BRIDGE OVERSEAS Free: 08000 346 246 LTD w. www.bridgeoverseas.comBridge Overseas LtdBridge House, Water StreetMargam, SA13 2PE Office Opening Times: Mon to Fri 9:00AM TO 5:15PMFree Phone 08000 346 246 Saturday 9:15AM TO 1:15PM (except bank holidays)Office 01656 747 [email protected] LICENSED & BONDED TOUR OPERATOR, SAFE TRAVELBridge Overseas holds its own ATOL license (T7028) and has done for over ten years. In additionwe are bonded by the Travel Trust Association (TTA). This means that your money paid to us isheld in a trust account until your holiday has passed. This ensures that you are completely safefrom supplier failure in the UK. Payment Protection is also offered for a fee of just £5 per personper booking and will allow you to move monies paid for a particular holiday on to another withoutpenalty. This protection enables you to book our holidays well ahead of time, especially useful tosingle travelers where single or low supplement room prices are limited and generally book firstand quickly. If you are then unable to make the holiday for any reason just tell us as soon as youcan or at least seven days before. Our general advice is to speak to us as soon as you can asmore of our holidays are selling out earlier.SINGLEWhether you are a single player or traveler we do our very best to welcome & accommodateyou. Each holiday has a minimum of a bridge director and bridge playing host so we reduce thechances of half tables and of course we know the numbers of single players before the holidaytakes place and will make arrangements accordingly. Hotels in general will limit the numbers ofbedrooms available for sole use and can charge a hefty supplement. We do try where possibleto reduce this cost and encourage singles to book early to avoid disappointment.GROUPSYou can book any of the published dates available in this brochure subject to availability or ifyou and some friends or club want to choose a particular hotel or date in the UK or Abroad wewill happily assist with this. In general we can offer discounts for ten plus people booking andprovide free hosts and bridge directors for groups of over twenty.FLIGHTSWe can book your flights for you through our own flight booking systems, saving you timeand also being able to provide you flight tickets and boarding cards. This service is normally alittle more expensive than buying your own tickets on line but can save you some frustrationsassociated with purchasing online. If you would prefer to do this yourselves but need a little help,we will be more than happy to point you in the right direction, just call us on the numbers above.TRANSFERSWe include private group airport transfers on our overseas holidays, that aim to have youcollected from the airport and on the way directly to your hotel within 25 minutes of arrival. Wewill continue to include this cost in our advertised prices, but will need to start charging a smallsupplement for customers that do not book to arrive on the advertised arrival and departuredates. We will of course continue to pair up transfers where possible for those booking 7 nightson a 14 night holiday. www .bridge overse e&oe2
OVERSEAS CALENDAR 2017/18DATE RESORT NIGHTS PAGE 7-14 421 Dec 17 Athena Royal Beach Hotel CYPRUS BRIDGE+BOWLS 7- 42 7-35 6-705 Jan 18 Playa La Arena Hotel TENERIFE BRIDGE+BOWLS 7 8-9 7-14 NA08 Jan 18 Marina Playa Hotel Mojacar SPAIN BRIDGE+BOWLS 7-14 10 5 1101 Feb 18 The Hilton Budapest EBU CONGRESS 7 12 10 1303 Feb 18 H10 Rubicon Palace Hotel Lanzarote SPAIN BRIDGE 7 14 7-14 NA3/4 Mar 18 H10 Taburiente Playa La Palma CANARY ISLANDS 7 15 1604 Mar 18 Bridge House Hotel Tullamore IRELAND BRIDGE 5 17 10 187/8 Apr 18 Mangalan Hotel & Spa La Manga SPAIN BRIDGE+LEARN 10 19 10 1819 Apr 18 ATA Naxos Beach Hotel Sicily ITALY BRIDGE 7-14 16 5 1729 Apr 18 Athena Beach Hotel Paphos CYPRUS SBU CONGRESS 7-14 15 7-14 2004 May 18 Creta Panorama Hotel Retheymnon CRETE BRIDGE 7 21 10 2319 May 18 Hotel Laguna Materada Porec CROATIA BRIDGE 7-14 13 7-14 2220 May 18 Westhill Country Hotel St Helier JERSEY BRIDGE 7-14 24 7-14 2509 Jun 18 Hotel Torretta Montecatini Tuscany ITALY BRIDGE29 Aug 18 Hotel Jezero Lake Bohinj SLOVENIA BRIDGE03 Sep 18 Hotel Torretta Montecatini Tuscany ITALY BRIDGE18 Sep 18 Hotel Laguna Materada Porec CROATIA BRIDGE22 Sep 18 Westhill Country Hotel St Helier JERSEY BRIDGE23 Sep 18 Creta Panorama Hotel Retheymnon CRETE BRIDGE30 Sep 18 Labranda Mares Hotel Marmaris TURKEY BRIDGE01 Oct 18 Melia Cala Galdana Hotel MENORCA BRIDGE05 Oct 18 Anthemus Sea Beach Hotel GREECE BRIDGE08 Oct 18 Mangalan Hotel & Spa La Manga SPAIN BRIDGE+LEARN10 Oct 18 Isla Canela Hotel Huelva SPAIN BRIDGE+BOWLS28 Oct 18 Athena Beach Hotel Paphos CYPRUS BRIDGE+BOWLS22 Dec 18 Pioneer Beach Adult Only Hotel Paphos CYRPUSOVERSEAS HOLIDAY BRIDGE PROGRAMME CALENDAR KEYFirst Full Day10.30am Welcome meeting Spain Long Stay Option Canaries Long Stay OptionFollowing Days Congress Events10.15am Workshop 10.45am Morning bridge6.15pm Dinner 7.30pm Evening BridgeTwo daily sessions, subject to numbers, interesting seminars and or morning workshops. EBU masterpoints awarded & bridge holiday vouchers to be won. We do have casual late morning walks and organisedafternoon bowls available on selected holidays. Morning bridge is subject to minimum numbers. 3
Athena Royal Beach Hotel 21 December 2017 7-14 NightsAdult Only Paphos CYPRUSConstantinou Bros Athena Royal Beach Hotel Tw/Dbl Tw/Dbl Soleis a four star adult only beach front hotel in 7 Nights 14 Nights OccupancyKato Paphos within easy walking distance fromthe picturesque harbour, the archaeological £589pp £999pp £9.99pn Ltdsites, the shops and the nightlife. A bus stopis just outside the hotel and taxis are always Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feesavailable. Parking in the hotel car park is freefor guests. The resort is situated just 15 km HALF BOARD Accommodationaway from the Paphos International Airport.Also within short driving distance are two Three sessions of bowls is included each week andsuper golf courses. There will be organised includes ball hire.bridge every evening and organised morningbowls three times each week. If you wish to play more it is just 9 euros per person per 3 hour session.4 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
GROUPS YOU CAN CHOOSE WHERE WE GO.All you need is a group of 10 or more peopleand we can organise a bridge holiday on to where you want to go and when. For further information or assistance please call Simon on 01656 747 700 5
Playa La Arena Be Live HotelPuerto de Santiago Tenerife Tw/Dbl Tw/Dbl Additional 7 Nights 14 Nights Weeks £699pp £1,299pp £539pp Sole Occupancy £29.99pppn Includes Group Private Transfers, Bridge Fees, EBU master points & prizes. ALL INCLUSIVE Accommodation For More Information please call 08000 346 2466 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
05 January 2018 7- 42 NightsSituated overlooking a picturesque, black, sandy beach just a short stroll from Puerto deSantiago. It has a spectacular setting against the backdrop of the famous cliffs of Los Giganteswith a superb view of the island of La Gomera. The hotel benefits from a quiet and relaxinglocation, only 50 meters from the beach, yet within easy reach of the local amenities. Shops,cafes and restaurants are situated just outside the hotel. Local bus services are excellent andvery reasonable, providing easy access to Los Cristianos and Las Americas.Many of our group this year enjoyed some wonderful walks along the coast and I am sure therewill be as much enthusiasm for this to be repeated as for the morning short mat bowls. With somany options and upgrades available please do not hesitate to call us on our free phone numberfor any further assistance or information. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 7please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Marina Playa HotelMojacar SPAIN Tw/Dbl Tw/Dbl Additional 7 Nights 14 Nights Weeks £489pp £797pp £329pp Sole Occupancy £12.99pppn (All bedrooms have a balcony & 2 queen size beds with views of the beach or the golf course) Includes Group Private Transfers, Bridge Fees, EBU master points & prizes. HALF BOARD Accommodation, includes house wine and water with evening meals. For More Information please call 08000 346 2468 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Early and long stay bookings will be allocated Sea View rooms. 08 January 2018 7-35 NightsThe Hotel Marina Playa has an unbeatable seafront location in Mojácar Playa, just 50 metresfrom Marina Golf course, Mojácar Bowls club and very close to the Cabo de Gata Natural Park.The hotel features 4 swimming pools, 1 heated, a Wellness Centre and free Wi-Fi connection inthe entire building, including bedrooms. All rooms have a balcony, air-conditioning, two queensize beds, views of the Golf course or Sea and superior rooms offer a balcony with outdoorJacuzzi. You can enjoy plenty of trips and excursions to nearby places of interest, which include:Santa Maria Church, City Gate, Tower House, Arrabal, Moorish fountain, Gypsum Karst NaturalLandscape in Sorbas, Natural landscape Tabernas's desert, Cabo de Gata Natural Park, City ofLorca, City of Águilas. This highly rated hotel is set on the edge of Mojacar about a 30 minutewalk from the bustling commercial centre and if you walk 30 minutes the opposite direction youreach Garrucha, which has a lovely marina with quaint Spanish coffee shops. The staff in thehotel are incredibly welcoming especially the restaurant staff. House Wine and Water is includedin the evening meals. Early and long stay bookings can be allocated rooms with guaranteed SeaViews. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 9please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Rubicón Palace Hotel 03 February 2018 7-14 NightsLanzarote SPAINThe H10 Rubicon Palace in Playa Blanca Tw/Dbl Flights From SingleLanzarote is a new and popular venue that 14 Nights £POA Supplementhosts bridge groups from all around Europe.The hotel is surrounded by beautiful gardens £1,099pp £14.99pn Ltdand has excellent facilities including 5 adultswimming pools, one that is heated during the Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feeswinter, a Spa with indoor pool and both buffetand A la carte restaurants. You can also take HALF BOARD Accommodationa scenic walk into Playa Blanca along thepromenade. We have exclusive use of the For More Information please callstunning bridge room with natural light and 08000 346 246lovely views.10 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Taburiente Playa Hotel 3/4 March 2018 7-14 NightsLa Palma CANARY ISLANDSThe Taburiente Playa Hotel stands on the Tw/Dbl Flights From Soleseafront, just 300 metres from the renowned 14 Nights £POA OccupancyLos Cancajos beach. The hotel’s terraces withsea views, comfortable rooms, varied range £899pp £12.99pn Ltdof cuisine and large swimming pools makeit the ideal place for your stay on the island. Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge FeesThe bright rooms have elegant and functional HALF BOARD Accommodationdecor and are equipped with all the amenitiesneeded to ensure a pleasant stay. Santa Cruz For More Information please callde La Palma is just 5km s away, where on 08000 346 246Calle O’Daly you can pick up clay sculptures &embroidered linens, along with the famous LaPalma cigars, said to be Winston Churchill’sfavourite. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 11please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Bridge House Hotel Tullamore 04 March 2018 5 NightsIRELANDThe Bridge House Hotel is one of Ireland's Tw/Dbl Extra Nights Double Bed formost popular landmark hotels located in the 5 Nights £POA sole usecentre of thriving Tullamore, County Offaly.The Bridge House Hotel, with it's spectacular £399pp £12.99entrance and elegant foyer, its grand crystalchandelier and magnificent marble stairway For More Information please callis the fabulous setting for your weekaway 08000 346 246and is one of the most popular hotels in themidlands. Tullamore hotels don't come any Does not include private transfersmore central than this. The hotel is right inthe heart of Tullamore close to the shopping Bus service that goes to Galway and stops incentre, Omniplex cinemas and a great choice Kilbeggan, City Link- approxof local pubs, restaurants and shops. €18 return 1 hr 45 mins you could then get a taxi from there to the hotel and it would cost you €12/15.12 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Two bridge rooms: for our Friendly Duplicate and Assisted Play for beginners and improver's.Mangalan Hotel & Spa 08 April 2018 08 October 2018La Manga SPAIN 7 NightsA uniquely positioned and highly rated 4 star Apr Tw/Dbl Oct Tw/Dbl Solehotel, sitting between the Mediterranean 7 Nights 14 Nights Occupancyand the Mar Menor, which boasts healingproperties of its muds and clays, which have £429pp £699pp £9.99pn Ltdbeen famous for centuries. Spa facilities andswimming pools on site& agreat position with Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feesshops, bars & restaurants close to the hotel. HALF BOARD AccommodationBridge room available to us, offers stunningsea views across both the Med and the Both dates offer a second bridge room offeringLagoon. Just 25 minutes from Murcia airport, Assisted Play for beginners and Improvers.55 minutes from Alicante and 5 minutes tothe famous La Manga Golf Club. All standardbedrooms are a good size with window to thebathrooms, sea view balconies, free fridge,safe&tea/coffee facilities. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 13please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
ATA Naxos Beach Hotel 19 April 2018 10 NightsSicily ITALYSitting amongst citrus trees and olive groves Tw/Dbl Flights From Solethe ATA Hotel Naxos Beach has a lush and 10 Nights £POA Occupancypeaceful location. You can enjoythe wonderfulviews of Mount Etna from the terraces, the £929pp £14.99pn Ltdhotel’s private sand and shingle beach and themany excellent facilities including 4 swimming Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feespools. With many nearby trips and excursions HALF BOARD Accommodationthis hotel is also just 45 minutes from CataniaAirport and 15 minutes from the medieval town For More Information please callof Taormina.All rooms are a ir-conditioned with 08000 346 246satellite TV, a m inibar,and a private bathroomwith a hairdryer and free toiletries.14 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Creta Panorama Hotel 04 May 2018 23 September 2018Rethymnon CRETE 7-14 NightsThe extensive gardens are truly superb Tw/Dbl Tw/Dbl Soleenjoying beautiful ocean views and scenic 7 Nights 14 Nights Occupancypathways you can spend hours wanderingthrough the gardens and enjoying the beautiful £589pp Sep £989pp Sep £19.99pn Ltdplanting and flowers. This exclusive complex May £969pp May £14.99pn Ltdoffers a wide range of facilities including fiveswimming pools, three coves and many quiet Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feesareas to sit and enjoy the views. It offershigh standards in every respect including ALL INCLUSIVE Accommodationsuperb and varied cuisine. Just 90 minutesfrom Heraklion Airport and 20 minutes to For More Information please callRethymnon, with a regular bus service. There 08000 346 246are also Tavernas, bars and Cafes 10 minutesaway in Panorama. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 15please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Hotel Laguna Materada 19 May 2018 7 Nights 18 Sep 2018 7 - 14 NightsPoreč CROATIAYou will feel comfortable in every single May Tw/Dbl Sep Tw/Dbl Solecorner o f the newly renovated Hotel Laguna 7 Nights 14 Nights OccupancyMaterada, with its kind and professionalstaff, superb amenities, and terraces offering £479pp £699pp £9.99pn Ltdspectacular views of the historic centre ofPoreč and unforgettable sunsets over the Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feesblue Adriatic Sea.H alf board accommodationincludesdrinksw ith your evening meal,juice, HALF BOARD Accommodationwater, red and white wine, draught beer.Show cooking and buffet Dinner. Less than5 0 19 MAY DATE:minutes from PulaA irport3 km from the Poreč Features; Bridgemates, Pre-dealt boards and Handcity centrea nd100 m from the beach.There records.isfreeto use WiFi,Safesanda ir conditioning Directed and Hosted by Peter & Barbara Jordanin allbedrooms.16 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Westhill Country Hotel 20 May 2018 22 Sep 2018St Helier JERSEY 5 NightsThe Westhill is a family run hotel in a rural Tw/Dbl Pool/Garden Solesetting only a mile from the St Helier waterfront 5 Nights View Occupancywith a courtesy bus running to the town centre.The Westhill attracts guests who return year £399pp £3pppn £NIL Ltdafter year to appreciate the high standards,superb food and friendly ambience of this For More Information please calllovely hotel. The restaurant, spacious lounge 08000 346 246and bar area and panoramic sun lounge allhave views over the beautiful, award winning Does not include private transfersgardens. The six acres of grounds also featuretwo heated swimming pools and a jacuzzi. Allnewly refurbished bedrooms are en suite. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 17please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Hotel Torretta Montecatini 09 June 2018 03 September 2018Tuscany ITALY 10 NightsIdeally sited in the heart of Tuscany from where Tw/Dbl Single Bedrooms Double Bedyou can explore the beautiful countryside and 10 Nights for sole usetake advantage of the beneficial thermal spa No balcony £NILtreatments in Montecatini. Family run hotel £899pp With balcony £9.99pp £19.99ppis delighted to offer olive oil and wine tastingevents, a pasta making demonstration, walks Double Bedroom with balcony £5prpnand tailor made excursions in the surroundingarea. Ranked by Trip Advisor as 6 of 109 Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feeshotels in Montecatini. A very popular venue forour bridge holidays and we expect the single HALF BOARD Accommodationrooms especially will go very quickly again, soplease let us know sooner rather than later so For More Information please callwe can reserve your place. 08000 346 24618 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Hotel Jezero 29 August 2018 10 NightsLake Bohinj SLOVENIAThe hotel is a great place to escape and get Tw/Dbl Flights From Solesome peace and quiet with stunning views. 10 Nights £POA OccupancyBedrooms come with spacious and furnishedbalconies and there is an indoor swimming £899pp £12.99 Ltdpool and sauna on site. There will be somecasual late morning walks around the lake as Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feeswell morning and evening bridge sessions. HALF BOARD AccommodationThe Hotel is well connected by publictransport, and the bus stop is right outside the For More Information please callhotel. There is also tourist information centre 08000 346 246and small supermarket within 1 minute walkfrom hotel. Last years holiday here sold outquickly. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 19please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Labranda Mares Hotel 30 September 2018 7-14 NightsMarmaris TURKEYMarmaris is built on one of the most beautiful Tw/Dbl Tw/Dbl Solebays located on the enchanting coastline of 7 Nights 14 Nights Occupancythe Aegean Sea. Surrounded with pine treesmixed with the smell of the salty sea and its £449pp £749pp £7.99pn Ltdunique Sun. Located within the pine woodsof Içmeler - Pamucak. The hotel offers All Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge FeesInclusive 5 star comfort and is just 5 km away ALL INCLUSIVE Accommodationfrom Marmaris and 3 km away from Içmeler.Open year-round the hotel all room types have For More Information please callbalcony or terrace and most of them are with 08000 346 246sea view. Jetties and sun terraces are locatedat the beach for sun bathing as well as a beachbar, snack bar and a fish restaurant.20 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Meliá Cala Galdana Hotel 01 October 2018 7 NightsMenorca SPAINCala Galdana is located on the south coast Tw/Dbl Extra Nights Soleof Menorca, in the municipality of Ferreries, & 7 Nights £POA Occupancystrategically situated on the beachfront of CalaGaldana Beach. Its very fine sand, heavenly £699pp £9.99pn Ltdappearance & excellent climate make itone of loveliest beaches on this Balearic Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge FeesIsland. Meliá Cala Galdana offers its guests HALF BOARD Accommodationspectacular views of the coast & the island’snatural beauty. 24 km from 18 hole Son Parc For More Information please callGolf Course, 40 km from Menorca airport, 08000 346 24640 minutes from Mahón and 5 minutes fromcentre of Cala Galdana.This hotel has over thelast few years been upgraded from 4 star to apremium and now has 5 star status. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 21please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Anthemus Sea Beach Hotel & Spa 05 October 2018 10 NightsHalkidiki GREECEAnthemus Sea Beach Hotel & Spa is directly Tw/Dbl Flights From Soleon the seafront within a small bay and an 10 Nights £POA Occupancyeasily accessible superb sandy beach. Theluxurious complex features 3 lagoon-shaped £799pp £6.99pn Ltdpools and 2 restaurants. All rooms areaesthetically arranged and decorated and Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feeshave a breathtaking view to either the sea HALF BOARD Accommodationor pool or the nearby pinewoods. F acilitiesinclude a heated indoor pool, whirlpool hot For More Information please calltub, sauna and steam bath. M eals are served 08000 346 246in buffet style, with Greek and InternationalCuisine. A panoramic glass wall gives theopportunity to watch the hotel chef preparingyour food.22 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Isla Canela Hotel 10 October 2018 7-14 NightsHuelva SPAINGuests at the Isla Canela Hotel can relax at a Tw/Dbl Tw/Dbl Doubles forcomfortable beach front hotel with an attractive 7 Nights 14 Nights sole usearchitectural style. From the minute you walkthrough the door you will be assured you will £589pp £989pp £14.99pn Ltdreceive a warm welcome from the receptionstaff who are always willing to help you. The Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feesrooms have recently been refurbished to ahigh standard including all the facilities you ALL INCLUSIVE Accommodationwould expect in a hotel of this standard. Itis possible to walk along the flat promenade Three sessions of bowls is included each week andwhich takes you to a pretty marina surrounded includes ball restaurants bars and shops, or the wetlandswith an amazing variety of birds. If you wish to play more it is just 9 euros per person per 3 hour session. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 23please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Athena Beach Hotel 28 October 2018 7-14 NightsPaphos CYPRUSConstantinou Bros Athena Beach Hotel is Tw/Dbl Tw/Dbl Solea four star beach front hotel in Kato Paphos 7 Nights 14 Nights Occupancywithin easy walking distance from thepicturesque harbour, the archaeological £529pp £899pp £9.99pn Ltdsites, the shops and the nightlife. A bus stopis just outside the hotel and taxis are always Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feesavailable. Parking in the hotel car park is freefor guests. The resort is situated just 15 km HALF BOARD Accommodationaway from the Paphos International Airport.Also within short driving distance are two Three sessions of bowls is included each week andsuper golf courses. There will be organised includes ball hire.bridge every evening and organised morningbowls three times each week. If you wish to play more it is just 9 euros per person per 3 hour session.24 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Pioneer Beach Adult Only Hotel 22 December 2018 7-14 NightsPaphos CYPRUSConstantinou Bros Pioneer BeachA dult Only Tw/Dbl Tw/Dbl Solefour star, beachfront hotel in Kato Paphos 7 Nights 14 Nights Occupancysituated conveniently close to the places oftourist and archaeological interest as well as £599pp £999pp £12.99pn Ltdto restaurants, bars and shops. L ocated just15km away from Paphos International Airport Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Fees. A ll the rooms have large balconies with HALF BOARD Accommodationviews of the Mediterranean or the surroundingserene landscape, luxury bathrooms featuring For More Information please callbath tub, rain shower and flexible hose shower 08000 346 246and floor to ceiling windows, fruit & wine and abottle of mineral water upon arrival. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 25please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
TRAVEL SERVICES01656 747700 - 08000 346246 27
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