Bridge Overseas LtdBridge House, Water Street Overseas Holidays 4-24 New Venue 13Margam, SA13 2PE New Venue 23 UK Calendar 25-26Free Phone 08000 346 246 UK Holidays 27-44Office 01656 747 [email protected] LICENSED & BONDED TOUR OPERATOR, SAFE TRAVELBridge Overseas holds its own ATOL license (T7028) and has done for over ten years. Inaddition we are bonded by the Travel Trust Association (TTA). This means that your moneypaid to us is held in a trust account until your holiday has passed. This ensures that you arecompletely safe from supplier failure in the UK. Payment Protection is also offered for a fee ofjust £5 per person per booking and will allow you to move monies paid for a particular holidayon to another without penalty. This protection enables you to book our holidays well aheadof time, especially useful to single travelers where single or low supplement room pricesare limited and generally book first and quickly. If you are then unable to make the holidayfor any reason just tell us as soon as you can or at least seven days before. Our generaladvice is to speak to us as soon as you can as more of our holidays are selling out earlier.SINGLEWhether you are a single player or traveler we do our very best to welcome & accommodateyou. Each holiday has a minimum of a bridge director and bridge playing host so we reduce thechances of half tables and of course we know the numbers of single players before the holidaytakes place and will make arrangements accordingly. Hotels in general will limit the numbers ofbedrooms available for sole use and can charge a hefty supplement. We do try where possibleto reduce this cost and encourage singles to book early to avoid disappointment.GROUPSYou can book any of the published dates available in this brochure subject to availability or ifyou and some friends or club want to choose a particular hotel or date in the UK or Abroad wewill happily assist with this. In general we can offer discounts for ten plus people booking andprovide free hosts and bridge directors for groups of over twenty.FLIGHTSWe can book your flights for you through our own flight booking systems, saving you timeand also being able to provide you flight tickets and boarding cards. This service is normally alittle more expensive than buying your own tickets on line but can save you some frustrationsassociated with purchasing online. If you would prefer to do this yourselves but need a little help,we will be more than happy to point you in the right direction, just call us on the numbers above.TRANSFERSWe include private group airport transfers on our overseas holidays, that aim to have youcollected from the airport and on the way directly to your hotel within 25 minutes of arrival. Wewill continue to include this cost in our advertised prices, but will need to start charging a smallsupplement for customers that do not book to arrive on the advertised arrival and departuredates. We will of course continue to pair up transfers where possible for those booking 7 nightson a 14 night holiday. w ww.brid geovers .uk 2 e&oe
OVERSEAS CALENDAR 2017/18DATE RESORT NIGHTS PAGE 10 423 Aug 17 Hotel Jezero Lake Bohinj SLOVENIA BRIDGE 10 5 5 602 Sep 17 Hotel Torretta Montecatini Tuscany ITALY BRIDGE 7-14 7 7 816 Sep 17 Westhill Country Hotel St Helier JERSEY BRIDGE 7-14 9 7 NA24 Sep 17 Creta Panorama Hotel Retheymnon CRETE BRIDGE 7-14 10 7-21 1102 Oct 17 Melia Cala Galdana Hotel MENORCA BRIDGE 7-14 1205 Oct 17 Isla Canela Hotel Huelva SPAIN BRIDGE+BOWLS 7- 42 14 - 15 7-35 16 - 1709 Oct 17 Anthemus Sea Beach GREECE EBU Congress 7 NA17 Oct 17 Hotel Playas de Guardamar SPAIN BRIDGE+BOWLS 7-14 18 7-14 1929 Oct 17 Athena Beach Hotel Paphos CYPRUS BRIDGE+BOWLS 20 5 2121 Dec 17 Athena Royal Beach Hotel CYPRUS BRIDGE+BOWLS 10 NA 7 2205 Jan 18 Playa La Arena Hotel TENERIFE BRIDGE+BOWLS 7-14 23 7-14 2408 Jan 18 Marina Playa Hotel Mojacar SPAIN BRIDGE+BOWLS 1001 Feb 18 The Hilton Budapest EBU CONGRESS / REALLY EASY03 Feb 18 H10 Rubicon Palace Hotel Lanzarote SPAIN BRIDGE3/4 Mar 18 H10 Taburiente Playa La Palma CANARY ISLANDSTBC Mar Bridge House Hotel Tullamore IRELAND BRIDGE19 Apr 18 ATA Naxos Beach Hotel Sicily ITALY BRIDGE29 Apr 18 Athena Beach Hotel Paphos CYPRUS SBU CONGRESS04 May 18 Creta Panorama Hotel Retheymnon CRETE BRIDGETBC May Hotel Laguna Materada Porec CROATIA BRIDGE04 Jun 18 Hotel Torretta Montecatini Tuscany ITALY BRIDGEOVERSEAS HOLIDAY BRIDGE PROGRAMMEFirst Full Day CALENDAR KEY Cyprus Long Stay Option10.30am Welcome meeting Spain Long Stay Option Canaries Long Stay OptionFollowing Days Congress Events10.15am Workshop 10.45am Morning bridge6.15pm Dinner 7.30pm Evening BridgeTwo daily sessions, subject to numbers, interesting seminars and ormorning workshops. EBU master points awarded & bridge holidayvouchers to be won. We do have casual late morning walks and organisedafternoon bowls available on selected holidays. Morning bridge is subjectto minimum numbers. Office Opening Times:Mon to Fri 9:00AM TO 5:15PM Saturday 9:15AM TO 1:15PM (except bank holidays) 3
Hotel Jezero 23 August 2017 10 NightsLake Bohinj SLOVENIAThe hotel is a great place to escape and get Tw/Dbl Flights From Solesome peace and quiet with stunning views. 10 Nights £POA OccupancyBedrooms come with spacious and furnishedbalconies and there is an indoor swimming £799pp £12.99 Ltdpool and sauna on site. There will be somecasual late morning walks around the lake as Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feeswell morning and evening bridge sessions. HALF BOARD AccommodationThe Hotel is well connected by publictransport, and the bus stop is right outside the For More Information please callhotel. There is also tourist information centre 08000 346 246and small supermarket within 1 minute walkfrom hotel. Last years holiday here sold outquickly.4 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Hotel Torretta Montecatini 02 September 2017 10 NightsTuscany ITALYIdeally sited in the heart of Tuscany from where Tw/Dbl Single Bedrooms Double Bedyou can explore the beautiful countryside and 10 Nights for sole usetake advantage of the beneficial thermal spa No balcony £NILtreatments in Montecatini. Family run hotel £899pp With balcony £9.99pp £19.99ppis delighted to offer olive oil and wine tastingevents, a pasta making demonstration, walks Double Bedroom with balcony £5prpnand tailor made excursions in the surroundingarea. Ranked by Trip Advisor as 6 of 109 Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feeshotels in Montecatini. A very popular venue forour bridge holidays and we expect the single HALF BOARD Accommodationrooms especially will go very quickly again, soplease let us know sooner rather than later so For More Information please callwe can reserve your place. 08000 346 246 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 5please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Westhill Country Hotel 16 September 2017 5 NightsSt Helier JERSEYThe Westhill is a family run hotel in a rural Tw/Dbl Pool/Garden Solesetting only a mile from the St Helier waterfront 5 Nights View Occupancywith a courtesy bus running to the town centre.The Westhill attracts guests who return year £399pp £3pppn £NIL Ltdafter year to appreciate the high standards,superb food and friendly ambience of this For More Information please calllovely hotel. The restaurant, spacious lounge 08000 346 246and bar area and panoramic sun lounge allhave views over the beautiful, award winning Does not include private transfersgardens. The six acres of grounds also featuretwo heated swimming pools and a jacuzzi. Allnewly refurbished bedrooms are en suite.6 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Creta Panorama Hotel 24 September 2017 04 May 2018Rethymnon CRETE 7-14 NightsThe extensive gardens are truly superb Tw/Dbl Tw/Dbl Soleenjoying beautiful ocean views and scenic 7 Nights 14 Nights Occupancypathways you can spend hours wanderingthrough the gardens and enjoying the beautiful £529pp £899pp £19.99pn Ltdplanting and flowers. This exclusive complexoffers a wide range of facilities including five Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feesswimming pools, three coves and many quiet ALL INCLUSIVE Accommodationareas to sit and enjoy the views. It offershigh standards in every respect including For More Information please callsuperb and varied cuisine. Just 90 minutes 08000 346 246from Heraklion Airport and 20 minutes toRethymnon, with a regular bus service. Thereare also Tavernas, bars and Cafes 10 minutesaway in Panorama. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 7please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Meliá Cala Galdana Hotel 02 October 2017 7 NightsMenorca SPAINCala Galdana is located on the south coast Tw/Dbl Extra Nights Soleof Menorca, in the municipality of Ferreries, & 7 Nights £69 Occupancystrategically situated on the beachfront of CalaGaldana Beach. Its very fine sand, heavenly £599pp £9.99pn Ltdappearance & excellent climate make itone of loveliest beaches on this Balearic Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge FeesIsland. Meliá Cala Galdana offers its guests HALF BOARD Accommodationspectacular views of the coast & the island’snatural beauty. 24 km from 18 hole Son Parc For More Information please callGolf Course, 40 km from Menorca airport, 08000 346 24640 minutes from Mahón and 5 minutes fromcentre of Cala Galdana.This hotel has over thelast few years been upgraded from 4 star to apremium and now has 5 star status.8 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Isla Canela Hotel 05 October 2017 7-14 NightsHuelva SPAINGuests at the Isla Canela Hotel can relax at a Tw/Dbl Tw/Dbl Doubles forcomfortable beach front hotel with an attractive 7 Nights 14 Nights sole usearchitectural style. From the minute you walkthrough the door you will be assured you will £549pp £949pp £19.99pn Ltdreceive a warm welcome from the receptionstaff who are always willing to help you. The Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feesrooms have recently been refurbished to ahigh standard including all the facilities you ALL INCLUSIVE Accommodationwould expect in a hotel of this standard. Itis possible to walk along the flat promenade Three sessions of bowls is included each week andwhich takes you to a pretty marina surrounded includes ball restaurants bars and shops, or the wetlandswith an amazing variety of birds. If you wish to play more it is just 9 euros per person per 3 hour session. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 9please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Hotel Playas de Guardamar 17th October 2017 7-14 NightsCosta Blanca Alicante SPAINThe Hotel Playas de Guardamar offers Tw/Dbl Tw/Dbl Double for soleexcellent value for money and a great location 7 Nights 14 Nights useright on the beach with fine golden sand,surrounded by a natural landscape of dunes £349pp £599pp £6.99ppand very close to a large pine forest. It is just2km from Guardamar del Segura and all its Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feesfacilities a large weekly open market and there Flights From £55ppis a shuttle bus from the hotel front door every20 minutes. Indoor and outdoor swimming Upgrade to larger room with seas viewpools and a great room for our evening bridge & Jacuzzi £14.99prpnsessions. In addition there is a local Bowlsclub where we can play and Alicante airport isjust 26 km away.10 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Athena Beach Hotel 29 October 2017 7-21 NightsPaphos CYPRUSConstantinou Bros Athena Beach Hotel is Tw/Dbl Tw/Dbl Solea four star beach front hotel in Kato Paphos 7 Nights 14 Nights Occupancywithin easy walking distance from thepicturesque harbour, the archaeological £529pp £899pp £9.99pn Ltdsites, the shops and the nightlife. A bus stopis just outside the hotel and taxis are always Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feesavailable. Parking in the hotel car park is freefor guests. The resort is situated just 15 km HALF BOARD Accommodationaway from the Paphos International Airport. Also within short driving distance are two Three sessions of bowls is included each week andsuper golf courses. There will be organised includes ball hire.bridge every evening and organised morningbowls three times each week. If you wish to play more it is just 9 euros per person per 3 hour session. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 11please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
HALKIDIKI GREECE OCTOBER 2018 For further details or to reserve your place please call on 08000 346 246 13
Playa La Arena Be Live HotelPuerto de Santiago Tenerife Tw/Dbl Tw/Dbl Additional 7 Nights 14 Nights Weeks £699pp £1,299pp £539pp Sole Occupancy £29.99pppn Includes Group Private Transfers, Bridge Fees, EBU master points & prizes. ALL INCLUSIVE Accommodation For More Information please call 08000 346 24614 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
05 January 2018 7- 42 NightsSituated overlooking a picturesque, black, sandy beach just a short stroll from Puerto deSantiago. It has a spectacular setting against the backdrop of the famous cliffs of Los Giganteswith a superb view of the island of La Gomera. The hotel benefits from a quiet and relaxinglocation, only 50 meters from the beach, yet within easy reach of the local amenities. Shops,cafes and restaurants are situated just outside the hotel. Local bus services are excellent andvery reasonable, providing easy access to Los Cristianos and Las Americas.Many of our group this year enjoyed some wonderful walks along the coast and I am sure therewill be as much enthusiasm for this to be repeated as for the morning short mat bowls. With somany options and upgrades available please do not hesitate to call us on our free phone numberfor any further assistance or information. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 15please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Marina Playa HotelMojacar SPAIN Tw/Dbl Tw/Dbl Additional 7 Nights 14 Nights Weeks £489pp £797pp £329pp Sole Occupancy £12.99pppn (All bedrooms have a balcony & 2 queen size beds with views of the beach or the golf course) Includes Group Private Transfers, Bridge Fees, EBU master points & prizes. HALF BOARD Accommodation, includes house wine and water with evening meals. For More Information please call 08000 346 24616 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Early and long stay bookings will be allocated Sea View rooms. 08 January 2018 7-35 NightsThe Hotel Marina Playa has an unbeatable seafront location in Mojácar Playa, just 50 metresfrom Marina Golf course, Mojácar Bowls club and very close to the Cabo de Gata Natural Park.The hotel features 4 swimming pools, 1 heated, a Wellness Centre and free Wi-Fi connection inthe entire building, including bedrooms. All rooms have a balcony, air-conditioning, two queensize beds, views of the Golf course or Sea and superior rooms offer a balcony with outdoorJacuzzi. You can enjoy plenty of trips and excursions to nearby places of interest, which include:Santa Maria Church, City Gate, Tower House, Arrabal, Moorish fountain, Gypsum Karst NaturalLandscape in Sorbas, Natural landscape Tabernas's desert, Cabo de Gata Natural Park, City ofLorca, City of Águilas. This highly rated hotel is set on the edge of Mojacar about a 30 minutewalk from the bustling commercial centre and if you walk 30 minutes the opposite direction youreach Garrucha, which has a lovely marina with quaint Spanish coffee shops. The staff in thehotel are incredibly welcoming especially the restaurant staff. House Wine and Water is includedin the evening meals. Early and long stay bookings can be allocated rooms with guaranteed SeaViews. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 17please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Taburiente Playa Hotel 3/4 March 2018 7-14 NightsLa Palma CANARY ISLANDSThe Taburiente Playa Hotel stands on the Tw/Dbl Flights From Soleseafront, just 300 metres from the renowned 14 Nights £POA OccupancyLos Cancajos beach. The hotel’s terraces withsea views, comfortable rooms, varied range £899pp £12.99pn Ltdof cuisine and large swimming pools makeit the ideal place for your stay on the island. Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge FeesThe bright rooms have elegant and functional HALF BOARD Accommodationdecor and are equipped with all the amenitiesneeded to ensure a pleasant stay. Santa Cruz For More Information please callde La Palma is just 5km s away, where on 08000 346 246Calle O’Daly you can pick up clay sculptures &embroidered linens, along with the famous LaPalma cigars, said to be Winston Churchill’sfavourite. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 19please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Bridge House Hotel Tullamore TBC March 2018 5 NightsIRELANDThe Bridge House Hotel is one of Ireland's Tw/Dbl Extra Nights Double Bed formost popular landmark hotels located in the 5 Nights £POA sole usecentre of thriving Tullamore, County Offaly.The Bridge House Hotel, with it's spectacular £359pp £12.99entrance and elegant foyer, its grand crystalchandelier and magnificent marble stairway For More Information please callis the fabulous setting for your weekaway 08000 346 246and is one of the most popular hotels in themidlands. Tullamore hotels don't come any Does not include private transfersmore central than this. The hotel is right inthe heart of Tullamore close to the shopping Bus service that goes to Galway and stops incentre, Omniplex cinemas and a great choice Kilbeggan, City Link- approxof local pubs, restaurants and shops. €18 return 1 hr 45 mins you could then get a taxi from there to the hotel and it would cost you €12/15.20 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
ATA Naxos Beach Hotel 19 April 2018 10 NightsSicily ITALYSitting amongst citrus trees and olive groves Tw/Dbl Flights From Solethe ATA Hotel Naxos Beach has a lush and 10 Nights £POA Occupancypeaceful location. You can enjoy the wonderful views of Mount Etna from the terraces, the £899pp £12.99pn Ltdhotel’s private sand and shingle beach and themany excellent facilities including 4 swimming Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feespools. With many nearby trips and excursions HALF BOARD Accommodationthis hotel is also just 45 minutes from CataniaAirport and 15 minutes from the medieval town For More Information please callof Taormina. All rooms are a ir-conditioned with 08000 346 246satellite TV, a m inibar, a nd a private bathroomwith a hairdryer and free toiletries. Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance 21please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
Creta Panorama Hotel 04 May 2018 7-14 NightsRethymnon CRETEThe extensive gardens are truly superb Tw/Dbl Tw/Dbl Soleenjoying beautiful ocean views and scenic 7 Nights 14 Nights Occupancypathways you can spend hours wanderingthrough the gardens and enjoying the beautiful £529pp £939pp £14.99pn Ltdplanting and flowers. This exclusive complexoffers a wide range of facilities including five Includes Group Private Transfers & Bridge Feesswimming pools, three coves and many quiet ALL INCLUSIVE Accommodationareas to sit and enjoy the views. It offershigh standards in every respect including For More Information please callsuperb and varied cuisine. Just 90 minutes 08000 346 246from Heraklion Airport and 20 minutes toRethymnon, with a regular bus service. Thereare also Tavernas, bars and Cafes 10 minutesaway in Panorama.22 Prices do not include flights unless stated, all flight prices quoted are accurate at the time of publication. If you require any assistance please contact us for impartial advice & assistance on 01656 747700. Flights available from many regional airports at additional cost.e&oe
UK CALENDAR 2017/18 UK CALENDAR CARD ROOMS FACILITIES Pg DATE RESORT Duplicate Assisted Learn Duplicate Golf - Spa - No. VENUE Bridge Play Bridge Whist Bowls Pool28 Jul Cheltenham Chase QHotel - - Both 4004 Aug Wokefield Park Hotel Berkshire - - - - Pool 3914 Aug Oxford Belfry QHotel & Spa - - - Golf Both 4014 Aug The Royal Hotel Cambridge - - - 3620 Aug Dunston Hall QHotel Norwich - - - - - 3525 Aug Holiday INN Ironbridge/Telford - - - - Both 3425 Aug Hilton Warwick Hotel - - - Golf Both 3328 Aug Albrighton Hall Hotel Shrewsbury - - - 3203 Sep Croyde Bay North Devon - - - - - 4104 Sep The Imperial Hotel Torquay - - - - Both 4310 Sep Fishguard Bay Hotel Wales - - - Bowls Both 3916 Sep Westhill Hotel Jersey - - - - Both 4317 Sep The Links Hotel Cromer Norfolk - - - - 3118 Sep Shrigley Hall Hotel Peak District - - - - - 3321 Sep Gilsland Spa Hotel Cumbria - - - Golf Pool 2728 Sep The Langstone Hotel Portsmouth - - - Golf 4203 Oct Redworth Hall Hotel Durham - - - Bowls - 2905 Oct Centurion Hotel Near Bath - - - - Both 3508 Oct Ettington Chase Hotel - - - - 3809 Oct ST Kilda Hotel Llandudno Wales - - - Golf - 3115 Oct The Old Swan Hotel Harrogate - - - - - 2920 Oct Holiday INN Ironbridge/Telford - - - - Both 3423 Oct Oxford Belfry QHotel & Spa - - - - Both 4029 Oct The Whitehall Hotel Bournemouth - - - - Both 4229 Oct Stratton House Hotel Cotswolds - - - - - 3803 Nov Wokefield Park Hotel Berkshire - - - - - 3905 Nov Albrighton Hall Hotel Shrewsbury - - - Both 3205 Nov Toorak Hotel Torquay - - - Golf Both 4420 Nov The Swan Hotel Wells Somerset - - - - - 4110 Nov Burlington Hotel Folkestone - - - Bowls - NA27 Nov Slaley Hall QHotel Hexham - - - - Pool 2803 Dec Fishguard Bay Hotel Wales - - - - Both 3923 Dec Whately Hall Hotel Banbury - - - Golf Both 3623 Dec The Royal Hotel Cambridge - - - - Spa 3624 Dec Holiday INN Ironbridge/Telford - - - - - 3427 Dec The Whitehall Hotel Bournemouth - - - - Both 42 - - - - - - Both - PTO 25
DATE RESORT Duplicate Assisted Learn Duplicate Golf - Spa - No. VENUE Bridge Play Bridge Whist Bowls Pool29 Dec The Royal Hotel Cambridge - - 3630 Dec The Three Counties Hereford - - - - - 3730 Dec Hilton Warwick Hotel - - - - - 3312 Jan The View Hotel Eastbourne - - - - - NA18 Jan Elcot Park Hotel Newbury - - - - - NA22 Jan ST Kilda Hotel Llandudno Wales - - - - - 3104 Feb Redworth Hall Hotel Durham - - - - - 2919 Feb ST Kilda Hotel Llandudno Wales - - - - Both 3102 Mar Cotswold Water Park Cotswolds - - - - - 3705 Mar Aldwark Manor Hotel Nr York - - - - Both 3018 Mar Marine Hotel Troon Aryshire - - - Golf Both 2718 Mar The Queen Hotel Chester - - - Golf Both NA22 Mar Bowden Hall Hotel Gloucester - - - - - NA22 Mar The Holiday Inn Marina Hotel Hull - - - - - 3026 Mar Crewe Hall Hotel - - - - Pool NA30 Mar The Stratford Manor Hotel - - - - Both NA02 Apr Nottingham Belfry Hotel - - - - Both NA08 Apr Toorak Hotel Torquay - - - - Both 4415 Apr The Whitehall Hotel Bournemouth - - - Bowls Both 4215 Apr Albrighton Hall Hotel Shrewsbury - - - - 3222 Apr The Old Swan Hotel Harrogate - - - - Both 2925 Apr The Swan Hotel Wells Somerset - - - - - 4118 May Cheltenham Chase QHotel - - - - Spa 4027 May Fishguard Bay Hotel Wales - - - - Both 3928 May Crewe Hall Hotel - - - - NA - - BothBRITISH HOLIDAY BRIDGE PROGRAMME Call us on:Arrival Day 08000 346 2465.45pm Drinks Reception 01656 747 7006.15pm Dinner 8.00pm BridgeFollowing Days10.00 Workshop 10.30 Morning Bridge 6.15pm Dinner7.30pm BridgeTwo daily sessions, interesting seminars & morning workshops.EBU masterpoints & bridge holiday prize vouchers given. e&oe Office Opening Times:26 Mon to Fri 9:00AM TO 5:15PM Saturday 9:15AM TO 1:15PM (except bank holidays)
The Marine Hotel Troon Ayrshire Scotland18 Mar 2018The Marine Hotel Troon is a four-star luxuryhotel overlooking the 18th hole of theRoyal Troon golf course on the stunningAyrshire coast, just 30 miles from Glasgow.With 89 bedrooms, including four suitesand 12 deluxe rooms, it has magnificentviews over the Firth of Clyde to the Isle ofArran and is the ideal location to exploreDundonald Castle, Dean Castle CountryPark and Burns Cottage. With the new Truinrestaurant, beautiful seaside location, anda brand new gym, swimming pool, jacuzzi,sauna and steam room, it's the perfectplace to unwind and get away from it all.5 Nights Twin/Double £399ppDouble for Sole Use Limited £9.99pnGolf (18 Holes) From £POA BRIDGE & BOGilsland Spa Hotel Nr Cumbria WLS21 Sep 2017The Hotel offers guests the opportunity toexplore, spot wildlife, including deer and redsquirrels, walk, shop or play bridge of course.Great location and ideal base for exploringthe World Heritage sites along Hadrian’sWall, as well as for visiting Carlisle, Gretna &Hexham. Nearby, there are also opportunitiesfor golf and fishing as well as on site bowls,croquet & Petanque facilities sitting in 140acres of manicured gardens and naturalwoodland in an idyllic countryside locationwith spectacular views over the Cumbriancountryside.4 Nights Twin/Double £299ppDouble for Sole Use Limited £9.99pnBowls £FOC 27
Slaley Hall QHotel & Golf Hexham27 Nov 2017Slaley Hall is an Edwardian mansion set in1,000 acres of Northumberland countrysideperfect for an idyllic short leisure break. Witha range of fantastic activities, both on-siteand in the surrounding countryside, you canbe sure to find lots of fun things to see and donearby that will entertain all. Treat yourselfto one our great spa packages, enjoy thepool or one of the onsite golf courses and ifyou have the time why not explore the localarea and enjoy great events such as RaceDays at Hexham or Newcastle Racecourse,Life Science Interactive Museum orBeamish Living Museum and much more.4 Nights Twin/Double £349ppDouble for Sole Use Limited £9.99pnExtra Nights £POAThe Esplanade Hotel Scarborough07 July 2017The Esplanade Hotel holds a commandingposition above the cliffs overlookingScarborough and the south bay. Withfantastic views over the bay this largecomfortable hotel, richly decorated and withunique charm and character with the genuinehospitality that makes it so popular with themany guests who return year after year. VisitScarborough’s Castle, art gallery and sea lifecentre, the Yorkshire Moors and Dales, theWolds, Heritage Coast, York, Castle Howardand Whitby bay. 3 Nights Twin/Double £249pp Double for Sole Use Limited £9.99pn Extra Nights £POA28
Links Country Hotel & Golf Club Norfolk17 Sept 2017The Links is considered by many to be thebest golf and leisure hotel in Norfolk. It is set in35 acres of lightly wooded coastal parkland,designated as an area of outstanding naturalbeauty, on the edge of the village of WestRunton near Sheringham and Cromer withits wide open beaches, spectacular cliffs andfamous pier. The hotel offers high standardsof personal service and offers a traditionalwarm welcome and the opportunity to relaxand unwind in this tranquil, un-spoilt area ofNorth Norfolk. On site golf course, bowls andpetanque.4 Nights Twin/Double £349ppDouble for Sole Use Limited £9.99pnSingle bedrooms with NO Supplement LimitedSt Kilda Hotel Llandudno Wales03 Jul - 09 Oct 2017 - 22 Jan 2018Llandudno nestles between the Great Ormeand the Little Orme which coupled withthe Gulf Stream gives it it’s unique, mildclimate. St Kilda Hotel lies between the twoheadlands in the very centre of the sweepingPromenade directly opposite the Bandstand.Just 5 minutes from the Shops, 5 minutesfrom the Pier and Theatre. Because StKilda is a family-run hotel, you can expect auniquely warm welcome. A popular event onour calendar with an excellent location andhelpful & friendly staff. There are a few stepsto enter the bridge room.Jan 6 Nights Tw/Dbl £299ppFeb 4 Nights Tw/Dbl £239ppJul 4 Nights Tw/Dbl £319ppOct 4 Nights Tw/Dbl £299pp 31
The Queen Hotel Chester18 Mar 2018Walk through the colonnaded entrance of ourmagnificent brick and stucco Italianate hoteland you’re following a trail blazed by someextraordinary guests. Since opening in 1860to serve first-class rail passengers, we haveentertained the likes of Charles Dickens,Cecil Rhodes and Lillie Langtry. The originalrailway hotel, with no other blueprintsupon which to base the hotels’ design, ourarchitecture was unique. Jubilee Restaurantoverlooks 2 Italian terraces and a sculpturegarden.4 Nights Twin/Double £349ppDouble for Sole Use Limited £9.99pnExtra Nights £POAAlbrighton Hall & Spa Shrewsbury28 Aug - 05 Nov 2017One of our most popular English hotels, withhelpfull and friendly staff being praised oneach visit. The bridge room over looks thescenic gardens & pond. The bridge roomis divided so we can offer both our normalbridge along with assisted play sessionsfor developers & improver’s. Just 2 milesfrom Shrewsbury centre with other localattractions including, Wroxeter roman city,Attingham Park Hawkstone Park & Follies.All dates offer two bridge rooms for our standardduplicate sessions & improver / assisted play. Directed by Adrian Thomas and assistants.4 Nights Twin/Double £349ppDouble for Sole Use Limited £9.99pnExtra Nights £POA32
Hilton Warwick Hotel Warwick25 Aug - 30 Dec 2017The Hilton Warwick/Stratford upon Avon hotelis the perfect base for exploring Warwick &just 5 miles from Shakespeare’s birthplaceand Royal Shakespeare Theatre. Otherlocal attractions include Warwick Castle, Warwick Racecourse, Bullring Birmingham, Anne Hathaway’s Cottage as well as experiencing the best shopping, dining andcultural opportunities Warwick has to offer.There is free WiFi internet access inall bedrooms, free car parking and iseasily reached from junction 15 of the M40.4 Nights Twin/Double £349pp3 Nights New Year 30 Dec £369ppDouble for Sole Use Limited £9.99pnShrigley Hotel Golf & Country Club Peak District17 Jul - 18 Sep 2017This beautiful country house hotel is set in262 acres of spectacular countryside andboasts an 18 hole championship golf course.Built in 1825 it retains many of its impressiveoriginal features such as the elaboratepainted domed ceiling over the main grandstair-case. Located in the Peak District it isjust 15 miles south of Manchester and only11 miles from the spa town of Buxton. Thishotel is not suitable for those with significantwalking difficulties mainly because of thelayout of the property. There is plenty of freecar parking and free to use WiFi and indoorswimming pool and sauna.4 Nights Twin/Double £349ppDouble for Sole Use Limited £9.99pnSingle bedrooms with NO Supplement Limited 33
The Holiday Inn Ironbridge Telford25 Aug - 20 Oct - 24 Dec - 29 Dec 2017The Holiday Inn sets a standard of excellence in every aspect offering first class cuisine andtastefully furnished en-suite rooms. There is free use of the leisure centre with its large warmindoor pool, sauna, steam room and jacuzzi. It occupies a town centre position adjacent toa delightful park, lake and gardens and a large indoor shopping mall. Situated in beautifulShropshire near the heritage site of Ironbridge. The four nights at Christmas from the 24th arefull board. Free Single Supplements at adjacent 4 Star International Hotel.4 Nights Twin/Double £299ppDouble for Sole Use £9.99pn or NILChristmas 4 Nights 5 Nights 9 Nights FULL BOARD24th £379 £439 £74929/28th £359 £41934
The Centurion Hotel Nr Bath05 Oct 2017Our lavish, family owned hotel boasts awonderful A La Carte restaurant servingdelicious food throughout the afternoonand evening that can be enjoyed whilstoverlooking a scenic 9 hole golf course. Theresident chefs have earned their experienceunder the guidance of some highly giftedculinary experts at a number of ‘AA Rosette’and ‘Michelin Star’ awarded establishmentsand it is that experience that has earnedthem shining reputation in the local area. Completely flat 9 hole golf course withpractice area and driving net.4 Nights Twin/Double £359ppDouble for Sole Use Limited £9.99pnGolf 18 Holes £8-12.50Dunston Hall QHotel Nr Norwich20 August 2017Elizabethan-style mansion built in 1859 hasbeen lovingly restored to all its former glory.Built in 150 acres of stunning wooded Norfolkparkland, the setting is just as unique as itshistory. Y ou might be here for leisure, to teeoff on our renowned par 71 US PGA courseor to relax in the spa and pool. Whateveryour reason for coming, expect to be treatedlike royalty from the very moment you arrive. Plus you will never be lost for things to seeand do during your stay at Dunston Hall, fromthemed restaurant nights and twilight golf atthe hotel, to the local Norwich market andguided walks around Norwich.4 Nights Twin/Double £349ppDouble for Sole Use Limited £9.99pnGolf (18 Holes) From £POA 35
The Three Counties Hereford30 Dec 2017Standing in over three acres of gardens, theThree Counties is just a stroll along the riverfrom the historic cathedral city of Hereford.It continues to attract guests who returnyear after year due to its lovely atmosphere,superb cuisine and welcoming friendlyambiance. It is the perfect base from whichto see the beauty of the Wye Valley, visitHereford Cathedral or enjoy the excellentcity shopping. We repeat our very successfulseasonal bridge holiday including New Yeargala dinners. There is ample free parking. This date sells out early every year so pleasecall soon to avoid disappointment.3 Nights Twin/Double £369ppDouble for Sole Use Limited £9.99pnDe Vere Cotswold Water Park Cotswolds02 Mar - 07 Sep - 20 Nov 2018This contemporary 4 star hotel is superblylocated in the heart of the Cotswold WaterPark, only three miles from Cirencester andsix miles from Swindon. This exclusive resortenjoys an unsurpassed setting of lakes,rivers, wetlands and grassland. Stunningviews, open spaces and a wealth of leisureand active pursuits make this the perfectplace for a visit or for a break all year round.3rd November is an improver bridge holiday.7th November is a standard duplicate bridgeholiday4 Nights Twin/Double £349pp4 Nights Twin/Double September £379ppSingle Sup Limited £9.99pnExtra Nights £POA 37
Stratton House Hotel Cotswolds29 Oct 2017Stratton House Hotel has recently beenextended, keeping its 17th Century facade.The warm restful ambiance of this beautifulhotel attracts guests immediately. Thepeaceful Drawing room beckons you to sitand contemplate the beautiful walled gardensthat it overlooks. The Oak Room bar with itsold oak parquet-flooring and enormous fire-place, is an ideal meeting place to see oldfriends and new, over a drink before Lunchor Dinner. The Restaurant is a warm andenticing dining room that compliments theexquisitely prepared fresh English cuisine forwhich Stratton House Hotel is renowned.4 Nights Twin/Double £299ppDouble for Sole Use Limited £9.99pnSingle bedrooms with NO Supplement LimitedEttington Chase Hotel Stratford-upon-avon08 Oct 2017Located among the rolling hills at the edgeof the Cotswolds you’ll find Ettington Chase,only seven miles away from the historic townof Stratford-upon-Avon, Ettington Chase isset in 11 acres of landscaped grounds andhome to 130 elegant guest rooms as well asleisure facilities including a swimming pool,gym and spa pool. Dine on delicious localfoods and indulge in a favourite beverage atTempus Restaurant and Bar. Free, super fastWi-Fi with a maximum bandwidth of 100MBis available throughout the hotel. 4 Nights Twin/Double £349pp Double for Sole Use Limited £12.99pn Extra Nights £POA38
Bowden Hall Hotel Gloucester22 Mar - 08 Nov 2018Se t in the Cotswolds is a beautiful Georgiancountry house hotel that boasts 12 acresof sweeping parkland and boasting abreathtaking blend of traditional andcontemporary design. Locally inspiredartworks, bespoke crystal chandeliers,and soft pastel shades create a leisurelyatmosphere with a touch of English elegance.Bowden Hall is just 3 miles from Gloucesterrailway station and the theatre at GloucesterGuildhall. Explore chocolate-box Upton StLeonards, step back in time at PainswickRococo Garden, or clamber up escarpmentsin the Cotswolds.4 Nights Twin/Double £349ppDouble for Sole Use Limited £9.99pnExtra Nights £POAFishguard Bay Hotel Pembrokeshire WALES10 Sep - 03 Dec 2017Located in the Pembrokeshire Coast NationalPark, the hotel overlooks beautiful FishguardBay, with the Pembrokeshire coastal pathpassing just behind it. Once a 19th Centurymansion, the hotel exudes an atmosphereof elegant sophistication with its spaciousreception, sweeping staircase, oak panellingand stained glass windows. The restauranthas beautiful views overlooking the scenicbay and opens onto a terrace where youcan choose to take lunch or afternoon tea.Our last group here voted the hotel staff thefriendliest and most helpful of all the hotelsthey had visited. There is ample free carparking.6 Nights Twin/Double £347ppSingle bedrooms with NO Supplement LimitedDoubles for Sole Use Limited £7.99pn 39
Cheltenham Chase QHotel Nr Cheltenham28 Jul 2017 - 18 May 2018The Cheltenham Chase Hotel is a fantasticallylocated four star hotel for exploring both thespa town of Cheltenham and the chic townof Gloucester. The hotel itself boasts astylish and contemporary interior, appealingto business travelers and those looking fora leisure break in Gloucestershire and theCotswolds. With its close proximity to theM5, airports and not forgetting Cheltenhamracecourse, the hotel provides the idealbase. There is plenty of free car parking andfree use of the leisure facilities and WiFi.4 Nights Twin/Double £349ppDouble for Sole Use Limited £9.99pnExtra Nights £POAOxford Belfry QHotel & Spa Thame Nr Oxford14 Aug - 23 Oct 2017The Oxford Belfry is 8 miles from the historiccentre of Oxford. The spa facilities include afantastic heated indoor pool, a sauna and arange of pampering treatments. The RycoteResaurant uses local ingredients in disheslike braised blade of beef and Oxfordshirevenison. With satellite TV, the terrace baroffers a bistro-style enviroment and servesdrinks and light snacks all day. BlenheimPalace is a 30 minute drive away, and theWaterstock and Oxfordshire Golf Courses areboth nearby. There is ample free car parking,WiFi and free to use indoor swimming pooland sauna.4 Nights Twin/Double £349ppDouble for Sole Use Limited £9.99pnExtra Nights £POA40
The Imperial Hotel Torquay04 Sep 2017An extremely popular bridge holiday venue,this magnificent Victorian, exclusive, clifftop hotel offering stunning views across theTorbay coastline, ideally located for exploringthe English Riviera. The hotels health andbeauty club offers facilities including anindoor swimming pool, sauna, jacuzzi, fullyequipped gym, tennis courts and squashcourts and a wide range of spa and beautytreatments. A top UK holiday destinationsince Victorian times, Torquay’s harbour andInternational Marina are focal points. Our lastvisit to this hotel for a while as it undergoessome refurbishment work in 2018.4 Nights Twin/Double £349ppDouble for Sole Use Limited £9.99ppSingle bedrooms with NO Supplement LimitedWesthill Country Hotel St Helier JERSEY16 Sep 2017The Westhill is a family run hotel in arural setting only a mile from the St Helierwaterfront with a courtesy bus running tothe town centre. The Westhill attracts guestswho return year after year to appreciate thehigh standards, superb food and friendlyambience of this lovely hotel. The restaurant,spacious lounge and bar area and panoramicsun lounge all have views over the beautiful,award winning gardens. The six acres ofgrounds also feature two heated swimmingpools and a jacuzzi. All newly refurbishedbedrooms are en suite.5 Nights Twin/Double £399ppPool/Garden View £3pppnSingle bedrooms with NO Supplement Limited 43
Toorak Hotel Torquay05 Nov 2017 - 08 Apr - 24 Jun - 30 Sep 2018This lovely hotel has access to an extensive range of indoor and outdoor leisure facilities, togetherwith nightly entertainment and dancing. Enjoy indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a luxury spa,gym, huge indoor games arena and Bingo every afternoon and evening. We will be offeringmorning and e vening duplicate Bridge a nd a second card room with duplicate Whist sessions aswell as afternoon Short Mat Bowls from 12.30 to 3pm o n each of the middle three days. Closeto sea front and town centre, w ith a road train to the sea front stopping directly outside the hotel,you will be ideally placed for exploring the English Riviera and beyond.05th November 2017 £329pp 5 Nights08th April 2018 £339pp 5 Nights24th June 2018 £359pp 5 Nights30th September 2018 £359pp 5 NightsSingle bedrooms with NO Supplement Limited44
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