaya. The words at, on, and in are prepositions. Example : Hotel Receptionist : Good morning, Sir. May I help you ? Mr. Daniel : May I reserve a single room for tomorrow morning at 9 a.m ? Hotel Receptionist : Of course, Sir. May I know your complete name ? I will help you to fill this reservation form. Mr. Daniel : My name is Daniel. Robby Daniel. Hotel Receptionist : May I know your address, Sir ? Mr. Daniel : My address is at Mulawarman Street number 78, Manado. Exercise I. Read the following dialogue and answer the questions below carefully ! Akira : Hi, My name is Akira Avantika Dewi. What is your name ? Malandra : My name Malandra Geraldine. You can call me Andra. Akira : That’s cool name. By the way, where are you from ? Malandra : I’m from Britain. Akira : My I know, why do you stay here ? Malandra : I’m here for joining a piano contest. Akira : Are you sure ? You are a pianist ? Malandra : Yes. I’m. Will you come to see my contest next Sunday at Barata Bollroom ? I think you are one of my good and new friends in Indonesia. Akira : Of course. Malandra : Okay. We will meet in front of the ballroom next Sunday at 8 so I can ask the committee to prepare a seat to you. Akira : Okay. See you next Sunday. Malandra : Okay. See you too. Questions : 1. Who are in the dialogue ? Mention their names ! 2. Mention the expression of introducing used in the dialogue ! 3. Where do the girls come from ? 4. Who can play piano ? 5. Where does Malandra invite Akira to go next Sunday ? 3.

II. Do the task below creatively ! Change the redtyped with your own name then retell by video and send to the teacher ! Hi, I’m Alexandra Hi, friends. My name is Alexandra. There are many people who call me Andra. I think It is a cool name , so I like it so much. I’m a student in a private Senior High School in Jakarta. I learn Social program. Besides as a student, I have a side job as an online shop operator, I live at Kencana Street 44 Jakarta with my family . My father is a policeman. He is Mr. Dimitri Agustian. My mother is Mrs. Anjani Kirana. She is an English teacher in a Junior High School. I also have 2 siblings. They are Amara and Rafael. Amara is a student in a college in Jakarta. She is 20 years old. She is in the fifth semester now. And the last is my lovely brother, Rafael. He is a student in an elementary school. He is in the forth grade now. He is a diligent and smart boy. Pronoun Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. So, we do not have to repeat names. They make English simpler, for example, by saying “ Rudy Raharja walked home. He ate dinner.” Instead of “ Rudy Raharja walked home. Rudy Raharja ate dinner.” Look at the list of pronouns below. Subjective Objective Possessive I Me Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun He Him She Her My Mine It You It His His We You They Us Her Hers Them Its Its Your Yours Our Ours Their Theirs 1. The subject case Subjective pronouns are the simplest form of pronoun. It is used to replace the name of a subject, instead of repeating a noun. Subject Parts of Subject Meaning I Saya He To be Dia ( laki-Laki ) Am Dia ( perempuan ) She Is Dia ( Akira,benda/ hewan ) It Is Kamu/ kalian You Is Kami/ kita We Are Mereka They Are are Pattern : S + to be + Adjective or S + to be + noun Example : ~ She is beautiful. ~ I’m handsome. ~ He is a teacher. 4.

2. The Object case When a pronoun is used in a place of a noun that is the object of a sentence, we use the objective form of pronouns. These are me, you, him, her, it, them, and us. Object Meaning Me Saya Him Dia ( Laki-laki ) Her Dia ( Perempuan ) It Dia ( Akira, benda/ Hewan ) You Kamu / Kalian Us Kami/ Kita Them Mereka Example : ~ Give me some fruits ! ~ I know her. ~ Please join us ! 3. Possessive adjective case Possessive adjective is used to show possession or ownership of something. While we use them when we refer to people, it is more in the sense of relationship than ownership. Example : ~ My car is very old. ~ Our cat is black. ~ Their homework is on the table. 4. Possessive Pronoun case Possessive pronoun is a pronoun that derives from personal pronoun and denotes possession and analogous relationships. Example : ~ This book is mine. ~ It is your plane. Ours is delayed. ~ I don’t like my bag. I like theirs. Exercise I. Complete the text with the right pronouns carefully ! Sania Mikaela Yofan Good morning. (1) …… would like to introduce myself. (2) …… name is Sania Mikaela Yofa. I am from Solo. I live at Jaya Daya Street No. 88 Semarang. I. (3) …… a tenth grade student of Sinar Ilmu Senior High School. I’m fifteen years old now. I was born on October the twentieth. I like cooking so much. I practice some new recipes every Saturday and Sunday at home with my mother. My mother and I have a set of cooking tools at home. (4) …… Favourite food is rendang. My favourite beverage is milkshake chocolate and my mom’s favourite beverage is lemon juice. I want to be a chef one day . I think. (5) …… ‘s enough for my introduction. Thank you very much for your attention. II. Complete the sentences using possessive pronouns ! 1. Amara is a student in this school . Is this class …………………………………………………………….. ? 2. Sir , is this house …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? 3. Livia is borrowing your laptop. Is this laptop ……………………………………………………………….. ? 4. I love my siblings. I have bought them some T-shirts. These T-shirts are ……………………. ? 5. Jonathan lends me these shoes. These shoes are ………………………………………………………. ? 6. Girl, is this bag …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ? 5.

7. Wildan is looking for his pencil. Is this pencil ………………………………………………………………. ? 8. Can Jihan borrow your book ? …………………………………………….. is wet because of the rain. 9. I chose this this plate. It is …………………………………………………………………………………………… ? 10. Can we borrow your storybook ? We don’t bring ……………………………………………………….. ? Task 1 Practice the dialogue below with your seatmate retell by video and send to the teacher ! Julia : Hi. What is your name ? Luisa : Hi. My name is Luisa Michaela. You can call me Luisa Julia : Where are you from, Luisa ? Luisa : I’m from London Julia : What do you speak ? Luisa : I speak English. By the way, what is your name ? Julia : I’m Julia Fiandra Putri. I come from Indonesia. I speak English and Indonesian Luisa : Great. I can speak English to you every day. Julia : Yes, you can. But, don’t you want to speak Indonesian or learn some traditional languages here in Indonesia ? Luisa : I really want to try. Can you to teach me Indonesian or traditional language used in this city. Julia : Of course, girl. Luisa : Great ! By the way, nice to meet you. Julia. Julia : Nice to meet you too, Luisa. Task 2 Answer the question below writtenly ! 1. Who are in the dialogue ? Mention their names ! 2. What is the expression of introducing oneself used in the dialogue ? 3. Where do the girls come from ? 4. Who can speak Indonesian ? 5. Will the girl from London study Indonesian or traditional language ? Remedial Read the information below and answer the questioncarefully ! Full name : Gladys Sastra Putri Hometown : Semarang Age : 15 Address : Nakula Street No. 44 School : Bunga Bangsa Senior High School Hobby : Reading and listening to popular music Questions : 1. What is Gladys’ full name ? 2. Where is Gladys from ? 3. How old is she ? 4. Where is Gladys’ address ? 5. What are Gladys’ hobby ? Enrichment Do the following instruction carefully ! Write the text about your personal information 6.

2nd Chapter Congratulations for Your Achievement, Citra! Kompetensi Dasar 3.2. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktue teks,dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji bersayap ( extended ),serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan penggunaannya. 4.2. Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi ucapan selamat danmemuji bersayap ( extended ), dan menanggapinya dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaanyang benar sesuai konteks. Apperception Hello, Students, How is everything? I hope everything is fine. Students, do you know ? I have a friend. She is Citra. I have heard news that she and her marching band team have won a marching band competition. By the way what must I do after hearing the news? Yes ! You are right. I must congratulate her by saying “Congratulations for your achievement, Citra.” And praying for her best. Student do you know what expression I use to congratulate Citra ? Yes ! That’s an expression of congratulating. What is actually congratulation expression ? That’s right ! Congratulation expression is an expression that we use to give the congratulation utterance when someone gets success in doing something. By the way , have you ever studied about expression of complimenting ? What is it actually ? Yes, you are right ! It is an expression that we show or say to express/ give praise. Can you give me the example of the expression ? Okay ! one of the example is “you look charming in that dress.” Students, let’s study about expressions of congratulating and expressions of complimenting in this chapter ! Before starting this chapter, it is better for you to prepare your book and writing equipment first. Great ! You have prepared all of them. It mean you are ready to study. However, you should pray to God first for the blessing given to you as you can study English today. Now let’s start ! Congratulation Expression of Congratulation What is congratulation ? Great ! Congratulation is an expression that we use to congratulate someone and show our happiness and pleasure at that person’s achievement or good fortune when someone gets success in doing something. There are some kinds of congratulations, such as congratulation on someone’s success, happy birthday, happy new year, happy anniversary, happy graduation, etc. Pay attention to the table below ! The Responses of Congratulation The Expression of Congratulation ~ Thank you. ~ Thanks, I hope you so ~ Congratulations ! ~ Thanks, I needed that. ~ Congratulations on your promotion. ~ It’s very kind of you to say that. ~ Congratulations for your graduation. ~ Do you really think so ? ~ I would like to congratulate you …… ~ It’s very good of you to say so. ~ I must congratulate you …... ~ Let me congratulate on your success. 7.

Example : Nagita : Congratulation on your 15th birthday, Divia. Divia : Thank you, Nagita Nagita : You look charming in that black gown. Divia : Thank you for saying so, you look charming too. Exercise I. Answer the questions of every tasks below ! Task 1 Practice the dialogue below with your classmates, retell by video and send to the teacher ! Mr. Dandy : I heard you have passed your National exam with the highest score. Is it true ? Rifath : Yes, Sir. Mr. Dandy : Congratulations for your great achievement. Rifath Rifath : Thank you very much, Sir. Mr. Dandy : So, what is your plan after that ? Rifath : I plan to go to public university and take English education faculty, Sir. Mr.Dandy : Good. I hope you can go to your chosen university. Good luck ! Rifath : I hope so, Sir. Thank you. Task 2 Read the text below and answer the questions carefully ! Dear : Aldo Congratulations for your winning in Mathematic Olympiad ! I hope you can get the best for the next Olympiad Competition Love, Mother Questions : 1. Who send the congratulation card ? 2. Who win the mathematic Olympiad ? 3. Mention the expression of congratulation in the text ! 4. What is the relation of the sender and receiver of the card ? 5. Does the card contain/ show a deep feeling for the receiver ? Give your opinion ! II. Practice the dialogue with your friend by video and send to your teacher ! Karla : HI. Citra. You and your group have done the best performance in the marching band competition this year. Citra : It’s very good of you to say so, Karla. Karla : Congratulation for you and your group’s achievement , Citra ! Citra : Thanks a lot, girl. Complimenting Compliment is an expression that we show or say to express/ give praise. Some people use compliments to “butter up” somebody or flatter in order to increase good will. Compliment is for anyone you have occasion to talk with ( friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers ). Compliment is express to praise about the way people’s look/ general appearance, something people have, something people did, and something people said. 8.

The Expressions of Compliment The Responses of Compliment ~ That’s a beautiful dress ! ~ Thank you. ~ What a lovely shoes ! ~ Really ? Thanks. ~ You did very well. ~ Thank you for saying so. ~ You are good cook ~ I am glad you like it. ~ You look charming in that dress. ~ I am glad you enjoyed it. Example : Dinar : That’s beautiful sweeter, Fina . Is it new ? Fina : Yes, it is. My brother has bought me as my graduation gift. Dinar : Wow, You have a great brother. It is really beautiful on you. Fina : Thank you for saying so. Exercise Do the task below carefully ! Task 1 Practice the dialogue with your friend by video and send to your teacher ! Girl : Mom, what are you bringing ? Mom : Hi, girl. It is a special lunch for you. I want to warm it first. Girl : Is it a new microwave, Mom ? Mom : Yes, what do you think about it ? Girl : You are a good in choosing everything. Mom. It’s a sophisticated and economical electronic product. Mom : Really ? Thanks Task 2 Answer the questions based on the dialogue ! 1. Who are they in the dialogue ? 2. Who has bought a new microwave ? 3. What does the girl say to her mom about the new microwave ? 4. Mention the complimenting expression in the dialogue ? 5. Are the girl and her mother happy to have the new microwave ? Remedial Read the dialogue and answer the questions below carefully ! Bian : What a great camera you have, Raka. Raka : Thank you, Bian. My brother lends it to me for taking some great photographs here. Bian : Your brother is a great in choosing a sophisticated camera. Raka : That’s right. Bian : Your photograph result also look so great. What did you do to it ? Raka : I had learned from my brother to find good angles in capturing an object. So, I can do it well. Bian : Wow, That’s a good job ! Raka : Thank you for saying so. Questions : 1. Who are talking in the dialogue above ? 2. What are they talking about ? 3. Who lent a camera from the brother ? 4. Mention the complimenting expression in the dialogue ? 5. How is the characteristic of Raka in the dialogue ? Give your opinion ! Enrichment Make a dialogue using the expression of congratulating and complimenting ! 9.

3rd Chapter Do You Have Any Plans for Tomorrow ? Kompetensi Dasar 3.3. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, strukturteks, dan unsur kebahasaan teksinteraksi transaksional lisan dantulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait niat melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai dengankonteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan begoing to, would like to). 4.3. Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait niat melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks. Apperception How are you, Students ? I hope you are fine. Students, do you have any plans for tomorrow ? What is your plan ? Do you know my friends ask me some plans for my holiday ? By the way, I have confirmed about my plan. And now, I want to ask to my friends about their plan too, what expression must I say to ask about my friends’ plan ? Great ! It must use the expression of showing intention. What is intention ? Actually, It is aim or objective ; something that somebody plans to do. By the way, do you know about the expression of showing intention? Can you give me example of it ? Don’t worry if you can’t because you will study about it in this chapter. Now prepare your writing equipment and your book first. Pleas don’t be noisy ! Keep the classroom conductive and calm. Okay, you have prepared all of them. Let’s pray to God first for the guidance to learn English well for today. We should also thank God for the chance given to us to learn more English expression in this chapter. Now, let’s start the lesson ! Expression of Showing Intention Do you have something you want to do ? Great if you have it. By the way how can you show it ? Usually somebody has something to do in the future. To express it, you can use one of the following expression : Expressions of Asking and Responses Showing Intention I would like to …. That’s a good plan. I intend to …. Please do. I’ll wait for you. What is the plan ? I’ll pray for you. Do you have any plans ? Lucky you. I’m going to …. It’s your choice. Go ahead. Then, do it ! Look at the patterns to use the expression of showing intention below : Subject ( They, We, I, You, She, He, It ) + would like + V1 + …. + V1 Subject ( They, We, I, You, She, He, It ) + will + V1 + …. + V1 Subject ( They, We, I, You, She, He, It ) + is/ am/ are going to + V1 + …. + V1 Subject ( They, We, I, You, She, He, It ) + would rather + V1 + …. + V1 10.

Example : 1. I would like to invite you to come to my birthday party. 2. We intend to continue our study at technique faculty. 3. What is your plan after graduating of Vocational Senior High School ? 4. Do you have any plans for semester break next month? 5. I’m going to attend English course a BEBC next week. Exercise l. Do the task below carefully! Task 1 Practice the dialogue below with your friend by video then send to the teacher ! Alexa : Amara, do you have any plans for tomorrow ? Amara : No. Nothing comes up yet. Why ? Alexa : Miss Donna asked me to join carnival. It is to promote wearing Kebaya modern Women. Will you join us ? Amara : Okay. I will. By the way. Must I wear a pair of Kebaya and jarik cloth ?. Alexa : Yes. By the way, do you have a pair of it ? If you don’t have, you can come to my house because my sister has some pair of Kebaya. Amara : Don’t worry. I have some pairs of Kebaya too. Alexa : Great ! I hope modern women can wear kebaya for some events. Amara : That’s possible ! Alexa : Okay. See you tomorrow at 7 a.m. Amara : Okay. See you too. Task 2 Answer the questions based on the dialogue of Task 1 correctly ! 1. Who are they in the dialogue ? 2. What’s Alexa’s planning ? 3. For what is the carnival ? 4. What costume must they wear for the carnival ? 5. “ Do you have any plans for tomorrow ? “ What is the definition of the bold italic word ? Activity Read the dialogue then answer the questions correctly ! Alivia : Hello, Sania. What are going to do this weekend ? Sania : Hello, Girl. I’m going to visit Kyai Langgeng Magelang with my parents and brothers. How about you ? Alivia : Well, I still do not have any plan for the weekend. Sania : Why don’t you go to your favourite place with your sister ? Alivia : That’s a good idea. But, I have to help my mom for planting some flower seeds in our garden. Sania : I think gardening is also a nice activity. You can enjoy it to spend your weekend. It can be a good experience too. Alivia : You re right. Thank you Sania. Planting some flower seeds in the weekend is also a good thing for us. Thank for your suggestion. Sania : Okay. I will give you some souvenirs from Magelang next. Alivia : Okay, great ! See you Sania. Sania : All right. See you too. Questions : 1. Who are the girls in the dialogue ? What is the relation between them ? 2. What is Sania’s plan for her weekend ? 4. What will Alivia do for her weekend in the last ? 5. Mention the intention expression in the dialogue ? 11.

Remedial Make sentences based on the pattern above correctly ! 1. ………………………………………………………………………………. 2. ………………………………………………………………………………. 3. ………………………………………………………………………………. 4. ………………………………………………………………………………. 5. ………………………………………………………………………………. 12.

4th Chapter Do You Know about Ampera Bridge ? Kompetensi Dasar 3.4. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks , dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks descriptive lisa dan tulis terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, pendek dan sederhana , sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. 4.4. Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memerhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan , secara benar dan sesuai konteks. Apperception Hello, Students. Today is sunny, right. By the way, how are you today ? I hope you are fine. Students, do you know about descriptive text ? What is it ? Great ! Descriptive text is about a text to describe something ( people, animals, and things ) especially in detailed description. By the way, have you ever visited some historical places in Indonesia ? What are they? Can you mention and describe them ? Don’t worry if you don’t know what to say to describe the place because you will learn about descriptive text in this chapter. Besides you will also learn about noun phrase. Actually, it is an important thing to pay attention to in describing something, so, you must understand it well. By the way, do you know what noun phrase is ? Great ! It is a word refers to a person, place, thing, event, substance, or quality. Now you have known about the definition of descriptive text and noun phrase . are you ready to study about them more in this chapter? Great ! I like your spirit to study. Now, prepare your book and your writing equipment first ! Please don’t be too noisy. Keep the class conducive. Okay, you have prepared all of them. Now, let’s pray to God first for the guidance and the chance so that we can learn English well today, and then let’s start our lesson. Descriptive Text Descriptive text is a text to describe something ( people, animals, and things ) especially in detailed description. 1. Social function To present facts and information about the subject by describing its parts, characteristic, etc. 2. Generic Structure a. Identification The opening paragraph tells the reader what the description is about. b. Description Each one focuses on a different part or area, build up to complete the description of the subject. c. Concluding paragraph ( optional ) Summaries of the whole description. 3. Language features a. Using attributive and identifying process b. Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group c. Using simple present tense and adjective 13.

Example : Sangalaki Island The best place to see green turtles in East Kalimantan is on Sangalaki Island. This nature preserve is known as the biggest habitat in Southeast Asia. Every night, around fifty green turtles make their way onto this beach to lay their eggs. Their footprints and the shells of eggs that have hatched can be found everywhere. Sangalaki also has a semi –natural hatchery. Eggs that are in danger because they are too close to the edge of the beach are moved to the hatchery by staff. These eggs are then left to hatch naturally. Sangakali is also one of the biggest habitats of the manta ray. Seeing these creatures up close in the sea is a favorite attraction for divers. These wide-winged swimmers usually travel in groups. When the shoal approaches, it looks like an attack by a fleet of spaceship from a science fiction movie. Exercise Read the text below and answer correctly ! Lembah Pelangi Waterfall Lembah Pelangi Waterfall sounds unfamiliar for both local and foreign tourists. Lembah Pelangi Waterfall is located in Sukamaju village. Ulu belu district. Tanggamus district. Lampung province. Indonesia. The access to this place is quite difficult because Ulu belu sub district is a remote area in Lampung with its hilly contours which make this tourism spot elusive. Lembah Pelangi Waterfall has two leveof this waterfallls where the waterfall on the second level has two branches. The height of the first level waterfall is about 100 meters, while the second level waterfall is about dozens of meters. The best enchantment of this waterfall is the rainbow which appears between the valley and the waterfall as the name suggests. The soft flowing gurgling waterfall sounds like a chant of nature which can remove the tiredness of the long trip to go there. Under the waterfall, there are several spots of warm water which can be an interesting spot for bathing. In this place, you will be shown a panorama of natural beauty which is very interesting for every pair of eyes seeing it. Rocky hills accompanied by leafy trees will actually soothe both your eyes. Task 1 Questions : 1. What is described in the text ? 2. Where is it located ? 3. Why is the access to reach the place quite difficult ? 4. How is the description of the place ? 5. What can visitors see in the place ? Task 2 Find the definition of the words below carefully ! You can open your dictionary if needed. 1. Elusive : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Enchantment : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Valley : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Chant : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. Panorama : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Noun and Adjectives ( Noun Phrase ) Noun is a word that refer to person, place, thing, event, substance or quality. Adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. It is one kind of modifiers used to construct noun phrase. When we describes something, we usually use noun and adjectives. In other words, we can see a combination of noun and adjectives as noun phrase. Pay attention to the example of noun phrase below carefully ! 14.

Noun Phrase Meaning Strict teacher in the classroom Guru keras ( berdisiplin ) di dalam kelas The expensive mobile phone Telepon genggam yang mahal By paying attention to the previous table, you can understand that noun phrase can be made by combining adjectives and nouns. Actually, those kinds of adjectives mentioned in the examples express the speaker’s opinion toward the noun ( thing ). If you want to tell something completely, you can add more modifiers/ adjectives to the thing ( noun ). There are some modifiers for people such as the size, the colour, the age, and nationality, and the modifiers for things ( living and unloving thing, and animal ) are opinion, size, shape, condition, age, colour, pattern, design,, materials, and purpose. Pay attention to the table below ! Opinion Size Shape Condition Age Colour Pattern Design Material Purpose Noun Beautiful little round broken old orange Italian leather bag Ugly small flat old black wool jacket Note : In daily conversation, it is very rare to find noun phrases with more than 3 modifiers like the example in the table above. Exercise 1. Answer the questions in the task below carefully ! Task 1 Study and find the noun phrase in the text below carefully ! The National Monument The National Monument or usually called as Monas is located in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. This obelisk was built in 1961 with the purpose to commemorate the struggle and fight of the people in Indonesia to achieve their independence. It was opened to the public in 1975. The National Monument is a rectangular tower with the height of 132 meters. The typical part of the building that became a special characteristic of it is the flame shape covered with gold foil located on the top of the tower. There is a museum at the base part of the tower with the size of 80 X 80 meters. Everyone can visit the museum to learn the history of Indonesia. There is also an amphitheatre in this building called Ruang Kemerdekaan, it is located in the “cup” part of Monas an it can be reached by using spiral stairs at the north and south doors. If you go to the southern side of the building, you will find an elevator that can be used to access the top platform where we will find the observation deck and also the flame of Independence. Answer : 1. ……………………………………….. 2. ……………………………………….. 3. ……………………………………….. 4. ……………………………………….. 5. ………………………………………… Task 2 Categorize the noun phrase below carefully ! 1. A cute little girl : ………………………………………… 2. The bright small lamp : ………………………………………… 3. Sweet small cake : ………………………………………… 4. Favourite Indonesian music : ………………………………………… 5. Beautiful old red bag : ………………………………………… 15.

The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text After studying about the definition, the social function, generic structure, and language features of the descriptive text in the previous chapter, we will continue our study and pay attention to the generic structure of descriptive text. As we know, there are 3 parts of descriptive text : identification, description, and conclusion ( optional ). Study the example below ! Example : Identification : Singapore is beautiful city with lots of park and open spaces. It ( State the thing that will be is also very clean city. You know, the business district is very described ) modern, with lots of tall and new building. Description : Now, let me tell you about the old section of the city. In ( The information about the Chinatown, there are rows of old shop houses. The government thing described ) buildings in Singapore are very unique and antique. They date back to the British colonial days. Shopping ! Wow, this is the part that I like very much! Singapore Is famous for its many good shopping centers. Most of the goods are duty free. It’s a heaven for shoppers! What about food ? Uhmm…yummy … yummy. It’s delicious. Singapore’s restaurants provide Chinese, Indian, Malay, and European food with quite reasonable prices, I bet you will like it. Well, since Singapore lies near the equatorial line, of course, it has a tropical climate, with a nice weather in both dry and rainy season. Conclusion : ( Optional ) I think Singapore is one of nice country which we must visit if we want to spend our holiday. Exercise : Task 1 Read the text and answer these questions correctly! Chichen Itza is one of Seven Wonders of the World. This place is chosen as a symbol of Worship and science. The pyramid El Castillo is probably the main reason why tourists visit Chichen Itza in Maxico. Besides the pyramid El Castillo, there are magnificent and ancient buildings in Chichen Itza. They are Temple of Warrors, Ballcourt, High Priest’s Temple, Las Mojas, El Caracol as an astronomy observatory, and the first building or Old Chichen. In the past, Chichen Itza became a Maya’s settlement, one of the Indian tribes living in America, Chichen Itza means on the lip of the Itza wells. The Maya people were expert in the field of sculpture, ceramics, architecture, and astronomy. This can be seen from the buildings which are so magnificent with stunning architectural techniques used to worship and to observe the stars. Questions : 1. What is the kind of the text above ? 2. What is the appropriate title for the text ? 3. What is the first paragraph called ? 4. What is the second paragraph called ? 5. What is the social function of the text above ? Exercise : Task 2 Looking for a descriptive text from the Internet then memorize it. After that retell by video and send to the teacher ! 16.

Passive Voice Passive Voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or known, who or what is performing the action. Only transitive sentences can be changed into passive. Pay attention to the table below carefully! The Formulas : Tense Subject Auxiliary Past Participle Singular Plural Designed/ V3 designed Present The Car/ Cars Is Are designed designed Present Perfect The Car/ Cars has been Have been designed designed Past The Car/ Cars was Were designed designed Past Perfect The Car/ Cars had been had been Future The Car/ Cars will be will be Future Perfect The Car/ Cars will have been Will have been Present Progressive The Car/ Cars is being Are being Past Progressive The Car/ Cars was being Were being Example : Active Sentence VS Passive Sentence ~ Present Act. S + V1 + Obj. + Adv. ~ Present Pass. I send a letter every week. Obj. + to be1 + V3 + by S + Adv. A letter is sent by me every week. ~ Presenr Perfect Act. S + have/has + V3 + Obj + Adv. ~ Present Perfect Pass. She has written a letter just now. Obj. + have/has been + V3 + by S + Adv. A letter has been written by her just now. ~ Past Act. S + V2 + Obj. + Adv. ~ Past Pass. He kicked the ball on the yard. Obj. + to be2 + V3 + by S + Adv. The ball was kicked by him on the yard. ~ Past Perfect Actif S + had + V3 + Obj. + Adv. ~ Past Perfect Passive They had visited grandparents last month. Obj. + had been + V3 + by S + Adv. Grandparents had been visited by them last month. ~ Future Act. S + Will/Shall + V1 + Obj. + Adv. ~ Future Pass. We will buy a dictionary at Gramedia book store. Obj. + will be + V3 + by S + Adv. A dictionary will be bought by us at Gramedia book store. ~ Future Perfct Act. S + Will/Shall + have + V3 + Obj.+ Adv. ~ Future Perfct Pass. Rudy will have sung a west song on the stage. Obj. + Will/Shall + have + V3 + by S.+ Adv. A west song will have sung by Rudy/him on the stage. ~ Present Prog.Act. S + to be1 + + Obj.+ Adv. ~ Present Prog.Pass. Mother is making some cakes in the kitchen room. Obj.+ to be1 + being + V3 + by S + Adv. ~ Past Progress Act. Some cakes are being made by mother/her in the kitchen room. ~ Past Progress Pass. S + tobe2 + + Obj. + Adv. Father was reading a newspaper yesterday evening. 17. Obj. + tobe2 + being + V3 + by S + Adv. A newspaper was being read by father/him yesterday evening.

Exercise Do the task below carefully! Task 1 Change the sentences below into active sentences ! 1. The long black gown is being worn by the lady at the party. 2. I am always sent a letter by Aunt Tria. 3. The horror movie was watched by them. 4. Maura is being called by her father. 5. The computer will be operated by the wrker. Task 2 Write sentences with your own words based on the pattern above ! 1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Remedial Read the text and answer the questions correctly ! Machu Picchu in Peru, which means “ old peak “, is one of the most enigmatic ancient sites in the world. According of the legend. Machu Picchu was a sacred place. The extraordinary city was created by the Inca people. They erected many stones, structured, and turned the place into a work of art. Two thousand feet above the Liruhamba River, this ruin consist of baths, temples, and about 150 houses, all very well preserved. These gray granite structure, some of which weigh more then 50 tons, are perfectly sculpted that vary nothing less than works of architectural genius. They were rediscovered by a Yale archeologist in 1911. The eternal beauty, workmanship, and history of the place attract millions of tourist each year. Questions : 1. What is the kind of the text above ? 2. What is the appropriate title for the text ? 3. What is the first paragraph called ? 4. What is the second paragraph called ? 5. What is the social function of the text above ? Enrichment Choose one of the historical sites below and make a descriptive text using generic structure creatively ! 1. Pisa Tower 2. Eiffel Tower 3. Pyramid and Sphinx Good luck 18.